Anybody know anything about parking near the Beacon?
I've always taken the Subway. I stay with friends in Staten Island. This year will be a little different because you can't pick up the 1 train directly off the Ferry. Hanging outside the Beacon for Phil and Allman Brothers shows I seem to remember a nearby hotel with garage parking. Any parking will be expensive.
You can always try Port Autrocity, then shoot up the subway. I believe the entrance for the parking garage is on 39th and 10th? The parking is somewhat reasonable(for NYC) at like $17
ugh.. i could be wrong..
but since 9 11 that parking garage at PortABusTerminal may be closed,
and if not, at least be prepared for a vehicle security check
I would recommend parking on the streets, but don't expect to be real close to the Beacon; the farther west you go, the easier it gets
Phil back in the Apple, Yahoo !!!!
be safe all, and look out for each other:-)
Phil pull out that New Potatoe Caboose pleazzze
see you at the shows kind people
ParkingSmarking, best to park on the west side away from the Beacon, where it's $$$$ and limited.PLenty of lots and indoor park on the west side avenues.
>>This year will be a little different because you can't pick up the 1 train directly off the Ferry
The N/R train is stopping at the ferry. You can also walk up to catch the 4/5 at the top of Battery Park as well. You'll just have to transfer along the way...
Re: Beacon parking on the street, Amsterdam opens up at 7 on weeknites and Saturday. If you mosey into a spot at 6:45 or so and hang in your vehicle, you should make out fine. Avoid the lots at all costs unless you don't mind shelling out the big bucks and then having to either blow off the encores or wait for up to 2 hours to get your car.
Does anyone have a single ticket to sell for the show on Monday, 12/3? Please e-mail me at and I'll gladly make arrangements to pay for and pick-up the ticket.
Does anyone know if I can drive into NYC by myself or do I need 2 people in the car?
The 2 person rule only applies inbounds for the morning rush hour. For Phil you should be golden. Have fun!!
How are the seats in the upper balcony?
The place only holds what 3300 so the seats in the upper balcony aren't going to be all that bad.
I got row F for Sunday, so maybe I'll see ya there.
Security has been minimal so getting down to at least the loge shouldn't be all that difficult if your looking to move.
Hey now -
I've got 2 extras for monday the 3rd. Good seats in Orch row P - near the center but a little toward the warren side. First emailer gets em for face.
Enjoy the shows everyone !
Wish I could be there
What about security at the door? Any problems burning inside, or do they just sorta let the heads have their way?
There have been no security problems that I'm aware of- at least the first two nights. No checks at the door, no problems with lighting up. You get the occasional flash light shining at someone smoking, but no one's going after anyone.
As always though, common sense is the rule, and don't be a dick.
See ya there,
hey i got my tix and i am ready after wed. which was a kick ass show......phil is tight with his band man keep rockin phil
i'm looking for 2 tix for sunday night (and monday, if anyone possibly has extras!)....please email me at if you have any tickets to part with! thanks!
Hey Less Than >
Pre n' post game at Westside Brews....? Scraped up a ticket for Sun and gonna travel from the beautiful Poconos one mo' time......
RIP GH..........
I have one extra 5th row ticket for 12/3, it includes the meet and greet as well as the signed poster.
I am willing to sell it at cost. ($267).
If your interested please email me at, and include a phone number where I can reach you.
>>Pre n' post game at Westside Brews
That's where we'll be also- looking to hook up with sjf and possibly Bucky and a couple others. Probably 5:30 or 6. I'll be sporting a big black hat.
Where abouts in the Poconos are you? My aunt has a place in the Lake Ariel/Wallenpaupack area...
See ya,
Looking to trade a Sunday 12/2 for a Monday 12/3.
Will make up the difference in price.
(Sorry $250. tickets are out of my range)
If this helps...
The best place to park is on Riverside Drive next to Riverside park. If you get there early you luck out.
No security checks at the door. These people are cool.
You can burn all you want. There was so much smoke on Friday night I believe they put the AC on tonight. It was at least 20 degrees cooler
The upper balcony is GREAT. It comes out to the 15th 0r 20th row! There is also a domed cieling for the sound to expand. The sound was crisp.
Set List 12/1
Set One: Jam>Alabama Getaway>Tennessee Jed, Patchwork Quilt>Mason's Children>Jam>Mountains of the Moon>Night of 1000 Stars.
Set Two: Jam>Acadian Driftwood>Uncle John's Band>Deal, Shakedown Street>Viola Lee Blues>Other One>Viola Lee Blues>Sugaree>Viola Lee Blues
Encores: With Dicky Betts: Mountain Jam>Goin' Down the Road>Mountain Jam> Goin' Down the Road Outtro.
Just curious, what time are the shows usually ending at the Beacon?
SIHead...What part of the Poconos.....>
Where the water tastes like Wine......a small place called Buck Hill Falls...between Lake Wallanpaupack and Paradise ( waits ! )......
I'll see ya' at Westside...should be there 5:00 or so.......
sounds like last night was just plain sick....this band is freakin'...... and I'm psyched !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shows at the Beacon have ended btwn 12 and 1...usually closer to 12, but if they start late, be prepared to stay late.
SI, I'm glad to hear you are able to attend the festivities after all...see you at the brewery!
Tim and Caryn.....if you have time, meet us at the Westside Brewery on Amsterdam...
I may have an extra for tonite, my buddy is threatening to bail (babbling some nonsense about responsibility)....
Finiculi...Ever hear of Lake Waynewood? Also a small place..
sjf...Look for me or the Doc, we'll both be there.
So we're discussing last night's list, and he hits me with, "Yeah, but what if Bobby comes out and they lay down a Samson for second set opener on Sunday?"
I told him, "Don't even start with that nonsense...."
Hi! I have 2 center Orchestra Tix for Monday 12/3...I'd like to trade them for 2 "Lower Balcony" tickets for Monday. Please call me anytime!...917-623-9858. Thanks, Jason.
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty
ok...quikpick before I go...and I wont be there tomorrow ( ) so its fare thee well, Beacon of Freaking Peakers....
I Into the Mystic> Half Step> Get Together Tom Thumb> Tastes Like Wine> Golden Road
II Dancin> Sunshine of Yr Love> Stephen> I am The Walrus> Celebration> Stephen> Stella Blue> Angel Band
enc: soulshine...
have fun....
Tour is over. Tomorrow night is a show sponsored by Phil, but tonight is it. Long tour, fun tour, with some awesome glimpses of what true beauty and perfection are.
Tonight, weird to have a wish list, but for me, Brokedown Palace, Althea breakout, Tons of Steel, Strawberry Fields, Ramble on Rose, Tastes Like Wine the end it doesn't matter.
The past 5 nights have been stellar; consistently incredible shows, and sending us our own personal messages.
West Side Brewery, once again. If the rain holds off, we will probably be outside at that big table in the back.
yes, yes, yes, yes and maybe....
OC it doesn't matter...(and) in the end
the love you take
is equal to the love you make...
may the cold rain hold off...and all of yall be blown safely home....
wow - dickey betts last night.. weir tomarrow.. makes ya wonder what up tonite??
so glad to hear "the whistler" was kicked out of last nights show - he is a unkind idiot who has ruined far too many shows - stands in front of tapers so he can be heard - what a real winner.
love from west coast to all and the motto is:
Hey now,Greetings from Seattle!!
It's great they finally pulled out the Tears of a Clown!!!! I wonder if Norwegian Wood is next???Man I would of love to have seen Dickey up with the Quintet!!!!!! Peace!! have fun NY!!!!
Steve *:>)
someone please post the first set! Im dying to know
Me Too!! :-)
Set 1
Crazy Fingers
And it stoned me
Tommorow Never Knows
Doin That Rag
Broken Arrow
From my man on the inside
Thanks Father-Time!! Looks exceptional as usual. Gosh I always miss the VM coverss!! Love their version of DTR! Love these warm-up shows for New Years. ;^). Lucky Shiites! j/k. Peace and Light. I LOve NY!
just heard brokedown palace on a cell!
no more from the cell call, just "UNBELEVIEABLE" and lots of cheering.
any details????
c'mon...what is up with this...almost 1 and no set list...
encoe: Soulshine..St Stephen..Brokedown Palace..
from the live chat
> c'mon...what is up with this...almost 1 and no set list...
show just ended 10 minutes ago, ease up!
Less Than, AS, TL, AJ, CJ, the West on 80 crew, Rich (and Pete and John), Brian W., Doug, and anyone I forgot. Thank you for being such an amazing part of "the real good time". The best tour I have ever had, and it was all about the friends as much as the music. So very cool to have had so many of the people I used to do Dead with come out and find the truly amazing joy this band brings to life. It is so very pure, and so very thrilling.
I have been waiting on Brokedown at the Beacon since April 2000-the Soulshine, so sweet. Last jam in Celebration-hot. Help-Slip-Franklin's, St. Stephen, Broken Arrow, what a very sweet night it was.
i don't know what to say. wow. amazing.
So now what to expect tomorrow night? Is there gonna be a third set?
i know what to say is the crazy fingers opener awesome > stone me!!!!!!!!!outta sight phil....and the broken arrow intense........set 2 china>golden road wow wow wow...kings yes to stella man was it tight!!!!!!!!help>slip>franklins well it is a good jam and he did play it well but man i am get hammer with help>slip>franklins lately.....3 out of the last 4 i caught....stabler,monday(not on wed.),sunday...... omg hope not again tommorrow phil the encores where the best i'm glad to once in my life hear 3 encores....soulshine warren rips that one up and down > st.stephen man could i get any better whats that????>brokedown wow what a great show i would like to get that one on cd..........see ya tommorrow look for the american flag hanging from the lower balcony there i'll be
They started a little late but no one seemed to mind. Again the security check was non existent as you entered. Again I headed to the upper balcony for a birds eye view. The balcony comes out to about the 20th row on the floor so you can actually see Phil plucking his strings to the dexterity of his left hand, Rob's jazz riffs up and down the ivories, and John punching out the tempo changes all from the same view! The ceiling is domed so there is plenty of room for the sound to expand and once again the sound was crisp. John Cutler must really have this venue down because each member of the ensemble was enunciated perfectly.
Around 8:30-ish they took the stage and started to jam, there were teases of 'foolish heart' before they made their way into CRAZY FINGERS. That jam kept going with some jazzy undertones before they slowed down and did Van Morrison's AND IT STONED ME. Warren still kept the jam alive and they got a little spacey as he brought them into TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS. All I can say is they paid homage to The Beatles psychedelic era as the song lasted about 20 minutes. The jam still continued as Rob took over with a clean version of DOIN' THAT RAG. The boys let the crowd know they could still deliver on vocals as this song ended in three part harmony . They paused from the opening jam as Phil dedicated the popular Robbie Robertson song, BROKEN ARROW. This went into a new Lesh/Hunter collaboration titled CELEBRATION.
The second set started with another 5 minute jam, once again turning many corners as they passed through different styles and tempo's. This went smoothly into CHINA CAT SUNFLOWER, they jammed some more and teased with I Know You Rider before going into THE GOLDEN ROAD (TO UNLIMITED DEVOTION). If you thought China Cat was hot this tune was smokin'. This might have been a good place to pause but Phil raised the ante as led them into KING SOLOMON'S MARBLES. I've always liked the tricky time changes in this song and tonight was no exception. The crowd was ecstatic by the energy of the jazz riffs coming off the piano melding with the rocked out guitar and the rhythm section nailing down the changes. Impressive. Finally they paused. They started right back up into STELLA BLUE. This was one of the more artistic deliveries I've seen out of this band. While the first three songs were easy to resonate around the tempos and cord changes, this song melted me. They continued playing into a jam, at first I was sure they were going into I Know You Rider, then they were playing riffs from The Allman Brothers song Blue Sky, then the jammed some more and bang, HELP ON THE WAY appeared! The transition into this song was smooth yet it caught the crowd off guard. I'd like to mention that Candice did a superb job of matching lights to mood all night, but she out did herself on this number. SLIPKNOT! came next and the tempo picked up again to where I thought we were going to hear I Know You Rider but Phil took them back into SLIPKNOT! and FRANKLIN'S TOWER. The energy was incredible, you'd never think this was a Sunday show.
Just when you thought they went through most of the rhythms and beats of the world, they came out with the reggae song SOULSHINE for an encore. The song ended and the continued to jam, now the tempo picks back up and yet one more time I thought I heard I Know You Rider - wrong. Phil slowed them down and right into SAINT STEPHEN. This was rocked out. They definitely nailed that one down solid. WOW - a double encore but, something was different. They weren't bringing it up to a crescendo to end the show. Then you can see Phil counting out 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. and he goes into BROKEDOWN PALACE! ...And I thought Stella Blue melted me! Perhaps these shows were a culmination of his support for NYC. However, I recommend everyone try to see him at the Beacon theatre when he comes around next.
um um um
still cant talk about it yet
um um
well, it does seem as though perhaps the thing of it is that they BLEW IT OUT so hard, so they could play down at Mr. B's level tomorrow, no, tonight...hee hee.
I wont be there, and Phil knows some of us cant be....BC THIS baby...THIS was the last night of tour....
That second set....the Ultimate yer heart out King Solomon...and ooooooooooooh Miss Stella....
And anyone feel like staying for the hat trick encore? HAHAHAHAHAHA ooooooh.....Stephen, my sweet saint.
The lower balcony....Best seats in the house...
love riding that faith flume, kids...(bounce bounce bounce)
and I have no arguments about the sentiment of a Golden Road to UNLIMITED Devotion on the last night of the long, long, crazy, crazy tour....
Nobody's finished
We aint even begun!
More later...must...keep...myself....tethered....
Hi! I have 2 center Orchestra Tix for Monday 12/3...I'd like to trade them for 2 "Lower Balcony" tickets for Monday. Please call me anytime!...917-623-9858. Thanks, Jason.
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty
wow...just coming "to" after a long nite.....what an amazing show....grooves, swings, turns and loops.....and shear, raw bounce....Help>slip>Franklin's...Soulshine ST STEPHEN>Brokedown that sucked yer heart out and placed it gently in your coat pocket for the ride home......ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Dewitt> your comments are exactly right on...this was the most fun I've had seeing shows since the early 80's.....and this band smokes on a regular, nightly basis. Great spending time with you T, and others yesterday ( I Think I misplaced my gray matter at Westside Brews....) I wish everyone fare thee well, and hope the quintet a BIG thank you. Enjoy Mon Night...should be a lot of guests and some special songs for sure.
One last thanks to Tracey for hooking and holding on to my tick for last night.....its great to meet good folk who kep reminding me of the good ol' days...these are them !!!!!!!
listen to the river sing a sweet song, to ROCK MY SOUL............
You said it all for me on last nights show Jockomo!!!! I was going to give my 2 cents but you said what I was feeling. I hope nobody left during Soulshine to catch a early train... I was debating it.. See you all tonight!!
Tom, you owe me dearly for making your sorry ass stand planted where it was. I made that mistake last week.
Last night was the last show. No doubts. Tonight is all about the benefit...and hopefully the rumours are true, and we do get a set of just the boys.
After this many nights of music I cannot think about a review. Maybe a thread with highpoints of the tour...glimpses of momentary perfection.
Sweet Mrs. Less Than, going to completely miss having you around tonight. You are amazing, and we can't wait for New Years.
Thanks Phil & Friends for a tremendous tour.
Whoa, shit, what a run of shows. Humble thanks go out to this band for helping New York to heal. What a blessing to once again feel grateful for being a new yorker. Jai Bhagwan. Hil
Well Nancy, it looks like you got a good B-DAY show! Wish I could have been there! I'll call you later. Waiting to get the recordings. Phil, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to back up the thought about how touring with this band is as good (if not better actually) then anything since early 80's Dead shows. I'd go so far to say that it's better then any post '75 Dead scene, but that's a personal call and I can undertstand others not agreeing. What I experienced saturday night was right up there with what I experienced at 3/18/77 or 12/31/78, no doubt about it. The energy level these guys reach on a night-to-night basis is unbelievable and on the really great nights, like saturday, you couldn't possibly ask for anything better as an experience on the material plane. It goes so far beyond just music. You never know what's coming your way, and the fact that they play nice small halls really adds a lot to the scene and the ability to enjoy the music. Every time I see these guys I am very thankful that this has happened, that a place still exists on this planet where one can go to get this kind of spiritual fulfillment, who would have ever guessed that it would be this good again? THANKS PHIL!!
The Golden Road!
What a band, what a band, what a band!!!! These guys are from another planet. This is definitely not of this earth. Divinely inspired music of the spheres. Guy sitting next to me last nite said he took his 9yr. old son to a gig earlier on the tour. His son observed that"it's really just one long song". From the mouths of babes. Thank you Phil... and friends... for a reeeaaalll good time!!!!
Thanks to those who took the time to tell the tale of the latest shows. I saw the first two of the tour and then had to return to Seattle for God's great rain show.
Am considering New Year's. It's either SF or music camp where I get to jam straight for 4 days meself. Tough call as I've never seen New Year's shows being from the East Coast and all.
Peace to all of you and I hope tonight's show is as good as it gets.
Go to New Years Albert, there won't be that many more chances to see this band on NYE, get 'em while they're HOT!!!
>>It's either SF or music camp where I get to
jam straight for 4 days meself.
Is that kinda like band camp?
"band camp", thats to easy i'll leave it alone
Bits N' pieces coming thru from last night.....can anyone give me an encore that compares to last night's 3 song orgas-ma-tron ? Ive been humming Brokedown all day........
Try 2/18/01:
Encore: Strawberry Fields> GDTRFB> Comes A Time> And We Bid You Goodnight
I know this is a shot in the dark, but does anyone want to share the love and let me know of any extras they might have for tonight(12/3)? I'm offering face value and a big ol' hug.
let me know at {}
Whoever made that the point about each player's instrument being mixed well was on the money. I;m getting much better at telling Jimmy and Warren's playing apart, Jimmy's is more jazzy and run-based, Jerry-like for lack of a better word, and Warren is just full of insane noises, slide and effects. But in the past I often see Phil look like he's playing some really cool stuff, but the bass is turned so high, it just sounds like mud. Not Sunday. I heard every Phil note beautifully. Especially the Beacon-shaking stuff during "Solomon's" and "Slipknot." I did think his voice sounded a little hoarse. Maybe part of the reason they went on almost an hour late.
The second set was so much better than the first, to me. After the first, my friend Kristie (her 3rd show, not really a phan but respects and enjoys PLQ) said "That was a great set!" I said "Uh, it was ok." She loves Van Morrison and new the Beatles song and "Broken Arrow." Throw in the fact that I played "Crazy Fingers" and "Celebration" on the ride up, and she was familiar with the whole set. I am really starting to dig "Celebration." But there were no real standouts for me in the first set.
Second set jam was great, thought we were getting "Viola." Anyone else think that when Warren started that loud chording" But Herring played the "China Cat" lead, and I knew I was right in thinking this set would be great. I think the second set was the best single set I've seen. When you can have something as delicate as "Stella Blue," something as jazzy as "King Solomon's Marbles" and just pure rock and roll like "Golden Road," and not make it sound disjointed, you're onto something.
When the second set was really cooking, and I looked down to the balcony, and just kind of thought "does anyone realize how good these guys are?!" As in: even though they don't get radio airplay or put out albums, can they start headlining stadiums? I know it sounds crazy, but it was probably crazy to think the Dead or Dave Matthews even could do it.
Triple encore was just icing on the cake.
Great show. Enjoy Monday, see you in the spring!
can anyone say "religious experience"?
I found my hands placed together in near prayer too many times to call it coincidnece.
>>>They started a little late but no one seemed to mind.
Oh no?
You should've heard me.
And it wasn't 8:30, it was 8:50. FIFTY minutes late!
How about the people who had to work?
Or, worse yet, people like myself & my friends who had to catch the last train out at 1:30?
There were people everywhere trying to hail cabs afterwards & try to beat getting stuck hanging outside Grand Central or Penn Station until 5AM when they reopen. I'm sure some of them didn't make.
I was so pissed that I'm writing an e-mail to GDTS tomorrow & hopefully somebody will bring it to Phil's attention that most of us don't have a Limo with a driver waiting after the show.
1st Set:
Another lazy jam started the show, a far cry from the jams to open up in the spring & summer shows I've heard.
A few minutes in, & they did the opening to Blue Sky. Not a tease, the actual beginning. I thought it was a sweet joke to open with Blue Sky after not playing it the night before with Dickey.
Then, it was gone. OK, they'll play it later.....
Instead, we got Crazy Fingers. It had about as much energy as me snoring during it. Someone said it went on for a long time; it didn't. The best thing about this song to me is the Spanish jam at the end. Yes, the one they stopped doing a year ago. Last night's version missed it again.
Then, we got another scorcher in And it Stoned Me.
They jammed out & the show began.
A fast paced jam that reminded me of P&F's Alligator & then Dancin ensued.
They went into Tomorrow Never Knows. I think you all know I don't care for P&F doing Beatles tunes, but I like their version of this one. This song has a real pyschedelic sound to it. I've never heard one on tape that went over 7 or 8 minutes (generous estimate). This one was, as someone said 20 minutes (well, at least 15). They did the usual 1st instrumental, then jammed out, or so I thought. Warren was playing some great slide. After a while, he sang another verse. Then, a huge instrumental that was filled with super slide & a Dead-like Morning Dew double time. Then, back to sing one more time. Truely great.
A bit later, Doin' That Rag popped up. A good version, about average for P&F, but no match for the classic 10-16-00 version, or even the one to close the 1st set in Hartford this summer. Warren played all the leads. All weekend, Jimmy was little more than a rythym guitarist.
They stopped, played Broken Arrow. Mellow, but good.
Then into Celebration. A fast version tempo-wise. It had a good Sugar Mag like jam at the end. I could almost hear the 'Dunt' "Sunshine Daydream" 'Dunt' "Walk...."
Definitely a better, more consistent set than Saturday's 1st set. But still not great.....
Bucky, really sorry you had a negative experience. The late start was beyond annoying, and we did get an apology from Phil, but it was bad. Completely agree.
As for the rest of the show, I will take $300 for religious experience. Tribute to New York fans, whatever. Never been so happy to call an encore in my life.
What are you talking about in that second paragraph Dewit?
Buck, you are too much man!!!.... You just don't get it? At least you know your going to heaven!....maybe you might think of understanding that something on earth could be beyond you!!! I love you, BUT COMEON!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a little patience!
Bucky is an idiot!! Please go back to the Bee Gee's . com .....Where you belong!!!
>>>I love you, BUT COMEON!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a little patience!
Didn't people make teir plans based on what the ticket said: 8PM?
Keep it up.
Now I know for sure who you are after our little 'chat' tonight. Maybe I'll put up a post announcing it......
Now, onto the 2nd Set review I wrote before the computer crashed........
A standard jam opened the set. This is one of the times where Jimmy consistantly plays lead & Warren backs up. It was your standard opening.
China Cat came up, & although nobody mentioned it, I am pretty sure they only played one verse. I thought they'd frame the set around it like they do with Viola....
The instrumental break was long & finally I realized they weren't going back to China Cat. They started Golden Rd., a rocker, with Jimmy staying out in front. A long more noodly jam with the basic riff in the 2nd instrumental for a good while before ending it & starting right into King Soloman's/Stronger Than Dirt. A great jam, with Jimmy doing the jazzier lead & Rob with some strong keys leading the way.
This stopped on a Dime.
Then we got Stella. Energy killer, but played nicely. Warren did a fine jam out of it & they headed into a 5 minute jam of various song teases that went Eyes > Lovelight > The Eleven > Eyes > Loveliight > China Cat. I thought they'd do the 2nd verse of China Cat, but went into Help On The Way. Somebody called it the ultimate version. I'd say you need to hear last Monday's or Hartford's from this summer among others. They messed up the transition betweem Help & Slipknot twice & it was a bit rough.
As soon as they began Slipknot, they switched gears right out of the slipknot theme & played a nice jam, but it wasn't like the frenzy of powerful playing like the 2 previously mentioned Slipknots either. It really wasn't even Slipknot. I thought maybe now they'd do more of China Cat, but they went back into the end of Slipknot & started the always great ending of Franklin's. I noticed Phil tried to sing the last verse while Warren was going wild & after 2 or 3 attempts, he just smiled & moved back to let Warren go....
It was a good, solid show, but at that point, really a bit disappointing for a last night. It reminded me of 10-16 in the Beacon last fall.
Then, the encore's Soulshine. Since it's 12:25, we'll have no problem making our train.....
Soulshine was good, nothing to rave about. Instead of ending, things got dark & quiet & the usual after song jam began. I figured a minute or 2 & then Angel Band or And We Bid You Goodnight.
Instead, the jam developed & went on for 5 minutes or so. Then the dramatic beginning notes of St Stephen. Time to start a new streak after my 5 in a row ended saturday....
I was very happy for our friend who came from Buffalo & has never see St Stephen.
Heck, I was glad for me too......
It was a powerful version, fast & furious, great jamming throughout. The end instrumental began with the same powerful playing in the 'dun di dunt' part like monday, but unlike monday, Phil gave the guitarists timer to do the big build-up at the end. And it was big. The best St Stephen I've seen except Jones Beach, & one of the best P&F versions ever too.
And, btw, there wasn't even a hint of Good Times, Bad Times in either NYC version.
Back to singing the last verse of St Stephen, I'm still thinking about them finishing China Cat, but they went right into a sweet Brokedown with some nice slide by Warren.
By now, it's 12:55 & we have to catch a cab to Grand Central. I never expected a problem when Phil came back out for the encore.
It was a very satisfying show, although no match for the previous night in terms of how high of a peak they reached, except for St Stephen. But it was more consistent than saturday.
>>even though they don't get radio airplay or put out albums, can they start headlining stadiums?
I've been talking about this lately and it would really bum me out if they started playing stadiums. When it was necessary for the dead (due to size of the scene) to play larger venues, they had to alter their format to enable more consistent quality shows. That is when the First set and second set really started to be distinct in feeling. I think the kind of open, free atmosphere at phil shows (which mostly approximates the dead from the sixties and early seventies) wouldn't be the same if the band needed to drive enough energy for a larger audience. Consider this scenario:
Darkstar - 40 minutes of intense jamming.
in scenario 1, you are at RFK or Giants' Stadium up in the second level (assume for a moment that you would actually sit in your seat ;-). The music is not load enough and the band is too far away for you to get into it. (as evidence, as anyone who was at the eCenter in Camden this summer. During the second set plq pulled out a mellow, extended darkstar>days between>darkstar. About 50% of the audience hit the exit somewhere in the middle days between).
Same song, but say you are in one of the venues from fall tour. You can actually see the musicians interacting and watch jimmy's and warren's hands ripping off crazy licks. the collective conscience is so focused on the band that you can't even think about anything else.
Even though tix are harder to get, I appreciate the smaller venues so much more.
I was in a game show mentality. Part of that is too many shows in a very short period of time, getting pretty sick, etc.
I no longer live in NYC, but I can drive in in minutes. I completely feel for Bucky and all of the others who picked mass transport, because it is the right thing to do. My last bus is at 12...I drive. I have had to leave early, or sit there and count down the minutes, it takes away from the show.
Also, they are known for being punctual, and the last three shows started unusually late.
Last night...last night was very cool, but it was not P&F. I saw probably the only Dark Star I will ever like the other night. Most of my aversion to that tune is the whole Bobby/Other One, bathroom, which I never made it to, but I had tons of company in the lobby...we are not alone.
The Rider was phenomenal, no doubt on that, Sugar Mag-hey, it was fun, but the sound hadn't been tuned yet, so........I wasn't let down by this, because I went in with "Benefit" mentality. There were tons of very cool people there, I had a great time hooking up with them. The show was great for what it was...
Was it me or did everyone else notice that Bob and Warren were not on the same page last night? Overall I felt the energy level was nowhere near the weekend shows. As a matter of fact I felt this show lacked direction and energy. But hey that's my opinion. Good job by Bob.. screwing up the words during a few songs last night. Sorry for the bashing but I expected much more. I guess the PLQ does not need extra help from old friends.
I don't think you'll ever see this band in a stadium, they barley sell out 5,000 seat halls after all, and they actually don't sell out 5,000 seat halls on weekdays at times. I had to sell a saturday night ticket at Lehigh for $10 there were so many extras floating around.
I can understand why Bucky wasn't happy with the slow start of the last show, it just isn't what he wanted to hear. I've been there a ton of times. Hell, I wasn't happy with Tennessee Jed saturday night and they ripped it up! Anyway, I would disagree with the comment about Jimmy being little more then a rhythm guitarist all weekend, certainly not what I saw and heard friday and saturday. I did hear that he was mixed low earlier in the week, and that is a constant problem IMO, but he was tearing up on friday and saturday a lot and even in the very last row of the orchestra, where I was friday (straight back from Warren even) he could be heard fine.
Also, as far as the better opening jams this summer, remember that Phil was using composed pieces, like the Millenium jam, to open a lot of those shows. Each piece was supposed to represent one of the plantes I believe. When they open with an uncomposed loose jam it's not going to be as energetic right off the bat as when they use one of his little compositions.
As far as Bob not mixing in last night, why would that be a surprise? You're basically taking a fime Swiss watch and adding an uneeded gear to the works. I like and respect Bobby, but IMO he has nothing to offer this band.
Guess I'll finally get a few comments in on Sunday's show:
1. Saw the girl from "Welcome to the Dollhouse" in the subway on the way up...
2. Benefit T brought a number of intros at WSB-greggschmegg and his girlfriend (Beth?), Brad Snyder...
3. Hung w/MrMegabuzz and his cronies for a while-did Neville ever show up again or what?
4. It was definitely a late start, not going to catch the 12:30 ferry...
5. Doin that Rag...Bucky, I thought it was a better version than Hartford, more upbeat this time. Of course, this has turned out to be one of my favorite P&F tunes (check the profile quote). Totally unexpected, and a highlight of an average first set.
6. Really enjoy King Solomon's...a real chance for Jimmy to go off. Nice
7. Has Bucky pulled me over to the Dark Side in regards to Stella Blue? Total momentum killer, and I really, really, really used to like that tune.
8. I'd have to look at it a little more closely, but I would guess that I've seen them do Help>Slipknot at about 75% of the shows I've seen. Not that that's a bad thing...
9. Chillin with Jill in her little hideaway second set...good stuff, until the idiots opened the side door and about 45 other idiots came streaming on in. A minor annoyance at this point, until that type of stuff starts ruining the scene.
10. We commented on it being a short show, before they come out and save it with a killer encore.
11. Thought Monday was the best of the three shows I saw. Have to get the discs to really decide though.
12. Good to meet a bunch of you yahoos...until next tour...
Hey, The beacon rocked. Right on phil right on!!!
1.Yeah a few things must be mentioned however. The Orpheum rocked too!
2. Dicky Betts was a disappointment on Sat.. Did nothing for my experience. Just another gdtrfb just like with every other guest. Willie this summer or anyone who jams with the dead, they will play gdtrfb- so it was really a formality type of encore. More ABB blues jammy stuff.
3. I am jonesing for a a scarlet fire so badly. I saw the dead exactly 99 times and only cought the Scarlet fire 3 times!!! Have seen Phil 25 times, one Scarlet! Great Help slip the other night though.
4. yeah, getting out of the show as late as we did was weak. MOst phans were 30-40 years old and hey Phil, we do have jobs ya know man. The trains only run so long too.
5. To the punk who gave me attitude because I looked like an undercover cop- fuck off...I am 31 years were selling cigs you know who you are, punk...
6. The Saturday show and Sunday shows both had meandering rusty slow first set jams. Enjoyable, but the show clearly doesn't start until the second set for this band. All in all both shows get b+'s from me. Actually, Sunday gets and A-.
7. The hottest Phil shows to date, in my book, are 2-18-01 Maritime and Hartford this summer..I forget the exact date...actually i will say hartford was THE hottest Phil show I have ever seen, and Bobby had a lot to do with that too.
8. What a fun ride, Thanks Phil for rocking my scene hardcore!!! Grady thanks to youtoo dude!!
9. NYC heads are the best!
10. Help slip Franks on Sunday was a superb jam...Franklins was sooo fitting for the jammy and all like the old cokey Jerry late 70's rock out.
I just moved to Brooklyn in July from Berkeley. I must say, NYC is very fun, this is a great city!
Peace all.
Sihead, sorry dude, sublimily stole your posting format...
Benefit Blues
Was Monday's Benefit a Phil Show or a Bobby show with Phil & Friends as a backup act?
If I closed my eyes, I would have been at a Ratdog Show?
Things seems to get started off right, Sugar Mags had some momentum and got things rolling, NFA rang out like a nice old style New Years version, then a lapse into a directionless jam(which seemed to be the theme for most of the night)Samson no doubt fired!!! The Other One was strong, but verse?
Cassidy was moving, then lost steam and kind of swerved to a close, sunshine daydream closed the set leaving a void.
Phil looked as though he was coaxing Weir into another one, and then Bobby dropped his guitar and headed off.
It was the battle of Bobby and Warren all night.
Bobby(Jazz) vs. Warren(Rock n Roll)
The 2nd set was up and down. Again, direction was lost and the set went into jam land with no bearings.
Birdsong, West LA were throwaways, Phil and Friends didn't even back Weir on the Vocals.
The set finalley came together at the end with the UJB>Rider to end things.
Finalley, I had some chills as the set rocked to a close.
The encore: Truckin>Good Lovin>Playin.
Good Lovin Fired, but playin lead the show to a rough ending.
Where was US Blues, Touch...the key songs for a NYFD benefit.
I had a good time, scene was good....mucicalley it could have been better
>>Sihead, sorry dude, sublimily stole your posting format...
I'll send you a bill...
Sunday was the last P&F show, and last night was a benefit, with too many Ratheads. If you didn't have an inkling as to what to expect, lose the drugs. As for a show with Bobby, it was almost predictable, not bad, not good, not P&F.
I will take anyone on that thinks the first sets stunk. What is that about? Its all good dude, all good. One might even hear a great Dark Star when you aren't looking.
>>>>7. Has Bucky pulled me over to the Dark Side in regards to Stella Blue? Total momentum killer, and I really, really, really used to like that tune.
Jerry could pull off the slow tunes like Stella or Comes A Time (Bucky's opinion notwithstanding) - with Warren... sorry, but it's just boring
I have to disagree. Warren has a lot of soul. Just curious to hear your opinion on the band doing two of Warren's new songs - Banks of The Deep End and Beautifully Broken. I believe they did that on Tuesday (I was not there). I only made the opening and closing night.
On another note - I had a blast! I am anxiously awaiting the next tour.
Jerry could pull off the slow tunes like Stella or Comes A Time (Bucky's opinion notwithstanding) - with Warren... sorry, but it's just boring
Chatted with buckE last nite. He thinks I'm someone that I'm not. I had everyone callin' me somebody I wasn't. I am Me(childrenskids). Somebody help me out here, I've been readin' setlists here since the beginning, sent emails to Brett(is he still around?). I called in the setlist from Deer Creek in the Summer(check the Archives). You all call King Solomons/Stronger than Dirt because of Me. Seriously. BuckE, You got some issues.
>>Warren has a lot of soul. Just curious to hear your opinion on the band doing two of Warren's new songs - Banks of The Deep End and Beautifully Broken.
Thought Banks of the Deep End was Ohio at first- similar type intros. Not averse to it, just need to hear the discs to form a better opinion. Beautifully broken is not a bad tune either. As I hear it more, I like it.
>>Jerry could pull off the slow tunes like Stella or Comes A Time (Bucky's opinion notwithstanding) - with Warren... sorry, but it's just boring
I didn't even really mind the Comes a Time opener on Monday- maybe because I had no idea it was coming, or that it's a "rare" tune that they've put in rotation. Something about the way Warren's kicking Stella that doesn't do it for me. Maybe I was just in the wrong attitude (I believe that was just about the time when the side door idiots were streaming in...)
>>I will take anyone on that thinks the first sets stunk. What is that about? Its all good dude, all good.
Didn't think they stunk, I think I just had my expectations a little high after reading the Saturday setlist, and knowing that this was the final show of the tour. It definitely is all good. BTW, met LessThan at WSB, sorry I missed you...
i love Beautifully Broken.
Thought I'd never ever be able to listen to Stella again after 95--it was one of my favorite dead tunes, and THE penultimate jerry tune....
then I heard it in Charlotte and decided it was good that Warren does it. as with any slow song, if you have an off night on it..........................................................................................................but when they did it in Charlotte, I was totally moved.
>>> Has Bucky pulled me over to the Dark Side in regards to Stella Blue? Total momentum
killer, and I really, really, really used to like that tune.
We're small, but we're growing. You can't stop the momentum.......
Someday everyone will be as one in hating Stella!
"Can I hear an Amen?"
Honestly, 98% of the people just sat down when Stella started.
But really, Stella the penultimate slow Jerry tune?
Ever heard of MORNING DEW?
I do agree that under the format & style of P&F, slow Jerry tunes serve a different purpose.
With P&F, the slow Jerry tune is simply a song, not a crucial downer or magical moment as it was with the Dead. A nice jam or 2 can restore the energy to a P&F show.
The Dead, with a 2nd set drum solo every night after '77, built to a crucial post drums moment & a slow energy killer could ruin the climax of a potentially great show.
Now, onto this Childrenskids:
Do you REALLY think ANYONE cares who you are?
It was a slighty entertaining interlude for a short while last night, then an irritation.....
And I can't tell you how thankful we all are to you for naming King Solomans/Stronger Than Dirt; It just wouldn't be the same hearing it without that name.......
Now, to Tom Melvin:
The opening jams that I said did not match up to this spring & summer's were 1st set jams, not 2nd set, which is where the structured, composed 'planet' jams were occaisionally (7 shows out of 5 weeks).
And, Jimmy did not play nearly as much lead as in the past. I would be hard pressed to come up with one memorable lead after Stronger Than Dirt.
I, my wife & friends ALL noticed how much he just stayed back & strummed rythym.....
Well that's it SI...the wedding is off.
>> you all call King Solomons/Stronger than Dirt because of Me.
Shouldn't you be Milking the Turkey?
You have no idea how long it actually took me to type out #7. And then it was the discussion with myself-"Did you really just agree with That Guy?!" "You must still be a bit out of it" "Get a hold of yourself" "Are you sure you want to do this!?"
>>Well that's it SI...the wedding is off.
Are you sure you've thought this through? I mean, no wedding means no Cool Hat. You'd only have visitation rights to interact with said Hat, and they would be strictly supervised....Let's not be hasty here.
You guys, we can all disagree on fave tunes, execution, ect, but don't lose site that this band is just over a year old and previous to that you didn't have shit. Go ahead, and pick apart what you want, and at this point enough of us has seen enough shows to do that, but go in and read this review from top to bottom, and you, and me, all sound like a bunch of spoiled jappy kids in the candy aisle of the A&P.
Last night was a benefit with guest stars, not a Phil show. Separate the two, and lets be proud that a band based in California, and a charity fund who usually remains close to their own community donated a beautiful night to us, New Yorkers as a whole, and that a bunch of police and firefighters got to go and be part of the party...not guarding it.
thats what i was gonna say
bucky wouldn't know good times bad times if they sang the words to him!!!
morning dew slow?
9/18/87 my friend
milking the turkey etc etc
friend of mine all good things in all good time
Yes. It is called "Milkin' the Turkey" but so many people are unaware of that title. It just so happens that when I called the setlist in, that is how I refered to it as. It is a "Breakdown" similar to Slipknot or China>Rider transitions ala 03-23-74"Sure can tell the people that won their tickets over the radio". I called it Stronger than Dirt/King Solomons Marbles when Dewit got "The Call". Coincedence that the song she heard is the one BuckE don't care for. Yet, I thought it was a Good One for a Phone Friend. So by my callin' that Jam(milkin') what I did, others have used my title for that portion of music on future setlists. I really think we should refer to it how it is on Phil's Setlist. Anyway, any other Thoughts?
my bad milkin' usually the jam out of eyes back in the day no?
ok i got it now same song known by two names duh
Golly. If I set someone up with enough amazing chocolate to stuff their face with for 12 lifetimes, Maison du Chocolat, Teuscher, etc first they'd say..DAMN, this is the best chocolate I ever ate. WOW WOW WOW
Now, after the 14th pound, two weeks worth, I bet that person would be getting a little sick of chocolate. They'd have their favorites picked out...JUST the chamapagne truffles, JUST the white chocolate, please...maybe they'd even start leaving pieces that days before they would have scarfed down. POINT BEING...even with wonderful, unsurpassed begin to start judging it....what YOU like, what you DONT. Fair enough. are still eating the best chocolate known to man.
And OC I mean for this to apply to Philco. Hey, I love Stella. Whatever...that's me. I don't particularly groove on the Crazy Fingers....YET. Yes, I miss Jerry. But I would rather have his music live on than let it all be ashes with The Brilliant One. YES we are lucky. YES we should be happy that the bus got a new engine and came back to pick us up. So, go ahead and bitch about Phil playing Stella, try to start the anti-stella movement, sure, that sounds like positive energy in motion. I appreciate critique, but never lose sight of the fact that STILL STILL you are eating the best chocolate in the world, not Hersheys (BritneyJessicaMandy) or even Godiva (dare I say...Phish?) but truly the best known to man. Critique at this point seems like too much richness, a symptom of being spoiled. ;)
ok, nuf o that. Back to the Theraflu.
imo michel cluizel and valahrona make the best chocolate
britneyjessicamandy yum yum
rule one at this restaurant NO phish in the kitchen
Oh, honey, I don't mean to imply that there isnt a real time and place for good ol USA chocolate, a Hershey's bar...
with or without nuts
but it is MASS produced, for the LCD...
Indeed, as I recuperate on the couch Ill be checking out that tape of Brtiney in Vegas that I missed LIVE by going to Lewiston. Ought to be a goof, eh?
the chocolates i mentioned are french bon appetite
and your point was well made im a sucker for food analogies
>Thought Banks of the Deep End was Ohio at first- similar type intros. Not averse to it, just need to hear the discs to form a better opinion. Beautifully broken is not a bad tune either. As I hear it more, I like it.
You are probably right on Ohio. I am not sure when they first played these tunes. I have not heard Phil and the usual suspects play these tunes. I was hoping to hear one of the two during the two Beacon shows that I caught, but no such luck. I have heard both tunes live with Govt Mule and on the new Mule disc - The Deep End Volume 1. I am not sure if you have picked it up yet. I highly recommend it. Phil does not appear on this album, but will appear on the Vol 2.
Enough about Govt Mule, it seems a few people were disappointed with the benefit show. I thought it was great. It was not Phil and Friends as many of us have come to know them. There six other shows in the past week to catch the "regular band"
Check out the liner notes and the "official" setlists. It is King Salomon's Marbles, not the Milkin, not Stronger-this debate was over and done with last summer.
As for chocolate, that belongs in "Other Stuff".
fine whatever Im writing my review for 12/2 NOW.
funny though, dewit, the chocolate thing seems so close to yr comments of yesterday at 9:56 PM.
and I dont notice anyone telling people that reviews for 12/3 should go on the 12/3 and not here.
But thanks for policing the boards, ya know, that's cool.
before this computer crashes, this was my first Phil and firends show. I prefer Suicidal Tendacies. I am sensitive to web like connections. Tour is not real. these connections are not real. My girlfriend on the other hand is real. The core is the link to your true source. It has something to do with time, space, body, plain, and peripherals. The Core holds me together.
We come in alone we leave alone. The Core is always sameplace it holds you STILL, you remain here still, i am still here. NOT centered and balanced might not feel still, it's still.
Does it matter in the end? it matters in the end how much willing to be aware of, of self.
well would of been kool if they played that Neil Young cover tune: Cinnamon Girl.
as I was saying.
Um...this is still the board for reviews of 12/2???? I think so. Okay...I’ll return to center, hold off of Ms. Spears for a few hours....before I pollute my mind with the bubblegum, I’ll relive what was a great night for me, and I hope all of yall as well.
Part One
Sitting in the lower balcony, love the view, like the sound. (My ears are just now recovering from 4th row on 11/26...) Yes, the band is late in starting. (Maybe they have some scam going with the Beacon, getting us to buy more booze. Hm. ) Pre-show music? Beach Boys...which I found funny. Harkening back to the Promised Land...couldnt help but sing along under my breath...Hoist up the John B sails...See how the mainsails rise...let me go home...I wanna go home...yes, it’s all ending. What a great run. I wouldn’t be at the benefit the following day (gee...seems like I missed the ultra...NOT oh, come on, just riding you, I’m the bitter one, Im sure it was “great”...), so this is it, baby. Phil Me Up.
Jam into Crazy Fngers. As I just said ,this is funnily enough the song I really miss Jerry on...not Dew or Stella. Rob, Jimmy and Warren each had a nice solo. A piano heavy jazz jam leads into...and I’m still trying to understand this note on my wad of legal pad...”Fire-ific??” I think so. Well. Anyway...I CAN read BIG ROB BIG BAND. Thought to myself, “man, I want those drugs that Mr. Barraco is on!!!!”
Howls into Stoned Me. Knew we were up for Van....and this is a cool tune....”Oh oh the water...” Found it appropriate to guzzle some Poland Spring. Tempted to pour it on the orchestra seats...would you have been mad? Thought so.
then we have that arabic jam again....I’m wondering if they’ll pull out the Blues for Allah to bookend the tour...but, no, it became what I spected it might have been all along...Tomorrow Never Knows. Really thought they would save this for Bob (being that he knows it), but no complaints. And this is LONG, this song, this jam. I go to the bathroom...come back...move back to my real seat...b/c the owners of where I have been dancing have returned...ok...move two rows back...still jamming, last verse, big Warren solo, then a yummy Doin That Rag. Fun, I like it, well played. Good harmonies at the end, the work has paid off Philco, bravo. They stop.
Phil makes some dedication me out, the Romantic something or another? Broken Arrow. My girlfriend’s I think of her, and that she is at home having done her show on Fri (thanks again for a good one guys...that chain, WMGGW...ahhhh), and I just drift into the love and sentiment of a Broken Arrow. Yes, it drained some energy, but it was sweet, I think...and people enjoy this bc they remember it from the Dead days. Rob went jazzy trilling and trippin the keys, Phil booming away...and Phil leans over his music stand....BEEP, turn the page....Celebration. I enjoyed hearing it again, for the second time...though I agree LOTS of words (Jer’s worst nightmare!) and for me anyway, it seems to really groove about midway through...maybe that’s just cause it’s a new song and the crowd is just learning it...but, well, I don’t know. It was a fun way to end the first set. First set, yes great moments...Blow yr mind, that I will agree. But enjoyable.
Part Two
Set break...
they return to the stage, and Warren continues his love affair with the WAH as China Cat begins...the first notes, all bouncing, yes yes. the lower balcony DOES have a bounce...and you can really feel it if you stand still and dont dance for a sec. More wah wah wah BAM into Golden Road...Rob marshalling the tones of the Hammond...Nice jam in this, in and out...a big traditional golden road atonal chord end. (interestingly, I felt they could have actually made this explode...but didn’t...why, I was wondering, what are they saving it for??) And then....King Solomon...never heard it before, and I just love it. What I dig about Philco is that they play these great classic Phil things with such precision, they hit Everything...whether its KSM or New Potato Caboose or UBC or (kinda) Pride...they play it with real respect for the great composer who’s laying it down on the bass. Stop.
Stella. I liked it, you didnt, whatever...okay...I sat down but only bc it was overwhelming me a little. But, ya know, can’t win for trying...and this too, I thought, man, why dont they build this shit to the real explosion? Why are you holding out? More jazz jam....
and then, and I’ll need to hear it, yes, but this was as I said on Mon AM, the Ultimate Help Slip Frank for me. Erased the sadness of missing that Help at the Knick in 90, and I thought the jams connecting the ends of the Slipping Knot were wonderful, went out and back in again to a great Franklins which all enjoyed. More bouncing. Great to look down in the orchestra and see people FREAKING.
When they leave for the break people are hootin and hollerin, jumpin, all good...”don’t leave!!!!!!”
And then Phil comes back and says something about next time, when he “comes back to San Fransisco”...what? huh?
and then a nice Soulshine, I think my first live one, and it was nice to have Warren give us a good farewell; bc oc he’s just the coolest. (Though I might be developing a big crush on Jimmy Herring)...into...maybe an Angel Band for Sunday?
WOW WOW was so great, so powerful...Yall may hear it a lot, but it was really cool for me....
I was thinking...okay...end on a big Stephen question mark? but NO...they cemented the glue with the Brokedown, as they closed the Beacon last fall...indeed, this IS the last night of tour....
Fare thee well, yes, and may the 4 winds blow you safely home. Thanks everyone.
and at the risk of being longwinded...() I will say that those lucky to catch any night of Phil I think got a good dose of healing. I feel a little more whole, (esp once I ditch this headcold/flu, funny how yr body waits until you can rest to Lay You Flat) In Search of Balance...oh, I found some (or did it find me? did it EVER)...
but now that I’m feeling all fuzzy and happy, let’s get back to bickering again...come on...Tour couldn’t have given you THIS much afterglow.....
Loved the chance to spin out and reel it all back in again.....
Bucky: Have you ever heard Larry Correal's take on Tommorow Never Knows?
It's awesome
Hey bucky if you can't handle staying up late than leave early!!!! The rest of us have jobs and work to do too, but we still enjoy a show that lasts late into the night. So before you go and complain consider that you are not the only person at the shows that has responsibilities.
oh, PS Bucky, just reading that you think I ought to hear the Hartford HSF from the summer, or Monday. I was at Monday, and I actually think that was a better show than Sunday altogether. (personal pref)
BUT...that Mon HSF was all split up, and DAMN I loved it, but as Sun was all in one shot, I just went to the place of feeling that it was complete as a composition, in and of itself, and that made it somehow "ultimate" to me. I'll agree with you that there was a jam framed by Slipknot that definitely went WAAAAY out there; it certainly wasnt Slipknot anymore, but I thought that was kinda cool. Oc, the test will be listening later to the discs, I know. For my experience is so clouded by the EVENT, I will need to isolate the music to judge it more successfully. Anyway, my rationale, for what its worth.
>>>>>"Wah.....why didnt Phil play (insert song you wanted to hear but didnt)? Wah.....why is Warren playing with Phil? Wah......Jimmy wasn't loud enough. Wah.....the show went too late. Wah....stella blue harshed my groove."
GIVE ME A BREAK. YA JUST GOT SEVEN NIGHTS OF PHIL!! Be happy and deal with it eh? I Love the reviews on these boards but the whining is incessant. Thank your lucky stars that Phil is even alive and is playing this awesome music for us. Ok?
Hey Phil! Next tour you guys should bust out "cant always get what ya want" for alot of the people on these boards. Seems fitting.
Love ya phil. Peace.
Not Quite, Dewit.
The debate here may have raged and been re-resolved and re-raged. However, recent word from the Phil/Cygnus camp (the only OFFICIAL word, agreed?) is that Phil has played "Stronger Than Dirt" at the end of EVERY "King Solomon's Marbles" since he broke it out with P&F. We were gently chastised for not including it on our lists, both here AND the official site. (We do the setlists for both, FYI.)
In light,
I haven't heard Blues for Allah or a '75 tape in 20 years, but I certainly recognized the Stronger Than Dirt part both times I've seen it.
Although, I was kinda wondering myself why it was reversed on the 'official' setlists here once this summer & why Stronger Than Dirt wasn't included until Sunday on this tour.
And who says I don't like it? I don't recall EVER saying that. If I did, please post it here, or stop putting words in my mouth.
What's there not to like about it?
>>>bucky wouldn't know good times bad times if they sang the words to him!!!
No, but I would know Viola > TOO > Viola > Serious Meltdown from being at Dieters.....
>>>Hey bucky if you can't handle staying up late than leave early!!!
From NYC girl.
Gee, sounds like you didn't have a train to catch or get stuck sleeping on a park bench....
Really, I happen to stay up very late without the use of drugs, just a weird body clock, so don't read anything I didn't say into what I did say.
I was talking about other people who might be working & for myself & others, being stranded overnight in NYC because we missed the last train out.
I suppose you wouldn't be mad if you made a reservation at a restaurant & had tickets to a Broadway show, & missed the first act because the restaurant kept you waiting 50 minutes past your scheduled reservation?
15 or 20 minutes is one thing, 50 is quite another.
Did it ever dawn on you that some people might have physical problems where even sitting or standing causes them pain & an extra 50 minutes can be excruciating?
My take on the two Help > Slip > Franklin's:
The 11-26 version was more in the true Slipknot theme & a much harder, driven jam. The 12-2 version really was just a nice, mellower jam inside Slipknot without staying in the theme.
I personally thought the Franklin's was better on Sunday.
And. I mentioned in my review of 11-26 that it was nice to hear a full Slipknot without the usual song in the middle, although I fully realize the Help part was cut that night.
Had to check up on this schtuff. For the Record, I did NOT offically name the song "King Solomon's Marbles". What I did do is get it titled as "Stronger than Dirt>King Solomon's Marbles" for the show at Deer Creek from summer. Check the Archives. Also, on the Offical site, Deer Creek is listed how I made the call....STD>KSM. This got me checkin' out all the other times Phil and GD have ripped this song. Phil has played it a couple of times in the summer and fall. Eugene was the first and Philzone has it listed as KSM>STD while the offical site has it listed as KSM. Deer Creek where I called Dewit from got listed how I told her and she is thanked on the Deer Creek setlist page. I recall debating what order it(KSM>STD) should be listed in while on the phone with Dewit 'cause she didn't quite understand what I was tryin' to say. Ever seen someone on a cell phone at a show, especially up close, anyways. They also ripped one in Hartford on 07-21 and that is listed by both(phil/philzone) as KSM>STD. Then this Fall, Bulington is listed as only KSM on BOTH sites. And then 12-02 is listed as KSM>STD. On to GD. GD only played this piece of Music a few times. It was offically released on Blues for Allah in 1975 in August. On the album, it is refered to as a piece of music entitled "King Solomon's Marbles" that has two parts. Part one is called "Stronger than Dirt" and Part two is called "Milkin' the Turkey". I don't own Blues for Allah but will borrow a copy to give it a listen. I do own copies of 03-23-75, 09-28-75("It's YOUR wife that's havin' a baby!") and One from the Vault(08-13-75). Deadbase only lists the song as "Stronger than Dirt" although we all know by now that the song is a two-parter and the entire piece of music is refered to as "King Solomon's Marbles". I believe PLQ to be playing KSM and fans have made confusion(myself included) of what the title of this piece of music is Really called. My OFFICAL title would be what is typed on Phil's setlists that the band has. Maybe Phil can start playin' both parts(STD/MTT) sandwiched around another song or two or three. Anyone got a stage setlist from a show they played KSM/STD/MTT ? Enough already, Lets start a new folder for this Discussion and lets see if we can't get ol Ready Killowatt to "shed Light" on the discrepency. If anyone is Too Loose to Truck from the Amazing Kornyfone, then head on down to the Make Believe Ballroom. BuckE, I knew something was wrong when you couldn't figure my name out, Now you got a New puzzle "You don't own this place though you act as if you did, It belongs to.............YOU CAN"T HIDE.
hey, bucky...thanks for yr words, point well taken. It does seems I will need to listen with a clear head to judge which really was "ultimate", and I probably dug a hole for myself using that word anyway...blame it on the enthusiasm. BUT...on 11/26...the end of Stephen blasting back into that Slipknot, wow, that was indeed something special.
So, you are kind to elaborate...and I do look forward to hearing that Hartford at some point...people do rave....
....hmmmmm chocolate!!!!.......
Who gives a crap what they call it.
Don't read the 'official' setlists posted here & take them as gospel, they're full of errors.
They could call that jam 'King Soloman's Farts' for all I care; it'll still sound the same.....
So, I listened to it yesterday, here's my take:
It's certainly nearer the bottom of the Phil shows I've seen than the top.....
Now, that's not to say it was bad; it wasn't.
But, it wasn't the greatness I'm used to either....
The Tomorrow Never Knows highlights the 1st set- it's 15 (not 20) minutes.
The jam after it sounds like a part near the end of Pink Floyd's Echoes, especially Phil.
Phil is WAY too high in the 2nd set.
They do two verses of China Cat, not one. Rob apparently spaces vII & goes right to vIII.
Golden Rd. is by far the mellowest of the 3 I've seen (10-14-00 & 4-30-01).
Stronger Than Dirt: How many times can we hear this played EXACTLY the same before getting bored?
At least it's not Milestones....
Or Dire Wolf.
But, after a few times, it seems like the novelty will wear off, there's no improv, it's too structured for me to hear alot of times.
Stella: A 10 minute break would have more excitement.
Help > Slip > Franklin's: There are a few sloppy mess-ups; going into Slipknot, then vocally during Franklin's. A very average version for this band.
The encore is the best part of the show. St Stephen rocks. There's an interesting jam after Soulshine that sounds like Tenn Jed or Dixie Chicken leads.
Overall, I was struck by the fact that I couldn't imagine I'd ever 'have a hankerin' to hear this tape again with all the other shows I have.
That's pretty sad for a closing night.
New York Sunday 12/2/01: Length: 83'/111' Rating: 9.4 My illness now in full bloom, I’m sleeping in all day, ‘till 6 pm. Gonna be a mellow Sunday after the rockin’ Saturday. Much less of a street scene, obvious a lot of people went home, or McHustle Land. Loge second row dead center tonight, first thing that happens the guy in the seats next to us steps on my friend’s $2,000 deck, after I had made plenty of room for him to walk through. "You guys shouldn’t be taping here anyway". Yes that may be true, but tell me you have NEVER listened to ANY bootleg tapes EVER in your life? DOUCHEBAG! And I will tell you that to your face, you know who you are! I can also guarantee that the SHN’s available for download will NOT be from the official section! Plus, our mic’s are over the ledge, so we are NOT asking anyone to be quiet or blocking anyone’s view, and we have tickets to the seats. I usually only run into this anti-taping bias from old west coast Uber-Hippies, or from BGP’s Blue-Coats. Now feeling very evil, on the way back from the bathroom, I sneeze into my hand as I walk past the now-empty bar, rub my hand on the front rail where everyone is soon to be lining up. BAAAAD karma! First set starts right out of the gate with a Foolish Heart jam, seems they are doing that song, well, not been done this tour, but this eventually becomes Crazy Fingers. The Sunday crowd is already receiving the mellow stuff better. Crazy Fingers jams into Stone Me, OK, good. Both selections so far played very well. This goes back to jamming instead of stopping. The jamming reaches Monday’s intensity, teases Tomorrow Never Knows. Sure, I want that again, but late in the show. They back off, jam more, come back to TNK, very intense this time, now they’re singing it. WOW, this reaches Ohio’s intensity, much better than PA’s. Long, well explored version, as if it was late in the second set. Back out to space, back to the verse. TWICE! The jamming after this reaches way up to outer space, goes into the ‘73/’74 mid-China/Rider jam, goes into the laid-back funk jazz space jam they were using this summer to go into Mr. Fantasy. Wow, this is really a groove! They are ON tonight! This transitions really smoothly into Doin’ That Rag, not just a stop/start, tight, fantastic! A pause after the Rag. This first hour of the show started well and just kept getting better and better. Phil intro’s the next song by saying it is for the real romantics at heart. Broken Arrow! They flub going into the first verse. Oh well. Good version otherwise. This moves pretty quickly to Celebration, good choice to end the set.
>>>They flub going into the first verse.
There was alot of flubbing this night.
Maybe they were stoned or something......
BTW, rubbing shot on the railing?
Second set starts with a mellow jam, hints China Cat, transitions, once again very smoothly, into China Cat. This is a smooth, laid back version, in contrast to the other 2 frenetic ones on this tour. The jam out hints Rider, man, sure hope not! I GOTTA have my stand-alone China Cat! Then dissolves to a dark space, then, Phil takes a Bebop-sounding bass lead into a stepped-up jazz jam. This is one of the wildest jams I have ever heard PLQ pull off! Evokes a downtown jazz club at 4 am in the ‘50’s, when that kind of music was being incubated. Wow, as good as PLQ usually is, this is way "Beyond the Pale Ale". This winds into a jam suggesting Golden Road, the Molo-led circular pattern, it dawns on me this is similar to TNK, which they also did tonight! Yes, yes yes, no Rider! Golden Rd. rises from the abyss, timing just right, flowing along, mellow but rockin’ with a purpose! Now THIS is REALLY smokin’ and rockin’ – the real thing! As in St Louis, Golden Rd is re-invented as a jam song. The Golden Road end melds into King Solomon’s – WOW WOW WOW, is this really happening? Losin’ my cookies! Total dementia! As good a version as Vermont’s. This show building up to what could be the best of tour! Pause after the Solomon’s as usual. Hints of Attics and China Doll, then they reality check us with Stella. Well, it is only the second time this tour, after they did it the first show in Chicago, I had been expecting 4 or 5 versions this tour. Also OK that it starts from a pause and not out of a jam. I can use the rest anyway, feeling my illness-fueled fatigue. Stella moves very nicely back to jamming. Stella, like Patchwork Quilt, works well to launch a jam. The jam moves up to something familiar but can’t quite place it, tricky! It reveals itself to be the jam normally in the middle of St Stephen. Clever! This almost but not quite hints The Eleven. This goes back to jamming, then into Help on the Way, OK, this is a perfect setup for the Allah, as it is 55’ into the set. I also recall they have done a lot of songs from that album tonight. I recall in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s people would remark after a show that they played a lot of songs from the so-and-so album, and I would find that so irrelevant to the way I thought of GD songs, ‘cause I was into bootlegs by then and never even heard the studio stuff anymore. So I’m hoping for an Allah clean sweep as they go to Slipknot, but, just like PA, the Slipknot is over in a bang and they start Franklin’s. I couldn’t be more crushed and devastated as I sulk back in my seat. Upon later listening the Franklin’s is really good, with the laid back power of the China Cat, Golden Road, and Tuesday’s Rider. But being denied the Allah is too much for me to bear, it is like the taste of bitter ash in my mouth. How can this be? How can they do the new lyrics and new arrangement at the first show of the tour, first set, before an unreceptive crowd and with lousy sound, then not do it at all the rest of the tour? What the hell happened? I know Jerry used to do this kind of stuff (spring tour ‘86 Visions of Johanna at the first show in Hampton, then not at all the rest of the tour. Had to wait to ’95 to see this song). But Jerry could be forgiven for being all messed up. Phil HAS to be giving thought to the setlists. Did they think the rowdy NYC crowd would not be receptive? This didn’t seem to matter for the Acadian Driftwood on Saturday, or the Comes A Time on Monday. Was the subject matter too sensitive given what happened? OK, what about Boston? The New Potatoe was really well received there. Again, I am eternally grateful Phil is around and doing this music, but I still can’t help being really, really PISSED!!!! The set concludes at a short 74’, OK, the last 2 shows averaged 200’, so a short show is certainly understandable, shades of April ‘00. Maybe a double encore. I call the Soulshine once again, like shooting fish in a barrel. This dissolves to space, jamming, space, Ok, the show is NOT over yet, good! Just to rub salt in the wound, they tease the Allah, drop into St Stephen, OK, I’ll be up and rockin’ with everyone else, FUCK IT!. Figure this is it, but then Brokedown! Damn impressive show, just too damned bad about the Allah. I can guarantee they’re not going to do it with Bobby!
Hey Buck, why should you care? You don't drink. And you should see the boogers I wipe on the walls at work when I've had it! Sometimes stay there for weeks!
wow..its just shows guys...a dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago....the crowd in chicago wasnt unreceptive and the sound wasnt that bad...they play what they want and they dont consider nyc more deserving of an Allah than chicago or visa versa..they just play what they want...I seem to remember sooooo many times especially with dead i also wondered why they would bust out here and not there and it is just the kick they get on. They arent always tuned in to what everybody wants to hear or what the fans find a fitting song..they just bring it...there are bigger contexts to the song selection....I mean why only a phil solo to open the tour and not again either???I can rack my brain on this stuff..but just choose to observe...I love you guys so much and dig the webspace here to talk phil. Yippee
>>>Hey Buck, why should you care? You don't drink. And you should see the boogers I wipe
on the walls at work when I've had it! Sometimes stay there for weeks!
Call me old fashioned & puritanical, but wiping snot on anything public is a bit tasteless IMHO.
Unless it's the sheet music to Stella Blue......
The way I figure it, I got sick mostly from breathing cigarette smoke at the shows, so I'm just returning the favor to the 80-90% of show attendees that smoke cig's. Yes, just ask Jill, I am a pretty sick FUCK when you get right down to it. Hey, I'm just doin' my part to take the heat off you, Bucky!