New York Run - Philzone Phansite Community Discussion Board: Setlists and Reviews: Phil Lesh & Friends: 2006: Winter Tour: New York Run
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Adam (Jupitermission1) on Monday, February 20, 2006 - 10:29 pm: Edit Post

Now that the New York run has drawn to a close and each show has a variety of comments about it being either "best ever" or "worst ever" after it, I'm wondering how people actually feel about the shows, at least in relation to each other. Here's my personal ranking, from best to worst, of the 8 shows, all of which I attended.

1. Sat 2/18
2. Sun 2/12 (w/Trey)
3. Sun 2/19
4. Sat 2/11 (w/Warren)
5. Wed 2/15
6. Fri 2/17
7. Tue 2/14
8. Fri 2/10

Now this doesn't mean I think that my #1 is the "best show ever," although IMHO it was the best Phil show I've seen since 11/30/03; nor do I think that my #8 was the "worst show ever" -- not by a longshot. I'm curious, what do the rest of ya'll think?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric Tyler (Etg82791) on Monday, February 20, 2006 - 11:09 pm: Edit Post

Here's my listing of favorites:
1. Wed 2/15
2. Saturday 2/11 (w/Warren)
3. Sun 2/19
4. Tue 2/14
5. Sat 2/18
6. Fri 2/10
7. Sun 2/12 (w/Trey)
8. Fri 2/17

I don't really think Trey made that much of a difference. He's great, awesome with Phish- dont get me wrong, I love Phish- but I think Warren fits in better as a guest. He has more soul, more power to his playing. And also, the guests didn't really make the night. You can have Trey, but the setlist wasn't as good as the 15th's show. In addition, its nice just having the regular Phil and Friends. Warrens always good, but keeping the band in its original format lets everyone play, and perform better. For Trey's show:
Franklin's- heard it with more power on the 18th.
The Watchtower- heard it much better on the 17th.
Gimme Shelter- much much better for the last show of the run.
Just cause it was Trey doesn't make it the best, or 2nd best show of the run. If someone thinks that solely because Trey was there, they obviously don't understand and appreciate the music itself.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By chuk kiegal (Sissystrut) on Monday, February 20, 2006 - 11:34 pm: Edit Post

how can you actually rate one show from another? how old are you people.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By John (Dubstar) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 12:01 am: Edit Post

so you view all experiences the same, chuk? that's a bit old are you, by the way?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Adam (Jupitermission1) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 12:48 am: Edit Post


I rated Trey's second-best because I thought that was the only show to really achieve that peak of spaciness, something this current lineup, which I love, doesn't do as well as some other lineups, IMO. I don't even like Phish, so Trey's showing up didn't do anything for me except, well, add a certain sound which was nice to have. What's more interesting is where we find agreement -- both Fridays near the bottom, Warren's show and the last show near the top. I hope more post so I can keep comparing. Thanks!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By matt wasel (Scarletfire8) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 08:47 am: Edit Post

i was at 2/12 and 2/17 and loved them both...the blizzard made the whole night so magical, so unique... Trey added spaciness and a jazz feel, ambient like at times, very different than other nights, you may not like him, but he did make it an interesting guest...took the music out there...2/17 was fun and 70ish dead sounding, but the Beacon is so much better and makes your experience more enjoyable...from stories and recordings i rate the NY shows top 5

1.) 2/12
2.) 2/11
3.) 2/15
4.) 2/14
5.) 2/17

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric Stratton (Eric_stratton) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 09:25 am: Edit Post

2/19 - excellent show

2/20 - had its moments

2/10 - very weak

all in all, based on the 7 shows I've seen since Thxgvg, I think Phil and his band are materially underperforming as compared to other years/runs.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By paul (Philfreak) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 09:41 am: Edit Post

the q is hard to beat

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By John (Dubstar) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 10:48 am: Edit Post

"2/20 - had its moments "

was that a secret show or something?

2/10...very weak? come on now...

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric Stratton (Eric_stratton) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:03 am: Edit Post

2/18 - excellent show

2/19 - had its moments

2/10 - very weak

all in all, based on the 7 shows I've seen since Thxgvg, I think Phil and his band are materially underperforming as compared to other years/runs.


(corrects a mistype on dates...and yes, 2/10 was very weak, and I'm not the only one who thinks so - certainly you are entitled to your own opinion)

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Lucy Angelo (Lucy) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:23 am: Edit Post

I've been reading the board after the shows and I can't believe this community is so harsh on people who think these shows aren't the absolute best ever. Like a Bush speech where only people who agree with every single thing he says are allowed in? I thought this community would be more inclusive and allow honest discussion of differing opinions.
I attended the NY run and I saw things I have never seen before-tickets(seats) for sale at the window on a Saturday night, people leaving the shows; yes, leaving, 30 min after the start and at set break, selling their tickets for the following performances. I over heard discussions and talked to people who go once or twice a year to shows. These people generally don't post here, but their opinions are valid. All opinions are valid, even if you disagree.

These shows were dissapointing. The spiritual connection isn't as strong as it has been. I've never ever been dissapointed by Phil (except for those two Colorado shows). Through the years he has always amazed me and left me wanting more, that is, until now. Sure, each show had its highlights but over all, not the quality Phil has always provided.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Greg (Diatribe2) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:29 am: Edit Post

Not expected at all but the 2/19 show was easily the best Phil show I've ever seen - much, much better than the Q shows I saw in '01 - '03. He has a lot more range with this group. The guitars are more dynamic rather than just Jimmy & Warren shredding. The spiritual connection was very strong and he is really making an effort to make sure totally unique.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric Stratton (Eric_stratton) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:42 am: Edit Post

Lucy, more power to ya'...


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Christopher O'Reilly (Ocat1957) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:55 am: Edit Post

Only attended the 2/15 show and can understand why lucy is somewhat dissapointed. But I can remember back when Kimock played with Phil, then bolted. I went to NY from Colorado and saw the Herring/Pevar incarnation and was BIG TIME bummed. They didn't seem to have it, and I was thinking of all the moments Kimock blew my mind, and I just couldn't handle it. Sold my tickets to the next 2 nights, although I do remember thinking, "that guy Herring has potential..."

I think the same can be said of Barry and Larry, and certainly Joan brings a certain twist that the Q just couldn't, although Warren's got enough soul to fill any room. Like I said in my review of 2/15, these guys if left intact will bring it, and bring it BIG.

And IT IS PHIL and Friends, not Kimock, not Pevar, not Warren, not Trey, not Jorma, and not Barry or Larry and Friends.

I think also that during this run (I can only sumise it was the same every night, please let me know if I'm wrong) if the guitars, especially during solos, were TURNED UP, some of that lack of intensity would dissapate. I've noticed that over the years, in venues all over the country, with every PandF band with the exception of the Q. If you're in the back, or midway, it just doesn't seem as intense. Get up front, and BAAAM, you're there. But we can't all be up there, can we?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By debra benjamin (Carry_the_sails) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:56 am: Edit Post

i thought that..
2/12 was super other worldly and spectacular, really got me for daaaaze after.. i liked trey pushing the music like he does when its not his, can't say enough about that...
2/18 was a rollicking and rollin high time, funky and fun as anything, dancin in the street should have been a 2nd encore, no?
2/10 only caught the 2nd set but was really just hinting what was to come.. for me
2/11 i streamed and it sounded fab
2/19 anyone have a link to hear this show?? i'm wanting that.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Christopher O'Reilly (Ocat1957) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 12:33 pm: Edit Post

...after all my thoughts on the current P and F, my take on the 2/15 show was that it was very good, and I liked the fact it wasn't the Q... and I LOVED Barry's playing. That SWEETNESS in his guitar is the unique ingredient in any GD related music...and the pedal steel...come on, that is just sublime, and has been missing from the mix since Kimock left.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Scuba Steve (Sstrekkie) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 01:42 pm: Edit Post

of the two i saw, 2/18 was far superior to 2/17 although it had some highlights as well (longer, kicking fire on the mountain to close second set, joan on caution, etc).

i think we should start a petition to turn barry significantly up in the mix. the only time i heard him was when he was playing pedal steel or when he was soloing. otherwise, larry's tone just completely devours barry's tone. just my 2 cents.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Joe (Jg8142) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 01:47 pm: Edit Post

It's sort of pointless to give a review of a concert (especially Dead related) as you are going to get many different opinions of the same show. That being said, it all depends on what you are into. I attended over 200 GD shows and now I like attending a show or two a run from both Phil and Bobby as they both bring something to the table (as much as many around here would disagree). As Lucy points out, Phil and Friends is not many deadheads cup of tea. Way too much jamming and not enough tunes for many. And the jams often do not have any emotional connection as a long GD jam did. They don't hit many the same way. Jaming for the sake of jamming. However, there are some who really enjoy all the extended playing. I attended the 2/18 show and had a ball. I go to these shows to have fun and listen to some good music. I think the players in this current band are great and I'm a big fan of Larrys. And a much as I liked the show I still wanted a few more tunes instead of huge jams the whole show. Plus many of the jams have a very heavy vibe, not really a fun vibe like the GD did. In the end, I look at it as we are still lucky to have music from some of the GD boys and it's still better than most of the other music out there.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Christopher O'Reilly (Ocat1957) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 02:19 pm: Edit Post

Good points Joe, and as a 'Bobby basher' from time to time myself, you are right and the critique is warranted. Phil does tend to like the "heavy" sound that in the GD days centered around the Spanish Jam type of flow. I guess being the bass player leads one to the lower register of the music scale! The Q certainly catered to that sound, with Warren's blues backround.
With Barry and Larry there is certainly a possibility of a 'lightening' of the mood, and also moving the song selection to more Bobby tunes wouldn't hurt. We'll probably never know why he doesn't play 'em, but they always did have you dancin'.
Either way, it is still great to see and lots of fun for those of us who like it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By David Nemerson (Dnem) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 03:19 pm: Edit Post

Been lurking in the ‘zone for a long time now and felt the need to post. My first Dead show was in 1977 and have been seeing shows regularly since 1980. I saw about 130 GD shows and have seen maybe 50 Dead-related shows since 1995, including probably 25 P&Fs shows. For my perspective, that the mad professor of the Grateful Dead has been working hard for six years now at bringing together a diverse, ever-changing group of incredibly talented musicians to interpret the greatest canon of songs in the history of rock’n’roll is a marvel. Some line-ups have been more my cup of tea than others, but I have never – not one show- got a sense that Phil was anything less than utterly committed to creating a unique, fresh and exciting experience. No, you don’t have to love it “just because it’s Phil” but for anyone to seriously post that any of the shows were “just horrible” or that you left after 30 minutes and sold the rest of your tix to the run, well, I feel sorry for ya. Maybe it’s time for you to get off the bus. My wife and I went to Saturday and Sunday at the Hammer and, despite the pretty uncomfortable venue, had a blast both nights. We both thought that Sunday was the far better show, but both nights were well worth the trip.

My other comment would be it’s truly ALL about perception. Saturday night, after the full stop after the stunning Death Don’t, the H->S>F just didn’t do much for me (Despite the fact that it smoked). I’ve seen so many P&F Help Slips that it just wasn’t what I was looking for at that moment. The guys next to me, who were Heads back in the ‘70s but hadn’t seen Phil much recently, hit the roof with the first notes of Help. Where you’re coming from completely affects were you go.

Looking forard to PHIL-ly!!!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Miles (Mvigilan) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 03:20 pm: Edit Post

2/18 - Front to back great fun.
2/11 - Great first set, better second set, best encore
2/10 - West LA Fadeaway was awesome and Help/Slip/Frank were definite highlights
2/17 - Beacon withdrawal and weird vibe during the tripped out second set TOO MUCH FEEDBACK for me - cumberland was awesome

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Christopher O'Reilly (Ocat1957) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 03:42 pm: Edit Post

Like you David N. I never posted either 'til the ones you read above. I enjoyed reading your perspective. My first show was a while ago too, Roosevelt Stadium '74. Sorry if some people get bored of my thread.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Sam Lamonoff (Sam_l) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 05:21 pm: Edit Post

The best thing about the 4 shows that I saw is that it's very hard to rank them. They were all excellent. So I'll group them as follows:

Saturday 2/11 Beacon and Sunday 2/19 Hammerstein
The Saturday show just flowed so well and then warren stepped up for the 2nd set, and then a 3 SONG ENCORE! The 2/19 Hammerstein show had a few transition problems, but every song was played so powerfully..and Joan sounded so much better than at the Beacon. The Scarlet>fire to end the first set and the beautiful He's Gone were the highlights of a great show!

Sunday 2/12 Beacon and Wednesday 2/15. Loved both shows, but very different. The Trey show had a great energy about it..just rocked from start to finish. The 2/15 show had a special feel to it that I can't really describe..and The Weight was as beautiful as He's Gone.

Thank you Phil & Friends!

Sam L.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Lucy Angelo (Lucy) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 05:50 pm: Edit Post

I didn't say I sold my tickets- I said I saw people doing that in the lobby of the Beacon. I didn't leave any of the shows- I saw people leaving. I never saw any of that before. I went to every show, arrived on time and left after the encore (except Sunday at the Beacon).

Just because this run of shows were dissapointing to me (and others) doesn't mean I (or anyone) has to get off the bus. Notice how I didn't give any instructions to anyone about what they should or shouldn't do...

I was unsure of Chris at the Warfield and look how incredible he became. Speaking of those Warfield shows, Barry has been my **hero** ever since-I don't say that lightly. Larry is also awesome, a real professional. I enjoyed his singing too. Rob, well, I've always had a special place in my heart there and when he played with DSO- incredible. Sipe I was unsure of at first but he fits in great. Never thought I would like anyone besides Molo with P&F. Phil continues to amaze me with his playing, no additional adjectives necessary.

So it's really difficult to communicate exactly why these shows were dissapointing compared to others. Sure, there were too many repeats but I like all those songs. I like Ryan Adams' songs. So I just gotta go with the lack of spiritual connection. I didn't feel the anticipation of what was to come like I did after the Reading show. I didn't feel blown away and speechless like I did after the Chevorlet Theater. I didn't feel electrified like I did after Atlantic City. Just didn't feel it.

Get off the bus...ummm... no. It's still Phil. He spoiled us last tour with the best, highest energy shows since the Warfield and the NY run was dissapointing compared to it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By RichL99 (Richl99) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 05:50 pm: Edit Post

I've now listened to every NYC show and each has its moments, but some shows were less than stellar. I was lucky to catch 3 really good shows in NYC. So in all fairness I will rank only the 3 shows I attended. This is very subjective, but what the hell... here are my choices.

2-18 Hammer
2-11 Beacon Sat w/ Warren
2-15 Last nite at the Beacon

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By David Nemerson (Dnem) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 06:13 pm: Edit Post

hey lucy- didn't mean to "instruct" anyone to get off the bus. plenty of room and by all means stay on board! feeling the magic is a pretty subjective thing - sorry it wasn't there for you. after 2/18 we thought, great, but not up to fairfax - the only show we saw in the fall. but 2/19 totally took us away!

here's what i was trying to say - the name of the man's book is "Searching for the sound" - not "delivering the magic everytime to everyone"! to my ears, he's working overtime, searching, experimenting and creating to keep it fresh and fun for himself and us. to those of us who saw the dead a lot, we often had to wade through a bunch of shows to get to that magic, tribal, transformational one. phil is still out there searching, and i'm glad for it. if you (not "you" but some of the really negative, sour posters) are gonna bash him for the effort, maybe (maybe!) it's time to look for the exit on the bus.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By stondagain (Stondagain) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 06:19 pm: Edit Post

An interesting observation above the amount of Jamming vs the number of songs. Clearly that's a personal choice that shouldn't be debated. I would argue strongly with the notion that they are "jamming for the sake of jamming" At Sunday's show many of the Jam's were more like self-contained songs with melodies and their own dynamics.

But I get the sense that Phil is harkening back to the early days of the dead, when they had a more limited songlist and did lots of extended journeys through the songs. (And just look at the list - lots of pigpen) And even just in this run the same songs have had different feels to them. The first UJB was different that the wednesday version.

I don't think its an accident that this follows the 04 Dead tour when they tried to play too many songs, took a while during the tour to get to into a groove and had to rush through some songs at the end of a show.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By JT (Spinningcoin) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 06:56 pm: Edit Post

I really appreciate the thoughtful back-and-forth in this thread, especially the overt recognition of the huge role that subjectivity plays in all of this. i saw 2/11 and 2/15, a pair of very different shows, and was really meditating a lot on how what you bring in to the show guides your feelings on what you take out from it and what you pay attention to inside.
on the long jamming: i really do feel that the spirit behind *most* of it is that old time exploratory, undulating beast that i associate with the psychedelia of the bygone days (and also of the present moment at all times, of course!). i love this about phil so much, and appreciate his commitment to the beast. i write this as i listen to the 'bartering lines'-->feedback-->caution-->feedback and if that ain't the beast, please don't show it to me 'cause i couldn't handle it - barely could at the time!
on the other hand, there are times in some of the tunes where the guys would take a few too many choruses of solos in my opinion. one thing i loved so much about jerry was that although he could take it over the top at will, there was always a sense of contained energy - like he was hinting at how sick it could get, but maybe he didn't take it quite over the edge. kind of like suggestive bits of clothing vs. nudity - sometimes it is what you don't see that excites. i'd personally like to see some of that spirit brought to the soloing.

on the guitarists, i really appreciated larry's style and sound and his obvious growth in real time on this music. i also love barry's pedal steel playing so much. i have an issue with the guitar tone and playing style, because for me it is too jerry-like. on one hand, it is a conforting presence in the music, a familiar place. but i personally want to hear a different take on the music, and those reminders of jerry remind me of what is not, rather than the newness of what is in the present moment. just personal opinion!

on 2/11 vs. 2/15, the only shows i saw: quite different styles and spirits to the shows. set 2 of 2/11 stands apart for its purposefulness, meatiness, and intensity. set 1 of same was also very intense! but i liked the songs themselves in 2/15 a little better, preferring both the shakedown and the UJB in particular. felt the jams meandered a little, however.

i do feel, as posted in my 2/11 review, that the 'danger' factor from having a wild/over the top figure like (warren, whoever) makes the band a little more exciting to see - even though i have tremendous admiration for the current core ensemble. i also vote to have joan in there permanently. her presence, spirit and vocal chops make the whole feel of the show much better (for me!) than just the boys jamming in the garage! we've had plenty of decades for that!

my overall take is that this is a special time for us and we are so lucky to have the bus moving ahead/behind/though/within/among us. i never thought i would be following set lists and 'jonesing' for the bootlegs, but here i am! as i posted in my 2/11 review, i really look up to phil for his example and hope we can all serve as channels in our own lives in the way that he so powerfully does in his. look forward to my next shows!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By terry yanishefsky (Tyanish) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 08:18 pm: Edit Post

hooray for intelligent, thoughtful discussion.....whatever your opinions, we are so lucky to have these concerts .....remember that phil didn't play for a long time after Jerry died.....the glass is definitely half full....

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Drew F. (Dcf) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 08:31 pm: Edit Post

1. 2/18- thanks Joan!
2. 2/19
3. 2/12
4. 2/11
5. 2/17
6. 2/10

those are the six i saw

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By David Nemerson (Dnem) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 08:48 pm: Edit Post

Dead-on, JT, I agree with your toughts.

Anyone feel that these shows seemed less scripted? Any chance they're not using a list? Seems like a lot more decision jams and ideas tossed out and abandoned (or picked up) than with previous line-ups.

btw, I urged a buddy who has seen a sum total of 1 dead-related show in his life (87 Dead show) to see phil at Lupos. i'll be interested on getting his less inbred take on this band!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Anthony Policano (Apol113) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 09:13 pm: Edit Post

i was at 2/10. 2/17/ 2/18 ands i thought 2/18 was by far the best. 2/10 was nice, i saw alot of songs that i have never seen live and im a big fan of all 4 ryan adams songs they played. Even tho alot of people likes 2/17 i felt the second set dragged along. Still i had a great time at all three and im happy im able to see phil

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By NealC (Zensea) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 09:18 pm: Edit Post

They're using a list. I saw copies of them at the end of the shows on the 17th & 19th.
I don't know about "less" scripted, but I do agree that they had a feel of not being scripted. That's the beauty.

I agree with the tenor of the thoughts from JT and Dnem in particular.

First show I saw was back in May of 77 which I mention because a thought occurred to me reading the varied posts here -- which is that over the course of the Dead's journey there were a lot of differing opinions about the arc of their path. I can remember in 77 people saying it was great but nothing like 69 and then in 83 saying it was nothing like 77 and then in 91 nothing like 83. There was a certain objective reality to these views (and I personally think there was a marked change in the whole character of the scene and the band around about 83) but there was also a lot of subjectivity to it also, maybe I was the one who changed. Older heads thinking the new scene wasn't quite up to scratch, you know?
Looks like some of that is happening here too, even comparing this early year stuff to the recent end of the year stuff.

My personal subjective take on this current run is that Phil is still very much keeping it alive and unfolding into new territory and like Tyanish writes "we are lucky to have these concerts" in all their variety.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By John (Dubstar) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 09:19 pm: Edit Post

there was a reference last week to setlists (the paper kind a band uses) and they also have paper on the floor...I suspect they have lists that serve as a guide, but they freely depart from them...

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Adam (Jupitermission1) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 09:40 pm: Edit Post

So let's see ... it seems that 2/18 and 2/19 are being rated generally high, although a few people loved one and didn't like the other much at all; 2/10 is scoring the lowest and that's understandable -- if you think about it, when was the last time a tour started in NY? Ever? I know I've never seen the first show of a tour before because they usually warm up somewhere before hitting the city, and that's what 2/10 was, a warmup, albeit a great one.

Personally I have to say that I miss the Q, although it pains me to say so. This band has some unbelievable moments and I really did leave 2/18 on fire, also 12/10 back in AC on fire. Here are my final thoughts on this lineup:

Sipe -- I thought it took him a few shows to work his way in. This is a really hard band to be a drummer in, I mean, Phil doesn't play much of a steady bassline, he really needs someone keeping that beat when they break down in transitions, and Sipe wasn't up to it the first weekend, but I was willing to give him some time and by the second weekend he was nailing it, and I think the Gimme Shelter on 2/19 was the first song I saw him *improve* just by being there, but he did it, man, and now I'm a big fan.

Joan -- She's fabulous. Period.

Rob -- How long did Brent play with the Dead? 13 years or so? Rob's been pretty steadily in Phil's fold for 7 years. Man, that's as long as Pig Pen's tenure, longer than Keith's or Vince's! My point is I'm just coming to accept him as the keyboardist of this era, and he deserves that distinction. I also love to hear him singing again, he's good at it and it gives them a range of songs which they wouldn't otherwise have.

Barry -- Okay here's where I'm going to bug some people. I first saw Barry in Newark last November. He blew me away; I came out saying "where the heck does Phil keep finding these guys?" Since then, he's at a pretty consistent level. It's a very Jerry-esque sound and a solid, beautiful sound that lifts me right off the ground three, four, fives times each show. But that's where he is, he's there, and I don't think he has the pure ego that it takes to move any further. He's always exactly as good as he is, no better, and while that's hardly a criticism, with the truly great guitarists there's always an element of astonishment you feel after a show, as if they become more than themselves for a couple of hours.

Larry -- It seems that if Barry is so consisent, then as Larry goes, so goes Phil & Friends. When he started off he was shy, but again, it's hard to learn this material. Then suddenly on 2/18 it clicked, he became aggressive and brave and was taking solos left and right and just ripping them out. I think Larry is the future of this music right now, if he can fully live up to the incredible potential one has to see in him.

Overall -- I love this band and I love going to shows, and I think they've hit a groove in which they can keep churning out unbelievable shows like magic. BUT, and this opinion applies only to me and to no one else, they do not take me "there." Since Jerry died I have been "there" a few times: At a dozen or so Q shows; at The Other Ones in Philly; at The Dead in Camden '03, and at Jones Beach '03. The last time I was "there" was 11/30/03, and while I would be happy seeing 10,000 shows of the quality I hear from PLF these days, I'm not going to lie to myself and say it takes me "there." If asked, do I think this band has the potential to take me there? I would have to say "no," because I don't really see either of the guitarists having the force of will necessary to grab the music by its horns and drag it around the stage.

Finally, one comment on Ryan Adams: His songs are great. But, it's funny just how big a hard-on Phil has for him. There are other great songs being written out there these days which, if Phil covered them, we would flip for. I'm imagining them covering Chevelle's "The Red" or Oasis's recent track "God Thinks I'm Able." As long as we're opening up the floor to contemporary tunes written by non-Dead, non-psychedelic artists, why keep it to Ryan? I would understand if Ryan became a permanent member of Phil's band (or vice versa) and it was one big happy family of songs, but if we're just covering his songs, well, it seems kinda silly, sometimes. Anyway, those are my thoughts and whines and all that. Peace, everybody.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Joe (Jg8142) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 09:56 pm: Edit Post

I agree with JT's take on my jamming for the sake of jamming comment. I think Phil does it to see what he can get out of the players and that's what he is looking for. To take the songs to places that they may have never been. It does make for an interesting and sometimes (most of the time) exciting night of music which is wonderful. But, to me, part of the GD magic was the lighter moments also. Phil pretty much is going for "it" almost all the time. I do give him credit for that. But to each his own.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By JT (Spinningcoin) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 10:00 pm: Edit Post

what the jupitermission said

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By jaydusk (Jaydusk) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 10:52 pm: Edit Post

i have to say reading the comments the last two weeks and finding out alot of the reviewer's /experts never saw a grateful dead show continues to amaze me as do the reviews of the shows....i am just so damn grateful to phil for carrying onthe spirit and keeping the songs inmy head including the new tunes he pulls out each tour . i am so loving magnolia mountain and joans voice...well all i can say is at was at two of what is being rated as the weaker shows 2/10 and 2/17 and i have burned 2/10 and play it as i zip around town going fromplace toplace or on my computer inthe office...and i have listened to most of the shows.....ah amazing technology we have these days ..and all i can say is i coudn't be happier thani am with this line up and with the shows i saw on the run and do not wish for a moment i was at a different show.... phil is g*d....

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By MSG Man (Msg_man) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:00 pm: Edit Post

They have fixed Set lists that they stuck to for every show. The Jams are not listed, but the songs are. They stuck to the list for every one I saw!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Christopher O'Reilly (Ocat1957) on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:45 pm: Edit Post

Thanks to Adam and JT for very thoughtful and cogent observations about the present state of the Phil and Friends universe. I've enjoyed reading all of them, even though I cringe with recognition at Adam's thoughts on Barry and whether any of us, individually, gets 'there'.

My heart says I WANT these guys to give the Q a run for the money. Can they, yes I believe so, but do they have the ego (i.e. Warren)to 'strut the stage', my head says maybe not. I hope my heart, and not my head, wins. It'll be great music either way....but it will define whether I get 'there' in the future with this particular band. But I'll still love it and I'll also be "Searching for that Sound" that makes my heart sing, just like the music makers are, at every show I can get to.
I too love listening to different guitarists perspectives but after years of that, all of which was great (even if I did trash Pevar in a thread above)one of the things I love about Barry is that he brings me back to the tone of the music that I fell in love with, and that I haven't heard for a while, so for me, I'll be happy hearing that 'sound' hoping Barry grabs that music by the horns and rips my head open all night long. And I recognize and respect all those who feel that when they hear him play it brings them back to the fact that the master is gone, because that's a bitter pill we've all had to swallow. Phil spoke recently of it himself, when he mentioned that when the 'core 4' get together it's not who's in the room, but who is missing. Maybe his nod to Barry, besides the fact that he is a helluva guitarist, is partly due to his missing that sound as well. Who knows?

As noted, getting 'there' is subjective, and I've been lucky enough to feel I got there more than a few times since '95, so I'll cherish it, and in the future, like everyone here, I'll be hoping every show I go to (please Phil bring these guys to Red Rocks) that they rip the roof off.

Thanks to everybody for some great thoughts and energy. I'm streaming 2/15 right now....

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By scott fraser (Lvdh702) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 12:09 am: Edit Post

I agree with some people who have been posting about RA....I personally DO NOT like any of RA's music and basically he killed my whole NYE....I was ashamed to call myself a Deadhead that night....I think that Phil should take a national poll and ask the Phans who they want.....Phil should have everyone vote....Kinda like the way you would vote for the Pro Bowl....You pick 1 drummer, 2 guitar, 1 keys, 1 misc. (ex. Joan ,Branford, etc.)

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By John (Dubstar) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 12:13 am: Edit Post

nice, that makes sense, seeing as the band hasn't been playing together for 20 years...but also leaves plenty of "flow" room...or not so flow, as in the transition to shelter on 2/19 :-)

By MSG Man (Msg_man) ( on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:00 pm: Edit Post

They have fixed Set lists that they stuck to for every show. The Jams are not listed, but the songs are. They stuck to the list for every one I saw!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Adam (Jupitermission1) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 01:07 am: Edit Post


You want Phil to take a national poll? Or do you mean, you want Phil to take a poll consisting of just you? C'mon, you don't have to love RA's songs, but to say he ruined your NYE ... well, it sucks to be you. I had a killer night partying through a greatest hits show 'til 2:40 AM. Yours was, apparently, ruined. I guess all I can say is... "Nyah nyah! I have more fun than you do! Nyah nyah! Nyah nyah!"

Hehehe peace.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric Stratton (Eric_stratton) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 07:32 am: Edit Post

maybe they should have Ryan Adams & Friends and Phil could just play bass and they'd throw in the occasional Dead tune - would the "love it or leave it" faction endorse that setup...?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bob Spruill (Abob) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 09:26 am: Edit Post

For what it's worth, my rankings of the Hammerstein part of the run--missed the Beacon due to time / money constraints....

#1. 2/19--As I've said elsewhere, a special show for me. Maybe it didn't carry all the way to the back, but down in front on the floor we were feeling the love. It just seemed to keep building the whole way through.

#2. 2/18--An excellent show that didn't have quite the magic, for me, of Sunday, but still lots of good fun. Saw it from the 2nd Mezz., and I was surprised by how good the sound was up there. Crowd there seemed into it, too, whereas the floor looked crowded, with not a lot of dancing.

#3. 2/17--First set of this one smoked, but I thought the second, while it had good moments, was rather disjointed. Band and crowd seemed tired by the end, but again that could've just been me.

The GD were never just one thing, so it doesn't surprise me that opinions of the current incarnation of Phil's band vary. I'm a young-un, so I didn't see my first show until 1990, but I remember there being a lot of differing opinions about the direction of the band then, too.

It seems to me that the poles were further apart in those days: A great show was an experience like you'd never had before and never would again; but when they were off, there might only be one or two times during the night when they really surprised or delighted you.

To me, Phil seems to have that magic more reliably, if to a lesser degree, than the Boyz did. He seems healthy, and very happy with what he's doing, and to me it shows in the music and carries over into my experience of it. He tries a lot of different things, and some I like more than others, but every time I see him I'm always grateful to be there. Phil's joy just spills out all over the stage.

No, it doesn't have the same melancholy ecstasy that the Boyz did at the end. When you saw Jerry play, you never knew if it was going to be the last time, and that gave every experience with them a particular edge. Somehow, when I see Phil, I always feel like he'll be back. And so will I.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By John (Dubstar) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 11:27 am: Edit Post

Why not? That would be nothing like what Phil is doing now. If a few Ryan Adams songs ruined anyone's NYC run, well, I don't know what to say. Because if you didn't check the internet and had no idea who RA is, I don't see how you could consider these to be bad songs or "night wreckers"...

By Eric Stratton (Eric_stratton) ( on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 07:32 am: Edit Post
maybe they should have Ryan Adams & Friends and Phil could just play bass and they'd throw in the occasional Dead tune - would the "love it or leave it" faction endorse that setup...?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By David Nemerson (Dnem) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 01:07 pm: Edit Post

maybe they should have Ryan Adams & Friends and Phil could just play bass and they'd throw in the occasional Dead tune - would the "love it or leave it" faction endorse that setup...?


yup, sure would! not to say that i'd go on tour, but if phil's recent foray into the studio with ryan resulted in a tour headlined by ryan with phil on bass, i'd sure try and check out a show. why not?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By dead (In_denver) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 05:14 pm: Edit Post

I'm not going to rehash NYE except to say, while I had fun, the band that played for you in NYC was the band I was hoping to see in California.

Thanks for all the reviews, and also the well thought discussion on the P&F universe.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Olo (Olompali4) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 05:45 pm: Edit Post

This ol' goat doesn't really care deeply for the music either Phil or Bob is "creating" these days but Lesh has undisputedly brought a lot of soulful heat and mystic fire back into the hearts of the tribe.
For that, Phil, I bid thee grand GRATITUDE.

ps. How about tackling some of those stellar Hunter/Lauderdale tunes?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Sfbayrich (Sfbayrich) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 09:42 pm: Edit Post

I was fortunate to travel from SF to see the 3 Hammerstein shows (my first visit to NY). I had a great time although I was disappointed that the floor seemed to be oversold. I'm not suprised that some left early and sold thier tickets for the future shows (my wife would've left and not come back). It did clear out as the evening went on but it was a shame that everyone did not have a chance for a good time. Still even packed in, the crowd was friendly, polite and a lot of fun. I had a great time dancing but I can't help thinking that if less tickets were sold....well with that vast floor it might have been an epic dance party. Thank you NY for a real good time!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Discopeso (Discopeso) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 10:43 pm: Edit Post

The shows kicked-ass.. anyone who says otherwise should just listen to some of the boots of the shows, particularily: 2/17 (other one), 2/18 (st. stephen/eleven (excellent excelletn excellent)) or some of the beacon shows, ie: the trey show, 2/15's cats under the stars and on..

Sless & Campbell were stupendous.. Larry is a virtuoso playing up to 4 instruments per night and genuinely enjoying himself each night, trading smiles with Barry and Barrocco and Phil through-out any-given night.

Thanks Phil.. you made my February!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Adam (Jupitermission1) on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 11:16 pm: Edit Post

I have to say this thread has been the most pleasant debate about the current issues that I've read on the Zone, and I'm somewhat immodestly proud for having started it =)

I ordered Ryan Adams's album "Gold" today; I intend to give it a good listen and maybe find something worthwhile in it. Phil got me aboard the Mule bus, so I'm following his lead here. I'll post in the "Music Talk" forum when I form an opinion. See everybody around!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Other One (The_other_one) on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 07:45 am: Edit Post

John, on Sunday night, they changed the second set. I believe He's Gone and Not Fade Away were added. I was up front and saw paper set lists given to each band member by Phil. I believe Not Fade Away was added due to a banner in the back that Phil was eyeing.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By matt wasel (Scarletfire8) on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 08:07 am: Edit Post

i really like change, so the new lineups from 'shadow of the moon' tour and this 'NY' tour were unique, the Q didn't play pedal steel or fiddle or had unique voices (Chris / Joan)...the Q was the best, but it would have gotten stale, just like everything great does (GD / phish)...all things have a beginning and an end, the key is to keep moving, staying fresh, like Phil is doing.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By rik longenecker (Elwood1) on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 11:18 am: Edit Post

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Subject: Re: order
Date: Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:06:34 AM [View Source]

Still buzzing from last weeks run of Phil.

At risk of sounding like a broken record, quite possibly the best week of music of my life.

Long story short, a fairly new lineup that has a warmer sound. Liberal use of pedal steel, most of it by Barry Sless, is a big part of that.

Phil's developed a songwriting relationship with a guy named Ryan Adams that I think is bearing fruit. I'm probably in the minority on that point, but they did 2-3 of his songs every night, and they're really good songs, and, more importantly, good vehicles for this band.

For this music to evolve, it has to have that. Otherwise, despite everyone's best intent, it will, eventually become a cover band. There have been attempts at writing in the past that have been modestly successful, most of it coming from Warren Haynes, but, without him there full time, that's limited.(But he did play the second set 2/11 which I highly recommend streaming) Hunter's written some songs for them, but, while I'm sure he and Phil are friends, the synergy was between him and Jerry.

Joan Osborne is a force of nature. I think she's found a comfort zone with this band that she never had when she played in the reformed Dead a few years ago.

Two words: Larry F*&#in' Campbell!!! OK, that's 3 words. He first started playing with Phil last November, after about 10 years with Dylan, and his transformation has been remarkable. A fellow Zoner commented last week that Phil's corrupted Larry. He came here with a pretty straight ahead R&R gunslinger approach with basic blues changes. He 's adapted extremely well to what has been described as "Grateful Dead changes" by a couple of the musicians who post in the Zone regularly. He's really good, and he "gets it". He's also fluent on a pile of other instruments, fiddle,(check out his fiddle break in Sittin on top of the world 2/18) pedal steel, bouzouki, mandolin, to name a few, and the band makes good use of all of them.

Jeff Sipe: Seth, I posted on your Sipe thread last week. That was before 2/19. If you check my review of 2/19 my exact words were, I officially stopped missing Molo. Not that I wouldn't welcome him back, but Jeff's just fine with me. Molo's one of two drummers to have affected me a certain way, the other being Bill Bruford. When I first heard PLQ back in '01, 20 minutes into the set, my only thought was, "What the fuck was Hornsby doing with this guy?" When I first heard King Crimson back in the mid-70's, my first thought was, "What the fuck was Yes doing with this guy?" so, Sipe had a mountian to climb with me, and he climbed it.

On to community:

Up to now, while all Deadheads are not Phil fans, all Phil fans have been Deadheads. Had a conversation with a neighbor at the Hammerstein, guy and wife, in their 40's, grew up listening to Yes, King Crimson, Genesis, etc. Never liked the Dead. Got into Phil thru Ryan Adams. First time I'd met someone who didn't come to this in the traditional way. To me, that was a clarion moment, indicating that this has its own legs, and is developing its own audience.

As for the community as a whole, meeting the people from the Zone whom I've come to know a little thru their posts has been a big part of the fun.

Let's face it. My longest lasting friendships in life outside of immediate family have had ties to this experience. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that I would become fast friends with others who've had the same experience. Nice people, Zoners.

On the train going home after Sat Beacon, train was SRO. Packed with middle aged white people, all in good spirits. Post menpopausal, very nice, clean cut woman sits down nwxt to me. Asks, "Were you at the concert?" I say, yes. She asks how I liked it, and I replied in the positive. She hesitated a moment, and sensed something wrong. She says, "Billy Joel, right?" I say, "No, Phil Lesh." She asks, "Who's that?" I say, "He was a founding member of the Grateful Dead." She says NO WAY!!! I say, Way.

The Billy crowd had taken over the train. I was both encouraged and amused. They definitely have a look about them that is almost as singular as the look we have about us. I think its nice to see people older than me still going out to hear live music, whatever their taste may be.

Your vitamins are on the way.



-----Original Message-----
From: gary zylkuski <>
Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 13:31:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: order


Hope all is well...

could I trouble you for the following, please?

1 Immuno
2 Garlic
2 Snooze and Lose
2 Joint food
1 the Man
1 Toxiklenz
1 fat fighter

Also, could you send a Pak to my dad?



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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By John (Dubstar) on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 12:16 pm: Edit Post

Nice, we hung that banner for a head down on the floor! He said it had been to shows out west and back...

By Other One (The_other_one) ( on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 07:45 am: Edit Post
John, on Sunday night, they changed the second set. I believe He's Gone and Not Fade Away were added. I was up front and saw paper set lists given to each band member by Phil. I believe Not Fade Away was added due to a banner in the back that Phil was eyeing.