Night One. Lets roll!
Pride of Cucamonga tonight for sure....
I hear a nice, long Cumberland in the 1st Set !
California Dreamin' from a long, long, long, long way..... from SF!!!! Oh, Can't wait to read about this nice little run! These lucky catz are in for a Real Treat!!!!! ;)
show time is 7 no?
>>California Dreamin' from a long, long, long, long way..... from SF!!!!<<
You and me both, I'm staring out my window into the thick air of Beijing wishing Phil would have waited another two months for these gigs (When I'll be back in the states).
Oh well, Have great fuckin' time y'all!!!!
BEIJING!!! Good Golly Miss Molly Chinafrog..... YOU WIN! LoL
I'm in the states, but I might as well, might as well, be in China! I feel yr pain. SOMEHOW, my livin' room - just ain't givin' me that same feeling as The Warfield?!? hmmmmm, a mystery
Phil and Friends
May 13, 2008
Warfield Theater
San Francisco, CA
Set I:
Golden Road
Cold, Rain, and Snow
Sitting on Top of the World
Cream Puff War
Is that a real setlist?
Cream Puff War ?!?!? wow, think that's a first,no?
i think theyve played it before. maybe 1st this tour
Phil and Friends
May 13, 2008
Warfield Theater
San Francisco, CA
Set I:
Golden Road
Cold, Rain, and Snow
Sitting on Top of the World
Cream Puff War
Morning Dew w/Bobby
Minglewood w/Bobby
Morning Dew is next...
It's the entire first album. Right?
looks like it to me
Gonna see some good times. . .
means a viola to close it all out is inevitable, right????
here's hoping they do an album every first set! flying out from NYC for fri night's show and would love a little wake of the flood or mars hotel...
when else was cream puff war played?
We talking Bobby Weir???
no the other bobby that sings minglewood ;)
Anyone know who sang Cream Puff War... Jackie, Steve?
stranger opener with bobby?
Thats a great first set, 1967 perfection! How was the DEW? Did Phil sing it? And the Cream Puff War? Phil is a master..
The War! Damn I missed it !
I thought I had a Tuesday,not a Wednesday. Damn
Wed,Fri, Sat on my mind.
From Other Stuff update thread..NOT OHFICIAL..
Set 2..crptical > other one > nobdodys fault > other one > new potato > born cross eyed> alligator
Bob sitting in one one or more tunes
Looks like we will have to wait till show is over for complete info
Set 1:
Grateful Dead (1st album)
Set 2:
Anthem of the Sun (2nd album)
Whoo-hoo! Back home by 11:45 without missing a note of music! At least we can thank phil for an early night.
I'm gonna hop in the shower and be back in no time with a review!
It was a fine evening. The whole album thing was unexpected, it was cool. But this is just night one, we're not there just yet.
Bob sat for everything cream puff and beyond. Encore was NFA.
^^..Bob sat for everything cream puff and beyond..^^
Sat in, that is. He actually stood the whole time
Aaaaahhhh! What a treat to be fresh from the shower, and still fresh from the show! Doors didn't open until 6:30, show didn't start until a bit after 7:30...all as expected.
So setlist, 1st set, 1st album, 2nd set, 2nd album. Cool gimmick, not something I ever expected Phil to do.
Golden Road ~come and join the party every day~ Nice way to open, and familiar territory for this band by now. BIODTL, always favorite with Larry singing! Good Morning Little Schoolgirl...and the Molo Giddy-Up! Cold Rain and Snow, thanks to Molitz for giving it the space~very nicely done! Sitting on Top of the World, got us a little Fiddlin' Larry, wish there was more!
And then the bust out, lights on the side boxes come up to reveal mod go-go dancers, confetti flew from the stage, a couple more mod dancing girls appear and it's Cream Puff War. and oh yeah, there's Bobby sneaking onto stage amide the commotion, sans pirate shirt. Though he was wearing capris.
I didn't recognize Cream Puff, I'd say tonight was the third or fourth time I've ever heard the song, It was the highlight of the Bobby portion of the show. It was energetic and upbeat, lots of fun. And then there was Dew. I'm not a ballad girl, any Dew is too much Dew for me. It brings all the fun to a screeching halt. Oh well, everybody's gotta pee sometime.
Minglewood brought the energy back, Bobby sang. Then there was a Viola. It was good, not great.
Set break, we discover it's the first album! and ponder will they do the second one next? Right-o, that's what we got.
Cryptical>Other One>Nobody's Fault!!>Other One>Cryptical.
Looks amazing but sadly it was beige. The beigest beige that has ever beiged. The 'lack of a lead guitar' was only exaggerated by the fact that Jackie was on organ until the second Other One. His return to guitar was great!! Really made me appreciate all he does for the music. I really like the Larry Jackie combo but the Larry Bob combo is bland. Mr. beige meet Ms. lite tan. and we're talking about the Other One! It wasn't bad, it just lacked fire. (I happen to like fire, that's all.)
New Potato, Born Cross Eyed, both okay, then the Alligator, with Phil on Vocals. At this point in the show, we've barely heard Jackie sing, only phil show I've seen with ZERO jackie tunes.
Caution was good, Jackie doing his rap, trying to get the band to understand him, 'steve molitz do ya understand' 'john molo do ya understand me' the whole band, well I think phil and molo were really the only ones who understood. Bob and Larry both fumbled opportunities to flaunt their stuff.
Encored with NFA, again lacked fire, I suspect we'll get another one this weekend.
Overall, fun 'novelty' show, not as musically up to par with what I expect for the rest of the week. Bob, Go Go Girls, Bust Outs, it's a good beginning! We're just beginning after all. Bob got the most applause of the night when it came time for intros. It sort of bothers me that someone couldn't step to the mic after Phil intro'd them all and reciprocate. Turns out we all know who Phil is anyhow
Got a poster on the way out, it's cool. Got some stylized skeletons dancing to emulate the dancing folks on the ceiling of the theatre.
No mention of the Warfield's 86th birthday which was today.
>>Set break, we discover it's the first album!
Who let you in on the little secret?
And I'll add, it was an absolute delight to be upstairs, not overwhelmingly hot, sound was great, phil was loud and clear! It was fun to see Molo from upstairs! and half our row never showed so we had all the dancing room we could fill and then some. First phil I've seen upstairs since 2004 I think.
>>Who let you in on the little secret?<<
Purple Haines
He knew instantly! But I never listen to the early albums, I don't even own them, I had no idea that's what it was.
Bobby didn't suck, and Cream Puff War was quite good, which packed a punch. Alligator was the biggest disappointment of the night with Phil on vocals. Would have much preferred to hear Jackie sing it. And someone to play a lead. There were glimpses of great guitar interplay between Jackie and Larry, but not enough to keep my interest.
The album thing was a nice surprise, glad to see Phil try something new, err old. Had a great night and yeah, I'm just a picky deadhead, sue me.
And Jackie, find yourself a roadie to light your cigarette for you so you don't have to stop playing in the middle of the song to feed your addiction.
My gf Maria picked the first album during the third song - but she's a smart-ass, goddess love her. Doogles was with someone named Michael who knew during the third song too... I was able to rememeber enough of the first album so that we were sure pretty quickly, and actually expecting Anthem of the Sun! Tomorrow, Aoxomoxoa and Live Dead!
>>Tomorrow, Aoxomoxoa and Live Dead!
That would make two St. Stephens. I guess they could just skip one, or do Aoxomoxoa>Workingman's Dead. Or abandon the album theme...
well here is a picture of the first album (first set) I took with my stub when I got home + the bow at the end of the show.
BIG FUN on the first nite
thanks to Pete and see everyone the rest of the run!
JB SF420
>>>>Doogles was with someone named Michael who knew during the third song too...
It hit me about halfway through the third song, and I knew it once CR&S started, but I still had a hard time accepting it as I've never known of ANYTHING themed like that being done by the boys before. Truly a unique show.
I thought the music was really good all night, and had some great moments, and I thought Larry also had great moments, but as has been beaten about here so often he doesn't "sit on top of the world" for an entire show.
But this is nothing new, I think we all know what this band is about now, and I thought this was a good night for this band.
The extended ROAR for Bob was great; he deserved it, and it was a really cool moment. No matter how much shit he gets, deserved or not, he's still Bob Weir and it was great to see him up there with Phil playing all those classics.
And yes, his guitar playing was as good as I've heard from him in MANY years, he was being pushed all night in a real jumping rock band, and he looked like he was having fun.
Like all of us were tonight.
Was he playing his Gibson? (it being classic night and all).
>>>>so you don't have to stop playing in the middle of the song to feed your addiction
long live rock n roll
i apologize that this video clip is low quality but it was taken via cell phone. if you are curious about the janes addiction exotic dancers who took the stage a couple times over the course of the night then this will give you an idea of what you missed...if you were across the room with beer goggles on....
p.s. - tonight was such a treat!
Details on Cream Puff War?
Who sang it?
Was there backing vocals on the course? ("What a minute, watch what your doin'...")
Was it 'the real deal'?
Been waiting for Phil to 'bust' this one for quite awhile...Hope it was not a 'one-timer'(Chicago, please, Phil!)
panic does cream puff better than phil
Bobby sang Cream Puff, and it was very good. The real deal? Close enough without Jerry, or someone playing his part. Overall though, I don't think most of the songs sounded like copies of the album at all..
i cant believe all the people complaining about the show. be happy to have these shows and just embrace the love phil showers every show on the crowd. and for emily who hates morning dew. maybe phish will come out of retirement and you wont have to hear songs with depth and passion. we would hate to screw up the ectasy buzz.
^^^^hey chris,
I'm glad every review isn't done through rose collored glasses.
but if you wanna belive every Phil show is the best concert that has ever taken place then go for it.
have you seen this line up???
they aint great's like you know me.
Or actually, not at all.
Gotta tell ya Hoover, I definitely thought of you last night, the Caution was a high point in the show but my mind still wandered to the Reefer Canyon WCZJ Caution...
i have seen this line up. santa barbara, 2 in denver, and the mardi gras show at the bill graham. i dont say they are the best but it seems the bay crowd has gotten somewhat spoiled. and i think phil comes out every show and drops bombs that make me smile every time. and to emily. i was a little harsh on you and i should have chosen words more careful. for that i am sorry.
>>they aint great<<
then stay home and pick your cumbus!
>>>The extended ROAR for Bob was great; he deserved it, and it was a really cool moment. No matter how much shit he gets, deserved or not, he's still Bob Weir and it was great to see him up there with Phil playing all those classics.>>
agreed. I loved seeing Weir on stage with Phil. It's very comforting. It's what I grew up on.
I thought the show kicked ass! Sure it wasn't perfect, there were a few mistakes and Bobby stumbled on some Cream Puff War lyrics but hey...what do you expect. If having them play the first two GD albums in their entirety doesn't get you off and you feel the need to complain, then maybe you should sell your ticket to someone who will appreciate the effort better. I thought it was a fabulous gift for the first show of a 5-show run. I was especially impressed that Bobby kept up with everyone on all of the obscure tunes. He had obviously done some rehearsal in preparation for this monumental show.
IMHO there was nothing "beige" about the evening at all and I thought Larry was especially smoking last night. Just an amazing night all around and I felt very fortunate to be a part of it!
Emily, did you notice that when Jackie called out Bobby during the Caution, he wouldn't answer to "Mr. Weir" but only to "Bobby"?
I thought he and Larry both rocked out their solos during that song.
Hope to see you downstairs tonight :-)
Last night's show was totally off the hook. I thought that the interpay between Jackie and Larry was very good as each one ripped solos and had a lil call and response thing going. Sometimes Jackie would walk accross the stage to meet Larry in front of Molo's kit to rip togther. Bobby was fantastic as well and that Other One was simply thrilling. I'm not sure when the last Born Cross Eyed I had seen - me thinks it was at Alpine for the Family Reunion. That Caution just exploded too. Of course there was wasn't any Jackie he wasn't even born when these songs were recorded. I don't know how they're gonna top this tonight unless they rip through Live Dead for the second set...perhaps then we'll hear those folks calling for more guitar solos to go away. I don't know about you but I came away more than satisfied albeit a bit tired.
Go Phil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we get a report on "Born Cross-Eyed" please?
I was stoked to see Weir come bopping out on stage. Someone else commented that it was comforting as he is part of our growing up. Great way to put it. ALSO, I thought Weir had FORGOTTEN how to play like that! He was on very good behavior and played very well in his unique style. He should have paid more eye contact to Phil, however, as he missed some cues. Phil missed many chances to squeeze in his trademark roll into Other One, which I missed.
Interesting that Phil did very little direction via the monitors once Bob hit the stage. I think he let the music go where it wanted, which is fine, but also showed me the benefits of his directing the general direction and keeping things moving towards a common goal. The jam before the first verse of Other One was actaully just to long, and I can't believe I said that. It was cool, but lost direction a few times. Again, if Weir had looked up he would have seen Phil staring at him looking for a place a hit his riff. Fine though.
Jackie hit some real nice wah-wah stuff in various places and added some nice real old-school flavor. Very tastful, I was surprised. He real is coming along nicely and should hit his stride along this run here. I think he was VERY respectful of Weir being there and we all know hat guests can benefit the vibe as well as distract from the focus of a band that is used to each other.
A very good time overall.
Thanks for the reviews, all of them, good and bad.
Thanks all for reviews. When does the one year contract with the current band end?
>>>And I'll add, it was an absolute delight to be upstairs,
So that's where you were...
>>>have you seen this line up???
they aint great
For shame Timmy Hoover...if you came to LA, like I told ya too, you would see that this band is clearly improving. Last night's show was HOT.
YAY Phil!!!
I think you're the only one I didn't see Tiff, we talked about you upstairs though I'll be on the floor for the rest of the week.
It was great upstairs though.
yes we are blessed that Phil is still playing
But this diehard Phil fan does not care for the current line up either
I anxiously await Phil to acquire some new friends
call and response (trading) guitar licks/solos is not my idea of jamming or playing TOGETHER
most the time Jackie looks like he is just waiting his turn to solo
Soooo glad Bobby showed up - at least he will play rhythm guitar and he can sing (and I am not a big Bobby fan by any means)
one of my favorite things about well played GD songs is the 3 dimensionality of the music - the depth and complexity of the musical landscape. That requires all band members playing on multiple layers - painting the landscape behind the solos is almost more important that the solos themselves
I miss Jerry - Larry and Jackie just do not have the chops
give me Warren, JK, or Stu - now those guys can play the shit out of the Jerry songs
I will go back tonight and hopefully be less bored
dancing FOOL..I know someone who will buy your tickets for the rest of the run for twice of face just so he can keep your type of vibe from polluting the group mind. He says go listen to tapes and get off that way!!!! It seems you have waisted you mooola...................especially if you can't hear the textures in the music this band is playing,
yes I am a fool to have a mind of my own and actually critique the band instead of just gushing about how great it was - when its really not that good
what do you know
I never listen to tapes
only live music and lots of it
I love a good guitar player
got any?
jimmy warren sless?
ow, why the bickering, my sisters and brothers? we can't agree to disagree about our respective experiences and evaluations of the gigs we see?
what would Jerry do (wwjd)?
as for me, I'm grateful for each and every show. you just don't know when any show just might be the last one you see.
I'm hoping to see "what's become of the baby" again tonight!
I can't believe I'm hearing people use words like "beige" and "bored" to describe what was a very adept performance of an extremely difficult and intricate body of work from Anthem Of The Sun. It wasn't perferct, but it was frickin' beautiful.
I was at the back of the pit dead center and the PA sounded great to me. Balanced mix, everyone loud and clear, lot's of depth and texture to the music. I've heard the sound at the Warfield be too loud and muddy before, but not last night.
The set list to end all set lists. We should be into Mars Hotel and Blues For Allah by the weekend.
Nice one of my favorite friends showed up !!!
Right on Bobby !!
I don't see the word bored anywhere.
so, if the pattern is two studio albums each night, are we looking at?
Tues - GD and Anthem
Wed - Aox and Workingmans
Fri - Am Beauty and Wake of the Flood
Sat - Mars and Blues 4 Allah
Sun - Terrapin and Shakedown
If so, I gotta score me some Sat tix! I've already got Sunday.
I think this was the best show I've ever seen!
If I did it right, I've got the show flaced up & torrent running over here:
sir, thanks for putting this up. However, the show is not moving at all. Is there something wrong with it?
edit: now it's moving. It just took a while to get started. It couldn't be going slower, but it's going nonetheless. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last word of Ellen's first post Em
I really liked the show, The Dew,Caboose,Viola, Potato and Caution(especially the end bomb) were the highlights for me. The Alligator seemed a little strange like someone was playing a different song. All in all a great night, I can't wait to do it again.
I have a 768k bit/sec connection.
Practically, the data moves ~75k bytes/sec, which is ~4.5 meg/min.
The show is about 1.02 gig ~= 1000 meg, so (if my math is correct) should take ~ 225 minutes to get the initial seed out there--- somewhere on the order of 3.5 hours to the crest.
Yeah Phil actually got a little lost on the Alligator chord progession at one point. First time I've seen that happen to Phil in a loong time on any tune. Plus no kazoos.....
It was fun watching Bob get completely lost on New Potato and Born Crossed Eyed. But how fucking cool was it to see them even attempt to do this?!
I really enjoyed it. The GD is no more, these shows and all the P&F lineups, I see it all as just gravy, enjoy it. Afterall, who doesn't like gravy?
>>>a very adept performance of an extremely difficult and intricate body of work from Anthem Of The Sun. It wasn't perferct, but it was frickin' beautiful.<<<
very well said, Sean. I was fortunate to be at the show and I agree. It wasn't perfect, but was a great show and a huge treat. The music mixed with ample volume of THC made for a nice mind melt for this ol' Deadhead.
Those early psychedelic tunes are apparently not easy to play live, a big reason why The Grateful Dead dropped most of those tunes from the regular repertoire from the early 70s through 95.
Good shit!
>> last word of Ellen's first post Em <<
Ooops, I see it there.
Does anyone know what the real deal is with the future of the Warfield? I heard that it was just going to be under new management but they seem to be treating this as the historic last Warfield run ever. Kinda like the closing of the Fillmore.
They've already got a handful of shows scheduled as early as September 20th. This is essentially a big hoopla over a management change. I expect cosmetics will change a bit, some stuff will be upgraded but in the grand scheme it won't be too much different. It'll still be a music venue, they aren't changing the name, much will be the same.
Warfield is changing promoters and doing some upgrades will re-open soon.
I heard it will re-open as a House of Blues venue. Is it true or was someone yanking my "chain"?
House of Blues wants to move into the SF market, but it will not be at the Warfield.
To each his/her own but I can't believe that people don't like this line-up of Phil & Friends.
I think these Friends are amazing. They are the best group of Friends ever. Adding Bobby to the mix last night was fantastic and bodes well for more to come. I think Molo is better than Hart/Kreutzman. Jackie is amazing, Larry rocks. The only change I would consider making is Sless for Molitz.
I wonder if Bobby is going to play every night or whether there will be different guests? Perhaps a Sunday night meetup with Hot Tuna, who are at the GAMH Friday and Saturday nights.
Yea, I was told last night that it was going to be a Hard Rock venue. That's why I was asking.
I've heard that the theme of this run is "Decades", not necessarily "albums"
last night was the 60's...
so tonight is the 70's??
anyone hearing this??
>>>>Perhaps a Sunday night meetup with Hot Tuna, who are at the GAMH Friday and Saturday nights.
Tuna is in Tahoe on Sunday sadly.
These will be the so-called improvements:
1.) Removal of drinking fountain -- forcing you to spend $3 for a bottle of water.
2.) Bathroom attendants.
>one of my favorite things about well played GD songs is the 3 dimensionality of the music - the depth and complexity of the musical landscape. That requires all band members playing on multiple layers - painting the landscape behind the solos is almost more important that the solos themselves
Well said! that about sums it up...the ability to play all those abstract overtones and undertones is what really makes the "weirdness" of the GD unique.
Great show! Bobby brings the hippie vibe to the band. I love the current dance oriented line-up but Bobby changed the dynamic in a good way. He slowly eased into and blended with the group. The band took more chances and I felt the excitement of not knowing exactly where we were going. This led to some transcendent moments especially during the start of the second set when Bobby did some incredibly inventive things with his guitar. It also led to some minor train wreaks, but that goes with the territory. Sometimes this band tends to play it too safe. Bobby and the set list pushed them out of their comfort zone. Molo and Molitz (please turn him up!) thrived in the truly improvisational setting while Larry and Jackie seemed uncomfortable at times. Phil ceded control and conducted less, but he of course also thrived in the spontaneity of the evening. The hippie vs head (anti-intellectual vs intellectual) musical tension made for a satisfying show.
Bobby was a committed, powerful presence on the Warfield stage this night! I hope we will see Bobby with Phil and Friends again and I hope that Phil sits in with RatDog sometime. It was fantastic to see them share the stage and exchange a couple of sincere hugs!
Greetings all,
Went to an absolutely outstanding Phil & Friends show last night. Many years ago I used to say if I ever went to a Dead show and did not see something new, then it was time to stop going.
Well last night hit on all cylinders. We saw half (Bob Weir was the surprise guest star almost the entire show) of the remaining core 4 Dead members do not 1 but their first 2 albums start to finish, with some songs I had never seen performed, and the icing on the cake was the hippie go-go dancers to "boot" (pun intended, check the pictures). This was particularly exciting as while I do like this lineup, the prior shows setlists from Denver only looked average and so my expectations were not high going in.
By the 3rd song I was thinking Wow, they are really playing a lot from the sixties. After Sitting on top of the world it hit me--this was the first album start to finish! To confirm I was aided by the wonders of Google on a Blackberry, which took to Wikipedia's description of that album with song list, and sure enough there it was. After the first set ended, I was thinking what if this is a trend and we hear the 2nd album, Anthem of the Sun next? No way, couldn't be...but it was! Only question now is this the plan for the week or was that a 1-off? could lead to some great nights ahead...
As to the show itself, the versions were a little tight at the beginning and we actually went for our 1st beer break during BIODTL/Schoolgirl. Were back inside when things really heated up however, with Bobby joining and then the Dancing Hippie Chicks as well for Cream Puff War. Could not have looked much different back in '67! There were 2 lead dancers on the stage, and about a half dozen on each side of the balcony overlooking the stage, all in great dresses with lights on them. Never thought I would see dancing girls at a Dead show, and then to think it was a perfect touch. Weir seemed amused/bemused? by them, but did not let that stop him from singing and the band ripping off a great version of this song. Morning Dew had the rock solid rhythm section but was missing the "big Arc" as Billy likes to call the Jerry Peak Guitar solos. This was not an issue in the Minglewood and especially the smoking Viola Lee to finish.
As the 2nd set went into the That's It for the Other One, we knew it was indeed going to be a double album night. The set was strong, solid, again occasionally missing the peak guitar solos again but lots of great playing by Weir and Phil. Bobby's vocals on the Other One fit like a glove, and the Phil vocals in this set did not bother, even fitting well in things like Cryptical and even Alligator though Jackie might have done it a bet better. They were really nailing the power chords well in particular in things like New Potato and Born Cross Eyed. Anthem is pretty out there stuff, was a real kick to see it performed like this, and with focus. While not everything was perfect, it sure seemed like there had been some rehearsal for this. Caution had mega Phil bombs dropping to end it, and the Not Fade was rocking with 2 of the dancers back for fun.
In a way House Of Blues is actually already in the market, since Live Nation owns and operates those venues. The way things are shaping up now I'm not sure they're thinking of opening an actual HOB in the city any time soon though.
I had an interesting conversation last night with someone who has seen the proposed plans for the "new" Warfield about what changes may come, and if they follow through with those plans, there WILL be some fairly significant changes to the venue, including a possible name change (Nokia stuck in there somewhere) but hopefully they'll be smart enough to keep the essential vibe and look as close to the same as possible, but I think we should be prepared for these shows to be the last as we have known the venue to be these past 28 years.
Ultimately I'm going to stay optimistic about it until I see it. I was totally prepared to HATE the place after they ripped the seats out, but I very quickly discovered that in many ways it became a much better venue for rock shows than it was before. Change so often is dreaded before it happens, then is discovered to be good, or even better.
Time WILL tell, until then we speculate!
fyi - The Warfield is changing venue promoters from Live Nation (aka 'in better days'- Bill Graham Presents) to AEG Venues (not House of Blues). AEG is a big player like Live Nation.
Here is a website of the venues that AEG Venues manage:
Rumours are not much will change at Warfield per se but who really knows?
But you can bet the hallway will never look the same: Jerry Shrine, BGP posters - will all go to the 'Jive Nation', (oops I meant uh 'Live Nation') - Vault.
Take pix of the hallway - this run!
with all due respect to all...i think it's great that we get to hear any of this material at all...come on now!! a deadhead who doesn't like morning dew?!? just what more could you ask for? jerry rising from the dead? but then you would have to listen to those horrible ballads!(lol). we should all be grateful any of them are still alive and playing music. and boy what music. i didn't like the lineup at first in sept. but i think they are all really stepping up to the plate , challenging each other and themselves.doesn't phil have the right to ask who he wants to play with him? of course if you can do better than these guys, be my guest. maybe phil will bring you into the lineup.
>>a deadhead who doesn't like morning dew?!?<<
Why does it matter to you what I do or don't like?
when i get back home ill post what ive heard about what supposed to haapen to the venue.the changes that aeg is thinking of doing.
it doesn't matter anyway. all i'm trying to say is why is everyone being so critical of the show? be grateful!! i know i had fun!!
and all I'm trying to say is, you had fun, why does anyone else's opinion matter, especially to the point you feel you need to be critical of it?
Isn't everyone a bit tired of Jackie's schtick during Caution? It seems contrived and awful hokey.
Yes, I'm well aware that Pigpen did similar things, and sometimes they were just so-so, but Pig was so much more genuine than Jackie (oops, make that JGe since he's really right up there with JG).
And is that Garcia doll on stage? I find that lame beyond belief and can't believe that Phil ever allowed that or that he even placed it there himself.
"Isn't everyone a bit tired of Jackie's schtick during Caution? It seems contrived and awful hokey."
I heard it in Denver. It was time. Then I heard it on these recordings from SF. That's enough. The kid is still developing his mind for improvisation, so I try to remember that. His influences haven't prepared him for any of this. I think he's doing really well with it all.
it all depends on balance. so far we've had very few reviews and comments in, [thanks to those who have done so, whether positive or negative].
so this means we are overbalanced in respect of people who werent there nitpicking at it all [valid for sure but again, its about balance]
so the only way to save ourselves going round in circles is to get more reviews posted, then we can find the bigger picture, not the smaller one...
sure hope peeps over in SF can use today's off day to get some stuff written and sent in !
My sixth Phil & Friends show (number one was Scofield, et. al. @ The Warfield.)
I had another great time.
I thought it was a great show, and you could tell from the first songs the band did before Bob came out that they were even tighter than Mardi Gras, where I don't think they hit one wrong note! They have defenitely come along way since The Greek last September, although my first show with this band was July 21st at The Independant in San Francisco, where you could see Phil was just fawning over Jackie. I have seen Jackie three times now with his band, and he and Larry are really starting to play together more at Tuesday's shows. I was fifth row in the balcony, and the sound was plenty loud. I have never seen Bob play as good with Phil's band as he did last night. The Other One was very long before Bob sang the first verse, and Anthem of The Sun is my favorite Grateful Dead album, so I am really grateful they played it, and it was a great way to start off the five night run! I usually get pretty tired after one night, so I always really like the first night. Met some really cool people sitting around me last night, and I thought all the musicians could be heard very well last night. My first show here was 3/29/83, 25 years ago. It is sad to see this place go, and I am disabled, so I love sitting in the balcony. I love the way the lights shine on the stage, it will be burned into my DNA forever! Love BruceEdwardWeber(eddieboy)!!!!!!!!!
This was my first time seeing Phil, previously only having seen Ratdog before (I live in London, where these guys rarely ever play!).
I find out a few hours before that a show was on, and got a face value ticket outside, sweet.
I thought the sets were tight, the musicianship top notch, and the appearance of mr weir made it such a memorable night.
Does anyone know where I can get tapes of these shows from the warfield?
^^^Paras ~~ stream or download the shows here %22Phil%20Lesh%20and%20Friends%22&sort=-date