where are we Zoners meeting???
Less than 36 hours..... I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!
roll call:
Is there a zoners meeting place?? Jschatts and I will be there!
the best thing i can figure is to hook up at half time somewhere. Everything
pre-show is complicated by WORK and late arrivals. Everything during is negated
by ticket checks. And post is a mad dash to the car.
Paul, i might be really late to this. Work sucks. As for hartford, we'll
most likely meet you all in the show. Would have taken the day off but WTF,
everyones golfing all day. F-GolF!
right on!
I'm with you re Hartford. we may end up meeting at the show too. glen has
our tix (we sold ours), so we NEED to hook up with the gang in advance.
make sure your cell is on and charged.
as re this post (i.e., the swamp) we'll be getting there around
6 or 6:30 and plan to hook up with whoever we can find and head straight in.
I plan to catch the opener! again, make sure your cell is on and charged.
i cant understand that SCHLEP sport. Throw the fucking ball at me and i'll hit it straighter. And who the fuck golfs pre-DEAD SHOW! ? Welcome back to CT. Tell klass to put my lobsta in the frig.
easy, boy. let's FOCUS! this is the swamp thread
Any thoughts on set break meet up? Maybe somewhere up in the rafters, to check
out Hunter, but still be able to chill and hang...
I'm up for it...
Of course, it might take us a little longer to get up there, coming from the
3rd row and all...
cool SI...i dont even have a ticket yet!
we spent most of hunters set in albany chillin with shabazz, carl, carlin, huck...ect...on
a stairway overlooking the freak parade marching by . Nice place to hang a smoke
& catch some air. Right next to a bar too.
I wish I was going to this show it will be my 32nd birthday and I just know
they will crank it out. I will get my chances though in Cleveland and Pitt.
Have fun and let me know how the show was.
steve, any specific suggestions? I'm pleased to say I have not been to this venue in years!
I'm saying why not up in like section 201- it's up top at the opposite
end of the arena from the stage.
It's away from the stage so we'll be able to chat it up without pissing
most folks off, I would expect. Can also listen to the tunes though...
Just a thought...open to other suggestions of course...
Any other ideas?
works for me, but there's always the issue of getting buy-in from the rest of the crew...then again, there's always blowing off the rest of the crew! that should be PLENTY close for the RH set
any suggestion for what they will play in jersey?
Stranger opener....
>>but there's always the issue of getting buy-in from the rest of
the crew
I'll be down low, and I think Huck is right in the same area. I'll be
with Dr. Killpatient...
You gonna be with Schmegg, Beth, et al?
"always blowing off the rest of the crew! "
-welcome to the last 2 years of my life paul. I still consider you the rest
of the crew, but slowly mutating into one of these internet chat board type.
I think some of the rest of the "crew" are to rowdy to show off in public,
so leave it at that.
Besides, will all be stuffing face on klass lobsta in CT friday...and that boy
can cook.
Yo, I'm always down low and shit. Down in the gutter, that's where rats
like me lurk...snicker snicker snickerdoodledoooooo.....
weather tomorrow...like today????
rats of a feather lurk together, eh Huck?
What's your schedule tomorrow, BTW? You cutting across SI to get there,
or going through the tunnels? Just wondering if you want to caravan on over
or something...
Weather, per NY Post:
Tomorrow (Wednesday)-
Some sunshine; breezy and milder. High 53 to 57
Do with that what you will...
Oh, you're kind...no, I think through the city. But my schedule is weather
dependent...which is why I ask. ;)
Interesting report, SI, I like. Well....bring hot coffee anyway....
Yeah, that's the way I figured you were going, just wanted to put the offer out there. I'll be in touch early tomorrow afternoon. Try and catch you on your cell if possible...
The Power of Positive Thinking.
All Things are Possible, even, maybe....PROBABLE....
wish they woulda saved the Alligator for tomorrow
Greatest Story opener
Big Boss Man in honor of Tony S
Susan sings
greg, I think I get your ramblings, but the deal is this: I'll be with Gail
and Chris, hope to be with Beth and you, and Monty and the rest I'll see
Friday, so it doesn't really matter.
if our seats are good (I think they are) we'll probably hang there
first set, go up to 201 to look for the zoner crew for Hunter, and then see
what happens for set 2
I also heard super laroo might be there. and bill. and eric (big guy you
met at jamgrass). so who knows what will happen
i'd like to hear them bust out TLEO, Here Comes Sunshine, Wharf Rat, or Samson & Delilah. Brokedown Palace would be sick too. I think we'll get either Dark Star or Playin, whatever isnt played tonight
Hey Now!!!
Looking forward to cont, hart, phila, & MSG. What time have the boys been
going on? I think tomorrows show calls for 7:30, correct me if Im wrong. Any
idea what time the boys will hit the stage.
Half-Step->Sunshine opener. 7:30 on the tickets. What time does the lot open?
Devils sent the fans home happy tonight (4-3 OT win) & TOO will do the same tomorrow. Working a 1/2 day tomo, then off to Lyndhurst to pick up a friend and then it's over to the lot. Will checkout sec 201 at halftime, see ya there
SI et al, we're in 106, and is a hop skip and a jump to 201 and sounds like a great place to watch "the second period"
little help on the way tonight perhaps?
The easiest place to meet up is the opposite side of the stage...opposite Wharf Rats, there are two doors and I think they are B&C. No stairwells, and the only other place is the "Floor Lobby" which doesn't work for most folks. I have lots of zoners in my gang tonight, which is so rare and a bunch of oldies and goodies showing up too. This will be fun, if nothing else.
see ya all in 201!
Music opener
"I have lots of zoners in my gang tonight"
-cool. good to see you and your zoners are participating.
Whose coming? or is it a secret?
Five states...no secrets. Also my usual buds, and the rest of Jersey will surely be there. Waiting to see if a couple of crazies are really going to hop planes.
how bout we play a game. We all fuck around, meet in 201 and whoever finds out where dewit and her secret zoner friends are hiding wins a free beer.
cool man. feel like shit today. ive got this chest cold thing going on and dont even know if im making it tonight. ill check back later.
hmmm...thought you sounded cranky
hey, glen is wussing out and he doesn't even have a cold
201 b/t 1st and 2nd period...unless you can go home sick mid-afternoon, in which
case we'll be at Rutt's Hut in Clifton for beers and dogs around 5:30
mmmm...hot dogs
>Rutt's Hut in Clifton
Make sure you order a Marvis with those dogs.
hey paul,
most likely will go. f-n office and 12 hour days got me sick. want to be well
for CT.
Rutts Hut! bring it all back paul. nice!
SI, hope to show off my earplugs. 30cents at a gun shop in Elizabethtown, PA. if we meet I'll buy you a beer with the $12 I saved.
>>Make sure you order a Marvis with those dogs.
>>want to be well for CT.
then go easy on the juice tonight!
no beer, no way. not even a cig. this thing just started, had 3 cups of tea already this morning, feeling better. jack down a big beef barley soup from the deli for lunch, ill be 98% come show time. Its all in your head@!
>>SI, hope to show off my earplugs. 30cents at a gun shop in Elizabethtown,
PA. if we meet I'll buy you a beer with the $12 I saved.
Cool Rik....Didn't know you were gonna be on site...Hope to meet up in 201
at intermission...
Schmegg- suck it up chief...priorities, remember?
Dewit- Hope to see you over there...you can catch me on my cell...
c/mon SI, stick with the hockey lingo!
>>Make sure you order a Marvis with those dogs.
That's what the boys at the Hut call a yoo-hoo. don't ask me why.
Schmegg- Chow down on some Echinacea and Vicadin. Works every time.
zinc tablets too
ECHINACEA, got it.
+1000mg Vit.C
1 multi-vatamin.
1 Cold Ease (zinc)
1 sudafed servre cold tablet. (<-kicking my ass right now )
3 cups of hot tea.
1 HUGE soup for lunch.
im game man.
>>c/mon SI, stick with the hockey lingo!
Correction: Rik- I hope to meet you between first and second period in section
And with that...I AM OUTTA HERE!! See ya in the lot/inside/wherever...
Look for the black hat..might have my Help on the Way t-shirt on as well...
GREG. get better, you better be there.
ps why have a free beer contest when I had to GIVE ONE AWAY in Albany? (I
almost forgot...do you remember?)
SI - see you there...expect a phone call
the rest of you muchachos
201 halftime
and here it is for posterity
I say.....
(whaddya think??? )
Hey y'all's... C ya in 201 at the half, I should be easy to spot (you'll see why...) and Greg, the best cure is to sweat that shit out... start dancin'!
Huck, get any hotmail lately?
5 hours and 40 minutes untill showtime..Time to leave work..See ya in sec 124.......wooooweeeeee
im sweatin right now burnzy! that soup did it. gotta find that guy in the lot
tonight that was in Albany with the squash soup. <--good stuff.
And yeah, huck gave a minor a BEER! Good WoRk, HUCK!
Hey now,
Last minute heading up from Philly. Just can't resist. See you in Sec 6
row A.
OH MY GOD - Greg -
you think he was underAGE???????
oh god ;)
ba na ne ne..ba na ne ne..ba na ne ne.. ne ne naaa naaa naaa naaa naaa naaa
"Moses come ridin up on guitar"
I'm bringing a decent amount of beer. Any Zoners spot a black 4 Runner jamming
8/27/72(thanks to a very kind zoner) stop on by for a brew.
Send me to rehabilly
Let me out for Philly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats it, im out. love it when the dead play in your backyard. Heres to a smokin
show. See you all (if anyone if left) @ 201 .
samson & delilah
bertha opener tonight!!!
Greetings all you lucky Freaks, have they started yet? If so what is Z opener?????
Set 1:
Jam >
She Belongs to Me>
Not Fade Away>
The Eleven
Thanks Dewit for calling in the set so far
These are some short first sets, but I'm not complaining
ended 1st w/ estimated-Bertha-fire on Mt
Anyone hear on 2nd set yet
She Belongs to Me??? the Dylan song? Please let them do that one again in Oakland...
Who sang that one?
Did Susan yell in Playin like Donna, i was wondering is she would
Bobby sings She Belongs to Me. TOO played it at Shoreline in 2000.
Setlist. Thanks Dewit for calling into the chat and FLDeadHead for compiling
the calls I received!
11.20.2002 Continental Arena, NJ.... Set 1 Jam> Playin in the Band**>
She Belongs to ME > NFA.!! >The Eleven>Meltdown Jam >Box of
Rain, Estimated Prophet ** >jam > Bertha>FIRE **=w/Susan
Set 2 Music Never Stopped> Jam> Strawberry Fields> Jimmy Jam>
Scarlet**> Drumz> Space> King Bee **> Viola
(v.1 & v.2)** > Ain't it Crazy ** >
jam> Viola (v.3)**>jam> Sugar Mag/Sunshine Daydream**
E: Touch of Gray **=w/Susan
It's 'The Rub', not 'Ain't It Crazy' according to Deadbase if I remember correctly.
thanks bucky
I thought it was "Ain't it Crazy (The Rub)"
the show was awesome
goodnight to all
who sang the pig tunes??? please tell me it wasn't booby...er, bobby . . .
What a great show. Someone please get Susan a guitar, she was air guitar playing all night until she finally went by Jimmy, went behind him and reached around to play his guitar. What a great show !
How did King Bee sound in comparison to the two that Weir sang in '93&'94?
Phil quote at the end of the night....
"We always play outside ourselves here because you are all soooooo demanding.
Thanks for making us feel part of the community again!"
Smilin and dancing all night long!
THANK YOU boys !!
>Set 2 Music Never Stopped
Seems like the theme for the tour to me...
Tonto, didn't get a chance to ask Dew about who sang She belongs, but I'll
be sure and ask her tomorrow.
I accidentally called her, well not accidentally, but didn't realize the
time or place she was at and was just driving home from a long day and wanted
to chat.
Fortunately must have timed it just right, caught her between sets. You know
its almost impossible to get her at a show otherwise.
>How did King Bee sound in comparison to the two that Weir sang in '93&'94?
Susan sang the King Bee tonight.. and it was incredible....
>Did Susan yell in Playin like Donna, i was wondering is she would
thank god, no she didn't
Strawberry Fields Forever...nice to meet some zoners. Drumz are still what they always were....a trip. See y'all at MSG.
>Susan sang the King Bee tonight.. and it was incredible....
that's pretty weird, the song is from such a male perspective. "I'm
a king bee, buzzin round your hive. I can make honey, baby, won't you let
me cum inside." Been listening to Muddy Waters version over the past few
days. If it sounded good, I guess that's all that matters.
THAT SHOW ROOOOCKED!!!!!!! Blew me away, boy oh boy!
Just got home....very long drive....Good night all...
More tomorrow and see ya in Hartford!
>>>Big Boss Man in honor of Tony S
Susan sings
Nice call Huck!! Where'd you pick that one up.
Show looks smokin' again. Boys seem to be getting better and better. And they keep finding more new stuff. Waiting for the 'Keep on Growin' and 'Mason's Children'.
I thought the first set was stellar and the 2nd just good. This is no doubt
in part due to my vantage point: I was on the rail for set 1, elsewhere for
set 2. But also song selection--while it was nice to hear the blues tunes, esp.
King Bee and The Rub, they weren't particularly what I wanted to hear. Glad
Susan belted out King Bee, as her vocals were almost imperceptible (How's
that for a $10 word) during the first set and I thought her voice would
be a nice addition to the mix. It was.
I'd been wondering what TOO could offer that I wasn't already getting
from PLQ. For me the answer is Bill & Mickey. Not a huge Drums fan, but
the sound of these two who have been playing together for a very very long time
made TOO sound REALLY BIG. Mickey's singing Fire is as weird as other ZOners
have described, but in a goofy sort of way, more than just plain godawful. The
band jammed on this version last night. I'd heard in Albany they didn't
go too far with it.
Bobby's vocals is another thing I get with TOO that's missing from PLQ.
I really enjoy hearing him and would like to publicly repent for bashing him
in private.
Highlight for me was the Eleven and the jam out of it, and then the Bertha into
Fire. Those arrows on the setlist are no joke; the band didn't take its
first break until after Box (6 songs) and then didn't stop again
until the set was over. The Fire was a nice surprise as I figured Bertha was
the end of the set.
Overall, I thought the first set was a better 2nd set than the second set. There
were very few miscues or stumbles, and high energy throughout. The jamming was
dead on in the first set seemed to occasionally get lost in the 2nd but that
could have been the sound from my seats. I love Warren tremendously but Herring
is absolutely the right guy for the job in this lineup.
...and I am so tired.
New theme for tour though
she belongs to me - whole first set - purity pure sickness -
set two - still must make sense of
and no more up front for a while...3 shows of social 100/200s....see you in
the stands...REALLY I will try
Bobby sang She Belongs To Me...
I was definetely hard to reach last night, my batteries were dwindling, but
it was sure nice to hear your voice...
I think, but am not sure that what has everyone commenting...I think that the
sound is excellent, but that the mix is terrible. The separation is at times
only Rob and Jimmy and I was next to the board. The drums separation is the
worst of all. That said...
The band is quite good. The energy is very high. I was thinking that Jimmy had
captured Jerry's spirit, but now I think Jerry is just in there. Jimmy Herring
is phenomenal. At times playing with the spirit of a healthy energized Jerry,
and most of the time, playing in his own style. Its all good...
The jams in the Estimated were what got me to attention. They were smart. The
whole first set was fun, really fun. The second set...well, lets see, I got
my breakouts, I got Susan solo, and there is a ten minute guitar jam/solo by
Jimmy that was over the top. I cannot wait to hear it again. Very similiar in
taste to the opening jam, but Jimmy just led you down this amazing road. While
at a show, and if it is all about the jammy jam, well...it was terrific, it
was a great great show. Nothing wrong with the musicianship on this bus...fix
the goddamned separation.
Man this set list looks...
All I know is my bud called me at intermission and
was like Duuuuuuuuude this is the shit..LOL!!!
carlin, you had boston.
coming to hartford?
(must say that first set was AS good if not - better? than the second -
tickets all over the place. They were still on sale and people were having trouble
giving them away. Guess that mailorder "panic" really hit home this
tour. Seating was available everywhere in the upper levels. NO BEER LINE! ticket
checks where not a big deal....OVERALL GOOD TIME ALL AROUND!
Jimmy "IM THE MAN" Herring tore thru Estimated like a hot knife and
butter. SMOKIN! Susan T. rocks, if not for her voice, the energy she brings
to the stage is long overdue. Keep her around.
She belongs to Me got my sudafed to kick in. Strawberry Fields...ahhhhh...needed
that in a big way.
THE RUB was rubbin! all over the place. my legs and back are still sore. KING
Nice meeting you Peggy Lacey, virus woman. LOL! and Althea .
star 69 Rob, and DAN, <--bumped into eachother. Brunz! Man , that was a
good time! Sorry all for breathing on you's. I had this wicked veggy soup
after the show which seemed to fix all the problems. Got home, ate another 6
trillion milligrams of something, went to sleep and feel like a million today!
got my voice back. WoooHooo! SEE YOU ALL IN HARTFORD!
Hartford yup and more...Im siked...My friend
here at work just came by..He hasnt been to
a show since 93...He tells me, man this stuff
gives you the bug all over again..
so glad you feel better, Greg honey....how bout the Bertha>>Fire though!!!
cringed when Mickey sang but even that could not kill the spiraling swarming
exactly carlin you should have heard me screaming NO DAY OFF at the top of my
lungs in the Lincoln Tunnel...
LMAO!!!!! I love you gals/guys.....
awwww...YEAH HUCK!
the fire was burning, LOUD TOO. the energy was there, place was starting to
go nuts and then.....BAM! mickey. Phil could have sung anything right there
and it would have sounded better. But your right, I like you was not brought
down by this.
-just pop in a disk, turn it up loud and dance the day off HUCK!
48 hours.
the show was great, but I wouldn't call what Mickey does "singing" - i'd call it "speaking"....awesome show....
no discs yet Greg honey
my girlfriend already considers me deep end material what with the running on
three hours sleep
all she needs is to hear THAT music and I'm branded wookie all day long....never
live it down!
what up with that STREAM anyway
tricklin crick more like hee hee
So what's with their sound? First night in Boston I was on the floor, and it was pretty clear, but not nearly loud enough. A buddy of mine was left of board last night, and thought the first set pretty much sucked because the sound was bad, and again not nearly loud enough. He said it was cranked up for the 2nd, which apparently smoked. But after all these years how can they not figure out how to make it LOUD enough? I just don't get it...
"and I'm branded wookie all day long"
lmao! missed you last night. Gotta get off that floor once in a while and say
hello. We had "the joisey crew" in action last night. Real good time!
I could not hear Susan all night. I made it into the second row Jimmy side for
the first half of the second set and still counldn't hear her.
This was a fun show and the song selection was excellent, but I would rate the
playing as fair to good. Viola was very good throughout, as always, but I thought
some jams, like Estimated, were filled with a lot of noodling that never came
I'm also unclear as to why the keyboardists are right next to one another.
I couldn't quite hear them too well in the mix. Maybe I'm getting deaf,
or maybe the sound in the Byrne simply sucked last night.
was sitting in nose bleeds last night and it was pretty damn hard to hear the lyrics....even when Susan sang, it was hard to understand her. I agree, after all these years, how can they not have the sound figured out?...still a great show, though.
The floor seat thing is problematic. (never thought I'd say that one)
However GDTS solved that for me the next 3...in the stands where I can SMOKE
hey, the 5th row was great but it was WAAAAAAAY left....and I put up with Mr.
Jersey and his buddies hitting on me all night (yes the smoke is good quality
and all but it doesn't mean i'm in love with you, boy)- when one
of them wasn't screaming in my ear about how much he missed Jerry
"mr. jers!"
sure that wasn't Carlin?
My bartender and I starting getting into it.
-"Whatch YOU want"
"gimme da BUD"
-"hows many?"
tree, tree BUDweisers.
-"yous got it! "
hey...after a little scuffle during drums in the hall (floor level)
they shut all the beer stands, left only one poor mrs. fields guy who then proceeded
to get swamped.... (no pun intended)
wondered if they killed the beer upstairs too?
seemed so early to me....11. Maybe that is normal though.
and yeah, they need to fix the seperation. Phil I hear but it is hard to distinguish
the keyboardists.
And why didnt Susan sing Bertha? I thought she would tear it up with m and suddenly
she was gone???!?!!?!?
>>sure that wasn't Carlin?
Hartford!!! You darn wookie Greg..
who sang "Bertha"?
rob sang bertha
Like... OH MY GOD
What a ROCKIN good time! I'm delirously tired. More soon!!!!!
Hey Greg you and Beth should give Philly
some consideration..LOL!!!!
they arent coming?
Wookies on parade, are coming for you GC!
-see YOU in hartford CARLIN!
Huck, yeah they shut us off early too. Didnt know it was a scuffle that brought
it on. Hung most of the night in 106 (pauls section). we used his ticket
too load down 5 people. PLENTY OF DANCING ROOM.
So you and Beth are coming to Philly...
You heard it Huck they will be there..LOL!!!!
but...um....you ARE coming to Philly. right? okay okayokay yeah you told me,
CT buddies.
Sunday Philly then. (big grinny smile)
i need it
Right there with you Huck. There was a preponderance of "jamooks" there last night yelling constantly, spilling beer and arguing about stupid shit. We had a full blown domestic incident near us between a phrilly leather jacket muscle head and his feathered hair, platinum blonde babe. The two had to be thrown out during Viola when their physical altercation spilled into the isle. Albany scene was MUCH better. The show was pretty good though, nice highlights and very spacey. Where I was sound was decent.
hey, i liked the place filled with jamooks last night! was in albany, thought it was a younger crowd up there personally.
The jamook issue I bet is really about the Front orch seats in the greater metro
area. Scalpers....
see, in ALbany I was with mellow mailorder people.
All around me in Jersey were people who bought those seats....from WHO?
NOW - lots of good folks around me too...but it only takes one loudmouth to
make a HUGE impression
just thank you god that it was a workday
glad to see so many scalpers in a PANIC last night. and you know how i feel
about that front row thing. 106 was THE BOMB! right off the floor, phils side
and a 15' aisle.
I know, Greg, see that's where I used to end up when I had seats in section
wow that was something
(I feel like I should start talking the tunes or someone will come in here
and bust my ass)
tell me about the Music Never. I was there...but I was IN IT...I just remember
loving it and I love Music Never so it must have been divine. ....tell me about
the rainbow full of sound.....
and when bobby starts going
"Ain't it Crazy!" and everyone goes
That was fun.
aint it crazy?
dewit, I agree pretty much completely with your comments
great Estimated, great first set, although they were flat until NFA kicked in...strawberry
fields a highlight for me...not everyone seems to like sugar mags, but I thought
it was very nicely done, and didn't even mind the touch encore (but
did use it as a means to beat the crowd out!)...I guess we'll get the
help in hartford...see you all there
Huck, SI: I was in 201 the whole 2nd period, too bad we didn't connect
paul...I was lame (hangs head) and did NOT get up there.
hartford for sure.
Honestly, I'm not sure how one gets out of the floor and up into the stands....and
I was of no mind to figger it.....
"SI I was in 201 the whole 2nd period"
if i knew this, i would have went and got him down 106.
Kikkoman!! You get intanet in Canada?
Dude you would have loved this show. The drummers carry the flame. Phil is the
leader of the band. The boys are back...
rob truly....at one point I DO remember jumping up and down screaming
you zoners would have laughed.
greg, you missed my point: I was telling SI and Huck that we were up in 201 for the whole Hunter set
":" means ":"
sorry about that paul.
didnt see you, or the hat all night.
Hey greg it was nice bumping into you last nite but now i got a cold this morning.LOL,An old friend called at the last minute with tickets Im so glad I went now I'm really Siked for PHILLY,and MSG.WoooHooooo.
dude, your kidding me right?
im so sorry man. I blame it on the wookies up in albany. TOUR FLU! sucks.
let's debunk a myth right now: even if greg gave you his cold, it wouldn't hit you for a few days. nice try!
Dont kiss me in Hartford man!
but in Philly?
couldn't resist
com'ere carlin.
Dr. Pauls right here dan. Everyone shouldn't be getting sick until Philly,
my guess. So, i guess im going to be hard to find in philly. HAHA! LOL! sorry,
shit, that sucks!
Oh man I wish I went to Jersey!!!! Were there sound problems? So far of the 3 shows Ive seen Albany was the best sounding, but I was pretty close to the source. The Boston shows reminded me of the shows I'd seen in the past when the Dead would start out at a lower volume and build it up eventually cranking in the second set. Although Boston never got that loud??? Was this the case at Meadowlands? I've got a cold, has to be from 3 days outside in the Cold rain and snow. Have to get better fast. Sunday afternoon I'm going to Rent in NYC then back again on Tuesday for the MSG show. Thinking about hitting Philly Saturday night and driving into the city from there. Bad memories of Philly kept me from adding it to my list, but as always it looks like the Music will win out!
Just Kidding, You seem real cool man sorry I didnt hook up with you later maybe?Philly?
who else has the tour flu? its killing me.
Does Susan play also, or does she just sing?
I thought the sound was louder in Jersey than in Albany, but it was clearer in Albany. Still a great time at both shows! Hartford, Philly, MSG still to come, can't wait. I've just got to push on through work today. That Strawberry Fields was a special delivery for the Zoners.
Real quick, then I REALLY gotta go....
Last night's show was blistering. Regarding the sound "problems",
I did think the volume could have been louder, but then again, I like my music
really LOUD....we were in the back (sec 1 on those aluminum thingies)
LOVED the set list and the way they mixed up the first set, never in a million
years, would I have guessed any of that...
I thought they played brilliantly but I am so happy to be a part of it I am
sure I am not very discriminating. I'll take pretty much anything and be
very satisfied and grateful...but last night was something special.
Pretty decent dancin space and pretty great neighborhood cept for that old security
guy who kept telling us to clear the aisles cause "This is NOT a dance studio!"
(swear to God) We're (Althea, Trishthedish - lurking zoner and
best friend, and and I) are like laughing and DANCING our asses off....(yea
us and the WHOLE place. That line was classic but he was a friggin annoying
pain in the ass.)
Sorry for the little digression...
Turns out we are exactly right next to Zoners Danielle and John and right in
fron of Kevin Dancerdude and his very nice girl Cindy Lou. At break we met up
w/Gregschmegg, Dewit, Taperrob, and several others. Very nice to put faces to
names and personalities. Kind of weird though, losing that anonymity, but nonetheless,
very cool.
I am very impressed with the people here, it is a pleasure making everyone's
acquaintance, both personally and cyberally.
And....special thanks to YOU, my new friend Althea (all your base are belong
to ME),...sounds like I am writing my academy award acceptance speech. You
are a NUT and I am so happy we "found" each other...another crazy 40ish
mom person. NO CHAPERONES!!! Just gotta get Trish to start posting. Many more
shows and adventures to come. Thanks for driving up to your neck of the woods
BTW, it helped alot.
Anwyay...it was a night to remember, I loved everything about it.
Oh one more thing, I think Jerry must be really happy!!! (I know he was
there last night)
I forgot some stuff. Meeting all the new faces, you women rock...sorry, I missed
saying goodbye, but Headlight was on the phone...
I will only speak for myself, because most of you have it out for whom I am
about to speak.
There was no security last night. I was asked politely to please put my butt
out. I was never asked to put anything else out. They were pleasant, helpful,
kept the aisles clear but not empty...no patdown coming in...nothing. The kindest
scene I have ever experienced at an indoor large venue.
Huck...they close the beer down between 10 and 10:30. Always have right around
that D>S thing.
To my date...thank you for everything...your kindness, warmth, personality,
your goodness. Thank you for being my friend, and thank you for sharing this
music with me. It really does mean much more than you know. Also glad the "children"
loved you. I got the lowdown from the mutual buddies after I left home. Without
you and the other dude, I wouldn't be part of this craziness. MSG awaits,
I wish you were going to Hartford and Philadelphia with us. So big huge hugs
and a call soon enough.
Greg, so nice to see you and Beth...and Paul, we agree on something...actually,
we agree on the important thing...the rest is just life. Better to share the
fun than the mundane, right.
Back to work...
Dancin' to Sugar Mag...I haven't felt this good since...'95.
right on dewit..
that was fun!
It was a magic nite indeed.
Didnt get to meet up with any zoners
but I'll change that in Philly.
Vocals were a lil low but the music rocked.
GDTS hooked me up with sweet seats on Jimmy's side. Had a great view when
Susan played Jimmy's guitar. Man, that was cool as hell!!!!!!
Only disappointment:
Susan didnt sing on Music Never Stopped. I think she ROCKS and coulda used a
lil ooooooooo-ooooooooo-oooooooooo on Music.
Great show, security was non-existent inside.
Even outside after they busted the tank guys, one yellow jacket walked by me,
looked at my beer (cleverly disguised in a cup) and gave me a wink.
Part of me was cringing as I waited for the Gestapo to swarm, but to my suprise
the security guard tells me "Its in a cup, you have garbage bags out, no
worries dude."
Made my nite, ESPECIALLY at the Byrne where I have many bad memories of over-zealous
security guards.
All in all a MAGICAL nite, and I even got to pick up my "Be Good Family"
shirt on shakedown.
What more can ya ask for? BRING ON PHILLY!!!!!!
>>>How did King Bee compare...
I thought Pig would have been proud.
My first TOO show, so my objectivity will be limited. On the way home I kept
thinking what a great time to be a Deadhead. Our scene is crackling with the
healthiest, most positive energy in the 25+ years I've been around it.
Just keep bringin it on, boys.
right on, Lisa
and thank goodness someone remembered to talk about Susan playing Jimmy's guitar...that was cool as hell is right!
This show definitely had some breakouts, a certain playfulness, and some great
musical moments. Very exciting visually with Bobby and Susan. Shows in New Jersey
bring people together from all around and one friend of mine unexpectedly ran
into a bunch of old friends and had a great time. Having not seen any Dead incarnation
for a while, he also loved the music and danced his ass off. That's what
these shows are about: hanging with your peeps and running into to folks you
haven't seen for years, sharing the camaraderie and love with your fellow
man and woman. And also just seeing the original four on stage having a good
time. Comparing it with, say, P&F at PNC Arts Center, a well-oiled machine
in a comfortable venue with good seating and great sound, it's a whole different
ballgame. The emphasis here is on fun. That's not to say there weren't
a lot of musical highlights.
Someone said Susan brings a lot of energy to the stage. No question. Maybe that's
why Bobby never, ever looks at Herring.
And, man, she broke everyone up when she played killer guitar from behind Jimmy
(WHO WAS IN ON IT?). Bob Weir kicked unbelievable ass on Sugar Magnolia.
Very serious Bobby, strutting and strumming. That's when the show finally
attained the 'hyper-energy' someone talked about, like a Phil Golden
Road-closer with the added dimension of Bobby and Susan. And Bobby kicked serious
ass on it. The strange thing is, the crowd wasn't going that wild. That
little stretch of King Bee>Viola>Rub>Viola was a whole lot of fun.
Viola was nothing like Phil's version but King Bee and The Rub WERE EXCELLENT.
King Bee had a great bluesy feel, and The Rub harked back to the old Dead with
the spotlight on Bobby this time. He sang it very well, as he did She Belongs
To Me and The Eleven. However, I didn't think the first set ever took off
until Bertha >Fire. Fire was especially solid--I actually liked Mickey a
lot--and Jimmy played some real Jerry-sounding leads. But here's an observation:
if you're expecting a lot of the sick, twisted, triple-speed flurries of
notes we've come to expect from Jimmy Herring, the only place that occurred
last night was after Scarlet. He sticks to the script more here. Still good.
Remember when he says in the Philzone interview that P&F gigs are "extremely
satisfying to me musically." I wonder if he'd say the same about this
outfit. He didn't smile much (except when Susan came over) and Bobby
just ignores him. I'm not trying to compare these bands, but you don't
have near the number of deep jams and songs teases with these guys either. Thought
I heard a No More Do I jam after Strawberry Fields (which was VERY good),
and a couple of other teases but nothing like the way Phil's band twists
and turns through all different things. That's okay. These guys are good
too (but need a little more time to gel). And Phil's band can't
match the energy they dispalyed in Sugar Mags. It was a thrill to see Mickey
and Billy playing together again. The drum segment was nice.
Here's the main problem. Not wanting to be negative, I waited till the end.
Meadowlands with that cavernous ceiling. There are not very many speakers and
there all suspended so high up, if you're on the floor the sound just wafts
over you. Believe me, where we were the sound should have been tremendous but
quite honestly it sucked. We checked up top, on the side, everywhere, and I'd
say the best sound was to be found in the taper's section, or just forward
of it. Thus, when these discs come out, you all will have better sound for repeated
listenings in your living room than we had right up front on the floor! The
visuals were great though with Susan center stage. She rocks! Let her play some
Hunter: Never caught him this summer, and the last time I heard him was probably
some version of Tiger Rose or Promontory Rider tacked on at the end of a tape.
I was mightily impressed. No longer that low roar, his voice sounds, if I may
say, a bit like Jerry's now. And his version of Wharf Rat...My God. IF ONLY
the Dead had done it that way (faster!).
Ok, let's see... a strong show all over, esp. THE RUB! Rubbity-dubbity dub... good seein' some of the Zone representin' in 201, all too brief, though! Where are we meeting up for MSG? BTW, I thought the jam after Strawberry Fields was more of an Elenor Rigby-type thing, just without the melody, but still very trippy and cool... and what was up with the State Police INSIDE the venue? Yikes!
Hey Brunz,
Elenor Rigby..
Funny man, paul was saying the same thing while jimmy was playing it.
>>The jamook issue I bet is really about the Front orch seats in the
greater metro area. Scalpers....
see, in ALbany I was with mellow mailorder people.
Okay, I get it now. No wonder the sound wasn't directed there. And the lights
were on the whole time!!!
Just A Jimook (whatever it means)
>>Just A Jimook
Steve Jimook used to play with Phil, but then they had a falling out so he just
plays with his own band now
>>Funny man, paul was saying the same thing
Of course! Grate(ful) minds think alike... ain't it crazy?
I think i'm actually too tired to write a mini review! GOt home at like
1:30, sleep by 2, up by 5:30, work all day.. UGH UGH UGH:....but well worth
Estimated, Jimmy Herring, Viola, Susan T, new Zoner meetings, FUN FUN FUN. I'll
write more later, i'm sure. Dewit, you look just like your picture in the
apple grove! Lets meet for coffee, muzak, talk!
Other highlights were meeting Dancindude (Kevin) and beautiful Cindy
Lou and his kind handsome bro, meeting Taperrob, Greggshmegg, Dsugaree, and
most of all---->> hangin out with Peglet (watch out for Peggy Lacy
virus) and Trishthedish! I am so very very lucky that i get to have so much
fun again.
"And the music played the band.. listen here it comes again!"
Can't wait for the spectrum then cleveland, pittsburgh, and detroit. the show at Albany was real tight. I have not noticed any loudness problems but I was right next to the floor in albany. Really state police inside the venue at meadowlands??
I had a great time last night at this show, my first TOO show ever. The lot
was fun as hell, and I got inside right as they took the stage. Playin'
was a nice start, and I've always loved She Belongs To Me. NFA > The
Eleven really got me charged for the rest of the night. The entire first set
rocked, despite some problems I had with overcrowding in my section (120)
We moved
to the upper level for the second set, which had much more dancing space
Music Never Stopped was perfect, and King Bee and The Rub were pleasant surprises.
Susan playing Jimmy's guitar was SICK. Sugar Magnolia and Touch of Grey
were nice too. Overall it was an excellent night, chill security, good tunes,
how much better does it get?
Gary, are you Gary L? I am a close fried of Rob S of Brooklyn. He said you were
kind of doing the tour.
The State Police were standing in the tunnel by Sec 6 scanning the crowd. All
the while these teenagers were smokin J after J right in front of them. Smokeys
enjoying the smokin' show.
Totally agree with the drunk, complaining, not listening, talking over the music,
spilling beer and yelling"Greatful Fucking Dead!" assholes who can ruin
a good thing. Remember the crap from '95. That was them.
Seems there are fewer of those guys at TOO.
Looking forward to hometown Philly shows. Cozy and many more people dancing
in Philly.
...all good things, all good time! Damn, the old farts (like me) were out and about showing their jollies. MSG, now, MSG is going to be the gathering I never dreamed would ever go down. My oldest friend, 37 years...my old school, new Philzoners, employers, ex employers, the IT gathering, but I have to say, last evening, was a good time all around. Fix the separation and the sound issue should dissapate...Hartford for a really fun time with new friends, and Philly for the cheese of it.
I had to add something to this board. I went last night w/ no expectations.
Just wanted to be near the music and the folks..U know what I am saying.. I
need it..This culture needs it. That is what made last night so special to me.
THe music wuz outstanding last night n left me with that o so familar feeling...
Where can I get tickets for the next show? Not an old man..36.. it has been
years since I felt this way.. So that being said, what a surprise for me.. Jimmy
really played well last night..Fav part for me was when susan tedeschi grabbed
ahold of Mr Herring during one of his leads..Going along for the ride she wuz..
So ALl of ya - Blessingz ! It wuz good to be with all of u again
Tears of joy
hi to all
truly enjoyed the show in nj
met some old friends
met mountain girl
songs were good
sound system goes over a good portion of the floor level
you really need to be back by the soundboard for the best sound
songs were diverse
covered all the bases
strawberry fields was great
just like plq at alpine
bertha ruled
susan was good. give her time. it is hard when each night is different songs.
sound could be a little better and maybe louder
it was bluesy, jazzy, spacey, rock depending on the song or the flow
jimmy can move those fingers
monday night jazz is dead at bottom line
tuesday at msg
who could ask for more
I agree the band is great, but regretfully, like so many messages on the board, the sound, imho, is mediocre at best. Albany was the only exception. Strange, because the summer tour sounded so much better, especially the P&F shows. I find it particularly frustrating, as it is clear the band is rocking, but you can't hear the vocals clearly, the keyboards are faint unless Rob & Jeff are slamming the keys, Bobby is almost non-existent in the mix, only Phil is present most of the time, and thankfully, you can hear Jimmy virtually anywhere when he steps up. I know because I combed the venues during the shows to try to find a place where you could really hear. It's clearly state of the art equipment. What gives?
From sec. 107, sound was fine w/the exception of ST's voice and BW's
guitar. Security very reasonable, though I had a heart-stopper on the way in.
Breast pocket of my denim jacket: small bit o' kind on the bottom, behind
my lighter. Ciggy pack on top of those. Yellow shirt askes me to remove the
pack. Will he look in it or under it? Opens the mostly full pack and peeks behind
the foil. His fellow muscle-head takes a look and says, "AW, still a virgin."
Everything gets 'crotched' from now on.
Funniest shirt of the night: Short squat dude with lots of shoulders 'n
arms and no neck walks by me and the back of his shirt reads:
"Its a goon thing. You wouldn't understand."
Sorry not to meet up with you 'Zoners. Actually made it up to 201 but had
an already bad headache (WTF??? I never get headaches!!!) increase in
intensity and skull area and headed back to my seat. Bummer. Neither butts,
beer or kind helped. Not even the super-kind (much thanks to the happy dude
from the Merriweather area for the 'Albany-lot nug'. Very sweet!)
Hope to see some of at the Garden. Along with Warren!!!
I saw Susan do the reach around solo last month w/ Col. Bruce. Since Jimmy is
an ex comrade of the Col, he is probably familiar with it....looks like something
Susan and Col. had done more than once.
Sorry about sound, but if it sounds good anywhere it might as well be the taper
section. Who is doing sound anyway?
Long Live Cracker Jim!
nothing like a good reach around...
here's what the local rag had to say:
(Love Minus Zero? don't worry, I already straightened his ass out!)
"love minus zero."
nice one paul. Someone should also tell this fish that technically the first
time GD surviving members reunited on a NY area stage was last falls UBC benifit
at the beacon.
No billy, greg.
I heard a guy in the bathroom yelling about the great Queen Jane. Oh well, maybe he couldn't hear either.
well scroto,
i would actually understand queen jane more then if he was yelling love minus
zero. I mean, if the guy only heard a few notes before hitting the head, the
first few, the two songs do sound alike (queen J-She Belongs To Me).
Agreed. I wouldn't mind hearing love minus zero though, it even has a roses reference for the faithful.
the reviewer responds:
--- Jim Farber wrote:
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:11:00 -0500
To: Paul
From: "Jim Farber"
Subject: RE: Other Ones review
Whoopsie. A major error on the Dylan front. But I did like the version, actually.
Thanks for writing in. And for reading in the first place.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul at INTERNET
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 8:09 AM
To: Farber, Jim
Subject: Other Ones review
I generally liked your review (recognizing it was intended for the uninitiated),
but must point out that the Dylan cover was "She Belongs To Me" and
also that, while the GD always performed Dylan songs enthusiastically, She Belongs
To Me was rather flat the other night.
>>Someone should also tell this fish that technically the first time
GD surviving members reunited on a NY area stage was last falls UBC benifit
at the beacon.
technically, it was only 2 of the 4 at the Beacon. so he's right in the
article when he says
"Wednesday's show marked the first time the four key surviving members
of the Dead reunited on a New York-area stage under their new name, the Other
yeah, 3 of 4 would have been '98, I think
"test me test(((((((bwaaaaawn)))))))why
don't you arrest me"
Show was so damn good I pulled a Wednesday c ya Friday.
Could not be happier with the first set. As soon as those old familiar chords
to Not Fade sparked up it was evident that the swamp was gonna rock. The spaced
lyrics in Estimated where interesting. Mr. Herring really has stepped it up...been
training my ears to become accustomed to Jimmy outside off the dueling guitar
set up. Old Sunshine shines from within.
The Eleven was "the dogs bollocks" and more. I was told that I had my
eyes closed with my head doing figure eights....all I know is that my spirit
could not have been soaring any higher. The Box of Rain to follow up was just
plain beautiful....so beautiful in fact that I forgot all about my promise to
throw a beer in Mickey's face during "Fire Rap"...it wasn't
nearly as bad as the other two I've endured. The Meadowlands...home of the
hated Gints and Devils...ordinarily such an ugly place transformed into to Heaven
on a very sweet night.
alright, I've been resisting this, but the gauntlet has been thrown down:
I have an annual wager with my bud who's a skins fan on which team has the
better record, Giants or Skins; you care to up my ante? straight up, no handicaps
Given the fact that Wuerffel has just been named our starter...uhhhhh...again, that's a pretty tall order. He'll have his ass benched by the time we meet head to head. I'll take your action on Gints/Skins at Fed Ex 12/8...name your bet. I'm down for whatevaa, as they say out here on the Wrong Island.
OK, but no straight up action on a single game, especially at DC; let's
see where the line is
you gonna be at MSG?
Right on Sly. Nice to see some brethren here. There are a few others around
these parts who understand the light of being a Skin fan.
I'll be at Philly Sat. and could not be more fired up about MSG...it's
been far to long since Phil's graceful bass has bounced off those walls.
I don't mind if it gets expensive but I like to keep it fun..perhaps making
you wear my Cap jersey to a Ranger game. Trust me, it gets intense.
>>>Someone should also tell this fish that technically the first
time GD surviving members reunited on a NY area stage was last falls UBC benifit
at the beacon.
technically, it was only 2 of the 4 at the Beacon. so he's right in the
article when he says
"Wednesday's show marked the first time the four key surviving members
of the Dead reunited on a New York-area stage under their new name, the Other
Don't forget the three of them together in '98.
yeah, well.....he still sucks.
"Yes, I have been pummeled by the outraged masses. Deservedly so.
Anyway, thanks for the encouraging words. And I agree that Rob is a
singer. I wish I found the space to mention it."
The dude is nice enough...I suggested he check Philzone.com for accurate setlists
before he wrote his articles...
THIS VENUE WAS THE ( @ ) ( @ ) TITS!!!!!!!!!!