Curious if anyone knows if Phil is going to be doing 1 or 2 sets at this show. I know last year when he played in VA with the Allmans he only did one set, anyone heard anything???
Last week I saw Widespread Panic in Portsmouth and at the show heard that Phil, Bobby, and Billy will play and Mickey will be a surprise guest to warm up for Alpine Valley.
They are supposed to play together after their own band shows. Portsmouth is the best outdoor venue I have seen - very cool.
five days and counting yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
lots of rumors flying about this one
anyone going please contact me always up
for meeting new people
take care all
Portsmouth is gonna smoke most definitely. Does anyone know what the lot scene and security is like at the Harbor Center... haven't had a chance to catch a show there yet. Can't wait for Phil to bring the house down in style. Take it easy folks and be kind to one another.
Peace, Chris
cant wait for this one!!!!!!!
does anyone know the start
times for the bands??????i keep
hearing phil comes on at 7.does
that mean bobby comes on at 5????
any help would be appreciated
They are billing it here in Virginia as Show starting at 5pm. The tix say 4:30. They are also billing it as the beginning of the family reunion and as 8 hours of music. So 2 hours Trichromes, 2 hours RatDog, 2 hours P&F....hmmmmm 2 more hours??? was that a rabbit I just saw ;) or maybe just an other one ;) I'm stoked. See you all there.
this is gonna rock
It would be great if someone would post approximate start-end times for the 3 bands after the show.
I need a ride to this show really bad....i live in south jersey and can met anywhere in the area for a ride to and from this show..Gas and toll money......
I have two extras for this show. E-mail before 6:30 PM if interested.
time to de-lurk, 'cause I'm about to go nuts I'm so stoked for this show!!
I'll be happy with most any 'cross polination' of bands, but a crusader jam would be a sweet wonderful freaking thing, man!!!
get ready to cook in the heat, but it'll be a hot hot show!
peace and phil,
I don't think you will see Trichromes for 2 hours/Ratdog for 2 hours. Should be standard sets for both with Phil doing his 2 set show, as has been happening this tour.
If things go as they have been for the last few shows, those with Mickey and Bill, we will definately see something happen during Phil's first set.
Anyone need a ride down from DC today? I am driving solo, leaving around 11:00 Email me -
I can't beliene this is not happening on Westcoast..
Beliene It!
Enjoy all..Phil said during Merriweather..
That Bob, himself and Billy plan on making
some fun music at portsmouth...
And then there that Mickey rumor!!!!!!
Hopefully for you guys you get a Crusader set, then the two full Phil's.
Taperrob, have a good night, and I will speak to you later.
does anybody know whats going on at the show so far tonight?
Bob and Billy w/Phil 1st set..
Not sure order...
But: Truckin
Other One
Playin? ( not sure if they said jam or whole song shakey cell phone call)..
First set..Missing tunes I know and order
mix up on my part..
But the gaps will be filled...I tell you
it sounded fun to me!!!!
Set 1: %Jam> %Truckin'> %Jam> %Help on the Way> %Slipknot!> %Playin' in
the Band> Slipknot!> %Franklin's Tower> %Music Never Stopped %with Bobby
& Billy
Set 2: Jam>Hard to Handle>Cryptical>She Said>Jam>Other One>Welcome to the Underground>Cryptical>Mason's Children>Jam>1000 Stars Enc: Soulshine, done NOLA style and Warren's Les Paul wore a hat.
set 1: *w/bob weir & billy k
*tuning up jam>
*help on the way>
*playin' in the band>
*franklins tower...
*music never stopped
set 2:
jam(watchtower jam)>
hard to handle>
crptical envelopment>
jam(too tease)>spacey jam>
she said....
the other one...
welcome to the underground>
masons children>
night of 1000 stars
donor rap/intros
<<bill thanks everyone who came early>>
dice with the universe
none so blind
fire on the mountain
gods face
iowa soldier
<<bill advertises show-next saturday @the bottom line>>
all along the watchtower(ala hendrix, including guitar solo w/pick in teeth)
ratdog: *w/dj logic
me & my uncle (acoustic)
victim or the crime>(acoustic)
*easy answers> (full band)
*eyes of the world
shade of grey>
*hell in a bucket>
*the other one>
wharf rat>
keyboard solo>
*two djinn
Hey Dewit, I don't want to appear naieve but what do you mean by "NOLA" style?
NOLA = New Orleans Loisiana.
Question, Did Warren play while Bob and Billy were up with Phil????
yeah...Soulshine with Phil and Friends has kind of taken on a reggae/cajun/funky kinda vibe...its interesting, to say the least...and despite the bobby and billy presence, looks like a good show...who sang the first set? all bobby?
>>Question, Did Warren play while Bob and Billy were up with Phil????
Yep! What a great show!!!!!! Had a blast! And it was awesome to see Sundawg, John, Schnee, HUCK (you da bomb, and various other sooo cool peeps!
2 more shows for this gal!
WHooooHooooo!!!!! me!
Sundawg, expect a call around 3-ish or so...
Robbie sang the Help on the Way, Phil sang the Franklins Tower, Bobby sang the other 3 songs.
Warren played the whole set, doing some nice fillins in Music Never Stopped, and some great stuff in Truckin'.
The Soulshine was similiar in feel to the one played in New Orleans, with Jimmy and Warren trading off during the ending jam, Warren looking over at Jimmy, Jimmy looking over at Warren, both smiling at each other.
Re Soulshine, in Berkeley it had a real reggae feel to it, at Jones Beach it was more of a gospel funk groove --
Taper Rob, thanks for finishing that up...I was ti-red and my fingers weren't working too well.
Have a good road trip today.
"Despite the Bobby and Billy presence" ???
Jesus, Bill Flesh - I can only hope for the many people that WILL be there that you will NOT be among the faithful at Alpine Valley. I can picture it now: "This Dead reunion would be really cool if it wasn't for those other three original Dead members up there crowding Phil."
I cant agree with you more Scott. I love the PLQ but it was the Dead that made all of this possible.
nice to see Bobby & Billy & the Others are getting *warmed up* for Alpine already!!!! any reviews on how they sounded together in that first set?
I thought they sounded FANTASTIC during the first set!! It was definately a pre-lude to the Alpine show, and I'm very tempted to get in my truck tmorrow and drive to Raleigh!!
I thought they were really tight, and they were all constantly smiling at one another and appearing to have a blast!! I know I was....
Great to hear about the smiles.
I sure it will be a great reunion for ALL!!!!!
Hey where do you get the yellow smiles?
I notice there are no "jams" listed for set 1...
were there any or was it pretty straightforward?
somebody give us some color!!!
Type : ) except put them together.
When your post is entered, you'll get the
Well, I'll just have to try that. Let's see if it works.
Wow--that's groovy!
Thank You!
OK guys!! The reviews, the reviews. How did they sound, did they jam??
Great show! Except for the traffic getting down there (I hate traffic). I don't normally try to review the shows (just enjoy them) but since you asked.
I was late and missed most of The TriChromes. The Ratdog set was much better sounding that what I heard last summer. The crowd was really into it. Then the rains came (sideways that is). Not really a down poor but a mist that cooled everyone off. Happened just as Bobby was getting into the first verse of TOO. Took them a few minutes to get plastic out and cover up the keyboards and some lights. About the time they got everything covered it stop raining (sideways anyway).
Phil's first set was hot. The music was much tighter than when I've seen Bobby on stage with them in the past. A little practice can go a long way. Truckin was a good start but they really picked it up as they Jammed out of that. Then Help Slip Playin Slip Franklin's......rocked. Third time in a week I was getting my Franklin's fix and this was the hottest. It was cool the Rob and Phil picked up the vocals. Bobby was giving the signals to move in and out of the tunes. For the most part they were all on the same page. There was one time though when he gives the 1, 2.........and out move and Phil and Warren just kind of look at him like "not yet". They smile and keep on jammin. A much different look then we would have seen at say the Beacon last December.
Then "there's mosquitoes on the river" ......... the place got hotter and they did a great job of jammin. Lots of Jimmy and plenty or Warren and Drumssssssss. If this is what we're going to get at Alpine I'm really looking forward to it. This set was just a bit over 60 minutes.
Phil's second set was Classic PLQ. TOO tease coming out of Cryptical left me wondering if we would have a second TOO for the evening. With Phil I can't always be sure which stone they will turn over. This set flows wonderfully with a tremendous amount of energy. This set was about 90 minutes.
Sounds as if Bobby is a lot more relaxed (Vacation in Europe?) Or maybe having Billy there to keep the pace. Well what ever works. The good ol boys* having good ol fun~ works for me.
Does anyone know what time Ratdog started? How about the Phil set?
Just trying to make plans for Charlotte and don't want to miss anything.
Thanks for the review. Will Bobby be able to make up for no Warren at Alpine? Whats everybodys thoughts.
I love Warren and what he brings to PLQ. Bobby is the Dead.. and this is.. "their reunion". We can only hope they play their hearts out.
I also "LOVED JERRY", but at this stage of the game is whats "LIVE" and how far they can take you. Is what counts.
do you mean vocally or instrumentally?
just as no one can "replace" Jerry, the same goes for Warren...
so NO Bob won't make up for him, they are completely different musicians with different styles and songs.
Reunion and wherever that leads will be a new set of players with their own particular sound. Then it becomes a matter of preference...
I agree with what your saying however with Phil, Rob and Jimmy in there it cant help but have a PLQ feel. Will this be Bobby sitting in with those guys or will this have a different sound altogether. How did it sound at the Tennesse thing, that was minus Warren?
I can't believe no one no one got into the BIG weather blowing Bob off the stage. The whole crowd got misted as well as the band. a lot of plastic tarps got whipped out there, but the crew dealt, like the pros they are. The storms headed to stage right and the sky was split to where the ships in view to the right of the tent were obscured by rain, and the left side was sun shining!
The FULL rainBOW behind the lawn, over the water was wide spectrum color and faded into a lovely sunset during the beginning of the First PLQ (TOO ;-)) set. Lotsa chain lightning around during the second set. HTH was ferocious and a nice way to wind up the one from Hershey. this was the first Welcome to the Underground our unit has seen. I quite enjoyed it. She Said was a treat, as I doubt I'll be seeing it again for a while. I felt the jams between were too loose for set two, but maybe it was just my distraction by the weather. This was more of a weather report on the Portsmouth area than a review, but was a big piece of the whole event. Anyone who got a photo off the hill of that rainbow or any other good shots from inside, send it onto, and thank you VERY much in advance.
To those dubious folk who were doubting outside factors in set 1, they rocked it hard and it was the better set, IMHO. just a .02 opinion...
OH SO MANY FAMILY AND FRIENDS at this show, from all the Hampton shows, and travelers old and new on the golden road Leading to ALPINE. It'll be a big Fun thyme!
NTelos is one of the best venues I have seen. It was a wonderful day. I'd go see a show there over Va Beach anytime. Perhaps sail in there next event. Get right on the water afterwards... It was gusting hard after the show, with a cool breeze as a counterpoint to the heat in Camden and Merriweather.
Homer Simpson and unidentified characters made an appearance on Warren's amp the previous two shows , but the Caddyshack gopher came back to see the heavy weather display. That was a nice worn straw hat hangin' off Warrens Ax at the end. Those guys were Beach bound for today.
Y'all have fun down south!
Burger, just work backwards (if you can find out what time the shows end i.e. curfews). Figure 90 min second set for Phil, 45 min set break, 65-70 min first set, 45 min set up, 90 min Ratdog set. That should get you pretty close.
1st set jams pretty much happened during the Slip>Playin'>Slip. A nice jamout during Slipknot that melted into the Playin'. It was a classic GD Playin' with a long jamout that came around, almost, to the final Playin' reprise, but... bam into the Slipknot outro. The only other jam of note would be the one coming out of Truckin', again pretty much GD style, with a touch of PLQ. But it didnt really flow that well into the Help on the Way.
Figure the times will be the same for Raleigh... 60min for Trichromes/90min for Ratdog.
The rain was a good thing, not only for the beautiful rainbow before sunset, and the lightning show afterwards, but the area really needed it.
The venue is number 1 in my books. Everyone was helpful and courteous, and from what I saw, no major hassles.
Hey Now- Here is an artical from Almanac 9 issue 3
This should answer your questions about the boys playing together.
![]() almanac-terrapin.jpg (241 k) |
Wow I actually did that right
It's a very cool artical. You can review all the Almanacs on the Dead home page- This one didnot come out yet on the site. You can also order Almanacs for free by calling the Dead hotline@
"How did it sound at the Tennesse thing, that was minus Warren? "
It was good but was missing the "out front" guitar. Jimmy has the ability to do it and maybe he didn't want to step on Bobby's toes but I definitely enjoyed the Merriweather show better thna Phil at Bonnaroo. I didn't make it to Portsmouth. I also think Warren makes Jimmy better. The trading of licks and jams at Merriweather was very sweet.
Thanks Matthew for answering that question better.
My post was just to show how the band feels playing together and it sounds as if their siked.
Feeling realy good about playing together and bring in new and old experiences sounds to make a great show. Over time the more they play, the more comfortable they feel,... the shows are sure to be killers.
Damn, anyone wanna B&P me this show? Thanks.
Yeah, I'd have to agree with the dossman on the first set being the best, but they both were great! I keep hearing everyone asking how Bobby got along with Warren? Was there some bad vibes there, that people were expecting? They both seemed totally at ease, and like a few of us have mentioned, there were frequent smiles all night between everyone! I was just wondering what the deal was with these questions!
It's so good to see this whole thing coming to fruition! The music just absolutely ROCKS..... and it's sooooo much fun to see these guys having the times of their lives! Phil alluded to this during his donation talk, and then commented that without us it wouldn't be fun! He said something along the lines of; "Well, it wouldn't be any fun playing up here in front of no-one!" It was very funny, and yet true! He has a way of being very poignant at times!!
As good as Warren is, and I think he will be missed, they will be just fine at Alpine!! After all, how could you put Phil, Bobby, Billy, and Mickey all on the same stage, and not have something INCREDIBLE happen!! ....
The Bobby, Warren thing, "I think", is just a crowd thing. The Beacon Benefit Show, Warren left the stage (the gentleman that he is) so Bobby and Phil could do their thing. Being a Phil line up some people got upset that Bobby sang most of the tunes. I think that the crowd energy made it worse.
What you give is what you get is what I always heard.
to a new begining
Warren left the stage for a little on New Year's when Bob came on too. It raised some eyebrows amongst those around me- but no one made a big deal about it. Then, at Jazzfest, at one point (i've forgotten where) but Bobby jumped in on vocals while Warren was preparing for an extended jam. Dewit will disagree, but me and several others saw Warren grimace when this happened. No biggie - but it didn't seem that the chemistry was that great that hot sunny day in N.O. Sounds like things are a lot smoother now. Glad Rob was singing Help on the Way. Bob did kind of butcher that one at Jazzfest. But we love Bob no matter what. Like the idea of Bob in set 1 and PLQ alone in set 2. Hope it's that way in West Palm.
Evan, IMHO, I saw the New Orleans 5/5, and it definitely worked better in Portsmouth. Weather helped, and I definitely agree about the region needing Rain. It continues, I'm happy to say, until the weekend when we need to hit the beach!
Thanks to ya, TaperRob, for the in-depth setlists from all acts. NO left turn unstoned! It's greatly appreciated by all of us.
7/23 was a wonderful time! If you were on the lawn you had a whole lot more than mist! I was facing left into sheets of sideways rain with the rainbow behind me and the sun in front of me while Bobby played a mind-bending Other One and the crowd up there screaming in joy. A great, great moment.
The first Phil set with Bob and Bill was much bettter than the 2nd set. As far as Bob or Warren, c'mon, you guys, Warren only sounds good when he tones it down, it was great hearing Bob's guitar during that first Phil set. When Warren cranks up that slide he might as well be in 38 Special or Molly Hatchet, not in a jam band. The guys made the right choice having Herring, who I love, play at Alpine.
'Dem's Faahtin' woids . . .
I thought Warren sounded great at Portsmouth, and so did Bobby! Why does someone always have to find a complaint! Don't you think it was possible that they all sounded good together, and even complimented each other!!
Oh and BTW, what facts do you have to support your theory that; <" the guys made the right choice having Herring....".
What gives you the notion that "the guys" didn't want Warren! How do you know how the line-up was determined? I'm just curious, cause I didn't know that the decision making process was made public?
Personally, I'd love to see the same exact line-up that I saw in Portsmouth during the first set, with the addition of Mickey at drums! It sounded really, really fine with Warren, Jimmy, and Bobby all there together jamming away!! I think after more people hear this set, they will agree......
NEVER STOP NEVER STOP NEVER STOP (it's the weather, the Weather! check those southern rains....)
but hear it like the Throb
kicker in the back of yr brain....
All fun all good all in all, and truth be told ;)
thanks to ALL
and Love is Gold
always good to go OUT, because it makes it all the mo better to go home...
and as that Portsmouth first set ender echoes in my brain....the refrain for all those who are still OUT...and indeed those of us who came back in....
for the genuine kindness on the road...thanks, kids...more later...
I was at this show. The Phil set with Bob and Bill was spectacular (and would have been enough for me....but I'm not complaining about the rest of the was wonderful too). The only thing I am wondering is: WHY DID PHIL PLAY "THE OTHER ONE" AFTER RATDOG DID? We've come up with several theories, but they are only theories. If anyone has any part of this show I would really like to get my hands on it (trade, B&P, whatever). My email is
drop me a line.
live easy,
Here's my Theory, craig....
"rainbow spirals round and round
it trembles and explodes"
" rainbow colors blended..."
just too much.
(live easy? as if it were possible, probable or WORTHWHILE! HA)
I'm just getting back from the road. wow, what a trip!!! this portsmouth show was the first one i caught since bonnaroo. i had high hopes, and i wasn't disappointed in the least. we went in just before ratdog started and bought a yummy veggie sandwich and ate it sitting next to the harbor. what an absolutely amazing venue! it looked like a gigantic awning or ship sail--very nautical so it fit in nicely with the surrounding ships and water. beautiful weather temperature-wise.
we sat on the lawn and listened to ratdog do a fantastic version of "me and my uncle." this was never one of my favorite songs, but this time it was killer. they played it acoustic and slower i think. all in all i was very impressed with ratdog at this show. they were even better than they were at jazzfest, which i also thought was awesome because of the horn players wailing up there. during "the other one" the thunderstorm was so unbelievably cool. we were dancing, spinning around on the lawn, and lightning / thunder were crashing all around. the most intense rain and wind came in the middle of the "escaping through the lily fields ..." verse. very fun.
the rainbow that followed the storm has already been mentioned, but i just have to reiterate how beautiful and magical it was. it felt like the universe was smiling down and participating in the creation of the music and the spirit in that place. during the break i met some cute, nice people all around us. a woman gave me a 4:20 sticker; i had some meaningful and fun conversations; some other folks shared their wooey with me. i met this guy, country gravy, who is wavy gravy's brother. he and his crew were a trip. it felt like old times with all the people of different ages all hanging out together and groovin on the excellent music.
well i thought ratdog was swesome, but phil's first set blew me away that much more. they sounded GREAT with bobby and billy. maybe better than bonnaroo; definitely way better than jazzfest. the energy was sooo high for truckin'. i was dancing my hardest during this set. the setlist doesn't say so, but the band was playing "slipknot" before they started playing "help on the way" so it was clear what was coming. rob's voice was just perfect. the "playin" in the middle of "slipknot" was great to hear too. it was so obvious that the band was loving every minute, smiling at each other and just playing their hearts out. "franklin's" is a tune i never get tired of hearing, so it was great as usual. "music never stopped" was the perfect end to the set. i loved what bobby did with the "never stop, never stop, never stop, never stop ..." at the end. like he was talking about the music not stopping after the dead and not stopping now either. i felt nostalgic for the past, joy for the present, and hopeful for the future all at the same time when he sang those words over and over. at the end of the set, phil group-hugged billy and bobby (well received by the crowd). bobby smiled big at warren, shook his hand, and clapped him on the shoulder as he walked off stage. i didn't see any weird looks or bad energy or anything like some people seem to be worried about. warren and bobby looked like good friends to me.
phil's second set was also fantastic. it was a little more mellow than set one, though that "hard to handle" was crazy good and got me dancing again. "she said" rocked into "the other one" which was good to hear even though it was the second time for the night. "welcome to the underground" sounded damn good, as did "night of 1000 stars." these tunes from the new album are taking on some interesting new textures as they teak them. of course "mason's children" was all kinds of fun. by this time it didn't matter that i was soaked to the bone from rain and sweat. i felt CONNECTED to the life-force, the energy, the love that permeates these shows. it was all over the place that night.
after the show we made our way to the overnight camping lot. yep, that's right, the overnight camping lot. haven't seen one of those (except at festivals) since maybe 89 or so. the lots were pretty nice too, with grass and trees. we parked our vanagon under a shady tree and crashed out just before sunrise. the only problem with the overnight lots were the with the cops, who just drove around us in circles all night, waiting to see someone doing anything illegal i suppose. i heard that 80 people got busted and there were undercovers all around. (be careful out there folks!!) anyway, if you weren't obvious and basically didn't get in the cops' way, they left you alone. it was nice to see a place allow overnight camping for a change.
i also went to the shows in raleigh, charlotte, and atlanta, so maybe i'll review those too in the other threads.....
peace, beth
thank you beth.
This is well overdue but I have to say it somewhere. As a Dead-related show virgin (sadly never saw the Dead when the soul's core was still playing), I came over for Merriweather and Portsmouth from the UK with an open mind and eager heart. I was rewarded many times over. What shows, what vibes. More Dead songs than I expected and the mini reunion at Portsmouth for the first part of Phil's set was a dream come true. Many veterans may have seen better, but it's one thing I can cross of my list of stuff to do before I die happy. I hope to see some of you in November for greater fun and phrolics.
Portsmouth was truly special. The weather show Other One ~ That's it for the Other One bomb was great. The Perfect rainbow -- it was a cosmic event. I too caught only Merriweather and Portsmouth but what a ride. These were my first P & F shows, really my first dead-related show since furthur in '99 (of which I dug hot tuna more than the Other Ones) and I hafta say, P & F are not anyone's second fiddle. They play on the edge or not at all.
someone posted the HTH here was lacking, and after a replay, they must be missing something.