Wanted to see who else will be going to these shows. I know theyre still a ways
down the road, but I cant wait!
Happy Happy Joy Joy
I'm going. Got a ticket for the first night. Need a Friday. Who's got my EXTRAAAAAAAA????
Just got my ticket through ticketbastard.
LET"S GET IT ON ALREADY!!! These reviewa are driving me nuts!!!!
I have been lucky to have an opportunity to catch these shows while on a business trip from the East Coast...but that means I am travelling solo. Any kind crowds looking to just mix a little would be cool. I was always happy to float around on tour so this should be no different.
I'll be at both shows, but I'm flying solo. My buddy who introduced me to this Long Strange Trip a la PLQ wants to go, but is stuck w/out cashola, so he'll be out there looking for a miracle. Kinda strange -- my musical mentor being stuck in the park while I'm in getting my groove on....
Does anyone know if cameras, specifically digital cameras, are permitted inside HJK?
Hey y'all.
I am looking for a Friday Kaiser so I can make the trip from Colorado.
I'm happy to burn some discs from my large GD CD collection as a showing
of appreciation.
Can do a California exchange. Thanks.
OK, I'm breaking down and giving this a chance. I'm not at all excited about flying across the country to hear Weir, but I know our boys from the Qunitet will make it worth the journey. I just hope all the horror stories I hear about the sound are not a problem from my vantage point at the Kaiser, cause Weir sounds bad enough without any other problems adding to his struggles.
Digi Cameras not allowed without photopass-I have had others taken, or film taken out. Depends on who does your patdown. Because of the PR factor at these shows, assume you won't get it in.
You must have some sort of hearing problem
>>>>>Does anyone know if cameras, specifically digital cameras,
are permitted inside HJK?
We took our elph into every show we went to.
no problems whatsoever.
It is digital.
any setlists from tonights show.. where are the trippers tonite..
Set 1: Good Lovin'> Tennessee Jed> Lost Sailor> St. of Circumstance,
Only The Strange Remain> Cumberland Blues> Estimated Prophet> Casey
Jones - thanks Headlight & Baligirl
Hunter: Days Between> Deal or Wheel> Loser...... Cats Under The Stars>
Stella Blue
Set 2: He's Gone> Lazy Lightning> Supplication> Mtns. Of The
Moon> UJB> Terrapin> Dark Star> Drumz> Space> Lady With
A Fan> Dark Star, Happy Birthday Graham (Lesh)> Touch of Grey
- thanks Headlight & Baligirl
I believe that is right.
Two words
Thanks for a real good time!!
YUP!!.........Fantastic show, couldnt have asked for more!! The Boys gave it
good to the hometown!! Thank You!
It was great to see all the zoners again.
Review tomarrow.....
2nd set:
He's Gone>
Lazy Lightning>
Mountains of the Moon>
Uncle John's>
Lady With a Fan>
Dark Star (v1)>
Terrapin Station>
Dark Star (v2)
E: Happy BDay Graham
Touch of Grey
Was that the same band?!?! Oh, man....oh, man.
>Digi Cameras not allowed without photopass-I have had others taken, or
film taken out. Depends on who does your patdown. Because of the PR factor at
these shows, assume you won't get it in.
My poor...digi cameras bigger than a pack of cigarettes. My film on my regular
35m was taken both the 30th and the 31st.
What a show! as least on paper. Wake up Cali....where are the reviews?
Would you be awake at 7:30 on a Saturday morning, post show? LOL.
Patience...like I have any!
Actually I probably would be up.
But I'm an Eastie...never sleep....
you know those left coast freaks will sleep till noon and still call it a GOOD
mutter mutter mutter
tell us about the switched up Terrapin!!
guess i'm an eastie, too. there must be something to explain why i'm
up at this hour.
my review is three words:
you want more?
(more? that will have to wait until after some sleep. mmmm...sleep...)
Would you be awake at 7:30 on a Saturday morning, post show? LOL.
Either you are asleep, or just going to bed...is that better.
not really. This past run had me hitting the shower at 5 A and up again at 8:30...
oh...well...maybe Philly is a bad way to judge....
the CONSTRUCTION SITE that got active at 8 am on Monday morning
I see already a switched up Terra discrepancy
and did they really not do the Supplication???
or you have a cat who thinks she's a pinball and bounces from wall to wall
with rather loud crashes and once you wake up you're too excited to fall
back asleep because one of your bestest friends is flying into town and you're
going to TAHOE for the first time ever!
catch y'all when i get back!
Pegggggy O
have fun at the lake - never been but I hear it's a big LAKE -
we'll rock it BK style for you while you get all crunchy Sierra Nevada on
I am indeed awake and still BEAMING from last night's incredibly tasty treat
at the Kaiser. The whole night was just incredibly smooth, from the urban hike
from our home on the other side of the Lake, to the seamless, rocking 1st set
and rousing, mystery-laden second set. Bobhy absolutely stole said 1st set,
much to my giddy pleasure. Only the Strange not really strange enough, but Cumberland
and Casey Jones were stellar, just incredible. Rare gem of the night: Mtns of
the Moon. This one has been playing in my head all morning, and brings with
it a sweet feeling of sadness and joy, like a dear friend you may never see
again. Lots of muscle and chops as well. Terrapin tease, a truly cosmic DarkStar
(AMAZING lights), and cracking the old skull with Lady w/a Fan. Never
had seen Rbt Hunter before, but he seemed pretty reserved, never really cut
loose on his guitar. Stella Blue rang true, though. Another heartwrencher...
Majic most certainly afoot at the Wizard's Den in Oaktown, boyeee!
BTW-Elvis loves you
Peggy-0: Tahoe is gorgeous...but pretty cold this time of year.....it's swimmable in summer..make sure you go to emerald bay
Rim Shot..tat tat...
I cruised the Jerry Pit left right front back and settled in next to sound board
for set 2...
Thanks TOO for a real good time...
Musta been some good acid goin around last night. ;*)
Hope it made up for the show that bummed everyone out.
p.s. Thanks Martin!
Sorry I missed the zoner gathering, but I left the office late. Hope everyone
had great time.
I wandered in around 6:45 and found room right on the rail just below the board
monitor (Jerry side). Had a couple of monitors blocking my view of Billy
and Mickey for the most part, but otherwise a perfect vantage point.
The sound was very good. Volume was ample with the 4 man rythym section loudest.
Jimmy was just below them, with keys just below that. At least from where I
was the only thing tough to hear was the B3. Most importantly, the sound was
Good Lovin came right out of the box. Thumping and driving courtesy of Phil.
Jeff took a barely audible solo on the B3 and the rap lead to a very nice spacy
jam. They brought it back around to some more rapping then a tempo slow down
and Jimmy started Ten Jed.
Bobby and Rob alternated verses, 2 at a time, and Jimmy took the solo. The jam
was good, but didnt quite reach the heights possible.
Looked to me like Rob left for Lost Sailor (but I couldnt really see the
electic piano so he may have been there). Sailor was solid but suffered
from the same old problem of the drummers playing too hard and fast. It is a
ballad guys. Some excellent speed picking from Jimmy lead to St. of Circumstance.
St. was good, a perfect showcase for the rythm heavy sound of the evening. The
jam didnt get too pychedelic as Jimmy stayed fairly close to the theme.
This fell into Only the Strange, which I took as a sign from the gods that it
was time for another beer.
Returned just as Cumberland began to pick up. This one was on fire from the
start. Was close to the original and didnt get spacy between the jams ala PLQ.
Just perfect electric dixieland.
Estimated followed nicely. Like Ten Jed, the intraverse jam was good, not great.
No Bobby-rock-star-edge-of-the-stage-shenanegins (unfortunately). The
jam following was solid also with a good up tempo meltdown before the countdown
into Casey Jones.
Casey rocked. As always. Very quick, loud, and full of energy at the end.
Robert Hunter was out between sets. My only complaint was that his wireless
was giving off some high end noise. Kinda like listening to a 5th gen analog.
As Janine would say, "someone put on the Dubly." Hunter was very good.
Was the 3rd or 4th time Ive seen him and his voice was as solid as Ive heard.
Days Between, Deal (during which I made a beer run and returned for),
Cats Down, Stella Blue. He finished with an a capella tune (not Boys in
the Barroom) which was very cool.
A slow jam (with touches of the Wheel) led into He's Gone. Bobby
did a solid job on the vocals and the vocal jam was very nice. It led into an
uptempo Truckin/Other One space (in other words a standard He's Gone
jam) before falling back into He's Gone and then into Lazy Lightning.
Jimmy was all over the place (in a good way) with this one, and the
intraverse jam was nicely extended. As Phil began the Supplication, I ran into
the hall to cool down, grab a beer and prepare for the "meat." From
the hall the sound was fine and I could hear an excellent Supplication Jam.
I didnt hear the lyrics, but they may have been played. Even if they werent,
it was Supplication enough.
The led led into Phil style Mtns of the Moon. Tighter than PLQ, but went some
interesting places.
UJB was very good. Jimmy's guitar was clean, bright, and perfect. And none
of that calypso crap that PLQ does!!! A loud and thumping UJB jam slowed down
into Lady With a Fan.
Phil took the vocals and sang straight through the "Storyteller takes no
choice verse." A nice Bobby(?)-led jam ensued and went back to the
"Since the end is never told" verse. This quickly melted into Phil's
Dark Star intro.
The jam before the 1st verse of Dark Star is what it is all about. Absolutely
fucking perfect. Only 5-7 minutes Id guess, but pure bliss. I wont bother to
describe it. Dark Star got up tempo after the verse and led into Drums.
Billy took the first solo and then got up to fuck around behind the kits. There
was some prerecorded stuff going on which they played off of for a while before
Mickey began a little rock star action (hit the drum, point to the crowd,
hit the drum, point to the crowd...) Overall an excellent drums segment
with plenty of wierdness.
Space was very short and almost immediately led into a PLQ style up tempo Terrapin
jam. Phil kept looking back to see if the drummers were beck yet. They barely
had time to take a leak. It really wasnt space for more than a few minutes.
As soon as Mickey sat down, it was "Inspiration, move me brightly."
Terrapin finshed well (I did miss the screamed "Terrapin!" between
"I cant figure out/If it's an end or begining.....) The ensuing
jam was short and stayed close to the theme but pounded along nicely.
Phil started Dark Star back up but an awkward tempo shift cost a bit of momentum.
The return to Dark Star was solid but paled to the earlier jam. I did enjoy
the new vocal jam at the end. Phil, Bob, and Jeff took the words "Transative
nightfall of diamonds" and did to them essentially what they do with "Nothings
gonna bring him back" at the end of He's Gone. The instruments stopped
and vocal jam floated away as they left the stage.
Phil came out and told a story about his son Grahams first Kaiser expereince
(New Years 86) when he was 3 weeks old. The band sang Happy Birthday
and went into Touch.
Though about my least favorite dead tune, I'll give em this one. It was
very well played with Bob and Jeff trading verses, and came complete with a
false ending ala Lovelight.
Bobby: "Goodnight"
Phil: "See you on New Years"
Mickey: "This is the end of the tour. Youve been a great audience and we've
been a great band. Thanks."
Billy: "Thanks all. Oooh a microphone. Looky its a microphone. Thanks."
All in all an excellent concert. Certainly the closest to the Dead of all the
post Garcia incarnations. What it lacked in flat out Jams (PLQ) and
vocal power (Warren), it made up for in comfortable familiarity (Bobby
singing Bobby tunes) and the greatest rythm section in rock history. Its
tough to compare the power of this group in the Kaiser with say the power of
PLQ in the Maritime or the Warfield or the Beacon.
Would I tour with this band? No. Would I see them a couple times a year. Absolutely.
For all the bashing Bobby gets, we're still DeadHeads. And for me that means
Id rather hear Bobby sing The Other One than anybody else.
Just dont cut off Estimated so damn quickly.
Well I just wanted to say fare you well to my new east coast zoners!!!! Thanks for everything. LOST SAILOR KICKED ASS!!!!!!!
Never forget the PLQ Party at the Maritime in February couple years back ,great
time. Glad to see the Kaiser rocked last night.
Break out some boards of this run please Gents!
DOOOOOOOOOOD! Dat shit was da bomb. Nice to meet some Zoners (Wino....from
NAPA VALLEY!! I GET IT....WINE-O!!!, G-Dad, Philmeup, etc..).
What a show.
I have a problem reviewing this show. I used up all my superlatives on last night's show, and so find it hard to express that it was even better than the night before. Oh well.
Two noteworthy song details:
Good Lovin: Well, you know how these days they've been opening this with
the old-school groove before it kicks into the Good Lovin that we all know and
love. Last night, they took that groove and repeated it at the end of the song,
extending it into a 5 minute jam just rockin on it. Don't know about you,
but I've always LOVED that opening beat (a la Princeton '71),
and now they've evolved it into a whole new wonderful jam.
Estimated: The TONE of this on 12/6 was so...lush. The guitar was very smokey
and sultry, waaay more than usual (maybe some more distortion in the mix?).
Anyway, it just turned the song into a dark, underwater jam that just dripped.
In a good way.... (No, no hard drugs last night :-)
Wish I had time to elaberate on last night ...
They ROCKED the house!!!
Rocked the House was right, the vibe was there! The Spirit of the Grateful Dead
lives keeps truckin on.
Hes Gone was really a highlight, the end vocal jam went on for quite some time,
beautifully harmonized. Dark Star Terrapin sandwhich!!! Then ended the show
with dark star!! it ended with a vocal jam, nightfall of diamonds, nightfall
of diamonds....nightfall of diamonds, over and over..now thats improv!
Thank You for a real goooood time!
Yep, I gotta agree -- great show! Too bad they obviously observed a strict must-allow-everyone-to-catch-BART-curfew.
Of course I shouldn't complain about that, since I'm one of the ones
that has to do just that. Still, the ending felt a bit cut off; I'd like
to have seen how much longer they might have gone on, if they could have. Quite
a contrast to the night before, when Phil and Bob both seemed like they just
wanted to get out of there as fast as they could after it was over...
Btw, if my research on setlist.com is right, it was only the second He's
Gone for Phil, since Jerry's demise, the other being with David Gans &
Broken Angels way back in '97, before there was even a Phil & Friends.
Rocked the house indeed....
The Terrapin>Dark Star>Drums/Space>Terrapin>Dark Star was the
highlight to rule all highlights, I'm anxious as hell to hear the discs
of that bit...the light/slide show was tripindicular, freaky fabulous, meltingly
majestic, drippingly dynamic, pulsatingly perfect...sound was decent from my
spot (just on the left of the Soundboard) but I still thought the mix
was a bit poor, the guitars were real "muddy" in the middle, Phil may
have been a bit too loud, but compared to other Kaiser shows I've seen the
sound was better than average, and shit, it was friggin' loud, and that's
what really counts...the Drums were a monstrosity of double bass madness...very
cool...Billy took a nice solo where Mickey just backed off and let him shine
for a while...then Mickey had to ham it up a bit himself, (side note: who
was Mickey motioning to during the first few minutes of drums to come up and
play with him...Phil I assume?)
Hunter's set...I've seen him several times, but not in a few years.
I thought his performance was really weird, I swear he was heavily tanked or
something...he played/sang all the tunes with a real minor key feeling...last
time I saw him he strummed the shit out of a twelve string and belted out his
tunes, last night his voice was very strained (kept cracking on the high
notes, like a mix between an alley cat and Tom Waits) and his playing sounded
really out of tune at times...during Cats he kept going for this horrible solo
slide sound that was painful to hear...the guys got balls no doubt, and the
songs are his to sing as he pleases, but I've seen him do much better...just
my opinion.
Then there's the second set...the He's Gone>Lazy Lightning was well
played...Jimmy was doing a beatiful job all night. I'm a big fan of his
playing ability, but he does need to broaden his tone some...I'll have to
agree that he never plays anything above the 3rd fret, 70 percent of the stuff
is above the 7th..so his leads sometimes lack the variation that is so nice
when he and Warren play off/with/counter-balance each other...his leads in Dark
Star were very cool...
Phil told a quick story about his son Graham right before the encore... Graham
was only three weeks old when the Dead played the Kaiser on New Years eve 1986...Graham
was up in the dressing room that night with Phil when an old beat poet friend
of his (forget his name) came up to see Phil's new son...aparently
this guy walked in the room, mistook a pile of t-shirts on the couch as Graham,
and said to Phil, "Looks just like ya Lesh!" ...then turned and walked
out. It was very touching to see Phil make such a cool fatherly gesture to Graham
last night announcing that it was his 16th birthday, Graham was standing just
offstage with a group of friends, probably embarrassed as hell...when uncle
Bobby and gang (not to mention the whole audience) launch into a happy
birthday>Touch of Grey closer...a perfect upbeat, high energy way to finish
the night...
Folks were whooping and hollering as they walked out into the cool Oakland night...this
was one of the best post Dead peformances (any combination) I've
seen to date.
Damn, maybe I should have gone to the show, but I did have fun in the park with
all the wookies (Kenny, Kelly, Chris) before hand.
Karate High School kicked ass
>>>>Looked to me like Rob left for Lost Sailor
I have just developed a new, higher level of respect for Rob.......
Actually, he prolly just moved to play the set-up in the back.
Scalia, good review.
See you NYE?
PS: You're lucky I lost that game by one point 2 weeks ago & will miss
the playoffs.
BTW, to the fellow who said the vocal ending to Dark Star was 'improv',
they've been doing that EVERY time since Alpine.
>>Scalia, good review.
See you NYE?
PS: You're lucky I lost that game by one point 2 weeks ago & will miss
the playoffs.
Thx. No NYE this year. After the last two, we're going to play in the snow
at June Lake. Just south of Yosemite.
And yer not dead yet. Just need a win and a Cryp loss by my calcs.
actually, the way you've been going, you're the odds on favorite to
I'd take Martin with Rich Gannon 2nd.
It would be funny if Cryp wins - he hasn't looked at the League once since
opening day....
>>Phil, Bob, and Jeff took the words "Transative nightfall of diamonds"
and did to them essentially what they do with "Nothings gonna bring him
back" at the end of He's Gone. The instruments stopped and vocal jam
floated away as they left the stage.
Excellent review Scalia! You describe the show in a way that is easy to visualize.
>>All in all an excellent concert. Certainly the closest to the Dead
of all the post Garcia incarnations.
Right on the money..
>>this was one of the best post Dead peformances (any combination)
I've seen to date.
Jannai, it's nice to see others on the same wavelength. :*)
All I can say was this show was AWESOME. The previous review saying Bobby stole
the first set is right on! The sound seemed great last night (of course
I was much closer to stage, but it was definitely much cleaner), and Bob
was even clear and sounded great. Other than one foul-up on the Good Lovin'
(I think), don't know if he made any other real mistakes. He and
Phil looked in sync last night, and Phil looked like he was having a blast!
Highlights: You know I was actually gonna mention some, but then realized that
90% of the show was the highlight - oh, well:
Actually dug the Lost Sailor>St. (which I was never totally gonzo for)
Cumberland ripped
Estimated was great (Jimmy - vary your tones a little more - even though
the envelope is signature Jerry, you can use more wild tones once in a while
- clean is great, but so's dirty!)
even enjoyed Only the Strange (the Mickey stuff that wasn't done by
the Dead is better than those that were).
2nd Set:
He's Gone (totally sweet, everyone involved)
Lazy>Supplication (it's been a while for this one - always liked
it a lot) - a really good jam tune for Jimmy, and it rocked and spaced
Mountains o' the Moon - I love the way P&F do this, love Phil's
vocals on this (sounded as good as I've ever heard him sing) - unfortunately
had a raucous group behind me for this one, but...
UJB - heard it comin', and it didn't disappoint
Terrapin - started great, but Phil's screw-up of verses threw off the whole
middle of the song, and then noone seemed to know how to salvage it - too bad
Bobby couldn't lead them off into the right part (does he still remember
this tune?), and Jimmy certainly can't be expected to - though he actually
seemed the most aware of the problem -Phil seemed to realize right after he
did it, but didn't seem to be able to get everyone on the right track (it'll
be the only part of this show that I won't really care for on disc - but
so what!)...
Dark Star - how can you complain, and the lights and everything were beautiful
(great way to salvage previous tune)...
Drums - Bill was hot - when Mickey just let him play alone for a bit, he should've
gone on for another 5 minutes - sounded like '72-74, the guy still has it!!!
(was there ever a question?)...
They salvaged the Terrapin Station, and then, of course, finished up Dark Star
(gotta love it!).
Already 11:55, Phil made his announcement of his son Graham's birthday (thanks
Graham for getting Phil to start playing Unbroken again! - Phil told me this
at a blood drive - and thanks Phil for playing it again!!!)...
Finally, Touch of Grey - nothing too unexpected, but this was sweet and really
sealed the deal of the evening's feeling of it being like old times. The
place was rockin'!!!
Great Show!!
Can't wait for NYE!!!
Yeah! im still psyched from the show!!
WOW! That's the stuff....
Our buddy Molo was out in front of the Marriot at 7:50 am Saturday morning.
I introduced myself and we chatted. He said he drove up from LA to check out
the show. He's a really nice dude, it made my weekend, well that plus the
killer shows.
Did Kreutzmann really do the "looky looky a microphone" thing somebody
That's pretty hilarious if he did. While I've always edmired Mickey's
overall enthusiasm, his recent verbal ebullience has proven to be quite a contrast
to the three decades of stoic\wordless presence the Rhythm Devils provided in
the GD days.
Just got home from two nights at the Kaiser, WOW! Friday nights show was solid,
rock solid from beginning to end. The crew was doing a lot of last second tune
ups with equipment preshow to make sure everything was perfect. Didnt want to
have sound problems like the night before!
Opened the show with a Stellar Good Lovin complete with the old intro from the
70's very tight. The boys seemed to be determined to nail it tonight(It
was a B-Day show afterall!)Bob seemed to be doing a lot of "directing"
all night(and last night too) I found it was best to not watch what
he was doing and just LISTEN. Sometimes Bob gets impatient with the jams and
decides he has to go in to the next song like right now. I remember him doing
that with the Dead too.
Tennessee Jed lived up to every expectation I could have had for this song,
Jimmy F***in nailed it! Bob not to be out done then led the band
through some incredibly tight, psychadelic versions of Lost Sailor and St of
Circumstance. Great stuff. Next came ONLY THE STRANGE REMAIN with Mickey at
the vocals. Not exactly MY favorite tune but I liked this version, nice jamming
by the band and I liked Rob and Phil on the background vocals gave it a very
cool, funky feal. It was about then that we all knew the night was heading for
deep space.....
A KILLER intro in to Cumberland and whammo!
Jimmy was not holding anything back now and it was working. Bob then led the
guys in to ESTIMATED PROPHET, Jimmy really doing justice to a very stoney Dead
classic.Bob stretching the vocals out on this song now, kind of like how they
are doing THE OTHER ONE lately.
But that wasnt enough, no, no........
A old style sing along, the way it should be. Finished the First set strong
and we were almost glad the band took a break because we're working as hard
as the band out here, incredibly HOT inside the Kaiser both nights.
Robert Hunter played a cool set, I dont remeber it all but he did do DAYS BETWEEN
and DEAL, very nice. Hunter adds a certain authenticity to the whole thing that
some people didnt seem to get. Time to absorb the roots of the Grateful Dead
and PUFF.
(TOO was better 2nd night but I thought Hunters set was way better 1st night.
Second set was pulled off with a pace and force that made me want to go on tour,
thats all there is too it. Many people are very critical in these discussions
but not about this show!.
Friday nights second set kicked ass!
Deep Space Overdrive, Full Cosmic Exploration, the way that only thes guys can
do it. And no, I was not tripping(either night).
Lets hope they decide to do another tour because THE OTHER ONES are everything
I(and probably you too) was hoping they would be.
Cant wait to get copies of this show!
I agree during Lost Sailor I looked back to my long time show goer "the Beagle" and said this is the MOST deadlike I've ever heard the band play!!!!!! Everything just clicked . In one word EPIC!!!! I think after the confo we had with Bobby about the show sucking...They decided to turn it up a notch... What happened was incredible!!!! Kelly said it right...If they keep playing like that the stadium shows are just around the corner.... I wonder what Bobby would say about Fridays show??????????? To bad POPI was sitting on his couch like rev said"armchair quarterback!!!!" cause i wouldn't wanted to miss that show for the world!!!! That was "THE LIFE"
Very interesting shows! Thank you, TOO, for a real good time. If anything was
less than "perfect", hey we're all human. Musical evolution is a
good thing. The wheel keeps turning....
I wanted to make a comment about security and the constant changing of what
was allowed inside and what was not. I knew not to bring a backpack, because
last year at NYE at the HJK they weren't allowing them in. This time I brought
a leather purse that is very similar to a backpack, but within the "allowable"
I wish TOO had said something on the printed enclosure that was sent with the
tickets, or on a website or sent via email. We always get in line early, up
near the front. The verbal directives began with "no backpacks", and
two hastily handprinted signs were taped to the outside of the building. After
awhile, security came by and said "no blankets" would be allowed in.
We are all long-time veterans of the scene. Everyone looked at each other incredulously,
like WTF? The security ladies told us that the band had met and decided these
things, and they were just informing us. I don't know if that is true or
Then when the doors were opening, we were told, "have your backpacks open".
People are responding, "what backpacks?" It was confusing. Blankets
and backpacks were evident inside.
Friday night we were told "no umbrellas". It didn't rain as bad
as last year's NYE, but if you didn't have a poncho or umbrella, you
were getting pretty wet. So we stashed our umbrella in the bushes and it was
there when we got out. You could hurt somebody with an umbrella, so I totally
understand the safety precaution.
Best new bumper sticker seen: "You don't need a miracle. You need $42.50."
SisterMoon, New Jersey transplant to California
Hey now -
I am working today on 12/5 & 6 shns for bittorrent redistribution, if all
goes well by tonight - the site will be http://rosemary.dyndns.org
And fwiw, the setlist has supplication when in fact this was only a supplication
jam. no "dizzy ain't the word for the way you're making me feel
now", etc.
7/5/2 was the highlight of the year for me until these two shows. These guys
got chemistry. Incredible. Energy and then some. Dizzy really isn't the
>Best new bumper sticker seen: "You don't need a miracle. You need
now that's good....
I need ....one of those stickers!
A very special zoner gifted me with one of those just a few shows ago...MSG. IF I ever get my car washed, its been weeks, then that thing is going tailight center. Thanks dude.
I want a sticker too....
>>>>I agree during Lost Sailor I looked back to my long time
show goer "the Beagle" and said this is the MOST deadlike I've ever
heard the band play!!!!!! Everything just clicked . In one word EPIC!!!!
Talk about an oxymoron:
Lost Sailor & epic.
That's like 'Great Tasting' & 'Dog Crap'.
>>>>Sometimes Bob gets impatient with the jams and decides he
has to go in to the next song like right now. I remember him doing that with
the Dead too.
They're in the Playin Reprise, ready to go into The Wheel, & 5 seconds
before the Playin' Reprise ends, Bob just starts Around & Around.....
I am tellling Bob's mom on you Bucky..
She gave me her e mail addy
Off the HOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This show friggin ripped.. 1st Set highlight was the Cumberland, which as usual
turned into a frenetic, outta control jam, and then the Estimated!!! Fuckin
Thunderous. Casey Jones was near perfection, I really like Rob's vocals
on this one =)
2nd Set - He's Gone jam after the vocal interlude crescendoed into a cacaphony
of cataclysmic propotions, with Phil pushing the band to higher and higher heights.
Lazy Lightning> Supplication was fantastic, lightning bolts being projected
on screen, while the music played the band. Classic!! Choppy segue into Terrapin.
Dark Star was outta this world. Crowd singing happy B-Day to Graham =) Nice....
Touch of Grey Encore. We will Survive!!
Can't wait till NYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my $.02, after these 2 HJK's:
Closest to the GD's best magic, post-JG.
Thanks everyone for the incredible time. Still, beyond words...
NYE will be one for all-time, no doubt.
Phil, after Touch: "See you all on New Year's Eve?!" 20/80 question/statement
Classic moment.
Did anyone pick up on Bill and Mick donning sailor caps at the beginning of
Lost Sailor? How about Mick getting the crowd to SCREAM during drums? Or what
about Bear Light guy cruising back and forth in the balcony? Man, after not
seeing any of those guys on stage in over seven years, it's great to be
I got an extra special treat on my plane trip home to Portland, OR. I was sitting
at the gate chatting with some other heads who were at the shows, when Rob Barraco
sits down next to us! Turns out his girlfriend lives in Portland and he was
going to visit her. We chatted with him for about 45 minutes until it was time
to board. What a great guy. Absolutely nothing "rock star" about him,
just a really cool dude who told us some great road stories.
I have to say that those two shows have made me a Deadhead again, and none too
soon. Here's hoping for a tour or an album. Let's turn this motha into
a real band, and start this crazy thing moving again.
Hey Bucky.
I love your ^witty & intelligent^ and ultimately important comments.
After wondering about staying with this BBS and your post has convinced me to
stick around. I have such good examples here of who I don't want to be,
and what I don't want to become and that is almost as good as having a positive
role model.
Keep it up.
"Lost Sailor"....EPIC?!
sides are splittin'....yer...HAHAHAHAHA...kk..kkkk..HAHAHAHA..killin'
Key..if you were there you woulda been happy....
At least they got it out of the way early enuf in set 1 so as not to ruin the
rest of your evening...
For that matter..just being at HJK you woulda been happy...
Miles of smiles in Zonerland...
>>I want a sticker too....
Sorry, but after years of experience I believe that in the split second moment
when a policeman decides whether to be a dick, or treat you with respect (and
maybe let you off w/a warning ticket), not having a Dead sticker on your
car is a good idea. That, and being polite and not looking fucked up.
Unfortunately, it's the way it is. So I'll pass on the sticker.
Glad everyone liked the show...I did go over to DNC to see Blair Jackson's
take on it. I really think a lot of that was he didn't have a good seat
and it was too crowded...
I was also reminded why I don't like that board (outside of the fact
nobody really has much to say). Too many numbers, captions, bold lettering,
etc. Too cluttered. The PHILZONE is much better in so many respects, including
a very basic one, the black background.
Gotta say, a Dead sticker hasn't gotten me in trouble, KNOCK on wood.
That one is classic.
I have a truly vintage one now....
He Who Dies With The Most Tapes Wins...
Tapes? Prehistoric.
Bein' there, sure...how could ya not be happy, partyin' with everybody.
But I gotta be honest...after all the "Lost Sailor">"Saint"'s
I heard in my time seein' Shows...if I NEVER heard either one of those two
again..it would be TOO SOON.
You've got a Show here where they played "Cumberland"..."Estimated"..."Lazy
Lightning">"Supplication"..."Uncle John's"...and
"Dark Star"..................
And, to paraphrase the quote..."Lost Sailor" was the MOST Dead-like
that the Band had been heard to play.
If "Lost Sailor" is THAT...then WHAT is "Lazy Lightning">"Supplication"..."Uncle
John's"...and/or "Dark Star"?
>>...then WHAT is "Lazy Lightning">"Supplication"..."Uncle
John's"...and/or "Dark Star"?
Epic, to the nth degree....
Seriously, folks, these shows were awesome.... No use criticizing if you weren't
even there...I've bashed Bobby & Mickey before, but being together again,
in that place (Phil said the walls were "dripping w/ energy"),
at this time ("by the rising tide"), was amaizing. I loved the
PLQ, but this was bringing it "back again" in a new way for many of
BTW--the "real" PhilZone was rocking Friday...nice folks, good dancing
room, & 10-12 feet from the stage....man, that was good...couldn't imagine
anyone not enjoying it.
I have a variety of other comments to make (ex. the exchange btwn Mickey
& Phil right before Mtns.), but still pulling them together, in btwn
work, recovery...., more later...
Re: the earlier post about Phil's story about the beat poet who mistook
a pile of shirts for 3-week old Graham in HJK New Year's 1986/1987...
Well, I wasn't there to hear the story (I'm a displaced Berkeleyite
now in NYC), but I'm sure the beat poet Phil is referencing is Robert
M. Petersen, who wrote lyrics for New Potato, Cucamonga, & Unbroken Chain...
He passed away in 1987...
(and I hope all everyone has a blast at New Year's---wish I could be
---Pappy Rob
No dead stickers on car..agreed to risky.
sticker would look mighty nice on my cooler though.
My plates read
I also have
1 steal your face and
1 GD ala country sticker.
I have found the the majority of cops are now too young to know what the stickers
are and the older ones have lost their "i'm gonna arrest the world"
A good friend and neighbor of mine is a fed and he's one of the most laid
back cool dudes around.
It's not necessarily the career that makes the prick. If a cop is going
to ticket you, generally he's made up his mind before he even asks for your
info. That's been my experience.
>I believe that is right.
Except I contributed nothing to the setlist other than good thoughts...
Hope my Hotlanta phriends had a good time and a safe trip home...
No more pickin' on Popi, please! Or anyone else for that matter!
Here what one of us AYTL phriends has to say about the show:
I went to Oakland as skeptical as anyone about the whole TOO tour. First, anyone
who knows me that Weir is far from my favorite musician. With all the stories
I’d heard about the awful sound on the tour, I came very close to not going
to a single show – there’s far too much live music in this world for me to time
anyone going to see whose sound is sub par.
Thanks to one of those lovely flight delays, I arrived with just enough time
to drop my bag in the lobby of the hotel before dashing to the Kaiser. Arriving
at show time, about 10 minutes before the band took the stage, I found Rev Buddy
and settled in for the show. I gotta say, that dude must be psychic or something,
cause I watched him call the first two songs into to the discussion board before
the show started (yep, that was crazy , but I laughed even more at Headlights
name on the set list). From there, here’s a blow-by-blow account of the
show, as seen though the eyes of The Game:
Good Lovin’ – nice opener, with tons of energy from the band and the crowd.
Watching light lady Candice dancing around in her chair as the band got going,
I could tell we were in for a treat on this night.
Tennessee Jed was next. While I was disappointed at first not to hear Barocco
on vocals, I soon found myself wondering, “Am I really enjoying seeing Bobby
on stage?”
Lost Sailor – say what want about the song, we all got our opinions. The song
was slow to get going, but before long the band was back in quite a groove.
Bobby was sounding excellent (???), and Jimmy’s guitar was starting
to steal the show (that’s what I was hoping for - go Jimmy, go).
Only the Strange Remain – I had never heard Mickey song, and I freakin’ loved
it! I know many Zoners have been quick to criticize his vocals, but it was one
of my favorite songs of the night (to each his own). I thought this
was one of the band’s stronger statements of the night. “Only the strange,”
Next up- a ripping Cumberland Blues. “I gotta get back,” I like it.
Estimated Prophet the song of the night for me. By this point, I had finally
given in and admitted, “Weir doesn’t sound that bad, he actually fits right
in.” The Rev., perhaps the second quickest to criticize Bobby, even went so
far as to say, “I’ve enjoyed Bobby.” WHAT???????
Casey Jones, with Barocco on vocals, closed the set in fine fashion. But, without
the super speedy crescendo that PLQ adds to the song, it left me wanting more.
And, for better or worse, that was a sign of things to come in the second set.
He’s Gone started slow, but ended with some great four-part harmonies heavy
on Phil’s vocals.
Jimmy kicked total ass on a long jam before Lazy Lightning, another Bobby song
I usually don’t enjoy that was really good this night. Again, Jimmy ruled the
Mountains of the Moon gave me more of the Phil vocals I longed for. It was,
sadly, the last song of the night that totally satisfied me. Uncle John’s, Terrapin,
and Dark Star were fun for sure, and I was glad to hear them all, but they came
up WAY short in comparison to all the PLQ renditions of those songs (UJB
was no where close).
As a father of three, I thought it was cool for Phil to sing Happy Birthday
to his son to star the encore. I didn’t really did not really dig Touch of Grey.
Bobby led Rob through the vocals, as they seemed to step on each other a few
times early in the song. The ending was good, with a brief stop that seemed
to end the show, only to have the band repeat the final verse one last time.
All in all, a better show than I expected. I have to admit that I was wrong
in my pre-show comments – Bobby can still go, and even seemed to lead the band
most of the show. However, in true Weir fashion, he still gets lost sometimes
trying to keep up (sometimes even worse than me).
My weekend only got crazier from there. In the 24 hours after the show ended,
I partied in 5 different cities, 2 countries, both coasts (is that possible),
and ended the evening dancing (even more than I had at TOO) to the world’s
best bar band – BLOODKIN. Everybody going to Asheville for Christmas Jam should
try to get in to town a night early to see these guys play at Stella Blue. Those
guys are some of the best songwriters around and they always put on one ass
kickin’ of a show.
I caught both the MSG and the second kaiser shows. MSG was my first dead related
show in NYC. I partly went to it to check out the legendary audience. I live
in San Francisco, so most all of my dead related shows have been in the Bay
Noticed several things. First, its really true, the energy level of MSG for
TOO was phenomenal, everything was up, and it was up throughout the show!. Whereas
the Bay Area shows get quiet, especially by the 1/3 point into the first set
- I always thought it was somewhat drug related in that people were getting
into listening or getting into having to go to the bathroom. But at MSG, the
energy and the talking never let up. Any whenever there was a song everyone
knew (meaning a dead song played a lot in the late 80's through 95)
it was as if the whole audience was singing along on every word. At times, Weir
would stop singing and let the audience finish the song up! It seemed to me
that the band was pumped also, very, very up and Hunter gave the most animated
show I'd ever seen him give - walking/running around the stage, forceful
This being said, I wondered to myself, with all this energy the NYC audience
was putting out, are they really listening? It seemed to me that to really hear
and settle into the music, you had to quiet down, something I'm used to
from the Bay Area.
I thought that the playing of the band was all in all was better at the second
Oakland show than at MSG. the music was more intricate and playful. In NYC,
it seemed to me that there was a collision between Lesh's direction and
that of the two drummers, where as at the second Kaiser show, there was less
confrontation and more flow. I especially like the way that some of the Kaiser
grooves would feature arpeggios that would run back and forth between Herring
and Baracco, eventually to be commented on and completed by Kreutzman, only
to be restarted up by Herring again! and here, the rest of the band, set up
an evolving foil that evolved a wonderful background for these Herring/Baracco/Kreutzman
Glen, thank you...the energy that night was over the top. Most of the audience
wasn't on tour, just checking in after 7 years...and yeah, we listen to
the music.
From what I have heard from others at both shows, you are right. MSG was a fun
show for sure, but I would tend to agree that it wasn't one of the best
shows on the tour.
But hey, my hallowed ground for years, and them coming back to all that love
and energy was probably as heavy duty as it gets. Glad you had a good time.
Just to set the record straight...they never went back into a full-on Supplication.
Justa Supplication Jam (no "Dizzy ain' the word for the way that
you're making me feel, now....Girl, I need some indication if all of this
is real now, got ta help me now! Woo!...etc.).
I was so jonesin' for them to go all the way back into it and they almost
did....but no. D'OH!
Yeah..I write down the songs as they roll out, and I knew for sure there was
no actual Supplication...but when I saw that on the Dead's actual setlist
archive I thought maybe I was just really fucked up.
As far as that bumper sticker: I don't like it at all. I can't figure
out if the author of it is trying to say that miracles don't exist, or if
s/he is trying to say the Dead are charging too much for tickets or what...I
a super hero should be able to surmise that the message is this: pay your own
way. stop begging and expecting others to set you up/kick down. "You ain't
nowhere till you can pay your own way back"-Cats under the Stars-RH
miracles do exist, its just a joke anyway.
Its cool to miracle something to someone but to go looking for one night in
and night out on tour is just putting a strain on the scene.
btw- i think any ticket for a major tour under $50 is fair, imo. sure was worth
it for the two shows I saw.
Catch the version from 11/23. It's all there. Woohoo's and all.
My take on the sticker is this...$42.50 is the price of a ticket...1 digit pointed at the sky is not the price of ticket.
Here's my long review of my first ever West Coast show. I'm from Philadelphia
but was spending a few months out in Oregon so I found a cheap train down to
the Bay Area and went to the show with my ex girlfriend Lieann who now lives
in Santa Rosa:
I realized we were going to be late for the show
because Lieann was tired from 2 jobs that days and
wasn't moving very fast to get ready. Also, she's just
not as passionate/obssessed with the music as I am.
For her it was just a good time to dance around and
see some friends and missing a few songs was no big
deal. But I was all tense and anxious in the
car and walking to the venue. the Kaiser Auditorium
looks like a big airplane hangar in side. I think it
was/is a basketball arena. there is a balcony that
wraps around 3 sides. And the entire thing was general
admission. It was surprising that you could have a sold
out 8,000 capacity venue with an open floor and not
have a big crush, but there didn't seem to be any more
people trying to get up front than at any big show. I
guess you couldn't have a band like KORN play the
Kaiser because I'd think everyone would be killing
each outher to get up front. But the deadheads lived
up to their stereotypical mellowness.
Lieaan and I got inside halfway through the 1st set
(we missed Good Lovin', Sailor>Saint, and Tenn Jed)
towards the end of Only the Strange Remain (which was
very rockin' and better than the Mystery Box version I
heard on the Furthur '96 tour) We met Lieann's
friends, an entourage which included a baby and a
toddler, so they were all the way up top on Rob/Jeff's
side. The sightlines were great but the sound was a
bit muddy. Cumberland Blues followed Only the Strange. It was good but not as
jammed out as the PLQ and I was still adjusting and calming down from the rush
to get inside so some of the details might have escaped me.
"Estimated Prophet" was a good version.
Bobby didn't get too shrieky or rockstar-ish on it and it was a blast to
be in California for the first time and singing along to the chorus, "California!...."
The verses of the song features an extra bar or 2 between the lines from the
Dead version which made it seem
sluggish. The jam out after the song was good and
featured some hot Jimmy leads if I remember correctly.
My favorite tune from the 1st set was the set-ending
"Casey Jones" It wasn't a wild version but it had
everyone dancing and singing along and they sped up at
the end, though not as fast as the PLQ.
During the set break I found the Wharf Rats but it was
too loud and crowded so I went down on the floor to
see Robert Hunter. He was miked loud and clear, esp.
his voice but I still don't know quite what to think
of his style. He seems to be struggling to play guitar
and watching him I alwys feel nervous for him, as if
he might screw up at any moment. Also, his passionate
but somewhat free-rhythmed acoustic songs derailed the
energy from the Other Ones' first set. I would have
prefered he opened and that there was nothing on the
stage between the sets.
The guy behind me and I both agreed that the 2nd set
would probably open with Shakedown. I was hoping for
it so I was all ready to dance. I was initially a bit
disappointed by the downtempo choice of "He's Gone"
for the opener but it turned into a good, focused
version. Jimmy and Bob hit a nice duel guitar line and
the vocal jam at the end featured good Phil vocals.
The jam after "He's Gone" picked up and became
danceable. Lieann and I then went down on the floor,
settling left of the stage 2/3rds of the way up. No
one pushed us and they respected our dancing space.
The sound was much clearer down there . I could pick
each instrument out except Jeff Chimenti's keyboard
(though I don't know his style well enough to
distinguish it.) Down on the floor we could also see
the video screens which featured great morphing
digital animation. "Lazy Lightning" featured fast runs
from Jimmy and Phil kicked the bass riff to start out
"Supplication" but I don't think Bob actually sang it.
During the jam, Mickey, Bob and Phil were signally to
each other with exaggerated movements and big smiles
on their faces (well Mickey and Phil were smiling , Bobby looked sort of
nervous and as if he could lose control at any minutes--but that's how he's
always looked on stage.)
Mountains of the Moon came next. Phil's vocals were
rich, but the song's spacey "floating on a cloud" feel
seemed to derail the dancing energy of the previous
songs slightly. I did like how the between-verse jams
went so out there that I thought they were
transitioning to another song when all of a sudden,
Phil would bring it back. The jam out of Mts picked up
tempo and I correctly called UJB. Liean and I danced
hard for this one. I was great fun to finally be with
someone who dances as intensely as I do. We weaved
around one another, sometimes very close. It felt a
bit strange because we used to be romantically
invovled.... UJB turned into a loose Terrapin,
seemed like the PLQ version but even a bit looser.
Before the "Inspiration" part, Phil hit the bass into
to Dark Star. The tempo seemed unsure for a brief
moment but a focused version followed, faster and more
cohesive than PLQ versions. It reminded me a bit of a
Dead version from 1969 as opposed to the 1990s GD
versions. This disssolved into a Drums with great
"trippy" visuals" Lieann (a big fan of Rusted Root)
danced hard. During Billy's solo segment, Mickey
goofed around behind him, pointing at Billy and
working up the crowd. When Mickey started playing again, he also kept pointing
to the crowd trying to get them to cheer. It seemed strangely "rockstar-ish"
and out of character, but it was obvious that Mickey was having a blast. A short
Space followed that was
rhythmic (was old cohort Bob Bralove helping out at
the soundboard?) and Phil toyed with the Terrapin
"Inspiration" riff
sure enough, Terrapin came out of the short space. It was played more like the
Grateful Dead's version (slower than PLQ's) though it didn't
have the long finale of the Dead's version. I was a bit disappointed that
the crowd wasn't shouting "Terrapin!" between the lines but it was
still great. The visuals on the screen began showing planets and astronauts
so I figured they were hinting that the second half of Dark Star would follow.
And it did. Phil, Rob, and Bob shared the vocals. And I loved the surprise a
cappela ending with everyone singing "Nightfall of diamonds" over and
over again.
The boys came out quickly for the encore (I like it when bands don't
try to milk the crowd applause too long before reappearing) Phil then told
a story about his son Graham, whose 16th birthday it was that night.
A fun sloppy "Happy Birthday" followed and went right into "Touch
of Grey" It was a good bouncy version. Rob and Bob traded vocals and while
it played I ran/danced up the ramps to the balcony to meet up with Lieann (who
started to feel hot and sick on the floor and left for the balcony after "Drums")
I smiled and sang to all the people I passed in the hallways.
Then the show was over and we were all happy.
Overall, a very good band. This is the best version of TOO yet. If I had to
choose between TOO or PLQ, I'd take PLQ because their jams seem to go further
out there, plus they have a bunch of great new songs (I wanted to hear "Midnight
Train" all night but I knew it wouldn't happen.) I at least think
TOO should write some new songs if they're gonna stay together past this
tour. Just playing old Dead seems to be living in the past too much. I prefer
how PLQ mixes it up. Also with the PLQ, all the members look confident and in
control. With TOO, Bob Weir looks very nervous as if he's using all his
energy just to stay on the rhythm. It's how Bobby has always looked, even
with the Dead but it's sort of distracting and not the way a "frontman"
of a band should look.
If they tour again, I definitely want to see them, but I hope the PLQ hasn't
played its last.
I bet all you Sailor Haters were probably screaming for Bobby to play CC Rider or Walkin Blues huh ???
fwiw, while supplies lasts: 12/6/2 is up via bittorrent on my server @ http://rosemary.dyndns.org
happy friday the 13th - enjoy!