Any info on this venue? I was there a few years ago for Furthur and it was preety cool. Curious how things might have changed after 9/11. More checks going in? Will they allow cameras? Security etc.
yah you can get your cameras in they just ask you if you have anything. It hasnt changed to much since furthur were you there when moe was there with black crows?
That was first concert I was like 12 or 11 it was a great time. Guess I am luck I got hippy parents
It will prolly rain though I actually wouldnt recomend sandals cause when I went to DMB I was slippin all over cause the rain and a lot of people got hurt cause the mud and they fell, so if there is rain you may want to think about that if your goin lawn.
how early do you think everyone will get there, I heard there is camping I live like pretty close so I doubt I'll do that but I wanna get there early.
anyways I am so pumped all during the DMB shows I was like maybe phil and friends will pop out and I kept thinking about the rat dog concert I went to a few months ago I am pumped!
I am very pumped too! I have seats in sec 3 therefore will stay dry. I am from Orlando and yes will probaby be an afternoon storm but gone by P & F. Are you saying they do not actually check bags just ask if have anything??? Where is the camping going to be??? In the lot itself?
not sure about where the camping is I read it in the paper "camping available" I believe try calling mars musica amputheater.
Unfortunately I am not sure about the bag part I dont think they allowed them but they dont check pockets or insides of blankets.
but yah I think I am somewhere in the same vesinity 7th row to the left I think thats the 3rd section
but I am pretty sure of camping just call them.
anyways I cant wait
i am ready. After reading reviews of last nites show at GW with mention of tehm getting ready for Terrapin I was wondering if this show mite be the same. Weir and Phil "practicing" for Terrapin. I will take that for a fine and magical evening. It will happen. The boys on teh same stage in WPB So cool. Will get there early. Yes camping outside is allowed and should be a great scene in the lot.I just hope everyone is cool. So many young folks. (my son above included. )Looking forwrd to sharing this show with both my kids husband and good friends.Are we there yet?
13 days and counting!!!! I believe we will see Bobby jamming with P&F.Been expecting it from day one of mail order. Is there a curfew? Last March at Sunrise Musical theatre they played past Midnight both nights. Just wondering if we will have the same this time. Can't believe camping is being allowed. Is it at the venue? Sunrise had camping last year. Is Florida actually getting hip to the scene?
Only problem is no good bands come here durring winter and play outside, when the weather is actually really nice here )-;
I would love for FL to losen up a bit but I doubt that we could sell out shows like the NE.Anyways I am very very excited for this show everyone I have spoken to has said they are great
hi guys & gals, i've been thinking of an ALLIGATOR in fla since i saw that phil played it in jersey. what better place than here for that? we'll hafta see how things play out prior to WPB.
If you are comming from out of state, bring a raincoat. It's monsoon season over here (in S. Florida). I'm so stoked about the show, I'm counting off the days on the callendar.
saw an ad in a wpb area newspaper that said if you buy a cd of phil's or any band on tour with him at BEST BUY, you recieve 2 FREE tickets to the show on 7/28!!! i think it is only at the wpb BEST BUY location. i called there on sunday 7/21 and they said they should have the cd's and tickets on monday 7/22. i already have my tix. the free tickets are lawn seats and are limited.... SPREAD THE WORD
alligator...caution...viola...just dreaming!!!!
Florida (Sunrise-4/13/01-"Here Come Sunshine" Tour opener) was where the "new" Phil and Friends first blew me away. I had seen The Other Ones and early Phil and Friends prior to coming to Florida. But that night at Sunrise, I felt the difference in my bones. The band damn near exploded that night and I haven't been the same since. I was hooked again. An excitement I haven't felt really since about my last good Dead run in '89. About 20 Phil shows later -- I'm heading back down south for more madness. The Florida scene was very cool - a west coast laid back feel (not the nitrous laced concrete parking lot northeast feeling that we just experienced). Hope you all can make it down. If it's anything like Sunrise '01 - it will be well worth the trip.
See ya!
SUNRISE was awsome!!!! I hope it is like sunrise but better with bob weir too!
I hope they play together a lot!
SO excited!!!!
but never heard the FL sceen as beeing cool hehe maybe things are changing!
anyways I wanna hear -here comes sunshine
and Soul Shinning
It was cool at Sunrise -- no hassles, friendly people, nice weather. Hoping for the same in WPB! And i'm sure we'll see plenty of Bob. But i'm hoping for at least the second set without him. More Bob means less Warren. And i'm a sucker for Warren on vocals. But i'll take something similar to Tuesday's Virginia show anytime - hot 1st set w/Weir - hot 2nd set w/o him!
Got free tix today, I'm in...
haha best buy pulls you in aye?
never underestimate a REDNECK
JEREMY... magic happens; just watch out for problem people on the net. you seem like a good guy
yah I got 2 extra seat tickets about 12th row section 3 goin for face value if anyone needs?
I was out at the venue tonight Saterday and Wow there were like 80 people out there camping and it was early like 10, thinking about heading back out cause they wouldnt let me in without the tickets.
anyways should prove to be a great show!
P.s my tickets for sale are 9th row section 3 goin for face value
not easy to sleep tonight
it's like heinze ketchup...
weather for today
hot and 20% chance of rain (dont believe it) and winds ranging from 5-11 mph
not too bad just really darn hot
what time is everyone getting there?
Yes as of right now I am like 5 min from the venue and it is drizzling so I dont know if the link can be trusted... but not hard rain
Thanks for the weather update.
See a guy with a "Help On The Way" Team Phil shirt, don't be afraid to say "Hi."
Otherwise, have a good time and drive safely.
I'll be there late, prolly missing Dickey.
Headley....Have a great time at the show....
Time to do my chores then head out to phil....cooooooool (I wish)
get your gator on
I'm proud to say I have a friend down in South F-L-A working this show...
Can't wait to hear the reviews!
Thanks to Larry (FLDEADHEAD):
She Says>
Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
Help on the Way*>
Samson and Delilah*>
Two Djinn>
Jam (w. Dickey Betts' piano player)>
Franklin's Tower>
Not Fade Away
*w. Jimmy Herring
DJ Logic entire show
No acoustic songs
listening to a good shakedown over the phone...
Set 1:
(** w/ Bob Weir, # w/ Dickey Betts)
Night of 1000 Stars>
**Good Lovin'
#Smokestack Lightning>
#Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad
Set 2:
Shakedown Street>
Rock & Roll Blues>
Viola Lee Blues(v1)>
China Cat Sunflower>
I Know You Rider>
Golden Road
Enc: We Bid You Goodnight
Great show, phil is way way better than RAt dog this showed me.
WArren looked angry when Bobby weir played with the band...
all in all another tremendous show
Bid you good night was only with Barraco, Phil and WArren
We left for the show around 3 cause boyo had to work. The drive was through florida's cattle country...this bein' the second biggest cattle state in the country, that's a long drive. Lots of cowboy songs on country radio. Ate a wendyburger that made me feel sick during ratdog. No wendy's ever again!
I don't know how many people this place holds, but it felt about 2/3 full. PHIL: YOU SHOULD NOT PLAY OUTSIDE IN FLA IN THE SUMMER!!!! ITS TOO HOT. WOULD YOU PLAY OUTSIDE IN WISC IN WINTER? I THINK NOT. It was even hotter in WPB than in Tampa, unbelievable!!! Steambath. The arena is like a smaller version of charlotte and atlanta, although they do have lots of flowing water to stand under.
We missed dickey, and folks said it was good, but everyone who was there for that was crazy from heat and sunstroke, so who can say. Got there just as Ratdog was starting Help w/ jimmy and it was really pretty good. I really do like cracker jimmy an awful lot, and he had the fluid runs going. Danced for a while, got sick, danced some more. Made the scene with the few homefolks crazy enough to make the trip, heard some guy go on and on about the great corinna. Sure, pal.
Southeast fla is worlds away from the soulcity oak hammock where I live, but as always, fla shows brings out some of the freaks that live out among the possum. We don't get a lot of shows here, and its always good to see the funky folks turn out. Of course, there was a larger quota NY/NJ types that we don't see much on the other coast--the accent is unerving when you aren't used to it, and a few south beach types, who started drinking early in the sun and fell out.
We set up shop behind the main taper section and near the most doomed taper in the world. This is on the lawn, and he's set up on the aisle, all my his lonesome. The sound was great where he was, except there were some kids doing whipits next to him. Here's the worst thing about the show though.....they had roving beer sellers who have WHISTLES, and they walk around during the show and blow their whistles!!! Horrible! They don't even have respect for mikes and it really sucks when they are standing right behind you and blow the whistle. Apparently they do it all shows there. VERY BAD! We specifically asked the guy assigned to our area not to do it, and he'd take 2 steps away (under the mike) and do it again. Good thing I wasn't drinking, or there woulda been trouble....
That guy's tape is full of whistles and whipits, and some drunk yankee with a voice that carried.
So they open with night of 1000 stars which was really nice...that song is growing on me quite a bit. Warrens voice sounds great! How can that be after touring all summer? It was sweetly played, lots of smiling between me and the boy--who is a great guy, by the way.
Then truckin' which is cool cause I haven't seen weir sing truckin since the, not the best trucking ever, but solid. Good lovin was pretty nice, jimmy laid down some nice stuff. He's so fast, but he's got taste. Good groove, and that's not even a favorite song of mine. A little cheese at the end there, courtesy of weir, but what ya gonna do?
Then dickey came out as expected, looking the rightious badass with the cowboy hat and the redneck mustache. Smokestack was, for me, the highlight of the show. Fuckin' warren again. It was sung soooooo slow and drawn out and that guy just wailed. One of the best pieces of singing i've seen. It was beautiful except when the whistling beer guy came which point i dearly wished that bosphan would appear and kick his whistling ass. Dickey did a solo, but it was warren's tune. GDTRFB was fun, actually, it was more fun as they were working their way into it. It sounded like they kept slipping in loose lucy, then back to gdtrfb, then LL, then finally started the song. Dickey didn't do a whole lot once the song started, and he forgot the words. Ooooops! He was only about 2.5 hours from home, so he was probably thinking about being there already. He did jump up and down during jimmy's solo, which was awesome. No one's fingers move that fast.
Short set.
Second set, jam into shakedown. Was that for all the NYers there? I love that song, but I gotta say this....for me, warrens slide was getting in the way. He was playing it way up on the neck, and to me shakedown has that lowdown funky feel. Sometimes he gets a sound up there that I just don't love, and it IS possible to overdo slide.
Then R&R blues, also solid, these new tunes are really sounding good. Now, whatever else you say about warren, he fuckin' rocks on viola, he was born to play that shit. As usual, it was fucking good. Not the best one ever, but good. As usual, they played all in and out of stuff, finally doing china then rider. I heard the opening riff to beautifully broken in there, but they didn't do it. too bad, with warren's voice so on. was hoping for UBC at the end, but golden road is a good rocker to end this rock and roll set. Was there with some deadheads who had yet to see phil, and they were duly impressed.
We bid you good night was nice, i like the gospel treatment they use.
All in all a good show with no real surprises or anything. Lots of viola, which is ok with me. Long drive home, boy-o was THE MAN and drove all the way home. We saw a dead boar on the side of the road. That is one lonely ass road at night, I'll tell ya.
See y'all next weekend!!!!!!!
damn i'm in love. not with plq but with botb. what a #+#+#+#+ great writeup. man i felt like i was there. thaz y i punch this %%%% up to begin with. not to hear lame debates but to get a feel for a show. and now since i think after that review i mightof been there, i better take a nap. botb your color on fla was right on. funny stuff. i traveled south last year i think it was and saw a couple a shows at the sunrise, lucky it was indoors but a great place and an out of this world show the 2nd night. anyway thanks again. that was good for me, think i'll have a smoke.
garsh, I'm blushin'. dude just made my day
nice write up bus, i also had to drive 3 hours after Atlanta, got home at 02:40 em, read that backwards,anyhoot,you Warren belted out the Real Deal encore on sat, he sure can sing,fuck those damn whistles,im glad i wasnt with you cause i had been drinking and that shit would have pissed me off,prawlly would of had my redneck ass in jail,nobody messes up my show, i weight 270lbs and i dont take any lipp,thanks for the long and trully told greatest story ever told, B
>It was beautiful except when the whistling beer guy came which point i dearly wished that bosphan would appear and kick his whistling ass.
I'd a done it a kindly maam. Tip my hat to you after the beatins are done, and ride off into the sunset.
Philzone bouncer & whistler ass kicker.
Was that the guy with the huge purple hat he is at every show, people pick on him I feel bad
bear where in section three were you I was there too
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Now, whatever else you say about warren, he fuckin' rocks on viola, he was born to play that shit.
This is the line when I decided to proclaim my hidden love for BOTB ....until that stinking Stankmonkey did it. god damn hippie.
oh yeah
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to me shakedown has that lowdown funky feel.
gave me a little chub as well
I was in row S seat 21 and 22. Great great time. Was just upset that no sealed water bottles were allowed in. With the heat sealed bottles should be let in. I guess they would rather make more money by having us buy their water.
$20 parking and oppressive heat didn't spoil what was a fun day/evening in s. florida. Sorry I missed Dickey's "Blue Sky" but I heard it from the lot. Missed Ratdog too - (snuck into a VIP tent for shelter and cold beer). Love 1000 Stars although it seems as if they rushed through it. Enjoyed Bobby's tunes and Dickey was cool. But set one < one hour?? Shakedown was fun to start set 2. R + R blues- not in that spot please. And a lovely Viola sandwich that I feel like the crowd never really appreciated. Golden road was good as usual - seen it four times this month though!! "Bid you" was touching - but left me wanting much much more. They started around 8:15 and finished at 11:00 on the dot - little fast - but had to be up early to fly to Philly and get to work (work - what's work?? running out of excuses this month - what about next monday after Terrapin!!) . Good show - worth the trip - fishing in Key Largo helped!! See y'all in Alpine!
$20 parking ?
Say What ?
3 things :
1. PHIL, please do NOT play Florida in the middle of brutal ass summer. The crowd WAS restrained. Wanna know why ? 'Cause they had to stand in 94 degree heat all day !! Come down anytime from October to March and you will see the true beauty of Florida.
2. tell the venue to stop sending in those beer goons w/ whistles. I paid for my tix and I feel that entitles me to a whistle free show. VERY aggravating.
3. Mars security was WAY overzealous. I saw a bro in the middle of the crowd get booted because he was tryin to pack a one hitter w/ kind and the security as wandering through the crowd and caught him. He was trying to be stealth, not out in the open. I mean if the cops don't catch you, no harm, no foul. FUCK those security shitheaps, I'm never going to Mars Amp again, even if Jerry rises from the Dead and it's his only gig.
Other than that, it was a great show, thank you very much !
Man, you Florida boys sure are sensitive about a little heat - you live in FLA for chrissakes!
$20 for parking and whistling beer guys would be really aggravating though....course it's not Phil's fault, but someone should really get the message across to the venues that that crap is not appreciated.
Anyway, I can't wait to be sitting under the HOT Texas sun tomorrow - and unless things have changed there recently, parking will be free and the beer vendors will be well-behaved.
Bring on the heat and the music
Paying $3 for warm bottled water was rather aggravating, too.
The sprinklers coming on during the set break and spraying a significant portion of the crowd w/ reclaimed water sucked balls, too.
It's not the heat that got to me, but the heat helped make me very angry at the venue.
however, Phil and Bob and Dickey played a GREAT show, one and all.
seriously who charges $20 for parking? come on. and is it just me or does my new honey botb and ole redneck look alike. is this an evil twin kinda thing cause if it is i'm goin to have to reconsider this whole thang.
I posted a message last night that I thought all 3 bands cooked, but it hasn't appeared, not sure why.
By the way, parking was $20 in the preferred lot. If you went 100 yards further and turned in, parking was free.
Great crowd. I was just behind and stage left of the tapers and the sound was terrific! Everyone was dancing and there were no hassles anywhere that I saw.
I loved Ratdog and thought Phil and Friends was fantastic.It needn't be competition. We should love the fact that these bands are out there for us to see, and more importantly, hear.
I blame the venues downfall on clear channel!
also Mars does suck but thats all we got down here.......
Parking 20 bucks was for preffered lot, its free everywhere else
and I snuck into the VIP tent too, free food but that was about it nothing too special felt bad for people who actually paid to get VIP treatment.
still the music kicked, and next summer I wanna catch at least 3 shows.
also for complaining about the heat, its also the humidity that makes it feel above 100 degrees that is the kicker
I posted a message last night that I thought all 3 bands cooked, but it hasn't appeared, not sure why.
By the way, parking was $20 in the preferred lot. If you went 100 yards further and turned in, parking was free.
Great crowd. I was just behind and stage left of the tapers and the sound was terrific! Everyone was dancing and there were no hassles anywhere that I saw.
I loved Ratdog and thought Phil and Friends was fantastic.It needn't be competition. We should love the fact that these bands are out there for us to see, and more importantly, hear.
Sorry about the heat, but it wasn't any different than what we had up here, and have again.
They charged $30 for parking at PNC...ten at Hartford. Freakin sucks. Just fill the damn lots.
Redneck, so with you on the water...I skirted the cap issue at 5 venues telling them that if I got dosed, I would sue...worked like a charm every time. Rotten, but it worked.
As for the whistling beer hawkers, what the f..k? And the overzealous security...sounds alot like my night at Merriweather...
Whistling beer hawkers...time to ask Phil for a new soundboard release for sure.
Yeah - I figured there was cheaper parking somewhere- but after like 4 hours of driving and it's 100 degrees and you see ice cold Heinekens and cute hippie chicks - that $20 preferred lot looks like a bargain. Maybe they'll use the money for old folks driving training. Or maybe they can open a few more Cracker Barrells -- i don't think they have enough down there!!!
YAh South Florida is all SCrewed up and I live here!!!
someone get me out!!!!!
- GOnzalles
-Election 2000
-Spanish is the most spoken language
-hot as balls
-horrible show venues
Jeremy - Don't forget lousy sports teams (don't even THINK about bringing up the tainted Marlins world series). And - is the whole state on E???
the mushrooms are good
Gid, you are once again, the voice of reason.
The BUCS do NOT suck.
Spanish/Cuban is a nice language and the food is awesome.
Yes, it's hot as balls, but when the snowbirds are buried in snow, we got it made.
And the mushrooms are good.
Hey, right about now, some snow on the ground in New England is not something I would turn my back on. Been getting hotter as the sun goes down, not cooler.
Spanish is not a nice language its like they are all speedy gonzales and are in a rush the whole time its always soooo fast. But I agree the food is great. In fact the neighbor knew company was comming in from out of town so she (being Cuban) brought us a ton of black beans and rice and it was amazing!
We do have it made for about 2-3 months when it is absolutely beatiful
And the Bucs are on the other side of FL man
I do say FL is not one of my top favorite states.
... and they lose to the Eagles every year - ok 'cept '79
>>>>Sorry about the heat, but it wasn't any different than what we had up here, and have again.
ooooooh, you have NO idea....and i lived summers in harlem (summer 99 especially) and brooklyn with no AC.....but you have NO idea
>>>>>the Bucs are on the other side of FL man
....yeah, the good side
just rolled back to tampa after a double brain melter with cheese, despite utter choas at the frisk down (no instant cameras, child please) and coping with the abject stupidity of not allowing caps with water bottles (mental note to self: bring hundreds in a garbage bag and share with kind souls), we settled on the grass rail, and damn if there ain't no place i'd rather be! (give me hot outdoors, with moon, sky, killer airplanes, and cool breezes any day, f*ck the rent-a-rink cans) settled in near the time dickey was wraping up, from the lot i thought he sounded better than i could have expected, damn near allman's quality, and at least he stuck with the favorites, cool lizzie and where it all begins, and it really all began in earnest when the pooch hit the bowl, my swerve was just right on as they intro'd with the fake out jack straw, that slowly morphed into cassidy, can we share the women, absolutly!, as the ladies ruled bobby's mind (and i must add that the s. fl. hotties rule!) it was chick songs galore (with the exception of a 9/11 nod to NYC w/ Liberty and the white hot Help>Slip (Jimmy you are the SUN KING, my man was up there beaming like the big ol disc up in the sky, such sweet sunshine, it just felt so damn good, really soul uplifitng) we got our Sun. sermon, and then 2 djinn kicked up some nice whirlwinds to cool my brow. Whew! and a finish thing up Franklin's to feed the faithful. After a short break phil came out, and if the inside of my stomach hadn't been a free-for-all-pharmacy, then my mind might not have been in such a god damn best feeling mood in the world place, i had a thousand crystals churn in my gut and then splatter the sky (thank you candace and light co.-superb), night of a 1k*'s indeed! Seeing Bobby up there w/ Phil (3rd time this year!) just gets me jacked up, Truckin' rocked, and i f*cked up the words..again! and that Good Lovin was sweet summer of love 60's in an S.F. park all over again, fun fun fun. Here is where the show took a real turn for the better (and a true harbinger of greatness for our second set), because when Warren's on, the shit flies, he tore Smokestack a f*ckin new a-hole, blistering don't do it justice, smoking hot more like it. Dickey just darting in and out, there to urge things on, like an old west gun duel, a game of 6 string chicken, the 2 young gunslingers wanting to do right by the old timer, and they delivered in spades, big smiles all around to end the set. After an interminable break, we got a vocal mike check rap from phil (maybe he was dissing logic-who was real mellow on these ears, and a big improvement from NYE) then the obligatory tears of a clown tease as the funk got laid on gravy thick by the Phil-Monster, that Shakedown sure shook down that mountain amphitheatre, r & r blues hit home a little deeper live, damn good advice there boys. But it was the upcoming flashback that will keep me on the bus till i can't no more, when they trotted out a revisit with old Viola after the Sunrise show last year, it was so sweeeeet, screw the weekend warriors hopeful for UJB, that bitch Viola got nasty and she about blew every johnson in the joint, did i say shit-hot yet, who cares, and then when Warren jumped the bones on that slant-eyed pussy flower, i about creamed myself (hell maybe i did!) EXCTASY!!! to say that it felt real, real good, just not enough reals there. Ms. Lee came back around for seconds and then we got a real sweet sing along Rider, and yes Phil we in Fl. do miss you, but feel the love (thanks a million good folks at Mayo Jax). That no good two bit whore showed up, AGAIN! gotta love the triple decker with the China>Rider filling, simply phatty, phat phat. But not to be out done, Warren belted out a damn fine Golden Road to deliver me, cast in glowing halo, into a tap dance in the procession of stars and sent me bucking the bronco of conscienceness in outer galaxies, thank you Mr. Haynes. There's nothing don't send you out the door to do right like a little gospel, and yeah Jesus loves you best too, Phil. Peace all, gg
I enjoyed the show as much as you did!
Well I was going to write a reveiw of the show but unfortunately opted to finish part of a small party favor that I had left from last night. So if you want a song by song review go back and re-read the some of the prior posts.:
1. As I am driving in I see a sign "Parking $20". What a rip-off. Good thing I knew that the main lot around the corner was free
2. Suprisingly active lot scene (remember this is Florida where we get very few quality shows). It was hot but, it is july and it is hot everywhere, not just in Florida. I would rather live in Florida in the summer then anywere with snow in the winter.
3. I should have known that security was going to be overzealous when the guy at the gate told the person in front of me "no back packs". She was bummed. Then he said "no cameras" to me. I was bummed. So i go to the other side of the gates and the lady asked what was in the case. I responded binoculars and she said let me see them. so now i am on my way back to the car thinking I was glad I got to take pics in atlanta.
4. I get in time see 2/3's of a rocking Dickie set from 7th row dead center. It was great to see the guys from Ratdog and PLQ digging it from the side.
5. I move down to my regular seats since the owners of my original seats decided to sit there. Ratdog comes on and the security guy tells a guy 2 rows behind me to put out his j. Damn...i was just getting ready to partake. Bummer.
6. Ratdog Rocks. Security was keeping the ailes clear.
7. As they were setting up for phil i decide to P, get some H20 and head up to the lawn to partake. I get to the window order two waters and before i know it the tops were gone. I ask if i can have one top so I dont spill the water I was saving, and she reponded no. I now make my way towards the lawn. when I start to hear a whistle. Holy shit, I think they know I am going up there to partake. I look around and don't see any cops or security so i make my way up the steps. I find a nice spot and begin my pre-set routine when a girl in front of me points to the two security guards busting some smokers about 25 yrds away. I put it out until they pass and light it up again. Here comes the whistle again. oh shit. I ask the girl what the hell is that and she says the beer guy and he has been doing that all night. Glad I didnt have lawn seats. I then finish it up along with the nice girl how gave me the heads up and info.
8. Phil rocks. but the show was TOO short. I had a feeling that being sunday night and the last of a 4 show SE run, that it would be a short show. I have a new found respect for Warren. Jimmy is fun to watch and Phil looks like he is having the time of his life. CRSB was great and Good Loving was sweet (it was fun to see bobby's "cheesy" side). I could see both bobby and dickey on the side before bobby came out so i know we were in for a treat. As Dickey starts to leave so does the rest of the band. Where are you going? WTF...50 minutes? Oh well, i guess that means they were saving it for the second set. Security was keeping the ailes clear.
9. Off I go on my P, H2O, and J triathlon. At least I kow the routine now.
10. Make it back to my seat in time to see Phil come back and start his jam before they decide to turn off the house lights. I could tell right away that Shakedown was on its way (actually, it was a lucky guess). So i am up and dancing when the guy behind me finally got fed up with my standing (I had heard the comments all night) and asked me if I wanted to sit down. I responded with a very polite "not really" If that guy is reading this (which I doubt) I am sorry about that. Unfortunately, I am 6'4 and love the music and they sound better when I stand up.
11. Get up and dance!
12. Great 2nd set. Although I thought it was a little short. I thought they were playing really tight. Let people come to the front during the 2nd set.
13 Thanks for the viola, china-rider club sandwich.
Show = 8.9. Venue = 8. Personnel = 4. Crowd = 7. Perfect Florida summer night = priceless.
Isn't my time up yet?
Hey E...
how come you only ever tell me PART of the entire story...sneaking in to the VIP tent, or were you asked???? hmmmmmmm
that pit is growing deeper and deeper
Here are a few interesting quotes from an article in the Palm Beach Post.
Lesh & Friends recapture some Grateful Dead magic
By Joel Engelhardt, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
"There's a new Grateful Dead in town. It centers on a guitarist named Jimmy, not Jerry…
Sunday night at the MARS Music Amphitheatre, Jimmy Herring stepped confidently into Garcia's old place on the stage… The results were stunning. Few guitarists can lay claim to capturing Garcia's feel for the material. Many have tried but often sound too much like a guitarist trying to sound like Jerry. Not Jimmy. He plays his way, bending notes with finesse and rocking with assertiveness."
"Ratdog, played a funkier but less accomplished style of Dead music in its own 90-minute set…"
"Haynes, formerly of Government Mule and currently with the Allman Brothers, also added to the lengthy guitar interplay that dominated every song."
yah thats my local PAPER! something good for once there were two articles if you type in grateful dead in the search at their site they come up
The Mule is in full blast!!!
Jimmy is a STAR!!!!!!
I would say that it was a team effort !!!!!!!
I would have to say one of the things that made my show was seeing the homer simpson doll on Warrens Amp
that made me smille a bigger one then I was already wearing
I was too far back to see what that "Homer Simpson doll" was. Kept checking it out with the binoculars and was still too far away. Thanks.
I thought you might get a kick out of "formerly with Gov't Mule". What?
Not realy the best article I've ever read, but atleast it didn't trash the band like the guy in Indy. Unless you have an issue with his Ratdog take "a funkier but less accomplished style...". I would tend to agree with him there.
hey its the palm beach post, I am happy they gave the band a lil coverage I a mean the post is a news paper based at mid school reading level!
well, being this was one of the worst weekends of my life, this was a great show. my wife and i drove down from tampa only to lose our steering 5 miles away from the show and be towed in. the security sucked and i hate clear channel. mostof dickey's set i was fuming and trying to make sure my pregnant wife was staying cool enough. thanks to all the people who offered help and assistance to us, we were in the gmc with the v-dub on top. my wife has banned me from the lawn, from now on we pay top dollar to stay out of the sun, oh well, phil's worth it!
hey least you made it to the show. My friend and I saw you get towed in from the comfort of his air conditioned car. We both thought it was great that you got towed in as opposed to being even more late to the show, I am glad it was only 5 miles. It could have been worse, you could have been on hwy 60. A buddy of mine broke down in lake city on our way to a show in miami. We spent the night in lake city, missed the show, but made it to tampa the next night
I learned many years ago about the perils of the lawn when my wife almost got into a fight with a chick in front of her who kept stepping on her feet at a Jimmy buffet concert. It has been pavillion seats ever since. Enjoy the shade
Hey tampa folk, glad you got to see the show.
I loved it!
Wow otter where in WPB are you from! I am out in wonderful wellington!
Hey furry seafaring mammal:
I was talking to security at the Jones Beach Amphitheater (7/14) show. I asked them how they liked working the Phil crowd (wondering what they would say about all the "stoned freaks") and their only complaint was the show went on too long. But then, out of the blue, they volunteered that the crowd they liked working the least was the Jimmy Buffet crowd because they all got drunk (sneaked it in hip flasks they suspected - keep in mind the Jones Beach Amphitheater is in a state park so no alcohol can be served) and rowdy and rude and puked all over the place. I guess they all get wasted away in margaritaville. So the moral of my story is: don't blame what happened to your wife's tootsies so much on the venue as on the act.
I just want to say to Phil and to all those people saying not to play in Florida in the summer.... PLEASE, PLEASE play in Florida again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess some people dont live in Florida and thats cool, but some people do, and I thought the sun setting behind an amazing lightshow and palm trees gave me a nice purple flip to my trip. Keep drinking TONS of water and you'll be fine, BEER is not water, do not forget about water while drinking beer. I drink 2 bottles for every beer.... so that works out to about 200 waters.... hehe, dont listen to those crazy people Phil, we want you back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whos got it on tape?!?!?! please respond!!
I agrere with Patrick. We do not get many shows here and it is no hotter here in the summer then alot of other places. Of course if they let us bring inour own water it would be easier for all of us to keep drinking water. Please please if you do have the tape let us know!
YAH I agree, but how about moving bonnaroo or GOTV to The Seminal Indian Reservation!!!!!!!!(Where phish played)
I agree good concerts down here are few and far between!
Speaking as someone from Fl, (orlando) More Phil!! I caught him and Bob when they came to the Hard Rock the last 2 times but it is to long between when they come around. I still can't get over the W/P show. I had seats but I dont think we ever went to them. We moved back to the lawn so we could move around more. Besides the anoying beer venders it was great up there.
Please let me know when the show becomes available for trade!
FLorida SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HERES WHY------>
Phil plays to the energy of the crowd.
painting a picture with music to match the landscape of the crowd.
If we give Phil energy by dancing ,
they play a fat dancable show.
If you just stand there, they'll play music that sounds like your just stsanding there.
Those meandering space jams that go nowhere are a perfect example.
West palm beach was the best example of zero energy being given to phil creating the worst show of the tour!
Raleigh was the best!!! HANDS DOWN .THE END.
When phil came out for 2nd set in fla, nobody even stood up or applauded!!!!
They just sat there, talking, IGNORING PHIL!!!
Phil approached the mic and began mumbling,
Mocking the crowd!!! Not to be insulted,
Phil gave fla a chance to redeem its self,
"dont tell me this town aint got no heart!"
But sorry Phil; Florida HAS NO HEART!!!
Again, everyone just sat there, barely anyone was dancing, especially compared to EVERY OTHER SHOW!
So as soon as the lyrical part of shakedown ends
its back to the meaningless meandering space noodling that they play when the crowd dosent give them the energy they need/deserve to play a rockin show.
The wierd placement of Rider was a musical spanking relaying the message"your gonna miss me when im gone"!
Heck, they knew it was gonna suck because they didnt even bring their own lights .
Instead the rented some CHEEZY pink yellow and green lights with a cheap annoying strobe flasher.
Then-after the tired performance it was
"Thanks for the cash! BYE!"
The reason i can say this with such certainty is because I WAS AT EVERY SHOW.
Phil will play the crowd! If the crowd is jumpin, the music is jumpin.
For several of the shows ie SCRANTON CAMDEN, HARTFORD, phil was playing to a DOPE SICK crowd. Hence -meandering space jams.
We gave phil soooo much energy that nite that they couldent slow down if they wanted to!
Alpine was like that and 1st nite RED ROCKS was the most amazing show Ive ever seen EVER!!!!!
So before you flame me for bashin WPB,
LISTEN TO THE MUSIC! The proofs in the pudding.
I think the reason that they didn't bring their own lights (and most of the sound system) and rented instead was the economics and time frame of trucking everything 625 miles southeast and then having to backtrack 1300 miles to get to Austin. You're talking a lot of fuel and also a ten hour drive from Atlanta to West Palm Beach with no day off in between. I don't think they they would have had enough time to set up if they trucked their own stuff down.