Security at Jones Beach generally sucks. Unless things have changed they will bust you for open container, suspicious cops will be riding around, the whole deal. I know a few people who missed shows after being caught in hte lot drinking underage or puffing. They tend to be pretty Dicky. But if you keep on the DL you should be able to have a good time no problem. Don't plan on bringing a keg or tons of shit to vend and you'll be fine.The music is always superb in the ampitheatre. Let us know how it goes.
Does anyone have the lineup? Who will be going on first and at what times?
Just a guess, but I'd say:
4:30- Robert Hunter
6-6:30- Mickey
8:30- Phil
Security is tight because it's a state park...
text version weatherforecast'r
check out the current wave action being broadcast live every 30 minutes from Long Beach Long Island, NY
atlantic surf cam courtesy of surfer jim
As far as security just be smart and you'll be fine.
1. Pour beers right into a cup.
2. Don't leave empties on the ground..keep it clean. Don't give them a reason to stop the car and look further.
3. Smoke in your car...and be discreet. Don't load six guys in to your Toyota and burn.
You get the drift. Just don't make them HAVE to do their jobs because they will.
Have fun.
>>Does anyone have the lineup? Who will be going on first and at what times?
I'd like to know this too...
The order might be different than the guess above. On Phil's site, the support for the 7/13 Great Woods show is listed as "Robert Hunter and Mickey Hart & Bembe Orisha" and for the 7/14 Jones Beach show, it's listed as "Mickey Hart & Bembe Orisha and Robert Hunter". No offense Mickey, but I hope you go on first. I'd rather go in at 6:00pm and catch Robert Hunter. Going in early at Jones Beach blows because they don't serve beer. Four hours with no beer before Phil is a bummer.
I just called Jones beach and they told me that they will not know the lineup until sunday.
Hey Vince is playing in Huntinton Long Island the night before with nothing else schedualed after that. What do you think a Phil, Mickey, Vince tune or two? Do they get along
As for the lineups, if there is an acoustic act (Hunter), he will be on between the electric opener and Phil, while they are changing the stage around. I don't think Hunter is first at any of these, he will be on in-between. Oh, yeah, dress very warmly, it is going to be cool that evening, and it is always colder there! Check out how much better the sound is now, too!
Any suggestions on what they will play? Give me a bird song!!!
Last year at jones beach:
Set 1: Celebration> Jam> Scarlet Begonias> Fire on the Mountain, Patchwork Quilt> Just a Little Light
Set 2: Jupiter Jam> St. Stephen> *Good Times Bad Times> St. Stephen> China Cat Sunflower> Blue Train> I Know You Rider, Stella Blue> Jam> Not Fade Away
E: Midnight Hour
weather forecast as of the late news last night said sunny and 90 during the day...
Would definitely agree with Mr. Sideshow to bring a sweater or something for after the sun goes down...
what time is the lot opening
I have 3 or maybe 4 excellent tickets to Jones Beach, face value, orchestra B aisle, first day mail-order. $35 -- call me on my cell phone ASAP to arrange pick-up. 1-646-345-4988. I'm in Lower Manhattan. Sumthin came up & our posse can't go. Brian
imho, it SHOULD be:
Mickey should precede Phil. I would rather be w/ my pal Corona instead of RH. Wouldn't miss Mickey for the parking lot.
are there anything like 'Zoner meetings anymore like last year? Whatup with the unity: the team? Or is it more of a private thing now?
~curious Georgette~
I'll be in the Handicapped lot with Bucky, Joe, Bosphan has to meet us there..
WIthout Brick there is no organization here. He has promised to meet me in the lot post show.
Moma Jill, I would love to hook up with you! I"ll have on my green tyedye shirt and tan cap!! I don't see the meetings as private, more like going on a feeling! On that note just follow your heart or halftime !!!
Setlist, courtesy of LessThan:
Set 1: Liberty*>Roadrunner*>NFA*>FOD+>Dupree's+, Soulshine Set2: Mason's> No More Do I> Cryptical>Other 1>St. Stephen>Cryptical Reprise>Unbroken Chain>GDTRFB, Bid You Goodnight E: 1000 Stars *Mickey Hart +Reid Genauer
Just got back from the show...loved it, especially the second set (what a dream set of songs).
A few notes: Warren played his Gibson SG all night, and Jimmy played his Strat. Warren did a nice Norweigan Wood quote on slide as Not Fade Away was getting moving. In general, this show featured some of the best slide playing I've ever heard from him, and I think that's saying a bunch. I also heard a minor quote from Mountain Jam (not the theme, a different part) before Mason's Children. Phil really tore up the jam after Mason's, he and Molo locked in tight. Cryptical>Other One>Cryptical>St. Stephen was colossal. Both songs are great in and of themselves, but to hear one into the other -- especially the way they did it, with a tiny pause but not nearly long enough to recover (people's heads were spinning, doubtless) and then a great Stephen -- well, that was tremendous. Great solos on Unbroken Chain. They ran right up until the 11:30 curfew (stupid Sunday night), they looked like they had another song in them.
Phil's donor rap intro went something like this: "Once again, New York, once again. You do it to me every time. I'm just all balled-out, kids. ;) If this is love, then let's make the most of it." Then the fairly standard rap, and band intros (Rob, Molo, Jimmy, then Warren).
Aside from the three There and Back Again cuts and Soulshine, I don't think a single tune they played tonight was written after about 1974 or '75.
I didn't see Mickey onstage during Liberty, but he may well have been there. And Reid Genauer left right after Friend of the Devil; he didn't stay for Dupree's. I haven't seen the Quintet do Devil before, but this was a very relaxed-sounding version. Pretty slow, but that worked. Nice singing.
The first set was very upbeat in general and in terms of song tone (I guess Friend of the Devil might be the exception there). The second set was pretty much the opposite, especially the No More Do I>Cryptical>Other One>Cryptical sequence. A nice contrast between sets tonight: in addition to the theme stuff, there wasn't much jamming in Set I -- Liberty started with no intro, the jams were fairly compact -- and Set II was one long sequence (no stops, some great shifts in tempo and direction).
Is it me, or did the earliest versions of No More Do I (from last year) seem a little faster than the album and current live ones? I wish they'd speed it back up, it increased the drama of the song. Oh well. The sound was great, too.
One last cool moment: after No More Do I, there was a very cacophonous jam. As it was simmering down, Phil's mic went on and we could hear him shout "Go!" Bang- Cryptical! Tasty stuff.
Set 1:
*Not Fade Away
+Friend of the Devil>
Duprees Diamond Blues
*w/Mickey Hart
+w/Reid Genauer
Set 2:
Masons Children>
No More Do I>
Cryptical Envelopment>
The Other One>
St Stephen>
Unbroken Chain...
Going Down The Road>
We Bid You Goodnight
Donor Rap/Intros
Night of 1000 Stars
So Many Roads
Box of Rain
<<shout out for technical help>>
Tiger Rose
Dry Dusty Road/Yellow Moon
Jack of Hearts
Cumberland Blues
Into the Blue>
Brokedown Palace
Jones Beach rocked my world Part II
That Cryppie sandwich has left me speechless and crippled emotionally!
Phil, Molo and Jimmy also played with micky on fire on the mtn >aiko aiko
mmm, Mickey had me movin during the first set...Roadrunner-->NFA was certainly quality. FOD was sunf well with all the words enunciated way better than most from back in the day...a little too mellow though. As soon as mason's came on, we knew we were in for a monster of a second set...the cryptical combo from Bonnaroo was a little more driven, but this version was tight as well...the St. Stephen was joyous as always amd the unbroken chain had some tremendous guitar solos, particularly from Warren. The encore was decent, but I was Jonesin for some Casey...
Dewit liked The Other One?
I guess that just about sums it up.......
>>>>WIthout Brick there is no organization here. He has promised to meet me in the lot post
We had a nice gathering in the HC lot.
BTW, Brick, you shoulda gone to Chi-town last week instead.
I kid you not.....
It's late & I'm beat, will review in entirity tomorrow, but for all the Monday morning quaterbacks (i.e. Zoners at work), this show was THE SH**.
From the beginning to the end, they were on top of their game.
As good as any show I've seen P&F do, on a par with Hartford last year - At least.
And I bid you goodnight......
to clarify, Cryptical Part II was definitely after St. Stephen.
Mickey and Molo had a small, maybe 30-second drum thing, while everybody else toweled down, in the middle of NFA.
Warren sang an extra verse of scat at the end of Dupree's, which seemed to please/amuse most everyone.
a very solid show. Jimmy stepped up. replace a couple of those new album songs with [insert your favorite here; maybe Scarlet > Fire ?], and the show might qualify for a "Best of Tour" accolade. at the least, a strong contender for Top 5.
my first time at Jones Beach. seeing the band playing on a stage rising out of the water was rather interesting. the lack of alcohol sales was a bit of a bummer.
Sittin' at my desk, with an ear to ear smile on my face!
This band does NOT disappoint!
Nowwwww...THAT'S a show!!!
WHO the F**K is better than US?
Between last weekend at "The Vibes" and last night, I'd say its been a DAMN FINE week!
Finest Kind!
So Holmdel and Jones Beach appear to be the frontrunners for best ones so far?
Hey Cryp!
How was ya weekend?
Last night was DAMN good!
Was up in Boothbay Haaaahbah.
Total relaxation.
Yeaaahhh..I hoid...
More later,
My first and only Phil show of the summer gave me the fix I needed.
I thought the Roadrunner was the highlight of the first set although Not Fade Away was played great, just thought it sounded weird coming so early in the show but it was nice to get it out of the way and it allowed Mickey and Molo to have some fun. It was nice to see Mickey up there not trying to steal the show.
The guest vocalist on Friend Of The Devil almost worked but at some point the song kind of got mired and they let it drag a bit too long with Reid Genauer looking like he wasn't sure what to do after he finished singing. He did sing the additional verse to the song which was kind of cool. Soulshine was sweet as it always is.
The second set pretty much smoked from start to finish. The Mason's Children was crisp and jammed out, much better than the Beacon version I saw last year. It seemed like the whole second set had direction with very few moments of unsure jamming. One small point of criticism, I thought Phil could have started the vocals to The Other One a little earlier. Jimmy and Warren set him up nice but Phil pushed the jam further which wasn't bad but I think Phil missd an opportunity to make it perfect. The fact that they played both verses of the Other One made me happy. Going back into Cryptical after St. Stephen worked really well. By the way, the St. Stephen rocked as usual.
It wasn't the best Unbroken Chain I had seen, in fact it started a little shakey but the big jam came through loud and clar and as has been mentioned before featured some excellent and intersting jamming.
I was psyched for GDTRFB>We Bid You Good Night. I had never seen Phil & Friends do either song. By the way, the vocals on this and throughout the show were pretty strong. Phil was somewhat clear on Cryptical and very clear on Unbroken Chain. He didn't really sing much in the first set.
Encore: Don't know but it sounded Like Night Of 1000 Stars from the parking lot. I bolted to make sure I made the 12:05 train to Manhatten.
By the way, Jones Beach is a great venue when the weather is nice. The security was mellow. It actually has something (okay, not a lot) going for it in terms of natutal beauty, parking is free, it wasn't crowded, sound was good. If they just sold beer inside, I would give it a 9 out of 10 among summer sheds.
Two quick notes that weren't talked about. During FOTD, Reid added the extra verse Hunter always did, 'You can borrow from the devil...', and a major 'Shine on You Crazy Diamond' quote before Unbroken Chain. Great weather at a great venue. No real hassles in the lot, or inside. What a band!!!
Dewit went batshit for the whole kit and kaboodle. And now I am going to work...Bucky, that OO was with everything else the goddamn bomb.
Yeah, Crypt, PNC and Jones Beach, although from what I got and heard, Great Woods was a damn good show.
Thank you Leda...cannot believe you know Dana, and what a thrill to meet up with someone who the last time you saw them was 1982 at college at a Dead show.
Rich, Peter, John, Steve, Aron, Mooseman....seriously old times, and Rich, we have to do this more often.
LT, GT, etc...cant wait to review together tonight. Doug, nice to meet up again. Rocks?
Boston boys, hope you got home safe. Get Mule...where is that Mule? Philzone, thank you.
Lets see what gets unveiled in Scranton.
>>Aside from the three There and Back Again cuts and Soulshine, I don't think a single tune they played tonight was written after about 1974 or '75.
More like 1970. Good point!
WOW!! sittin at work just screwin around cant stop thinking about the beach last night, after vibes this was a perfect show, highlight was definitly cryps>other1>st stephen>cryps then the unbroken chain>GDTRFB>bid u was just a perfect way to end such a sweet show on the beach with the water in the backround....maybe this is just some liquid talking but anyway ill see you all in merriwhether hopefully, o yea FOTD with reid g was pretty crazy as well, and mickey on not fade away rocked the house
>>Aside from the three There and Back Again cuts and Soulshine, I don't think a single tune played tonight was written after about 1974 or '75.
More like 1970. Good point!
Damn straight Midy..
Get primal!
Well, there was certainly no piss break song in THAT 2nd set! Glad I took care of business right before! Leave it to me to instigate so much controversy - just in my nature. Yes, I knew Ag & Ag was not Barracco's, but it was just too funny to fit it into the saying. I do like most of the new stuff, Midnight Train especially (a lot of folks pissbreak for that one) I am not intending bad karma, just trying to be amusing in my own sarcastic way (Jill can tell you all about that!). As others have said, this will not last forever, and I will certainly be there as much as possible. My passion for this stuff puts my posts over the top sometimes when it's not THE SHIT as the last 3 have been (I am more mad when I choose a run of shows to hit and they turn out to be a little weaker than other shows - I could have hit Vail and Denver in the spring but did last weeks instead, mostly for money reasons. I doubt anyone would quibble about which run was better). I certainly realize they will have their ups and downs, and even the downs are still pretty damn good and the ups, well, they are just . . .
Unbroken Chain was written in 1974, most of the other songs were older (exceptions being Liberty and the new material, of course).
I thought Hunter was so-so, which is generally how I feel about him. It's good to see him, he is the man responsible for the words we all know so well but he's severely limited as a singer and guitar player. Plus, I think he gets too high before his sets, the technical difficulties he was having early in the set seem to have been his problem (he forgot to plug something into his wireless set). Still, it was fun and Hunter seemed to be enjoying himself.
Mickey's set didn't do that much for me, there's only so much percussion-heavy music I can listen to. I don't really like his latest arrangement of Fire, but the version of Iko was very nice.
Phil's first set was too short and seemed somewhat "jerky" for lack of a better word. Maybe it was bring Mickey on for a few numbers, then Reid (who didn't seem like he quite knew what to do when FOTD finished). The Dupree's was very nice, though, I hadn't seen that in a long time. Soulshine was well done but nothing special.
The second set was a whole different ballgame. From the opening jam into Mason's until the last notes of Bid You Goodnight, this was magic. The band was firing on all cylinders, and the song selection was excellent. Very dark theme to start the set, but everything was very well done and the jamming was tight and focused. I especially liked the build between the end of Cryptical and the Other One, although I wish Phil would rip the bass line into the Other One and just pound us.
The St. Stephen was a joy, nice Allmanesque jam in the middle, back into the Cryptical Reprise and then GDTRFB, which cooked seductively. The guitars then did the Bid You Goodnight theme, and then everybody to the mics to sing along. Wow, what a second set.
did any of you go to the same show that i went to last night???
first set was way too mellow and only had 2 real highlights (NFA and Duprees). second set had good song selection, but was also way too mellow for my tastes.
i gotta admit that i was disappointed in the show and it's weird that the posts here suggest that this was an "epic event", when it was tame at best.
i describe "epic" as the phil show from the roseland in april of 2001. tonight was not even close to that in energy and blow your mind jamming.
it's all good to love the band (and i certainly do), but lets be honest here and call a spade a spade. this show was not that good, but the overall day, weather, scene, etc. amde for a good time anyway.
I'll give ya the 1st Set, it WAS short, but "Not Fade Away" was REALLY well played.
But...you don't think the "Mason's" RRRRRROCKED?
You don't think the "Cryptical">"Other One">"St. Stephen">"Cryptical" was anything to write home about?
How 'bout Warren during the instrumentals in "Unbroken Chain"?
Hell, the interplay between Jimmy and Warren the WHOLE 2nd set was a beautiful thing to hear!
WERE you at the same show we were?
Now, I was at both 4/30/01 as well as last night, and I'd put last nights 2nd Set right there with the one from 4/30/01.
They're BA-ACK!
Hard to believe what was being said three short days ago.
The most offensive being Sideshow Bob(sorry dude, I accept your "apology" above) saying that every show now has a flaw in it....and the band is actively trying to piss the audience off, as the Dead did in the '90s. Others said Warren needs to be replaced by R. Ford. Most agreed that this band had peaked in 01, shot their load, and was now going through the motions. I'm not bitter, but tickled--that I was chastised for saying there WILL be another Red Rocks 01.
Then came these past three shows....and we have the Buckster himself saying as good as any P&F show he's ever seen. Yowsa!
Hmmmmmm. Wonder what happened. Phil crack the whip backstage? Cooler temperatures this week? Warren's got a lap-top in his hotel room, and has been on the zone? Clearly, they realized they had to step up their game a notch for the discerning NE audiences.
>>did any of you go to the same show that i went to last night???
>>i describe "epic" as the phil show from the roseland in april of 2001. tonight was not even close to that in energy and blow your mind jamming.
I think a lot has to do with personal taste. Much has to do with your own state of mind and mood. I personally didn't think Jones Beach was "epic" (although there were moments when I thought they were 100% dead on), but I liked it better than the Roseland Show to which you refer and thought it was one of the better among the 15 or so Phil & Friends shows I have seen.
I think this music is too subjective to say things like:
>> tonight was not even close to that in energy and blow your mind jamming.
And just to futher the point...I am not a fan of Duprees. I saw the Dead do too many sorry versions so it conjures up sad memories. I thought it was novel to see P&F play it and they did a nice job, but it did little for me. On the other hand Roadrunner I thought smoked. They gave that song new life, but that's just my opinion.
So while I understand why you may not have enjoyed the show as much as others, the subjectivity of the experience makes your point nothing more than an opinion. I don't understand the need to make your opinion the prevailing opinion.
hi to all
again beauty is different in the eyes of each beholder
i thought the show was a little slow
good sound good crowd good location
they need to knock 15 minutes off the break and should add one more song in each set and do a little less jamming
fotd was good
soulshine was fine as always
duprees was refreshing
gdtrfb//bid u goodnite was well done
st stephen seemed a little slow
again this is just what i like and is not what all like
it was a good show with some good tunes
LET'S JUST SAY... MICKEY SINGING FIRE!!!!! WHO WOULDA THOUGHT... this night was incredible. but then again, the boys never disappoint. my first FOTD and roadrunner (both beautiful) and something about the way they sang Bid U took me over. lots of strong jamming and even the slow ones had immense amounts of energy. THANK YOU PHIL!!!!
nuthin left to do but smile,smile,smile,smile,smile,smile,smile,smile,smile......
AWESOME SHOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
White Castle's for BREAKFAST!
I don't think any of you with the exception of Key and Bucky were at the show I was at. Friday sucked you dry...no emotion, no expression. Woke up Saturday as if I had been in an accident. All day, that...ugh thing.
Last night, first three tunes...all about NYC...all about it. "We havent forgotten you", and now, kick back, dance your ass off, lets laugh our asses off...it was all about fun, serious fun.
And for those suffering intellectual depravity...that Cryppie Sandwich was served up bigtime.
The show was fast as hell...Jimmy freaking flying through the night while Warren soared. Incredible base lines all throughout. Molo and Barraco were incredible...
and the fuckin whistler was in front of me. Crypt, get your ass down to NYC for a show sometime, I will point him out and you can flogg him.
RRRRRRRRRIGHT on the $$$$$$$$$$, Dewit....
Hey Dewit,
I was at the same show you were at...I'm with the on all counts!! Saw LT, sorry I missed you...
Keysh- what did I tell you about White Castle?! ugh...nice meeting you brother...how was that 8AM meeting!?!
I'm not a big fan of Warren or Jimmy's tones or ideas but I've got to admit last night's show was really good and well executed. One thing's for sure those guys don't make too many mistakes. The second set was vintage. Phil really brought the best out of everyone. I loved his singing and his bass sounded phat and loud. It's so nice to hear him again. How about that monster spaceship tone he had when he came out to play with Mickey...lift off...
I'm beginning to understand why one gentleman here, I believe it is LessThan, doesn't review shows anymore because it's impossible to be objective.
I start to worry when people like the esteemed Bucky think it's a great show, and I didn't have that good a time.
For one thing, couldn't get there until late. Roadrunner sounded awesome from the parking lot. Didn't have great seats - no strength - certainly not like 2nd row PNC. Oh, the show had its moments: Warren pulled out some phenomenal playing at the end, like during UBC; there was a nice spanish jam after the first verse of Crypt, and a Stella jam after the last; an interesting No More Do I "Jam" before they actually played the tune (which I don't think had the drive of, say, Irving Plaza). And Herring wailed as always. But Mason's had nowhere near the chunky power of New Orleans. I'm sorry to say, but the best Other One was at Bonaroo w/Weir. Stephen: I just saw the greatest version in the history of mankind at the vibes. GDTRFB: again? Bid You Goodnight: was out the door - I guess like Mickey, who never showed for the "drum thing" that Phil announced in the first set.
In my mind, this wasn't on a par with PNC, but so many things go into your perceptions... Maybe you had a fight w/your girlfriend...Bio-rhythms off...white widow vs. swag...whatever... A "JUST THE FACTS, MAAM" review would be the best, but those would get boring, wouldn't they?
I am reminded of Hershey Park last summer. Never had I such a bad time at a show (except for the roller coasters and chocolate factory). Was bummed to no end that there was this beautiful grassy football field sitting in the sun and then they go and turn the stage around toward this concrete floor with awful plastic fold-out chairs tied together with rope. Most people probably wouldn't care about that kind of thing, and Derek played and they did Beautifully Broken and some of the people whose opinions I value the most actually loved it, but I just couldn't get over those friggin' chairs and that goddamn floor.
Glad that everyone had a great time last night. Keep the reviews coming, I'm sure I'll be "proven wrong."
All I can say is, White Castle on Northern Blvd. in Queens was a BEE-UTY-FUL THANG last night!
Of the 15 I got...I had 3 left over for the ride to woik this mornin'...a nice pick me up for that 8AM...which I was surprisingly lucid for...the f**ker I was meeting had the unmitigated audacity to show up at 7:40, good thing I was here at 7:30; powered by White Castle, I got him outta here in 45 minutes or so.
It was a blast meeting you too, man...and I spaced it, but I meant to congratulate you on your Daughters' (right?) 1st Birthday, last night...in person.
So...again...Happy Birthday to BabySI!
The Vibes "St. Stephen"...the Roseland's "St. Stephen", and last nights "St. Stephen"...all VERY good.
I was at all three.
Now...give a listen to Jones Beach last year...7/26/01 (the only one of the four I mention here that I did NOT see live)...now THAT'S the greatest version in the history of mankind!
I was in the wrong place at the wrong times...my good mood was infectious...sorry I couldn't help you out...hmmm!
7/21/01....a good st. stephen
Yep Mike...Hartford was tremendous...split with "Eyes"...yet I think, still does not match 7/26/01.
Mike - I guess different strokes and all that. I agree the first set was too short, and in general I didn't think it was all that satisfying. Too many guests, I prefer my quintet "straight up" without the guests for the most part. Nonetheless, it was played reasonably well, and I thought the FOTD was done very nicely.
Second set, while perhaps lacking in pyrotechnics, was a scorcher anyway. The band sounded to me to be tight, focused and completely in control. There was a minimum of "bombastic" riffs, instead Warren and Jimmy kept things under control but with an underlying intensity of knowing exactly what they were going to play and executing flawlessly. To me, this is an example of the best kind of playing PLQ is capable of. Rather than pull out the showy moves, they sit back and jam with a sense of purpose and direction. Songs flowed smoothly from one to the next, there was little aimless noodling and there was a sense of total communication among the musicians.
I was also at the Roseland show back in '01, and while I enjoyed it a lot I don't think it compared to the second set last night. But maybe I'll have to give it another listen .
>>>Personal/subjective responses don't do much to illuminate the work, and tend to close doors to a discussion, rather than open them.
pretty profound, wish I'd said it.
Problem is that in assessing art, ultimately it comes down to a visceral, subjective, purely emotional response. Why you like it or don't like it doesn't matter, only that you like it or don't like it.
I had a great time last night and Friday night. I don't think last night measured up quite to Fri. I thought the Soulshine to end the 1st set was very well played. I thought the Sugaree to end Fri. was epic. I thought Reid Genauer had a little bit of a deer in the headlights look to him. Derek definitely did not.
All in all, a great second set, with a short first that never really got going. Course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
>>>Didn't have great seats, certainly not like 2nd row PNC...
Georgie, were you almost right in front of Warren? The guy with the ear plugs? I was in front of you to your left(if that was you). I was meaning to ask you about the ear plugs. I'm at a point in my life that I realize that I might still be here at 85, and the prospect of not being able to hear is not one I like.
Tour Diary 2002:Jones Beach (part 1)
Another one for the history books...
Met all the guys at my friend's place in Greenwich. We start the night there, with a few cocktails while we wait for everybody to show up and for the limo to get there. We're pretty well provisioned for this one. Two cases of beer, a bottle of vodka, bottle of rum, a whole bunch of the kind, a handful of doses my friend had scored at the Great Woods show the night before... Fueled up and ready for mayhem... ;)
By 3:30 everybody's there, so we pile into the limo and head out for the show. Man, I'll take any show anywhere, any way I can get there, but I gotta say, it's AWFULLY convenient having a professional driver there to deal with transportation issues. We slip him a hundred-dollar tip as soon as he gets there. Always best to tip 'em up front. Nothing ensures first-rate service like a crisp Benjamin. Ride goes smooth. Air-conditioning blasting, beers and bongs going around and around, some choice acquisitions blaring away on the CD player... Takes about an hour to get to Jones Beach, but that's just fine by us. Gives us time to get psyched, get buzzed. Like letting the car warm up a bit before you put the pedal to the metal, so to speak.
We get to the lot and get settled around 5ish. Another perk of takin' the limo is that they have a separate parking area for 'em, so it makes for a nice, easy-to-find home base. We've apparently missed Rob Hunter, but that's okay. Phil's the main event. Rob and Mickey's sets are just tinsel on the tree to us anyway. So, we setup shop and scope out the scene a bit. Rumor has it that security was tough outside, though I didn't see any evidence of it personally. (I saw somebody get busted and busted HARD last year... That Long Island hospitality.) Do a quick spin through a couple parkin' lots lookin' for CDead shirts and seein' what's available for "party supplies". We'd brought enough doses for the show, but we like to stock up when we can, for the psychedelic jam-sessions in the off-season between tours. Didn't really find either. I looked around, and I know a lot of CDead guys were there, but I didn't manage to find any. But again, we only did a quick spin through the lots. No doses to be found in the short time we were lookin', though, as has become typical of P&F tour lately, there were plenty of youngsters sellin' Ecstasy. Personally, I'm not a big fan of Ecstasy. It's an amusing little buzz, but it comes and goes too quickly. Gimme a good dose of the kind liquid any day. Anyway, we pass one kid who says he hasn't seen any doses around, but he's got some "molly" or "moly" if we want to buy some of that. I guess that's some form of X. The small handful of times I've done it before, it's been tablets, like an aspirin, but these were capsules, half-full of some brownish powder. I'm skeptical, but I say "what the hell" and pick up two just for a goof. I'm adventurous... ;)
So having finished our reconnaissance, it's time to head in. We each drop a hit of acid and head to our seats. Mickey's set is winding down, and he's managed to fake us out. We went in cuz we though Phil was starting, but it was just Phil sitting in with Mickey's set. Not bad, a pretty good sound, but again, to us, it's just killin' time till Phil goes on. They take a break, and me and the crew decide to go wandering around a bit in the concession area, to just see what there was to see. No beer at Jones, but that's probably for the best anyway. We're well-supplied already, and adding a ton of alcohol to a crowd often only leads to trouble. Besides, it's summer anyway, and drinkin a lot in hot weather isn't always smart. We'd lucked out, regardless, as the weather was near-perfect for a summer show. Not too hot, a little cloud-cover, so we don't have that July sun beating on us all day, a nice off-shore breeze blowin' through, keepin' us all nice and comfy. Beautiful. Crowd seems pretty cool. Everybody's pretty friendly, no sloppy drunks or assholes to be found. Security seemed pretty mellow inside too. We were puffin' away all night long right in front of a string of guards near the stage, and nobody so much as batted an eye. Seemed like they all had the proper, "don't cause trouble and we won't fuck with you" attitude that you always hope the guards will have.
We head back to our seats, and it's almost time for Phil to go on. The doses we've taken are kickin' in, and they're good, but me and my friend are mutants, so we decide to eat the other two doses I had stashed away from last summer tour. Those are two of the nuclear doses I've been sitting on all this time in preparation for Jones, just in case nothing else presented itself. One for me, and one for my generous benefactor, who'd scored the tickets and limo for us. Seats are phenomenal. I don't know how my friend manages it, but he always scores us amazing tickets. Once again this year, we're 4th row, right in front of Warren.
For me the highlight of the day was the wonderful reggaeish version of Ripple Mickey's band did. They brought out all the beauty of that song that I'd ever heard when the Dead did it, especially one of the female singers (whose names escape me).
I'm not unhappy that the amphitheatre doesn't serve alcohol. It is a state park. Plus, with no alcohol there's nobody puking in the bathrooms (or worse) or loud drunks carrying on ignoring the music (you know who you are).
I was very happy to see Robert Hunter perform his tunes, ambling about the stage as if he were on his front porch. Who cares if he's not a guitar/voice virtuoso. He half created so many of the songs we all love, it's nice to hear them from the originator. It set a very nice, relaxed tone to the day.
Mickey's band was just too gosh-darned loud (thank you Huey Lewis). The amphitheatre was mostly empty, and the sound was cranked up as if there were ten thousand bodies absorbing the volume. It was painful. I was in the orchestra next to the sound booth and there were people around me putting kleenex in their ears or leaving. The sound guy has got to modulate the sound to the environment (unless their intention was to announce their presence to the ocean side parking lot.)
Phil's band was wonderful, the second set besting the first. (I thought that Reid Genauer guy was good. I hope he does more.) I hope Phil knows how much we appreciate his faithfulness to the ideal.
Tour diary 2002: Jones Beach (part2)
We get down there and have one of those "tour moments"... We're hanging out, and sitting right next to us is a guy my friend knows that he hasn't seen in years. "Hey, I know you! What's up dude? Long time no see!" You know how it goes. Turns out he's a friend of this guy that me and my friend used to hang out and tour with back in our college years. Just amazing how you keep seein' familiar faces out on the road, but that's one of the things that makes the whole experience so special. He's a notorious acid-dealer from previous tours, but this year he's not selling anything, and he hasn't been able to find any for himself either. As I said, seemed a little scarce out there this year. But, he's sittin' on a giant nugget of some of the kindest kind I've had in a long time.
So, Phil and Friends take the stage. Nice Liberty opener. Seems like Liberty's become a bit of a NYC theme-song these days, but that's cool with me. Personally, I was never that wild about Liberty when the Dead played it. It was a cool little tune, but nothing spectacular. I just don't think the Dead had enough time to really work it out to it's full potential. I like the way P&F does it though. Totally changed my whole tune on that song.
Liberty fades into a jam which eventually fades into Roadrunner. This is one I'm not all that familiar with. I have a few versions of it somewhere, but it's not a tune I listen to that often, so I don't really know it that well. They played it well though.
Road Runner gives way to the always crowd-pleasing Not Fade. Mickey's contribution definitely helps punctuate this one nicely. Jammed, as you would expect. Not Fade pretty much always does.
Next came the Friend of the Devil with Reid Genauer... Who is he again? They said over the PA, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Not bad. I mean, it's FOTD. It sounds nice, tight, vocals are very well-enunciated and deliberate, a nice mellow groove for our hot summer day.
Following this comes the Dupree's. Another tune I'm not terribly familiar with, but again, they played it well. It's like I always say, if they're having a good night, they could play a Mary Had a Little Lamb that would leave your brains dripping out of your ears. ;)
Wrapping up the first set was the Soulshine. A classic Warren-tune that perfectly highlights that Whiskey and Marlboro voice of his. He belts it out as soulfully as ever. A classic tune and a nearly classic rendition of it.
Set break falls and both of those doses are comin' on full-blast now. Just trippin' my nuts off at this point. Reality's wavering all over the place, the world is covered in glowing neon paisley, waves of liquid color are dripping off of everything and everyone I see... It's a little strange being in that state of mind at the seats during setbreak with the lights up. Gives you a little bit of that "being under the spotlight, being watched by the MAN" kinda vibe, but I've been doing this a long time, so I know that's just the doses. They're nice and clean, so I don't really have much of a speedy, paranoid thing to deal with. So, I kick back in my seat to chill while my friends do their bathroom breaks, get water etc... Being an experienced fisherman, I'm used to floating on a boat all day long with no bathrooms, so I don't usually have to go during a show.
I'm chatting with our long-lost associate, trading touring stories, figuring out who we know in common, smokin' a little of the ultra-kind here and there... Well, I'm TRYING to chat, anyway, but I'm getting off so hard at this point, that I can't quite make my mouth work right. I understand what he's saying to me just fine, I understand perfectly what I'm trying to say, but for some reason, when I move the lips and tongue, it just doesn't quite come together as naturally as it should. But like I said, this guy's a veteran acid-dealer, so he understands. He's also powerfully envious. He's spent a big chunk of the first set asking EVERYBODY around us for doses and NOBODY's got anything for him. He's jonesin' and bumming hard by the time set-break comes around. I'd hook him up if I could, but me and my friends didn't really bring any surplus, so we've already eaten our stash. Then I remember those two capsules I've got in my pocket. I feel bad for the guy, cuz he's really bumming that he can't trip for the show, so I decide to miracle him with one of the hits of X. I tell him, "look dude, I don't have any doses, but I bought these in the lot. It's X, but I haven't tried any myself, so I have no idea if it's any good or not. As such, I can't swear by 'em, but if you wanna try one, you're welcome to it. It's the best I can do." He's a little hesitant cuz he's never done it before, (an acid DEALER who's never tried X?) but his options are limited. He asks what it's like and I tell him it's like tripping with a sort of loose, sloppy body buzz, and that it comes on and leaves quickly. I tell him, "trust me, if you like trippin', you'll love it." Apparently they were real... He looked VERY happy by the half-way mark of set two... ;) He was smilin', dancin', spinnin', hugging everybody around him, just having a good old time. I think I definitely made his night. Made me feel good for having spread a little happiness around. I used to love miraclin' people with tickets back in the day.
Anyway, my friends get back, and we put our seatbelts on in preparation for the second set. Set opens with the traditional Jam opener of course, sliding into a rippin' Mason's. Man, they've really started hittin' this one on all-cylinders over the last couple tours. A rollicking, ripping jam that gets the whole crowd stoked for the madness ahead.
Tour diary 2002: Jones Beach (part3)
That gives way to the No More Do I. Is that a Warren tune or a P&F original? Either way, it's another modern-day classic. Another great showcase for Warren's voice. Bluesy, soulful, played beautifully...
No More Do I fades out into a spacey little jam which leads to... Was that? ... It is! Cryptical! Uh-oh! The boyz mean business now! It's a textbook P&F Cryptical that leads into an outrageous Other One. Man, no tune gives you more opportunity to work into those cataclysmic, earth-shattering jams... Phil pounding away on the bass, shakin' the joint to its foundations, Warren and Jimmy breathin' fire all over the place, kickass! The Other One starts to wind down and I think to myself, "Phew! I can take a breath now, finally!" Wrong! Cuz from there it slides seamlessly into a scorching St Stephen. Always a crowd pleaser, and rapidly becoming a P&F signature jam. Another one of those tunes that lends itself amazingly well to monster musicianship. The Stephen winds down into a Cryptical reprise and another little jam... Finally an opportunity to compose myself again. At this point, the brain's racing a mile a minute, the hairs on the back of my arms and neck are standing on end, the world around me's dissolved into a tidepool of liquid lights and colors... It's all cool though. No fear at all, total madness in a totally relaxed environment. Doesn't get much sweeter than that.
Next comes the Unbroken Chain, a favorite of mine with P&F. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I could watch 'em play Unbroken Chain EVERY night... It starts off slow, but when they get to the jam part, it lends itself nicely to some truly shredding guitar work. As usual, this one did not disappoint. Jimmy and Warren both stepped up to the plate and turned that mother out... ;)
Next comes the Goin' Down the Road. Another crowd-pleaser and an easy tune to play, so it goes without saying that it sounded great. That's another one like Not Fade where they can be counted on jammin' it out pretty good every time.
Finally they wrapped up the second set with an absolutely gorgeous Bid You Goodnight. This song is a showcase for the band's vastly improved vocal ability. For a while, that was a weak link with P&F, but they've clearly been practicing, cuz for the last few tours, the vocals have been considerably better. This is where you really get to see that in action. The harmonies were perfect, it was a pretty much picture-perfect Bid You Goodnight. To be honest, I was hoping they'd do Angel Band in that spot instead. It's the same kind of vocal harmony kind of groove, they do it amazingly well, and it's a tune I haven't heard a billion times before. But I wasn't that disappointed with Bid You Goodnight, cuz like I said, they did it very well.
The boyz go off for a while, and Phil comes out to do his traditional donor rap. It's obvious Phil's felt the magic just as much as we did, cuz you could tell he was feeling a bit overwhelmed and blown away too. He knows NYC loves him and he loves us right back as a result. Last year was a major blow-out too, after all. He started off his speech with, "Once again, New York, once again. You do it to me every time. I'm just all balled-out, kids. ;) If this is love, then let's make the most of it." Maybe it was just the doses, but he actually seemed very emotional during the standard donor rap too. Sounded like a very sincere, heartfelt plea for people to be organ donors, not just the usual, "Be an organ donor, save a life" throwaway rap. Like I say, I think he was feelin' the power and emotion of the evening as well as the rest of us.
Having gone to Jones last year, I knew that the encore would be good too. Last year, the Midnight Hour encore was one of the big highlights of the evening. This night, they did the Night of 1000 Stars, and it WAS indeed worth hanging out for. The energy they played it with was crackling, arcing back and forth amongst every member of the band. No simple quickie encore, this, but a Night of 1000 Stars given the full-blown treatment.
Personally, I think they had another song in 'em, but it was getting late, and you have that Jones Beach Sunday night curfew to contend with... Still, if my only complaint for a show is that there wasn't more of it to be had, then clearly it's been a pretty great night. Once again I went into the show expecting it to be great, and once again Phil and Friends exceeded my already high expectations. They just keep getting' better and better every tour...
So, slowly everybody filters outside. A surprisingly quiet crowd, I thought. I expected more people to be hootin' and hollering after a blowout show like that, but it was fairly sedate on the walk out. Could be the lack of good doses in the crowd. I don't think there were all that many people trippin' there, as a percentage of the whole crowd. (Though there were SOME fat pupils there, to be sure.)
Finally we all meet up at the limo again. We'd all split up into smaller groups scattered around the venue. Quick re-group, a few bong-hits of the kind and a nice frosty Molson while we wait for all the stragglers to find their way back. No nitrous to be found afterwards, but I think that's fairly typical of Jones Beach. I don't remember seeing much (or any) at the show last year either. It's for the best. Traditionally, they herd people out of there fairly quickly after the show. They don't really want people hanging out too much. Again, security seemed pretty mellow after the show too, but it's hard for me to tell. The limo lot is right outside the gate, so I didn't really see what was going on in the lots around us. I walked out of the venue and BANG, the car's right there.
Anyway, the whole sweaty, wild-eyed lot of of us pile into the limo for the ride back to Greenwich. Gives us a good hour to mellow out to some kind Jerry and Merle and do some bongs for the ride back. Another successful safari into the world of the deeply psychedelic, and home safe and sound with our legal status unchanged, with ears ringing and our souls recharged, refreshed and renewed. Mission accomplished once again. Thanks Phil. See you next time.
Anyway, that was the Jones Beach experience for me anyway. I don't know if everybody agrees with my particular review, but what I've described is what it sounded and felt like to me at the time, and that's the most important part to me. Now I gotta find some way to scrape up enough dough to score a cheap lawn ticket for Hartford!
Peace all,
>>I don't understand the need to make your opinion the prevailing opinion.<<
In my opinion, I think Mickey did the song better justice with his band in 2000 than he did last night.
Mickey's been singing fire for years.
>>>Georgie, were you almost right in front of Warren? The guy with the ear plugs?
Don't think so because I don't use "standard" earplugs. Little wads of napkin give you more control
Think I saw you though, being respectful and having a blast.
Don Corleone with a review longer than 'The Godfather'.....
Speaking of 'The Godfather', the FBI reports there was a sighting of Clemenza at White Castle on Northern Bld. at 1AM.......
Well, I just woke up about an hour ago (now 2 hours as I edit this).
I have a raging headache right where I got a concussion 7 years ago. I must have been whipping my head around too much last night & irritated the scar tissue & brain fluid. That should tell you about the QTY of last night's show.
First, let me say it was once again nice to meet all the Zoners, including first timers SIhead & his pal, 'Doctor Killpatient' as I was calling him (I hope he wasn't insulted).
In all the times & all the folks I've met through this site, I've enjoyed every one of you.
Now, onto the show...........
As Mickey was out there on a drum set of some sort, I was expecting NFA and/or TOO early as they are the 2 most percussion oriented Dead songs (see 10-20-74 when Mickey returned).
The first notes of Liberty sounded like NFA, then Aiko. Instead, it quicckly settled into Liberty as we know it. They jammed out of the song, & within 2 minutes I said to myself "They're on top of their game already." they went into Roadrunner, OK, but nothing special if you ask me. Then, an extended Cumberland Jam, which flowed into a very strong, percussion driven NFA. As soon as they started, Phil turned around & was digging Mickey's drumming.
After a stop, this Reid guy from 'Strangefolk' came out & sang FOTD with an extra verse in it as previously stated. I don't know why he was there, because the guy never played one lead on the song.....
Another interesting note on this version was that after the usual jam out of FOTD, they came back & sang the chorus again & then did a very short 'jam' into Dupree's. Nice to hear Dupree's, but it's just a (non jamming) ditty to me. No instrumental until a very short one at the end.
I noticed a nice trend at this point: Every one of the songs played so far in the 1st set had previously been played in the 2nd set on this tour....
The set ended with Soulshine, & I agree it was a rather short set (65 minutes) & I was half expecting Just A Little Light afterwards. It was a very good version of Soulshine, with some nice dual leads from Jimmy & Warren which reminded me alot of the Roseland version.
As we met with the Zoners at halftime, I seemed to be the one who thought most highly of the this set. How's that for odd?
The 2nd set started with a jam that Pukewedan told me was 'So What'. So just what is 'So What'? I haven't a clue.....
A few minutes in, they switched to a Birdsong sounding jam, but at a much faster tempo than P&F plays the song.
Then into Mason's Children. As I had told Key & Mrs B, I wanted to hear this song on a night they were 'on', not like the 12-1-01 version in the middle of a lackluster first set.
Well, I got my wish. They stayed in the rockin' part longer than many times, nice powerful playing, then spaced out of it & back into the end. They came out the same way, fell into 'No More Do I', & although it misses the huge, high energy jam that they used to do (Why'd they cut that out?), there was several short but sweet instrumentals & a jam out that melted into some space (the only space all evening) & then Cryptical. Out of that with the jam, & the jam built up steam & rolled into The Other One. The built it up, then took it down & I thought we were in for one of those 'I Am The Walrus' or 'Wharf Rat' songs between Cryptical & TOO as P&F so often do.
No, they came back to TOO & sang the 1st verse. Then, more TOO, a short trip out of the TOO theme, back in to a powerful climax & the singing of verse II. At the end, they did the 'traditional' ending that heads back into Cryptical, but instead, St Stephen came up. Another great version, everyone listening for 'Good Times, Bad Times', but not a hint of it. We got some great double time earlier in the instrumental than usual, which was superb, but the end didn't build up as much as usual before Phil cut it short.
Then, we were back into Cryptical & a quick jam out of it that went on & started weaving the Cryptical theme back in. Then the pre-song noodling & several CLEAR 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' quotes which led me to think 'Wish You Were Here' was next......
And yes, the thought of the dreaded Stella crossed my mind.
No such disappointment this time at Jones Beach......
Instead, we got Unbroken Chain, & it was the best one I've heard live (out of 5), or on tape. Great jamming, intense, then that wonderful jam out of it led by Warren. Just fantastic.
They followed it up with GDTRFB, which is a "Who wouldn't like that song" like I Know You Rider......
Now P&F have cut it down to one instrumental, but even here, Warren did a short but hot lead.
I was surprised by And We Bid You Goodnight as lately they've been doing 'Angel Band'. I must say it was rather nice to hear 'Jesus loves you the best' being sung over 7000 people instead of "Godd***, well I declare."
Sorry, I'm still me.
Even the encore of 1000 Stars was well played, very different from GOTV, with 2 short instrumentals before the closing jam.
As far as this show goes, it was certainly a match for the best P&F I 've seen & I loved every minute of it. High intensity all the way.
We adjourned to the parking lot to revel in the joy of an eargasm......
Pukewedan was shocked to hear both Key & I say that we thought it was better than the 1st night at GOTV.
Then, this bus comes by (I woulda got on), & Phil & Jill are eating pizza.....
Phil looked over at us & we just gave them the thumbs up on a job well done.....
Thanks for a real good time PhiL, the boy's were were clicking last night!!!!
Yeah, I know my review was a bit wordy. Sorry for the verbosity. Just tryin' to paint a vivid picture for the people who didn't get to make it to this outstanding display of musical ability.
I WAS a little surprised they didn't bust out something this year, after the GTBT last year, but I don't think anybody could really complain about the show they DID get. Thought I caught a bunch of teases myself. Coulda swore I heard a little Dr Mr Fantasy at one point.
I missed the So What at the time, but if it WAS the one I'm thinking of, then it's a jazz tune that Miles Davis used to play. I think Coltrane might've done it a few times too. Makes sense. These guys throw in little jazz riffs here and there. There was a little Blue Trane last year during the China Rider, and they've been known to do My Favorite Things on occasion too. (Though not in a while, I don't think.
>> I was meaning to ask you about the ear plugs. I'm at a point in my life that I realize that I might still be here at 85, and the prospect of not being able to hear is not one I like.
Rik- There's a thread in the Other Stuff board that discusses earplugs and who used what brand, etc. You might have to search a little to find it, but there's some good info there.
If you can't find it, you can email me and we can discuss them- I'm a safety engineer, and the use of personal protective equipment is something I deal with...
Sorry to be off topic there, I'll get to a review later...
Bucky- Dr. Killpatient said he had a real good time last night...he'll be pissed to know that he missed the Phil sighting though...
SI the Safety Guy
Great show! Great venue! Nice weather! Spent much of the first set gazing out on the water, watching some kids at a nearby beach bounce a ball around.
I loved Mickey's band and think it would be cool to catch them on their own, and not in warm up status.
Having seen Hunter twice now, once at the Greek and once at Jones Beach, all I can say is Hunter is Hunter. I like seeing him because he's a great guy and he wrote all my favorite songs, but let's face facts, if there is a professional performer in there, he is definitely playing some serious hide and seek.
I missed having a beer but didn't miss drunks shouting in my ear, like at the Vibes.
Really brilliant show, from my perspective. I wonder if everyone ever agrees on these things? Maybe the subjective factors are too great.
Get some high-fi ear plugs from musiciansfriend.com & fullcompass.com (they look like little tubes coming out of the ears) they allow the full spectrum to come through, but drop it 10 db's. about 12 bucks, and come with a keychain case. A wise investment. tp or knapkins work too. the foam earplugs block more sound, but muffle a lot of the frequencies.
>>Speaking of 'The Godfather', the FBI reports there was a sighting of Clemenza at White Castle on Northern Bld. at 1AM.......
Hey...they made me an offer I couldn't refuse!
Who was that with Clemenza?
Hey Godfather, really got a kick out of that review, except for the "I'm not familiar w/Duprees" part, but no matter. Wish I could write like that.
Someone threw down some cash: limo, 4th row seats, provisions... If you're able, guess that's the way to do a show (leave out the 'cid & X for me).
>>Always best to tip 'em up front. Nothing ensures first-class service like a crisp Benjamin.
How true!
>>Rob and Mickey's sets are just tinsel on the tree. Phil's the main event.
Oh yeah.
People are saying they heard So What during the opening jam of the 2nd Set. Me and a couple of people I sat with heard Jimi's Manic Depression
Hey, thanks Georgie... I do what I can.
No cash required for us, though. My friend is a Wall Street player, and he has connections. He gets us the limo and tickets for free every year. For Beacon shows too. Course, he's a workin' man, so he can only make it to weekend shows, but I'll take what I can get.
And the doses and X aren't for everybody. I know there's plenty of Wharf Rats goin' to shows and all... But, then there's the mutants like me and the crew... ;) Moderation is the key.
Great show, lots of fun...had its high points...and not so high (sorry, Reid Genauer just sounds a little too NPR for my taste...) but the 2nd sets have really been picking up steam and momentum...I could have SWORN I heard Spanish Jam quoted btwn Cryptical->Other 1, but maybe that's just me...and how about Warren's groovy pot leaf cowboy shirt?
ah, but Moderation means moderating yr moderation, as well....for too much middle road leads to trouble...extremes are key...For one extreme will balance out the other...so if you are in this ride for intense ecstasy, best be ready for deep and overwhelming sorrow....isn't that right, Mr Corleone? ;)
Don't do brown powder capsules though. Why would you do that? Not yr brightest move, imhhhhhho
Extremes ARE "Key"!
Was it me, or was the crowd quiet at Jones Beach? In my section, H, hardly anyone was cheering or clapping after songs. It was weird hearing the cheering coming from behind me.
Maybe it was the wind...
BTW, I read here that the whistler made an appearance. So glad he wasn't near me....
Keyshawn: Yeah, moderation. Moderation means doing what you want to do, but not so much that you lose control, short-term or long-term. We all had a blast, didn't cause any trouble, didn't get in any trouble, didn't miss any work, didn't get hooked on anything... So like I say, we were doing our thing in moderation. The key is, when you have a guy driving you there and back, you have the freedom to go to a little more excess than if you were driving yourself. But everybody was in control.
Huck: Well, miraclin' that guy served a dual-purpose. He was the guinea-pig. And it seemed like he got off pretty good. And from the happy look on his face and the way he was huggin' everybody, he sure LOOKED X'ed out. Powdered ecstasy is nothing new, it's been around. This stuff just happened to be sold in capsules. If I broke it apart and snorted the stuff, I'm sure it'd be the same as any other powdered X floatin' around. I just haven't done X in powder form before, just tablets. Still haven't. I never took the other one. I was plenty tripped out on the acid already. Moderation, once again... ;)
What poils of wisdom!
No wonder you ascended to the position of "Don".
Is that Greek or sum'in?
>>>>Was it me, or was the crowd quiet at Jones Beach?
Yeah, it was the first show in a LOOOOOONG time where I didn't have to tell anyone to ("please?") shut up.....
Oh, I shoulda posted this here:
Now, a question for Don Corleone:
Was that you guys stopped in the rest area with the Mobil station in the middle of the road on The Hutch just over the NY border?
This couple, he in tie dye, gets out of the limo doing the waltz.....
I was kinda close to a speaker stack, so I couldn't really tell how loud the crowd was at the show. They were all really quiet on the way out though, as I said in my marathon review. I thought that was a little strange. I chalked it up to people bein' less wasted than usual for a show. Usually NY crowds hoot and holler like crazy.
Didn't hear the whistler, personally, but like I said, I was kinda close to the speakers. My ears are still ringin'.
Buck: No, that wasn't us. We took a silver limo and we were the car parked on the side of the lot closest to the gate. There were a LOT of limos there this year! I was shocked. Last year, there was just us and one other one.
Key to a quiet crowd: IT WAS A BEER-FREE VENUE! Thank the high holy hosannas for at least ONE of those all summer, and especially at the best show I have seen so far! I STILL had beer spilled on me, though, by the hippy couple behind me who snuck in a case of Coors Light with their baby. Beer No 1 got my backpack. Beer No. 2 filled up my right Birkenstock with a swimming pool of stale Colorado suds. This was 15th row center, no ear protection for junior. Cheez, talk about bad taste! I mean for choosing Coors!
Thanks Sideshow...that seemed easy to peg. My girl got nailed with a beer in Toronto....by a DUDE behind her trying to hit a beach ball. mmmmm. A Fun Night Out Indeed.
PS - Mr C, I'm all for powder....that's old school and old days. But brown??? I'd be more inclined to think it was something else...my gut goes heroin. Ecstasy was always ;) creamy white with a slight yellow tint, non? Certainly it is very possible I don't have a clue.
Thank you Maritime...
I was SURE I heard Manic Depression right at the very beginning of the 2nd set opening jam...
Hey Bucky....
I didn't say "So What" (a Miles Davis piece....If ya had listened to some of the Garcia-Grisman Acoustic stuff.... )
I referred to Manic...
And my point about Dire Wolf was similar to what someone above(DCorleone, maybe?) said...When they're ON....they could make Mary Had A Little Lamb wail...Of COURSE I'd like to hear Dark Star>St Stephen>The 11>Cryp>Other>Cryp...
And I stand by my statement about Friday at the Vibes...I thought that Great Woods also might have been better, but now I'd really be splitting hairs...
The Boys took us to the same places, only by different roads...
I Saw My Favorite Things this past 3/29 at the Warfield...
>>>And my point about Dire Wolf was similar to what someone above
Notice I changed your name to protect the innocent?
You didn't say So What afterwards?
I coulda sworn since I have no idea what So What is.....
Musta been somebody else standing with us.
Maybe 'Mrs (Stella) Coffee' or 'Dr Killpatient'?
Funny, though, we WERE joking about Scarlet > Dire Wolf & then Phil plays it next show.
Maybe he overheard us when he went by?
If Phil's listening, wouldn't it be REALLY funny if they did Viola > Dark Star > Viola > The Eleven > Dark Star > Viola in Hartford?
Would be funny, Bucky, esp when I'm getting such a Shakedown, Leave Me Out of This, Dancin, Welcome to the Undergound, Wharf Rat, Rock&Roll Blues tingle...
some highlights according to my perceptions:
-maybe it was at the beginning of the show, perhaps at the start of the 2nd set but i swear i heard Phil tease Norweigen Wood during the opening noodling warmup...
-during the jam before NFA Phil and Mickey were having some interactions and the chemistry was still apparent...at one moment the jam slowed a bit and Mickey started pounding a hard, primal beat on his "mini-beast", the larger bass drums. Phil was right there with some fat low notes and looked at Mickey with a big smile that said "right on".
-not sure if this was pre-planned, but they ended Friend of the Devil by hitting a minor note and Reid simply walked offstage...this was very cool, as it led right into another flavor of jam...
-NFA was a monster, hitting a frantic peak with Warren strumming chords triple time just like Jerry used to.....
-Duprees was sweet..besides a love for The Beatles, something Warren shares with Phil is a reverence for rhythm and blues and vintage sounding American roots music (jelly roll blues is an OLD theme)
-the 1st set SEEMED longer than it was, looaded with great jams..
-the 2nd set opening jam was the usual exploration then suddenly, whamo, it turned into one of those composed pieces that Phil played at 7 shows last Summer...very, very nice! i could swear i also heard this jam theme emerge later in the nite, perhaps before Unbroken Chain...
-No More Do I is my favorite new tune...WOW i love this one...it has a chunky bassline that lends itself to a great jam before and after, somewhat like Corrina (but unlike Corrina i LOVE this tune)
-Unbroken Chain was super blissful in this slot, a sweet resolution after some energetic 2nd set jamming on a perfect summer nite
-GDTRFB was a good choice for us personally, my wife left for CA the day after this show...
as far as themes go, i see one for this show..sort of a continuation of the last Beacon run....death, loss, love, resolution, resolve to carry on...its all there....seems that way to me, anyway...
peace, y'all!
ps: it was a treat to see some of you at this show but we skipped the set break meeting to spend quality time on our last nite 2gether for awhile...
Hey Stranger..
We gonna see your sorry ass in Haaahtfid?
Huck: Well, it might just be the capsule that's off-white, not the powder itself. And like I say, my "taste-tester" sure LOOKED X'ed out. The guy called it "molly", which I've heard before, but never tried.
I doubt it's heroin though, regardless of what it looks like. I did some reading at a couple websites that test X that people send into them, and of the hundreds of different batches of X sent in, none of them contained heroin, in spite of rumors to the contrary.
Many did contain non-X ingredients though. Either MDA or Ephedrine or caffeine or any one of a dozen other ingredients. Made me very grateful to have a "taste-tester" to try it out for me. Give me a good old hit of the kind liquid any day.
Crypt: You talkin' to me? I thought at first you were talkin' to somebody with the handle Stranger. If so, yeah, I'm going to Hartford. Kinda on a shoe-string budget, so it'll just be the cheapie lawn seats, but it's only a half-hour from my house, and in my opinion, last year's Hartford show was the 2nd best of the tour, after Jones Beach. Just can't miss it. I'd never forgive myself. Last year they did the King Solomon's Marbles there and an amazing Stephen>Eyes>Stephen. Not to mention the Help>Slip>11>Slip>Franklin's...
Meet us in the lot, Don.
Bucky and Dan will be in the Handicapped section.
Sure, I'll try. I haven't had much luck meeting up with people at shows lately though. How will I know you guys? You gonna be wearing Zone shirts or should I look for a certain kind of car or something? I'll probably be wearing a Simpsons t-shirt that's a parody of a Sopranos poster.
What ELSE would "Don" Corleone wear to a Phil show?
What else indeed, Don. You continually crack me up. Look for explosives...
Lol! To be honest, I hadn't really thought about it. I've been "Don Corleone" for so long, it's lost the Godfather connection for me. I just think of it as my name. But I've worn Simpsons shirts to Phil shows before, and they generally get me a lot of compliments.
Well, I'll look for you guys in the handicapped lot. If I can't find you, I'm gonna be meeting a friend of mine at Will Call at 5:00, so you can always look for me there.
Hope to see some of you at the show.
Look for the fattest people you see.
It'll be Keyshawn & me....
Our ETA is 5:00 also & if you are going to the will-call, you'll be going by us.
I have a white mini-van.
And (fake) blonde hair - for now......
I may have a dark brown/grey crew cut tomorrow (if I had my way).
Cool. I'll look for you guys. I'm going a little earlier, probably around 3ish so I can "shop" a little before the show.
As I said, I'll probably be wearing a black Simpsons T with a Sopranos parody picture on the front. Tan shorts, black sneakers. Brown hair, brown beard, about 240-250 lbs. Probably be wearing my Rayban Wayfarers too.
I'll be roamin' all around, but like I said, I'll be hitting Will Call at 5. I'll look for you on the way over or slightly after I find my friend.
Bucky...you're a funnnnnnnnyyyyy guy....
I'm Clemenza...who're you...Luca?
Not So Slim Shady
"two trailer park girls go round the outside..round the outside...."
>>>>Not So Slim Shady
Good one......
Believe it or not, I never heard of Slim Shady until a week before you called me that at GOTV. I only knew because a guest speaker in my church asked if any of us parents knew who Slim Shady was.
I figured he was Roy Rogers' sidekick or something.....
>>>Bucky...you're a funnnnnnnnyyyyy guy....
I'm Clemenza...who're you...Luca?
A Jewish looking Clemenza & a blonde, slightly fatter Luca Brazzi.
I better start rehearsing to meet the Don.....
"Don Corleone, I am greatly honored........May their first child be a masculine child."
>>I better start rehearsing to meet the Don.....
"Don Corleone, I am greatly honored........May their first child be a masculine child".
As for me:
"Ahhh..you go away on a nice long vacation...and we catch the heat. Hell, ya gotta have one of these every 5, 10 years, clears out the bad blood.
Ya know we was all proud o' you Mikey...you're Father too...Now remember, 2 shots in the head a piece".
I am Enzo the baker!
Go Liberty!
ohhh...sure Keysh, I'll watch 'm lose to LA...I have a date and all, and my DATE has already seen two more Philco shows than she'd like to (ahem)....but ya know....there's that one song that echos in my brain...(probly not the thing you or Bucky want to hear, but perhaps you appreciate the sentiment)
"I'd rather be with you...." ;)
oh, yeah...Im so bloody tired I cracked the DC without having a cup of JOE....what do I mean LOSE????? I've been practicing that ancient cry.. "Beat LA, beat LA...")
Oh yeeaaahhh.. I wanted to ask you...how'd she like the shows, the scene...what'd she think?
well...I suppose it is a review of some sort.
She liked the Molson Ampitheater. It was clean and relatively scene free. The rats freak her out. She found Moe a little Phishy. She loves Warren...she liked seeing him up close in Toronto. She liked the details like the Gopher changing to James Brown. She was not particularly keen on a beer being dumped on her, well, partially ON her...and a really tripped out girl in front of us kinda freaked the Boo out.
The music? She loves Box of Rain, she likes the songs she knows from what I play at home. I found out that night she likes Franklin's Tower. And she....like everyone...thought Toronto was TOO SHORT. I got her to laugh HARD during Duprees. That makes me happy.
Great Woods. Boo enjoyed the space of the lawn (but I think she kinda dug the proximity thing too)...she liked the darkness of the lawn. Darkness is cool, I'll admit. She knew the new songs in the first set and actually claimed to enjoy them...her 2nd quilt (she even said, surprised they didnt save this for JONES! My jaw fell open...um...yeah...but sometimes it's TOO dead on, Boo) and she told the newbies..."Yup, I like the Real Thing...great song for Warren." I almost fell over.
Yup...Great Woods....interesting night...as I went to get my beer during LWAF, she protested...
"but this is such a great song!" Yes, yes, it is...but I'm more interested in the next one, actually (little did I know...DEW) anyway...I smiled plenty.
believe it if you need it, right? She dug elements. And is satisfied, happy to be DONE....but if we get a NYC show this fall that is NOT GA....well....she MIGHT attend....maybe....no PRESSURE hee hee hee
>>>>"I'd rather be with you...." ;)
And I thought the guy threatening us with Candyman was bad......
Well Huck...its an INTERESTING experience for the uninitiated..to say the LEAST!
It sounds like she had a relatively good time, and seeing you enjoy yourself, as well as you seeing HER enjoy HERSELF, is always magical.
And she's got the Warren/Mule thing goin' on...I LIKE THAT!
TOO's in The Garden on Halloween!
Now...THAT'S the one to take her to!
Talk about "freakin' out"!
no Mule for the Boo. Ballad Head. Ya know...Beautifully Broken (that and Soulshine...that's IT), call me during Broken Arrow. ;)
Other Ones....mmmm....might be....mmmm....no, I don't know 'bout that, Keysh. Her first "show" was Furthur 98 @ Nassau....kinda a low point imho....
and it was great seeing shows with her....yeah, it's always great to turn on to tunes with people you love, absolutely. As much as I look forward to the road and the show binge in my future...I'll surely miss the "What song is this???" on her kind darlin' face....
back to packing...nuff muckin up the review threads....sorrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy
Any idea why there aren't any tapes of this show circulating? I was there and saw plenty of tapers in their section. It seems like most of the recent shows are out there but not this one. Anybody know why? The quality of the recordings not up to standard? The quality of the show not holding up on further listening? I for one thought the first set was real, real tasty, but I found the second set had too much non-melodic space, too much cacophony IMHO. Nevertheless, I would love to hear a recording to see if my opinion is just the influence of of my less-interested wife (who joined me at the show) losing patience with the space in the second set and pressuring me to leave early on a work night. We hung on through the set and left during the rap, caught the first half of NOTS from the parking lot.
Been listening to a number of shows from this run - IMO Atlanta 7-27 seems to be a real goodie!