Hi all,
a few things - first I was wondering if anyone has any info on what Robert Hunter has been like of late - recent shows - same for Mickey and the folks he's playing with - trying to decide what priority to give to seeing them versus taking in some parking lot moments. Anyone know anything about Bembe O. who is listed with Mickey or where to find info on him/her, or reviews of him/her with Mickey.
Also sharing info that I just found good tickets through Ticket City in Allston, MA (617-787-2370) - pretty much face value plus the TicketMaster costs - 39.50 plus 6.5 comes out to $45 - and they're WAY better than what TicketMaster has online. The "mastah" had seats hugging the edge of the pavillion (poor sight lines) way back, while city has got section 6 seats straightahead views, much better sound many rows ahead of that. They're on Harvard St. in Allston - guy there told me they got 15 tickets more than needed so they're taking a loss on 'em and selling em at face plus ticketmaster fees. Good deal if you want it.
If you want to see a chart of Tweeter to see where your seats are (or potential seats) wherever you get 'em, this link has usable chart:
Also, I talked to someone today at Deadhead shop in Harvard Sq. - Mi Casa - who confirmed what the chart above does - that half the lawn at Tweeter/Great Woods has been converted into upper reserved seating. I initially thought this was bad, yet she said she heard that you can see better now from the seats than you could from the lawn. Still question it to a degree myself b/c the huge lawn effect was kinda cool and I've spent many great nights out there.
Anyway, I am excited to see the show - frieind of mine saw PLQ at the Gath. of Vibes and said they smoked - played Unbroken Chain better than Dead ever did and also a great Golden Road.
Hope fans at show have great attitude this year as last year.
Finally, reminder to all (even though I don't drink myself) that Tweeter often confiscates visible beer cans etc. in parking lot, even if they're in your vehicle - so use cups or risk losing. Please if you drink be respectful of others when you're in the show. Thanks.
Yee haw.
You missed Hunter at Sommerville Theater in early May. He sounded and looked great. He is not to be missed.
Bembe Orisha is the name of Mickey's band and is not an individual. It's a relatively new band. Check Mickey's website for more info.
Please do not use ticket brokers. They are scalpers and are worse than Ticketbastard.
I have some extras available for this show. believe they are in a low row in section 7 (I am at work right now & don't have them w/me). got them via mail order from GDTS TOO. looking for face value or b/o. e-mail me at stidsend1@simon.rochester.edu if interested.
Does anyone know what time the box-office will shut down in Mansfield???????
Im not look for good seats, just want my cheap lawn ticket. Last year some numbnut running the ticket window got pissed off all government employee like and decided she had enough. The window closed at 6:00pm sharp 2 hours before phil was scheduled to go on, and they hadn't even come near to selling the place out yet! Any info helps,
it's usually open for awhile after the show starts. That's usually been the case.
what time you getting up there?
hey man,
in off to PNC tommorrow w/ a crew of people. Im either going fishing saturday morning w/ the sayerville crew, OR going to mansfield. About a 80% chance i'll be in mansfield. If it all works with the drive looking to be there w/ beth around 4-5ish.
WE NEED FRS's!!! Ive been borrowing my friends since GOTV. He bought them at radio shack for 40 dollars each. They get 2-1/2 miles range and the 2 (AA) batteries last for 4 days. Anyway, if anyone has one we've been hanging out on channel 9-38, and will be at PNC too.
"9-38 philzone gregschmegg 10-4 over,over.....
text version weatherforecast'r
Put your drinks in cups and be discreet folks, security and cops at Great Woods can be nasty IF you attract attention. If you get into such a scrape, apologize and be respectful, they'll most likely let you go. Give em guff, and you'll definitley spend the night in jail. Enjoy, be smart, be kind, be safe.
If anybody needs one...
The hotel we're staying at gave me this number for
a local taxi company - 508.339.8294
We're calling in case we can't find a free ride
after the show.
How cool is security inside the venue? Can you have a beer at your seat or is there a beer garden?
There are 2 up on the hills in each corner..
and a bunch more outside the venue grounds..
With the seats on the lawn now they may be a bit
more anal about mobility.
The place blows overall..that's why i am blowing it off.
I'll take Hartford any day.
I am getting psyched. This is my 1st show since The Warfield in late March. I hope it is as good as last year. What a weekend last year. Great Woods, Hartford Meadows and SPAC. Hartford being the best ( I think )
Great Woods isn't so grrrrreat but living an hour and 15 mins away I can't pass it up. Peace to all!
Gimmee some lovin' Phil!
Ollie, you can drink a beer at your seat whether you're on the lawn or in the pavillion. In the lot, put it in a cup and you'll have no problems. As for controlled stuff, you just got to be smart and do it where you won't stick out like a sore thumb. There's usually a basic pat-down getting in. Key at Great Woods (in and out) is to not attract attention. It's nowhere near as tight as PNC or Jones beach. As for sound, it's decent as long as you're not on the sides.
Cant ph'n wait!!!!!!
Gunna be ragin w/ Whitetooth yahtzee!!!!, Bish, Defoe...ra ra
Sharon Inn is the SPOT aprez Phil...
FYI, the seats on the lawn are RESERVED. Cops in the LOT will take you to jail even if you have a very small qty on you, I saw it happen to tons of people last year and it sucked, so be very discreet. Inside the show, especially the lawn, I saw no security/cops, and we were free to do whatever. The new seats take up about 1/2 of the lawn, and with the taper section taped off, not sure how much room is left, but I'm sure we can overcome that!!!
This is probably not news to most of you, but don't be in a hurry to get it on after you get parked - there will be sweep coming through in a few minutes.
24 Hours!!!! YAHTZEE!!!!!!!!!!
have 1 extra ticket, section 5, row H seat 27
the weather looks great here today should be a nice day for a show, not too hot or humid.
there are lots of tix available for this show, many people i know have extras.
the lot is fairly strict and if you drink you want cups. if you have bottles or cans you will be hassled. in massachusetts it's called revenue enchancment.
there are cops on bikes and security in golf carts constantly cruising the lots.
they don't force you to go right in, but they are vigilant.
i haven't been to GW yet this year but the lawn situation has changed. i've heard there is a smoking tent, which is wierd because you used to be able to smoke any where but in the pavillion.
this made it easy to go for treats on the lawn.
should be a great time.
Thanks to TaperRob
Set 1: *Jam>
*Crazy Fingers>
*Uncle John's Band> *China Cat Sunflower>
*I Know You Rider
Patchwork Quilt
The Wheel>
The Real Thing
*with Mickey Hart
Set 2: Jam>
Darkstar V1>
Again and Again>
Spacey Jam>
The Eleven>
Darkstar V2>
Spanishy Jam>
Lady With A Fan> Jam>
Morning Dew>
Terrapin Station> Jam
She Said, She Said
E: Box of Rain
couple of notes:
Phil played the last 2 songs of Mickey's set:
Baba Jingo>
Not Fade Away
Hunter setlist:
Doin' That Rag
New Speedway Boogie
Cruel White Water (technical problems during song, had to stop and start again)
Shelter From The Storm
Stagger Lee
Reuben & Cherise
?? (unknown)
Into The Blue>
A beautiful New England night, and a solid performance from Phil and his Friends!
Mickey joined the band right off the top and they just smoked their way through an opening jam, Crazy Fingers, UJB and China>Rider. The two drummers were clearly digging each others licks. Mick was POUNDING on his kit, having a great time. He threw his sticks into the crowd at the end then shook hands with Phil at center stage, mussing Lesh's hair before heading to the back. Nice.
The PLQ then went to work. Patchwork Quilt was pretty standard. I'd say about a third of the asses in the place found their chairs here, while another third hit the beer stands. It took The Wheel to get people back on their feet. It was jammed out nicely, more up tempo then I've seen them do in the past but still a bit stiff for my taste. I thought The Real Thing was powerful and well played. But again much of the crowd seemed bored. Too bad. Kinda strange to end the set with low engery, but...
Set break. Heinekin only $6.50
Second set...
They opened up with a NICE jam. Started with some Milestones flavor but then got into a structured, repetitive groove. Cool. Smooth into Dark Star. Big jam, real dense and spacey. That flowed perfectly into Again and Again. Sounding great. Nice and tight! Perfectly into The Eleven. High energy! Nailed it back into Dark Star, big jam and then to the Terrapin they had teased a few times during the night. At this point I'm starting to compare the set to the monster from Hartford last year where everything just flowed and was perfect. Well, Phil proceedes to blow the lyrics to Terrapin, effectively knocking that comparison out of my head. But they recover nicely with a Morning Dew, a BIG Terrapin finish, and then a surprising She Said. It was like they didn't want to stop playing. Box of Rain wraps it all up.
Overall, a really solid show. Meat and potatos. More head bobbing then ass shaking. But it's all good.
A final observation: It's too bad more of the crowd wasn't into the new tunes. I had a chance to interview Phil when "There and Back Again" came out and I asked him why he wanted to make a studio album. Part of his response was, "Well, some of the songs we play we get blank stares from the audience." Some things might never change.
Enjoy the rest of the tour.
>>>>>>>>Set 1: *Jam>
*Crazy Fingers>
*Uncle John's Band> *China Cat Sunflower>
*I Know You Rider
excellent rehearsal tonight for what youll catch up at alpine..........
hope everyone enjoyed the show.
My first chance to post since before NJ. Well, the last 2 have certainly been legendary, that is for sure! Nice to see them back in the groove! As for the several hate emails I have received due to my Darien Lk posts, thank you all very much, comrade, for pointing out that not adhering to the party line makes me eligible for all kinds of fiendish consequences to various body orifices. Very Orwellian. Perhaps I should post some of them, including email addy's? So much for toleration, which is a mainstay of my beliefs (For example, I certainly respect Bucky's Christianity: although I may completely disagree, I respect his right to affirm his beliefs and would not threaten him for it as I have been for merely saying a few shows were less than stellar). Maybe they actually DO read this stuff and realized what was going down. If only Jerry wasn't surrounded by a legion of kiss-ass bootlicks (I happen to know this to be the case) during his decline, maybe he would have got his act together. How often was I reviled in the mid-80's for bashing their lacklusterness, only now it is pretty common acknowledgement (even by Phil). Oh, as final proof positive of my opinions, the crowd tonight overwhelmingly backed up my opinion of how crappy Again & Ag really is. I knew it was due 2nd set, so saved my bathroom and water run for then. I left at the first hint, to an empty bathroom. As I was leaving, I thought it was a fire drill! A mass sea of people were exiting the pavilion, the line at the bathroom grew to setbreak proportions. They voted with their feet, folks. I went back in while the song was wrapping up. The few souls left were sulking in their seats. I heard a few disgruntled gripes about the overall crappiness of this song by the few brave enough to do so. I still say, the first rule of any Grateful Dead or proto-Grateful Dead band is, DON'T LET THE KEYBOARD PLAYER WRITE ANY SONGS! Enjoy Jones Beach, the weather will be fine! Dress warm!
You guys got all my favorites (tongue imbedded in cheek re: the second set)...but when the jammy jam is there does the list make a difference? Not in the slightest. Thanks Fritz for the listens...was there in spirit, and thanks for the connect with the friend I haven't seen in so long. Miss that one.
WOW if that setlist doesn't tell a story I dont know what.
Anybody other then sideshowbob see both boston and jersey?
would like to see if homdel was a warmup for boston or what?
pretty clear plotline for this setlist
love this band.....go give blood....
Larry went to both, thought Boston was stronger, but post-Wheel I thought last night's show lost focus.
The UJB was epic and it alone made the trip worthwhile.
What plotline are you pulling from the setlist?
I can't figure it out. Duh. See you tonight.
peace, Hilary
FYI, I thought I was hearing "She Said" teases last weekend at the GOTV. Glad all you guys who braved last night's cop-fest were rewarded w/some nice sets.
p.s. Greg, glad you're enjoyimg my Motorolas. You can get them on sale for a lot less than $40/pr. If I notice any ads I'll clue you in. Next tour stop, Yankee Stadium, Mussina v. Martinez!
Oops, sorry for the typo:
"...Motorolas. You can get them on sale for a lot less than $40/pr."
I meant a lot less than $40 a piece. Here's a PAIR on sale at Amazon for $39.99:
Beats cell phones in a big, loud venue, and are free to use.
Sideshow: I love Again and Again, personally. It is Phil's favorite tune to play, from the Aquarian, this issue, but, Jimmy Herring and Robert Hunter wrote it...but lets all remember I have no taste. DarkStar is my overwhelming favorite p..s stop.
Finally, my turn! I read reviews of almost every show, wishing in a subliminal way that I was young enough/free enough to follow this band like I did another certain band from 1970-1995 (I missed a few years earlier due to youth.)Because I can't, I only see them when they come around here.
I waited a long time for this show. The last PLQ show I was at was at the Orpheum a few years ago, I walked up, bought a ticket and didn't know what to expect. That was a few weeks after seeing TOO at the Fleet, one of the wierdest concert experiences ever. That TOO show, had it been a Dead show, would have had one of the best song selections ever. However, the show just went nowhere. In truth, it reminded me of the worst GD shows at the end of the run in the 90's, only with even less peaks. Still, I had been away from the scene since JG died, and I was so happy to smell the smells, dance a little, and hear those tunes.
So anyway, I went to the Orpheum show and just freaked. I remember hearing Passenger at the end of set I, and I was just beaming. It was pretty emotional really. That band was so urgent, so fresh. And, as a guitar player myself, I could only shake my head at the level of Jimmy and Warren. What I liked was the interaction and true spirit they bring while not being a cover band. You have to be good to pull that off. It was a real catharsis for me.
Fast Forward. Mansfield last night. I brought my wife, a non fan of the Dead, and a couple of friends who had spent time with me on a boat, where the only CD's we had were a selection of Phil stuff, including the new disk and some great live shows. They were expecting a lot. We missed Mickey, and saw Hunter. Stupidly, I thought Mickey was coming out after Hunter, so we managed to walk in on the first notes of UJB (missing Crazy fingers ) So, we all look at each other like Holy Shit...this is unbelievable. I mean the sound, the power, the sublety, and above all the outstanding singing just floored us. By now, we all know the diffence between PLQ and the Dead. One of the great thing this band has is two guitar heros instead of one, and they just step up, rip out phrases as much as solos, and link into the most gorgeous jams imaginable, very focused and powerful. The PlQ doesn't really noodle, feel in the dark as it were, they tee it up, hit it straight and go to the next hole. (fortunately there are a bunch of par 5's!!) Anyway, you can look at the song selection from last night. It is nearly a perfect show. The playing was outstanding from start to finish. High points for me were the first jam, the Wheel, and the whole second set. I loved the fake left, go right encore. The first few notes sure sounded like 1,000 stars, but went right into Box. Awesome. Best show I could imagine. My wife, the non Dead fan cried during Rider. Just pure emotion based on the beauty. My friends just kept saying "we expected this to be good, but not THIS good" Dare I say it, this band is like the GD but played by superstar musicians at every position. Phil is 62, Warren could quit any time, better enjoy this while you can, it won't last forever. For me, the PLQ has been a return to my youth, and I am just so grateful for them.
A couple of comments. I thought the scene was very nice. Great people, big age diversity, not excessive open drug stuff, just real nice. I saw a lady with 2 kids that bummed me a little. I think you can/should bring kids to see this band, they are somewhat of a national treasure. Or, I think you can get fucked up if you want. Personnally, I don't think it is cool to do both, and I hope that woman realizes that. I personnaly like the new stuff pretty much. I thought it sad that Patchwork Quilt, a song about Jerry, was received luke warm at best, with an exodus to the bathrooms. Really weird. The Real Thing is again very beautiful and powerful. People should applaud Warren, he is an outstanding man who is very largely responsible for the magnitude of this band. I am ultimately a Jimmy fan, he just blows me away, but you got to give it up for Warren, he has given people like me a gigantic gift I will never forget. Last comment in my little diatribe. There must be a lot of true Dead fans who still haven't hooked on to this band. Do them a favor, and bring them to a show, and anyone who never saw the GD when they were really good.
The plotline sems to be:
Jerry Garcia.
Crazy fingers, Uncle John
Miss me when I'm gone..
Quilt... etc etc.. to the storyteller and she said, I know what it's like to be dead
first: did that opening jam, 1/2 song have a NAME??? It wasn't one of the 7 jams, not the Milennium jam, but it sure as hell was SUMTHIN!!!
Holmdel was a nice prelude to the fantastocity of last night, which was stellar, to understate it. As much as I miss dosage, this show MADE me high!!! And I agree with Sideshow (you go boy, keep up the reality and truth, it's the Sagi way, & Fuck 'Em if they can't handle the truth!) that they repeat the SAME 2 new songs (Real Thing/Again &...) WAY too much!!! Again & Again just DOES not do it for me... (sorry Rob, you still rule over Vince and ALL his attempts @ songwriting!)
Thankfully though, after like 5 or whatever shows this summer, my faith is restored. We love you Phil~Saturnday continues to be the night you SHINE SHINE
For me, much better than 2001 mansfield. First set
portion with Micky very high energy. We were 12th row DEAD center. Crazy>UJB>China>Rider AWESOME. Gonna hand it to Micky. He alone brings as much enery to the stage as any other band member. Tweeter Center really cooking for this part of show. For a minute I thought we may get something on par with Hartford last year. Remainder of set 1 ok, although The Real Thing I do not mind, would rather have seen Wheel into something more upbeat to end the first set. Some of the "newer" stuff I like, but think their placement in set lists needs some consideration. Do not end sets
with this "newer" stuff just yet.
Second Set:
Nailed the Eleven which was part of a DS sandwich
that included Again and Again and of course some jamming. Phil absolutely destroyed the words of Terrapin on more than 1 verse, but we were rewarded with MORNING DEW!, evolving back into Terrapin which definetely made up for the bad vocals. Beatles tune made its presence to end 2nd set(she said, she said). Box of Rain for Encore.
Notes: Had a reporter from the Boston Herald who was there to review the show for Mondays paper sitting next to me all night. He stated this was one of the best Rock 'n Roll shows he'd seen/reviewed in quite some time.
Before Dew I heard a Fantasy type tease, and really thought we may get it. Possible sounds of
shakedown as well. Question for any of you: Does
any else hear the Tears of a Clown rhythm by Warren? Seems like a lot of shows I go to, I always here this "tease" and really want them to play it....It is DUE! Hope y'all have a grate rest of the tour. Unfortunately, I can't get to as many shows this year, But I feel the rest of you on the bus are about to get some serious shows if Mansfield is any indication(overall a B).
Oh boy... All this glowing praise for last night's Tweeter center show really makes me wonder if I was at the same show as everyone else. The comment someone else made about more head bobbing than ass shaking was definitely accurate to my mind. Overall I was a little disappointed. I know that a many people disagree with me on this one, but I felt that last night was a good *performance* but a relatively poor setlist. I can totally respect the skill and unity of the players, Warren and Jimmy were off the freakin' hook, but I spent most of the evening in my seat, just kind of listening, as one would to classical music, and bobbing my head. My last opportunity to see Phil was 4/25/01 in Pittsburgh, and I had never shaked my ass quite as fiercely as I did at that show, so perhaps my expectations were a little elevated. This show reminded a lot of 11/5/99 in Pittsburgh (with Trucks) where the second set was very jammy and fluid like last night. Furthermore, was I the only one to hear some horribly taunting Shakedown teases in there only to be disappointed? I kept hoping it would come, kept hearing Warren teasing at the wah-ed out walkdown, and it just never materialized. Alas.
I never thought I'd say this but the Terrapin from the Ratdog show at the Orpheum earlier this year (3/7/02) spanked last night's (even forgiving the botched lyrics, which Bobby is equally guilty of.) Can anyone else who hit both of these shows back me up on this? (that Ratdog Terrapin was probably the best Terrapin I've ever heard.)
Right on my friend. I agree 100% regarding Terrapin. I've seen both do it, and still hold firm that I'd rather have Bobby at the helm on this one.A couple years back Ratdog did one at CapeCod Coliseum,IMHO, was $%#^@& amazing. I think your review as a "good" performance is right on. And yes, I recognized a hint of Shakedown and at one point I swore it would come out, but I knew they probably would not do it, seeing they played it quite recently.
Per my review, I stated a "B" for this performance. My gauge is Hartford 7-21-01 which for me was as close to the "feeling", as one can get. Man, that show DID NOT LET UP. would love to have a copy of it. Peace.
For the first time ever I was in the front row. It sure changed my perception of the show. To see the band and their intent and communication changed how I felt the music. How strange. I never expected that would be the case.
Mickey (brief):
What a cool groove! I can't say much more than if this was a CD I would buy it. Very cool... love to go to Jones and see this again.
Robert (brief):
Technical difficulties troubled him more than me. It was great to hear the tunes again and his energy and focus seemed obvious to me. Ripple brought tears to me eyes... I guess that means it worked for me!
The show was really well done regardless of what was expected in set content, even with the ending of set 1 on a low (did seem strange to me too). I felt the band played tight, carrying music. Nothing too much on the edge with 2 major exceptions:
It really appeared that Jimmy was driving the band upward and onward... Being able to see the folks up close was sooo different, I'd hear something sweet or surprising or blistering or driving and I'd look to see what was going on and it was Jimmy. I wonder if any one else had that impression? Warren seemed, well, tired... I saw him visibly pull himself together a number of times and dive back into the music. Hope he's just enjoying himself and not running himself down! Looked like he and Jimmy have a really good thing going.
When Mickey joined with Phil (and when Phil joined Mickey) the energy - happiness level jumped a couple of notches. Much smiling and laughing between the folks while playing. I noticed while they were changing from Robert to Phil that the crew was also changing the lighting on the stage ... hmmm. I thought, thats different... everything else was setup for easy changes between players. My guess is that Mickey joining in was not planned ahead of time. I think Mickey's playing really, really, *really* added to Phil's sound.
Someday I'd love to get a copy of this show and see if feelings from the night are still apparent.
Looking forward to Hartford and after seeing Mickey last night I wish I had done Jones too! If you're down that way I strongly recommend you shutdown your computer and head to the show!
re: ratdog 3/7/02...
I hate to compare performances by different bands but I agree. Bobby had an advantage though... at the Orpheum he was literally picked up and thrown up high by the huge crowd response to the playing... I'd see him grooving and then the crowd would go nuts and he'd lift up his head in surprise - looked like he was saying 'holy cow we are groovin'. I spoke to RobW after the show (while getting my cd signed) and he said to the effect, 'yes it was there tonight'. Also to that point... all the comments about the seats emptying and head bobbing... Phil stated in plain english last night that we get back what we put in, the band plays what it gets from the crowd. It was a small, quiet crowd last night. Just a thought...
Same thing at Saratoga last year; lame Phil show and kick-ass Terrapin from Bobby. But let's face it, Bobby blowing away P&F is the exception to the rule.
This was a more of a 'soak it up' rather than 'dance it off' show, but mickey provided some spark for the first set. Any fears I had of Molo not playing as good w/ another drummer were dismissed by the time they kicked into Crazy Fingers.
I agree with Bob. Again & Again is such a downer when put in Dark Star. They can put it anywhere else in the set for all I care, but its like Space>I Will Take You Home when you want Space>Other1. I found myself conserving energy during the three new songs. I saw alot of couples cuddling during Again & Again which reaffirms my belief that Jimmy can write one hell of a cheezy power ballad.
Even though Phil botched Lady w/ a Fan, I have seen worse, and a blissful Morning Dew was the redeemer. All in all, an excellent, excellent show.
just to set the record straight.
Rob did not write Again and Again. So if you are going to criticize with such venom please at least get your facts straight.
Jimmy Herring wrote the Music to Again and Again and Robert Hunter wrote the words.
The Arrangement of that tune is, IMHO and ONLY MHO, layers on layers. Very different and daring. Definately not for the faint of heart players, which of course leaves no problem for PLF.
Mr Barraco penned Leave Me Out Of This. Which stands quite nicely on it's own two feet I think, thank you very much.
Of course all you have your own opinions but you need not try and raise yourself up by lowering others. You are not right in some cosmic sense in your opinion. There are LOTS of people that really dig that song. If you don't like it hey more power to you but we, that do, are not lower life forms becuase of it.
Not trying to start anything here just stating my opinion as you stated yours.
I've read this entire thread, don't see any arrows
aimed at you dude, "Of course all you have your own opinions but you need not try and raise yourself up by lowering others. You are not right in some cosmic sense in your opinion. There are LOTS of people that really dig that song. If you don't like it hey more power to you but we, that do, are not lower life forms becuase of it."
WOW, you got the right url? have a bad show?....
sounds like you got a little complex going there,
too bad..oh well, thanks for 'setting the record straight. GET A CLUE!
If you like the jammy jam shows, this was one of the better ones. From the opening jam w/ Mickey, into the 2nd set jams, thru till the end, you heard blues, jazz, spanish.. almost every type of jam.
Some more notes: right after the last note of Rider, Mickey throws up his sticks and bounds off the stage to a thunderous applause. Phil coaxed Mickey back on stage to take a bow. When Mickey came back onstage, he gave Jimmy a fat big hug and came to the front of the stage and took Phils hand and gave it a kiss.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHY THIS IS MY LAST POST! Theres always some know it all wrapped up in his own bs
and brings it to the table. get a shrink, they work.
Less Than, this is only my 3rd post, I do read
these quite often, and after tweeter center decided to log in with my 2 cents. coming in here
looking for other peoples experiences at the show
is what i enjoy reading. whether someone likes something or not, big deal...But you take that
right out of context like someone is personally
'lowering' you? You're wacked, advise to keep it simple dude. I take a lot of my music seriously too, especially with these guys, just keep it simple. Ciao!
Anyone hear eleven motifs in the opening jam? Huck thought 'spanishy'..........
>>>>>>>>but lets all remember I have no taste.
Whatever Dew!
>>>>>>>>Mr Barraco penned Leave Me Out Of This. Which stands quite nicely on it's own two feet I think, thank you very much.
Sorry if I came across harsh LT, all these songs stand nicely on their own, my only beef is where/how they intergrate them in the sets. Yeah, Yeah, these guys have an album to promote, BUT I HOPE THEY KEEP WRITING TUNES. It would be a shame if only this batch becomes referred to as the "jimmy, warren, rob era"
>>>>>>right out of context like someone is personally
'lowering' you?
I think Less Than is defending Jimmy & Rob. Not himself.
massrich, these are only words on a messageboard, have a good show? thats all that matters.
Mass Rich, not to start anything, but did you read LessThan's post, or did it just not register right?
To put someone down for composing a song you don't happen to care for, well, not great karma. To not know who wrote the damn song is really bad karma...especially since not only is it in black and white on the liner notes, it should be apparant and common knowledge to oldtimers.
As for a bad show...maybe reread the post again.
As for those that don't care for the song...Phil says it's his favorite...you are going to be hearing it alot...
Fine with me, from the first listen I was hooked. The vocal layering in that tune is simply gorgeous, and the music makes for a fine story.
Sideshow, when you get a chance could you please send my Irving masters back to me. Thanks.
This show at the Tweeter Center may have been one of the best i've seen...From pretty much start to finish was flawless , well phil did mess up the words to terrapin but the way they were jamming it didn't matter...and comparing this band to ratdog....ratdog isn't in same room....but i love bobby and the dog also...phil and friends play at such a higher level and make me feel as strong as i did when Jerry was alive....god bless phil ,warren,mickey,jimmy,rob,and of course the mole meister.....beautiful show..and as for head bobbers if thats the way they get their Phil at a show so be it..last time i checked it wasn't a pre requisite to be dancing up and down and all around.....to each their own......peaceeee
Calm down everyone. A little scorch is all part of the Zone, and everyone is more than entitled to their opinion. What makes it all valid is your passion for the music/band. Just no personal shots, not needed, right? With this band (both PLQ and GD) there have always been those fans that love the Saturday night type shows, featuring, well Saturday Night, Shakedown, Dancin', Johnny B Good, NFA etc etc, and there are those that prefer the Dark Star/ Otherone/ Eleven nights. Last nights' show was a cerebral as opposed to physical show. I for one loved it. I also love a good physical show from time to time, actually I kind of expected it last night and was surprised (pleasantly) to get the deep textured jams. All good IMO.
So your the master of all karma, glad to here it.
let me know when you wake up. You guys must have been with the dude who wouldn't shut up when Hunter was playing Dylan! Or did you just go in for Phil?
LT is quite defensive, must be quite a fan. Thats great. just keep it simple.
p.s>maybe I'll change change my name to oltimer.
Mass Rich...you don't have to love all everything, but the point being, if you are going to rip a songwriter an new a..h...., then please site the correct songwriter.
As for Karma, master of all, fuck that shit. I am anything but.
I didn't go to the show, but heard an aweful lot of it, and it was pretty damn good.
Lots of repeats from Vibes, so that narrows the field for tonights setlist.
Please don't misinterpret what is being said here. It is about the songwriter's being shredded wrongly. So if you dislike the song, blame Herring and Hunter. That is the point.
wow [forming fingers into a 'w'] what-EV-VER!
Hey massrich I am not sure how I stirred your soup but sorry....I wasn't even remarking on your post so I don't know why you took it so personally. I certainly didn't mean to offend you.
I understand this isn't the most expressive medium for communication so I try to convey my ideas with as much clarity as I can muster. I fell short this time I see.
I was refering to people who review negatively with sharp points. I thought I did a good job of being fair and making sure, to specify that is was not the opinion that I had issues with, but rather the way that opinion was put out there.
If I don't like a song that is fine. If I say I don't like a song that is fine. If I say that I don't like a song and everyone who says they like it are to afraid to admit that is bad. well that, IN MY OPINION is wrong.
I could care less what anyone else thinks about pretty much anything. Someone can hate spongebob or news radio all you want. Someone can hate corn on the cob and Maryland Blue Crabs all day and night. That is THEIR opinion. They can even write long diatribes and essays on the internet defending their opinion and the right to express it. I have no problem with that. Never had never will. As long as that same right is afforded me.
I live here. This is my happy place. I believe, and I may be wrong, so if I am let me know, but I believe I have the right to post my opinion about anything I want here. Therefore when someone posts incorrect information and also in a round about way insinuates that their opinion is 'The Right Opinion'...well I feel I have the right to post IN MY HUMBLE OPINION (IMHO- for those who don't know what that acronym means) how I feel about that.
If you were refering to me when you said "some know it all wrapped up in his own bs" I honestly don't know how you arrived at that conclusion. (however close to the mark it hits haha) I tried to be very even handed in my post.
Maybe you should re-read this post and try and see it from a different light. I did and admit that the comments that sparked my response are not quite a biting as I first thought but still ring with enough of an air of finality that I stand by my comments. If I had to do it again I would probably turn down the intensity of my post another few notches but I would stick to the same message, which is you are entitled to your own opinion but respect the fact that others have their own opinions. Art is subjective, there is no right or wrong.
not to backtrack but this might be a first...someone isnt bashing Bobby! wooooooooohooooooooo! hahaha )
AikoAdam:not philphan, not bonehead- I'm BOTH
Holy shit.
I have been painting all morning and afternoon waiting for the soon to be wife to give me a break to get to the computer to get on-line and check out what everyone thought of last night show. And this is the last thing I thought I would be reading but just goes to show what I know.
I thought last nights show in comparison(sp) to last years great woods show was much better from a b- to a b+.
This was my 17th (give or take 1) I think PLQ show and I think they are getting better and better each time I see them. Jimmy and Warren have there shit going on.
Crazyfingers was a nice way to start a beautiful mid July early evening show into what I thought was one of there better versions of UJB and the China>Rider was solid although I must say when it is the 2nd time around for "I wish I was a headlight" I would love it to be a bit more upbeat but I did notice Mickey's drums the most on that part of Rider it reminded me of watching Downhill from here and that version of I know you rider. Patchwork Quilt I heard the 1st time at the Orpheum in 99 and was too f'd up to even hear the words. I have listened to that over and over from the new CD and I like the song and the words are great. I did notice a lot of people bolting during it (oh well) I enjoyed it. The wheel was nice and the The real thing was a nice way to cool everyone back down after a ripping opening. All in all I thought it was great.
2nd set was a bit more spacey for me. The Dark Star changed my whole way I was going about the show in my mind(suprise) into again and again which I really don't mind. Some do, Some don't, To each is own. Into The Eleven which was done I tought to a "T" and back into Dark Star V2 then I got lost for a little bit and I thought I heard the Terrapin tease earlier and then I said no but there it was Lady with a fan which Phil did mess up a bit it reminded me of the old days with Jer. The Morning Dew saved that and was I think for me the highlight of the show and into Terrapin was great anticipation. * I have seen Lady w/ a fan> The Eleven>Terrapin and I liked last night better. She said She said was a great way to end it. And Box of Rain encore was fitting. ( Such a long long time to be gone, and a short time to be there.) *Jerry all through the night*
With that I am grateful to be alive and be able to hear this music. And that I live here in the US of A and not over in the Middle East wondering what bus is going to blow up next.
Thank you Phil!
I hope everyone enjoys tonight, and I am looking forward to Hartford, The start of 11 more shows for me YAHTZEE!!!!
Anyone else catch Warren playing in the parking lot before the show? Is he doing this every night? Very nice treat on the way in - even if Bloated Blowhard Chip Grant was blocking everyone's view.
...There Ain't Ever Be No End...
Well, you can tell this is an east coast thread--no offense, brothers--just a bit more opinionated than us Westies!
Love the detailed reviews sharing the things you can't tell by reading the set list. Jams, transitions, tone, special moments, dynamics, who's asserting themself, etc. How a song's placement--what came before and after it--affects its treatment. (This placement game is something that clearly fascinates Phil.) But what someone thinks is a good song or not, or....what they coulda-woulda-shoulda played...is much less interesting to me. In college I took a girl to a Stones concert and she pouted all the way through because they didn't play Waiting on a Friend.
Even with the Dead...I've always thought it goofy and a little emberassing to hear peoples' wish list before a show. It seems sentimental...and a bit self-centered. Makes me wonder how many people in the audience are trying to meet Phil halfway, tap into the story the band is telling us...or just waiting for their favorite song. They're the artists. It's not a democracy. "Don't let the keyboardist write songs" (Come on, dude! what is that?) They've earned the right to be onstage and call the shots.
We all have our favorites. And us Heads are a passionate and inquisitive lot. But a good lit teacher (me) knows that personal/subjective responses don't do much to illuminate the work, and tend to close doors on a discussion rather than open them.
Now, Less Than: word up! This show tells a HUGE story, lyrically and musically. What a gem. It's like a little collection of short stories with tightly interwoven themes. How cool is it that Phil cares enough to take an hour or more putting together a set list each night?
By most all reports,the songs flowed together well and the jamming was directed and inspired. So I don't understand someone like IAN saying "good performance but a poor set list." Based on what, your top ten list?
Finally...that three people think A&A was penned by Rob makes me wonder if anyone is reading the lyrics. To me, these tunes--1k Stars, A&A, No More Do I, and Celebration-- are some of Robert Hunter's strongest work. EVER. (sorry, an opinion) Poignant reflections from men nearing the end of their lives and careers. These songs bring to mind all the stages Phil has graced, all the friends he's lost, all the places he's been...in that light, I for one have a hard time being cynical toward these tunes.
(Even if Rock and Roll Blues does suck!)
Yeah Hunter writing for Phil, Billy, Himself, Us
... so much fuel for the flame...It's burnin..Baby...its Life..Mickey, Hunter and Phil
at the same gig..with their crews..With you all there..and all these conversations...And it's Sunday..And there is another show Tonight..AND another one on Monday....
Come on...Turn On Your Lovelight..Let It Shine
.A favorite Hunter song..Silvio..for Bob Dylan none the less..What 12 years ago...Bob still plays it live..and often..Silvio..Your Silver and Gold...Won't buy back the beat of a heart gone cold...
My heart not gone cold...Torch flame warming..lovelight light shining
p.s.Tommybell...Some good writin up there
Tommy, you couln't be more right. Sure, we'd all love to write the setlist for a show. I'll admit, I sometimes go into a show hoping for a certain tune or two. However, once the music starts, I forget about those tunes until the get played (if he plays them). Last night was my sixteenth show and its the third lineup of musicians. These guys continue to amaze me at how much better they sound everytime I see them. I can hear how much more mature and tighter they are as a band as opposed to 2000 when they got together. I have never walked out of a show dissapointed or let down. Have I seen some really amazing show-you bet your ass.
I'm just glad that Phil is keeping the music and love alive. Whoever said it is right, if you haven't seen these guys you'd better hurry because it could end anytime. Hopefully not for a long while.
Also, I think Again and Again is a Hunter/Herring collaboration(Rob sings though). Could be wrong though.
Wow, I just finished reading this entire thread. And it was worth the time and effort. Here are some of my observations:
Damn, I wish I was there. A beautiful New England night with my favorite band at a place where I have some great memories. Thanks for the nostalgia trip.
The show and the song selection IMHO sounded strong "more head bobbin than ass shakin". As for the new songs and Hunters lyrics, I agree with and was moved by Tommy's comments about Hunter. I was blown away when I read the lyrics in the liner notes. IMHO Some of the new songs (Celebration, Night 1K Strs, A&A, Liberty) will be with us for the rest of our lives, ranking right up there with the classics, providing the soundtrack for our lives at this particular moment in time. The version of Celebration to close the Frost show recently has been permanently etched into my consciousness. The relevance of the lyrics and the intensity with which the boys played it were awe inspiring.
Less Than, I was also tweeked by sideshows comments about A&A. I thought your response was reasoned, appropriate and well stated. The reaction you got shocked me. I must admit though, I got a laugh out of seeing it happen to someone else instead of me.
Overall, I was very impressed by this thread. There are a lot of smart people here who can write really well. Thank you
Hey-- First time poster, long time reader.
I've seen three shows with the current group: Charlotte 4/20/01, Charlotte, 8/01, and Tweetah 7/13/02. If had had to rank my overall experience of last night it would be behind 4/20, but only due to the crowds. Everyone was pretty subdued last night, maybe because of the strong presence of "Taxachusetts' Finest" officers :D
I truly believe though, that we the fans get back from these shows what we put into them. Face it, these guys won't be around forever, the Dead shoulda taught us that. It doesn't matter if you're not twirling and beboppin around (my awkward, uncoordinated ass sure wasn't movin much), just open yourself up a little and feel the music being played for you. These guys are special, all of them.
I hope to write a longer review soon, hopefully it'll be slow at work tomorrow ;)
>>>>Remainder of set 1 ok, although The Real Thing I do not mind, would rather have seen Wheel into something more upbeat to end the first set. Some of the "newer" stuff I like, but think their placement in set lists needs some consideration. Do not end sets
with this "newer" stuff just yet.
Frankly, I don't see a thing wrong w/ what massrich said there about A&A. Bad karma for not digging a tune? LOL It's o.k. for some to dislike Stella, & DarkStar, but not off the new album. Is that against our rules? That's bad karma right? Let's get real. I said the same thing after listening to the DarkStar>A&A at the Vibes.. The lyrics are beautiful, & I'm sure the tune will explode. But until then, Everyone has a right to their opinion..
Great Woods was a lot of fun last night. I was left wanting more after Toronto and got a real complement to that show.
Mickey Hart & Bembe Orisha opened things up and Mickey's enthusiasm is hard not to like. He played a stand up kit set up at the front of the stage and I counted four drummers in all augmented by guitar, bass and two female singers. Phil joined the band and Not Fade Away was starting to cook when they ended it short!
I kick myself for lollygagging and missing the first song of Robert Hunter's set! He had similar technical problems to the last time I saw him and became a little distracted by them but put on a successful performance anyway. His vocals were particularly stronger than I remember and it was a real treat to watch him rummage through the catalogue of songs in his head.
It was good news when I spied Mickey’s rig behind Molo’s kit. To see him out during the opening jam was exciting. My first Crazy Fingers had my hopes up for a great great show. Uncle John’s Band is always welcome and kept things soaring. Seeing a classic China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider with Mickey on drums, finally putting some oomph into the second headlight line, is going to be a big memory from this show. Phil’s wife and kids were at the side of the stage dancing during Rider. Super vibes from the stage between Mickey and the band and I would have loved to have seen him sit in all night. I knew it was time for a new song after the massive opening. I really dig Patchwork Quilt so it was disappointing to see the lackluster reaction it received. I have fun singing along to The Wheel but I like it better with another song sandwiched in the middle, just because I find the jams within the song itself listless. The Real Thing is an ok rocker but this set would have killed with one more song or a more upbeat closer.
The jam to open set number two was hot. They fell into a riff that I’ve heard them play before; it’s got a terrific groove. And then there was Dark Star! Admittedly, I was looking for a more upbeat show, so I had to take a minute to switch gears and let it wash over me. I love the opening drop into the song, the pulsing theme and the vocal lines the three singers trade. The jam I enjoyed the most was the spacey one after Again and Again. I’m partial to the verse singing on this song (A&A) but I’m not as jazzed by the chorus – I like it enough, just weird to hear it come out of freaking Dark Star. The Eleven was great, with the nice spiraling build and some muscle for the Star. The Terrapin teases I started hearing in Toronto and throughout this night finally gave way to the song. Phil fumbled a line but so did Jerry. Even in glorious 1977. Morning Dew was – wow! I was expecting the ubiquitous Stella Blue. Warren brought this one home and I can’t wait to hear it on tape. The close of Terrapin Station finally kicked the set in its ass and made way for a cathartic She Said, She Said. Box of Rain as an encore has significance and hit the middle ground between the peaks and (good!) valleys in the performance.
The bad karma from bashing the wrong songwriter...liner notes. That simple.
By all accounts I heard, this was a fine fine show.
sorry just got to scranton so I just skimmed the thread... but I will say this. I can't find any where that massrich said anything bad about A&A...
Mickey Hart-
Double YAWN
Thanks for the objective reviews.
Hey crypt missed you last night @ JB. hung with BosPhan.
>>>>>>>>>>>(Even if Rock and Roll Blues does suck!)
I am suprised you say that tommybell. I found the words to this song to be extremely powerful. I am sure there is a reason Phil chose this tune to be the only one to speak in his own voice and to save for the end of the album.
If anything speaks of the last 30+ years this one does.
I am sure you comment was tounge in cheek so don't be offended. I just wanted to voice my thoughts as I had this same discussion with my GraterThan.
I think of it as Phil speaking right to his audience....
Kinda like the new reading No more Do I is getting............
P.S. MikePacePicanteSauce...you were not harsh in anyway so don't think I thought that my brother.
Weighing in a little late. This show was around the 20th time I've seen P&F, 14th or so with the current lineup. I would not put it at the top of the list. I had fun and it had it's moments but the jaw dropping "did you hear THAT?!" instances were few. Not that this is a bad thing, but Rob was heavily showcased in the first half of the first set, not just that he sung the tunes, he seemed to be turned up and featured instrumentally as well. Rob really stepped up and it was damn good. The "crazy-john-china-rider" sequence was really well done and the crowd was tuned in and jumping. Super sweet transitions, esepcially surrounding Uncle Johns. I thought the set lost direction after those first four songs though. No flow, dead starts between the rest of the songs. No nice little teases in the jams to announce the next song. I don't think I've ever heard P&F do the Wheel from a cold start to a stop. My memory says the setlist is wrong, there was a tiny break between wheel and real thing, definitely didn't grow from one to the next. I liked the Realthing but it doesn't have first set closer status in my book yet. The set would have worked better for me had Realthing flowed into Wheel to close the set. Second set got off well with a nice upbeat opening jam that ground it's way into Dark Star. Really nice. They got themselves out on a limb a few times in the first half of this set, finding their way back just when you started to wonder if they could. The set peaked with the Eleven, everyone was firing on all cylinders and the crowd was right there with them swelling and swooning like a surging tide. I hate to say it but the set really nosedived for me with Morning Dew. It was obviously a labor for Phil to sing it and just plain difficult to listen to. It's time to hand over the vocal reins on this song to Warren. He would absolutely slay it. Please don't think I'm trying to be mean, it's as much an issue of HOW WELL I can imagine Warren singing as how marginally Phil sings it. Phil is best when he stays within his vocal abilities and lets' face it, Morning Dew would be a test for accomplished singers. I've never had a problem with Phil's Terrapin vocals but coming on the heels of Morning Dew and then closing the show with Box was just too much Phil singing in one set for me to take. I always like "She said", nothing out of the box though and again I'm not sure it fit as a set closer. All around it was a good show. I've written some seriously gushing reviews of this band so please respect my right to respectfully criticize when I feel the urge. Just a few words on the venue. Things were tight in the lot cops-wise. There were few security teams but plenty of cops on bikes and we saw quite a few folks get hassled but not arrested. We handed out about 15 plastic cups to folks who hadn't heard that an open bottle of beer will draw the fuzz. Once inside though, security was almost non-existent and the general vibe was quite cool. People were openly smoking doobs in section 7 with the lights on between sets. Got a big laugh out of the new seats they stuck up on the bottom of the lawn. The pavillion was packed, the grass was packed but those silly seats were 80% empty even though there was practically no security making sure that grass people didn't move down to the seats. So much for that marketing ploy. A few scene related comments, I wish the miracle seekers would stay home. There were tix available at the box office but the area around the entrance was full of people looking for free tix or holding up $10.00 bills, giving people dirty looks who asked if it was sold out. Also folks, leave the dogs and toddlers at home. Anyone who thinks their doggy enjoys sitting in a hot van for 5 hours needs to wise up. As a father, it pains we to see 2 and 3 year old kids screaming their sunburned little heads off half way through the second set because they have simply had enough "fun" and missed their bed time by 2 hours. It's just plain selfish to put your preferred lifestyle and own fun before the basic well being of your pets and kids. Sorry for the rant, I just feel that if you've got kiddies and want to have pets then maybe it's time to grow up and see a few less shows each summer.
Just a note for the setlist reviewers. My wife was along for this one. She had been to last year's GW show and came away under-impressed -"lot of talent, not a lot of direction, went on too long" (not exact but the general idea).
Didn't have high hopes for her really digging this one since a look at the recent setlists made it seem likely to be Dark Star night - fine by me, but not an easy to get rocking saturday night.
Mickey's kit still up there was a real good sign (she really likes his world beat stuff - wanted to go for the full show but after I explained about rapping Fire we spent the afternoon furniture shopping - major points scored there). Crazy Fingers was a bit elusive, but from UJB on she was up and dancing (except for contemplation of some of Warren's more soulful moments like Patchwork Quilt).
So that's 2 feet and a butt (without play anything and I'll cheer baggage and a dislike for space noodling) that say that GW connected and delivered the goods.
just the biggest smile...
I think (I mean I just got home and off the road)
but I THINK you all had yumminess @ Jones too. Seemed to be some raves on that board...if Dew dug, then the planets are indeed in alignment.
I knew you WOULD get the ultra at Jones, bc it would be TOO CRUEL for me to tell you how deep and solid and amazing this second set was. First set was nice and all, and nice to hear Mickey (although it felt major like rehearsal time for Alpine imo)...
but the Dark Star..the Dark Star must be a GOOD one, right. The wine must be FINE. And this was, oh, it was so churning and solid, then pristine notes of clarity. And all y'all who don't like the A&A, esp during DS - well I saw 3 people totally turn onto this song, like HUGELY....so at least there are people out there who will balance the scales agin' you naysayers. PAH! hee hee hee
THE DEW!!!!!! Oh, Phil did it right, he really did, he made me happy for once, building it out again proper and all at the end. and THE JAMS, with purpose and spanish arabic aplenty....and splitting Terrapin...oh MAN oh SHIT MOFO...I wasn't expecting it, oc, I mean SOMEthing, sure, but DEW! Lord, man...and the Eleven...yes...yes...yes...I can almost be there on that hill dancing again. It was a show that makes you want to strive for excellence. That's the best it can be, I think...when it inspires you and strips your soul and makes your heart break open...and remember....and dream anew. The Boo always gets the Box...and it was brilliant again, as it were in days of yore. YES....the Robert Hunter Theme...INDEED....I called it going in and my friends later called me Prophet, well...but could I have ever ever have known....how stunning it would be...that I'd hear it all played so alive and anew but classic and solid with the passion it had so many years ago, I would assume, when the melodies were new....ah, they were again.
Silly of Phil to forget words with the lyricist present! We laughed and smiled....
yup, lawn seats pretty dumb....we crowded on the grass and did our jigs.
mpace...you were a kind zoner face in the crowd, thanks for finding us, good man. And for the call, puckewedan, muchos gracias...it seemed fun for you but I could never get down to that level...and for those I missed....hershey, baby, spread the word.
"Even though you know what you know
I know that I'm ready to leave
'Cause you're making me feel like I've never been born...."
Yes, Warren, yes, you completed it.
>>>Anyone else catch Warren playing in the parking lot before the show? Is he doing this every night? Very nice treat on the way in - even if Bloated Blowhard Chip Grant was blocking everyone's view.
Yes. That was amazing. Walking along and all of a sudden theres Warren jamming. This man is truly amazing, he is really selfless and knows how much this music means to us. I think he is happy to be accepted in our scene.
Funny story - After the parking lot performance Warren gets on the cart and get's mobbed. Someone hands him a sharpee and he's signing away. Signing everything, money, breasts, tickets, CD's, anyway - I'm right next to him the whole time and he never signs my ticket. The cart rolls away and suddenly I'm walking and Warren rolls right by. I whip out my ticket and hand it to him. The cart driver speeds up, Warren is signing furiously -I'm chasing the cart full speed - Warren reaches out - the grab - It's good! That moment was exhilirating for me. Well,about an hour later I went to hug this girl I was talking to and Poof the ticket was gone. I'm not good at keeping stuff (especially during shows) Anyway - THANK YOU WARREN!!!
It was great to meet Dan and Bosphan and Co., however briefly - glad L.I. rocked for ya's. Huck - hope to see you and some other zoners in Hartford - have fun in Hershey -- ""MMMM...The land of chocolate...."
Oh Yeah - The show was excellent - what Huck said basically - some of the longer jams seemed lost on a high energy Sat. night crowd but all in all a really good show - nothing to complain about. The Spanish-Arabic jam as Huck aptly named it was very intense and should have gone on longer. I think Phils singing has improved immensely since early P+F and he really did Morning Dew justice, as did the rest of the band - dynamics were really happening.
Terrapin is a tough tune to do vocally - a split with Warren or Rob might work out. Bur if Phil wants to do it himself that's jsut fine with me. The emotion he sings it with makes it clear those words mean a lot to him.
The over evaluating of shows is getting real old fast.....some people nit pick thru every detail.....this show at mansfield was probaly one of best Phil shows i've seen..... almost flawless.....the crowd for most part was into it and anyone who's a deadhead knows the band needs the crowd to feed off of in order to play at high heights and reach that place that no one can really describe....and how can a dark staR not rock.....unreal,,,people just be thankful that Phil has brought back this feeling and apreciate what he does for us.....and stop nit picking and appreciate this band for what they do for us and give them the love they need.....and give each other the love we need also.....phil won't be around much longer......let's applaud the music.....i went to the Homdel NJ show and the crowd was awful...the band did all they could to get a pulse out of the crowd but couldn't find one......they were thankful when show was over......they did all they could to reach that level but we the crowd held them back but at Great Woods aka the Beeter Center.....the crowd was there for them .......90% of the crowd anyway and it showed.....the band needs us to be there as much as we need them there.....grate show.....lets stop criticising and start praising......peace to all and yes love too......
>>>>>>>>.....i went to the Homdel NJ show and the crowd was awful...the band did all they could to get a pulse out of the crowd but couldn't find one......they were thankful when show was over......
As most know, Warren played an acoustic set from the Mule van....
My friend said he heard that set on the radio...a live broadcast....
did anyone tape, perchance?
Hey, Bosphan: I heard he did a 15 minute Soulshine....want a copy??
Nitpicking is when u disect a song so much that u view every lik....and nook and cranny....even if Phil messes up the words to terrapin Sat in Mansfield.........the playing was at such a high level becuz of the phans there that i barely noticed the mess up.....Phil recovered greatly and that terrapin was one of the best highlights of the show......i'm just saying some people should stop looking for lil tiny things that wrong.....and nit picking has nothing to do with a crowd...last time i checked the crowd isn't some lil......usually very large and a intricAte part of the show being a good one to grate one....so not a small crisis.....bit more than nit picking.....lets enjoy the phil shows and stop holding them back.....and comparing to the dead......they are damn near that caliber.......but there will never be another Jerome Garcia....this as close as u can get right here with this band....peace and love all.........:-).....don't mean to ruffle any ones feathers , i just call em as i see em....:-)
stop nit-picking about nit-picking!
whatever....:-).....nuthin left to do but smile smile smile.........:-), :-), :-)