Real high hopes for this one.. Hartford has always been special for the Boys,
and Phil has ripped through here the past 4 years. The first TOO tour with Kimmock
here was sweet, and Susan T and Hunter should contribute to make this an incredible
spacey night.. and they have a day off before the show..
Also, Derek will be playing Hartford on 11/21 and he doesn't have a show for another few days after it....
I dunno, I don't really see a lot of special guests at this stage...but what the hell do I know?
and TOO has the 21st off...i've been hearing from people who are in the know that Jimmy and Susan will be at the DTB show, possibly more, but probably not....Plenty of tickets still available for DTB @ The Webster...early show, most'll be home with plenty of time to sleep up for the TOO gig.
In the "let's not start unnecessary rumors" department, Derek is
in Maine on Friday night. I wouldn't get my hopes up on seeing him in Hartford:
ted...i dont think anyone was starting unnecessary rumors...Huck maybe missed a tourdate or something...and I'm just reporting the obvious...even Jeff and Dean on the Jam Nation show asked Derek if Jimmy and Susan were coming over.
>>>>and Phil has ripped through here the past 4 years.
Actually, Phil has been in HFD 3 times.
As for him 'ripping' it up there, the 2000 show with Phil & Feat
was the worst P&F show most people have seen.....
The next 2 were REAL good, like Phil was trying to make up for 2000.
So, as lists come in tonight, I see an Other One, hopefully Help > Slip
>Franklins & Lazy Lightning > Supplication
Yeah, I see the same. I hope they do a Other One suite. Hartford is going to rock!
I am glad yall are having a good one. I am stuck working for the man(and woman). The setlist's look tasty. Regardless of people's perception, the fact TOO's are evn playing the music is good enough for me. I hope I can catch somw shows down in Oaktown or New Year's.
Actually hope they don't do the Other One, not that it wouldn't be great
to hear, but just to avoid another form of the predictable set list trap. Play
everthing you have before you repeat is yet another constraining formula.
I want to be surprised, not be at another show where you know a Bobby cowboy
song is next and your pretty sure what it is, so screw with our heads and don't
haul out the Other One yet, make it 2 blues nights in a row or some such.
Please Cryptical>Other One>Cryptical, maybe Cryptical>Other One>Drumz>Space>Cryptica? I also am agreeing that we will see Help>Slip>Franklins I think it is one of Phil (and Rob and Jimmys) favorites to play judging from the PLF versions just hope they dont break it up like PLF does and jam the whole thing together. If 7/21/01 and 7/18/02 are any way to judge Hartford (not to mention 10/15/83) than it will be a very fun night from Row 5, still thinking about that 2nd set in Boston, will see all of my 15,000 friends there...
Did Bucky request a Bob tune???..LOL!!!
As I said yesterday morning, NFA is a given at all NJ/NY area gigs, but glad
to see that it took on a different placement in the set list.
Bertha>Fire was a nice touch to a jammy first set.
Anyone with any predictions on the Hartford show?
NO Sugar Mag
NO Dark Star
NO Viola
NO Stephen
NO Playin'
NO Bertha
Hey wiz...But you'll get Help>Slip>Frank...
Damn it!!!! Enjoy!!! Nice double up trust
me...Roanoke it did kick ass...
And a Music too...
Lazy Lightning
Hard Too Handle....
awwww crap..
Soooo good to be seeing the dead again!!!!!!!!! albany was good.. boston better..hartford more of the same I am sure!! HELP>SLIP>PASSENGER? just a thought have fun!
Attics encore?
really just stoked to be there!!
Hey GCarlin
They played Music to open 2nd set at the Swamp (NJ). Any news on setlists
I'm bettin' on a Brokedown Palace in there somewhere's... these guys got plenty up there sleeves... they may bust out Cardboard Cowboy or something....
Tom Thumb Blues
easy wind
high time
and we bid you goodnite
Brokedown-ill be weepy
Born crossed eyed
other one
hard to handle
midnight hour
feel like a stranger
probably some mickey tune! :-(
fritz, I think a lot of those predictions are right on - I'm really hoping
for some of the old stuff they did the first couple of shows of this tour (cross-eyed,
see y'all tonight
My 2 Cents:
Greatest Story Ever Told
Hard To Handle
Broken Arrow
Only The Strange Remain
Here Comes Sunshine
Born Cross Eyed
Keep on Growin'
Samson and Delilah
Help On The Way
Franklin's Tower
Throwing Stones
US Blues
Does anyone know what time they are comeing on tonight???? 7:00 or 7:30????
tix say 730
Not sure about it but I think it would sound pretty sweet with Susan
I know a lot of people dont care for it but
how about
"the Last time"
King Solomon's Marbles
yeah fritz,
-like king bee blues.
I sure hope this fucking cold clears up. Im dying over here. Was ready to pull
the chord this morning, till beth compassionately rolled over in bed and called
i bet that made you feel real good!! lol
>>>King Solomon's Marbles
Im claiming it for MSG....Sorry folks..LOL!!! But I really love the jam more
than anything...Phil
left me out....Other Ones MSG PLEASE I beg....
Philly would be nice..But thats a MSG jam
if I ever heard...
>>pull the chord this morning, till beth compassionately rolled over
in bed and called me a BIG PUSSY!
Glad to see Beth calls em like she see's em....
Hey man I got your cold but I aint bailing for
Saturday Philly....Suck it up grab some hot cider
at the show..LOL!!!
"calls em like she see's em.... "
-true love, shine on me,
BIG PUSSY indeed...
in any case, you better not bail...sleep the whole ride up; it won't really
be any different for Beth than when you're passed out hammered and she's
doing all the driving!
any chance you can go home sick early?
workin on that paul...
Ticket says on that to 7:45.
roll call:
greg (a/k/a THE BIG PUSSY)
Paul...see you there...redo of the NJ 201 mishap?
AND....BETH!!!! You know how I feel about Pussy in the derogatory - UNACCEPTABLE....
Greg, get in the motherfreaking car.
yeah, I really like the idea of using the Hunter set (a/k/a the second period)
as a time to go hang out w/peeps; my only complaint about the other night was
why hang in the hot, crowded thoroughfare where you can barely hear the music?
those of us who went in to 201 had plenty of room to hang out, were unmolested
by security, it was much cooler, and had some nice background music. anyone
know the sections at the HCC well enough to pick one?
as re. "THE BIG PUSSY" you would really hate hangin with the Brits,
who use the word "cunt" as we would "jerk" or "asshole"
Based on the set lists so far and the repeats I've seen....Tonight calls
for the Help>Slip>Frank maybe even another Shakedown....I also agree
a Here Comes Sunshine is coming soon..I believe they may wait for Philly to
bust out the Samson.
I'm a HUGE fan of the Sailor>Saint so I'm pulling for that combo.
As long as Im in the door and groovin' to the tunes...whatever comes our
way I'll be smiling!!!!
Peace all!
Have fun!
Hey great pre show place Black-Eyed Sally's two blocks from the show. Good
shakeyshakey shakin it down
don't tell me THIS town
aint got
wondering about that sailor could does seem possible...each
venue could get one unique breakout....
(paul...communique through Greg....bc he IS coming...we will all meet. PS
- get my email? oh, and a "CUNT" is acceptable vocab indeed....a hugely
diff animal from the "pussy", I mean, if we're getting technical....)
>"CUNT" is acceptable vocab indeed....
Oooohhhh yeeeaahhh...that's what I'm talkin' 'bout..
Back to the show...............
Meeting: Figure at worst. backstage between sets out in the lighted corridor.
You'll see me, 7th row (first set anyway), in front of Jimmy, grey
Team Phil shirt & shorts..
Peace, Bucky
livin on [robitussin], vitamin C, and cocaine...all her friends can say aint it a shame
WHAT Show?
BIG PUSSY is going.
If not for the show, to hand over this cold too Dr. Paul.
Half time meeting spot is in order here. AND EVERYONE MUST SHOW. im not risking
life and limb for a bunch of no shows. Key, i expect to see you and buckman
w/ smiles. Somebody name a section...any section, pick one. One on the second
floor if there is a second floor, so everyone with floor seats can get their
too. It worked great in Albany/SWAMP. Lets try it again.
ill have tye-dye/yankoff hat on as usual.
I'm calling for Mason's Children and Keep on Growin' Tonight. Enjoy the show!!!!
Behind the Stage in the lighted Corridor, at the Break, should Work.
But that's just me talkin', I'm not sure what everyone else has
in mind.
And no worries Greg, with my plans for the Evening, I'm sure I'll be
good deal key, name a section....any section? because its easier to hang-out on the stairs. Better to pull out passer-bys too.
Behind 109..110...would be ok, I guess.
right. 109-110 it is.
see ya there for hunters set.
gotcha, Huck
got your email and have the data in hand! see ya later
I'm there with my daughter and friend.
Way up in 203 if we stay in our official seats.
109-110 it is.
Opener-Stranger, the boys are off and running...
throw me a bone. what did they play?
throw me a bone. how 'bout some setlists
This comes directly from a reliable source just right of the soundboard...
Set One:
Feel Like a Stranger>
Dire Wolf>
Only the Srange Remain>
Black Throated Wind>
New Speed Way Boogie>
Lots of Jamming
Super Sick
Details Later
Set Two: Jam> Unbroken Chain> Big Boss Man (ST)* > Casey Jones*> Help On The Way*> Slipknot!> Drums> Space> Knockin On Heaven's Door*> Hard to Handle*> Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower* E: Truckin*
Oh man. They played some tunes I hope are just practice for the Spectrum!! Eyes, Mason's and the kicker, Hard to Handle!!! That must have gotten a little nuts!
I just read the setlist for tonight's show and I have chills. I'm on my way from Breckenridge via Denver on Sunday to catch MSG on tuesday. I just can't wait! Alpine Valley was a highlight of my summer and it sounds like nobody is disappointing this fall.
The Jelly Setlist: (Thank You Dewit)
11.22.2002 Hartford Civic Center SET 1>Feel Like A Stranger*,Dire Wolf*,
Jelly>Only The Strange Remain*>Jelly >BTW*+ >Eyes*>
New Speedway*>Mason's Children* (end of set).... *=w/Susan,+=Bob@
jelly=jam - you had to be there...
SET 2 Jelly>Unbroken Chain>Jelly>Big Boss Man*>Casey Jones*>Help
on the Way*>Slip.!!>Drumz>Susan doing an Enya thing during latter
half of Drumz>Space>Jelly>Knockin on Heavens Door*>Jelly>Hard
to Handle>Jelly>Slip!>Franklin's E: Truckin'.... *=w/Susan
Well, we weren't there, so what's with the jelly?
I'm probably one of the first one home! Great show tonight. It is always
nice when it is in your backyard. First set highlights: Feel Like A Stranger
was played very well - Lots of Feel!!
DireWolf - pretty straight forward. Strange Remain - we knew we would get some
Mickey as Dire Wolf was ending He stood up and moved the mike into place and
I knew we were in for it. Actually had some nice spacey jamming in it. BTW -
Bobby played accoustic, this song always comes off nicely. Eyes was Eyes beautiful
in all aspects. New Speedway had a nice bluesy feel to it. I though the set
would be over but they continued on this jam that ended up being Masons. It
is clear that these guys have not worked on this much - it took them awhile
to figure out went to start singing and the ending came out of mowhere - it
just stopped and everyone kind of looked at each other and said"that's
it?" It was played at a very high pace - I think a little quiker thatn P&F
do it. Nonetheless it was well payed and very enjoyable.
I started to listen to Hunter but just couldn't stomach it. excellent songwriter,
horrible performer!
I thought they were going to do While My Guitar gently Weeps to start the set,
the jam didn't last very long and soon it was clear we were getting our
Unbroken Chain - nice surprise. Susan finally got to shine a little on Big Boss
Man (they need to turn her UP) nice vocalization with Bobby at the end,
Casey Jones was sweet and rockin, Nice jam into Help!!! Ct shows lately have
been full of help/Slip/Franklins, but I don't think we would ever turn it
down and this did not let us down. Drumz was nice, there was a mellow jammy
part when Susan came out and did some vocalizing to the Drumz - verry Sweet!!
Knockin was somewhat of a let down. All day I was talkin about Hard to Handle
and we got it. like Mason's, the boys need to work this out a little. Jam
into Slipknot and Franklins to finish. Phil did hid donor rap and the they played
Truckin' nicley done with a little different ending than we may be used
Overall a strong show. Susan looks like she wants to do more out there (
i.e Guitar ) she sure looks good out there!
One cool thing I saw : I was in section 114 right on the Jimmy's side of
the stage and there were a bunch of deaf people at the show and a woman signed
the entire shos for these folks - quite a sight.
Did Susan sing on Black Throated Wind?
I don't think so. I think she left the stage for it. She kind of comes and goes.
Set list looks hot with as few extra nuggets. Was hoping to see many of those
songs at NJ, PA, NY . I hope they come around again by Tuesday.
Stranger, BTW, NSWB, Masons. Help Slip Franks and Rob does a great job on Casey
Jones. Susan must have ripped Boss Man it's all good . Cant wait until PHILie.
Looks like we will get Broken Arrow, Lost Sailor Saint and a Golden Road at
the Spectrum. COOL!
>>>>>Casey Jones was sweet and rockin, Nice jam into Help!!!
Actually, they stopped Casey jones & immediately started Help. NO jam whatsoever
between the 2 songs.
OK, Back to reality after Tuesday.
Was it a bad show?
No, the playing was good, but, it failed the eargasm test.
In other words, I did not feel blown away.
On Tuesday, I could barely talk to Mrs B on the phone afterwards, I was so 'high'
from the music. And, I'm drug free (except for some pain meds for my
various ailments).
The kinder, gentler Mrs B also agreed that she failed to acheive eargasm........
Tonight, well it just seemed very 'regular'.
The strangers around me that I heard afterwards seemed to feel the same way.
One guy, a row behind me, said, "I saw the Dead for 18 years. What was THIS?
They better rock out on the encore."
First set highlights:
Eyes, played fast.
Mason's, almost too fast, but I was looking forward to hearing this song
stay in the rocking mode instead of spacing out of it so quickly like P&F
They didn't disappoint, but it ended rather abruptly. Somebody said Phil
broke a string, I don't know, but it did end funny.
2nd set started out promising, UBC was very good, & gave way to the first
of 2 long Let It Grow teases, 3 or 4 minutes each, with both dissolving into
Blues songs. Man, I hope they get over this blues thing just because Susan is
Big Boss Man. Well, not bad, but I'd prefer the tempo to be like '71
Casey Jones, Bob cut short the ending before it got a chance to get faster &
When they started Help, I knew Slipknot was going to go into drums & they'd
end the show with the end of Slipknot > Franklin's.
I guess this part of Slipknot was about 5 minutes, & as soon as they left
Slipknot, they were into the drums.
Drums were good.
They did that bit with Susan, then Mickey got serious on the big drums on the
The drummers left tonight during space, & the space was much more remeniscent
of typical Dead post drums space, nothing special.
A quick but clear St Stephen quote, then Knockin' on Heaven's Door,
Bob's answer to Stella......
I guess it was OK if that's your cup of tea.
Then, we got another big Let It Grow tease, followed by Hard To Handle.
Good, but not post drums material IMHO.
Then, some jamming, & Phil did a clear Dark Star quote - I bet GeeWiz loved
that - & they headed back into Slipknot, the best segment of the night after
UBC. It was good.
Franklin's, oh God, I never thought I say this, but, it was B-O-R-I-N-G.
It was so sloooooow, I couldn't believe it.
They go & play Eyes twice as quick as P&F, & Franklin's half
as fast as P&F.
Truckin' was a nice surprise as the encore, but they seemed like they struggled
to get the handle on the 'build-up' at the end. Pretty perfunctory,
yet good when you consider it was an encore.
As good as Tuesday was, & it WAS as good as ANY P&F show I've seen,
tonight just as much showed me the other side of the coin that says in BIG,
BOLD letters:
Jelly comes from the chat discussion that there are too many "jams" listed in the setlist. My solution was to call "jam" - "jelly". I hope that clears that up.
Good show at the civic. Mellow crowd and venue. I thought the first set was
stronger than the second. Eyes was spectacular. Phil, extra chunky.
Chimenti seems like a really nice guy, but I think he's cluttering up the
works. Susan should be out ALL THE TIME. I'm sure she'd tear up a Jerry
ballad and let the girl play slide on a couple of tunes!
Jimmy is a demon.
Sounds guys: TURN IT UP!
To bed.
Well, well.
My review saying this show wasn't that good has strangely disappeared..........
I think I edited some spelling & forgot to save the message.
Let's see..................
>>>>>Casey Jones was sweet and rockin, Nice jam into Help!!!
Actually, they stopped Casey jones & immediately started Help. NO jam whatsoever
between the 2 songs.
OK, Back to reality after Tuesday.
Was it a bad show?
No, the playing was good, but, it failed the eargasm test.
In other words, I did not feel blown away.
On Tuesday, I could barely talk to Mrs B on the phone afterwards, I was so 'high'
from the music. And, I'm drug free (except for some pain meds for my
various ailments).
The kinder, gentler Mrs B also agreed that she failed to acheive eargasm........
Tonight, well it just seemed very 'regular'.
The strangers around me that I heard afterwards seemed to feel the same way.
One guy, a row behind me, said, "I saw the Dead for 18 years. What was THIS?
They better rock out on the encore."
First set highlights:
Eyes, played fast.
Mason's, almost too fast, but I was looking forward to hearing this song
stay in the rocking mode instead of spacing out of it so quickly like P&F
They didn't disappoint, but it ended rather abruptly. Somebody said Phil
broke a string, I don't know, but it did end funny.
2nd set started out promising, UBC was very good, & gave way to the first
of 2 long Let It Grow teases, 3 or 4 minutes each, with both dissolving into
Blues songs. Man, I hope they get over this blues thing just because Susan is
Big Boss Man. Well, not bad, but I'd prefer the tempo to be like '71
Casey Jones, Bob cut short the ending before it got a chance to get faster &
When they started Help, I knew Slipknot was going to go into drums & they'd
end the show with the end of Slipknot > Franklin's.
I guess this part of Slipknot was about 5 minutes, & as soon as they left
Slipknot, they were into the drums.
Drums were good.
They did that bit with Susan, then Mickey got serious on the big drums on the
The drummers left tonight during space, & the space was much more remeniscent
of typical Dead post drums space, nothing special.
A quick but clear St Stephen quote, then Knockin' on Heaven's Door,
Bob's answer to Stella......
I guess it was OK if that's your cup of tea.
Then, we got another big Let It Grow tease, followed by Hard To Handle.
Good, but not post drums material IMHO.
Then, some jamming, & Phil did a clear Dark Star quote - I bet GeeWiz loved
that - & they headed back into Slipknot, the best segment of the night after
UBC. It was good.
Franklin's, oh God, I never thought I say this, but, it was B-O-R-I-N-G.
It was so sloooooow, I couldn't believe it.
They go & play Eyes twice as quick as P&F, & Franklin's half
as fast as P&F.
Truckin' was a nice surprise as the encore, but they seemed like they struggled
to get the handle on the 'build-up' at the end. Pretty perfunctory,
yet good when you consider it was an encore.
As good as Tuesday was, & it WAS as good as ANY P&F show I've seen,
tonight just as much showed me the other side of the coin that says in BIG,
BOLD letters:
It magically reappeared after I posted it again. It WAS gone 5 minutes ago.
Sorry for the duplicate.
Bucky, please shut up.
how interesting! oh well Bucky...the Dead played a ton of pedestrian shows and just plain sucked on a bunch of others, i prefer the boys actually trying new things and screwing up then playing formulaic shows and screwing up
Boone: Why?
Maybe you'd like to review the show from your perspective?
Feel free.
as for the setlist stranger was good to start off with and highlights for the
first set were definately bobby takin the black throated wind home and eyes
of the world where jimmy was shining bright on his lead.
hunter came out and at one point he stopped the song(near the begininnig
of terrapin station) to ask the words to the beginning of one of the verses.
hunter is hunter, its not the best style of venue for his type of performance
but i enjoyed his performance of the full terrapin suite.(i caught his first
show in years at the fox in boulder back in '97 when i lived there and that
was a great room to see him in, no more than 600) and the box of rain.
unbroken was strong in the second set. knocking always disapointed me for an
encore but at least it was well placed.
it was a good show i thought everyone on stage looked very lively, billy and
mickey were havin a blast.........i hope that the energy level is gonna be turned
up a lil' for philly and msg. tonights show was a good warm-up but i'm
glad that its not my only one that i'm goin to.
i'd like to see bruce or someone join them at one of these shows. what the
scoop on guests?
peas, -cos
I loved that show. Finally separation not an issue, but it took til the second
set. That Eyes was epic. The Mason's, the first time I ever really loved
it. The second set was crisp from start to finish, what can I say?
For the second night in a row, for me, Jimmy took off on another solo carpet
ride. This time between Knockin and HTH...swoosh! More details later, but same
opinion. Last night was great from the BEW complaints, and alot more
respect. When you can HEAR the instruments individually, that changes the show.
Jeff has chops, last night I heard them.
I must have been thinking of the jam into Slip post Drumz. Definite slip up
on my part.
One more thing - Jimmy can RIP IT UP!!!!!!!!
Sorry you didn't like the show. Set list looks good but as I have been saying
for years it's not the setlist that makes it a hot show it's not even
the songs its what they play between the words. If you are a true head it is
and was always about the jam! As for Bobby cutting songs short. He has been
ruining songs for years why not cut Rob's Casey Jones short he always stepped
on Jerry's jams when he didn't feel like going with it and wanted to
play Samson, Minglewood etc... It is good to hear Bobby (Having not done
many Rat Dog Shows) and I am looking forward to a Lost Sailor Saint over
the next few days as I don't think I have seen that since 81 or something
like that.
The boys do need some work as some the jams fell apart on Wed as well. Viola
never did get to the full out intensity that P&F has been taking it to and
a few other points songs seem to just fall apart.
Anyway looking forward to the next few days.
Tremendous setlist. firsts on the tour were mason's. big boss man, hard to handle and direwolf. Thought there were lots of energy from everyone. I'm a Deadhead, not a P & F head, and this was very enjoyable for me. I love P & F, but no matter who is up there, its just not what it used to be, and we all know why obviously. But i'm grateful for the opportunity to see Bobby, Phil, mickey & Billy on the same stage. Thanks for a great night.
Who sings Hard to Handle??? How were the vocals?
I'm sorry but are you serious about wanting Bruce to join the boys for a
guest spot. Talk about fitting the proverbial square peg into the round whole!
I think Susan brings a nice fullness to the sound without being overbearing
like Donna was, at times. The boys don't need Bruce anymore that Bruce needs
the boys. Let this one go as a nice thought but not.
To the point. It was great to hear Dire again!BTW into Eyes was great. UBC awesome.
And personally, I really enjoyed Big Boss Man and the "attitude" that
Susan brought to the song. Drums have been not only tolerable but actually enjoyable
so far this tour-not too long and some great rythms-mickey and bill still got
it. I've not been disappointed in three shows already. Highlight was Stella
in Albany: Jerry was there but not. Very nice.
Bucky I love your reviews. Keep em coming. YOU LISTEN TO THE MUSIC
This show certainly had some struggles, especially in the first set. BUT... at times it soared and meandered blissfully rocking and sppacey at the same time. The unbroken chain was the best I've ever seen, Jimmy Herring is insane. They had him up on the screen for a huge 4 minutes or so during an all out rip session with this amazing fantasia filter running on the screen, he looked like a wizard. The drummers lead a very special tibetan jam segment with all the band on stage making some nice weird composition. I found the Franklins a little to predictable after all the weirdness that had just occured. Truckin seemed a little flat, a crowd pleaser attempt that never moved. Overall, the BTW-->Eyes-->New Speedway was really good in the first. Unbroken through the jam after Knockin plus Slip were inventive team efforts. The Hard to Handle never got a groove. A second set recording will please many. Also, the drummers organ susan thing was like enya meets john tesh, weird but it worked.
bobby sang hard to handle, it was close to being the highlight of the show but it sort of truncated and morphed into a jam oh too quickly.
True - Bobby did step on Casey abruptly, but at least it was a clear crisp Help that he began - and he didn't sing it that schmoozy style cheese voice. (if that is a description.)Jimmy is excellent, but each time it was his trun, I felt it was the same jam - same speed, same "noodling" type - that spot needs to be subtle and simple at times and it just doesn't happen in all of the dead-related configurations today.
6 Grateful Dead fans are in jail after a concert last night.
Thousands of Grateful Dead fans flocked to Hartford last night to see the remaining
members of the band in concert. Many who didn't have tickets hung-out outside
the arena. Hartford police went to the Civic Center last night for a nitrous
oxide bust, but after making the arrests, were bombarded with fans throwing
bottles and rocks. A fight ensued, leaving at least 6 people in custody. Many
fans are claiming the police went too far.
It's just more evidence that the whole arena concert scene sucks. If they were really fans they would have been inside with the rest of us. Tickets were on sale the day of through ticketmaster.
Was the >Jam last night more like >Jelly..???
Not chunky but smooth...In chat room we were getting that vibe...
Never mind...if you were at the show I am sure you got >Jam...
More than 25 fans of The Other Ones - the band made up of surviving members
of the Grateful Dead - were arrested Friday night and early this morning on
drug and assault charges, outside the Hartford Civic Center.
Several police officers were injured in scuffles with the fans, who had attended
a concert by the group. At least one female fan was injured, suffering a cut
on her head.
Charges included assault on police officers, inciting to riot, sale of marijuana
and various hallucinogens and possession of them, police said this morning.
Most of those arrested ranged in age from 18 to 30, but at least one was under
the age of 18, police said.
Most were from out of state, but those arrested included Joyine Michaud, 26,
of Bristol, who was being held in lieu of $125,000 bail after being charged
with hindering prosecution, assault on a police officer, and interfering with
police, following disruptive behavior at the police station, Sgt. James Bernier
said. A Wisconsin man was arrested on the same charges, Bernier said.
Bob Weir and a roaddie were arrested in San Diego on similar charges inside
the venue following a show ...11/17/78 Sports Arena - San Diego
Charges were I believe dropped...
Maybe the attorney of above mentioned unfourtunate Pholks can use that case
to get these charges dismissed...
How 'bout charging PIGS w/ interfering with heads & hindering good times....
"The cops came by and busted me for smiling on a cloudy day"'s almost gettin' to where I can't stand to read these reports
San Diego 11/17/78? Sure about that?
How bout not going to a show unless you're going in. How bout having "good times" like the rest of the 15,000 heads inside. How bout getting a clue in life and have some respect for police, who are in a no-win situation. Lets see - think I'll break the law 2 or 3 times tonight and then blame everyone else for my arrest.
another night of bliss.
We had great seats (sec 104)...The dancin police were cool, great energetic
neighborhood, people really appreciating the music and the vibe.
2nd set actually had PLENTY of room till they made me move back to my seat.
LOVED hearing Eyes....brought me to tears....LOVED hearing Knockin'....LOVED
listening Susan, we need more of her - she ROCKS! Brings great energy and fun
to the stage. (wonder if her friends call her Susie, Susan sounds so formal.)
LOVED skipping to Franklins...
LOVED corny as some peeps think that song is....very happy to hear
LOVED seeing/catching up (ever so briefly) with Liquid-Pete the graphics
guy on stage on loaner from ABB...met him at Alpine and cause he was so cool,
didn't lose my first row center spot Sun night that I worked SO HARD to
attain!! THANKS PETE!! I will always be grateful for that!
BTW....the visuals have been extraordinary....a show in themselves.
LOVED sharing the evening with our whole Alpine crew, so it was like our very
own personal Grateful Dead reunion reunion!
Very nice.
LOVED seeing Althea and Mr. A, ever so briefly, and also that silly voice mail
made me smile.
Felt like I've been in heaven all week....but I seriously am DRAGGING MY
ASS, big time....ride home was BRUTAL between the exhaustion and the weather....God
was looking out...not nearly as easy as it was during those carefree/jobless/pre
husband-kids/no responsibilities years.
Gotta go carpool kids and all that....all I feel like doing is closing my eyes
and reliving this past week.
Still have Sun Philly, but still haven't broke it to the family yet....uh
Peace to all!
Love Peg
Forgot about Dire Wolf! LOVED that too. ;)
Go Peg Go-).....
Weir Busted .. 07/01/80 San Diego Sports Arena - San Diego, Ca..
I had setlist on Bob Dylan instead of GD....
I'm usually easily impressed, but agree with many of these reviews. The show was good but very uneven. They started out with a strong Stranger and had several peaks after that, but just couldn't sustain the energy for more than a song or two. Sluggish is the word that came to mind to all four of us on the way out. Big transition problems also - they were downright lost once or twice (no, that wasn't jamming). The vocal mix does need to go way up for everybody - we were just to the right of the soundboard and it was very weak. Susan needs something to do. She spent most of the show doing the Donna hand clap, and we couldn't hear her when she did sing. In fact, a third guitar might have helped on a couple of those numbers. Overall, I'd give the show a B, no make it a B+ due to the light/visual show. That being said, I still can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night!
I Saw the last 5 shows, I thought this was the best... there was an energy in there that was unreal. As far as the people outside... why come to a show with out a ticket? 1/2 theese kids don't evan have any $$ to get one! Stay home.
My first impression upon pulling into the Civic Center area was that the show was sold out as all I saw were folks walking around with their damn fingers in the air. Of course, there were plenty of tix available. Unfortunately, the miracle seekers don't understand that if we do not pay for tickets and support the band, the band will not be able to afford to make music for us. But then again, they are just a selfish a group of folks as you will find and they don't care about anyone but themselves. I thought the music was wonderful, not perfect,(but i don't think perfection has ever been the goal anyhow), but damn good.
A wookie revolt in Hartford? Sad.
TOO should hire Bucky to be their consultant. True.
At least, separation was achieved. Finally.
Okay....for the record I-84 into Hartford sucks, and Conn. drivers are freakin
loony.........scene was pretty cool but very crowded everywhere and the almost
riot in the parking lot was not good for our scene........heads EVERYWHERE !!!!
IMO...highlights were Blk Throated, Eyes was PHILnominal and big, fat and bouncy,
New Speedway.......Unbroken Chain Jam was unreal......Susan on Big Boss was
strong...she came out in a big way for that one........ I've been waiting
25 years for a hard to it....more funky, almost rappy ( but
not really) than hard core bluesy and Jam went really nowhere but into Slipknot!......I
disagree with someone from above, I didn't think the Franklin's was
slow ( I miss Jer's guteral growl...I WANt YA to ROLL Away....)...Truckin
was good....never really a request but always fun and it really has been a long
strange trip to Hartford. I'm a Fried Green Tomato....... Definitley worth
seeing this tour.....Not dead, NOT PLQ, but fun and thank you for a REAL GOOD
time........Philly here we come....C'mon Shakedown.........................
Sorry you didn't like the show
I didn't say I didn't like it, I said I wasn't BLOWN AWAY.
That's my 'lipness test' (sp?). Do I feel a natural giddyness
or euphoric 'high' afterwards? I'm sorry, I did not.
That's all.
I'd give it a '6', I'd say.
Tuesday, was a '10'.
Hartford P&F this summer, maybe a '9', just to give you some idea
of my ratings standards.
I am not impressed by a slow blues song just because it hasn't been played
in 30 years, and I'm not any less impressed by a good Other One after hearing
35 versions live. I place no value in that.....
I just listen to the music for what it is.
Most people, however, would think a 'Rosemary' or 'What's become
of the Baby', not to mention 'Walkin' the Dog' would be great
just because they never saw it played, even if if it was 2 minutes & stunk.
That Don't Ease Me In breakout should be awesome.....
May you going to Philly be lucky enough to hear it.
Me, I'll settle for a Let It Grow or another TOO or St Stephen in MSG.
Now, my police/Deadheads arrested rant:
Being a Deadhead does not give you license to break the law, dispense with common
courtesy or do anything you want without consequences.
Unfortunately, many folks think it does.
And, I realize that does not necessarily mean the people who are going to read
this either.....
IMHO, the scene in Boston was way too intense for me. Last night, I was in the
parking Garage below the Civic Center & other than cars driving by too fast
in the wrong direction, I didn't see a thing going on. I took the elevator
up directly into the venue, I even wore shorts in & didn't have to step
outside once.
So, I didn't see much of anything.
In Beantown, I couldn't wait to get off the streets.....
Things like this are only going to adversely effect TOO's playing again.
Then, I guess we'll all have to go back to settling for the inferior product
of P&F playing The Beacon & such theatres.....
>>. I thought the music was wonderful, not perfect,(but i don't
think perfection has ever been the goal anyhow), but damn good.
EMF, THOSE words you wrote above, are to me, the best way to sum it up.
This was my third show of the tour, having been in Albany and first night of
Boston previously, and, to me, this was the best of the three.
Yes, I TOO, could be critical, but life is just TOO damned short. I had a great
time with people that I love dancing to music that I love - period.
If they don't do it perfect for me everytime - SO FUCKING WHAT - the band
had a good time and so did most of us in attendance.
They played this song TOO fast, they played this song TOO slow and boring -
Man - Do YOU do everything in your life prefectly? You may think you do - but
I know better.
The only dissapointments I had last night were:
No Carlin.
Did not meet up with Key and John Talmadge.
Not enough time talking to Fritz.
Had to leave right after the show to drive back to Vermont (hit a snowstorm
and did not get home until after 4 AM!) and had no after show party with
any zoners who were not in the car with me.
No Lazy Lightning>Supplication - when are they going to break this out on
this tour?!?!?!
Highlights for me:
First Set:
Big Rockin' Stranger Opener!
Nice, nice BTW
Big jamming Eyes
Second Set:
Unbroken !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slipknot intro-run was tight!
The second Slipknot run of notes before Franklin's!
Truckin' as encore!
Nice reviews folks! Very interesting setlist. A few who saw last nights show
stopped by the chat favored Albany. I guess we're all looking for something
Peglet, I feel your joy!!! Way to go mamma!!!!
>>Still have Sun Philly, but still haven't broke it to the family
yet....uh oh!
lol! I love it! A mamma's got to do what a mammas got to do. Happy mamma=
Happy Family :*)
>>>Yes, I TOO, could be critical, but life is just TOO damned short.
I had a great time with people that I love dancing to music that I love - period.
If they don't do it perfect for me everytime - SO FUCKING WHAT - the band
had a good time and so did most of us in attendance.
Very well stated Carl. (glad you all made it home safely, what is it w/
the storms out there during show time!?)
The people hanging outside swinging during showtime are only asking for it.
Get a clue people!
So, Carl, we should just bow down & worship P&F, Ratdog, TOO's &
whatever Mickey calls his band just because they are nice enough to let us pay
$40-$50 to see them play & never state our opinion of what we heard?
As I've said before, they could come out, bend over & fart at the audience
into a microphone & somebody would write 'First Live Onstage Fart EVER!'
on their list & love it......
This may surprise you, but:
This thread is called 'TOO's REVIEWS'.
Not 'Gushing Over Everything TOO's Did Last Night Regardless Of What
You Thought Of It'.
Why does any opinion other than 'great' or 'awesome, dude' bother
you so much?
You afraid maybe it REALLY wasn't as good as you thought?
I KNOW what I heard & don't really care what anyone else says about
it. That's not going to change MY perception.
It's an opinion, for God's sake.
As I was walking in last night a guy approach a miracle seeker and told hime
that tickets were still available for the show. The seekers's response =
" why would I pay when I can get a Miracle"
the big problem I see is the general lack of responsibilty in many of these
folks. "Nothing comes for free!!"
Too many people in this country looking for a free ride while the rest of us
pay for it.
On another note, am I the only person who had a While My Guitar Gently Weeps
moment in the opening "jam" of the second set?????
I didn't see anything too bad happening last night. The police were vigilant
and in the building which of course was a bummer.
I thought the crowd look younger compared to P&F crowds. And young people
are less likely to have cash.
Phish is around the corner, guys. I think those shows will suck up some of this
"element." (Oh my God, I really DO sound like my mother).
Conversely Bucky, there are many folks who view everything with a tad too much
cynicism, slight paranoia and perhaps a too watchful eye and therefore never
really let loose and open their fact it is easy to see that that
is the overwhelming stance of the typical human being.
Freak freely
Thanx for your reviews man. There's nothing wrong with posting what you
really felt. It's not like your bashing TOO its just that this show, to
you, wasn't as good as others. There is nothing wrong with negative reviews
if you went to the show. Personally what I don't like is when people post
negative opinions without experiencing something. Keep them coming. ;-)
Bucky - You do whatever you want - it's your review. I think our attitudes
are more reflective of our differing life philosophies, and I'll just leave
it at that.
You know what you saw and heard, and I know that I enjoyed myself.
Oh - I will say that while I'm busy worshipping TOO, P&F and Ratdog
- I will never worship Mickey!
I just wanted to add 2 more dissapointments from last night's show:
1)I did not hook up with j.moore - sorry, buddy!
And 2) - I can't believe I forgot to add this up top - Mrs.W was unable
to attend last night due to our ill daughter. Mrs. W made the ultimate sacrifice
and let her husband go AGAIN in her place! I'm sure you all know how I feel
about Mrs. W! She's the best, best of the best!
Oh - I forgot to tell you this Bucky - I am relaxed. What about what I said
made you think I wasn't relaxed?
Do YOU have a clue what relaxation is ?????
>>Do YOU have a clue what relaxation is ?????
He wore shorts. That's huge, dude.
Me, I wimped out at the Meadowlands. But they're not put away yet. Will
have to don them for the Gahden.
Bucky - I'd rather hear a short and not that good Big Boss Man than a long and noodly celebration or night of a thousand stars any day. Sounds to me like most people see it better with Warren - because thats the difference. I love Warren too, but theres nothing like seeing the remaining members of the dead with these younger guys too. Another plus - Phil sang Phil songs only - he shared vocals on Eyes and FT - like he should. And play bass better than any other I've heard.
Read my review of Boston 11-19.
I loved it, it was great.
Last night, it just seemed like good was good enough; greatness was never there,
or was only close for brief moments.
>>>>>He wore shorts. That's huge, dude.
I told Mrs B, "I don't want to hear one more word about Bob wearing
shorts. I was dripping with sweat in Boston."
That's why Bob wears shorts, not to show off his 'bulge' as some
have said.
I'm sitting here typing this in a tank top & shorts. Why?
It's comfortable.
And, I will be wearing the same thing in my house in January.
BTW, I DID see Bobby spit during Hard To Handle.
A first for me.
I better write that down with an asterick on my setlist.
Carl: You shoulda come backstage between sets. There was a few Zoners there,
including most the people you missed - damn, I didn't make your list.
Of course, getting through the crowd was absurdly difficult.
PS: Wait until they break out 'Nobody's Fault But Mine'.
I'm tired of people gettin' pissed cuz bucky has a different viewpoint than them. Personally, I love bucky's reviews and think they're some of the most honest reviews on the zone. Sure you had a good time but that doesn't mean the music was flawless. If you don't like it, you have the choice to not read it.
i had a blast last night.. i wish i had seen some more of you guys.. i left near the end of masons just to make it all the way behind stage.. boy that was a total nightmare.. this was it for me til NYE.. i was in the car by 11:40 home by 1am.. overall good show not great.. too many nitros tanks.. please don't support these people they make tons of money and don't care what it does to the scene.. don't get me wrong i do like a good lots scene but no tanks... just my thoughts..
Yo Bucky, actually it WAS a dissapointment for me that I did not meet you last
night! I would have liked to put a face on my sparring partner!
I'll just have to do with the descriptions of you that I got from Key and
Dewit - just like you will have to do with the description of me from Key.
I think we both know enough not to take the other so seriously, and that's
what I like most about you as a sparring partner!
I used to be an ultra-crtical deadhead (ask Mrs. W, if you ever get to meet
her), one who firmly believed that anything I saw after 1977 was never as
good as what I saw before, however, with time running out (You know that
all this - TOO, PLQ, etc. will be gone before we know it), I have adopted
the attitude that I am going to enjoy every last little drop that I get to witness
before I can't do it anymore.
AND, I truly believe that those guys are up there working their asses off for
us - and slow version, fast version, whatever version - they are working their
asses off. Is there anyone up on that stage who is NOT working their ass off
for us fans?
Bucky, I hope that my comments don't inhibit your feelings, just as yours
don't inhibit me. As I said before, from what I can tell, neither of us
takes it THAT seriously. AGAIN - THAT is why I like spar with you and appreciate
your opinion.
Now, Justin - what makes you think I am pissed off cuz Bucky has a different
viewpoint? I don't have a clue where you got that from. I'm not pissed
at Bucky - never have been. And I never said that the music wasn't flawless
(because believe me it is), but that's NOT what I'm concentrating
on anymore. I am concentrating on getting my last good times in before it's
all gone.
Justin, I think you should go back and reread what I wrote, and show me where
I appeared to be "pissed at Bucky".
And Justin, if you don't like what I write - YOU also have the choice to
not read it as well. But you probably knew that, right?
Bucky. When it's all over, aren't you going to wish you had the chance
to see even the worst show you ever saw just one more time? You know, "Dust
off those rusty strings just one more time"?
just back in. good show. Better time with my friends! Beautiful drive home this
afternoon, for once it wasnt raining, sleeting, snowing or nor-eastering. Of
three show seen, albany, meadowlands, hartford- personally will rank it 2nd.
The scene in NJ was damn near perfect, and i really havent heard enough of these
guy to say musically this show was better then that.
Saw some gate crashers get thrown out. Police presence was high. But you know
what, this shit really doesnt bother me anymore. It comes with the big venues,
and anyone who is all for reminising big venues and reliving GD really has no
right bitching about it. You asked for it, now except it.
"Things like this are only going to adversely effect TOO's playing again.
Then, I guess we'll all have to go back to settling for the inferior product
of P&F playing The Beacon & such theatres.....
Bucky, so well said my friend. Saw keyshawn last night, raped for 5 minutes
or so but didnt run into you.
Dan the man. Dude, you put a smile on my "loop up with sinus remedy"
face. Mikepace, as well. Nice hanging hunters set with you two. Tough place
to hook up with anyone because getting from point A to point B was insane.
space planning 101 - Do not disturb the only means of egrees with vending lines.
Im just surprise no one passed out in that mess.
3 down. 1 msg to go. Should be a nice way too send off this experiment to the
ahhhh, yet another dissapointment - Not being able to see Greg's yankee
hat 2 weeks in a row!
Anyone who was criticizing last night went there with hopes of something else.
If you were expecting the Dead you were dissapointed cause they are not the
Dead, they are the Other Ones. They tear up the songs in their own with Borraco
and Jimmy adding completly different vibes as well as Chimenti.
Three shows this week and I was blown away more and more as they went on. Eyes
was incredible, a truly deep cosmic spirtual connection was felt watching Phil
on Eyes from the fifth row. Then I was lucky enough to have his setlist handed
to me after the show, I now feel a stronger bond to Phil than ever before.
Wont sit on the floor again though even if I have tickets, you cant feel everyones
aura and vibes from the floor, you need to survey the enormity of the situation
and harness the energy that was flowing inside the place. And most of the people
on the floor paid ticket scalpers big money (brokers if you want to me technical)
to sit where they are so they are really territorial. I do mail order and I
got 5th row, Im not sure if I ever hope to score floor tix again.
Feels like a stranger, Dire Wolf, Mason's, Slipkont, Hard to Handle, Franklins
(even though Susan didnt know one word and the other one like jam to finish
Truckin (even though Bobby flubbed a verse) were all really in depth
and complete explorative jams that really took everyone to the edge of Grateful
Dead music and back.
If anyone completely agrees with me and appreciates the tour in the same way
I do please tell the masses who cant seem to find anything to do but pick out
the flaws...
any did anyone else hear that Darkstar tease and get incredible disspaointed?
Phil likes to toy with my head...
>>Phil likes to toy with my head...
Damn, I thought he was just toying with mine
Hey Carl!
man, we got in late. 3rd song. Got tossed through the crowd. Had some lady kick
us out of her 307 seats. <-that was fun. To us 30 minutes min. just to get
to 109, place was pack. Im glad we had albany time. Ill take heat for this,
but it was ALWAYS so easy to run into familiar faces last fall tour. miss that
" did anyone else hear that Darkstar tease and get incredible disspaointed?
Phil likes to toy with my head"...
glad it was a tease .. just played on the 19 in boston .. teases can be lots
of fun..
sure did. DARK STAR. Phil really rocked out the franklins as well. I thought
the band played it slower than usual, but phils lines sound like a B-52 run
from my vantage point. 3 shows has once again shown me the potency of phils
bass. I often find myself losing the rest, tuned into my man PHIL LESH and loosing
it. Close my eyes and rock out hard. Then ill open my eyes and see everyone
around me still spaced. Usually i'll find one or two IN THE ZONE with me
though. That happened a couple of times last night. Some complete stranger looked
up about the same time as me, threw me this huge smile/ high five and reached
for his bowl.
always a happy place to be.
Hello, I just want to comment on what I been reading here. Well it seems that everyone is enjoying themselves, that's a good thing, because I am too, very much. Love the music, love revisting the experience of being apart of the crowed, the grateful dead drive, I've been missing it, and it's back with the other ones. My opinion there to many folks out there writing about how good the shows are, and what they should have played, or not. Like (buckley)boy, it's all good, every inch every mile of it. So try not be be such a poser, and a critic I have enjoyed the two shows I saw, and hope for more in the future. It's not the gratful dead, but the other ones rock in thier own way. So my advice, is to keep enjoying the music, see the other ones, and have a good time!!! That's what it really is all about. Try not to be such a critic, and write about what they could have done or what sounded bad and good. It;s all good, even knocking on heavens door out of space, and hard to handle, you know what I mean (Buckley), boy, its all good, and you should know that by now. Enjoy the music.
May I state a simple
I thoroughly 100% enjoyed the very DIFFERENT show last night. It wasn't
better, it was different. I liked Albany, loved NJ, and loved last night.
Part of the loving it was listening to the space between the notes; part of
the loving it was zooming in on the solos'... especially listening to Jimmy
shine and break free..
But the biggest bestest part of my night was meeting a new friend in Huck; a
true unique individual, with an open spirit and a heart of gold. Also, the heart
warming presence and proximity of BrianK, Carl Drumspace, Dewit, and frequent
appearances from TaperRob. Huck told me, after a beer run, that the corridors
were a piece of hell-and trying to get to the back of the stage to meet buds
was just not gonna happen. So glad i took the words to heart. Sadly, could not
meet Bucky and Key--and couldn't go see my homie girls Peg and Trish.
This morning I woke up totally trashed--body aching and eyes mighty red! The
body revolts sometimes, even tho the mind craves more. Drove back to NY after
a quick stop at Bickford's (check out the oven baked pancakes!!!!!).
MSG on Tues--and then back home where we can rest our bones, UNTIL NEW YEARS
EVE!!!! More later
My buddy mey Jimmy hering at the Hilton. He says Waren will be at MSG!!!!!!
I met Mickey in the elevator, I thanked him!!
>>Saw keyshawn last night raped for 5 minutes or so...
damn greg, didn't you even attempt to stop it?
hartford was a blast. lots of fun, but i agree that it was an ok show. e.rutherford was a superior show (didn't see albany or boston though)
>>>>Yo Bucky, actually it WAS a dissapointment for me that I
did not meet you last night! I would have liked to put a face on my sparring
Funny, Carl, the quote I heard tonight was to the effect of " Hartford.....Bucky
& ME at the same show!", as if it was mixing water & oil.
Quite frankly, I don't recall sparring with you much either, although I
was told by the mutual friend you don't care for my preaching much.
I would've hated it 10 years ago too.
But, God has a way of taking the most unlikely people & turning their lives
around 180 degrees.
Unfortunately for all, I'm still in the process of turning..........
>>>>>Bucky. When it's all over, aren't you going
to wish you had the chance to see even the worst show you ever saw just one
more time? You know, "Dust off those rusty strings just one more time"?
Actually, I quit in 1993 & the first live Dead I heard in the year 1995
was the day Jerry died.
So, I've laid it down a few times already & will probably do it again.
Greg: We got halfway through the section where they were selling beer &
said 'Forget it, let's go back." We could hardly move.....
So, we were around 50 feet from you on the other side of the concession stand.
Sorry to miss you guys.
Logistical nightmares are bound to occur when trying to meet folks at these
larger indoor inner city venues that lack one main parking lot.
I don't know what's planned for the Garden.....
I do know where a small group of friends from here are meeting, but quite frankly,
the venomous responses I get from people up here are going to keep me from actively
searching out anybody either at MSG or NYE.
Sorry, but I'm sick to death of this BS.
It's too bad. This used to be a fun place, now, I dread even saying ANYTHING
up here. I could say "The sky is blue" & be flamed.
I think maybe SJF is the smart one..........
Well, this show was the sickest, dankest show I have been to this year. Heres
how it all went down.
Friday morning, had to wake up early for classes at north counrty community
college. I had made Blueberry Cobbler with Green Butter the night before. And
was movin slow friday morning. At 1PM, it was time to head to the show. I was
psyched!!! There was alot of energy in our car heading to the show, and the
spirit of the Grateful Dead was with us.
Crusin down the road with Papa Don, Burnsie, and Moosey, listin to tunes and
gettin in the groove. When all of a sudden there was a cop road block ahead.
Panic started to set in, and thoughts of not being able to see the boys play
were starting to set in. We get asked to pull to the side, dam. However the
spirit of the dead was with us and we were let go. Not to mention the toll both
guy let us pass though with out paying, I tried to give him cash, but he just
said "no charge" have a good nite.
Truckin off to Ha-art-ford...Having a pretty good time, and making good time
on the road. And predicting songs. I guessed Truckin', just cause i did
not think it had been played in a while. arrived in Hartford, check in at the
Crown Royal. And on to the show.
No problems at the gate, met a lot of swell people. Purchaced some downright
expensive beer. And headed to our seats. Section 212...I was in Section 1 row
G for Albany, so needless to say this was a completly different perspective,
as it was kinda a back side view. I was rockin, after eating more cobbler I
was ready to go.
Feel like a stranger Opener, got people up and moving, dire wolf was nice. Mickey
took the lead vocals for Strange remain, and Bobby on acoustic made it sound
great. And Black Throated Wind was sweet, but it wassent until Eyes of the World
when the place rockin. New Speedway Boogie was fantastic, followed by a great
Masons Children, great jam, however it was ended early no complaints. First
Set was rockin and we all could not wait until the second set. The energy in
that arena was high and we were all having a good time.
Setbreak allowed us time to purchace more expensive beer and socialize while
in line. Talking to all about the sic first set. And how much danker the 2nd
should be. Robert Hunter came on durning intermission, and i deffinatly did
not want to miss him, his set in albany was great. He came out kinda rough,
but it was good to be able to see him perform his songs, his way. I felt horrible
that no one in the front could come up with the words to the next verse, and
he sounded pissed. And we even thought he said "Gimme a F@#$in' break
before starting with "Inspiration moves me brightly..." The rest of
his set was good and have many people singing and tapping there feet. I on the
other hand met a massage therapy student named Nora. (considently this was
the 2nd show in a row that I met an awesome girl in Massage Therapy, as this
happoned in Albany. So until Hunter started Ripple we chatted, laughed, and
she proceeded to demonstrate her massaging on me. This was totaly cool, more
on that later, maybe...
To open the 2nd set Phil busted out a nice unboken chain. Susan sang a great
big Boss Man. Casey Jones was nice, didnt pick up to fast but had a lot of people
dancin. Help on the way was great and the drumz were sweet. Mickey tossed his
sticks in the air and some stage hand had to crawl under micks drums to get
them. Space led me in the lines for beer/bathroom. I came back to hear the begining
of Knockin', nice and slow, many people singing along. Hard to Handel was
sic, and Slip > Franklins had everyone on there feet groovin.
Phil did a quick organ donor rap and the boys came out for one more. I could
not believe it as the notes rang out to truckin. Remembering on how I called
that tune earlier. The end of one spectacular show.
All in all, this show in my opinion blew Albany out of the water. But I had
a great time at both shows, and hope to see them again real soon.
Sounds great. Glad mostly everyone enjoyed the show. Bucky, too bad you can't enjoy what you are getting while you are getting it. I always tried to put out the best vibe possible so that it grows into something greater. I know it is good to be realistic when doing a review though and as long as you don't put these vibes out during the show, then more power to you.
Highlights for me:
A solid show all in all. But for me, after Space the energy level seemed to
drop a notch and never come back.
Meeting up w/ Huck,Carl,BK,Dew,Chris preshow....Greg,Beth,Dan & a few long
lost friends at break
Eyes- Beautiful. A silhouette of Phil from the side of stage during the first
verse brought a tear.
"Anyone who was criticizing last night went there with hopes of something
else. If you were expecting the Dead you were disappointed cause they are not
the Dead, they are the Other Ones"
You mean it wasn't The Dead? I just thought Jerry lost a lot of weight.
"How 'bout charging PIGS w/ interfering with heads & hindering good
Anyone who had problems with the cops on Friday night brought it on themselves.
Hopefully we'll get rid of those losers when Phish goes back on tour - before
they ruin this scene again.
Dont get me wrong I think Jimmy Herring's experiences with ARU and Jazz is Dead has made him an incredibly diverse and explorative guitarist that continues to execute what would make Jerry proud. Anyone else think that center light console with the two things on one side and one on the other is like Jerry smiling down through his beard? He has to be pleased right now, he has to be...
>>Funny, Carl, the quote I heard tonight was to the effect of "
Hartford.....Bucky & ME at the same show!", as if it was mixing water
& oil.
No Bucky, not like water & oil - merely that you and I would be at the same
show, so that I could have a base from which to understand our positions from.
It's not all black and white, or water & oil.
I am actually a spiritual person myself, I just don't buy into all the bs
that organized religion has foisted on us to hide the real truth. Be careful
what you think about that last statement, because it is just my opinion.
Words communicated through other's impressions of those words can often
lead to wrong impressions.
Peace Carl, OK?
I actually DID make a decision early on, like during 'Only The Strange Remain',
to enjoy what I was getting while I was getting it because it was all I was
going to get at the time.
But, as Key told me last night (he can't acsess the Philzone at his
home for some reason to post himself), "I was TRYING to make IT (eargasm)
happen, but it just wasn't there."
He said everyone in his group, about 6 people - most of whom I don't know
- BTW, felt the same.
If you are happy with good, then this show was great for you.
If you demand the excellence you know the band is capable of, then this show
was OK & nothing close to special.
If that sounds like bashing, it's not meant to.
I want to camp on top of Mt Everest, not on the slopes of Mt Washington.............
No doubt Bucky!
And of course we can pass the peace among us!
In all honesty, and whoops I'm going to get critical here, no - this Hartford
show was not high on the list of major musical achievments that I have witnessed.
"Eargasm" was not achieved by me either. However, I grooved on being
with the people I was with, listening to the music I was listening to, etc.
and THAT was what I concentrated on. Although I will say that I thought Stranger,
BTW, Unbroken and parts of Slipknot were all very, very well done. I thought
the jams in Eyes were great, as well.
I guess I'm just at the point, like I wrote above, where merely being there
dancing with friends and getting the last drops, outweigh eargasm to some degree.
Please, I don't mean for you not to be critical of these shows, obviously
there are those here that really appreciate what you write. I just want to make
sure you aren't so critical that you miss a good time before it's gone.
That's all. I just want to make sure you don't forget that there is
much more at a show than just the music!
>>>>>Although I will say that I thought Stranger, BTW, Unbroken
and parts of Slipknot were all very, very well done. I thought the jams in Eyes
were great, as well.
I would agree with that & add Mason's to the list.
>>>>I just want to make sure you don't forget that there
is much more at a show than just the music!
See, that's where I draw the line in black & white.
TC was saying GOTV 7-6 was great because of meeting so many Zoners.
I - & if I may speak for Key (we've discussed this before) -
we feel that the music is seperate from the 'peripherals', even like
meeting folks from the Zone, having a great trip, or enjoying a wonderful night
away from the kids at a great hotel with a fantastic dinner before the show
- whatever it is that each of us enjoys - as opposed to sitting in traffic for
3 hours & getting to the show 5 minutes before it starts.
To us, that doesn't change the music we hear.......
Oh well...that's why you're you and I'm me.
Well after reading these reviews I don't feel so bad about my stupid horrible
experience. Went to the show without a ticket with my buddy intending to buy
them there. I've been to over 60 dead shows without a ticket and almost
always easily manage to buy one. However, I turned down a few $50 pairs thinking
they were expensive and then there were no more on the street even for those
with dollars. Then someone told us they still had them at the box office, duh!
So we waited in line and it sold out about 10 people in front of us. Holy freaking
batman, robin! Locked out of the show, what a blow. The Dead were always sold
out and it never occurred to me to check the box office! Why didn't they
play an announcement? They finally did when it sold out!
I sold the single I had managed to buy for 50 to a guy saying "80 for your
ticket," even though he only managed to cough up 76. We were just about
the only people with money who didn't get in. At the bars surrounding the
show there were no heads inside. At Shakedown Street there were people bemoaning
a dog shot by the police. We went home to Fairfield and saw a really lame band
called Mental Elvis. Maybe will try again at MSG.
well, I know this thread is a bit old, but I haven't been on the zone all
weekend. my quick 2 cents:
music was very good and I think a little better (and better sounding)
than NJ
scene was a pain in the ass and not nearly as mellow as NJ
see you in NYC
hey PAUL,
you sick yet?
-oh yeah, i got friday off. And im thinking heavely about Capt. Monty's
final '02 yellow fin run. You in?
Bartholomeuw strawberries.
I sincerely hope you are trolling with those comments, as that is about the
most ridiculous, anti-dead statement I have ever heard. The "showing up
without a ticket" issue is black and white, and is still as much a problem
now as it was in the 80s. Not really joking material when you consider the consequences!
Max, were you the guy asking me for my stub to give to a friend?
Hey all, checking in late w/my two cents on Hartford.
Saw many an 80's/90's Dead show there, so I was primed. The entrance
scene through that mall, coming out of a stiff downpour, was not a great start
to the night.... big bottleneck and major searches commencing. Once in, things
got better.
Stranger was a promising opener and had the whole band off and running. Dire
Wolf too, simple song that it is, was nicely done, and you could feel the P&F
vibe heavily in my opinion. Strange Remain, love it or hate it, did have one
of the spaciest jams of the set. Sadly Mickey pulled a "wait a minute!"
and shut it down to start the whole vocal part again... not the slickest, but
if he hadn't, it probably would've had to segue into a longer jamout
into the next number, and we probably would've loved it - damn! BTW is a
great song and the band delivered fully on this one, very smooth. Eyes was a
nice first set surprise and well done at that, though not a giant version by
any means. Phil's singing is indeed getting stronger with time and practice
(and lessons?) - Susan a nice touch too. New Speedway and Mason's
are two of my old favorites, I was psyched to hear them both. I'm one of
Weir's biggest defenders, but I wasn't sure he really sang these as
well as he could have, esp. Mason's. He also seemed to be the one dragging
the intro to Mason's out to silly lengths before starting to sing, kind
of robbed the momentum before it even got started - I had to wonder if he spent
all that time remembering the first line to the first verse - a weird foreshadow
of Hunter's set to come. And Bob definitely shut down the ending anti-climactically
on this one too, but everyone was still smiling, it was a really kickass first
set all things considered - great song selection and some quality playing.
I won't even address Hunter - I love him and saw a couple great small theatre
shows from him this past spring that made me think he's brilliant, but this
arena scene doesn't suit him as well, and alot of the young kids in the
audience didn't seem to give a damn about him.
Set two was good, but in the end I didn't think it quite bested Set one,
which left me considerably more charged. UBC was a great opener and another
tour breakout for the night, but I had to wonder how well the band knew the
whole thing, it seemed a little forced and Phil didn't look like he quite
had the control he wanted - the jumping between complex parts wasn't sharp
like it can be in his band. But it was a nice long jam and he did that good
vocal outro, which I enjoyed alot, he sang with pure emotion. Big Boss Man got
off to a slow start, but Susan picked up the band's groove about halfway
through and it started stomping. This one got into a huge jam that I was really
enjoying and suddenly Weir shut it down for.... CASEY JONES. I was crestfallen,
but got over it quickly and they did a nice job with this one, it was fun but
it's just not a heavy song, and wasn't worth de-railing that BBM jam
for. Thankfully Bob redeemed himself big time moments later by similarly canning
Casey for an abrupt left turn into Help on the Way, which he sang brilliantly,
really kept Jerry's feel but with Bob's sound, I loved it. Best song
of the night for me. Slipknot got good and crazy pretty quickly and didn't
surprise us by dropping into drums. Susan's ambient vocal deal was a nice
addition here, and Mick/Bill made some great sounds and looked to be having
alot of fun. They should tour small theater's by themselves sometime, I'd
go in a second. Space wasn't really space at all but for a second with Bob
accompanying the drummers. The rest of the guys came out quick and it hit a
bit of a cruising jam before Bob did a weird little pronounced tempo-slowing
chord change to introduce Knockin. Weird placement for this one, never understood
when the Dead put it midset, and neither did I this time, but worse things could
happen. Another little jam popped up after (these little jams were pretty
cool, some of the best group work of the night, albeit brief) and the guy
behind me called Hard to Handle about 10 seconds before it was clear to the
room, I was impressed, and psyched, hadn't even pondered hearing that (or
Mason's for that matter). This was another example of a great song from
the Dead's early repertoire making us very happy on paper, but maybe not
coming off as tough and rockin' as we'd hoped it would in person, again
much like Mason's. But damn if you can't be happy with the effort!!
Nobody does blues like Pigpen did, bottom line, and these guys know that, and
thankfully don't let that distract them from giving it a try anyway. The
eventual return to Slipknot was counted on and took us to more excellent badass
ensemble playing, I was loving it, wished it wouldn't end, but alas came
a somewhat tired Franklins. This is a song that depends on a huge beat and great
jubilation to really lift it off, and it didn't quite make it this time
around, but I will say they did that cool original ending quite nicely to go
out on a big group note. The Truckin' encore was fun and sounded pretty
cool in many ways, but definitely had that encore feel (i.e. a quick finish!)
- almost reminded me of the Conan-Wheel.
All told, I had a good time and was glad I went, despite it not having the heft
of some of my 80's Dead shows at the same arena (3.27.87 was a great
one, probably the best Touch opener ever just before it hit the charts, and
a major Uncle Johns>Dew out of Space). But I'm not asking them to
go back in time, I love that they're doing this with some able new help
(Jimmy, Rob, Jeff, Susan) and I'll be eagerly going back to Chicago
(my present home town) to see them in another week or so. Can't
wait to try this band out again, they got some good stuff going on.
I always have loved that UJB out of space from Hartford. I often will rewind my tape to listen to the beginning over and over again - BEAUTIFUL
Yes, that was a beauty indeed.
There's a thing in one of the Deadhead Taping Compendiums commending that
3.27.87 Touch of Grey as one of the best ever (with a funny qualifier that
the best Touch of Grey has nothing on the 50th best Dark Star, but that this
one really is worth mentioning anyway).
p.s. to answer someone's question above, YES, there were definite Dark Star and St. Stephen teases post-drums in the second set, loud and clear.
What the hell, I'll give my review.
Stranger>Dire Wolf = HOT, but I love a Stranger opener.
Strange Remain = Truth be told, Mickey is an OK singer and this tune is fine
too. Yeah, it's not "classic" Dead, but it is a unique TOO tune.
Who the hell am I to complain?
Somewhere in Set I I had to sit down to keep the spins away (the limited
booze I drank wasn't sitting well). I sat there with a smile and have
nothing to complain about, music or otherwise.
At sometime during Hunter's set I decided to get that nasty mix of beer,
whiskey and malt liquor out of my gut (therapeutic bulemia?) and hit
the john. This is where my fondest show memory arises. I'm waiting for a
stall and I see a female hand grab the top of the stall door from inside. All
of a sudden the whole row starts shaking and the bathroom is lit up with moans
of ecstacy. A minute or two later a young woman (17 or 18) peeks her
head out of the door, which was now so dented that it opened the wrong way.
I said to her, "Are you going for 2nds, or are you done?" The door closed
and a second later a young dude, way fucked on X or Special K, boogies out of
the stall and mumbles, "blah, blah, fuckin' sex, blah, blah." Following
closely behind were not one, but two hot, young things. Share the wealth, bro!
It's shit like this that makes "family" shows so special.
Set II: Now I'm feeling great and I'm up and moving.
Unbroken Chain = Hot
Big Boss and Casey were pretty good, but Susan was too low in the mix.
The Help was rockin, but I thought the Slip was a bit weak.
The Bobby/Susan New age "Enya vox" jam was interesting, as was the Enya
I have no complaints about the rest of the show and had a great time. I realized
that it had been years since I've seen a live Truckin, and I was psyched!!!!
I also noticed that Jimmy seems to get Jerry's spirit on the Bobby tunes
like BTW and Sailor/saint. He's found his own voice on the tunes PLQ plays,
but he sort of mimics Jerry on the Bobby tunes. NO COMPLAINTS FROM ME! It's
refreshing to hear a guitarist play all the time like Jerry was capable of playing,
all the time.
My only "wish" is that they'd show video feed of the band on the
screens. I want to see how hot Susan is and Jimmy's fingers during leads.
The melting shit becomes annoying.
All in all, another great time with great people. Thanks to Carl, Chris, Huck,
Dew, MikePace, Althea and Brian. I was hoping to meet up with some other Zoners,
but maybe next time.
Nice review, Brian. Bummed about not meeting you all.
I don't know if you'd find Susan hot, but I thought she was very pretty.
Bobby was looking mighty fine that evening, himself.
So psyched to hear Stranger...been anticipating that for awhile. BTW is always
wonderful, to me. Lots of great things going on in that first set.
I loved the show, 'til Unbroken was done. It kind of went a little slow,
plus I was distracted by some nutty chick who yelled at me not to touch her.
And the freak guards who would not leave us alone about dancing in the aisle.
This one in particular was a fucking aisle Nazi. At one point at the end of
the show, he and his brother in small-balls come elbowing their way through
us. I took my finger and ran it down his back. He was a bit surprised. Jerk.
So Htfd. left me needing closure. I couldn't go out on a Truckin' encore...just
couldn't and neither could Scott. We went home and talked about how feasible
it'd be to get tickets to Philly and pull it off with the kids and dog.
I woke up early Sat. a.m. and found tickets...everything worked out perfectly
and we got to go to Philly!! It was a perfect way to end my little tour...Saturday
was the best show I've seen, maybe ever. Everything was magical that day,
from start to finish.
Back to life, back to reality.
Very nice review Brian...and it was a good little group we had going on there.
How is going to a show without a ticket "anti-dead" if they were selling
them at the door? Even if it were sold out, showing up without a ticket is a
"minor sin" in my book. It's about the energy you bring, not the
ducat in your pocket. Considering I've never sought out a miracle ticket,
but simply purchased unused tickets, I'm actually doing a service by preventing
heads from having to eat their extra tickets or, god forbid, give them away
for free. ;^)
Bartholemeuw Strawberries, who was not trolling or kidding and loves the grateful
dead very much thank you!
The Bobby/Susan New age "Enya vox" jam was interesting, as was the Enya
I forgot that part.
The guy in front of me yelled, "What was that, Yanni?"
I had a good laugh over that one.
How could you ever forget the "Enya Vox Jam," Buck? It was just,
so something, but I haven't figured out what it was yet.
Buck, what do you think of Bobby's vox this tour? I'm pretty impressed
at his new-found range. He seems to have figured out how not to scream.
Honestly, Brian, I don't think he can scream. He tried in Albany and it came out as a hoarse hiss-like noise...same in Htfd. I think he's lost the ability. Either that, or he's got a cold.
I noticed that too, Tracy. I kind of miss the yelps myself!
He was trying, boy, but he couldn't get it up. Poor guy.
>>I don't know if you'd find Susan hot, but I thought she was
very pretty
I just checked out her Website and she has a decent "bangability factor."
I wonder how she likes her eggs...
Bartholemeuw Strawberries,
Going to a show without a ticket is one of the VERY few things the band has
EVER asked us not to do. They have issued statement after statement, tour after
tour, over the years to that effect("If you don't have a ticket,
don't come to the show") and I stand by my statement. It is a basic
expectation, and not following this has led to banning in favored venues over
the years(it was one of the reasons the Alpine Valley thing almost didn't
I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are a newcomer to this scene
and state that I can see going if tix are avail at the box office, but you see
where that led you.
If you love the Grateful Dead, then wouldn't it make sense to honor their
wishes so they can continue to honor ours?
Little things are coming back to me now days later - Phil on his donor rap said something like "Sign the back of your drivers license right now - if I see ya on the street, I'll be your witness!"
What the hell's going on with the SOUND...........
Why have Susan up there singing (the chick has a great voice) and have
her mixed in so low. I was in the 9th row at Hartford....dead center, and you
could hardly hear her, could barely hear the Weir sing. Couldn't hear her
at all at continental arena.
The guy who mixed the audiance board for the Phil Shows this summer was
could her a roady fart. Get that dude back in the game. (Someone told me
his name is Cotter Michaels)
The Dead always provided great technology and sound...What's the deal here
somebody....Is it just me!!!!! Otherwise....they ROCK!!!
Yes, I know, I'm not honoring the band's wishes. Then again, Jerry didn't
honor mine and kept doing that smack. I got a nice chuckle over your suggestion
I might be a newcomer, since I lost track at 130 over how many shows I've
seen since 1982. At that point, the band hadn't brought it up as an issue.
Where do I get my bad attitude?
I guess I kind of feel grandfathered in. I follow the reasonable rules, not
stealing, murdering, so forth, but that one about not showing up without a ticket?
Sorry but never really felt it applied to me. If that makes me an a-hole in
your eyes, I'm sorry.
I've always gotten off on the challenge of scoring a ticket at the show
-- it's a lot more exciting to get in when there is an element of doubt.
I'm terribly disorganized and often screwed up the mail order date or getting
to the box office, so when I did, and showtime came around and I felt the urge
to go, I did. I'm actually a pretty mellow guy and don't get in people's
way, so yes, I'm a bastard and the only rules I follow are the ones I respect
and feel apply to me. I'm willing to get burned and locked out of the show,
but hey, the reasons the scene declined so badly are pretty complex and cannot
be boiled down to only heads showing up without tickets. It was people hassling
people to give what they didn't have to give and being disrespectful and
destructive that caused so many problems. Believe me, that included plenty of
ticketed people. Sorting it all out by blaming the ticketless horde is only
partly on target and doesn't take into account that some of the nicest people
at shows are the ones without tickets.
I think there were very few shows where the problem was the sheer bulk of humanity
rather than the unkind behavior of a few bad eggs. In my opinion, anyone has
a right to show up outside a public arena! And what do you do when you hear
Jerry whisper in your ear, "Come to the show, I won't start until I
see you!" Sure, maybe it's a hallucination, but maybe it's the good
old grateful dead, served up beyond the normal rules.
no time for a full review but another stellar show. susan 'singing'
during the sequence part of drums had me smiling brightly, loved it.....
ill tell you that they need to stop worrying about susan and just play, she
can ammuse herself just albany they just pumped it out in hartford
and philly they were like ok weir were we just going??? i think susan had something
to do with that...
collectively they are the best band out their, at one point they were an ensemble
, now they are a band--hunter commented on that during his set at philly
I agree w/ fluff and althea - It's all good. Hartford was a very good show musically, socially and visually!!!. Keep on truckn'
>>>>I was in the 9th row at Hartford....dead center, and you
could hardly hear her, could barely hear the Weir sing.
There is a dead spot for loudness at every show up front in the middle. I've
noticed it 3 or 4 times in the past couple years.
Look at the speakers. The sound can't possibly be as loud dead center up
>>>>>>I actually DID make a decision early on, like
during 'Only The Strange Remain', to enjoy what I was getting while
I was getting it because it was all I was going to get at the time.
Right on Bucky. I could've blown off 'Only The Strange Remain',
but I was intent on really finding something worthwhile in it- and I did! Next
time they play this, listen to all the NOISE
Phil is making.... I heard all this low freq rumbling and figured it was Barraco
& Chementi on synths, then I looked at Phil pounding his low B, bending
his neck, hitting diminished chords....all with the most amusing look on his
Being my first Other Ones show I had no idea what to expect...but I must admit to being completely mesmerized by the First Set and absolutely blown away by the second. It was a truly awesome evening all around and I am excited that the Boyz (and that nice piece of eye-candy up there, Susan Tedeschi) are not only rocking but heading into unchartered waters. Herring, up there on guitar like some Norse God, was so enjoyable to watch and listen. He is an animal on that axe and really adds alot to the band's sound. He was ripping on each song and was a vital component to the evening's success. The song selection was insane and each piece performed exceptionally well. Dire Wolf (so fun!), Bobby acoustic on a nice Black Throated Wind, great Eyes...and one of my all time favorite songs New Speedway Boogie followed up with a dusted off gem, Masons Children. Incredible first set and it was obvious that they were having as much fun as we were. Second set insanity: delighted to hear the Unbroken Chain (my first!), and Susan shined vocally on Big Boss Man. The Casey Jones came out of nowhere and rocked! And everyone was ecstatic to hear those first few notes of Help on the way! The ONLY slow tune of the night was Knockin' and from there they went to places previously unheard with a surprise nugget, Hard to Handle! Slipknot, Franklins...Truckin' Encore! They never really once slowed it down and the energy level all night was insane. We had great seats (20th row, floor) and the interaction between band members was really fun to watch. They were loving being on tour and they knew how good it sounded! The Hartford scene in general was great. Very crowded with the usual hippie freaks mixing in nicely with the prep schoolers and wall streeters. A wonderful added addition was being able to finally see Robert Hunter, creator king, play his acoustic lullabyes to a crowd of adoring onlookers. His Box of Rain/Ripple set closer was simply beautiful. A total sing along and he was obviously delighted to be up there representing the Dead Family! No complaints here, my expectations were far exceeded, and I look forward to MSG tomorrow night.
>>>I just checked out her [SusanT's] Website and she
has a decent "bangability factor."
decent??? you gotta be kidding. looks like she may have put on a few, but that
don't bother me one little bit, nosirree
to bart and fish I must agrre that wwhat peaple started years ago as a kind jesture got out of hand {Miracle Tickets} I call these Super Miracles...When I first Began to come to the shows when I got that Mental calling to me it was a Miracle to be able to go to the show Praying that there would be someone there with an extra ticket that I could by for Face Value...You know all the rules by now ?!? You see I never new when tickets whent on sale and I was one that found out by the grape vine that the dead were coming to town...So to me it was a Miracle to get a ticket becase I wanted to to bend an ear to hear a tune by the riverside I will Lay My Head and listen to the River...Well you get the jist of it...But I also have to agree that it is the energy that you bring and or give it's been said peaple were giving these tickets away because they wanted to get in or for whatever reason ...their heart being in the right place and whala...They say Love your Brother but you catch it in the end ...and therefore something good became a fad got abused and low those who pay the price are doing time for someone elses crime so am I the victim or the crime you decide ...see I do believe that you should know the rules by now and if your going to plant ice you are going to harvest a cold whind...It's been a long time to be gone and I do belivethat the time is right now for dancing in the streets If We Were All kind and tried to help one another !!!