Wanted to get a string going to see if anyone else was going to the shows in CA. Cant freakin wait!
360hours until showtime.........
I'll be there along with 5 other phans. Flying in from CO on 12/5. Totally
cant wait, reading the reviews of the east coast shows is driving me nuts.
Flying in from Seattle for the 5th and 6th!!!
Right on, glad to see Im not the only one. The setlists have been amazing so far, can only imagine what they put together for the only west coast dates of the tour!Driving in from Grand Canyon, AZ to be at the shows!
Have tickets for both nights, coming from Park City Utah.
Anyone going to the shows from Utah?
Not from Utah,but like jim: Flying in from Denver on the 5th!!!!!!!!
Flying down from Portland. Have the first night need night number two. Who's
got my EXXTRRRAAA!!??!!
Hey Randy where are you staying? It seems that the City Center Marriott is the place to be. There a bunch of people staying there and its only 3 blocks to HJK.
Inexpensive Rooms(for the Area)
Best Western
Inn at The Square(Jack London Square)
233 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607
BART Station 4 blocks
7 Minute cabride/drive from HJK
On Jack London Square Waterfront
. greg (Poncho)
2. Rev. Buddy Greene (Randomposter)
3. racketinmyhead (Racketinmyhead) +1
4. Still Dead (Mikeyv)
5. J_A_C_K (J_A_C_K)
6. John Zinkand (Cozmikzink)
7. wino (Carl)
8. cinderoo (Cinderoo) - CANCELLED?
9. iannai (Mule)
10. Peggy-O (Peggyo10)
11.Randy k
12. G.Dad ( Up from La Jolla )
13. Scalia
14. Butmas Manche
15. Christopher Butterfly
16. k (Kessler) smooth as silk
17. Tonto
18. Sihead
19. Richard K. (surfdead) - down from Or.
20. Philophile - flyin' in from Bos.
21. Richie Nagan (Negman)
22. Dead in (Denver) +5
Sadly it appears that Dead in (Denver) is now only +3 (lame ass friends)
336 Hours to go!!!!!
I'm headed from Breckenridge to NYC on Sunday via Denver. MSG on Tuesday, then both HJK shows the next week. I just can't wait to start my holiday!
I will be heading to the HJK shows from Dallas, TX. Attending with college pal who was instrumental in "taking me to the next plane" of my GD enjoyment. The set lists have been great, said friend saw the show in Wash DC .. thinks the MCI show was sandwiched between 2 other OUTSTANDING Set lists. I have been counting down the days until 12/5 like a kid waiting for Santa to come down the chimmney...or, Hannakah Harry to deliver the goods. 2 shows. 8.000 friends. One heck of a good time. My name is Steve from Dallas. I hope to see you in Oakland and shake your hand.
Yeah, like Rabi and Dead in (Denver) I'm gonna be coming from Denver.
But, damn, I gotta long drive.... Think I may have room for one more in the
car if anyone wants to pitch in for gas!!!
December 5th is my birthday show!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah.........
1. greg (Poncho)
2. Rev. Buddy Greene (Randomposter)
3. racketinmyhead (Racketinmyhead) +1
4. Still Dead (Mikeyv)
5. J_A_C_K (J_A_C_K)
6. John Zinkand (Cozmikzink)
7. wino (Carl)
8. cinderoo (Cinderoo) - CANCELLED?
9. iannai (Mule)
10. Peggy-O (Peggyo10)
11.Randy k
12. G.Dad ( Up from La Jolla )
13. Scalia
14. Butmas Manche
15. Christopher Butterfly
16. k (Kessler) smooth as silk
17. Tonto
18. Sihead
19. Richard K. (surfdead) - down from Or.
20. Philophile - flyin' in from Bos.
21. Richie Nagan (Negman)
22. Dead in (Denver) +5
numba 23. Smokey Joe and friends (Denver)
I have been lucky to have an opportunity to catch these shows while on a business trip from the East Coast...but that means I am travelling solo. Any kind crowds looking to just mix a little would be cool. I was always happy to float around on tour so this should be no different.
Explain..Mix a little...Mix a little Kool Aid..???
Flying from Italy for the other ones ...
See you soon everybody ...
peace and love
No hidden riddle here...but "mix a little" is vague for a reason. Usually good conversation is the right start.
Only 8 days to go people. The setlist have been incredible so far. What do you think they'll play at HJK? Happy Turkey Day!
I'd like to hear LTGTR, Gimme Some Lovin, Hey Jude, Strawberry Fields for the covers.
How about Big Boy Pete, Mission In The Rain, Satisfaction, In The Pines? Theyve
been breaking everything else out, why not? Sing Me Back home would be sweet
too. Man, Im so stoked about these shows Im about to pee myself
It will be really cool to see the boys back in the Kaiser. I have a few thousand brain cells dripping from the rafters that I left there in the 80's. From the looks of the shows so far we are in for a ROCKIN few nights. See you in the park!!
Definately, the park is the place to be. I saw JGB there back in 90 and the "scene" across the street in th park was out of hand. Looking forward to a drum circle there.
1. greg (Poncho)
2. Rev. Buddy Greene (Randomposter)
3. racketinmyhead (Racketinmyhead) +1
4. Still Dead (Mikeyv)
5. J_A_C_K (J_A_C_K)
6. John Zinkand (Cozmikzink)
7. wino (Carl)
8. cinderoo (Cinderoo) - CANCELLED?
9. iannai (Mule)
10. Peggy-O (Peggyo10)
11.Randy k
12. G.Dad ( Up from La Jolla )
13. Scalia
14. Butmas Manche
15. Christopher Butterfly
16. k (Kessler) smooth as silk
17. sigh
18. Sihead
19. Richard K. (surfdead) - down from Or.
20. Philophile - flyin' in from Bos.
21. Richie Nagan (Negman)
22. Dead in (Denver) +5
numba 23. Smokey Joe and friends (Denver)
What do you think they'll play at HJK?
I bet they kick it off with LTGTR & throw in "The Weight" somewhere...
lucky dogs....
Can't take it no more...flying in from my home in Hot'Lanta Wednesday
evening with tickets for both shows. Been trading on this board for about a
year now and would love to meet up with any of my fellow zoners.
Im with ya man, Im goin nuts here. Hope the band is ready for us, because the
energy in HJK is gonna be off the scale!!!!!!!!
Get in the groove and let the good times roll......
Holy Mackerel, Gang....
I have to change my boxers now......
Are there still tix available through tickmaster? I figured these shows were sold out a long strange trip ago.......
Three days to go!!!!!
Saw YES two nights ago at the Flint Center at De Anza College. Decent show just
an appetizer for the TOO shows though. One cool thing scored a backstage pass
and got to meet the band. Jon Anderson is real cool, very down to earth. Heart
of the sunrise was pretty impressive and Steve Howes solo was cool, just him
acoustic for about ten minutes great stuff. I read in Mickey Harts trip diary
that Detroit was Susans last night with the band, too bad.
"Its got no signs or dividing lines and very few rules to guide..................."
72 hours away!
"lets get on with the show"
Couple of weeks ago my wife and kids started telling me "You should go see the Dead, you've been working real hard and you should go cut loose...just come back relaxed". So I says OK. Me and one of my old tramping friends score tickets for the Kaiser shows and I start gettin pumped up watching the setlists goin by during the East coast warm-up swing. Atlanta's not a bad place to hang your hat but a couple of Oakland shows are just what this old bag of bones needs right about now! From watching the last bunch of setlists, we're in for some grate ones. The boys have been holding on to a few treats for us Thursday and Friday...I see some serious Dark Star,Viola Cryptical >Other drift/themes coming at us where they use these beautiful threads to weave us a couple of serious second sets. You'll be able to pick me out Thursday evening - I be the greying guy with the giant smile on my face that you couldn't beat off with a stick. Happy trails.........
>gettin pumped up watching the setlists goin by during the East coast warm-up
It is nice of 'em to warm-up so extensively for the home-town crowd. And
ya'll thought the shows were good so far...!
As a recent transplant from New England to the bay area, I am extremely excited about these two shows. It will be great not see them in a genric colisuem, but a tasty tight auditorium. Plus the old boys will have few nights of rest in them, and plenty of energy upon their return home. Its time to step it up boys and girls...48 hours until lot time...LTGTR>Viola
In the park In the park
We be burnin in the park
At the show at the show
We be burnin at the show
In the lot In the lot
We be shakin in the lot
In the hall in the hall
We be shakin in the hall
In the seats in the seats
We be freakin in the seats
In the streets in the streets
We be freakin in the seats
Is it Thursday yet?
Only a day to go! Getting on the plane at 9am tomorrow. This freaking day will never end!
Come on home, boys, your momma's callin' you...
Anybody know if cameras, specifically digital cameras, are permitted inside HJK?
I saw Phil at the Kaiser last year and my friend had a huge hassle with a digital camera on 12/30. He had to talk to the security staff for the first ten minutes of shakedown (we got there late) and eventuallt had to give the batteries and memory card to the guy and was allowed trhe camera inside. It was a hassle to find the guy after the show and get them back, but at least we had the camera. I would say either stash it well or send a friend in with extra batteries and memory card and pull that trick saying you dont want anything to happen to the camera but would gladly leave those components. then click away, just dont sell them!!!!
Should be a nice day tomorrow, what time is everyone heading to the park?
I'll be in the lot 6am sharp...big day
Ill probably get there around 1:00 gotta drive from my moms place in Fresno.
Ill be the one shakin Margaritas out the back of a maroon Subaru with Arizona
plates. Stop by and say hi if you see me, it would be cool to meet some people
from this board!
Which kind soul here is going to be calling in the sets to the poor, lonely, sad-sacks in Chat?
hey frankl...i'm gonna try!
Sweet Peggy-O! Who are you gonna call?
no, i'm gonna call rastacruz. but it just occurred to me that maybe he won't
be able to post 'cuz he won't be at work. email me if you want to get
a call, too.
just got the word on the first set
music never stopped
midnight hour
Two words
There were more bad parts than good. After having to wait so long for a show
(berserkly being the last) I am greatly dissappointed. I know that this
is only my opinion but I just had to say it.
I hope that the boys (couldn't follow tonight Bobby, missed a few times
Jeff, should stick to rapping Mick and good old Bill) get it together for
tomorrow. We all know that they have it in them.
No onstage hugs tonight. Phil said something to Bobby during Box and almost
before the tune ended Phil took off his bass and darted off stage.
Not a good night.
There were as I said some good parts.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Almost forgot
Bring back the Quintet!!!!
I would have to agree. Tonight never got off the ground. It was all about the
crowd, the scene and the drugs. The music hardly entered the equation.
Sorry, but I want my PLQ
Oh wah!! Im bummed you guys didn't have a gggrrreat time, musically.. Maybe on Dec 6????
But how do you guys really feel?
And here I am getting ready to board a plane to give TOO one chance tonight.
Thanks to everyone in Oakland for getting me REAL excited about this journey.
At least I get to spend some time with good friends (and get out of work
early today).
Rev. Buddy, you've been on line, where's your smart ass comments?
"THAT SUCKED," "couldn't follow Bobby" - who would have
ever thunk it, Weir screwing up (another) show. Go back to Ratdog, Bobby,
and leave the jammin' to those who can still go - PLQ FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fred, have a good time...at least that part is guaranteed.
Wow. I guess it's true that the setlist isn't what it's all about - 'cause that's one of the most smokin' looking lists all tour! Are there other reviews out there? Does everyone think it sucked?
Yes, I agree it sucked. It was great to be back at the Kaiser, the magic chocolates were AWESOMMMMMME, the vibe was groovy...but I have to agree, it sucked. IMHO, it never got off the ground. Jimmy Herring is great, but he does not have the chops to carry TOO; many times he seemed to be soloing just cause he HAD to, long after he ran out of ideas...to me, it sounded like a watered-down version of P&F. On the bright side - first set featured very cool transitional segments, and Eleven was fairly tight. 'Strawberry Fields' was cool, but the second set unravelled quickly thereafter *yawn*. Come join the party, sure, but don't expect too much other than good vibes. Sorry, wish I had better things to report....
MKy know-nothing predictor :
Watch out, tonight could be a smoker.
Hope so.
You guys should move to the East Coast...
Both Nights in Boston and Philly...and THE GARDEN...were ALL GOOD.
Our sympathies go out to you.
>>Watch out, tonight could be a smoker.
Hope so.
Me too!!!
Well, the show might have been a bit of a disappointment the first set last
night but these reviews are equally disappointing.
Am I the only one that thought they made up entirely for the first set with
a hell of a smokin' second set?
I don't know if an emphatic "it sucked" is a fair review but everyone
is allowed an opinion. The first set never really materialized. The sound problems
to end the set really set a weird feel around the Kaiser. But the second set
reassured me that all the reviews from the East Coast were accurate.
Tonight will smoke!!
Wow. Hopefully some expectations were REALLY high - cause I would hate to think
the return to the Left Coast "SUCKED". Perchance some Cali-Heads thought
the earth would move when the "boys" returned "home".
Although, I have to say that my one show in Indy was not as sharp as Alpine...
maybe the vibes wore off (for whatever reason) after they left the great
NE. Chicago reviews were pretty luke-warm also.
Eh, we shall see tonight.
I'm sorry for being so harsh. I am certainly not over optimistic, you can
only get out of the experience what you are willing to put in. Go in with a
good frame of mind and all will work itself out, or so I thought.
Am I the only one who saw Phil storm off the stage before the end of Box?
Tonight will smoke, as Robert Hunter said last night "The tour is over,
there just playing a gig now"
I won't be selling my ticket.
Hey Roanoke blew....
MCI, Albany, Monday Boston and both Phillies
kicked butt......
How many people went just to party?
How many people went to hear a Jerry clone??
I have no doubt they will do some clunkers
for shows...
Heck the Dead sure did!!!! Ratdog has....And PLQ
has done some boring ones too...
You cant go into TOO thinking its the Dead...If
you do of course it will suck...
good mornin'
i didn't think the show sucked, but it definately didn't rock as much
as i was hoping it would. i guess i thought there would be some sort of special
"it's good to be home" vibe. but things just kinda moved along and
then it was over. i guess i never really understood when phil would say at the
beacon or the roseland "new york, you always bring it out of us." maybe
we did, but you would think the HJK crowd would, too.
the song selection was great, i could hardly ask for more, but there wasn't
a burst of energy that took us to another level. the iko to start felt a little
flat to me and then everything that followed was just good, but not amazing.
maybe my expectations were too high? i mean, the music was really good, it just
didn't leave me speechless.
i did have a fantastic time, though. i took two friends who hadn't been
to shows in a long time (ten years) and they had a really great time
hearing the music live again. it's always good to see friends dancing!
and the best part is we get to go back and do it again tonight.
see y'all at the marriott.
i wasnt at the show but i can imagine a few internal problems, age & ego
would be at the top of the list...its the end of the tour, these guys are tired,
these guys are old..i dont know any other way to put it...
they smoked the three shows i saw...albany was just full of energy, hartford
a little less and philly even less(besides phil joining drums)...that
being said they still kicked major ass, more than anyother collection of these
the show to see...new years...they'll be more than ready...tonight should
get a brokedown though
I am going to make this clear to everybody concerned about last night's
or tonight's show. Not sure what folks are expecting, but last night was
as good as the set list shows. I was with about 6 people who have seen about
1000 Dead shows between us and all agreed that it was better than we expected.
The first set rocked hard, except Fire (Mickey singing) and the sound
dropping out during Midnight Hour.
Second set again rocked, with Watchtower being the throw away. Everything after
Drums was great. Very tight transitions. Having Rob and Phil singing together
during Eyes and Franklin's is a stellar move. Get's rid of Phil's
horrible lead vocals and makes him sing harmony to Rob's superior voice.
THey sound great together.
Yes, Box of Rain fell apart big time, but all inall a really hot show, with
Bobby really taking charge and sounding great. Phil is monster (Slipknot!>
Other One > Slipknot! proves this) and Jimmy has some great licks. I
get a bit tired of his tone, but the guy can play. Go have fun. It is way better
than the depressed folks posting above. (And I have thought many Dead shows
have sucked. Can you say all of 1994?
set list looks killer, reviews pretty negative.
what was the highlight of the evening?
Would have loved to hear a help>slip>other one> franklins.......
i saw a few east coast shows, TOO much Bobby, Susan Tedeschi miked too low,
bottom line....bring back PLQ!!!!!!
A little background on some( emphasized) reviewers. I was at a few east coast shows this tour, I had a good time musically each night, not every night was a blow out, but still some solid parts. Anyway, each night I always ran into some "critics", bad mouthing shows and such, 9 out of 10 of these people have never seen the Dead and have jumped on the bus and now are the leading authorities on Dead genre music. So if you do not know the person, you may be dealing with a review from a person tauting their criticism guns without any background. Just a little "Caution" to those with some justified views
To: "Can you all say 1994"
Did you hit the fall tour of 94'? I agree the spring and summer were not
that great, but the fall tour had some shining moments. All the Boston and MSG
shows of that tour were very solid.
The Dead did produce some weak shows, but now that they are gone, all that I
remember are the good time and many of them!
The first set was a bit slow, but I thought that the second set was quite good.
Phil and the drummers are still as tight as any musicans can be. There is no
other sound in the universe like when those three find each other.
The main problem however is definatly Jimmy Herring. His tone is thin and twangy
and his solos just seem like lazy background filler. The dead...err I mean the
other ones seem to lack any melodic center now. I would have rather they choose
a good jazz gutairist and turned him up in the mix than some one-speed soloing
southern rock guy.
Also, since Bob isnt a classic rythem gutairist, Jerry's fat thick clean
chords really drove the music. That is missing now. I especially noticed it
during Franklins.
That said, there where definatly some moments in the second set that the magic
turned on.
I'm so glad to hear that others agree that last night wasn't as horrible
as some of the lead reviews. I probably shouldn't care what people think
on these posts but I can't get away from that nostalgia of years gone when
we were all really happy pretty much all the time.
I fell into a critical mode in the early 90's, became a snob and all. Finally,
I realized I wasn't having fun anymore. With a little help of a special
friend, realized that life is to be seized and if you spend all your time hating
the experiences you involve yourself in (show after show) your shooting
yourself in the foot.
What I've really enjoyed over the past couple of years is the way the boys
have found that out for themselves as well and I think that's what brought
them back together. We all get together to have a freakin' great time.....
The kids they dance and shake their bones... Leave it to the politicians to
throw stones!
the highlights...thanks for asking...when i stop and think about the show moment
by moment, they all seem good. like i said, the music was really good, i just
didn't get blown away.
one highlight for me is always the eleven...it kinda took me by surprise, coming
in between music and eyes. i just love that song...it puts me in such a happy
then the strawberry fields-cryptical-watchtower was pretty great...i was happy
to get to share them with a friend so that made them the highlight fo' sho'!
I went inside without huge expectations but the joy that I was going to see
great musicians. the show was very inconsistent. many times I thought the music
would completely come to a crash. the trans between eyes and scarlet was terrible
with bobby wanting to scat a reprise. eyes was weak with the first guiter solo
replaced with a piano solo.the music never stopped was too disjointed and slow.
they struggled through scarlet(no lead from jimmy) and into a equally
horrible fire. please do not perform this song with mickey on vocals. the sound
problems at the end of fire and the whole song of midnight hour only added to
the crappy first set. at one time phil looked at bobby as if 'what are you
doing'. even stopped playing a few measures.
the second set was much better. the straw field opener was very clean with excellent
harmonies. good trans to cryptical and into watchtower. this was possibly the
only time jimmy smoked it. the watchtower leads were searing. help>slip>other
one was good with everybody on thier feet. the box encore was a bit of a let
down with phil again showing his dismay in the direction the band was going.
maybe they should stop the video cameras from showing their faces.
this could be a great band. im a tour vet and im aware not every show is steller.
im going back in tonight with the joy of seeing great musicians and maybe a
great band. i believe these guys can pull it off. also hung at the backstage
door and got to thank mickey and phil. mickey was quite and phil gave us a nice
thanks before sliding into his limo.
JONASP....."i wasnt at the show but i can imagine a few internal problems,
age & ego would be at the top of the list...its the end of the tour, these
guys are tired, these guys are old..i dont know any other way to put it... "
Thought yall would like to hear it straight from the horses mouth so to say....
From Mickey's Diary..."This tour has been so much fun for all of us.
Usually at the end of a tour you've had it, it's over and done with.
This tour is different. I am almost sad with the thought of the end. We all
need to rest, but I know this is not the last time around. It is my hope that
this circus will continue next year. We have made a lot of new friends and hopefully
made this world a little better and kinder place."
For me, D...the dream is not only one of closeness with the music but with each
other...the last two years are culminating with this band that has summed as
much dead that is left on this planet... and have put the dead ball back in
play all across the land..I for one couldn't be happier....thanks to TOO
for bringing back the "dead experience"...one that can and will be shared
with new and old alike....some will share it, others will pass it on....Happy
Jerryxmass to all and very New Weir....see yall next year...
*Amazing* first set! Man, Jimmy Herring!!! I'm a huge fan. From
my perspective, hi even drove for a while. Very nice job, indeed. I got a kick
out of Bobby being Bobby and his unexpected vocal "FIRE!!!!" solo during
Fire on the Mountain. Did y'all hear Rob (I think) bust out laughing?
Excellent song selection for the entire show. I even enjoyed Drums! (I've
never said that before).
2nd set was played okay, for the most part, but they never did jell. They got
themselves into some jams (i.e., traffic jams) and couldn't play
out of them the way PLQ would/could. Saw Phil on his on-stage-only mic a few
times directing traffic. Also saw him giving instructions individually to Rob
(I'm a big fan of him, too) and Billy, and literally yelling at
Bobby during Watchtower and Box of Rain. Phil quit playing altogether a couple
times, especially during Box. He folded his hands behind his back and just sang
his lines. His bass was off, and so was he before the last note even died out.
Phil Lesh is my hero and one of my greatest influences, and I can understand
his frustration...
The vibe of the audience was really good. They were a kind, friendly, loving
group of people, and I'm proud to be a part of the Left Coast Family.
*Really* looking forward to tonight...
From Blair Jackson c/o DNC
This was my first time hearing TOOV3, aside from night one of the Alpine webcast,
and I was really impressed! These guys are really going for it and trying hard.
There are still some rough edges, and the transitions, at least last night,
were a little clumsy at times, but this is, in a sense, a new band, so I'm
more than willing to cut them some slack. I thought the second set was a monster,
and the first set had many great moments, but was marred by sound problems:
I thought both Jimmy and Bob were very muddy and indistinct in the mix during
most of the first set.
Still, there were many fine moments during set one. The opening "Iko"
was rousing; Mickey did a nice job on it. "Music Never Stopped" was
handled well, with the jam eventually sprawling out in some interesting directions.
The hair on my arms stood up at that great moment when "The 11" kicked
in; always a glorious arrival. I like the current vocal arrangement of "The
11," which combines Weir's driving '98 TOO "11" feeling
with the more traditional backing attack from Phil and Rob. And speaking of
Phil and Rob, I also really liked their vocal blend on "Eyes of the World"
(and later on "Franklin's). Rob's voice lends the vocal
a soulful clarity while Phil's adds a certain heft and character. Bob did
a great job delivering "Scarlet" in a style very close to Jerry's
phrasing and emphases; I appreciated his fidelity to what was, in jerry's
hands,a PERFECT song! It was played beautifully, too, though I still had trouble
tuning in Jimmy's parts--sounded like David Gilmour playing in the next
room, or something, instead of his usual sharp, laser-like lines; very frustrating.
Mickey acquitted himself nicely on "Fire," and it was also played well,
though I believe that may be the song where the P.A. cut out for a couple of
long, annoying stretches. (Might've been another song; brainally fuzzy
this morning) Magical return to the "Music Never Stopped" jam at
some point and then the "Midnight Hour" was a great way to end the set--a
lot less sloppy than the Dead's old versions, and not very jammed out, but
delivered with great gusto. Bob's singing was great on this--actually, he
was in good voice all night.
I totally agree with some of the other posts about the harmonies. From the first time I heard it in Roanoke I thought Rob & Phil singing together was a great, great mix. Sounds fantastic guys - keep it comin'!
More Blair:
Three cheers for Robert Hunter, who played a beautiful,touching and ultimately
triumphant set! Excellent version of "The Wind Blows High," which for
reasons unknown, I was hearing last night as a perefect vehicle for a re-formed
Jefferson Airplane, with Grace, Marty and Paul weaving in and out of each other
on the verses. He did his cool "Easy Wind" > "Mr. Charlie";
a Pig tribute always appropriate. The emotional highpoint of the set: "Standing
on the Moon," delivered in a sure, firm tenor, close to Garcia's phrasing--I
think the Big Guy was lookin' down at the ol' Kaiser on that one. And
"Ripple" was wonderful, of course, with 8,000 folks sittin' round
the campfire helping RH belt it out. Rapturous applause for his last couple
of numbers and RH was clearly in heaven; he let the cheers wash over him like
a soothing balm, then confidently belted out "Boys in the Barroom" to
close. Great! A really fine set for the hometown crowd.
The sound gremlins that had vexed TOO during set one had apparently been jettisoned
into nearby Lake Merritt by the beginning of set two, and the band KILLED as
a result. This was my kind of set. I'd been seeing those versions of "Strawberry
Fields" pop up on TOO setlists on tour but I'd forgotten about it, so
it was a delightful surprise. I don't think I've ever heard that song
played live by any band, and it's one of my all-time favorites, burned into
my consciousness back in '66 and always close to my heart. Very well done,
all around, and I loved the way Jimmy--now clearly audible--built the little
ending jam. Some cool PLQ-like meanderings and then it was into a "he's
Gone" jam ala Alpine Day One into a really strong "Cryptical," which
was jammed out long after the verses rather than dropping into the more traditional
"drums-Other One" mode.
finally Blair sez:
Meanwhile, the band chugged into a chunky, slowish, but still powerful "Watchtower."
Bob did some interesting things with the phrasing on the first two verses, splitting
the lines with a few bars of playing; pretty effective.
"Drums" was awesome. I'd read a few complaints from the tour that
the "drums" had been kinda short, but I thought this felt like a fat,
generous segment. First a nice duel on traps, then Mickey gave us what amounted
to a tour of his entire setup, going from one area to the next, through the
roto-toms, a gemelan-sounding thingamajig, the big Beast drums, etc., as Billy
whacked an assortment of pitched instruments I couldn't see from perch in
the lower balcony, front right. If it's "Grateful Dead" you're
looking for, you'll hear lots of it in TOO, but when Mickey and Billy are
out there, it's in its purest form, undiluted by outside influences.
"Space" was loud and chaotic but short; still, I was pleasantly shocked
when "Help on the Way" emerged from the cacaphony. Superb, confident
version, great "Slipknot" and then, lest we forget, "The Other One"
came careening out of a jam, rolling and tumbling, building and falling away,
Cowboy Neal definitely at the wheel somewhere. At the close of the second verse,
the music stopped for a split second and then, in one of those miraculous head-snapping
twists, the band plopped back into "Slipknot" for the inevitable vista-cruiser
ride to "Franklin'Tower," a tremendously joy-filled and triumphant
closer. Yaaaaay! Donor speech...always heartfelt (and appreciated...we are
SO lucky to have Phil with us making this great music, and he HAS elevated consciousness
about this important issue)...and then a lovely "Box of Rain," dedeicated
to a woman whose name I can't remember (tapers?). It was interesting:
Phil barely played on it; instead he stood there with his axe and just sang,
quite beautifully, I might add. It was all quite moving.
So...a a great night with many twists and turns and high moments. Some of the
jamming has the unmistakable adventurous stamp of the PLQ, which is a good thing
IMO--keeps everyone (band and crowd) on their toes navigating those
complicated jams. Major points to Mr. Bob Weir, for playing really passionately
all night and singin' his little heart out. Jeff and Rob were a great team,
alternating on different keyboards, and adding nicely to the brew. And in the
second set, particularly, Jimmy had some brilliant runs; the guy has chops.
Feeling at the Kaiser was wonderful from my perch...lotsa dancing happy people.
God, I love that place (though it looked a tad oversold to me...)
This band is for real and will only get better...
Psst! "Dark Star" tonight...pass it on!
oops -- forgot to mention how EXCELLENT the light show was...
i'll second that...the light show was EXCELLENT
Light show? I didn't notice. My eyes where closed.
I was on the rail in front of Billy's bass drum. It was so great to see
so many of my very best friends all in their approximate usual places and looking
so very well for the intervening decades.
Consensus was, the old spark is right there again. They take such a joy in what
they do, that it gets us all there too.
They were able to make me glad I survived my recent terrible accident. I'm
so glad I didn't miss last night.
Thanks to you all, and you know who you are.
If tonight isn't better, I will eat my hat. I chalk last night's disappointments up to two factors: the sound troubles, and a sense of disjointedness around the band's first real Bay Area show. If I know these guys, they are going to make a point of getting the sound and the feel together tonight.
hey gang doctor dick lovely popping up. perhaps the east coast peeholes get
all the good shows because they cheer for anything that comes out of the s-pee-kers.
for the more discriminating west coast ear, a mighty swell of swing balls might
be just the thing you need. until then, doctor dick on the tip.
Good to see you back JACK!
Had to miss the Marriott gathering yesterday. Enjoyed the show. Thought the
first set was definitely better than the second. Second set's second half
was pretty good with the Help>Other One>Slip>Franklins being a nice
switch up. They really botched Bov of Rain encoree pretty badly. Phil walked
off right away when it ended..a little before it ended actually. But the entire
first was energetic and played pretty well. Some clunky transitions, a missed
verse start or two by Bobby....pretty much the norm.
Stoked for night number two...it could be better! We shall see...
Signing off from a friend's house in Berkeley....
Blair's post was how I felt about this show. If I could write better, I would have posted his review. Maybe a bit more gushing than I thouhgt it deserved. I hope tonight is as good as last night.
A note to JKSurf -
To put it in context, I saw approx. 150 Dead/JGB shows from 80 - 95. And I was
only expressing my opinion - The Other Ones that I saw last night are lame compared
to Phil & Friends. Please form/share your own opinion. I still had a great
time, anywaze....
I love Blairs writing style, anyone remember "The Golden Road". He always
finds the positive, or maybe he is just trying to prop up the band that has
been his meal ticket for years.
Too many mixed messages last night
I apologize in advance for my cynicism
A few observations/moments from last night's show:
*Not as tight as PLQ, but less predictable: both results of Phil not having
*total* control over the goings-on.
*First set was great, especially transition from Music to The 11: the jam
at the end of Music started the "usual" way, moving from the extended
3/4 (or 6/8 or whatever) following the last lyrics (you know: "..music
never stopped" bum bum BUM) back to the straight-ahead rock and roll
part. But then they went back to the 3/4 jam and that just oozed in the most
fluid way into the pre-11 licks. Awesome.
*For the last chorus of Fire, and the jam that followed, only Jimmy's
guitar was coming through the PA. You could hear the drums, directly and thus
more faintly, but none of the other instruments or vocals. Band was singing
and must have heard themselves in their monitors -- they seemed completely unaware
that they weren't being heard. Kind of humorous, actually.
*Bob punted a few parts, especially coming in with the chorus of Franklin's
-- following "...listen to the music play", when that chorus doesn't
happen, fortunately no one joined him and he only got one "roll away"
out before realizing -- *and* coming in with the chorus in the middle
of one of the verses (either last or next to last)
*Phil seems unwilling or unable to follow Bob at certain points. Especially
evident in the Other One, when at a couple of points Bob started a groove and
*all* of the other members of the band *except* for Phil got
into it, but Phil just stood there, not playing.
*Nice to hear Jimmy without Warren. An amazing talent. Still, there's
so little variation in his tone, so little genuinely mean rock and roll noise
coming from his axe, that it starts to get a bit wearing, without Warren to
balance him.
*Overall, fun, though not as fresh or sustainable as PLQ. Here's hoping
to a lot more from both configurations.
RE:DR D I agree with you about the East Coast peeholes.Since most of them are liquored up on cheap beer and schwag buds,they could hear the worst live music ever and they'd eat it up like ravenous dogs.Not to mention,you'd also see rave reviews about how great of a show it was.Unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
One thing about the Kaiser, it brings out the freaks. It's funny how they
all come out of the closet for these shows. Front left by the speakers is one
crazy place. Same people, wearing the same clothes for the last twenty, maybe
thirty years. I admit to being one of them. There were moments when the old
feelings came back, when things became total chaos and it was easy to get lost
in the flow. Other times it seemed like a struggle, like it was forced merriment.
Other times I simply got bored and wished I was anyplace else.
Hey Rev, email me about the Angry Somoans and the Dickies.
I still haven't made up my mind about tonight. I'm going to hang at
the Marriot and in the park before the show. Maybe I'll go in, or maybe
I'll go see Karate High School
>>> but Phil just stood there, not playing.
Did BoB push him down the stairs?
don't make us come out there and kick your west coast three hour behind
asses. everybody knows people from the east coast are smarter and tougher. Sounds
like you need some yoga and tofu.
Haven't been to HJK since maybe '89--can one get a beer inside?
damn, tough crowd
'Other times it seemed like a struggle, like it was forced merriment. Other
times I simply got bored and wished I was anyplace else.'
like that line tom. seems to hold true for this hole thing at times
Enough with the PLQ promotions. This band blows away PLQ. PLQ is B-O-R-I-N-G.
Sure last night had some misses but overall it delivered much more excitement
than most PLQ shows. Not all...but most. What would you rather here, "Celebration"
or "Music Never Stopped"? Warren is G-d but this band plays much better
Grateful Dead music. Open your mind.
Blair - I thought your commentary was dead-on as usual.
A contrarian
Who's singing Help on the Way in this band? I seem to recall seeing somewhere that its Bobby, which would be a shame because I think Rob truly sings a damn good Help, probably one of my favorite of his vocals from the PLQ repetoire. Anyway, just curious...
Now for some critical envelopment:
I don't care who you are or how long you've been in the scene, you have
to admit that things were weir(d) last night. Those of you who didn't
notice sound problems until MIDNIGHT HOUR were not paying attention. They were
bad from the get go - I thought I was in a Herring Hot Spot, but as i moved
around the venue, I noticed that sound was simply bad in the first set - gremlins
As for Bobby's phrasing choices on Watchtower and Other One - "interesting"
perhaps, but *yawn* is more like it. And as for Bobby sitting out with
his legs crossed and glaring at Phil from the drum risers: GROW UP!
Now for the praise:
Stellar transitions between tunes. The Eleven jumped up and knocked me over.
Loved the Eyes of the World and agree with others about the fab harmonies. Drums
was awesome, like THUNDER! Robert Hunter made me weep with appreciation - I
was touched. Jimmy rocked and smoked in the face of obvious onstage tension
among the Elders. There were good vibes in the crowd and we danced like the
Peanuts gang - great stuff. The band was playing double-time in the second set,
and we were sweating and swirling!
Hope tonite rocks the house - maybe they can kiss and makeup...
Yes indeed, high hopes for a rockin' house tonight. My wife and I will be
WALKING to the show from our apt, just around the Lake from HJK.
Can someone out there let us know if there is beer available inside? many thanks
I'll try to make this short:
+ You can probably get a beer in if your smooth enough but they did do a
simple pat down. Backpacks are not allowed unless you can come up with a witty
+ As far as the show went, it was not as bad as the first posts would lead
you to believe. Song selection was just under superb, so no complaints there,
and the songs themselves (I felt) were played well. The problem for
me was the transitions between the songs... they were poorly executed and sounded
the same. I really felt like they had one gear between songs and unfortunaetly
it happened to be muddled noise jam (mnj). Honestly though, I felt the
show was good and left quite content. The previous otherones shows I have seen
were no where near the quality of that one....still....must....get....better..
+ I felt the crowd was great. The vibes near me couldn't have been better.
+ I am going to have to agree with most posts about mickey singing on fire.
It doesn't cut it for me....but it sure beats the alternatives (baba
jingo etc.)
+ '94 sucks? Put down your crack pipe and put on that msg scarlet fire...whoooboy
and richfield in the spring with that stella that could be the best ever with
Jerry moanin' and all. His guitar licks and vocals are en fuego.
beer = $7 for swill
Seems like several reviews agree on some things that I also agree on from last
1.) Muddy sound problems early in set one and the obvious gremlins during
the end of set one. I believe this will be all fixed for tonight.
2.) Music->Eleven transition was spot on. I too, Mr. Jackson, got goosebumps
early in the Eleven.
3.) Horrible transition into Scarlet, but so it goes without a net.
4.) I quite enjoyed the new phrasing/timing of verses. Especially in Watchtower.
Made you check the lyrics in a different light.
5.) Hunter's set was a treat. However, what happend to the words in
Lazy River Road? Guess he was doing an Jerry impression, singing the same verse
twice (funny thing, I told my friend we'd get to hear one of my favorite
lines "nighttime double clutches into the day" and he never sung it).
6.) Help->Slip->Other One->Slip->Franklins' made up
for everything. Things got real loose during the Franklins, with dancin'
going on that reminded me of some of my first Dead shows.
7.) Props to the vibe and the crowd. Felt Good!
Here's to tonight!
Think they'll still make the playoffs?
we will see what these folks say tonight when they get there act together. they just got back from the long tour and maybe a little nerves being back in the bay? tonight will rock. bet.
yeah...you can get beer but you can't buy it with cash...you have to buy beer tickets from the table all the way at the end of the hallway and then go back and stand in the beer line.
I still can't get over how tastey the shows at the Spectrum were
or as Mr Hunter put it in his journal "fine, fine, fine".
Hope everyone has a good time at the Kaiser tonight.
Have fun in Oaktown.
I didn't comment in my earlier post about Robert Hunter, and I've been
feeling badly about that all day. RH did a bang-up job last night. I've
seen him struggle with getting the audience's attention before. Not last
night, though. We were *totally* into him, he was into us (at one
point placing his hand on his hip and bathing in our applause, a la Bob Dylan),
and did the best job I've ever heard him do. Ripple got me, for sure...
I especially like placing his performance between sets.
>>>I agree with you about the East Coast peeholes.Since most of
them are liquored up on cheap beer and schwag buds,they could hear the worst
live music ever and they'd eat it up like ravenous dogs.Not to mention,you'd
also see rave reviews about how great of a show it was.Unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
cant believe i just read that.
you are one ignorant bastard silver
>>What would you rather here, "Celebration" or "Music Never
:*) David, I like what you had to say. Some very good points.
To quote Jackie Gleason, "How sweet it is."
...............To be hearing people bitch about a show & starting flame
wars - without me.
You guys should move to the East Coast...
Both Nights in Boston and Philly...and THE GARDEN...were ALL GOOD.
Key, how do you know Philly RRRRRRRRRROCKED?
BTW, Blair Jackson's review:
Would you expect him to say it was anything but great?
not too hot if I must say. Second set was alot better than the first. The PA
cut out during what would have been a hot Midnight Hour.
Hummm, Fri. rocked!
Good to meet ya Wino and GDad.
Just got home from two nights at the Kaiser. No doubt Friday was the better of the two shoes, I DO NOT agree that it sucked howecver. There were definately some problems with sound during Midnight Hour and the band missed some changes that kept them from hitting deep space overdrive. But the Aiko Aiko opener was cool, I actually like how Mickey sings that one and the Music>Eyes>Music was cool. NEVER,EVER, NEVER saw the dead do that! The second set was cool but things really got smokin during the HELP>OTHER ONE>SLIPKNOT>FRANKLINS!!!!! Anyone that was at this show and didnt think that was good is crazy! I saw the dead perform Franklins many, many times and this one blew the roof off. Only too sad that they didnt get things really going until the last songs of the second set. As for the BOX encore, I thought it was great. Some really cool vocal harmonies and arrangement than I dont remember the Dead ever doing. I liked it. Left me wanting more and they definatelty delivered on Friday!
>>>Go in with a good frame of mind and all will work itself out
Go out with a good frame of mind and all will work itself in..
>>To quote Jackie Gleason, "How sweet it is."
...............To be hearing people bitch about a show & starting flame
wars - without me.
Oh come now Bucky. Aren't you gonna tell us how much the show sucked. (from
the setlist) ;*)
Hope you're not feeling left out. :*)
>RE:DR D I agree with you about the East Coast peeholes.Since most of them
are liquored up on cheap beer and schwag buds,they could hear the worst live
music ever and they'd eat it up like ravenous dogs.Not to mention,you'd
also see rave reviews about how great of a show it was.Unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
You must be fucking kidding me! How utterly rude and presumptuous, and about
the furthest thing from the truth I can imagine.
...at least, the very least, you said most of them.
>Key, how do you know Philly RRRRRRRRRROCKED?
I've got "moles" embedded in EVERY segment of Society.
Did you say moles imbedded...??
Well, shit, folks,
I couldn't make the second night because I opted to hang with some Tahoe
friends. Maybe I am just glassy eyed with gratitude, but I had a fantastic time
and loved the 12/5 show.
Technical problems? Welcome to the Grateful Dead, folks. I still haven't
been to a show where Bobby hasn't had guitar woes of some sort.
The dealie is, I was with two friends I loved; got to dance my ass off; heard
some EXCELLENT jam moments (incl. an outstanding EYES); and left the
show to travel through the sweet California Backlands of Grass Valley, Lake
Tahoe, and the Eastern Sierra before heading home to Denver.
It's all just a journey, baby. If you don't dig the show, take more
side trips.
To Dewit and Northernlites Chris ,so sorry for being blunt and to the point,but I'm not here to be politically correct or whatever you so call it! And Chris, as for me being a rude bastard,you bet I am,that's what happens to a west coaster living in NY,I learned this behavior from people like you !!!!! LMAO