might as well start it.....
Have fun tonight ya'll
Jack straw tonight?
It is due!!!
I haven't heard or seen it on a setist since hammerstein in dec
they played jack straw in Atlanta. grate version
Satisfaction or johnnie be good?
Rock Lobster!!
Phil will fuckin RIP it up on bass.
The girls would sound WONDERFULL!
Tell your friends and Family
We all want it
Rock Lobster
muskrat love would be nice
me and my uncle tonight?
Aqualung my friend...
Time.........just kiddin'
looking forward to the show as usual
>>>muskrat love would be nice
Maybe one for the zone, Love will keep us Together?
2 years ago ,heading to Nokia for Phil on Halloween,people on train making were predictions.I said'Boris the Spider'.They thought I was nuts.After they played it,goin' home I was a hero.So ya never know......
Ok I'll go out on a ledge... How about the monster mash?
evenin all. lets all stream our thoughts to conjure a stream!!
At least that guy isn't tuning the piano again like last night, I was going crazy listening to that almost like a twlight zone episode
Skzlfrtz-verb;When you're peakin' really hard and you hope you're temples don't explode.Example:"Dude,are you alright ?" and the only word you can get out is 'SKZLFRTZ"
hey hey hey HEY Littleone
I know exactly what your sayin
It's zoological
My father just sent me a txt that he is at this show. Pretty cool, as I sit here in Flintstone, GA. I saw the Atlanta>Asheville>Charlotte....he is going to have a blast
I agree.Where Are my flashbacks? Always heard you'd have flashbacks after 13 trips.I'm owed 'bout a years worth. LMAO !
Good time for a flashback-Chillin' @ home on a day off.Bad time for a flashback-in court.
I find that flashbacks are not like "events" like they are described by the scientists. Flashbacks are more like this "lysergic" quality that exposure to certain chemicals can give you in your life. For example, at one point, your find yourself a professional in the world with a family, but you can't really tell people that the walls are always moving and now and then you get this real jittery feeling in your spine and the world gets strange without warning.
Because if you said that, you might not be taken seriously. You'd be taken to the hospital. That's my experience with flashbacks. It's less an event and more of a trajectory.
Is there a live feed for tonight?
I always thought it would be like coupons on pizza boxes.Buy 10 get 1 free.
set list anyone
Flashbacks and Flying cars. I want what I was promised!
I want my flying car too!!
True dat,Happycat
late start tonight...
Not fade away
Quiet in here for a Friday night...
is that a prediction or a fact?
Furthur | February 19, 2010 | Mullins Center, University of Massachussets, Amherst, MA
First Set:
Not Fade Away
Nfa opened
February 19, 2010
Mullins Center, University of Massachussets
Amherst, MA
First Set:
Not Fade Away->
Love the Althea
This place is gettin hot
February 19, 2010
Mullins Center, University of Massachussets
Amherst, MA
First Set:
Not Fade Away->
Any streams??
hey now - managed to download a show using BitTorrent. How do I get that download onto a CD.
Thanks in advance
nice! in for a killer JG show
what's the file format of your downloaded files Minglewood - FLAC?
good friends back east says night and day difference so far between last night and tonight...he thought last night was really week. Much better sound, scene, and music so far....
Man its so sweet to be alive!
althea always rocks i love it
its T right here at Umass where the little girls know what To do
misingfinger - yes - FLAC
Have done it before - need a refresher. Currently listening to Patriot center, VA (attended) excellent show
Sounds like a great show
come on scarlet whats next?
D'oh! already regretting picking last nights show over tonight's.....
ouch ted really 3 songs in ouch!
the hard rock althea is pretty good crisp transitions
minglewood goes on forever...
Shit I knew I should have gone on tour
Fuck the kids collage fund
I can make it back selling lighters and doses
Jer - in the house
>>>ouch ted really 3 songs in ouch!
Thank goodness I am in Utica tomorrow
<object><param></param><param></param><param></par am><embed></embed></object>
Set 1
Jam >
Althea >
Dire Wolf,
Casey Jones
welcome to 1984
black muddy river would be nice
so what's the deal with streams getting shut down?? I heard that if someone posts a link in this forum.. the stream get shut down.. how is this possible??
i just dont think anyone is doing it. I streamed bad video from NYE no one stopped me.
where do i find this link? tell me in a way without telling me...
Anthony, I don't believe there is any stream right now.
::set break::
Go down to the Cherokee Lounge at about 10 or 10:15 and find a dude by the nake of "Pappa King"
When he walks to the side alley by the trash cans go up to him and say "Roswell 51" and sake his hand with $10 in it and he will take it from there
Good Luck
this messagte will self-destruct in 15 seconds
My spelling gets worse as I drink
No stream. Too bad. First set list?
mission impossible theme in background
Sweet setlist, we don't need a stream, we are lucky to get the show b4 mailing a tape! What happened to 2/13? Etree took it off mighty quick.
Where's my flashbacks....
That is the most classic post I've ever seen on the Zone. And the best laugh I've had all week.
Anthony, not at your expense of course.
So this is it?????????
Set 1
Jam >
Althea >
Dire Wolf,
Casey Jones
peggy-o not mentioned on twitter/Deadheads
Now thats a first set I can like!!!
for those who missed it.. here is a link to Bobby's Duck joke of the othr evening!
we got a discrepency... dot org sez:
Jam >
Althea >
Dire Wolf,
BE women
casey jones
any second set guesses
Half step?
men smart/women smarter?
Set 1
Jam >
Althea >
Dire Wolf,
Casey Jones
Set 2
Lost Sailor
Set 1
Jam >
Althea >
Dire Wolf,
Casey Jones
Set 2
Lost Sailor->
Saint of Circumstance
Where are the recordings of the 2-13 show?? None on bt.etree.??
Driftin my Life Away
Yeah that was wierd, I'm so happy I dloaded when it was up....was it a secret show or something?
You can probably get the show from 2/13 in a torrent file like demonoid or something similar
any updates on 2nd set?
Set 2
Lost Sailor->
Saint of Circumstance
New Speedway Boogie
King Solomon's Marbles
Set 2
Lost Sailor->
Saint of Circumstance
New Speedway Boogie
King Solomon's Marbles
dark star
set 2
Sailor >
New Speedway >
Drums >
King Solomon's,
Caution >
Dark Star
Something Something Something DAAAAHHHHKKKKK STAHHHHHHH
that's it for the other one :D
awesome set!
Sailor >
New Speedway >
Drums >
King Solomon's,
Caution >
Dark Star (v1, v2) >
Other One >
Let It Grow
Registration is now open .... get in while you can !
how does demonoid work, how do you find 2-13 show, can someone help
can someone post a link, i can paste
special guest encore - shatner doing dylan :D
((( love )))
Sailor >
New Speedway >
Drums >
King Solomon's,
Caution >
Dark Star (v1, v2) >
Other One >
Let It Grow >
Not Fade
Donor Rap
Heavens Door
Joe Yellowsky... Put an email address in your profile and we can help...
not my favorite setlist, lot of repeats, good night
looks like a doozy
was this the first ever Furthur Knockin'?
WOW that's some list!
What a show!!! The first set was somewhat meh.. I was worried by the mixed reviews, and I didn't hear very many highlights. Cassidy was fine, Althea was great and the Friend of the Devil was off kilter. I was thinking that JK was hitting too many teeny high notes.
Nice place; security was friendly. You had to switch your floor ticket for a wristband which was a pain, but it kept the floor clear. There was room to dance anywhere and I didn't see any hassles. They fixed the sound!! I hated it at Asbury. The sound here was wide and deep and thick and had tons of midrange. For the end of the show we sat way up on JK's side and the sound was pristine there as well.
But then the second set!! Everything just came together. JK was hitting big, deep notes, with beautiful phrases. Phil was monstrous. Bobby was much more on time and remembered more of the words to the songs. He seemed more inspired. The drummers were animals. Bob's voice was reminiscent of that of a disembodied skull wandering the high plains with a touch of electronic gas.
Lost Saint took its time, with some good off tempo, slower beats. Speedway was fun and everyone was in a groove. King Solomon's really took off with jams that made you blink your ears to try and catch the changes. Caution was huge, with bigtime fans by all the boys. Dark Star had maybe one minute of slag, but otherwise was a total feast. Other One and Let It Grow were both jammed out monsters.
All in all, a great time. Totally Grateful Dead. Impressive! Jeanne couldn't believe it!
Minglewood...sorry for the delay...you need to download "audacity" which is a good program for editing and converting audio formats, or just google "flac to wav" to find a different freeware conversion program... :-)
Then burn the wav using whatever burning software you have... NERO 9 has a built in Flac converter i think... but it aint free...
Good luck!
Oh, no. Not Knocking. Please, no... That's a "leave the building early" song if I've ever witnessed one.
Having said that, I'd be just fine with getting a head start for the exit after that WHOPPING 2nd set. Wow! I hope it was as good as it looks on paper.
How was New Minglewood? They've been smoking that song like I've maybe never heard them smoke it before. Am I crazy to get the impression that the 1st sets aren't enough about the improvisations and exploring? Too reserved, saving it for the 2nd sets?
The show rocked big time...but they do that every night. Setlist here is incomplete: Brown-Eyed in first set after FOTD, Bob played a tune in the 2nd set I'm not sure of after Caution...
>>>>>> Oh, no. Not Knocking. Please, no... That's a "leave the building early" song if I've ever witnessed one.
sacreligious to leave during church.
Frak!! Looks like last night was real good, but they didn't finish DS, maybe tonight? No heavy ballads either so I still might get my Stella or Comes a Time tonight.Nice to see them bookend a show with NFA.
I am sure Knockin' was amazing.
Where are the reviews folks ;)
On to tonight
Oh yes, Minglewood was great, but not in the ether like the rest of the show. The missing song was 'Got My Mojo Workin', which was great, although the parts where it got quiet were a bit cheesed out by Mr. Weir. No harm, no foul.
"Bob's voice was reminiscent of that of a disembodied skull wandering the high plains with a touch of electronic gas."
>>>Frak!! Looks like last night was real good, but they didn't finish DS, maybe tonight? <<<
They definitely finished it.
Monster Dark Star! Fairly short, heavy jams. Other One > Let it Grow was spectacular!
One list had NFA (reprise?) after Let it Grow, not on the SBD list, any confirmation?
This show and venue were both excellent. I was on the floor about 20 feet in front of Phil and 20 feet in front of the soundboard. The sound was clean, clear and consistant.
Many high points and, in addition to some fantastic playing from each memeber, Bobby was in fine form- playing & singing alike. NFA opener & close was cool.
Lots of intense playing for those of you who like the way this band plays-out.. check out set two.. Solomons Marbles was perfect, with a really powerful intro by the drummers.
Phil's playing was especially intense all nite- I found myself (several times) getting completely absorbed in his bass lines (check out Dire Wolf for one example of what I mean).
Caution was a very cool treat. Lots of crescendos like the 69 versions. Bobby did a great job delivering it.
JK delivered New Speedway very nicely and with a strong groove. This lit the fuse on what was already a hot bomb (from sailor-saint & speedway). What came next is about an hour of intense playing that was just GREAT.
One observation of last nite(for what its worth): I last saw them on 12/11 in CT, which was a killer show and I loved it. Their playing last night shows an evolving team- in addtion to playing very clean and purposefl, they also played very intensely- and not in a dense or cluttered way. Each them contibuted to the mix with poise & balance... I'm not sure how exactly to explain it eccept that they clearly sound like a "band" and they are more wired-in to each other now than they already were 2 months ago. Listen to Cassidy- the jam at the end covers a wide range and showases this bands interplay... its got parts that are very "open" with Phil & John playing some very focused parts while the band is (very delicately) complimenting them. This then evolves into an increasingly powerful (but still open and uncluttered) jam. Very nicely done.
Its great fun listening to this line-up. I've heard some folks (elsewhere) being critical of the drumming. I think Russo is great- he assets his presence is a very tasteful way and he & Phil seem to follow each other closely. John K- he's a dragon with matches and I'm glad he loose on the town with this band (sooo many good parts last nite... his take on Althea, especially near the end, was sweet). The two back-up singers are a fine match.
Other hight points- the rising tempo at the end of Casey Jones; Brown Eyed Women, with Phil singing "and it looks like the Old Man's gettin old"; Bobby NAILED sail>saint; Caution- they played caution! enough said; let it grow jammed. Solomon's was outrageous.
And the Mullins center is a very cool, very laid-back venue.
Second part of Dark Star is still orbiting the earth someplace... I hope some of you get to hear when it touches down at one of the next shows.
Oops...sorry about the misquote on Dark Star- they played both verses! But its always orbiting out there somewhere...
nice read Carl
Hey now, well, I made it to Amherst and anticipate Utica tonight like a school kid going to the candy store. I havn't read any of the reviews above as not to squew my view. You all have seen the set list I'm sure so I'll make my comments and move on...
First set was good, nothing really over the top special, a couple nice moments in Althea, the jam in Cassidy was vintage, classic, the old and the new all meshed into one heap of gooey happy dancing, laughing fun. These guys are good. Casey Jones was good with the typical building jam at the end that has been standard since Jerry's departure...albiet; Jerry was in the house last night....
Second set...I'm still giggling, chuckeling, smiling, and one happy f-ing Dead Head. If anyone that was there for that set that took any issues with it, you're going to see the wrong band. This was psychodeelia at its finest. From the first notes of the beautifully played Lost Salior through Let it grow was unreal. Theses dudes are bringing IT. IT is here and I am happy. What is so cool/great/beautiful/fantastic about this is that there are elements of the old; the jams I remember from thos years gone by, the jams that send that chill waaay deep in your spine and lets you burst with laughter. But on top of that there is definite maturity in Phil and Bobby's playing and this JK cat knows how to fill the voids without spoiling a thing, if anything he brings the goods that add to this heaping, bubbley, gooooyee, dripping over the edge, sticking to the sides pot of stew. Jeff plays those keys just unbelievably well. His addition to, or shall I say participation in these jams are at times reminicent of Brent, at times like nothinhg I've ever heard. There is an element of new-ness in these jams. These guys are keeping it fresh while keeping a guy like me hanging on to the daze that brought me to this point. Not an easy task because I became very critcal of the boys in the late 80's and early 90's to be sure. Now...They just played the second set and played and played, and it all fell into and out of place; just the way I like IT. The second set was IT for me; like I said, I'm still smiling from ear to ear, and at times I wonder; How they do IT? that stuff that they do, IT is what I was ment to experience in this go round. Happy to report, IT is alive and well... My buddies and I basically laughed all the way home making comments to one another that were based barely in the rational, yet we each got IT and continued our trek with laughter and IT sticking to our sides.
This is IT kids, thank your lucky stars, I'm heading to Utica tonight, this show with my boys in tow (16 & 18) the cool thing is I won't need to point out a thing. They'll get IT. They have before and I'm confident that there will be enough of IT there tonight that they'll grab IT while they can. Their daddy ain't raisin any fools when it comes right down to IT.
Yes they reprised NFA after Let it grow to end the 2nd set.
Oh by the way; look at the second set - the set list...Get IT? Everybody get IT? Everbody on board? All you chasers had better step on....For the bus, the bus she's a rollin... Cya tonight...
Peace! Hoff
Also worth noting (if any of you are gear heads): Bobby took lead vocals on FOTD and played a lead guitar solo (using a sunbusrt fender strat).
Something appeared to be unsatisfactory with his sound because Bobby gestured over to Robbie Taylor several times. After the song, Phil pointed to the guitar and Robbie came over and took it off the stage and over to that little hideout they have behind Jeff. He appeared to be working on it in there.
I dont think Bobby played it again, but he did take anoter lead guitar solo later in the second set (cant recall which song...) Bobby was good last nite...
Hoff you literally had your Boys with you..
Cool dealio..
Thanks for the reviews people..
>>JK delivered New Speedway very nicely and with a strong groove.
JK sang New Speedway? I've been hoping for this...
who sang then other JG tunes besides JK on new speedway?
JK sang New Speedway, w/ stong back-up from Bobby...escpecially on "..this darkness got to give"
Dire Wolf = JK
Casey Jones= JK
I think Bob sang most of knockin on heavens door, but im hazey on that...
The last time I was n the UMass campus was 20 years ago when I saw Phish at the Ballroom in a great trips fest fo all time. I am 39 so I was 19 and in my Deadhead and Phishead prime catching live music constantly by two fo the best jam bands of all time. Phish used to play all of the cafeterias and ballrooms around New England which was awesome. Since it was 20 years to the day I will quote the phish list for any ph fans out there:
Saturday, 02/17/1990 Student Union Ballroom, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Set 1: Possum, Bathtub Gin, The Divided Sky, The Sloth, Bouncing Around the Room, You Enjoy Myself, Golgi Apparatus
Set 2: Reba, The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony > AC/DC Bag, The Squirming Coil, Harry Hood, Carolina, Mike's Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove
Notes: The opening acts were Widespread Panic and Gene Matthews.
Hate to taint the board with Phish biut thought it would be interesting history for the students who might be reading this. I feel so young but people look at me like I am someones dad--which I am, but back in the day I had long hair--and lots of it and tripped bals noodling around. I did feel old in the very oyung crowd last night. The show rocked last night everyone. band was really hot with an amazing let it grow. Go see them if you can.
Hey thanks for all the reviews people!!!
For us who couldn't be there - we were either following the show on Deadheadland or of course right here on the ZONE! Many of us have both of them up on the browser as the Fellas blaze!
For those going tonight!!! Have a Blast and represent! This band is on FIYO!
awesome reviews everybody, thank you!
can't wait to go listen to this show too
Thoughts after attending Manchester and Amherst. Manchester was decent. While well-played, the band seemed subdued, restrained most of the evening. At times, they almost sounded mechanical to me.
But, Amherst was a late, "just in case" add for me. Glad I added it. One note: agree with earlier poster that, at least where we were, the sound was a bit washed out by the low end during the first set. After the addition of two side-facing stacks during set break, there was the beautiful mid-rage largely missing during set I.
NFA opener rocked. Several of us heard a Foolish tease in the jam out of NFA and I swear I heard about a 15-second Eleven mini-theme. Althea was OUTSTANDING. Minglewood presented me with some time to save energy; not a big fan, never have been. Dire Wolf was good. BE Women was, like Althea, OUTSTANDING. FOTD? Meh. Cassidy? Off the hook, sick, killer, over-the-top! Casey Jones to close and I was glad to see (never saw GD play this).
From the first notes of Lost Sailor, two things were clear to me. One, as previously noted, the midrange PA problems had been seriously corrected. Two, the band (and John in particular) were going to have a MONSTER set. Loved the Lost>Saint; very nice, loooong jam before the final verse of Saint. The NSB was good. When the drummers momentarily took the spotlight, I looked over to Lane's spot as I had watched him do a whole lot of walking around during large portions of the first set. Lo and behold, he had sticks in his hands and was banging them on skins; yes! So, KSM did it for me in a very nice way. So did Caution but I'm not super crazy about that Mojo song. The jam out of Caution/Mojo featured several DS teases followed by DS, which had a tempo change mid-song before they finished it. DS jam had a couple of Other One teases in it. At one point during this jam and Other One jam, some interesting/frightening stuff came out of the PA that made me glad I couldn't find acid last night. Other One was cookin'; jam between the two verses featured a nice section where Phil and John were facing each other and, apparently, alternating leads. Very nice. Let It Grow surprised me with its position in the show. It ripped! NFA third verse ("here comes the other slice of bread"; I love sandwich shows). Bobby channeling JT Kirk on Knockin' to encore; definitely got the sense BW was singing this to Jerry and not to us. I did like the hat tip to JGB Knockin' during the final jam/solo.
So, Manchester, good, somewhat mechanical and didn't get a lot of the Grateful Dead-y feeling! Amherst, a complete 180. Flowing, not mechanical and long stretches of the GD-y feeling (including the entire second set).
One note to the band, I love the whole band but the second set (which I loved) was a smidge Bobby-heavy.
Interesting how one can think almost the opposite. I thought that New Hampshire's transitions were very GD like and the show flowed very nicely. Amherst was great as well..
so nice how they played the Reggae chorus in Knockin'..
Vince, the beauty of GD music, yes? Two people can see the same performance very differently. Don't get me wrong, I had a good time at NH. I just kept waiting for it to fully lift off and didn't feel it got there. Last night, lift off in spades. I suspect that the difference between my extracurriculars at both shows was the true difference-maker.
Yeah, that was sweet on Knockin'.
I loved the first set and not as much on the second....I was looking for a HelpSlip or ChinaRider and got Sailor Saint......hmmmm New Speedway had a nice groove though.. that Knockin sent people out the exits including my wife and me......looking forward to the download of the show though!
>>and not as much on the second
King Solomon's Marbles>
Dark Star>
Other One
Man - THAT was a powerful stretch of mojo for me!
I guess I wasn't feeling the MOJO
One man gathers what another man spills, David.
Amherst, MA
Mullins Center 2/19/10
Set 1
Jam >
NFA > What can you say except - our love will not fade away! A GREAT show opener, for sure.
Althea > Oh yes, a smoker - even better than the Asbury Park version I saw in December. JK killed on the bridge - "This space IS getting HOT!!!"
Minglewood, - Another Minglewood, eh? Time to hit the bathroom.
Dire Wolf, - When did you ever hear the Grateful Dead play Dire Wolf and BE Women back to back? Well, I never did, and this was fantastic!
BE Woman -Both versions were well done.
FOTD - Bobby did it justice and even took a little lead break. Fast version - I like it that way.
Cassidy - Complete highlight of the first set. The Jam was swirling and way out there! I was taken somewhere and brought back breathless.
Casey Jones - They did the faster and faster ending and played it very well.
Set 2
Space> - listed on no setlists, but there was a mini Space Jam prior to Lost Sailor. It was a nice portal from which to jump in to start of the second set
Sailor > Saint - Okay - either you like the Sailor/Saint or you don't - I'm not going to change your mind, but these versions were tremendous. The dynamics of soft and loud were well felt by everyone. Nicely jammed, and JK played some real cool stuff in the jam before the 3rd verse of Sailor.
New Speedway > JK was on fire - STOP, DROP and ROLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!
Drums > Russo and Lane get something going and continued it during
King Solomon's - in which Russo and Lane earned my respect - and JK let it fly. Phil did too!
Caution > Hello Phil? You OWNED this Caution. MONSTER!!! Boby's vocals were well done.
Dark Star (v1, v2) > We heard it coming in the jam out of Caution. No, it's not a 69 Star, but it was good and even went to some scary places.
Other One > Another MONSTER - and what a combo - Marbles>Caution>Dark Star> Other One - THIS was amazing - as good as Wallingford or BETTER!
Let It Grow > Just when you thought they couldn't give anymore - they did - and Bobby delivered a Let it Grow for the Ages. Chimenti was great on this Let it Grow - and they brought it to an amazing ending into the ether...as it dissipated, the Bo Didley beat rose and returned us to
NFA (Reprise) Bringing it all back home nicely
E: Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Nice try, I guess, not terrible, but it was surprising (Okay, not really) that they had William Shatner make a cameo appearance for this one on vocals.
A good show in the first set, became a great show in the second set - I can't say it any better than Marbles>Caution>Dark Star>Other One does all by itself!!!!!
I thought the NFA opener started strong, but kind of fizzled. The show picked up after that, though.
I wasn't too keen on the vox for TOO. THe musicianship was smoking, but I was kind of lost on the phrasing. I thought the backup vocals on the "coming around" part were weird too.
Other than that, I have no complaints.
the setlist on the home page of the philzone - the one that opens up a new window - is missing brown eyed women in the first set!
anyone seen a download yet?
Nice review Sixer. Really nice. I can hardly wait for RCMH on Tuesday.
Let it be recalled I said back in December after the first time I saw this combo the first night at Hammerstein and again after the Sunday show in Asbury, that this ensemble was as pleasing as any post-Jerry version and probably better and would be better still with a little time in the bottle to age. Yes, they were missing the dueling guitar firepower of the Q, but Bobby has been his old-self, more so than his more recent post-Jerry self (and I favor that old Bobby) and along with Phil these two have been playing their hearts and guts out, as good as they have ever been. And then what can you say about John? John has been amazing, way beyond my expectations, but then again, I'd never seen a DSO show either. Still the guy has been able to fill that big fucking impossible hole with enough to be able to recall the sound without making a joke out of what these guys are trying to do. I was really impressed then and from all accounts I will be really impressed again.
Finally up on archive. Nice recording too.
Let it Grow sounds killer!
http://www.archive.org/details/furthur2010-02-19.a kg.gmb.106215.flac16
^^^ Thanks to the taper for getting this up so quickly.
When I said finally up I was just anxious to hear it.
Listening/downloading this off of archive right now. My mood was enhanced a great deal this evening. Guess what? It made the music even better but that's not what made the music (and this show) great.
Thank you Furthur for a second bite at the apple!
This second set was about as synergistic as it gets!! Phil running the show and JK right there chasing him up and down his leads runs with the drums driving the train!! Start to finish, this second set ripped but was also uber delicate when needed. Big difference from NH. Next!
Interesting... I actually thought the second set in New Hampshire flowed more like a Grateful Dead show and was more balanced...
Amherst was intense though!.. loved how the second verse of Dark Star was faster than the first, they didn't mean to do that but Phil just went with it.
Hmmm - well so far this seems to STILL be THE setlist (and "SHOE") of the tour - and I was lucky enuff to be there! I'll take it, since I'm only seeing 4 . . .
"Fan" tastic. Saw NH, this and PDX. This was by far the best.
Fun venue. No achohol, no security woes.
John K at his best 76-80 jerry/dead sound.
He's really good at it.
Too bad he fails horribly whenever he tries to play anything not in that era. He should just stick to that and he's great at it.
Anything else is a horribly travesty.
Have fun with your Jerry-OKE.