I lucked out with my new employers, and I will be going to this show. Looking forward to seeing how the band has evolved since Tweeter Camden(which was very nice) and PNC Holmdel(which I thought was great).
Scranton is known as 'Train Town, USA', so I would expect some 'train' tunes like Casey Jones, Know You Rider, Trains(Ryan Adams), etc. Phil and Friends certainly used the train theme a couple of years back in downtown Scranton.... Here is that setlist:
Phil Lesh And Friends
Scranton Cultural Center
Scranton, PA
(total time: ~3:00)
Set 1: Jam> Birdsong> Jam> Midnight Train> Jam> Scarlet Begonias> Direwolf, The Real Thing> Jam> Cold Rain & Snow
Set 2: Jam (Cumberland tease)> Passenger> Jam> Built to Last> Tons of Steel> Jam (Loose Lucy tease)> Casey Jones, Help on the Way> Slipknot>
Jam> Golden Road
E: Franklin's Tower
Robert Hunter opened
That was a nice show, and it was well over 100 degrees inside that place. Intimate is an understatement. It will be cooler on the mountain...
Should be arriving there around 4pm.
If I have Cingular connectivity, I will post my usual hypomanic updates/play-by-play from the show, lol!
I live near Montage... be careful in the lot. The Sheriff's dept patrols it and they are cruel bastards.
Inside is safer.
If that Scranton Cultural Center (I thought it was a Masons building) show is the one I am thinking of, that was probably the worst, let me rephrase that, my least favorite Phil show. And yes, it was REAL HOT in that joint to say the least. Enough about that one.
Rambler has a good point about the local constabulary at Montage. The setting is very nice and has great potential to be a real cool venue but the officials sure seem to do a good job of squelching the fun.
cultural center and masonic temple are in the same building...both are cool stages...the 7/15/02 show wasnt that good, just too hot, but i like montage mountain , cool breezes and good beer...very excited to see phil, i saw camden and had a happy vibe until now, it wore off...stopping to see the tubs (natural canyon / waterfalls) near wilkes barre first, its on the way...
I will be crusing in from CT for this show and told there is only one Golden Road in and one Golden Road out which can be a bit of a hassle when the show is over so guess the move is to bolt a bit early on the GRAB or suck it up and wait in line cause there is nothing left to do but smile smile smile
I live in Scranton and have seen all the shows that have been held here. The Amphitheater, although beautiful, is a terrible scene in the parking lot. This is what there will be:
1) Sheriffs on Horseback (very intimidating)
2) Undercovers everywhere
3) Searches (both bodily and auto)
4) Arrests (always guaranteed)
Do yourself a favor...bring cups. You can enjoy yourself to a point and drink some beerz but don’t be blatant and foolish. If you’re feeling kind, take your kindness near the woods…it will be much safer there. Vending will be at a minimum and sporadic.
The plus side to all this is that once inside the venue, the security is very cool and laxed. The setting of the amphitheater is very inspiring and the shows are always killer! Trees and woods everywhere you look!
Enjoy the show and I'm looking forward to seeing how the band has progressed since Camden and Holmdel. I must say, I really, really, enjoyed the band! It's hard for me to see all the criticism of the music going on because in my "hay-day", there was no such forum for these types of discussions. To be honest, I'm kinduh "grateful" for that. Someone once said, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Take each show as beautiful...Phil wont be here forever. Take it from me...each show is a gift. Feel honored to be a part of something greater than yourself. Let yourself go!
I have been to many, many, many shows (both pre and post Jerry) and can’t really remember ever walking out of one saying, "that sucked". How can it suck? It's about collectively ridding ourselves of all the things that bother us, that hurt us, that worry us, and for a moment, just that moment, dance! Dance and rejoice this gift of life. Dance and listed to lyrics of wisdom! Sure, some shows may be tighter than others...but they are all beautiful...like I said before...gifts!!
Ok...enough on that. Enjoy yourselves my brothers and sisters and peace and love to you all!
Enjoy the moments, before long, all we will have will be the memories!
Right on, Jimmy!
Yes, the Masonic Temple/SCC was not the best show I ever saw of many w/ and w/out Jerry, but it was memorable, nonetheless. I do believe the GD played there back in '71!
Psyched for the show this Tuesday. Beautiful setting, try not to bum on the police. Think of it as a horse show, lol!
And don't do something f'in stupid or you will miss the show...
Looking forward to see what goes on at montage..
I hope to hear a very balls to the walls phil set...
was at camden and wasn't blown away...it was ok
trey seemed lost during the 11 and so on....
hoping for some great surprises
who is goin??
after party!
hit me up via e-mail
Hey, if I stay at a nearby hotel, can I walk to the lots, or is it too far up the mountain? Thanks!
There is a Hampton Inn and Comfort Suits right off the exit for the amphitheater and a Marriott Courtyard a bit up the mountain. Although you can probably walk from any of them, it would be at least a 2-2/12 mile walk, up the mountain. It would very much be a pain in the ass. If you are hell bent on it...definitely stay at the Marriott Courtyard because it is much, much closer than the Hampton or Comfort Suites. You can do it but it won’t be easy.
You decide...That's all I can offer.
For all: I will actually be going to the show alone as my partner in crime cant get out of work so let me know if anyone needs a ticket. (Lawn for face less convenience)
If someone wants to hook-up at the show I wouldn’t mind hangin w/ someone(s)
Talk with you all soon!
Jimmy B
Ok...someone can possibly help me now.
What are zoners referring to when they say the "Q"? Example: Best version of Terrapin since the Q performed it on ??/??/?? I'm assuming post jerry dead but not getting the "Q" thing.
the Q refers to the phil lesh quintet (phil, rob barraco, jimmy herring, warren haynes and john molo) named by zoners as the Q, almost universally accepted as the best phil line up of all...i think so too, check out 4/20/01, 4/29/01, 11/17/01, 12/31/01 for some Q magic...
Check out 11/30/03 Tower Theatre, Pa as well. Regarded by Phil himself as one of the best shows he ever performed in.
For those issuing warnings about the lot scene at Scranton. Are beerz prohibited in the lot? or just to those not "of age"
Alcohol is actually prohibited in the lot but you should be ok if you keep it in a cup. If the sheriffs see a container...they will stop and make you dump it out.
This SHOULD be the schedule for Scranton. If any-1 can add a more accurate estimate, please let us know:
Duo is set to open at 5:00.
Phil is on at 6:30.
Trey and Mike 9:30.
Hey, Montage veterans - A couple questions: is all the parking mid-mountain and require a shuttle, or will I be able to park "right there"?
There's no shed right - its all open to the elements?
should I stay for GRAB, or beat the traffic?
Just kidding about that one - look forward to seeing everyone at the show!
There is a shed, a weird cloth covered thing. If you want less walking, get there early and park in the lower lot. As for the GRAB, that is up to you.
What time should I get there for ticket pick up at will call and to minimize traffic and parking hassels? Let me know.
http://www.philzone.org/cgi-bin/discus/show.cgi?tp c=287255&post=11270885#POST11270885
If you still got ticket, I would be interested. Getting out of work at 3:15 and about 2 hours away. I would not be going in until about 6 though...?
I still have the ticket and you are welcome to it. Let me know if you "definately" want it and we can meet beforehand.
Where are you comming from?
phil's son is supposedly playing in lots as people walk in, starting 4:30 is the rumor...
Has he done that at any of the prior shows?
Havent seen em' if he has. What does he play...his own stuff or dad's stuff.
Any-1 have the skinny on no tie-dyes on stage. Just heard that was the case and wondering why?
phil has played with his son before in Cal, but i dont think he's done this before...i sounds like a rumor though, but we'll see...
Graham played a Sugar Mags encore at one of the Tower Theatre, PA shows a few years back, 2003 I believe it was.
I am leaving work at 3:15 from State College (about two hours away from venue).
How does that sound to you?
Works for me. E-mail me at james.bianchi@prudential.com and we can trade cell numbers to hook up at the show.
Sent you an e-mail. I lost my cell two weeks ago at Gratefulfest...
Don't know why, but definately feeling a Tom Thumbs Blues for tonight.
Would love to hear it!
Scarletfire8, thank you for the tip on The Tubs! I stopprd there, did the circuit hike and jumped in at the end. Beautiful, clear cool waters and a few mosquitos, lol.
Heading up the mountain right now, feeling good.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Be safe.
B-V on at 5:20, done at 5:45
I don't know how/why, but these guys are starting to make sense to me.
They are excellent musicians, and their music is kind of like atmospheric, man, lol. Like a place somewhere between Eno, Enya and Hendrix, lol.
I saw someone walk backstage with some stringed instrument in a case. Could it have been Gabby Lala and her famed sitar????!!!!
Phil onstage at 6:20.
Joan wearing Pink blouse, Torquoise skirt, nice.
House is way less than half full???
Larry on fiddle!
Sittin' on Top...!!!!
Osby out for second tune...
Nice ps by bs on SOTOTW!!
Loose Lucy is a fine delight..
into a driving transition...
gee you could have your own row here??!!
into(not sure of title) 'who's that ..my gal!!'
Sunra your narratives rock!!!!! Thanks and if you wanna do Austin City Limits down here in Texas I got your back....Peace and enjoy
transitioning..LC back on fiddle...
Osby still onstage.. into
Mississippi Half Step!(Phil singing greatly, lol)
Osby off stage for MHS...excellent version...into...
btw Rob is wearing a HEADBAND, bur no tye-dye, lol. lots in the audience, though. lawn two thirds full, seating half full.
into The Weight!!!! Rob then LC then phil each a verse then a nice ps by bs...nice lc solo, and now joan for a verse...and finally everyone together for the last verse.
End of set 1 at 7:21.
Excellent set. Some new songs for this tour.
That song I didn'r knwo was, according to a middle aged twirler, a new Joan song. A lot like Bo Didley, but they already played that on this tour?
Thanks Sunra!!!!!! I love the Joan outfit update.
If the new song sounded a lot like Bo Diddley, it was probably "Shakedown on 9th Street" which got mistaken for Bo Diddley at Raleigh.
Second set w Trey , no Barry
Osby onstaget
On at 7:45...jamming into
some HCS teasing, lol
It's China Cat(Trey vocals..nice)
so something like this...
Set One:
Sittin On Top Of The World >
Loose Lucy >
Shakedown On 9th Street >
Mississippi Half Step >
The Weight
They are IN SYNCH!!!!! Trey is on like Beacon Feb 12th
It should be something like this.
Phil Lesh & Friends
Montage Mountain
Scranton, Pennsylvania
July 11,2006
1st Set
Sitting On Top Of The World>
Loose Lucy>
Shakedown On 9th Street>
Mississippi 1/2 Step Uptown Toodle-O>
The Weight
double post
double post and friggin babbling ass customer keeping me from posting that, arrrghh!
Right, Duane
now Rob is playing that Fishman-type keys, so it is a Phis-like jam in CCat
so that was Shakedown on 9th Street, huh. Cool.
Phil Lesh & Friends
Montage Mountain
Scranton, Pennsylvania
July 11,2006
1st Set
Sitting On Top Of The World>
Loose Lucy>
Shakedown On 9th Street>
Mississippi 1/2 Step Uptown Toodle-O>
The Weight
2nd Set
China Cat Sunflower>
joan out, gives Trey a pat on the back, a 'love tap', lol
into Magnolia Mountain
they do this so well.....
"now Rob is playing that Fishman-type keys, so it is a Phis-like jam in CCat"
FYI-that would be Page! ;)
Phil Lesh & Friends
Montage Mountain
Scranton, Pennsylvania
July 11,2006
1st Set
Sitting On Top Of The World>
Loose Lucy>
Shakedown On 9th Street>
Mississippi 1/2 Step Uptown Toodle-O>
The Weight
2nd Set
Jam>China Cat Sunflower>Jam>
Magnolia Mountain>Jam>
Terrapin Station
End of MM. Trey whispers in Joan's ear, lol.
new song begins w a slow jam, Trey on the edge of sweet notes and feedback, Joan offstage.
BTW, where are those 'headphone/earplugs' that Joan wore in February, lol!?
jam builds to a loud/busy thing and now eases back into a slow swingin'...
Lady With a Fan(are we back in Camden?). Much smoother, though
Maybe Phil is going to repeat the second set from Camden, lol.
thanks for the Phish education. Paige O'Connell or Connell, something like that. I know their lighting guy's name, though, CC, lol.
Terrapin w excellent LC lead and then a nice Trey solo. No f'in up like at Camden,
it's actually 'CK', but no one counts for spelling!
I've known sunra since kindergarten. it's like being at the show!! only wish I could hear.
how I wish, how I wish you were here. bye Sid!
Phil Lesh & Friends
Montage Mountain
Scranton, Pennsylvania
July 11,2006
1st Set
Sitting On Top Of The World>
Loose Lucy>
Shakedown On 9th Street>
Mississippi 1/2 Step Uptown Toodle-O>
The Weight
2nd Set
Jam>China Cat Sunflower>Jam>
Magnolia Mountain>Jam>
Terrapin Station>Jam>
Morning Dew
As my wife would say, 'they blew the roof offa this one'!!!!!!!!!!
sick jam outta Terrapin, Joan dancing so hard she is having to hold onti her skirt or she'll be doin a Marilyn Monroe shot, lol
now slowing down...nice duet of guitars... to a stop, almost.
Mor whispering between Trey and Joan..
spaciness....Molo rubbing top of cymbals with end of drumstick causing more spaciness...Rob as well with the spaceships landing, lol...
. excellent segue!!!!!!!
Hey ther Mr. Chips!
Mrs. Chips is in a better place, with Jerry, Jimi and Janice, etc.
LC w with killer solo on Morning Dew, now Trey's turn. He has really blended tonight. No taking over the show. Just f'n a great showm IMHO.
Trey ripping the chords in sixteenth notes, a la Jerry!!!!
end of song..
more whispering bt J and T
into The Wheel.
no barry, no Osby for this set?!
thanks sunra
Phil Lesh & Friends
Montage Mountain
Scranton, Pennsylvania
July 11,2006
1st Set
Sitting On Top Of The World>
Loose Lucy>
Shakedown On 9th Street>
Mississippi 1/2 Step Uptown Toodle-O>
The Weight
2nd Set
Jam>China Cat Sunflower>Jam>
Magnolia Mountain>Jam>
Terrapin Station>Jam>
Morning Dew>
The Wheel
yw,all. thank for putting up w my manic babbling, lol.
I want to see Phil and Trey, and, of course JOAN bouncing on trampolines!!!!!
Now right into Fire on the Mountain, Montage, that is!
Phil Lesh & Friends
Montage Mountain
Scranton, Pennsylvania
July 11,2006
1st Set
Sitting On Top Of The World>
Loose Lucy>
Shakedown On 9th Street>
Mississippi 1/2 Step Uptown Toodle-O>
The Weight
2nd Set
Jam>China Cat Sunflower>Jam>
Magnolia Mountain>Jam>
Terrapin Station>Jam>
Morning Dew>
The Wheel>
Fire On The Mountain
gdtrfb encore per chat
End. Phil immediately smacks fists w Trey, and hugs him, gesturing as if to say, "...no, You ARE THE MAN!!.." then similar greeting for LC.
Phil right back out for donor rap.
Encore: GDTRFB
thanks for the updates !!
Phil Lesh & Friends
Montage Mountain
Scranton, Pennsylvania
July 11,2006
1st Set
Sitting On Top Of The World>
Loose Lucy>
Shakedown On 9th Street>
Mississippi 1/2 Step Uptown Toodle-O>
The Weight
2nd Set
Jam>China Cat Sunflower>Jam>
Magnolia Mountain>Jam>
Terrapin Station>Jam>
Morning Dew>
The Wheel>
Fire On The Mountain
Donor Rap/Intros
Going Down The Road Feeling Bad (w/Barry on Pedal Steel)
Sunra - really great play by play - THANKS ALOT
How do you do that - i mean what electronic device?
show ended about 9:20
Treo 650. bad rhing is that if you drop it, screen cracks and that is $$$. this is my third
, but when it workd ir is fun. doesn't do the chat on thilzone, I don't think.
I don't think Barry was out for the encore?????
Just inttroduced in absenria
Sunra, you need a spell check on that Treo!
No Syd tribute?
Shine on
You crazy
Diamond tomorrow ??
just got back, left after some of GRAB, which was good, just have to get to work tommorrow...highlight was jam>magnolia mountain>jam>terrapin>jam>dew...simply amazing, alot of rock and roll, then brought it down with quietness, place was only half full, which was weird...trey was a team player tonight, really looking at larry and locking in with larry, they played off each other so well...joan dancing so hard with pretty pink skirt = nice...really thought trey was not overdoing it tonight, but the best was during the jam right before the dew, trey and larry just were screaming with their guitars with each other, back and forth soloing, phil was between them and was all smiles...it was great to see trey and lar so off on each other...im smoking up and going to bed with terrapin going off in my head...so happy to be alive!!!!!!!!!!
sunra...glad you got to see the tubs...always makes the show up there better..."crickets and cicadas sing...a rare and different tune... TERRAPIN STATION..."...I JUST LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!!
Just got back to State College. 2.5 hour drive. I left during the third GRAB song. I thought the playing was all very good, but the sound quality of the vocals was poor. I started off the show on the outside edge of ~10th row stage left. Could only get the lyrics since I knew the songs. Moved to center stage about row 30 for the 2nd set. Sound was much better, vocals too, but they were still pretty washed out IMO. I don't rememeber ever seeing the Dead, Phil or Ratog when the vocals weren't very clear. I'm guessing most bands these days rely on the facilities PA. Wonder if it is a POS.
Like I said, the playing all sounded real good to my ears. I would have preferred more of the Cosmic Charlie, Viola, Eleven, Golden Road type stuff, but you get what you get, right? The opener was real sweet. I think P&F nail The Wheel everytime I've heard them do that song.
I shook Phil's hand before the show. He was watching his son play. I think I bothered him some, though I wasn't the only one! I felt a little bad, but when else would I get that chance!
I just posted my recording of this show here
Phil Lesh & Friends
Toyota Pavilion @ Montage Mountain
Scranton, Pennsylvania
July 11,2006
source: Neumann km184> v2> sbm-1 (44.1 kHz)> optical 7pin> JB3
[DIN 90* DFC tapers section, Lawn]
transfer: JB3> firewire> Sound Forge 6.0> cdWave> FLAC Frontend
taped/transfered by Rob Clarke RobClarke.km184 -AT- gmail.com
disc 1 (set 1)
01. Sitting On Top Of The World
02. Loose Lucy ->
03. Shakedown On 9th Street ->
04. Mississippi 1/2 Step Uptown Toodle-O ->
05. The Weight
disc 2 (set 2)
01. China Cat Sunflower ->
02. Magnolia Mountain
03. Jam ->
04. Terrapin Station ->
05. Jam -> Space
disc 3 (set 2 cont.
01. Morning Dew
02. The Wheel ->
03. Fire On The Mountain
04. Donor Rap/Intros
05. Going Down The Road Feeling Bad
1st set and encore with Barry- Pedal Steel
2nd set and encore with Trey- Guitar, Vocals
RobC you are really on it this tour...
Very cool..
Keep the reviews comin..this tour has some good writing..
just home from Montage...finally no police/traffic/bullshit in and out....here's an ol guys review....
Absolute dynamite...loose lucy may be on the "all time list"....1/2 step brilliant...weight absolute heartfelt.......maybe best weight....tight....Barraco 1st verse...phil 2nd...Joan 3rd...all on last verse...I'm telling you...listen harmony..fat and heartfelt..
china jam amazing....terrapin...OMG...the end was rippin doubletime ...incredible...just listened to the end of terrapin....OMG rippin...lets see terrapin/dew/wheel/fire....tight/loud and PHAT......
brilliuant show from an ol head who NEEDED to have FAITH restored...did I mention the end of terrapin....HOLY SHIT....
home by midnight and Trey/Mike Hordon N duo.....not sure what it was but WOWWWWWWWWWWWW
In my top 3 PNF shows .....GREATTTTT !!!!@!!!!!
'hodges' where was his son playing??? on stage, in the lot??...i heard he was playing but didnt see anything...still have terrapin in my head..."and the whistle is screaming..."
Last night was a really cool show for me. Left work about 3:00 and was parked in the lot by…oh lets say…. 3:10. That’s right it took me 10 minutes to get from work to the lot. SWEET! Parked the car and proceeded to have a beer (or two) kynded myself up a bit and took a walk up to the will call window where my tickets were (like I needed to tell you that). As I was taking the long walk to will call, I heard music playing but wasn’t sure where it was coming from. As I got closer, I realized it was a band playing on the side mini-stage in the lot. **Sweet call on the rumor scarletfire8** It was Crystal City, Phil’s son’s band. It was early…perhaps about 3:30-3:45, and there was only about 15-25 people hangin up there.
As I looked to my right, maybe about 5-6 feet away from me, was proud papa watching his son and the band. To my left was mama just sitting on the fence pole checking out the scene (by the way, no disrespect Phil, Jill is a fine looking woman!!!). Before long, Molo was out there checking them out and just chillin with the few of us that were there. Molo was being super cool just walking around giving people high-fives and bull shittin. I shook his hand and told him to have a great show. For the next hour, I just stood by Phil (well like I said, about 5-6 feet away) and listened to the band with him (which BTW wasn’t that bad at all). It was just so surreal! The best part about it was that no one really phuked with him at all. We all respected what he was doing and gave him his space. I noticed that if you approached him while the music was playing, he didn’t really want to be bothered, but in between songs, was more than happy to shake your hand and chat for a moment. Finally, after there was a very long pause in the music, I walked up to Phil and shook his hand and thanked him for everything. I asked him if he knew what I would really like to hear tonight…he said “What’s that”…my response was anything Mr. Lesh. He smiled at me and said…”Thank you”. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!
That really made my night…after that it was all gravy! The opener for the show, SOTOTW, was very fitting for what I had witnessed prior. Not so much for me (although I was) but for Phil. You should have seen him, a big smile on his face, watching his kid play, and every few minutes, looking over at his wife and kids and giving them the “this is cool” nod and smile. Loose Lucy was really nice and I really enjoyed the Mississippi Half-Step immensely…I really love that song! The weight to end the 1st set was sweet with great harmony going on. The second set was awesome and let me just say one word…Terrapin! This terrapin was HUGE!!! Molo goin nuts with this double time beat and the band was gellin-like-maggelin! Much tighter than the Terrapin at Camden…It was awesome. The Dew, Wheel, Fire, was really, really nice. Thought Trey did a great job tonight! His ending jam on the Dew was awesome and just really fit in with the band really well…all night. He can definitely play and pulls off those incredible crescendo’s that are hauntingly familiar.
After the P&F’s wrapped it up, I was beat and not into listening to GRAB. So off I went, and was home eating ice cream and watching the 10:30 local news and in bed by 11:30…LOL NICE!!!
Ok I’ve rambled enough. Awesome run! Last night was where I got off the bus, but what a beautiful station it was…Peace and love to you all!!!
Nice review. Sounds like an awesome time chilling w/Phil & Jill watching their boy.
I love hearing Phil parenting stories, I really respect the fact that he places his family first, seems like he & Jill have raised two very fine young men. My kids are the same ages as Grahame & Bryan so I sort of relate to him on THAT level. Funny, at Phil school NYC last year, his cell phone rang in the middle of Phil's talk and he was like, wait a second guys, this is probably one of my boys, I TOLD them not to call now...lol. Sure enough you hear, Hi Bryan, everything okay, ummm, I'm gonna have to call ya back then. We ALL cracked up, very sweet moment.
My two cents on last nights show, the second set was fantastic. After reading all the reviews of the prior shows with Trey sitting in for the 2nd set, I was somewhat anxious.
But the energy level change from the 1st set to the second was phenominal. The band was on fire. Larry was laying down some killer rythem, locked in with molo and phil. I didn't think that sax player added that much to the mix. I must say that outside the tent sounded better than inside.
Joan was dancing her ass off, trey was laying it down and sharing with larry. I guess I can see why Phil has him playing.
Mike Gordon was walking around the left side of the shed before phil's encore and then sat right in front of me. Short and kinda strange looking guy. I think he was trying to find out how to make the sound better. I caught 3 of his bands songs and split. The bass was real loud and he can play. As for that band, I am not sure what they were playing or singing. The shell emptied after phil.
The morning dew was just great! The cops in the lot sucked. We got their early and there was like 1 cop for every 10 dead heads. We are a dangerous crowd and must be watched closely.
Man I don't know how people can drink so much and still function, let alone the prices for the booze and beer. But people were putting away like it was going out of style. All in all nice show, glad I went, thanks Phil.
I was talking to some kid who wasa phish head between phil and grab. He wanted to know how I thought trey stacked up with jerry. I just said he was doing a good job, but that wasn't the dead, it was phil.
>>>place was only half full..........
bummer not more in attendance on a summer east coast tour, for what sounds like a decent show
have any of these venues been selling out?
SPAC, Camden, PNC, Raleigh, Bethel?
Thnx to sunra for the play-by-play!!!
le chips!!
funny i heard this guy as phil walked on stage go "who is this guy, i heard he's 70, he must be in an wheel chair" = so weird to think he didnt even know who phil was...too bad i missd crystal city, but mike gordon stood next to me on the lawn while the duo played, i didnt say anything because i could tell he just wanted to be a person for a moment, not a rock star...cool just being a person to him, not a star struck fan, i know he appreciated it, because a few others came over to shake his hand and you could tell he just wanted to listen, not sign autographs...
First set started kinda slow. Sittin' on Top was a bit strange without any 6-string guitar being played. Loose Lucy kind of plodded. Nice rendition of Half Step. Was the highlight of the set although not anything really incredible. I am a bit surprised at how much praise The Weight got here. I thought it was a very weak attempt. It is such a great song but I don't think doing it justice is as easy as alot of folks think.
Second set was much better. China Cat was groovin' and they didn't cut it short like they did in Camden (thank goodness). The Terrapin was the high point of my show. Generally well played and really cookin' at the end. I always have a bit of trouble "enjoying" Morning Dew. It has to be the saddest song the Dead ever played and I can't seem to get past the lyric so I probably oughtn't comment on this one. Wheel was ok and Fire gave us a chance to nboogie some more beforee the show was over. And we had yet another opportunity with the GDTRFB.
Once again, I did enjoy Trey's contribution to the band. Although I understand the oft heard sentiment that he can be a bit too dominating (i.e. the "take-over" factor), my observation was that he was listening to the rest of the band and did not, how should I say it, overstep his bounds? I would noit agree that he was getting in Larry's way or anything.
We checked out the sound/scene on the lawn for the first few GRAB tunes and split. "stars in the sky" etc.
As always with this place, the cop presence in the lot was at a ridiculously high level. I would not be surprised if this has something to do with the place being only about half full. Too bad they have tyo be that way. This venue is in a beautiful setting and they seem to go ouit of their way to ruin the vibe.
That's it for our tour. Was only 3 shows for us. Still had alot of fun.
Thank you for a real good time Phil.
Phil and Joan sounded great. The security was bothesome, relentless and oppressive both inside and outside throughout the entire length of the show. i had heard rumors, but I was really upset about traveling from Albany NY to scruitinized by security. I wrote a letter to the editor of the Scranton Times and cc it to the montage General manager and Phil. The show was great and Trey ripped it up. Way to militant. I'll never go there again, but Saratoga Rocked!
Amanda's points about Montage security are all well taken. I will note that it was funny that the "security" inside, actually I mean the ushers/aisle monitors was much more lax for GRAB than they were for P&F. Our seats werre right at the front of the second level and during Phil's show they were right on you if you strayed into the aisle but on our way out of the place during GRAB we stopped by our seats and the aisles were all free game without an usher in sight!
I thought Barry was excellent in the first set. Not as good in the second set or encore, lol.
Seriously, I grabbed the Instant Live soundboard as I thought this was a very good show. The consistency and lack of Trey domination reminded me of Holmdel. The soundboard has the pedal steel loud and clear throughout, and it is easy to hear the separate performers.
I was in the front of the second group of indoor seats, fifth row, on the left side of the soundboard. From there the sound was very good. Not much to be gained by cupping my hands behind my ears like a bat, lol.
I'll tell you, that second set was near perfect, and I enjoyed the first set immensely. The first set was sweet, groovin', laid back and ON, imho. Like a bit of meditation or relaxation therapy.
Then again I had been swimming in some cold spring waters at The Tubs, so I was primed.
As for this redition of The Weight, I thought it was as strong as the versions I saw on the February tour, which I thought were a blast. The harmonies were nice, and I love when Larry takes that last verse.
To each his own, of course. I am loving this tour, but I am done, sad to say.
I will look for other manic play by plays, listen to the aud recordings and be on virtual tour for the duration, lol.
As great as the February tour was, i am still enjoying the heck out of this one. I am thankful to have made it to three very different shows, Camden, Holmdel and Scranton.
"too bad i missd crystal city, but mike gordon stood next to me on the lawn while the duo played, i didnt say anything because i could tell he just wanted to be a person for a moment, not a rock star...cool just being a person to him, not a star struck fan, i know he appreciated it, because a few others came over to shake his hand and you could tell he just wanted to listen, not sign autographs..."
Give you major props for not bothering him, way to go good for you!
Out of all the Phish guys, Mike was the one most in the fan's eye. He use to ride around in a golf car and or bicycle before Phish shows in the parking lot and check out the shakedown. It was pretty funny and cool to see. A strange (but that is part of his charm) but great & multi-talented guy.
What was up with the TV boards not being used? I love to use my ears, but watching can be some fun too>> Like some others here, this was my last for this summer/Phil...
Thanks to Phil & the entire band for what really was....A Real Good Time!!!!
to Mike Van>
No disrespect but..
First set started kinda slow. Sittin' on Top was a bit strange without any 6-string guitar being played. Loose Lucy kind of plodded. Nice rendition of Half Step. Was the highlight of the set although not anything really incredible. I am a bit surprised at how much praise The Weight got here. I thought it was a very weak attempt. It is such a great song but I don't think doing it justice is as easy as alot of folks think
I gotta take exception...Sitting was long and tight and county rock-a-billy...Loose was Thumping Phil Tight and went forever...I agree 1/2 step bounced and was different in the dbl-time 1/2 step 1/2step ....but they nailed it....I thought the Weight was tight and nailed harmonies...again so happy to hear so TIGHT PROs go at it....
2ns set was just solid and spectacular at times ...the end of Terrapin and The Dew AND wheel STRONG FIRE......no its not a Viola but for the old baked head, it tripped my trigger and I had become leery ( last yrs DEAD at Montage was.....uhmmmmm, lets see...Not great....)
Just so happy to see guys on stage who looked like they were attentive and having fun....
IMO..get this show...Phil doe NOT disappoint....