HEY ALL!! i just wanted to get a head count of who all will be in attendance.
see ya there pholks... DeadicatedMamma!!! You going to CHI or what sister?!?!?!
Going home for this show......
Blvd. Cafe: hosting a pre-Phil party w/ bus to and from the bar to the Aragon. Come on out Zoners.
FOR DIRECTIONS from the Aragon to the Blvd Cafe.....-> Check out my profile. It can be a little tricky getting there. If you want a copy just do a left click (w/ your mouse) on the image. Copy. Open a WORD.doc. Right click -> paste & print.
Can't wait folks!!!
Hey Lulu. Jill's on her way to my house now. Send an e-mail if ya want to pre-party. TC is close by also.
Ask Tapecat if he remembers what a telephone is..
you know
that thing that rings you can use to dial numbers where people you know's voices mysteriously are heard after some strange beeping...
TC has been in Illinois for a while now, (you know that though). You maybe out of range.
Well, I have to work until 3:00, hubby until 4:30 plus the kids, so pre-party is on the way up for us- getting to the Aragon hopefully by 7:00. The TC factor never returned any messages so I won't be bowing down to any so-called "Tape King". I just really want to meet you, Cisco, and my girl Jill. Have to work Friday as well, I run my school's newspaper and we're conducting an interview with a band. If I don't show for work, the administration would have my head. It will be a mellow night for me as far as the partying, but total fun nonetheless.
I hear ya Lu. I'll be working straight through the week also. I'll see ya at the show. "Yellow hat guy".
Sorry, I guess they cancelled because they thought there shouldn’t be enough peoples. BUT their still hosting the Phil bash. The parking there is free and its only about a $7 cab ride to the Aragon (which is good). Parking is bad around the Aragon. Sugar Blue will be playing there after the show (Chicago Blues Legend) and a Dead jam band. Sorry for the inconvenience. Party on!
Wow! I'll be there tomorrow, be lookin for Jill's pick me up at Midway (new jet to the phil tour). After reading the posts about the St Louis and Louisville theatre venues, really can't wait! These type of awesome theatres are the ideal place to see Phil.
I can't make it...work sucks....make sure if you meet a guy from St. Louis named Greg, treat him well.....I will be back here in st. louis, checking out the setlist. See you guys tomorrow night..have a great show....shake em.
The chicken!
Hey LULU!!! As a last resort: try to hook up with (us all!) in the tapers section...hope you have board access at the ole' joberoo!!!
can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks to Cisco for the best bagel sammich dinner ever!!! Sweet home Chicago (: (: (:
Did you guys hear Phil and Friends is playing tonight at the Aragon?
What's the low down on the midwest cancellation and venue change? Not enough interest????
Just curious.
PS Where's the set list? The show started almost 2 hours ago!!!!!
Set One:
Phil Solo Bass Jam >
Full Band Jam >
The Eleven >
Blues For Allah >
Watchtower >
Help On The Way >
Slipknot! >
Franklin's Tower
the eleven. nice.
Time for the usual Chicago Paul review. For one thing, it was quite cold today in the Windy City. The line to get into the Aragon started up around 5:30 if not a little sooner. They didn't open the doors up until 6:30, by which time there was one helluva long line stretching along the concrete wall supporting the "El". Ended up in the balcony right side in the back near the soundboard. Had an excellent view of the stage from there.
Phil walked on stage around 7:30 and started up with a bass solo jam. He played a pretty damn good solo which showed off his versatility as a bass player and creative musician. Definitely a unique way to start up a tour. One by one his bandmates followed. First Jimmy Herring, then Rob Baracco, then John Molo and finally to a lot of applause came out Warren Haynes. A slow grooving jam started up and after a couple of minutes, they gravitated into The Eleven. A few pages fell off of Phil's stand, and a roadie soon came out to help pick things up. Rob started into the vocals with the usual warm support from Phil and Warren. Good long jam and then we had a keychange somewhere. Kudos to the person doing the psychedelic backdrop on this tour. Amazing graphics and I really liked the galaxies colliding. The sound was loud, but good...well, as good as possible considering the weird acoustics of the Aragon. Intense guitars which went into a breakdown, Herring using some interesting effects. Chordal segue into a brief jazzy jam going off into outer space between Warren's weird guitar sounds and a few Dark Star teases. The groove slowed down and Phil's bass nudged things slowly into Blues For Allah, with full version.
Phil started off on the vocals, with Rob joining in on the harmonies after a verse or two. Phil's voice has gotten stronger again and he was singing quite well. Haynes and Herring concentrated on some otherworldly guitar duets. Great version. You could also see the drum boom mic bouncing up and down above Molo's head. After a full development of this long piece of classic psychedelia,there was a slow end jam, Haynes heavy on the slide, high on the frets. They returned to the blues riff and all three joined in on the closing BFA vocals.
The next stop on our jam odyssey took us into a medium to up blues backbeat jam. Molo a la Ringo, as it were. Welcome to Rockland with Herring leading off and doing chordal leads against Warren's slide noodling. The jam slowed a bit then speeded back up into a Latin jazz like groove, and off into Watchtower and Jimi Hendrix territory we went. Strong on the Hendrix feel, Warren wailing away and Herring putting up a strong rhythm guitar. Phil stuck close to Hendrix's bass part too. Warren sang and Herring's rhythm work was much appreciated as Warren wasn't playing much while singing. He wailed white hot licks after the first verse, with Herring getting in on it a bit at the end. before verse 2. Rob wailed away on organ after the second verse and then came the third verse and more wailing guitar for Warren. He went off for a chorus before quieting down sweetly for 12 bars, with a diminuendo and ending off in a breakdown.
Then came a bunch of familiar chords and off into Help On the Way we went. Rob on vocal chores, Herring pulling off a good melodic solo before all three voices rang out on the "Help On the Way" part. Strong version and then into one ripping Slipknot. Molo getting in some good breaks during the knot. Warren started getting in some good low feedback with weird keyboard effects coming from Rob. We got this somewhat out of consistent tempo jam with lots of Warren and Herring using a filter effect on his guitar. He had an interesting jazz rhythm style guitar going on with Warren hinting Slipknot heavily. Phil kicked it up a little before quieting things down and heading back into Slipknot with some lead bass along the way. Then off into Franklin's Tower they charged. One of my friend's sister started dancing at this point, leaping up and getting in touch with the music. She had been away from the scene since the last GD show in 95 and was getting properly re-acquainted with some good music. Onstage, Phil waved the band back a bit before launching into the vocal. An electric charge ran up my spine and I really dug Phil's bass lines during FT. Very good jam and a strong vocal from Phil. Strong jam with Herring getting in his licks. Then Rob went nuts on the keys, getting a HUGE roar from the crowd. They jammed out another 3 or 4 choruses and then took it out. Great first set, and a short set break....about a little over 30 minutes.
end of part one
Part two
By 9:20, all were back on stage tuning up. There was an annoying crackling coming from the speakers which didn't leave for a few songs. The boys started up a slow minor key jam, with Molo adjusting his mic at one point and talking to the rest of the band. The crackle got worse, but off they went into Eyes of the World. Phil again was up on vocals with Herring taking the first good solo and covering most of the lead guitar work. Lots of percussive fills from Molo too after verse two. Bass solo after the third verse, but the sound was kinda boomy w/ the Aragon's acoustics and some equipment problems not helping things any. There was a jazzy segue and a breakdown slowing to a stop while a tech worked on the speakers. A slow spacey jam resulted which slowly made its way into The Wheel. I hadn't heard it this slowed down with Phil before, and it was different to take it at a slower tempo than normal. Cool slow jams with a nice groove and good vocals. This repeated a few times until they were done with The Wheel and then off into another slow groove which built up slow and steady...Molo accenting and keeping things moving. Phil called a key change and Barraco started embellishing on this as a rocking jam came up. There was a brief Golden Road teaser before Warren started up the singing on Night of a 1000 Stars. Hard rocking version, more so than summer tour. Good break by Rob with Phil supplying his usual very melodic bass lines. Someone held up a PLQ flag in the crowd halfway back in the middle of the dance floor. Appropriate as the Aragon had its own starry sky lit up.
To think that my grandparents and my dad once danced here during its ballroom days some many years ago. Warren was leading the jam which dropped down into a slow and spacey thing, purple lights with a gentle groove before Warren kicked it back up for the last verse of the song. Molo kicked it up further rocking out the ending pretty hard. Strong strumming from Herring and Haynes and then a full Stop.
A little conferring on stage started up Terrapin to another big pop from the crowd. Phil on vocals waved off Herring to sing more of the lyrics before nodding his approval to some of Jimmy's accompaniment. Herring then played one beautiful blissful solo. Not only for the guitar notes, but the sheer look of ecstasy on Herring's face while playing it. They jammed things out a bit, toyed with the Lady With a Fan melody, went back into a jam and after the next set of lyrics rocked out in transit like a train heading towards Terrapin Station. All kudos in the jam to Herring and Rob, Phil rumbling along underneath. At some point, Molo knocked over a cymbal and a roadie came out to straighten things as the jam slowed to space-like proportions, and into Stella Blue. Beautiful with Warren on vocals, and a blue light on Warren. Loud cheer from crowd, with Herring doing a good Garcia in his solo. A chill went up my spine again during the bridge and Warren too played a heartfelt solo after his vocals were done. The jam sped up bit by bit before heading back into Terrapin again, a little more Latinized than usual, but it still got a loud pop from the audience. The jam rocked out into this hoe down thing, dropping back into a call and response section with each of the band members playing off each other, Molo dropping accents during the transition to an experimental groove. And then it slowly started to come together with a familiar friendly riff and Whammo! Liberty !!!! Rob sang it and I jumped up screaming.
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. Great version and most timely. So nice to get a breakout too. I'm so happy Phil brought this one back. Not much jamming here, but a solidly played version to end the set, and one Loud roar of applause to follow.
Phil came out to deliver his customary speech, and Chicago loves you too Phil. For an encore, we got Warren treating us to Soul Shine for some good ABB dueling guitar action. Great show and a great tour starter. Thanks for Liberty, guys and I hope the rest of the tour is just awesome for all the rest of you out there. One amazing show.
Thanks Paul - that was excellent
Set 2:
Eyes of the World>
The Wheel> Jam>
Night of a 1000 Stars
Lady with a Fan>
Stella Blue>
Terrapin Station>
*Liberty (1st time)
E: Soulshine
Soulshine encore?..Again?.. YIKES! How utterly boring and lame. I'm getting really sick and tired of this
cheesy redneck "allmans" tune. It was "amusing" the first 20 times but come on..they play it the SAME way every frickin time..I mean throw me a "frickin" bone here. Phil could have chosen from a plethora of great tunes tonight...like a nice..groovy..Mountains of the moon..or HCS..but no..here again..rearing it's ugly head..is warren's CHEESE!! This guy's bad influence on the "quintet" is growing more and more prevalent
w/ each passing tour. I guess we should ALL just get used to the fact that until they CAN warren..and get back to pure improvisational jazzy jamming (ie; PURE JIMMY)..
all of those tasty jams and phil bombs will be interspersed with southern hard rock CRAP!!!
End of story.
BTW.. Lady>stella>terrapin for the "UMPTEENTH"
time doesn't help matters much.
Here's hoping for a little bit more spontanaeity,
overall variety, and more mixing things up...like only Phil can..Unfortunately due to Warren's presence, and newly increased SAY in the way things go down..this is probably just wishful thinking.
Have a great fall tour everyone...
P.S. Jimmy Herring IS GOD!!
didn't his dad die recently?
i was told soulshine was his call.
I just try not to pay attention to Warren, but am sad to hear the problem is getting worse. Jimmy da MAN!!
Show some compassion man....Soulshine couldn't have been more fitting.IMO
If you don't like it, leave. What is so hard about that? PK, great review. Will do my best to get it to you asap.
Dewit- ..I would leave man..but we both know
it's the only game in town.
It just used to be SO much better & more intense..kinda like a dead show.
Just to let you know brother..
the Bruce Cockburn tune
you refer to on your profile
as being your favorite lyric
and song, is called
Waiting "for" a miracle.
Hey James,
Believe it or not, the band plays for the people who don't go on tour, the working stiffs who get really pumped for the few shows a year they can make it to. If you're sick of hearing the same tunes get off the bus. If you hate Warren don't go see the band. Nothing irks me more than dorks like you who think you should be able to dictate setlists and bandmembers. Do you think you're "family" or something and have a right to spew out those feeble criticisms? Get a grip. You're just a negative-assed poser who's there for the party. It's the people like you who brought down the Dead scene: A bunch of snotty, immature jerkoffs who had nothing positive to say about the music. Again, if you can't deal with the music give your ticket to one of the plentitudes who can. First show of the tour and all you can do is bash - what a friggin loser!
interesting set...have no problem with soulshine.
But Liberty? Phil dont be bust out
no Odessa nonsense....Wouldn't mind hearin the
good Bob tunes ..Like Playin or Stranger,
Let it Grow....Rather seem play Touch of Gray
before Liberty....But hey its opening night
of tour bound to have one clunker..
Still sike anyway...
James, I just want to clarify my point to you. There are plenty of tunes that I could pass on, Liberty being one (I'm with you GC). But when 98% of the crowd is cheering and dancing does my opinion matter? I think not. Sure, I'll discuss it with my close friends, but I'm not going to stand up and yell "THIS SUCKS" in a public forum.
Brian, relax man.
I really could give two shits what you have to say anyway..you don't seem to have a clue what the hell you're talkin about, and you're basing your judgements on assumptions, and preconcieved notions you know nothing about.. I'm just a "philphan" who has witnessed an incredibly drastic change to this band over the past year and a 1/2...and am voicing my extreme disappointment at the way things have turned out...This band could've been something..really something...
Btw BK..If my next show is as bad as last night..
I "won't go see the band" and will be MORE than willing to "give my ticket" to one of the 'plentitudes' of muleheads and warren freaks and phishheads that jumped on the "accessible" bandwagon last fall
(when warren became a full time memeber)... and ultimately flooded this once small kind scene w/ problems and a sketchy vibe...right from the start..
I'll be more than content..to think back to the oh so heady times & scenes...of pre-warren phil shows...
>'plentitudes' of muleheads and warren freaks and phishheads that jumped on the "accessible"
bandwagon last fall
Don't ever mention Mule or Warren for that matter in the same breath as Fish.
I went last night as well to show and one great time, I wish I could have more this fall. NYC 6, Chicago 1, very unbalanced. Oh, well. Anyhow, I finally got to meet Cisco, TC, Jill, and Sideshow Bob. You people are sweet, kind, and I hope to see you all again soon!! Being I have to work today, I remained pretty much sober and it didn't seem to change my opinion at all. I thought the show was tight and was blown away by Jimmy. He is way intense. The Blues for Allah>Watchtower wailed, Help Slip Frank to be expected, but well done. I was looking for a more rockin' 2nd set, but still happy with what the boys put out, I personally enjoyed Liberty; it kind of fits in with the theme of what's going on in the world these days. I didn't get close enough to see Phil's shirt, but it looked sort of American Flagish, does anybody know what was on it? A nice pleasant mood overall throughout the Ballroom. Everyone appeared to be happy and definitely wanted more at the end. Well, thank you boys for another good time and come back soon! WE LOVE YOU!! Jill, S. Bob- enjoy the rest of your time on the road, you guys rock!! Stay sweet Cisco!! Love you all so much.
to; james caldwell (Philphann)
Dude, time to move on and follow another band. I agree with BrianK, if you don't like what's going on then don't go to the shows....
Mule and Phish two completley different
bands and sound...
As far as the scene...I dont know if its
that big...Its seems pretty small to me..
Who said every song is a gem anyway..
I have scene a few Phil show where he
did some song I didn't care for..
Come to think about it I have seen the Dead
do some clunker tunes and shows...
But its always made up for....
For perpetual bads shows go to Ratdog...
Still siked Phil is coming....
Cryptical & Carlin - Please guys!
They all come out the same in
the end...CHEESE!
Well James, I do have a clue as to what I'm talking about. Methinks your comment, "This band could've been something..really something...," says a whole lot. If it's really the crowds you hate, and not the music, there's a really easy fix. Get to the show right before it starts and leave once it's over. And I'll tell you one thing. At least all those converted Phishheads are finally touring with some quality music and musicians. I sincerely hope your next show is as bad for you as last nights.
I sure hope not brian..but then again ..it probably
will be.
>it probably
will be.
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
James, just so you know, I toured pretty heavily with the Dead in the mid/late 80's. By '91 I found that the overall quality of the music had dropped (as had the scene). Sure, there were still the high highs, but those low lows seemed to become the norm. I still had the jones, so I'd see them once or twice a year. Phil and Friends doesn't have those Jerry highs, but the band rocks and is very consistent. What more can you ask for? I know where you're coming from, but you have to allow yourself to have a good time. It's not like they suck.
everyone's a critic.
yeesh, .."Family".
"you can sort of pick your Friends and Lovers, but you're stuck with your Family", states mister MD.
love love love {to the Children: "quit it! now!"}
Funny I have seen the Dead do atleast 5
really shit shows....But the other 50
great ones made up for it....
OK...Ya don't like the show, good. Save that extra ticket for me...
I wasn't at the show last night, but it seems to me that Phil was telling the story of the 9-11. We all know that Phil trys to tell stories or elaborate on a theme during the shows...So consider this:
Phil comes out and does a bass solo. Everything is cool, calm and collected.
Then, the cacaphony of THE ELEVEN! To start the show? The Eleven? I think it points DIRECTLY to the theme of the 9-11. Why else would The 11 start a show?!?
Next, Blues for Allah! OK...It's official...Phil is telling us the story of 9-11. The 11 > Blues for Allah. C'mon!
Watch Tower. Quite literally. Watch the Tower(s) fall before our eyes!
Help On the Way! Are we seeing the theme here?
Franklins Tower...The second Tower song...
Next the EYES OF THE WORLD watch as the events unfold...
The Wheel of events is turning and you can't slow it down...
Phil has become the Terrapin StoryTeller here...And he has Dusted off those rusty strings just one more time...Made them shine and reminded us that it seems like all this life
was just a dream...
But, in the end, Freedom, Liberty and personal SoulShine are left standing...
Anyone else?
Damn Rev, you're good. That about sums it all up
Nicely done REV......
did someone write "extra ticket"?!
we'll use 'em, we're dragging ole pranksters out of the hills, "you don't know what you're missing"... "you don't know"
I just love it when the Rev. pulls it all together so I regain my composure. James, you need to change your moniker. You haven't provided a decent review, and I agree with everyone else, leave your ticket at the door.
I don't consider this the only game in town. Suggest an attitude adjustment from you. If this is the only game in town for you, wish you would justify that for us, rather than bitch. This band is the sum of its parts, don't be complaining about the parts; me thinks Phil is not paying any attention to you anyway.
Rev, you are so right on.
FYI, the Dead died a long time ago. Get over it already.
James....I guess this means you'll not be attending the Christmas Jam. Do us all a favor and stay home NYE too.
Have you given any thought that this line up might really enjoy making music together?
Paul, nice review..thanks
Rock on Phil!!!
"let the music play the band"
Absolutely Excellent Rev
and while I appreciate WH more with the Brothers...you can tell the bashers are really pining for Kimock..and nothing more..
LuLu!!! You and Dan are so right on!!! Thank goodness for Cisco's yellow hat (: You are SO as cool as i knew you'd be~love you sister!!!
Rev: only but TOO excellent~100 percent right on the moulah...see you and Lady Rev in Albany (or Buff, whichever comes 1st)
the bass solo was so *serious* Phil was totally speaking a tale of tragedy and hope~
~love to you all from the road~
Unfuckingbelievable! What the hell is the matter with you whiners??? The long-awaited Fall Tour finally gets under way and you people are bitching and complaining and crying. For chrissakes, you just can't fucking be happy can you?
>>Have you given any thought that this line up might really enjoy making music together?
Yeah, the same types of jams and songs every time,
yeah I've thought about that.
>>FYI, the Dead died a long time ago. Get over it already.
Oh jesus..don't even try to drop that lame over-used cliche on me..maybe that works with others on this board..but not me....christ
>>you can tell the bashers are really pining for Kimock..and nothing more..
Hey Zimi..If you're referring to me..you couldn't be more wrong.
>>James, just so you know, I toured pretty heavily with the Dead in the mid/late 80's.
Really bk? Now I know you're for real..and really do have a clue what the hell you're talkin about..forgive me for ever doubting you..
..oh experienced one..
btw~Sideshow sez to let you all know about the Let It Grow tease.........
uhm, "it was really fucking great"
been out of circulation for awhile but have to say you couldn't have been more on the money with your overview of the Chicago show and the picture/story Phil was trying to paint. Imagine your analysis probably left alot of phans looking a bit more deeply at that set list. Nice job brother
>>Phil has become the Terrapin StoryTeller here...And he has Dusted off those rusty strings just one more time...Made them shine and reminded us that it seems like all this life
was just a dream...
Now you lost me..rev. or whatever your name is.
Maybe you had somethin goin back there but this
doesn't fit in w/ the context of what you were sayin at all nor make any sense..plus you weren't even at the show..so how can you say what phil's opening solo or jam was meant to convey??..
James, you missed my point. Did you read my whole post? All I was saying is that I know where you're coming from. No need for bitterness. I'm all about groovy love, kind brother.
Were there, in your opinion, any high-points to the show? Even though you didn't like the song selections how was the music? Was it played well (Warren aside)? How was the energy inside the venue?
>Cryptical & Carlin - Please guys!
They all come out the same in
the end...CHEESE!
Maybe Ratdog will satisfy you.
Give them a whirl.
Guys keep it positive please!
I read all those lousy hateful and disrespectful reviews and all I can say is thanks REV!!!
Our world is in turmoil and the last thing we need is negativity in our family. Just to let you know I mean it, I am going to offer up Hartford 7/21/01 to the first two people to email me.
11>Blues for Allah.
Wow.... So appropriate.
the dead is alive and well and living in theaters from the midwest to nyc decemebr 2nd, in the phans, in the bands(including RATDOG, the trichromes, beimbe oreisha, TOO) and all the hearts of anyone and everyone touched by this beautiful music. Not getting on the bus for another week but I can't believe the slamming i'm hearing. I agree sometimes the Warren stuff can get old but there is no Bob Weir in this band, they share vocals and Warren is a foundation of this damn good band! And "philphann" before you really embarass yourself go out to your local record shop, or maybe you'd just rather sit on yer ass complaining and order on the web the new GOV'T MULE album. Dude you don't have a clue, the album kicks ass(foir southern hard rock). I think Rev's take is very insightful also explains Liberty nut I think it's exciting that the boys added Liberty, got to hear ratdog do it with the persuasions last december and have loved it ever since. Looking forward to see what other surprises are in store for us! For such a mind expanding experience you guys can be very closed minded at times. I sure hope Phil can satisfy your demands. And Phil if you happen to read this...Phuck 'em man! Keep on doin what yer doin!
Cracks me up that someone who thinks it sucks so bad orders tickets for multiple shows.
Keep pissing your money away, pal.
>>Maybe Ratdog will satisfy you. >>
Your pitiful attempt at humour is ill-timed
and a little strained..better luck next time..
>Anyone else?
Works for me! Cheese indeed...
>kind brother
Doubtful, more like Harsh Head!
>Now you lost me..
Aw shucks and we were so hoping you would stay with us.
>so how can you say what phil's opening solo or jam was meant to convey??..
Its called imagination and interpretation
I would imagine that a big "loser" will be up for the next show.
>Its called imagination and interpretation >
Hey, smartguy, Shutup and don't talk to me like I'm stupid...I would expect you to know the difference between interpreting music..& a setlist...ya knumbskull
To James and Brian,
It was a great show, and keep in mind, it was opening night. That being said, I can't complain with the PLQ. Phil's got a tight band, and they are still developing into something. Keep in mind that Warren has his hands in a lot of projects right now and is doing the best he can, plus I can't think of anyone better in that role. His singing lifts things up and he does add one good guitar to the mix. I too would like to see more Herring, but last night we got more than usual and that's a good thing. This was my eleventh Phil show and he has come a long way since October 99. The new band is tight and keeps getting better each time I hear them, and that's why I go back: for Phil, for the songs and for the magic that happens when i go back. See my review for Alpine this year for comparison.
As for Liberty, I'm sorry, but I love that song and the band had a great version. With all the crap that's happened since Sept 11th, I can't think of a better song of freedom for them to play. I'm not dissing on Jerry's versions, but this had a bit more life to it, and the crowd was with it from note one. Don't diss it until you have a chance to hear it yourself. And as for Warren dragging things down, unless you can do a better job yourself in that role, give the guy a break. I like Soul Shine and I don't thing there could've been anything to follow up that version of Liberty that would've done it justice. That's just my humble opinion anyway.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to side with Brian and company. Complaining about the ENCORE??!! What's that about? It's like going out and having an excellent meal and then complaining about the after-dinner mint.
I tend to get a little tired of certain songs too -- when I've seen them 22 times. I think the best advice to get you more jazzed about the next show is maybe go to less shows, listen to less tapes, get less caught up in the minutia of the setlists and try to enjoy the moment.
As long as Warren is in the band, they need him to step up and he does time and time again. Not every jam and every song is going to be as good as you hope.
>> Not every jam and every song is going to be as good as you hope. >>
Really? Wow I didnt know that.. keep your frickin advice to yourself ya douchebag..
All right, children. Lemme tell you a little something.
Firstly, I have *never* seen P&F put on a bad show. That band melts my brain every time I see them and I try to attend every show I can. I am not 21 anymore, no longer on tour, and really look forward to the opportunity to catch 3-6 shows a year. If you're a dread-head hippie loser who spare changes with some mangy animal for Mad Dog 20/20 and Crack in the middle of winter, good luck to you. Don't use this forum to bash the music.
Secondly, if you are posting here to simply bitch and moan like a little girl, then f-off.
Thirdly, if P&F's shows are so painful for you to listen to, then f-off and go pick up a copy of P-Diddy's new album.
Fourthly, I would gladly trade up all the shit Dead shows I saw in 94 & 95 for one P&F show.
THat's that.
>>I'm all about groovy love, kind brother.
Damn Brian, sure sounds like you are..lOl..
..hey btw, didn't you say somethin bout a poser?
damn you told em didn't ya..."crack in the middle of winter".."p-diddy's new album"( how do you even know he has one?)
Save it brody..b4 you make yourself sound even more innocently juvenile..
Must print retraction....
I bashed "Liberty" as a Bob tune...Crossed
wires with "Eternity".. My bad...But must
admit still dont like either tune that much...
But Phil did change my mind on "Lazy River Road"
so maybe he will change my mind on "Liberty".
I am so pissed that what I felt was a real kind scene has degenerated into backbiting. First, to criticize Warren is the height of absurdity. I have seen this band in a number of its incarnations since inception and believe the Warren, Jimmy, Rob, John mix works best (I do miss Kimock but we all know that that bus has departed). Simply by virtue of his vocals, Warren has taken this band on his shoulders at times. I cringe at the thought of the Phil-sung Days Between from the early days of this band. Do you really want Jeff Pevar back? Second,"Soulshine" is always welcome in my book and I have heard this version played in a variety of ways (Acoustic at Jones Beach with Rob on keys, reggae-style at Roseland,rocked out at Beacon Theatre). I enjoy the song and hope it stays in the rotation. Finally, everyone I speak to after shows thinks Warren is incredible--a dominant stage presence. His kinship with the other members of the band and his love for the music also shines through. I believe that he has been instrumental in bringing Jimmy out at times (Warren has done the same with Derek in ABB). I cannot believe I have to defend Warren on this forum page. I cannot get enough of this band and will probably attend shows whenver possible. I hope your bad vibes don't permeate this scene.
Hey James...
Welcome to the board. Brian's been here for a while now...posting informative links, thoughtful analysis of phil related topics, etc.
What exactly are you offering besides negativity?
Ok....Rev....right on.
I wasn't there last night, nor do I feel it was nesacary to be there to appreciate what Phil, AND ROB, AND WARREN, AND JIMMY, AND JOHN. I know it is near cliche to say this, but they are greater than the sum of their parts. To refer to an amazingly talented guitarist such as Warren as "cheese" seems a bit narrow and, to put it quite bluntly,..stupid. I realize that ones preferance in music involves a lot of things..but what it comes down to is taste. If you do not like Haynes or the ABB, and their sound, do not go to the shows. It is a simple solution to a problem that you (James) seem to be experiencing. It is not the only game in town. There are several other bands in town. I agree that being a tour head, which many of us were, does not make you an expert. But it does give you a basis for comparison. But it is not, nor was it billed as, The Grateful Dead. And Brian is right...the majority of us are not on tour, and are so psyched about getting the opportunity to see the boys, that we don't put a whole lot into the setlist. Granted, all of us would like to have a personal choice as to what they play next, but the music itself is the most important part of the experience. Not what they play and who plays it. It is not a competition between Jimmy and Warren...to make it seem as though the camp is split between pro-Warren and pro-Jimmy factions seems rediculous. It is not a competetive situation to anyone other than simple and insecure narrow minded people. You don't want to be one of them....do you.
Think about it...I can't stand N'Sync...so I don't go to the show...when you really consider it..while seemingly silly...it comes down to the same simple decision that you should make...don't go. If you do...don't bitch.
This space is reserved for reviews...be it good or bad..but as I tell my students all the time..have an informed oppinion....if you don't stay quiet...don't prove yourself a fool.
I realize that there have been clunker songs, and clunker shows..belive me..I saw a few of them with the boys from Little Feet...but I also saw several awesome shows with them....there are highs and lows.
Personally...I can't wait to hear the tapes. Liberty seems perfect for the times...as does Soulshine and I am right there with ya Rev. Phil is a wonderful story teller....it just takes intellect to see where and how things fit. Not every song is a piece of the story..some are just there because they are great songs....Stella Blue just offers a tender touch in the midst of a turbulant time.
Can't wait till tonight....hope to see you guys in st.l.
Don't you see? He's offering his razor-sharp intellect and wit, along with insightful critique. You should all recognize a true genius when you see one....
damn..you're quick, and funny too dude..
Well all you folks that have a good attitude, here's to ya. The problem with the internet is that any yahoo (James) can post their tired, negative, and divisive ramblings. If only losers like that could be blocked. Constructive criticism should be respected but outright negativity should be blocked. James is jsut being a negative jerk. I sure hope he isn't going to be at New Years. Cause I dig Derek Trucks, Ratdog, PLQ, and Crusader Rabbit. No need for negativity. This could be one of the last New Years festivities ever. Be Good Family PLEASE! BTW, Liberty is a great Hunter/Garcia tune. Very appropriate. The meaning of liberty shown in the lyrics.
Mazel Tov David. Well put.
Nothing I say can add to the Rev's interpretation of the setlist-thanks, Dude!
James, it's one thing to not be satisfied with a show. Looking back, some of the 1990s Dead shows I saw were less than exemplary. But, as most of us do, I go for that one show where all the magic comes together and everyone's souls are dancing together as well as their bodies.
Last night had a few glitches, but Phil has given us a great post-Jerry version of the Dead and beyond, and I'm very grateful to have Phil playing for as long as he feels able to do it. And, I hear new stuff from Warren and Jimmy each time I see them. Maybe Soulshine might be getting a bit tired for you, but open up to the rest of the music and what's going on-that is, if you really want to be there. Reading your posts, I'm not sure you do.
One more thing about Warren, he may be the best singer ever for Stella Blue for a guy whose initials aren't JG.
Last thing, loved Phil's take on 9-11 so much that they may have converted me to liking Liberty!
was it just me or did any of you expect to hear US Blues durring this show???
>> Not every jam and every song is going to be as good as you hope. >>
>> Really? Wow I didnt know that.. keep your frickin advice to yourself ya douchebag..
I was just trying to point out that perhaps your problem with Phil & Friends stems from your expectations which seem to go beyond that of havin' a good ol' time at a Rock and Roll concert.
And by the way, nice name calling. If you'd care to step outside into the "Other Stuff" thread, I'd be happy to kick your sorry ass.
There is no reasoning with James, don't address him, let it pass, he will go away.
Can't wait for buffalo and albany, although i have seen every tour that phil has done, i believe that there is some sort of "formula" that phil follows.
warren is awesome but is used to playing almost the same sets with his band or the abb.i thought viola,help,slip, franks,... were overplayed this past summer tour,and some of the jams were a lil boring(spac.)spring 2001 and fall 2000 were so exciting, and now the luster of this band is starting to wear on me as well.but,i'll be there with boots on hoping for the magic. and more jimmy!
>> was it just me or did any of you expect to hear US Blues durring this show???
BaliGirl and I were discussing this pre-show. She threw out Liberty and I said, what? That's a Bob song...Phil won't do that, but I bet he will do USB.
Never been so glad to be wrong! (yeah Bali!)
Personally, I like Phil's bombing campaign much better than Rumsfelds!
I must apologize. I was feeling a bit rambunctious this morning and baited James. But again, there's a difference between a negative review and pure negativity. I do apreciate the fact that some people don't like the current line-up. To each his own.
James, I hope you find a band that gets you off. Phil does it for most of us even though we may not always like his song selection. Please give a review if you can. Opposing viewpoints are important. There's a general consensus that the last few years of the Dead left much to be desired. Perhaps they would have benefited from some ernest negative criticism.
Finally, my use of "kind brother" was nothing more than sarcasm. I give any of you permission to ram a cattle prod up my ass if you ever hear me use it in anything other than jest.
Now let's leave James alone and get back to real reviews, both positive and negative.
>was it just me or did any of you expect to hear US Blues durring this show???
That was my opener call Posa.
Thought that was a shoe in.
>Your pitiful attempt at humour is ill-timed
and a little strained..better luck next time..
Thanks for the review, Uncle Milty.
Every few years, the line 'one way or another this darkness got to give' seems extraordinarily applicable, so let's go over it again. It's either the bad vibes go away or the good music goes away. People that enjoy music for being music (and all things included like an excuse to dance, etc.) are who Phil (and all others in the genre) play for. They aren't trying to impress anyone and there's no sense in screwing a gift-horse in the ass, so don't bother to get upset if they encore with a song you don't like. Be cool, this is not a Packers game... we have nothing to get upset about. Hats off to fellow music lovers, see you in Louisville
>> Every few years, the line 'one way or another this darkness got to give' seems extraordinarily applicable,
I was right there with you, but a few lines prior:
"Please don't dominate the rap, jack, if you got nothing new to say..."
But, but, but...
He's a PhilPHANN!
Get off his case.
Speakin' of cases, crack one open and toss me a cold one...The weekend's comin'!
OK. Knowing I had to work today.. I decided to get hammered and come in work late. I decided that was the most reasonable decision one could have made. Last night show was exactly what I needed to hear. The more I see Phil.. the more I crave a show. The venue was unbelievable cool (first time there). I wont go into specifics of every song... sure that was covered above. Phil's solo jam opener was cool, never seen him do that B/4. I heard Blues for Allah was 1st time played w/ complete vocals. Jammed out on Watchtower! And of course the all powerful Help-> Slip-> Frank's. 2nd set started out very powerful and high energy. Eyes! Wheel! Night of a 1000 Stars! and soon settled back to sweet mellow tunes... Lady w/ a Fan -> Stella -> Terrapin! Liberty was great to hear, think that was a 1st for me. Couldn't have asked for a better setlist. Great show to kick the tour off w/.
Jill you rock! It was great to finally meet you and Sideshow. Thacks for dinner! TC once again. Eric my Kimock friend.. great seeing you for yet the 3rd time this week. Lulu you totally took me by surprise when you approached me. It was great to finally meet you and Dan the man! Stay sweet as well Lu! Will have to catch some south side Cats sometime. We needed a camera at that show. To bad that was my only show this tour. Enjoy the rest of tour all! I know you will.
Liberty was timely, (I hope I don't sound overly negative, but...), I was somewhat surprised that Phil played the patriotic card, so to speak. Though the message of that song may not be inherently patriotic, the timing and the context of its appearance makes it suspect. Now I am not saying that patriotism is a bad thing, what I will say is the Dead always seemed to make a point of being apolitical. That said, let me clarify that I do not believe patriotism and politics are one in the same, however right now, they seem to be very much intertwined. Anybody want to comment on this?
Now, I had a great time, and Thankyou Phil, John, Jimmy, Rob and Warren( Warren is a busy boy, and he looked alittle wiped out). Feels like these guys are picking up right about where they left off at the end of the summer.
THANK YOU PHIL. Your band is wonderful and warm.I have seen this band many times. Seen the dead countless times. I'm in my thirties, still tour and still will. As Bobby said, no time to hate. Love all , Bruce P.S. LAST NIGHTS ARAGON SHOW WAS GREAT.
Hey James,
Check out Phil's recent Downbeat magazine interview (link on Philzone page). It seems he is quite pleased with Warren and what he brings to the band. Including Soulshine.
Freedom itself has no fear. Ya know.
I didnt realize that there are so many people who think Warren is a hinderence (sp?) to P+F. I happen to think this is the best lineup Phil has had, but what do I know, I am one of those people who like Phish, Galactic, Funky Meters, Coltrane, Charlie Hunter.......
Oh to be as young and dumb as Mr. Caldwell again! Surely us old timers can remember a time in our lives that we were just as ignorent and clueless eh? Only, I remember being blissful in mine not miserable. It just never occurred to me when I was on tour to angrily ignore the high points of a show because they'd played NFA for the umpteenth time. Most cynics get that way over time as they learn about the nature of things but to be a cynic while knowing so little and missing so much is just tragic. How sad.
It really Phils he's evolving the music to a higher plateau. How can it be denied?
Well James, welcome to the forum where only Cryp and his posse are allowed to make negative comments and lambast particular posts...this is, apparently, their turf. While reading this page I couldn't figure out why you all feel so strongly about James' comments that you feel the need to blast him over and over again? This is a forum for everyone's opinions, not just "the regulars" so lighten up and post your own original opinions rather than knocking down someone else's thoughts. Besides, don't you have anything better to do?
Very sad state of affairs in the grateful world. I hear people arguing with one another over setlists, band personnell, the whole phil and friends / ratdog arguement, the Grateful Dead / Phish arguement, the warren / jimmy arguement, and the commercialization of the dead arguement. Please remember this......someday, sadly, their will be no phil or bobby or anybody to play. They will have passed on to a higher realm with our lost brother ol Jer. The torch will be in our hands to keep the love of great music going. Please remember this. A fellow musician and good friend of mine once told me this....."If you want to compete..play sports. If you want to compliment play music". Good words huh? I think Phil and Friends compliment each other musically quite well (warren included). Maybe we need to work on our complimenting as an audience.
Peace and love,
Midwestern brotha
>was it just me or did any of you expect to hear US Blues durring this show???
I already posted a request for it on the St. Louis board. It would go over huge here in St.L. There is a local dead cover band here in St. Louis named Jakes Leg. I know the guys in the band and they doa great job. The week of the attacks, some friends and I went to see Bela Fleck and then headed down to the bar to check out the end of the Jakes Leg show. This was on the Thursday after the attacks (two days later).The normally upbeat crowd was rather quiet and lathargic. For the encore....someone yelled out "US Blues"...Randy, the lead singer, smiled as if to say "We're one step ahead of you!" as the opening chords of USB banged out into the tiny room. THE PLACE WENT BONKERS!!!! People who hadn't moved all night went nuts and jumped out of their seats to dance. The room was filled with energy..especially when the chorus rang out and every one of the 200 plus people called "WAVE THAT FLAG!!!!.....WAVE IT HIGH...."I got a chill.
When I heard Phil was coming back, I immediately thought that it would be perfect to hear the fox roar with the same sort of enthusiasm as the tiny bar did that night. Talk about a "pick me up."
I would love to hear that tonight...someone pass word along to Phil...cause you know he caters to individuals desires when it comes to encores!!!
sarcasm for anyone unaware.
And I say to myself, what a wonderful world. (house music in chicago immedeatly after encore, which made my soul shine)
Hey Folks:
This Caldwell fella is a bit hard to take sometimes. Here's an idea of how to deal with him without hurting anyone's feelings: Don't respond...show indifference...no exceptions. Get on with your friendly dialogue and show chat. By the way Reverend: I crown thee King of Phil Show Theme Interpretation. I love it!
>Well James, welcome to the forum where only Cryp and his posse are allowed to make negative
comments and lambast particular posts...this is, apparently, their turf.
So get your cracker ass out of the hood then or my niggaz will bust a cap in yo ass, yo.
And no we have nothing better to do.
We are all unemployed and cashed our food stamps in to buy these fancy computers.
I don't know Cryp or his posse and the only time I've ever posted here is when I've reviewed a show. I came here to catch a glimpse of what is in store for me when I hit the Orpheum later this month and instead I've got to read a mean spirited, misguided tirade obviously posted to stir up shit instead of to provoke meaningful discussion. Differing opinions are fine and criticisms can be constructive but not when they are disrespectful. Warren Haynes is an extremely nice guy, one of the hardest working men in music and an integral part of this band. Whether you like his style or not he doesn't deserve to be talked about the way James has.
>Liberty was timely, (I hope I don't sound overly negative, but...), I was somewhat surprised that Phil played the patriotic card, so
to speak.
hmmm...i never quite thought of liberty as a patriotic song. and a little tidbit about the song.
Hunter's liner to his release of Liberty carried this quote:
We must all be foolish at times
It is one of the conditions of liberty. --Walt Whitman
>>"cracker ass "
HEY ! I resemble that remark !
Cryp has a posse ?
You better give up my corner beeyotch !!! MY posse was dealing bunk X while you were still smoking schwag and listening to Foreigner. ;)
On a serious note : thanks for the reviews, no Phall Phil for me, so I count on these reviews..
PS - Liberty ROCKS !!
oh. and i sure wish i was at the show. awesome setlist. and..warren and jimmy friggin' rule...both of them. each member brings such unique and incredible talents to the stage.
I think deep down inside he really likes Warren but won't admit it to himself or anybody else.
couldn't have said it better myself...
Right Cinderoo...I mentioned I didn't think it was neccisarliy patriotic.
gotcha matthew
Liberty is a good thing to sing about, nothing nationalistic about it to me. On the other hand, US Blues would have been a ridiculous thing to do. At least no one has called for God Bless America yet.
What kind of hippie is a gangster hippie supposed to be anyway? think.
>> By the way Reverend: I crown thee King of Phil Show Theme Interpretation.
I hope this doesn't mean I have to defend my proverbial crown against the Bucskster on the rap thread...
Glad you all (most anyhow) liked my take on things. As I saw the setlists appear one by one on the chat room last night, it just struck me how obvious it was! Thought about it all night and all morning...Banged out the babbling message above in a frenzy before my 10 AM meeting!
It's good to have another story teller in the family...
God Bless Mr. Lesh & Co...
Destination: Further.
" you suck'
"you're a douchebag"
" go see Phish"
ah yes, Toto, we must be back in Kansas again...
the 9/11 honeymoon is DEFINITELY over
carry on & have a great weekend, all
The night started out chillin the lot having a great time picked up some pyramids and made my way to the show. Bought my ticket and went back to the lot. I stashed my shit in my shoe except for the pyramids and than i checked my pockets for my ticket and it wasn't there and i was broke so we went back to the aragon and after 25 minutes my friend emerged with 36 dollars for the ticket. I sat in line for another 20 minutes before them taking my ticket. Well walking in i was searched and as they were patting me down they felt something in my shoe and the security guard a little mexican guy grabbed me by the shirt and threw me into a little white room. He than proceeded to harass me and take my shit and well doing so stuck his hand down my pant and grabbed my dick and balls. Finally the guy throws me into a wall and tells me to take off my glass pendant or he will take it. He than threw me into a wall and threw me out into the theatre. I feel fucking like i was raped. Well after that i got into the show took the pyramids and danced to the sounds of the music that took control of me. All along the watchtower was amazing and so was the wheel but it really blue me away when they launched into Terrapin Station. 2 songs before the show ended i left almost dehydrated because water is FIVE BUCKS A FUCKING GLASS. Now i am a small person almost resembling a kid with my long blonde hair and blue eyes and this arena treated me like i was SCUM ARAGON BALLROOM CAN FUCK OFF DEAD WILL LIVE ON FOREVER. eMAIL ME IF YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES
Phorget Phish.Why does everything have to be compared to that band?
I like the Walt Whitman tie-in to Liberty, I was not aware of that. The show was downright excellent from start to finish!!
To those of you who complain out there- yeah, you're entitled to your own opinion and all that other crap, but if you were there you would have been loving every minute of Phil!! I challenge you to boo in a crowd truly embracing the music palyed before them. I highly doubt you would boo. Warren is a sweet, sweet guitar player with BIG heart and soul as well is Jimmy, Phil, Rob, and Molo. Love it while you can, people!! This sweetness won't last forever. These guys have all been playing music for quite some time and obviously can pull off just about anything they want. Not one song in the setlist sucked or was lame. The show went the way the band wanted, and we all bought the tix to go. If you're going to continue to dis the band, then why still go? The only thing I have to dis is the negativity present on this board.
Mike Warner,
What is a "pyramid"? I guess I must be out of the loop on that one. Sorry you got harrassed, it is known as the "Brawlroom." What made them search your shoe? Just curious. I'm surprised they made you pay $5 for water, when it was $3 for a Coke. Sounds like they were takin' you for a ride.
>You better give up my corner beeyotch !!! MY posse was dealing bunk X while you were still
smoking schwag and listening to Foreigner. ;)
Now give me them Air Jordans and that gold chain.
"There's nothing you can hold, for very long..."
Liberty was so full of the right vibe last night. It in my opinion, it absolutely captured our "hippie to the core" sense of patriotism.
>On the other hand, US Blues would have been a ridiculous thing to do.
Ridiculous how, Zabb?
>> Now give me them Air Jordans and that gold chain.
"My grand-mama gave me that chain!"
>>"Now give me them Air Jordans and that gold chain. "
You mean my Berks and my hemp mojo bag ?
them's fightin' words, yo...
"Red's gone cry in the car...."
>>""My grand-mama gave me that chain!"
I laughed so flipping hard I almost got fired !!! The news is on the television and i'm giggling amongst all the heartache. My co-workers already believe I'm callous and uncouth...
What the hell, It's Friday and you don't have to work, cause you ain't got no job...
Wow, James is pissed about something. Personally, I'm more concerned that the venue was a total prison than with some dude's tirade. What's the deal with these rip off venues treating people like shit after they've payed a boatload to go in? I'm sure the terrorist attacks have only made matters much worse. All this frisking and ball grabbing by minimum wage security goons is too much. We dealt with that shit at the Palladium for Oysterhead a few weeks ago, total garbage...
ps- IMO, set list looks great, wish i was there. also, i think warren fits in well with the band and has a great voice and some serious chops, southern rock or not. i still gotta give it up for kimock though, that guy can play! kimock-herring could do some serious damage.
Kimmock rocks. Wish the venue could have been better for Phil but it could have been much worse.
>>"All this frisking and ball grabbing by minimum wage security goons is too much. "
Some minimum wage asshole grabs my nuts and I'd give him an ass whooping he wouldn't soon forget.
Might miss phil, but I'm sure he'd understand.
Was there any notice beforehand about how tight the security would be ?
James, you piss me off, but then, I love Phil and Warren and Jimmy and Rob and Molo equally. More so, your stupid comments on the morn of the first show pissed everyone else off.
We are full of love and respect and thanks for P&F. Take your negative shit to one of the other sites, (which I can no longer mention because their members have bought so many shirts.)
As far as security goes...
Get ready to deal with it...
At Widespread Panic in the Orpheum last night they just about had the latex gloves on for cellblock shakedown.
Budget your time right in Boston.
Wish I could have made this show......anybody who can hook a bro up with an Aragon boot let me know. Couldn't get off work to go. Willing to trade if I have something you need
In PHIL we trust,
midwest brotha
what's the deal with this shirt thing, dewit?
...and the security thing is still bullshit, deal with it or not. what's next? full blown cavity search on the way into the warfield? gimme a break.
nupotato......lost your email on the aragon trade....computer crashed........please reply again......thank you brotha.
couldn't make the show 'cause of work....bummer....but so nice to see how serious everyone takes the music. Grow up people....name calling on the internet solves a lot. You either like the gig or not...period. My last shows were at the Riv....all 5 nights....same band line-up. If the Aragon was half as good, then it was great. The interplay between musicians is refreshing and a welcome change from many other shows(bands) I've seen. Of course my experience is limited....first show(Dead) at the Uptown in the 70's and then many years on the road working for BGP....every Dead, JGB and Phil involved show that happened west of the Divide as well as 1000's of other bands at venue's from Co to Wa. I've heard people bitch about certain years and gigs and venues and security and every thing else. I've been called a Nazi m-f for removing the gate crashing(fence breaking) assholes, the idiots dancing on top of $50,000 pa gear, the mosh pit morons in Eugene--trampling kids on the side, illegal vid tapers STEALING shows, etc. The reality is, every show is different for everyone. If your tired of the band or scene, get the hell out and make room for someone else that's not burned out, your taking up space that could make someone else actually feel good for awhile.
>>>If your tired of the band or scene,
get the hell out and make room for someone else that's not burned out,
your taking up space that could make someone else actually feel good
for awhile.
That's good advice.
To Bobz AMEN and To Art check your e-mail
Phil & Friends rocks.
I can only imagine that security is gonna be way tighter than any of us have ever experienced. Its a good idea not to take backpacks to these shows. I have heard that some venues are not even allowing them. For the tapers? I guess just get there even earlier (ha- like thats possible).
rev and cindaroo thank you im offically changing
my beacon opener pick to new speedway boogie
philphan james wondering how come the phuture has to take such a long long time
what did the deadhead say after his drugs ran out
:you know this music really sucks
bucky izzy to the bizzy!!
What did the phish head say to the deadhead? "I still don't get it."
The security has been really random in New York venues. Roseland for Mule little or nothing, BB King and the Bottom Line nothing, but the Garden, Radio City and the Paramount, unbelievable-the women will have it easy like they did last night. Less of them in the Boys club, so no lines to get searched.
chicago show : thank you kindly phil and friends . what a grate way for me to turn 30 , now i shall shed some skin , regroup and return for the new year's party . re: sound problems , who else would combat a sound problem by playing LOUDER than it? hell yeah i got on it last night .
"where there is love there is hope ."
Why USBlues? Just because it has "US" in the title? That would be a kind of empty gesture, it being such a silly little song. Liberty was a SO much better choice, patriotic in the best sense, about the highest ideal of our country, and all progressive societies, and the opposite of what the Taliban has done to it's people (with aid from the US, sad to say).
I agree with Don. Liberty to me is NOT a blatantly patriotic song. There are too many people mindlessly waving flags around and not knowing exactly why, other than to just merely show their support, whatever that could mean. Liberty is about Freedom, and in these strange times, that is something we cannot forget about. I thought that all the songs played at the Aragon were reassuring in that respect. Even New Speedway Boogie wouldn't have fit the vibe exactly, even though I'm sure it will get played on this tour soon. It definitely needs to. U.S. Blues would've been a big mistake. Not that I don't like that song, but that would've been an overt political statement, not a Philosophical one. I'd rather be singing a song about Freedom than one about waving a flag, and it was something that all of us in attendance needed badly. Sept 11th has bothered me in a lot of ways, and hearing Liberty was a healing song for me. We can't forget what that song represents....and read the lyrics sometime...they are more timely than singing about "I'm Uncle Sam, how do you do" Liberty is about the highest American ideal and I'm all for love, liberty and freedom. At least we all can still find our own way home. Let's not lose sight of it.
I'm glad you're all having fun. You must consider yourselves pretty intellectual fellows..
My only point..is a well documented one:
Every time this band delves into a funky groove..
And every time the jam begins to heighten to a critical climax..Warren's inexperience w/ jazz and other complex types of music.. comes into play.
This is the point where Jimmy and Rob could really FLY!!..but they are held back..to wait for warren to plod along as best he can w/ an ill-placed piercingly high slide lick..or that hideous sounding envelope filter that he clearly has not mastered..and really doesn't suit him.
It's quite simple. The quartet of Rob-Jimmy-John-Phil are experienced trained musicians..in a class ALL their own..and unfortunately..warren just can't keep up. He's a great guy..nobody's discounting that.. & a wonderful guitarist for the genre of music he plays..but this sure isn't it. As a result..he hinders the band much more than he gives to the band..it can't be denied..
That's all I'm trying to say..
btw...I think Patrick hit the nail on the head..
don't you have anything better to do? lol!
you are a fool!!! would you rather have phil sing all the songs. plus, summer tour was the best post jerry tour yet, and better than most of the tours since brent died, except maybe '90 and 91'. if its so bad go find a better band to go see. by the way who has played with phil and friends better than warren and jimmy. robben ford w/little feat? jeff pevar? trey and page? come on now, none of these lineups are as good as warren and jimmy. derek trucks is absolutely a better slide player than warren but is better suited for the allmans, plus warren sings great. tell me, who do you think should fill his shoes, singing and playing?
>>would you rather have phil sing all the songs?
Hell yes!!!!...I love phil's voice..and cherish every song he sings.
Warren's is too cheesy-southern and whiny sounding for me.
It's perfect for GM & ABB, but it just doesn't fit the psychedelic style of the music in this band.
>>Jeff Pevar?>>
Hey, "I" for one, wouldn't complain...the spring 2000 tour was better than any run of shows I've seen since..
w/ jimmy free to dominate the lead spot and go nuts..& pevar perfectly content to stick to the rhythym for the most part..
..That made for some intense,
magical moments of "improvisational brilliance", I've YET to see duplicated.
i too am bummed about the current line-up, but why get ugly about it when Phil is clearly having such a great time playing with these guys. it's his call, not ours. I'm just biding my time until he takes the next evolutionary leap, and many more to come i hope.
i do prefer all the line-ups dawg mentioned and some he didn't to this group, even though i like Govt Mule better than Little Feat and have zero tolerance for Phish. i also prefer Phil's singing to Warren's, by FAR. Too bad for me, but Phil is doing what he wants, so why get nasty about it?
Not trying to get nasty...just trying to awaken some stubborn misguided folks, who refuse to accept a simple and obvious point..it really isn't THAT difficult to understand..is it?...
>While reading this page I couldn't figure out why you all feel so strongly about James' comments that you feel the need to blast him over and over again?
>>Soulshine encore?..Again?.. YIKES! How utterly boring and lame. I'm getting really sick and tired of this cheesy redneck "allmans" tune.
Bostonian, not sure if anyone blasted this guy over and over again, I sure won't waste my bandwidth on this tired old tripe. But the above is an excerpt and I for one am sure why people responded as strongly as they did.
>This is a forum for everyone's opinions, not just "the regulars" so lighten up and post your own original opinions rather than knocking down someone else's thoughts.
>>Hey, smartguy...ya knumbskull
>>ya douchebag...
>>more innocently juvenile..
More of his opinions; he's the one who needs to lighten up IMHO.
>but to be a cynic while knowing so little and missing so much is just tragic. How sad.
So true.
>What kind of hippie is a gangster hippie supposed to be anyway? think.
A gun-toting, crack-dealing, property-stealing likes to Rap kind. Did I mention malt liquor swilling?
>Ridiculous how, Zabb?
Wasn't it a anti-war protest song about Vietnam Crypt? At least that's how I remember it starting.
I come here for reviews and get a bunch of people bitchin'.
Anyone have any actual reviews?
Is there a way someone can moderate the show reviews section??
I will glady be one of the Volunteers.
Phil rocks ALL the time. Bad shows??? Nah just not a kick ass show, but still good, its Phil people!
>>It really Phils he's evolving the music to a higher plateau.
OK, what exactly are you trying to say here man?...I couldn't make it out.
>>Well James, welcome to the forum where only Cryp and his posse are allowed to make negative comments and lambast particular posts...>>
LOL! I know! Right?
>>so lighten up and post your own original opinions rather than knocking down someone else's thoughts. >>
I KNOW! Right? Excellent point..
..but I don't think these guys know the MEANING of the word "original"..
Nice work exposing these people for who they truly are.
If you think Phil sucks so much and cant play original material.....then why the hell do you hang out here???
James... Do you also go by the name Sal or McWade?? You sure seem familiar...
Every P & F show to me is really just a gift. He,s rich and couldn't be doing it for money or even fame , he's already famous. To me Phil has the love vibe among other vibes woven throughout every show. There has been good points to every one I have ever seen and I've seen sooo many. It's not the Grateful Dead but, then again there never will be another G.D. I trust what Phil is doing with his band and will see him as many times as possible. The music still works for me much like the Dead did so many times . Thank you Phil and every person who believes in our scene. Keep the shows comming . P>S> My rating of the Aragon show ...... very true in spirit , touching , not to mention POWERFUL.
Ok, Hep Cats & Hula Girls it’s time once again to talk a little Phil! After a false start in mail order, things finally settled down and we finally had a venue to call a tour kick off.
The Aragon Brawlroom, is a nice but somewhat run down old theater which happens to have a special place in my heart. It’s an old school ballroom with an interesting decor and a great dance floor. When you look around you get the feeling that you’re visiting somewhere like Morocco. Towers with cupolas, Spanish wrought Iron Chandeliers, Timbered ceilings and the ever present decorative plaster work decorate the venue and give one the feeling of being transported to a different place & time. Then toss being back at home and among lifelong friends into the mix and you’ve got yourself a show!
On to the show………. Lights go down……..Phil walks out alone???? Yes that’s right Kiddies Phil walks out alone and starts to play a Bass solo. After seeing solos on really old lists in Deadbase, I have wanted to see one as well for as long as I can remember & tonight was the night. Then after about 5 minutes the rest of the boys started to file on stage one at a time to add to the music until we have gone from solo to full on opening jam. WOW! What a cool way to start up the tour! From the quiet start of Phil’s solo, the band began to heat things up and scorched us with a killer 11, what a great version! From there it was time to do a little travelling of the mind, as the band starts to wind down, familiar musical phrases start to float from the P.A. and before you know it we are dropped into an unusually placed first set Blues for Allah, “Holy Cow!” This wasn’t the standard fare either, for the first time we were treated to the complete vocals of the song. With Rob & Phil belting them out in unison & with sweet harmony all in attendance were spellbound to say the least. Then you get Warren & Jimmy weaving a jam so rich and textured that you can almost feel the sand beneath your feet and when the “ Under Eternity” lines started coming through the air chills were running up & down my spine. Jamming out of the Blues we are now in one of the hotter transitions I’ve seen and then Blammo! Watchtower came tearing out of the stacks to the delight the Phans! Watchtower was a bopping little ditty that came with a large Jam attached to it that perfectly set up the INTENSE Help, Slip, Franklin that followed. Waiting for Paradise since the last show in Atlanta we have now come back around full circle and were swept along in a truly psychedelic version of this trippy threesome. Clocking in at 1:15 without any stops this set might just be one of the best single sets I have ever seen, truly Amazing!!!!!!
Set Two…..Right from the start of this set the band had some technical problems to deal with. As the band kicked the second set into gear with the ever-popular Jam, coming along with it was what sounded like fireworks going off in the P.A. I watched as Cutler and crew worked on the problem frantically looking for the correct answer to a very annoying problem. This continued through out the Jam and into Eyes. It seemed that they narrowed it down to Phil’s Bass. Then after Eyes in the jam that followed Jimmy took on an unexpected jazzy solo to kill time as they changed Phil’s Bass and fiddled with the stacks, it must have done the trick for the Wheel that followed was perfect and then we were off to the races. Jamming out of the Wheel things started heating up and soon we got shot out into Night of a Thousand Stars. I really dig the fast tempo of this song and it seemed that the crowd did as well, the house was Rockin’! With a small breather Chicago is once again treated to a fabulous Lady w/ a Fan>Stella Blue>Terrapin. Why they chose to repeat this from last year is a mystery to me and slightly disappointing, well until you hear it. This years version is like a Hurricane coming at you, Intense Lady w/ a Fan tearing up the place and then calm of the eye with the Stunning Stella Blue. Then the Terrapin comes around to lay waste to what’s left of your smoking Grey matter. After a nice and winding jam out of Terrapin comes a break-out tune for the Philster and one that every one could agree was the right tune at the right time, Hunter’s Liberty. With Rob taking charge of the vocals and a VERY strong harmony from the band, this tune will raise the Goosebumps my friends, this I guarantee to you. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’ll be like when it’s played at the Beacon.
To close out the show Warren steps up and tosses a very bluesy Soulshine which was quite apropos for a blues town like Chicago. Despite the cancellation of one show and the sizing down of the other, I’d say Chi-Town got one very special show this time around.
Get Ready East Coast…Phil is on a mission to lift to hearts and spirits of everyone they come across. I do believe that these will be very special shows my friends…..Over & Out.
Review of the Aragon Show:
I just saw our boys in Chicago on Thursday. It was the first show of the fall 2001 tour. Here's a quick review:
They played at an old venue called the Aragon Ballroom. It is in the uptown neighborhood on the north side of Chicago. The Aragon is a big ballroom that hosted all the dance bands back in the Big Band era. Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, and Buddy Rich were all regulars. This is the neighborhood where both my parents grew up and used to come here to see Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald sing. So picture this -- The Deadheads are all descending on this neighborhood, meanwhile apparently the Vic or Metro (I can't remember the name of this place) just one block away is hosting Insane Clown Posse etc. So you have all these young kids dressed in the most outrageous Goth outfits with their faces painted all kinds of horrific ways sharing the sidewalks with the Deadheads. It was so surreal and just plain a blast to watch.
This is from my (often hazy) memory so have mercy on my aging, psilocybin and alcohol soaked synapses. The boys took the stage at about 7:45 with Phil Phucking around solo, when each member came out and launched into a very spacey jam that evolved into The Eleven. This really got the night off rockin' big time. The entire first set consisted of one long jam that segued in and out of Blues for Allah (oh so very cool, but almost too exotic for the state of mind I was in at the moment). After a thorough exploration of the Egyptian pharaohs tombs, they mercifully slipped into a rocking Watchtower, which eventually seemingly was ending on a familiar note when, without missing a beat launched headlong into Help On The Way. This led to incredibly jazzy improvisation before proceeding into Slipknot, then into a ROCKING Franklin's Tower. They took a short break and then started the 2nd set off with a Jam that led into Eyes of the World. The whole first set and about a third of the second set was dogged by sound gremlins. There were times when I could barely hear Warren in the mix, and unfortunately they never got him right. Jimmy was fine, but Warren was often buried in the mix. They were plagued by this incredibly annoying popping sound in the main sound system, however they fixed it by replacing Phil's axe and some cords. Although the playing was inspired, you could tell they were re-familiarizing themselves with some of the material as well as each other. The sound problems didn't help matters either.
With the sound problems now mostly under control, Eyes meandered into a very cool groove that turned into The Wheel. This was sooo sweet and smooth and jammy, however picked up momentum and found a song I am coming to really love - Night of 1000 Stars. Warren sings this so beautifully. It's very uptempo and sets up a nice jam. Well this jam set the sails for a direction that found the first currents of Terrapin. And man, I was in heaven! Then it happened. Phil's base started to lay down what I suspected and hoped would be my first Stella Blue with these guys. Warren played this wonderful slide part that was SOOOOO Jerry, then he stepped up to the mic and sang the most emotionally soul drenched version of Stella I've ever heard (post Jerry). Then came his guitar solo. Again, he does this slide solo with this strained urgency (like Jerry used to do so often) that is just crying, oozing soul, and next thing I know all the emotions you can imagine all come flooding out of me -- happiness, sorrow, hope, sadness, reflection, ecstatic joy, and elation. They then slide back into Terrapin and then strains of The Wheel with some Mountain Jam teasing throughout the improvisation, but no, instead they find Lady with a Fan which Jimmy just NAILS. From here they play, for the first time, a great version of Liberty. They did a kick-ass version of this song . The encore was a great version of Warren's Soulshine, then it was over.
Like the two other times I saw these guys, I was physically and emotionally drained as I'm walking to my car at 12:15am. Before I finish I have to take a moment and comment on John Molo. As much as almost all my attention is/was on Warren, Phil, and Jimmy, both Rob Barraco and John Molo are monsters in their own rights. John Molo is maybe the most versatile and incredible rock drummer I have ever seen. The grooves he lays down are intoxicating. Also, the (for lack of a better term) psychokinesis Molo, Phil, and Rob share as rhythm players is just plain spooky. If you have ever wondered what a pure example of synergy would be - just see these guys perform.
Stella Blue was just running through my brain and I'm sure the smile on my face would be grounds enough for the police to pull me over. I have no doubt that the torch has been passed and Phil and Phriends are the anointed ones. In the 25 years that I have been going to see live music, and I have logged my share of all sorts of shows, I have never seen a band of musicians that are able to cover rock, jazz, blues, reggae, folk, and just plain spacey rhythms, melodies and harmonies that always seem to have direction, focus, and purpose ALL NIGHT LONG (which automagically excludes almost all post 1976 Dead shows).
I can't wait for the Beacon shows!
Mark - :-)>
Hello All!
I will be travelling up to the show at Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford, CT on the 20th. It will take long bus rides to get there, but it will be my first Phil show. I am pretty excited about it. I was wondering if anyone is going? Or if not, if anyone is familiar with any inexpensive campgrounds in that area? I would appreciate it! I am looking forward to the experience.
OK, Jill and I went on the whole tour, and I finally got my act together enough to compose reviews of each show, with lengths and my subjective 1-10 rating scale for each show. I'm going to ignore previous debates in each show's review, and just post my review recalled from memory and some tape listening. Happy listening!
Chicago Thurs 11/8/01: Length: 76’/104’ Rating: 8.3. First show of tour. Clean Slate. Venue moved to Aragon Ballroom, a ‘20’s or ‘30’s vintage dance hall. Somewhat ornate but dilapidated. Middle eastern theme, with domed balconies on either side. Braved the heavy traffic and icy cold but luckily tagged along with locals (thanks, CiscoKid, will send you CD’s "soon"). Fairly tight security/search. Few tapers, spread out around board. Show started fairly promptly. A magnificent beginning to the tour! Bass Solo-The Eleven-Blues for Allah! Unfortunately, the sound system and the crowd were not quite in sync for this monumental music, and many missed this due to tight security combined with the usual rush at the door at showtime. The sound was very muddy in the cavernous hall, did not clear until Help on the Way. Every one around me (and I near the tapers area) had no interest whatsoever in the music, maybe due to the lack of sound volume/ quality, or the denseness and complexity of the music, or because their t-shirts betrayed them as Phisheads (Phuckheads), who knows? The first verses of the Allah were sung by PLQ for the first time. I tried to focus on this, but people surrounding me tried to distract me with petty conversations 3 or 4 times. The Allah was as Jamalishious as usual, unfortunately, this would be the one and only Allah of the tour. Go figure. I’ll bitch about that later. The rest of the first set was strong. The songlist was very relevant to the 9/11 events (The 11, the Allah, Watchtower, Help on the Way, Franklin’s Tower). The second set was good, but not spectacular. Many combinations had been done better previously (Eyes-Wheel set opener 4/29/01, Terrapin-Stella-Terrapin 7/20/01). There were severe sound system problems throughout the second set, pops and crackles, seemingly from the left stack. The Eyes reverted back to the spring 1980’s-ish fast versions, instead of the slow 1974-ish versions from Hartford and Holmdel in the summer. There was a Smokestack tease before Wheel (Chicago being the blues town). There was a Let It Grow tease before 1000 Stars. The Terrapin had a jam in the first mellow part that teased going off into another song (they did the Allah in this part at Red Rocks 7/6/01). The transition to Stella was short, in contrast to 7/20/01. The transition back to Terrapin was gradual, again in contrast to 7/20/01. I was glad to see this kind of experimentation going on. The Liberty breakout was good and again relevant. The venue never got too crowded or rowdy, both Jill and I had a good time, an overall good start to the tour.
Been listening to this show a lot lately. It's really really good. Has anyone listened carefully to the 2nd Set opening Jam? There is some WEIRD stuff right before it goes into Eyes. And it's not the PA problems. Listen closely, sounds like someone speaking jibberish, but its not coming from the audience.