It's tommorow!!!!!
I'm getting that funny feeling I used to get climbing the ropes in gym class!!!
>>>I'm getting that funny feeling I used to get climbing the ropes in gym class!!! that feeling your pants? heh.
need some help
got work commitments until 5:30 and will probably not make it to Riverbend until 7.
the scheduled order is Derek Trucks, Phil, Allmans
scheduled start time is 5PM
if I get there at 7 will I likely miss any Phil?
anyone on tour who can guess at the answer given past shows? thanks much - i feel an emergency appendectomy coming on...
yes. when they played with the ABB last year, Phil started around 6:30 when he played early.
Look forward to seeing all you Zoners in Cincy tonight; Anyone know if the pavillion is sold out? Those pillars on the lawn stink at Riverbend.. enjoy the show!
Are the Allman bros playing the same sets night after night? Thanks to all of you for reviews, it helps us that cant get there. Thanks Dewit for your input, I feel I can always trust your reviews and scene takes. The Vibes will be awesome, 4 sets of Phil and dont have to move at all. Also Creek, Kimock,Tricksters, wow!! I'll be dancing with the wife and kids. See you there
From the shows that I saw in Minneapolis and Milwaukee the Allmans' show did contain some of the same songs both nights but the sets were different and contained different "hits" both nights such as Whipping Post in Minneapolis and One Way Out and Southbound Mama in Milwaukee. Needless to say bewteen Warren and Derek Trucks the Allmans are sounding really good this summer. Enjoy tonight's show!! Cincy from 1985 is still one of my all - time fave shows including Midwest breakouts of the full Cryptical - Other One and Comes A Time following the return of those numbers at the Greek. Great Venue and city - Everyone have a safe and happy show and 4th of July - Peace
Yeah, the Allmans are playing different sets each night, Blossom had Hot Lanta, Dreams, and Revival, setlists for this tour can be found at Speaking of setlists, any reports yet about Phil tonight?
OK heres my account of the show anyhow.. venue was pretty lax just no open containers.. we went without tickets and they had this thing going where if u gave them a blanket and $40 they'd give you 10 lawn tickets!!! some radio station. anyway so i get a ticket for $6 then got stubbed down to pavillion so it was much better than the scalpers $35 pav. ticks lol; anyhow phil started a bit early it seemed; i was making my way in during the opener (cant recall it) then they busted into Help, warren and jimmy trading impressive licks.. i of couse expected a > to Slipknot! but out of no where they played Rider?! really got the crowd into it.. from Rider on i was busy stubbing down and next thing I know they're jamming a powerful Strawberry Fields that then found its way to H.C. Sunshine; then boom, playin in the band broke loose yet it was really tight and fast.. i expected em to space it out but they basically played through the lyric section and jammed for a bit then BOOM right into slip>franklins.. anyhow I'm sure more detailed reviews of the set shall follow but thats my little rundown with the BOOMS's included for the fireworks that were shot off from coney island during ABB, not the bands duing just good timing, also BTW both phil and ABB did not setbreak, ABB set was quite long warren is an aniaml, also ABB closed, phil played after trucks (herring joined) then abb; peace and have fun at the vibes
We're in like flint.....
Please correct me if anything is wrong but this is what I saw tonight:
Cosmic Charlie->jam
The Real Thing
Strawberry Fields->
Here Comes Sunshine->
E: Masons Children
Thank You Steve.. That's so nice of you to get back here w/ your review right after the show. Time is of the essence, even the day after, important details can be forgotten.
A blanket $40 for 10 tix!! WOW! They must have been collecting the blankets for a shelter.. That is way cool! P&F shows are very kind to us aren't they?
Help>Rider, WOW! Not alot of noodling & cuttin to the chase, makes me wonder if they read the reviews. Sounds like a sweet show. Can't wait to hear more. :*)
Ah, there was a Slipknot in there. Thanks Angelo.
As far as setlists go, to me, this is the best looking of the tour. Wow, & only 1 tune off the album..
They sounded tight again....they came out ripping it up for cosmic and that set the tone for the night. The jam was swift and Help followed strongly then slipknot once again had short but styling jams that seguewayed into a sweet I know you Rider. After rider they slowed it up with The Real Thing... I've heard many people praise this slow Warren song tonight. They stopped for a drink and onto a crescendoing Strawberry Fields that turned many heads^2... it sounded almost perfect and the jam went into the Here Comes Sunshine riff....and the song was well sang. shocker!!! LOL. good to hear this song in the rotation on a scorcher like today and yesterday. Played excellent. Appropriate. That jam was starving for some speedy energy but out of nowhere the slipknot gets played back into Franklins to end the set. high energy from the band. During the break to play the encore, Phil was on the cell phone for a bit, they came out and Warren smoothly introduced the band and then phil introduced Warren and they busted on a nice Mason's Children. Quickly played jams and it ended at around 8:10 or so. Fun show by the boys tonight... it had higher energy than the blossom show, especially near the end. Well composed again too, phil is getting good at composing set lists for this hot band that can do just about anything it seems.
Angelo, setlist looked perfect.. i was forgetting the Real Thing during the stub down; and no worries on speedy review momma, i am always waiting on here for them when i cant make the show yeah the blanket thing was sweet, they got a whole lot of them obviously thats one thing us heads carry a couple of
thanks for the review angelo, don;t forget playin> ;) peace and love
Deadicated Momma,
you still up with us? I think it may be a really close second to the Michigan show in terms of setlists and down right jamfests but it was stellar too. No doubt..... a major treat.
fun show last night - to me they seemed even tighter than last summer at Deer Creek which was a great show too.
this band really moves well together. The harmonizing on HC Sunshine an Strawberry Fields was impressive.
got my Mason's - thanks guys!!
Great show!!!! Phil phucking rocks!!!!! Warren is INTENSE!!!! Great show to be my first. That blanket thing is cool. Wish I'd have known. We spent $70 on 2 lawn seats through Ticketbastard. I was getting over being sick and I'm all hopped up on prescription drugs, and combined with the heat of the sun during Phil, there was no dancing for me. Some phriends we met up with were kind of dissapointed in us for sitting down so much. One memorable note was during the Almann's set, Warren did Otis Redding's "I've been loving you too long" all by himself without the band. During this song was when the previously mentioned fireworks came to the grand finnally. Warren was trying to sing and play all tender-like and all you could hear was Boom Boom Boom. He even kind of laughed, but he kept it together and when the fireworks ended, he emerged without a scratch. Off to the side, they were inflating about 20 hot air balloons. Pretty surreal. Franklins Tower was stellar!!! WHew!!!! Play it like you just don't care...
COSMIC CHARLIE. The boys started winding up right outta the gates! Very nice opener, no jam to introduce this one, just a kick in your butt and your on the ride. This had some interesting moments but none better than the opening lightning of .HELP ON THE WAY>. !!! this was *tight-tight-tight*. every corner was navigated with confidence and the punches provided the means to get further on, to .SLIPKNOT!>. whew! this ones got to be creamy~! this had more movement in it than chocolate pudding on a windmill ride! they messed with it a couple of times, tearing it down - building it up ... all in preparation for pulling out the barn-shaker .I KNOW YOU RIDER. !!! aahhhhh, it musta been over 90 degrees and this one had everyone shaking their best in the hottest sun I've boogied with in a long time. Nothing's gonna knock your socks off here, but solid leads and precision do count for something ... excellent ride! .THE REAL THING. this brought the entire area to a halt, gentle swaying - it's o.k. but I'm baking like a fried chicken in the sun and I'd much rather boogie sweat than stand-n-drip anyday. No mind bending jams or leads on this, but! we gently get laid into .STRAWBERRY FIELDS. this made the ground soft, the sun hide, and I almost felt a cool-mist encircle the entire place. Blues and greens etched out perfect circles for lawn darts while yellow kittens played with rice. very surreal and the jam outta this was fantastic! they revved it up numerous times and then started shaping it like wet clay - hard on the edges, beat it till it takes shape - .HERE COMES SUNSHINE. Rob's vocals are excellent on this, in fact - the vocals have been outstanding all night by everyone. The jam on the end has Chewbacca driving while Hans Solo is making Ice Cream with a French girl holding peanuts. Truly incredible, delicious stuff brewing on this one. uh-oh ... then we get blasted with quick riffs to the opening of "lady with a fan" ... the band even goes under water to slow things down, and again we get blasted with the riffs from "lady with a fan". I'm about to settle in for the terrapin ride when outta the blue > .PLAY'IN. !!! wow! this had the whold area light up! rag doll trampoline ride and the passion to make every turn at 90 m.p.h. make this the highlight for me. the drop into the jam was beautiful and at once we're clocking waves of purple cosmic messages that are tied up in orange balloons. the jam here is pressure-cooker tight, having hard time to breathe and hanging around with my mouth open, but they bring it to the precision tight punch of the slipknot ending right into .FRANKLIN'S. Phil shouting to everyone that can see/ listen = Roll Away The Dew! this ride actually got into some interesting areas without straying from the explosive leads that we're used to - one time cutting margarine with a laser on the back of a mexican jumping bean! This one wrapped the show up and the boys were gone. Warren came out to introduce the band, and Phil took over to introduce Warren and give his donor rap. They treated us with the thunder = .MASON'S. At this point, the band was easily able to just smear the tar outta this thing but never took it past orbit and comfortably gave you a sight seeing tour of what just happened. The day was hot but Phil only slowed down once with the Real Thing and kept me shaking throughout. Fantastic show, the recordings will sound excellent. Phil's sound is incredible and his bass punches threw the mix so fine. Have fun at the Vibes!!!! = dark star! :>]
Many thanks for the great review. Your descriptions made me feel like I was there.
Best review I've read in a long time.
>>>>The jam
on the end has Chewbacca driving while Hans Solo is making Ice Cream with a French girl
holding peanuts.
How many mic's did you need to take to get to where you were?
>>>How many mic's did you need to take to get to where you were?
LMAO! I was thinkin the same thing
Wonka, your words are worth a thousand(mics)pictures, awesome imagery!
This is an observation only, not a criticism ...
Did anyone else notice that Warren cut off Jimmy several times at Blossom and Riverbend? Is Phil's town not big enough for the both of them? The shows I saw in 2001 seemed like there was a little more cooperation between the guitars than what I saw the last couple days. The tension may be good to an extent and it may bring Warren, Jimmy, and everyone else to a higher level, but sometimes it appears to me that Warren is out of the loop and it breaks up the continuity of the sets. The jams are still there but they are not seamless because there's a little more struggling back and forth, Warren trying to show Jimmy up and then what can Jimmy do but the same back at 'cha? And then Warren turns away to fiddle with knobs if Jimmy wins the "guitar duel" ...
On the other hand, Warren definitely was kickin' it with the Allmans ...
My 2 cents...
It did indeed happen at Blossom, but didn't detract much from the overall quality, eh Jason? I just wished that the bump in Cinci flyin' back home from Akron would have been an overnight deal so I could have seen this great lookin show. Once you got stubbed down, how did the Gopher on Warren's amp look to you all? Inspiration for Chewbacca? WHew~!!! many mics indeed ... LOL
I was with the Wonka, I can tell you all that he is naturally that way, if you want to have the real-deal Holyfield experience at a show, go with Wonka. I have seen many a show with him and they are ALL memorable. He knows the music, and he knows his way through the confusion. Truly a cosmic enigma, and a co-captain on the 2004 Summer Olympic BongTeam. Don't ask him how many mics, he has broken ALL barriers and is a true Jedi Master.
Hey Wonka, are you a chef? I got a little hungry reading that.
Hungry for Phil!
Nice one.
Off to the Vibes...
Re: Warren's fury friend (No, not the "I'm Not! Him" dude.)
The pre-donor rap/band intro debate involved Warren's dancing mammal in Milwaukee. I thought it was simply a beaver, locals called it a Wisconsin badger, while my tour-slut friend insists that it is the "Caddy Shack" woodchuck.