Just wanted to get a thread started. I'm so psyched for this show!
My song prediction for this evening is Shakedown, since the album was released
on this date in 1978.
I would like to order one rockin' Bertha and one toasty Alligator, please.
Extra spicy.
Terrapin - both good DC refs.
Us Blues encore
Kinda glad they go Only the Strange Remain out of the way.
Would love a WRS.
Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!
November 15th 1978 ring any bells???
That was the date Shakedown Street was released...
So....I would speculate a Shakedown opener tonight....Terrapin is probably a
shoe in...and who knows....Dancin' would be great to hear too...I am so
totally stoked....I have an hour and 9 minutes left of work and I am gonna get
back truckin' on......See you there!!!!
So what is going on/ has gone on in DC tonight???
so here goes: set 1 jam like a rolling stone,feel like a stranger,downthe road again,eyes,iko,new speedway, throwin stones,nfa set 2 let it grow, milestone(miles davis),new pot. cab.,drums>cryptical>watchtower>born cross eyed>other one>cryptical>sugar mag> enc:cosmic charlie>us blues thanx to david and william
Well - How was the show? Let's have a description. How about the scene?
> Well - How was the show? Let's have a
> description. How about the scene?
geez, give 'em a chance to get settled here
ps- WRS will be MSG, along with a full Terrapin suite!
>>give 'em a chance to get settled here
No dice. I want those mofos on the wifi, Palm Tungsten, wireless keyboard...one
hand on the wheel, eyes on the road, and typing 60 wpm + (bc any less
would shame a selfrespectin Zonah)...
we need our information, safety and sanity be damned. Hotel Internet, text message
- post it send it...tag it, bag it - hardeeharhar.
So...what's "Down the Road Again"??
No Shakedown, but incredible setlist! 2nd set much psychedelia!
Amen I was ready to apoligize but I'm just anxious to hear the review and I can't wait for the first hand experience in Albany. All drive safe it is going to be rough travelling due to bad weather. Cold rain and Snow the next three days in Albany per local weather.
Need a little while for it to sink in but will say that I was totally spacing out in my own thoughts at the end of Like a Rolling Stone and Feel Like a STRANGER caught me off gaurd but captured my feelings to a T and tears it was.. Peace. Oh did I mention Bobby mangled many a lyrics but his beard made up for it in my eyes...
wow! what a list...after this post-drums...who can say?
maybe it was ON the road again?
someone help, please.
probably was down the road again.. mickey's song
they are letting mickey sing 1 song a night
"Down the Road Again" is the name I believe. It is a Mickey song. I do not know what album(if any) it is on(I should have said CD-damn I'm an old man). I have it on The Other Ones show from 7-19-98. I like it better than Only The Strange Remains(a little mellower). But I will be happy to hear anything they want to play in Cleveland.
"Down The Road" is from Mickey Hart's Mystery Box. 3rd song on the album it is actally quite cool...Hornsby plays accordian on it and sings back up vocals...the last stanza says this, and this is from memory so I apologize if I mess some of it up: "When the smoke and the thunder cleared enough to look around, I heard a sweet guitar lick an old familiar sound; Then I heard a laugh I recognized come rollin' from the Earth; I saw it rise into the sky like lightning giving birth; sounded like Garcia, but I couldn't see the face, just the beard and the glasses, and the smile on empty space." This was cool the first time I heard it because right after Garcia's soul was reborn, my friends and I took acid and in the empty spaces of everything, I mean everything, we could see Garcia's beard, smile and glasses. I guess Hunter (author of the song) did too. Like if we were looking at a fern, the empty spaces between the leaves would take the shape of Jerry's beard, smile and glasses. I swear this image was everywhere until like noon the next day. Then a couple months later Mickey busts the song out for the first time at Laguna Seca Daze, and the crowd went nuts. I guess lots of people had experienced this same phenomenon.
there was a very
acrosslll....acrossss//////.......the nataion
acrostination station
acrrosss >>>>> good god >>>>>> acrosss
low nation
the whole nataion
i heard
heard a reverberation
no wait
no wait
no waitin
'at the station
reverb across the nation
reverb across the nation
i heard
a reverberation>>>>>>>>>>>>>
this day
dude just got back from the show it smoked
new speedway, let it grow, throwing stones and on and on....
WOW! Looks like another kick ass show! That is one
HOT setlist!!!!! They're on FIRE,
aren't they!? After reading about last night I can only imagine the Powerof
the tunes for those who attended tonight's show.
I'll sleep better knowing that. :*)
Safe trips & good karma for those traveling right now.
Thanks to those providing us w/ setlists & reviews. We're with you in
Like a Rolling Stone
Feel Like A Stranger
Down the Road
New Speedway
Aiko Aiko
Throwing Stones
Let It Grow
New Potato
Born Cross Eyed
Other One
Sug Mag
Cozmic Charlie
US Blues
we definitely got some strong political themes running through tonights show
in our nations capital. do you think they heard us shouting "this darkness
got to give" over there at the white house? maybe "someones got to turn
the page" struck a chord with someone in attendance dealing with policy.
nice encore too. anyway, d.c. brought their dancing shoes tonight and everyone
definitely seemed to be getting down.
this bodes well for the rest of the tour. have fun everyone. be safe!!
what better in our nations capital then to play an anthem.
shit they played born crosseyed last night!!!!...i wanted it tonight in albany...killer set list
How come they dont do drums and space anymore??
I really enjoyed that stuff with the dead.. just wondering
Bobby introduced New Speedway as being done for the benefit of newly elected
House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, who was in attendance. Senator Pat Leahay
was also there.
The show was good. Phil looked REALLY Happy, alive, and YOUNG all night. He
was bouncing with joy at times.
The show was good. Bobby seemed to be concisously avoiding "rock star"
syndrome at times, and had a hilarious time trying to read the lyrics (on
the floor in front of him) of USBlues.
The show was good. Jimmy was audible, but could be louder. His fingers operate
on a different planetary time scale than anyone else. Wow.
The show was good. Being in an arena with 20,000 heads was a trip. I guess if
the boys like large crowds then playing togethr will get it done.
The show was good...probably better than some Dead shows I was at (like,
say, 1991??). Probably better than at least one PLQ show I was at.
Peace and joy to the boys...hope they have fun, but I hope they remember the
bliss that is Phil and Friends. I misss Molo and Warren a lot. The connection
Phil has with Molo is unwordly. And I dunno, maybe it's his belly and black
shirts, but the presence Warren brings is very powerful and almost Garcia-like,
which , of course, is one thing missing from the Others.
Rock on boys, but please bring back PLQ (or P&F if that acronym bugs
you) and Ratdog for extended tours this Spring....Peace, y'all....
Here's the full set list c/o otherones.net
11/15/02 MCI Center, Washington, DC
I: Like a Rolling Stone > Feel Like a Stranger, Down the Road > Eyes
of the World > Aiko Aiko, New Speedway Boogie, Throwing Stones > Not
Fade Away
II: Jam > Let It Grow > Milestones > New Potato Caboose > Drums
> Cryptical Envelopment > All Along the Watchtower > Born Cross-Eyed
> The Other One > Cryptical Envelopment > Sugar Magnolia
E: Cosmic Charlie, U.S. Blues
"New Speedway" was dedicated to Nanci Pelosi
Robert Hunter played between sets
Well, here are my impressions of the show last night.
the MCI center is really well organised. the scene was mellow. security was
really mellow (the exact opposite of the crap security that we've experienced
at the Meadowlands). MCI was not sold out, or at least it wasn't until
the day of the show, and there was plenty of room to dance and spin and enjoy.
there was no mass rush of people jumping onto the floor, and there was very
little smoke.
so to answer somebody's original question, the scene was really friendly
and mellow and happy and great.
as for the music. it started at approx. 7:10. I heard that the previus night
it started at 7:00. so everyone take note, get in early becuase it starts on
Stone - really nice mellow opener. when the chorus was sung by everyone, the
crowd went nuts. great to hear everyone harmonize.
Stranger - very well done. good jams. seemed to me that the volume was turned
up on this one - it had alot more 'boldness' than Stone.
Down the Road - well done, but i'm not a big fan of this particular mickey
song. ok, but nothing too exciting.
Speedway - YEAH! very well played, very nice.
Iko - the crowd got really into this. alot of excitement and dancing. Mickey
stood up for most of this song and really seemed like he was leading the crowd.
keyboards jamming, mickey leading, feet stomping, high energy, and a lot of
:-) :-) :-)
Stone - well played, except that Bob kept seemingly missing the words. at least
3-4 times that he forgot the words. but the enjoyment level was as high as ever.
NFA - see comments for Iko and increase the :-) and energy factors by 50%!!!!!!!!!!
SET 1 CONCLUSION - very well played, great to see so much energy in the band
and in the crowd. good setlist, esp. Iko-Stone-NFA.
Set 2
Let it Grow - nice jazzy/tuning entrance. again Bob forgot the words in parts,
but really great jams. very solid, and great way to open the set.
NPC - very nice!! can't remember anything too specific about this, but i
do remember i was very :-) with this.
Crytical - the start of an amazing stretch run. as soon as they started, there
was (at least in my section) a bit of excitement of what was to come
next...the other one...but it would be a few minutes until we got there.
Watchtower - for me, i think this was the TOO's tightest jam of the night.
everyone on stage seemed to really drive their parts, and the energy level from
the band was extremely high. the crowd was also really dancing and spinning
and feeding off the band's energy.
Born Cross Eyed - a bit of a lull in the crowd for this. how many people recognized
the song? not that many. well played. it was great to hear them bring back such
an old favorite!
Other One - great build-up and Phil exploded!! the crowd picked-up its energy
level again and the place we rocking. the jam into the Spanish Lady took some
time and it was really nice.
(beginning of tirade)
(but I did have this ass behind me who kept yelling at the top of this lungs,
all things wonderful about a really hot jam, SHUT THE HELL UP. this guy was
really fucking annoying. He may be the center of his own self-absorbed universe,
but when he is at a show, shut up and listen to the band. He would whistle in
the middle of jams, yell at the prankster as we weaved and bobbed through the
crowd, and was, IMHO, a complete fuckin ass. If I had wanted to hear him fuckin
yell WHERE'S THE SPANISH LADY I would went to his damn house, gave him a
six-pack of Bud Light and paid him to yell. It always surprises me that memebers
of our family seem to think that they are more important than the music. nobody
paid money to listen to this fucking 40-something drunk asshole.)
(end of tirade)
when teh band did get to the Spanish Lady, it exploded with energy. the band
was on fire. Boby seemed to forget the words to the second verse, but he got
there eventually.
Cryptical - a wonderful, sweet, awesome, Cryptical sandwich. the second cryptical
was sweet...brought us down on a wave of happiness, and the crowd really appreciated
the Cryptical sandwich.
Sugar - as soon as we came down during Cryptical, the band came back with a
venegance...SUGAR MAGANOLIA!!!!! the energy level hit all time highs, and the
place was rocking. everybody was dancing and enjoying themselves. In my area,
there was some mid-40s guys, who, IMHO, were at their first show. when Sugar
hit they couldn't resist any longer. they made their way to the large aisle
in front of the section and started dancing. it was really great to see them
get on the bus. The music has the same effects on everyone. :-) and love
and dancing. And these guys weren't immune.
Cosmic Charlie -> US Blues - the sugar jam ended at approx. 10:30, so we
knew we had potential for a few encores. the band came back out and started
a really great Charlie. lots of fun, but some people started to head for the
exits. Then as soon as Charlie wound down, US BLUES!!!! double encore! the flow
toward the exits stopped and everyone putting their dancing shoes back on. As
US Blues closed, the crowd was going nuts...willing the band to come back to
the stage. but to no avail. so the at 10:50ish, the lights came on and ended
a VERY WONDERFUL second set.
SET 2 CONCLUSION - FANTASTIC!!!!! really amazing. great energy and terrific
song selection.
OVERALLY MCI IMPRESSION - great venue, great show. Thank you to the TOOs and
to the larger family for such a wonderul night. that is what the music is all
about, and I can't thank you enough. Can't wait till Philly!!!!! Look
forward to seeing everyone there.
-->>the presence Warren brings is very powerful and almost Garcia-like,
which , of course, is one thing missing from the Others.
talk about nirvana
right on
Sorry (Mannfred) but your lost P&F puts on a good show and ratdogg
is also a solid show. Mabey you will say im to young to know (25) but
I seen the dead 14 times in the 90's and P&F twice in 2001 and again
in 2002. I have also seen Ratdogg a bunch of times.
Last night at the MCI center was so much better than any of them. I agree Phil
and freinds are good but not even in the same league as TOO. TOO should stay
together and tour together as long as they can. Molo and Warren are great but
there not as good as TOO. That being said Bobby needs to remeber the lyrics
or let someone else sing he missed or skipped words in a few different songs.
Brian's review is on the money! I thought if we were ever to get an Alligator
is would be during an Anthem set like last night.
Personal highlights: "Think I'll come back here again, every now and
then...every now and then." BCE.
Being with 20,000 dead heads feels just like it did when we left off in 95.
I've been to PLQ and Ratdog. Love 'em both. There is nothing like a
Grateful Dead show, long live The Other Ones.
Morningstar, I appeciate your love for TOO.
Have you seen PLQ at the Greek?
Have you seen PLQ at RedRocks?
You must realize that PLQ is organic and feeds off the crowd.
What exactly would make TOO superior?
Here comes an analysis. Maybe I'm biased, but I can't imagine why, 'cause
I LOVE the Dead, and own maybe 1000 bootlegs.
So here's my analysis of what possible reasons could support the statement
that "PLQ are not even in the same league as TOO".
Possible Justification for TOO being out of PLQ's league:
1) TOO's bass player is better.
Response: uhhhh. Nope. That's not it.
2) TOO's lead guitarist is better.
Response: uhhhh. Nope. Jimmy=Jimmy.
PLQ also tosses in Warren.
Have you listened to Warren?
Who taught derek trucks, u think?
So, NO! That's not valid.
3) TOO's keyboard player is better.
uhhhh. Rob=Rob.
Possible that Jeff is the reason.
Keep this one for summary.
4) TOO's drummers are better.
response: Maybe.
But Phil & Molo are amazing.
5) Bobby is better than Warren.
Warren: Smokestack. Sugaree. Wharf Rat.
Should I keep going?
Stella Blue. Midnite Hour.
Hard to Handle. Mr. Fantasy.
The new songs. see the PLQ ALBUM!
Bobby: we love Bobby. Can he sing? yes.
Can he sing like Warren?
sorry, imho, NO.
6) TOO has great new songs and PLQ is a cover band.
response: ummm, I think that's backward.
7) Bobby wears short and tank tops, but warren is a fat old hariy man.
response: you got me there.
8) TOO has 4 members of the Dead. PLQ has only one.
repsonse: got me there.
In summary, the reasons supporting the contention that TOO are out of PLQ's
league come down to:
a) Two drummers vs. 1.
b) Bobby is prettier than warren.
c) Jeff Chimenti.
d) Baba jingo and other Mickey songs.
This is pretty weak.
Care to support your contention that TOO is out of PLQ's league with anything
maybe because he was at last nights show he has personal experience. were you
Oh, yes, I was there. About 30 feet from stage.
Many thanks to my new friends Lynn & Pete.
And I loved the show. Great show.
Please don't get me wrong. TOO should exist.
But so should PLQ and Ratdog.
I LOVE Phil. But I like Wasserman too.
I like Bobby...but I love hearing warren sing Wharf rat.
Check out the 8/31/02 & 9/01/02 Red Rocks shows. (I was there too)
right on, glad you enjoyed it. I agree there should be the other bands. The math may be sketchy but you can chalk it up to SYNERGY!
You know, while writing I thought about synergy but forgot to put it in there.
But honestly, I don't think that TOO (I almost wrote "the boys",
but I think of both bands that way) have any superior synergy to PLQ. You
have GOT to listen to 8/31 & 9/1/02.
I think it comes down to AUDIENCE synergy: the FANS are so excited to have all
Bobby, Mickey, Phil & Billy together that that mere fact seems to create
a crowd excitement. That crowd excitement in turn brings out better music.
So when PLQ plays to a crowd not into it, it sucks (Aspen 8/30/02 for example).
But when the crowd is ripe (see red rox 7/7/01 for another example)....PLQ
is dynamite.
I will NEVER forget the three-night stand at the berkeley greek in 2001 (Phil
Lesh day in Bezerkley: 7/1/01)....the Lovelight 1st set closer was perhaps
the most frenetic dancing I've ever seen an entire audience (ushers
included) perform...seemed like the spinners were everwhere. Wild. Heavenly.
Peace y'all. Let the good times roll. Enjoy the shows!
By the way, I hear rumours that PLQ is writing new songs...so we shall survive
with 3 bands, it seems....looking formward to many years of continued great
Honestly, Phil looked great last night. Looked about 30 years old. Let's
all go get our organ donor cards.
y'all take care,
Set lists from the first 2 nites are sick. I hope they have something left for next week.
>>>>WOW! Looks like another kick ass show! That is one HOT setlist!!!!!
They're on FIRE, aren't they!?
If I said this, there would be a 3 day flame war about me commenting on a setlist
from a show I wasn't at.
>>>>(beginning of tirade)
(but I did have this ass behind me who kept yelling at the top of this lungs,
all things wonderful about a really hot jam, SHUT THE HELL UP. this guy was
really fucking annoying. He may be the center of his own self-absorbed universe,
but when he is at a show, shut up and listen to the band. He would whistle in
the middle of jams, yell at the prankster as we weaved and bobbed through the
crowd, and was, IMHO, a complete fuckin ass. If I had wanted to hear him fuckin
yell WHERE'S THE SPANISH LADY I would went to his damn house, gave him a
six-pack of Bud Light and paid him to yell. It always surprises me that memebers
of our family seem to think that they are more important than the music. nobody
paid money to listen to this fucking 40-something drunk asshole.)
(end of tirade)
I like the way you think.
Mrs B says to me upon reading this, "There's somebody just like YOU!"
>>>>SUGAR MAGANOLIA!!!!! the energy level hit all time highs
Come on.
See Sugar Mag from:
4-26-71 (witth Duane Allman)
>>>>I agree Phil and freinds are good but not even in the same
league as TOO.
Then they must be 5 times better than Alpine was.
Still, the setlists DO look chuncky so far & I'm intrigued to see for
Mannfred, i bet i am not alone in preferring Bobby's singing to Warren's. It is SO GRATE to have all 3 bands alive touring and cooking !!
Last night's show was unfreakingbelievable - especially the 2nd set. Unreal.
Anybody who is critical of last night's show is a dork.
Here's my take on last night's show. I was in the middle deck, near
the right speaker stack, with a good view of everyone.
Security was pretty minimal heading in, and inside it was anything goes. One
woman security guard near us appeared to be having the time of her life. The
place was nearly full, though I think the 7:10 start time surprised some (warning:
be there on time if you don't want to miss anything).
The boys all seem to be in good shape, with the exception of Bobby, who's
looking a little rangy with his beard and budding pot belly. Billy also looked
just plain old, but then he is, isn't he? Phil looked fit and trim as usual,
and was definitely having a great time, bopping in place and beaming throughout
the show.
Things got off to a mellow start with Like a Rolling Stone, though the momentum
built throughout the tune (Phil sang it in his usual PLQ style). Stranger
was quite good, with a real nice buildup at the end that they nailed (Jimmy
was amazing, as usual). I could have done without Mickey's Down the
Road--'nuf said. Eyes was a treat, and although Phil had some trouble with
the vocals (wasn't projecting very well), he made up for it with
his wicked bass lines. The Aiko that followed was OK, but for God's sake
why does Mickey have to "sing" it? His scat-style vocals just plain
suck. (We had listened to first night Alpine on the way to the show, and
I heard the Aiko from it for the first time, wondering at first who the hell
was singing. I concluded it must be Mickey, and also that I hoped never to hear
him do it. Oh well.) Next up was a welcome and very well received New Speedway,
dedicated to the new House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, who evidently was
in the audience. During it I commented how it was interesting that a song written
about Altamont more than 30 years ago has such relevance today. Next up was
another "political" number, well done, though Bobby flubbed the lyrics
at one point. Again, another song for our times. The first set ended with a
bang, a nice Not Fade, and a fairly weak attempt at the chant that fizzled.
Hunter came out about 10 minutes into the break for his vocal "stylings."
My wife commented that he looked and sounded like a homeless man in off the
street, but hey, you gotta give him credit for trying (and for writing such
great songs!). He started with Uncle John's Band, then did Rubin &
Cherise (most welcome, since it's one of my favorites, and he does it
quite differently than Jerry, with extra verses and a weird bridge). He
also did his Easy Wind> Mr. Charlie medley, an original (Into of the
Blue?) and ended with a sweet Box of Rain. The audience was mostly silent
throughout, with minimal clapping until the end. At one point Hunter commented
that he once got a review in the Washington Post that said he was the worst
vocalist to ever meet a microphone. He's definitely an acquired taste.
Second set: Well, what can I say? If you'd have told me 10 years ago that
I'd see a show featuring (the surviving members of) the Dead in
which they played Cryptical, New Potato and Born Cross-Eyed, I'd have said
you were nuts. But there you have it. Let it Grow was pretty good; it kinda
petered out and went into a spacey jam that Phil commandeered, clearly signaling
a change, which quickly morphed into Milestones. Wow--nice job on this straight-up
jazz tune. Everyone got a lead--both keyboard players, Jimmy, even Bobby briefly.
Then it was into an extended "Anthem of the Sun" fest, featuring the
tunes I've been waiting so long to hear. New Potato was real nice, with
Phil doing a good job on the vocals (wonder why Bobby doesn't relearn
it?), but no ending Phil-led jam like the old '60s versions. Instead,
it disassembled into a mercifully brief Drums, followed by a short jam into
Cryptical. Watchtower had plenty of energy and saw Bobby doing his first real
shtick, but still low key for him. The Born Cross-Eyed that followed made my
night, though not many in the audience seemed to recognize it. The Other One
soon materialized, beginning with the loping jam--all eyes on Phil, and then
yes, he dropped the bomb! Well done, good Bobby vocals, and not overly long,
with some nice Jimmy work. A crowd-pleasing Sugar Mag followed that had the
audience helping out Bobby when he flubbed a couple of lines. Again, he was
pretty low key, without even so much as a lunge at the audience, and only a
couple of muted "ha-nahs" during Sunshine Daydream.
Cosmic Charley was a superb encore choice, and though I've seen PLQ do it
several times, it was nice to see Bobby and the rest of the band helping out.
The requisite U.S. Blues followed, with Bobby doing lead vocal, and seemingly
uncomfortable with it (he appeared to be reading the lyrics from a sheet
on the floor). Still an appropriate closer, and a good way to send us off.
Overall a fine show, with my only complaints being Mickey's vocal horrors
and the generally low-energy audience--not sure why that was, but I suspect
many first-timers were looking more for Truckin-type fare rather than the Anthem
stuff. But I sure wasn't complaining. Also, the light show was a bit of
a distraction, much different from Candace's usual low-key approach. The
two main speaker banks had screens over them on which various images and shots
of the band were projected. That worked fine when the images were of the band
playing or plain '60s-style liquid light displays, but when they used slides
and attempted to quickly switch through them in time to the music, it didn't
All in all, I'd say it was $52.50 well spent (ouch)! Looking forward
to the West Coast shows...
Has the vocal structure changed any. I guess are we still hearing phils let's just say unique vocals on quite a few songs.
I went to the shows thinking PLQ was much better than TOO.
I don't think that anymore.
>>>Mannfred, i bet i am not alone in preferring Bobby's singing
to Warren's. It is SO GRATE to have all 3 bands alive touring and cooking
you are not alone. bob spits those lyrics out strait and to the point. warren
pulls that singy songy crap, if you know what i mean. stretching out that last
word of each line, kind of like he is trying too hard.
Coupla thoughts.
I loved the Anthem theme of this show. Born Cross-Eyed was the highlight for
me. They nailed it at Alpine and here too. New Potato and Cosmic Charlie both
sounded a little tentative, but it was damn nice to hear them. I've liked
PLQ's harder rocking versions of Cosmic Charlie better. This one in the
encore slot seemed like more of a gentle bring-down.
I was just getting into drums/space when they got out of it real quickly. This
IS one of the things that distinguishes TOO from PLQ/Ratdog, and they ought
to revel in it.
It was lovely to hear the jazzy Milestones and rocking Rolling Stone. Toss in
Throwing Stones and you get a lot of stones for one rock show.
The Nancy Pelosi dedication for New Speedway was cool: "this darkness has
got to give." With Throwing Stones, Rolling Stone, Watchtower, U.S. Blues
this nights show seemed like Bobby's and the crowd's chance to vent
about the GOP's capture of government.
>>>7) Bobby wears short and tank tops, but warren is a fat old
hariy man.
Well, I'm not one of the ladies, but if I never saw Bobby's bulging
balls in those stupid shorty shorts of his ever again, I'd be just fine
with that.
Pretty--fine. But no way is Bobby ever going to be in Warren's league.
For what its worth, Warren is 42 years old and Bobby is 50 something. I think that Bobby is the old man.
bobby - Just turned 55...
Mannfred and Mr.West...here here
Randell, you hit the nail on the head with regards to Cosmic Charlie. I found
myself missing the harder kick that PLQ throws down..US Blues certainly made
the lament a short one--loved the Uncle Sam flashing on the screen--my o my
Had a rough time getting out of New York causing me to miss the FIRST SET ahhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggggggg
Second set was well worth the stress of jamming down 95 for 5 hours. During
Let it Grow it became clear to me what many people from Alpine seemed to convey.
Last night had the feel of a Dead show. I prefer PLQ above all..That said last
nights show seemed to have a trippy delicate nature missing from PLQ. While
it was a nice change of pace, I think ideally I would like to see only one tour
a year at most with TOO. I guess we all miss Jerry and we deal with it in our
own particular way. For me at least TOO seem to make me miss Jerry a little
too much--With PLQ I always feel him smiling down on us as we move forward.
Not to say that he wasn't there with us last night.
New Potato was sooooo spiritual for me. The Anthem was really a big treat..air
guitars where out in full force for what I thought to be a ripping Other One.
I really do hope they stick a sock in Mickey's mouth. He should consider
himself warned. I have seats rather close to the stage for MSG---SHOULD FIRE
RAP REAR IT'S UGLY HEAD---he takes a beer to the face. Sorry to be harsh
but I think it would be for the best. My only other rant has to do with Weir
cutting off what seemed to be shaping up as one of the best jams of the night--Suger
Mag in full effect--Barracco started attacking his piano---Such a happy jam
that just needed to live a little longer.
Didn't stick around to say good bye but it was sure nice hanging with all
the lovely folks in section 201. See ya'll Wednsday in the Swamp.
When this here ride ends, and it will unfortunately end. Everyone that complains
on these boards (and there a couple to say the least) will wonder why
they spent so much negative energy complaining when they should have been milking
it with positive vibes the whole time.
Bring positive energy in and you will be amazed what you bring out.
Can the new age crap.
This ain't some hippy love-fest, this is MUSIC.
peace, pot and micro-dot...
When this here ride ends, i second that motion Onearmedman, it sure does seem like a lot of complainers around pumpin out the complaints and bad vibes always somethin to bitch about never satisfied.It's in your perception of things 50% said it was great, 20% said it sucked, 10% said it was ok, 20% said they didn't play what i wanted to hear,whos right? maybe they should call it the everybodys doin that rag tour.
Quit bitchin' & complainin' about the people bitchin' & complainin'.
Some beautiful reviews here. Thanks!
The Family Reunion..... Need I say more? The vibe, the tunes, the Rainbow, Jerry
watching.. This TOO tour has a very positive vibe about it. The boys, making
amends, reuniting. That's the best part. The fact that they have put differences
aside speaks volumes.
It's hard not to compare the different incarnations of TOO, P&F, &
Ratdog, but live in the moment! This is what we have right now. Are we not lucky
to have another chance to experience what we only dreamed of 7+ years ago?
Deadheads are a hard lot to please. One person's best show was another's
worst. Goes to show..... Ram Dass said it best "Be
Here Now".
This moment ain't gonna last forever.
That said, I'm intrigued by last nights "theme". I'm wondering
if the political theme was planned or just happened. Some very powerful tunes
shakin D.C. I want to know if Patrick Leahey is a *spinnner*. ;*)
>>Quit bitchin' & complainin' about the people bitchin'
& complainin'<<
Well said. I hardly consider pointing out that Weir cut off a jam or making
fun of Mickey to be spilling negative vibes. It's all in good fun. The positive
vibes shared with 20,000 heads last night was a powerful thing--Nothing can
change that--Certainly not a few people speaking their minds.
The political theme last night was pretty funny. As a moderate I just kinda
sat back and laughed...dem old United States Blues
Leahey plays a mean air drum
You are a very wise man Hail Skins
A wise man would have gotten up early and gone to Albany
This may have been said already, but Cosmic Charlie was on the setlist for Roanoke but they ran out of time. The fact that they picked it up in DC and Hunters playing dead tunes between sets makes me believe the setlists are very thought out.
Just some quick notes on the two shows that I saw:
First, Big hats off to CL68, Robbie, and SSBob for showing me a big fat hairy
good time!
These guys said it best when they referred to the music as SpaceJazz. Good times.
Anyone who is thinking of whether or not to go to shows on this tour: GO! The
VA show was rock solid from start to finish and the DC show's 2nd Set was
This band is the best of what the GD and PLQ has to offer. Nice jams and if
you are willing, you can go all over the edge and back. Or just over the edge
without coming back...
Highlights for me were Caution with Rob channeling Pigpen = HOT HOT HOT, the
Viola Triple Decker, and the entire 2nd set of DC especially Milestones. Security
nonexistent in DC.
Lot scene next to the MCI/ Red Roof inn was a giant cluster of yummy until after
the show. Lotsa of drunk, underage kids trying to hit each other with their
skateboards - Not Cool.
Hotel was utter pandemonium. Peeps trying to sell KBG when you got off the elevator
on your floor. Party central.
As an aside, it was nice to eat dinner w/ fatty white pizza n garlic in DC with
lots of Online freaks.
Thank you for real good time
I can honestly say that the one thing thatI am looking foward to despite the
3-4 shows I,ll attend wraping the midwest swing up is the fact that I will be
able to save my money up for PLQ this next spring! I haven't even seen a
show yet this fall and I already miss Warren and Molo...Saw 60 Grateful Dead
shows before Jerry kicked it and PLQ has made me reconsider what I thought would
be untouchable levels of consciousness and connection with the crowd. I never
danced as hard with the Dead as I have with PLQ and the energy level without
the Bob Queer factor and Vince lifts the bar as far as Hardcore reaching levels
of GD '89, '90(pre-death of Brent). Anyone who thinks TOO makes
up for Jerry, without Warren is crazy. Please, Phil, dont lend your hand to
raise the flag atop this ship of fools by allowing Bobby to butcher Jerry classics
such as So many roads, S.O.T.M., or even Mission in the rain. It is bad enought
he is too stuck up and in love with himself that he won't sing The eleven
in a layered manner that PLQ and The Dead did it. Glamour boy needs all the
attention. And hey Billy...reach over and knock some sense into Mickey the next
time he reaches for the microphone. Jerry never tried to be the leader of the
band and neither does Phil now... they just are...why stroke these two men who
are obvioulsy struggling with a midlife crisis, and in denial about the fact
that PLQ is waaaaay above and beyond their feeble solo attempts to carry the
torch for the legacy that Jerry left behind in 1995. Go back to singing every
song your band(ratdog)sings and glorify your attempt to reconcile the
back stabbing you gave Phil when you played with Kimock as the other ones summer
God bless Phil lesh and his solo band playing the hallowed places like the Frost,
Greek, Red Rocks, Fox in St. LOuis, Palace Theater-Louisville...please feed
your true fans a spring tour because I fear this fall will leave me starving
for THAT sound that kept me coming back to 19 PHIL and Friends shows in 2002,
and countless shows in 2001.
The Grateful Dead, the Boys, in my opinion includes only one original member
and his name is Phil Lesh. Don't agree? Then you haven't been on tour...and
we will probable see the last of you once your Phish starts touring again...the
sooner the better. I am tired of PLQ bashers soiling this Phil fan website...leave
the alchemy to us.
I don't think you should rag on phil. Bobby adds just as much if not more.
The only beef I have with bobby is his guitar sound. His guitar sound has never
been the same since the last dead show. I am not sure what happened but it changed.
Phil attempts to run the show and that is cool. I just get sick of hearing his
bass turned up too loud. I also get tired of his singing. I get tired of Warren
too so go figure.
It will never be the same but at least they are trying.
Samay76 another guy who thinks he knows what everyone needs to hear. Sorry man
mabey thats what you think but not everyone. If you toured with p&f of course
you think they are great so do I but to say Phil is the only original member
of GD is just stupid. You can go in your room and listen to your P&f tapes
thats the only place your going to hear them for a while. After this tour ends
the band will realize this is as good as they can get. PLQ, P&F, Ratdog
sould all be side projects. Live In The Now!! NOW IS GOOD
I saw all three shows on this tour and they were all better than any P&F
show I saw in the last two years. Long Live TOO
What a JOY it is to hear this live music again!There were a ton of smiles everywhere.
No matter where their playing it's gonna be alot of fun!Thank God!
Between TOO's playing of Anthem Of The Sun and the Dancin Bear and Robert
Hunter playing "Doin' that Rag", what more can a person want out
of life? The next Phil show!
I am happy to hear of those who don't like TOO and are not coming to more shows. At least they are not going to come solely for the scene and ruin it all for the rest of us.
You have some really good points. I, too, am looking forward to more P&F.
it is such a treat to hear the other ones. this show rocked so hard--the only
thing i can compare it to is the good old grateful dead. this is a great time
to be alive and hitting the road to see this "band beyond description."
i can't *believe* anyone's complaining in these parts. but that
is just my opinion.
so this show started off mellow and in the groove. "like a rolling stone"
sounded a lot like the PLQ version. (in fact, i think this band sounds a
lot like plq at times simply becuase three of its members are in the band. that
said, i also like the more "grateful dead" thing they have going-- 2
drummers, the drums and spacey improv stuff, and bobby--things that are just
added bonuses to me.) anyway, "feel like a stranger" was just a
perfect start to this "political" show. after this election, "you
know its gonna get stranger." high energy too. "down the road" is
okay, not a bad song, but nothing that exciting for me. But "eyes of the
world"! now that was fun and moving--a magical moment that got the crowd
into it. Then "Aiko" -- here is the first moment I've heard Mickey
sing and i wasn't cringing. maybe he's working on the vocals. It was
the first time I've heard Aiko in about eight or nine years, so it was nice
to hear. Then "New Speedway"--wow. This was obviously part of the political
theme that emerged during the night. "one way or another, this darkness
got to give." and if you weren't sure this was about politics-- then
"throwing stones" clears up that question. "the kids they dance
and shake their bones and the politicians throwing stones... in a whole world
full of petty wars..." i think the band is trying to say something here...
but then, as soon as the serious, gloom and doom is about to set in, they launch
into a brilliant "not fade away." it's all about *love*,
that's right!! love is the remedy to all this darkness and threat of war.
Hunter was terrific. "Doin that rag" was beautiful. So was "rubin
and cherise." As I watched him walk around the stage, kind of leaning over
his guitar, his long grey hair hanging down everywhere, he looked to me like
some crazy old gnome or elf. He's a special man indeed, and it was so nice
to have him play during half-time.
Set 2: Out of the jam, I thought the "Let it Grow" was a continuation
of the political story, as the last song was about love (Not Fade Away),
now it's about letting it grow. the move to "milestones" felt to
me like a shift in the focus of the show. i think the rest of the show was about
the band (as well as the poliical scene)-- this tour being a milestone.
Then the whole "anthem" theme emerged and continued through the rest
of the night. "New Potato" and "Cryptical" were beautiful and
so well harmonized (I had heard that Susan Tedeschi was joining the band
at some point, and, at first, I was disappointed she wasn't here or in roanoke.
however, i have to say that TOOs vocals have really improved and they sound
great even without a soulful blues woman up there. that said, though, i hope
to make it to a show w/susan singing with them.) Anyway, the "watchtower"
was really great--well played and powerful. another "hour so late" reference
here--more politics? anyway, then "born cross eyed"-- i really wanted
to hear this song, so I was very jazzed when they kicked into it. "seems
like i've been here before" moved us into TOO "coming around in
a circle" -- is this a new beginning for the band-- i mean, they are "the
other ones"? is this about returning to origins? finding new beginnings?
maybe i'm reading a lot into this, but i am an english teacher so i'm
supposed to do that
the sugar mag just smoked and everyone was dancing by that point.
The encores were perfect. I just love "cosmic charlie" -- "say you'll
come back when you can" okay, i sure will! US Blues was the most appropriate
capper to the poliitcal commentary running through the night. Damn, this was
an awesome show. And the scene outside was much better than roanoke cops-wise.
"Thank you for a real good time!"
Beth c..nice revues both shows...thanks for taking the time to share....
Beth...right on. I totally feel you when you say, "i can't *believe* anyone's complaining." I saw the shows in Alpine and it felt as though everyone there witnessed the ressurection. This is what we've been missing for 7 years sisters and brothers...and it's back, a bit different, and knocking down the walls. "...ain't no time to hate...barely time to wait."
Two thumbs up,,,what a treat,,,Mickey singing Aiko was entertaining also,,,,much
fun....These guys are serious and showed up to please,,,No doubt its the Bobby
and Phil show and they were both on...
I think people should stop with the comparison bs and just let them play,,,,
Alright, I may have been a little to passionate about my love for PLQ and I apologize for offending any one including the actual band members. What bothers me is those who saw Phil and friends in 1999, fall, after Kimock left tour. They gave up on Phil until now. As though he has done nothing since, or perhaps he is still unsuccessfully swapping members of the band. Maybe 'the boys' are whoever is playing with Phil Lesh, TOO or PLQ. I agree that PLQ couldn't fill stadium shows or basketball arenas...maybe in a few years, maybe never. Maybe that should be reserved for the original four members to pull off since they couldn't do it without each other. I personally don't care. I do want to see Phil play on those beloved Bobby tunes and I am excited to see Mickey hit the beam again, ala 1995 and what I saw at Alpine this summer night two. I guess there was always the teeth pulling moments during all the dead eras. Maybe that is all part of the magic recipe. I am just an avid fan who has never stopped trading and seriously listening to Grateful Dead since Jerry died. I even enjoy many 90's shows that I hear alot of people dissin'. And I know what I witnessed with PLQ since the fall 2000 run has changed my opinions about what I thought unsurpassable represented. The current line-up can get to that level but it might take Bobby reconsidering his song rotation, it isn't like he doesn't have a huge selection to choose from. Plenty of gems. It may also have to NOT include mickey singing some songs if not all. Otherwise this is just an experimental tour with bits and pieces of a collection of solo bands thrown together, who have been playing with their own bands doing it their own way, and now trying to prove that their efforts might come close to what PLQ has already pulled off over the last two years. Did anyone stop talking long enough to realize that in Chicago fall '01, it was the first and only time Blues for Allah had been sung since 8-13-75? After Red Rocks capped off an amazing summer I realized that the band was as tight as anything I have ever heard including vintage Grateful Dead...Maybe GD's BEST era's are what Phil's solo career is all about. I guess that is what I am talking about. When TOO is finally tight enough to let the ego down then they might pull that one out or maybe an Allahmbra(sp?)/at a siding. Ratdog, pulls off the ladder, again, they are a tight band having played together for seven years or so. I am all for TOO, maybe they can include former band member Steve Kimock to mix it up as well. Fat chance. Let's face the fact that Warren has taken tunes that Pigpen, Jerry, and Brent sang to superior levels than Bobby's attempts at those songs even with the Dead speaks plenty about Haynes' importance in whatever torch carrying movement this is supposed to represent. Warren Haynes brings no cheese to the show that we have all endured for so long. Warren delivers soulful Jerry Ballads that are respectful to the way they are meant to sound. Bobby singing So many roads is painful, makes me want to sit down and cry, not because of it moving me, rather that it is seriously bumming me out. The same goes with him singing the Eleven solo. I can't handle it when Mickey sings Fire on the Mountain instead of Phil. These are things that don't happen at PLQ shows. I am defending the Quintet because it seems like there is some rampant anti-Warren Haynes sentiment and no one is really coming out saying his cudos.
Right on Salmay.
PLQ rocks. heard any great Unbroken chains from TOO yet?
I think the PLQ/Warren bashing is coming from those so cemented to the past
that they get off on Mickey' singing, miss drums/space, and just can't
wait to hear Dayjob.
At the risk of offending, anyone who thinks Warren Haynes can't sing is
an idiot.
If you have not LISTENED to 8/31/02 & 9/01/02 then you are uninformed.
try the 9/1/02 2nd set opener:
Jam>unbroken>jam>wharf rat....
Oh well, Love to everyone....expecting to get bashed, but enjoying the fun
>>I am defending the Quintet because it seems like there is some rampant
anti-Warren Haynes sentiment and no one is really coming out saying his cudos.
>>I think the PLQ/Warren bashing is coming from those so cemented to
the past that they get off on Mickey' singing, miss drums/space, and just
can't wait to hear Dayjob.
Salmay & Steve, I'm not sure where you've been but I don't recall
anyone bashing Warren, or being antiWarren. In fact, most praise Warren's
playing & vocals. Blame it on Bobby or Mickey but it seems you guys are
afraid to let go of the past & move on into the future. It wouldn't
matter if it were Jerry up on stage this tour, cause there'd be people complaining
about his performance & missing lines. Some things never change.
Just because folks are enjoying TOO doesn't mean they are dissing P&F.
check "other" for a thread relating to this topic. That would be a good
place to vent your frustrations so others can read show reviews & not why
P&F is better & whatnot.
salmay,you should have heard the sailor/ saint in albany, first since the 80's
. you should check them out before you compare plq to too.
I knew I shouldn't have posted that setlist at 3:30am after the show, I
was bound to mess it up.
I saw about 35 Dead shows, about 6 Jerry shows. I went to Further the first
couple years. Then I kinda stepped away. I recently started hearing what Phil
has been up to the last couple years and am really impressed. I went to Bonnaroo
and saw Phil at Merriweather in July.
Most of my friends agree, most saw more Dead shows than me, Phil is jamming
harder now than he has ever before. I saw a few sub-par Dead shows (RFK
94). I have been impressed with Warren since the Allmans Bros started touring
again in 89. some TOO shows will be better than some PLQ shows and vice versa.
Some Ratdog shows may be better than PLQ shows. But I will guarantee this, what
is going on now is a lot better than anything in the post Jerry era. At least
up to about 1999 or so.
Enjoy it and lets hope they can keep it going and keep it fresh and enjoyable
for themselves so they keep wanting to bring it to us.
Cont From Va review...
November 15, 2002
MCI Center
Washington, DC
After staying Up waaaay to late...we arrive into DC...John and Sarah meet up
with us and the six of us are off to the MCI center,,,,Shows downtown are always
interesting and tonight would be one of strange tales and interesting encounters....the
crowd seem to be in a rowdy mood...and craziness was looming around the corner...
We get in and proceed to grab some seats..tonight we are way back on upper level...but
we do have a straight shot to the stage...I've seen great shows from here
before...I like getting the full show effect and tonight would turn out to be
one of the best nights...I couldn't have done it better myself-)
Set 1:
Like a Rolling Stone>
Feel Like A Stranger
Down the Road Again>
Eyes of the World>
Aiko Aiko
*New Speedway Boogie
Throwing Stones>
Not Fade Away
The arena is slow to PHilup..but the boys come on out as saying We gots to GO....As
far as I know Nobody called the1st tune tonight....what a grate opener...truly
setting the foundation to one of the greatest Grateful Dead concerts this spy
boy has ever seen.....Stranger...and folks are coming out of the wood work...place
is philling up fast and would be packed to the gills before you knew it...Stranger
is fast and furious...immediately one can sense the "realness" of the
moment...the music is coming through effortlessly ....Phil is thundering and
the whole band is on fire...booby is going nuts at the end ...long long LONG
crazy night!! Thats right-)...Down The road...very touching and extremely
pyscadellic...Mickey does and awesome thing with this song...its truly is a
work of art...not to mention again the fantastic work Candace is doing with
the lights this evening...
The rest of this 1st set was spectacular with all that current;y going on in
our crazy World..I could have not picked a better set of tunes to play in DC...
EYES was off the hook...Jimming was all over this one and no was looking around
or wondering whats was gonna be played next..It could have been EYES for the
rest of the night...this aint no cover band boys and girls this IS the GRATEFUL
DEAD....Aiko...Speedway...Throwing Stones...with some nice Bobby fuck ups on
the lyrics but with equally nice recovery's and a NOT FADE AWAY was hot
hot hot...with the crowed taking it away into set break....Ah its good to be
back home!!!
Set 2:
Jam> Let It Grow>
New Potato Caboose>
Cryptical Envelopment>
Born Cross Eyed>
Other One>
Cryptical Envelopment>
Sugar Magnolia
Smiles all around during second set....man this is some serious fun...we're
back in time for the second set Opener..this second set was solid front to back...after
the 1st night looks like the boys decided to go back to the basic and write
down the set (as saying man this will get em!)..and sure enough did
it EVER...LET iT Gow>Milestones>Caboose into drums..WOW...into Cryptical
..holy shit dude!...Watchtower...Smoking!...born x eyed into Other one you got
to be kidding...Other one was a big and as FAT as they Come with Phil dropping
bombs everywhere...Cryptical...O my God...what years IS this again????
SUGAR MAG and the SSDD were astronomical...Never gonna miss us...
E: Cozmic Charlie
US Blues
Whats it gonna be....how about a US Blue I ask Ash?...sure Y not-). The
Cosmic blew the place away..it was absolutely prefect way to end the show...Say
you'll come back when you can....but wait whats was that D?...US BLUES you
bet bro...man life is sweet was again ...feels like it'll be alright!!!
We got back Sat after much debate on going to NY-), ended up hanging, watching
the set list form NY come in that night off the net and it hit me...The shows
where awesome...but the best part is that the DEAD are back on the road...and
being able to share those experiences with new love ones in you life as the
dead go around the country...is truly one of the things that make life worth
living for this deadhead!....we went from, what we where, Thursday Night in
Roanoke to, what we ARE in DC, Grateful DEAD 2002!!....don't walk RUN to
Dead show nearest you!
"Did anyone stop talking long enough to realize that in Chicago fall '01,
it was the first and only time Blues for Allah had been sung since 8-13-75?"
For somebody who seems to be such an avid P+F fan, you really should have
your facts straight. They did "BFA" in DC on 4/24/01 and a few other
times in 01.
DC review - 2nd set was FANTASTIC! First set....last 3 songs were fabulous as
well, first 5 songs were atrocious in my opinion. They turned the corner about
midway through "Aiko" around the time Jeff took the organ solo.
All in all, a great time. Danced my ass off and hung out with some great friends.
Perfect Friday night, IMO.
No, Chicago is the only time they did a full Blues For Allah. It was just like
the one from the vault version. The whole first set had a 9-11 feel to it.
They haven't played it since.
Yeah Chez, you might be referring to the numerous instrumental versions of Blues
for Allah played first 4/20/01 then through the spring and summer 2001. Then
9/11 happened and phil opened the fall '01 tour at the Aragon and played
it fully with lyrics, not just the 'under eternity' refrain after the
meltdown. He didn't play it again but heavily teased it Sunday at Red Rocks
02, after a rousing Walrus. It's cool though, I'm sure you meant well.
Notalent complainer(cynical), you must not remember Other ones 1998...I
know for sure they played Saior/Saint at Deer Creek with Phil and Kimock, but
without Billy...and they must have played it somewhere along Other ones 2000
tour w/Kimock, Billy and w/out Phil. I,d love to hear it but how about the whole
Weather Report Suite? Either way I'm sure it was incredible, and I really
can't wait to see them.
>>>>In summary, the reasons supporting the contention that TOO
are out of PLQ's league come down to:
a) Two drummers vs. 1.
b) Bobby is prettier than warren.
c) Jeff Chimenti.
d) Baba jingo and other Mickey songs.
Add e)Fire sung by Mickey. An example for a highly rated bond that turned
into a junk bond.
>>>> beginning of tirade
(but I did have this ass behind me who kept yelling at the top of this lungs,
all things wonderful about a really hot jam, SHUT THE HELL UP. this guy was
really fucking annoying. He may be the center of his own self-absorbed universe,
but when he is at a show, shut up and listen to the band. He would whistle in
the middle of jams, yell at the prankster as we weaved and bobbed through the
crowd, and was, IMHO, a complete fuckin ass. If I had wanted to hear him fuckin
yell WHERE'S THE SPANISH LADY I would went to his damn house, gave him a
six-pack of Bud Light and paid him to yell. It always surprises me that memebers
of our family seem to think that they are more important than the music. nobody
paid money to listen to this fucking 40-something drunk asshole.)
(end of tirade)<<<<
This is, why they invented (at least in some places) a thing called
General Admission. The inventor may be blessed for that.
BTW. hi bucky, good to see you here.
D.C. Rocked, my first show since Jerry left us.
I couldnt have been more pleased and still wear the grin to prove it!
My only regret, not ordering tickets for Alabany and Philli and chicago and
indiana and all the other in bewteen....
Any word on a spring tour for the OtherOnes?
Suz in Maryland
This was my first Dead related show of any Kind and it was a beautiful experience. I loved the Anthem set. The sound in the MCI center could have been better though, that was my only problem. The scene after the show was excellent as well...there were people everywhere in the streets. The police dogs went crazy from the smell of Ms. Jane leaking out on the streets while everyone left the building...that was hysterical.