ok- can we bank on dark star tonight??
def. Dark Star, too bad full moon in on Wed. night. how about a Lovelight with Susan as well, she looked and felt out of place last night, got to give her some time to learn the deal. Watching the clock, only an hour before I head in to shakedown st. feel the love.
Dark Star is coming tonight, sandwiched between a huge Playin'! For the First set I feel a Help>Slip>Franklin's maybe to open the show, maybe to close the set. I would love to hear Bobby win his battle from last night and get Blackbird. The Kind is on my mind ! PEACE
Happy funky disco Dead last night, dark dense meaty Dead tonight. No Beatles covers yet so I like the Tomorrow Never Knows opener followed by heavy blues number for Susan to show off maybe Spoonful or Smokestack. Second set Dark Star>Unbroken Chain>Dark Star. Encore Attics! Then again, I could be wrong. Enjoy all.
Anyone have a cellie in the Fleetcenter right now? I'm stuck in class and DYING to know what they're playing. If anyone is setlisting as they go and posting it, you will have my eternal gratitude.
Has anyone been Mp3'ing the shows for public download?
I would be willing to host a mega-ftp of the Fall O1 shows if someone will put
up the MP3's
"I would be willing to host a mega-ftp of the Fall O1 shows if someone will
put up the MP3's"
Check Further Net, I got 10/27/02 as well as set I from Roenoke with hope that
more will follow.
Reviews are great but shows are priceless!
first set??
I: Jam > Uncle John's Band, Minglewood Blues, Doin That Rag, West L.A.
Fadeaway, Jam > China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider
-from www.otherones.net
Wow, I hate to say it but that is a '95ish set list - short with a few bones to ease the masses. Are the boys tired already? Perhaps they are just setting up set II...
<<<Wow, I hate to say it but that is a '95ish set list ...
kahnja - No way! Most of those songs are 2nd set songs from a mid eighties to
95 show with a few noted exceptions. Can you believe they played Doin that Rag?
They are really shaking things up.
Just kidding. I was playing the role of a TOO Tour Defender or what we would
have said during the 90's.
I have to agree with you. I think were have been spoiled by the Phil & Friends
for awhile now. I hope we are not seeing a move to the familiar comfort zone
that that we all know to well...
But as the saying goes you can't always judge a show by the set list.
I think they are just getting a feel for it. They looked a lil bit stiff at
Albany. Time will move things along.
That being said I can't wait to hear what the 2nd Set brings...anyone?
That does seem short. What up with only 6 songs? Maybe the jams were REEEEEAL
Let's get the second set up in this piece!
The show at albany was a quality show. They have many songs and it is nice to
hear a huge variety. Yeah Jerry is not there but Jimmy is kick ass and Phil
and Bobby sound really tight too. They are just mixing it up man, right on.
Seems that the first sets have been a little more reserved but they have busted
out in the 2nd. See ya' at the spectrum.
I saw doin that rag like... a thousand times in 95.
David C. -
Very funny and very true - been on both sides of your comments many times. I
hope for nothing more than the second coming but as a devoted fan have learned
to expect one thing and hope for another. Won't stop me, though, from seeing
6 shows across the country starting tomorrow night.
Bound to cover just a little more ground!
After a bunch of shows of pulling stuff out of everywhere, I guess you have
to expect that one or two shows would seem routine, at least the first set.
I saw them in Albany, and thought they looked and sounded fine. More energy
from the stage than I've seen in many years. And with Phil's experience
at fronting a band, he now can take a more prominent role in helping direct
things. They aren't the Dead, but they are as close as we are likely to
The way they've been mixing in different songs and revisiting old stuff
says to me how much Jerry held them back in his later years. I loved listening
to him and seeing him, but he clearly was being carried by the rest of the band
toward the end.
What makes TOO different from their side bands is that there is balance for
each of them. In P&F or Ratdog (or even JGB) there is no one of
equal stature to tell them it was time to end a jam or continue one or whatever.
It is all run by one guy. With the Dead/TOO, they balance each other, so you
get a better blend. While I prefer the jamming style of P&F to Ratdog, even
Phil can go on too long sometimes. Having Bobby and the drummers around to keep
him honest (and the same for Bobby) creates a dynamic that none has
on his own. My $.02
I've been reading the comments that have been made about this tour and song
selection. I think that deadheads have a tendency to be hypercritical. I think
we all need to appreiciate what we're being given. Sometimes that gets lost
when you have seen phil,ratdog, otherones so many times.
The quality of the song writing is what kept me coming back in the '90's
when maybe the jamming wasnt at its peak. Now we've got them playing all
these amazing tunes and they are jaming away! what more could u ask for? well
only one man i guess...
Long live the GD!!
Doin' that Rag!!!!
'nother China Cat>Rider
sounds hot, are those lucky cats gonna get the dark star tonight?
can't help but be a bit selfish...want it at hartford, though i'm just
stoked that the thrill is back regardless.
Good Ol' Grateful Dead - Long live TOO!!. I've seen all the combinations
over the years and each has its own uniqueness. I personally loved the 89-91
years the most of my many 15+ yrs of live celebration. Each time I saw another
line-up since the pass of Jerry it has always brought great remeberence and
rejoycing. Albany was my first and through the horrible ride from hartford,
in the late afternoon thru the berkshires, to the horrible lines outside, to
the lowsy facilities inside I rejoyced to see TOO like you would not believe.
It had its many ups and little less at points. All in All it was as always a
great time had by all, hopefully.
I'll miss the next few shows but I'll be there on Friday in Hartford.
I hope the 2nd set rips in Boston for my boy Bones from FR.
November 18, 2002
Fleet Center - Boston, MA
Set 1: Jam>
Uncle John's Band>
Minglewood Blues
Doin' That Rag
West LA Fadeaway
Jam> China Cat Sunflower>
I Know You Rider
Thanks to TaperRob for the list
Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart
Bill Kreutzmann, Bob Weir
Rob Barraco, Jeff Chimenti
Jimmy Herring
Set 2: Spacey Jam>
Morning Dew> Jam
St. Stephen> Meltdown>
^Bird Song > Drumz> Space>
The Wheel> Jam> ^Darkstar V1>
Jam> ^Vocal Jam (PL, RB, ST)>
^Tomorrow Never Knows>
^Darkstar V2> ^Lovelight>
^with Susan Tedeschi
(borrowed from the Pzone front page...)
that second set looks smoking yet again!
Looks like they took real good care of that second set. They a way boys!!! And ST! Thanks for the setlist.
Adam you are probably right, were are a Hypercritical bunch. Look at the highly celebrated May 77 run and the number of repeats that occured then. I can only imagine what people would say now about that run now...
looks like the phil show tonight...
Could anyone that was there elaborate on the "Vocal jam" that is mentioned?
I'm curious if it's a theme on "Dark Star", or something that
morphed out of the chaos.....
....these second sets are dreams.....
"It's The Dreaming That's Real"
Ahhhhh........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice 2nd set....I'm stoked for Hat-ford, yo phil-a-del-phia and MSG......need some of this stuffffff......... it's still the best shit your concert dollar buys....just when you figured it out- ALWAYS surprises.......the DEAD was about comfort and shaking things up...when you thought ya' knew- BANG !!! I'm lovin' people getting critical and then being Zanged into place...........soooooooooo, how WAS the Dew>Stephen and gimme more on the Dark Star !!! people......?????
People ????? Yes!!!!
Just got back. Last night was good. Tonight was spectacular!
1st set
Uncle John's Band
Doin' That Rag
West LA
China Cat
2nd set
Morning Dew
St Stephen (phenomenal!!)
>Birdsong (Phil ran through the whole tune once then resang the 1st
part as
"All I know is something like a bird
within him sang
All I know is, he sang a little while
and then flew on"
the place went nuts)
>Dark Star (1st verse)
>Tomorrow Never Knows
Dark Star (2nd verse)
no encore. They ended right at 11, and someone on Jimmy's side of the stage
was waving around a big digital clock, so I have to assume Boston has a curfew.
The crowd weren't happy. The 1st verse Dark Star was really weak IMHO, but
they picked right back up w/Tomorrow Never Knows and finished really strong.
Susan finally cut loose on Lovelight, trading verses w/Bobby. The vocal jam
was just that, no words just notes, mostly Phil and Susan. It was pretty spacey
and worked really well going from Dark Star into Tomorrow Never Knows.
I wish I was going to more shows :-(
the show was excellent. in response to the above question, the vocal jam sounded like a phish vocal jam, but not at all silly, just a meditative vibration, deep in tone; it was a short part of a beautiful & spacey segment.
I'm hoping Bucky made this, cause it sure sounds like it was made to order.
;-) Well except for the West LA, AM Dew, Birdsong, Wheel etc...
>I saw doin that rag like... a thousand times in 95.
LMFAO! Don't we wish? I'd have just liked to see Jerry play it once.
Here's hoping the NE Posse had a great time tonight, I miss you guys...
the dew built climatically, jimmy really did good work on that piece and the st. stephen had the place dancing & shakin with a bit of that ultrarhythmic 69-70 vibe that turned up so well in the jams tonight. teh drummers & phil are keeping the other ones' music very solid sounding, though technically delicate, you can hear the individual drummers better than in a long time. the keyboards and guitars cascade over the rhythm more than they do lead them. lovelight was a great dance for everybody in the show tonight too. great bluesy voice, susan.
I hate to burst anyones's bubble during tour and allbut i cant believe no
one cought this
"I would be willing to host a mega-ftp of the Fall O1 shows if someone will
put up the MP3's"
you DO mean *.shn format right? Keep mp3 off of CD! In all seriousness,
there are much better formats
>>>>It was rather shocking to me that several people talked
about how Bucky would have hated this show (11-16) - Huck
Maybe because there's actually some gauging the different level of play
in a show by reading my take, as opposed to the "everything is always great"
What barometer is there in those?
Of course, I do have my favorite tunes.......
>>>>>I'm hoping Bucky made this, cause it sure sounds
like it was made to order. ;-) Well except for the West LA, AM Dew, Birdsong,
Wheel etc...
You apparently don't have a clue about what I like.
"Bucky would've loved this show"
And, I did.
I seem to have a great deal of 'blessing' on last minute, go by myself
It's late, I'm too tired to do a proper review, but let me say this:
This show was 'THE SH*T'.
As perfect & good as the best of the best P&F shows I've seen.
Much different, of course, but honestly, refreshingly so. Those of you who saw
P&F in Spring 2000 know how capable Jimmy Herring is as lead man........
Put that in your pipes & smoke it.
When I roll out of bed tomorrow, I'll go into details.
BTW, Official Setlist is incorrect. There was no UJB vocal reprise before TNK
- It was a spacey, trippy vocal lead in to TNK itself. Very cool.
BTW II, please forgive me if I offended the several of you I cut & pasted
from. My intention is not to start a flame war, but to point out the often incorrect
'pre' & misconceptions about me. OK?
You don't know the REAL Me, yet I often get judged for expressing my opinions.
Yet, do I ever revile those who revile me? No.
Like the guy the other day who called me a 'fuckingasshole' for not
liking Stella.
I suggest if you would say that about somebody just because of their dislike
for a song, you need to take a good look in the mirror, my friend.
Peace, Bucky
that second set looks like the MELTDOWN I've been waiting for. I sure hope
it sounds as good as it looks. with the flying meteors early in the morning,
darkstar was likely to lead the way this evening. wish I was there ! hope all
had happy,
melty experiences. save some for the palace, indy, chicago run, please. make
MORE MELT at the palace of diamonds, will be ready : )
My 3rd in a row, and each night was VERY different from the others. 11/19 1st
set was well played, but seemed brief(China-Rider was huge)The 2nd set
really cooked, however. Things got real out there for a while. TNK in the Dark
Star sandwich made for a great combo post drums, and if that weren't enough-
the Lovelight-Aiko just blew the roof off the place. Normally I say "Curfews
Suck", but this changed my thinking a little-Rather than leave the stage,
and return to try and get something going for what would have been a VERY BRIEF
encore(like 11/18) they kept the energy of Lovelight going into Aiko
and just really ended the show well given the time left. If there wern't
a curfew, I am sure that transition would not have occured like that. Not everyone
felt that way, though(alot of booing when the houselights came on)
No show for me tonight, but see ya'll in Hartford!
Bucky, you don't know me very well either if you don't know how lil'Huck
enjoys being cut every once in a while.
I'm so glad you loved it. I know - those loveitloveitloveit reviews get
old, huh? I know...I write them. Tends to be I just don't write about what
I don't like (i.e. explain to me why there are TWO keyboardists?)...or
at least I'll wait until the run is done. But that's me, ya know...and
when I'm at a show I'm one of the happiest chipmunks in the forest.
Hard to bitch...
and really, as I said before, the only reason I tweaked ya a tad in my Albany
review is bc I want the Mighty Bucky to be all about the joy....not the grouse.
Seems like we might be about to catch a Bucky Afterglow....and I'm just
tickled pink.
"Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream,
It is not dying, it is not dying....
Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void,
It is shining, it is shining....
That you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being....
Love is all and love is everyone
It is knowing, it is knowing....
And ignorance and hate mourn the dead
It is believing, it is believing....
But listen to the colour of your dreams
It is not leaving, it is not leaving....
So play the game "Existence" to the end
Of the beginning, of the beginning...."
(btw, what in heavens name could still be in Santa's sack for TONIGHT?????)
Repeat....Repeat...Repeat!! All the boyz are back together and obviously comfortable with their 6 song first sets and "reprised" second sets. We are now 5 shows into the tour and look at all the repeats and reprises, what about the other 100 songs they could be doin'? I constantly find myself making excuses for these guys, but frankly, I am at the end of the line.
JK -
around 70 songs and ONLY 6 repeats????
(stephen, wheel, aiko, chinarider, caution)
settle, my friend...or at least don't speak for all of us...YET.
If they are going to double up, starting at those 6 is FINE. imho.
I just saw 3 in a row and the only song repeated was Uncle Johns, which I'll
take any day. Sounds like this may be a case of over-analyzed set-lists and
not enough attention payed to the music behind them.
oh yeah. whoops!
seven - UJB - gotta get more coffee before I start reading charts. egads.
On another note-Mick didn't sing last night!
now thats a setlist
Did Mickey only agree to tour if he sang a crappy song every night?
As for the short encores here is a solution, start the show earlier (not
happening) or, here goes.......... LESS HUNTER!!!
I agree on less hunter....give him 25 minutes
not the 50 or so hes been playing!
last night's first set-60 minutes!
no major review by me but ill just say i have enjoyed the last two nihgts very
Tonight is a given Throwin'>NFA. Take a look through the history of NJ shows, and that combo pops up nearly everytime. I would also say that Bucket is up in the mix as well for tonight.
Fritz, I will give you a call later.
Hunter was like a bit too much of an unrehearsed folkie, his strumming muddies his vocal emphasis much of the time, but I did appreciate the low lights and light music during setbreak. At times I really did appreciate his stylings of the songs too...they're such beautiful lyrics
Hunter's Easy Wind...Mr. Charlie...Mission in the Rain...that was good!
here is how I saw and heard things
UJB--it seemed a little more dead like than the PLQ style or other ones of the
past. No calypso beat. great starter not a rocker but good.
Minglewood was minglewood there was some good play
by jeff and rob.
Rag- Rag was Rag
West LA had some nice jamming
China Rider - this was a really really good one great singing and jamming especially
the jam into rider and the ending.
Jam>Dew- this was great and really well sung
Stephen- this was a GREAT version got the place rockin.
Birdsong- This was really good Phil was really singing his heart out.
D/S brief but great.
Wheel-good solid version.
DS>TNK>DS- This was just fabulous i thought especially the the TNK with
SUsan T.
Lovelite >Aiko- this was a great wasy to close it and i thought it was way
better they didn't stop and do it as an encore. Susan was really getting
bob into lovelite he looked like he was digging it.
I'd say jimmy herring is really unbelievable. the band played well and looked
like they were having a great time. Susan T. should be out there for every song.
they really seem to get off when she's out there. she grooves and has a
beatiful voice and isn't bad to look at.
I have to admit, I like Bucket and I bet Jimmy can rip that shit up.
Agreed Hunter was great last night. All you folks that haven't "acquired
the taste" yet for Mr. Hunter should at least appreciate who you are seeing.Very
tasteful to put him on between sets, yes it adds a little time to the show,
and could be trimmed to better work aound the curfew(I think 30 minutes
is about right) but he is 50% of the Lennon/Mccartney of the Dead world
so its great to see the Bard at work.
On a side note: I am quite discouraged by the talking and yelling during his
set. At least show the guy some respect(and those around you who MAY want
to listen), even if you don't like it!
Jksurf...you are correct sir. Copious amounts of Throwin Stones>NFAs in
Jersey. Every year at Giant's it seemed like, must check Deadbase. Let's
hope for variety's sake they shake things up a bit.
Sheesh...no kudos from anybody about the Tomorrow Never Knows call? I know I
called it as the opener but inside the Dark Star song-which is pretty good too.
(Had the Dark Star like just about everybody else).
Think the Swamp is getting the cowboy set. Hoping for Stagger Lee and Dupree.
Enjoy all.
>>>>This show was 'THE SH*T'.
Bucky is that you???????LOL!!!!!
I said to Key monday in Boston that you'd dig
what these boys are doing...
Glad you did...
I agree with the cowboy set for tonight. Maggies?
I think they are saving the UBChain for the Sunday Spectrum show. That is where the Dead introduced it, so perhaps a case of past-practice?
who sang doing that rag? one of my favorite garcia tunes
Jonas-Rob sang it
Very well.
Some Dylan covers are definitely due. Only Like A Rolling Stone and Watchtower so far. Would definitely enjoy a Maggies 'pass the mike' with everybody taking a verse. Bobby is probably itchin to play Masterpiece or Queen Jane...so I say let him. Better than Easy Answers and Eternity. Peace all. Have fun in NJ and watch out for Yellowjackets.
>>>>>This show was 'THE SH*T'.
Bucky is that you???????LOL!!!!!
I said to Key monday in Boston that you'd dig
what these boys are doing...
Glad you did...
The "Luck o' Da Buck", Carlin..."Luck o' Da Buck"..
Glad ya made it back to Joisey ok...although that was a given after Lunch on
If Buck puts his stamp on it, ya know its gotta be good!!!
It IS funny how this whole mythology has sprung up around Bucky. He can make
a living just posting in the following format:
By Bucky
>>> Bucky said THIS (some unpardonable sin).
No, Bucky didn't mean that. He has his favorite tunes though. JAMMY JAMS!!
[List of Dates (usually late 70's-80's, or '00-01)]
Thankfully he doesn't use the third person. And it all has to do with firm
beliefs and strong writing.
I worry when he says, "as good as the best P&F's." I think he'll
back off a little this morning. When you're all pumped up after a show,
you tend to overpraise (rare for him, I know). And he says "refreshingly
different." That's a key. Just how I felt after 12/3...AS GOOD AS P&F????
Still: MD, St.S, BS, DS, TNK, Lovelight and Aiko all in the same set?
Going tonight, still think they can be better. How 'bout a super-hot PIB...(sigh)
Boston was blessed. BUT WHAT ABOUT N.Y.?
The Jam at the end of Morning Dew was absolutely amazing, which I think really got the 2nd set blazing, especially with St Stephen to follow. Susan looked uncomfortable up there, UNTIL she was unleashed on Lovelight. I agree about the no encore, why have them leave for 5 minutes to try and build it back up again?? Just let em keep playing with no breaks.
Setlists don't always tell the story.
The setlist for first set may have looked lame but the playing was fine. Lots
of jams and an excellent China->Rider. 60 minutes was about the right amount
of time for this set.
The 2nd set was a killer with heavy jams and a big time party atmosphere for
the Lovelight->Iko. The playing reminds me of "Live Dead" era, very
driving and lots of interplay but not a lot of dynamic range. There are very
few quiet moments in these shows. Not a bad thing, just a thing.
Let Susan sing more! Over the course of the tour, I bet she will. She drove
I hope they DON'T do the Dylan thing...I was really tired of that by the
90's. Except watchtower, which was my favorite "back from the coma"
cover--"HE LIVES!". Heard it too much, but it was fun.
Hey but they'll play what they play--hope its all good.
>>>>Bucky, you don't know me very well either if you don't
know how lil'Huck enjoys being cut every once in a while.
Yeah, we NEED to meet either in Hartford or MSG. I think you're going to
both, correct?
I know I can seem like a jerk here (from other's viewpoints, lol),
but, I have met some great folks through here & seems like we enjoyed each
other's company - I know I did. Warm, living flesh adds a diiferent perspective
to (sometimes) cold hard words.
I mean, how big of a jerk could I be if Philzoners came from as far away as
3 hours to help build a fence for my autistic son?
BTW, on my negativity, yeah, God's been working on me in that area.
Review to follow.............
>>>>>Thankfully he doesn't use the third person.
Bucky would never write about Bucky in the 3rd person.
Bucky's just not that kind of guy......
>>>>>I worry when he says, "as good as the best P&F's."
I think he'll back off a little this morning. When you're all pumped
up after a show, you tend to overpraise (rare for him, I know).
Still is.......
>>>>>And he says "refreshingly different." That's
a key. Just how I felt after 12/3...AS GOOD AS P&F????
Yeah, I think that it will help bring about a new freshness in P&F when
they return.
There certainly was some kind of a rut they were falling into after Summer 2001,
or perhaps I should say "a less impressive & compatable dynamic within
the band's playing".
But, that would be a discussion best left to another thread I think........
Having said that, let me add this disclaimer:
3 of the 4 shows I saw with P&F this summer were great.
Review to follow........
I won't get into the 'Don Corleone 4 page's of what I did before
the show' style.
Even about the 20 miutes it took to make a phone call on a public pay phone
to Fritz, who was 200 yards away from - and I had to bill it to my house. Talking
to supervisors from the phone company, getting disconnected by them.....UGH!
That was the lone bad part of the day, except for seeing this horrificly mangled
car being cleared up on the highway on the way home.
I was just praying for the person or people in it. Just terrible.
On the phone thing, I was so pissed off, then this guy next to me says "Patience,
dude". This was about 2 minutes after telling his buddy "I hate this
F***ing town, the sniper should have come here instead."
I swear.
I 'gently' rebuked him on that (really)......
Review to follow.......
I can vouch for you. I have only met you a handful of times, the first being
when I hooked you up with the Easter show at the Beacon. I have found you to
be very nice and genuine person.
All the other times ( all at P&F ) I have enjoyed chatting with
you. Good luck with all your enemies here. Keep the Faith
"Just the facts, Maam", as Joe Friday would say......
First Set:
The first set was about exactly as long as the previous night, either 57 or
58 minutes.
They opened with a short jam the could have been the lead in to The Wheel. After
2-3 minutes, they kicked it into UJB, less of the calypso beginning.
A nice first instrumental by Jimmy, then a little more of a solid ending (as
opposed to P&F's mellow one), but still not a pronounced or long
as the Dead used to do.
This went right into Minglewood, although for a moment, I was hoping it was
MNS (see Alpine where it sounded like Miglewood at first).
You know, I always liked Miglewood 'back in the day', but remember that
day was before Bob started playing slide on it & they just jammed. A long
lead-in, good playing, good start.
Bob didn't play any slide, but did miss the timing of the lyrics 3 times
by stepping back in the middle of the verse he was singing - Weir d.
Next up was Doin' That Rag. Rob apparantly had a mic problem (he was
pointing it out as soon as they came out), so he has switched with Jeff
some time during Minglewood.
This was good, but the 'wah-wah' type jam at the end was the only time
all night that I missed Warren. It didn't reach the peak of some P&F
versions, but, for the 3rd song, it was fine.
West LA, I never cared for much as a Dead tune, but TOO's versions I've
heard over the years have been good. Same here.
A short jam followed that sounded a bit like Jack Straw & then seemed to
be heading undoubtably towards Bertha. Then, they slowed down & started
China Cat.
China Cat was done exactly Dead style: A short 1st instrumental, a longer 2nd
The one thing I was looking for was to see if they could play China > Rider
seamlessly as ONE song, like the Dead used to. In all the versions since '95
that I've heard, from TOO's in 1998, to P&F, to Alpine, there is
a decernable moment where they stop & begin Rider. Not here. It was flowing
nicely. The first instrumental was very short, but the 2nd made up for it.
We were hoping for a Music Never Stops to end the set, but, it was not to be.
Damn curfew.
It was a solid, enjoyable first set though.
Robert Hunter: Sorry, I focus completely on the music, & between sets, I
want the lights on & want to 'recharge my batteries', not listen
to some guy who's voice was large muddled strum on an acoustic guitar.
And yes, I actually would have prefered silience.
After the appetizer, onto the main course.
And quite a main course it was. A veritable feast for the ears..........
A very short jam that I thought was heading towards Playin' became Morning
I thought 'Uh oh'.
Now, I love Morning Dew, but I want the big climactic finish, not the mellow
fade out P&F does. Let's face it, the Alpine version was lame.
I was praying "God, let them do it right'. Really
All I can say is somebody in the band must have sat Phil down & told him
"Let's do this song RIGHT".
The jam began building, and I began to hope we might get the double time ending.......
It built up, Jimmy played some quick riffs, but no real double time. They shifted
gears out of Dew, a jam that ensued was certainly Samson-ish, but also King
Soloman's Marbles was in there. Then, another shift, a powerful climax,
but not the traditional double time. It must have been 15 minutes or more. VERY
A decernable stop for an instant, then my obligatory St Stephen. That's
10 out of my last 12 shows. All I can say there is:
Good tempo, Jimmy taking each verse for a little ride, maybe not quite as much
as P&F, whatever.
THe final Jam was good, but not like P&F with the big build up. Jimmy played
some nice leads; it reminded me alot of Jones Beach this summer, where the jamming
in it was really sweet but not as climactic at the end.
But then, unlike P&F, who come to a stop after the final vocals, they jammed
out of Stephen like the Dead in '83, P&F in '99 or TOO's in
past tours. Another powerful jam in the St Stephen vein took place, again, very
I think things jammed a bit, headed a little towards The Eleven, then spaced
a bit & fell into Birdsong. So much for Dark Star tonight I thought, but
wasn't that disappointed considering how good the playing was.
Birdsong was a bit faster than P&F, but still slow.
The jam in the middle was pretty long & went through 3 different parts:
A bit of Other One tease
A spacier, more 'out there' part.......
.....where I thought they might just jam out of it. Then, back into finishing
the vocals. The part where Phil delays on the lyrics, he milked it for an extra
long time & the crowd responed. It was funny to see Phil playing the rock
A short jam followed that hinted at The Other One lead into drums, which began
with the drummers pounding out - what else? - The Other One.
Time to relax after about 45 minutes of greatness.
Drums was going on, the usual, nothing special.
Then, after 5 minutes, as I was looking down, I heard what sounded like a guitar,
not a drum.
I looked up & everyone was back out.
A short, but good space took place, about 4-5 minutes, including drummers. It
was a bit different than any I've heard before & far beyond the often
listless post drums space the Dead would do night after night after night (I
love space so don't even go there). It had a definitive climax, then.......
The space gave way to The Wheel. A nice but fairly short lead-in. It was played
fast, lots of energy, the big vocal ending. At one point, they slowed it a little
bit like P&F, with a very short semi-instrumental. I caught Phil rather
vehemently communicating to Bob on what to do. I guess they didn't want
any flubs like on Conan O'Brien & are still working on this arrangement.
The jam out was great. Nothing like a nice jam of The Wheel, it's been a
long, long time since I heard one that was actually The Wheel & not a generic
'jam'. This then lead to The Other One, which, back in the old days,
was a 'dream' of mine to see (realized on 9-23-82 in New Haven).
Then, TOO was gone, Susan came out & I thought they were heading into Viola.
So, what do they do?
Dark Star.
I'm think 'Susan came back out for THIS? What's she going to do
on Dark Star?'. She sang some of the verses & kinda just swayed around,
ala Donna in the Dead movie (it's been almost 20 years since I saw that
so forgive me if I'm wrong).
The first verse was pretty slow & mellow, about 5 minutes.
Then the 1st verse was sung, they picked up the speed & played a great passage
of Dark Star.
After a pretty good while, they noodled out of it & I heard China Doll.
Fritz says "I hope Phil doesn't sing it." I said 'I know. TOO's
in 1998 in Hartford was excruciating."
Then, Phil walked up to the mic.........
No worries. Instead of singing, they (Phil, Susan & Bob) began this
quiet spacey vocalizing that went along with the psychedelic music they were
noodling. Within a minute or so, it became apparent it was Tomorrow Never Knows,
by far my favorite Beatles' tune P&F does.
It wasn't like Warren's long slide filled versions with strong vocals,
it was more like early P&F versions like 10-20-00. Very psychedelic &
trippy, with a couple shorter instrumentals. I loved it.
They finished it, and a cacauphoney of space crashed down. Short, but sweet.
What else?
A jam that tugged back & forth between The Other One & Dark Star before
Phil finally pulled it back into Dark Star.
They did the extended vocalizing at the end, then right into Lovelight.
Not as long as P&F's versions, but more focussed on staying in the Lovelight
theme without the wandering P&F often does.
Near the end, Bob, who had been extremely subdued all set, started a rap very
similar to the end of Good Lovin'. He seemed to encourage Susan to join,
& they went back & forth for a bit.
They finished up Lovelight, but instead of stopping, they went into the NFA
beat, which then became Aiko, slower, like the '77-'84 versions when
Aiko meant something & wasn't just Women Are Smarter with different
Then, a shock. Mickey was standing up, like he was about to sing, but he sat
back down & Bob sang. What a shame.
They speeded it up in pace, and in the first instrumental, Bob stuck his arm
up for the only time all night to reign the band in. I took this without any
doubt to mean "We gotta hurry up, gang, it's almost 11:00."
The second instrumental was cool, as everyone took a turn stepping out: First
Rob on keys, then Jeff on organ, even Phil on bass, & finally Jimmy.
I enjoyed it, and by now, we were playing with house money as far as I was concered.
So, they finished & Fritz said "No encore."
I figured he was right, & due to time they just hadn't ended with Lovelight
& threw Aiko right on the end of the set.
He was right.
The lights came right on & a few people actually booed.
Go figure.......
Well, I'll say this:
It WAS great.
Not nearly as much outside the confines of the songs jamming, but a very high
level of playing & great to see Jimmy have all the room to play to himself.
As I said, a refreshing change from P&F & far beyong most of what I
heard from Alpine.
Sorry to go on so long, but you can usually tell how good a show was (to
me) by the length of my reviews.
Runnin' WILD in the Streets of BAHSTAN!!!!
Bucky at the Fours..a lot more tamer then the wild Key!!
they wanted this guys head on the wall...lol..
Patrick(the bartender) loved us...saw him today, "thanks for the
great tip" he mentioned!
>they wanted this guys head on the wall...lol..
They can put it up there...just as long as it's OVER the Bahstan stuff!
And he deserved that Tip.
Handled me with GREAT APLOMB, which admittedly, AIN'T always the easiest
thing to do!
He was Fabulous.
Did he make it to the Show?
How'd he like it?
nice review, Bucky !
This is sure to be on my wanted list for the cd's.
Tomorrow Never Knows is one of my fave tunes...
wow man, bucky has almost the same taste as me. also, one of the best reviews so far this tour. the boys are smokin' can't wait till' they come to the burgh.
>You apparently don't have a clue about what I like.
Have several clues, but always willing for more.
Not tryin to start a flame war either and it was late, so I probably should've
left it at West LA or just skipped the sarcasm completely, because I was truly
happy for you to get what appeared by the setlist to be another phine show.
I am glad you had a good time, even if Mrs. B couldn't share it, I know
how that pheels.
>You don't know the REAL Me, yet I often get judged for expressing my
Are you suggesting that your opinions, don't reflect the REAL you? Just
curious, because mine do and I thought yours did too?
btw Nice review, I only wish more peeps had your ear and way with words!
>...most of what I heard from Alpine.
Nothing beats a live show, by any means. ;-)
Please let us know how the sound stands up, in a subsequent review, after you
get the show from a decent source.
Well, I was going to write a long review but Bucky beat me to it and I was way too tired last night and the night before, but he didnt elaborate on the UJB vocal reprise thing, I was so spaced out during darkstar I came back in to reality when they were already in verse 2...I thought Aiko Aiko was NFA too, maybe thats why they broke it out last night because tyhe whole place was calpping along with Mickey to the NFA beat...See you in Hartford, hopefully it will be as on tap as 7/18/02 when Phil and the boys took the Meadows apart jam by jam, maybe an Eyes in in store, ummm...
Dead on bucky about your china rider take. This was a great show. I dont even like west la fadeaway and it really sounded good. China rider was huge!!! and the whole 2nd set was pretty awesome. A little noodling in there but they get tired sometimes. Ive seen tons if dead and plq shows and this show stands up well with any of them. Great great time.
I will burn the show today!!!!!! thanks for the review and the answer to my
question of the day?? which show (other ones) should I burn first??
Albany? or boston 18th, or boston 19th? I think I will start with the 19th and
work my way backwards.....
Hi, Bill.
Hint, hint.......
>>>>>>You don't know the REAL Me, yet I often get
judged for expressing my opinions.
Are you suggesting that your opinions, don't reflect the REAL you? Just
curious, because mine do and I thought yours did too?
No, Opinions are part of the REAL us, but there is most definitely a difference
in our posts & our live personalities.
Here, it's just the words, not the person. I have found many folks aren't
who you'd think they are after reading their posts & then meeting them
in person.
For example, I stand up for my moral/spiritual convictions here, but if you
meet me at a show, I'm not going to start cramming Jesus down your throat.
Or, take SJF. Up here, him & I are like water & oil. In real life, we
enjoy each other's company & are friends. Up here, two posts each, &
we'll be in a big, heated debate. In person, we'll talk for 2 hours
after a show about everything from the Dead to Willie McCovey's 1969 MVP
season without a hint of tension. Get my point?
Remember, as I said before, this is a DISCUSSION board, so all we do is dicuss.........
BTW, Headlight, I tried to e-mail you a chess game, but your e-mail posted here
I hear you're pretty good.
Drop me a line if you want to play.......
And, yes, I can see how you might think I don't like Morning Dew.
But, isn't it one of 'The Biggies' to everyone?
Coming through on Dew the other night, like it should be done, was a moment
of greatness that did honor to that song - as it should be.
Bring back Phil and Friends.
5 on a 1-10 scale, woulda been a 4 except for some dude in the luxury box was
kind enough to hand me 2 cans of Bud during the second set.
Bring back Phil and Friends.
This comes from the same guy that only liked 'Til The Morning Comes'
in Hartford 7-18-02 & thought the rest of the show was "boiler plate"......
I think maybe Cryp needs a break from ANY shows.
BTW, Cryp, sorry I missed you in Boston.
I forgot your tee-shirt anyways.
BTW II, If you win Sunday, you're in the playoffs. You lose & I win,
I'm in.
Throw the game....
the Squirrel Rustler rustlin.
hey son, you mind not throwing that firecracker at my tent.