You are correct sir.
I want to take this opportunity to call a blues for allah.
>>>>>>> I want to take this opportunity to call a blues for allah
Well, Phil certainly teased the FUCK out of it all of his tour.
And I WON'T be there, so that certainly increases the odds.
On the other hand, they'd actually have to WORK (ie, rehearse) on it to pull it off.
Not to mention they still owe the West Coast:
They gotta crawl before they can walk! Or at least take some baby steps before running a marathon.
>>>>>>> I want to take this opportunity to call a blues for allah
Besides, that's more of a "Q" thing than "TD" - Bobby would basically be a lost sailor - since he seems to have a lot of say in TD (rightly so I'd have to admit), I'd venture to guess he'd nix the idea - and why would Phil raise the possibility of doing it with TD if he wouldn't even do it w/his own band, especially when they were playing so goddamn well in Boston & Phila (they were practically into it during Slipknot at the Sat Phila show)?
But Joan could add some cool moans . . .
And trying to out-analyze them is flailing at windmills . . .
blues for allah -- it's true the musical boundaries are limitless with the "Q".. but "TD" teased it 3rd set 8/10/03 if you listen closely at the beginning of the set b4 watchtower..
maybe with warren "TD" will play more stuff if he comes in.. C-YA ALL AT THE SHOW!
any advice for a lot vendor thats never been to the arena before?
>>>>>>> any advice for a lot vendor thats never been to the arena before?
Make tons selling fake drugs to all the 40-something working folks like all the east coast wookies did on Phil tour . . .
wouldn't work. WSP this summer. 20 something outside of Warfield sellin 1/8 of shrooms for 60. I go NO WAY~! He goes "but it's a good 1/8th"
YEAH RIGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Weather Report Suite > Let It Grow --> PLEASE!
+ Lazy Lightening >Supplication + Lost Sailor - Saint of Circ.
Ripple --> Perhaps Mr Hunter will Grace us with this one as well as:
So Many Roads
Mission In The Rain
Dire Wolf > Peggy-O
Standing On The Moon
Oh Mama..."Could this really be the End?"
To be Stuck inside of Boston..with the Oaktown Blues Again..Guess I'll be Rockin in the New Year with Dick Clark and his magic decending ball of lights...Yeah!!! Great!!!
Last nite's show looked SWEET..thanks for the Set List Rob.
I wish EVERYONE a Very Happy New Year!!!!!
Other One, back into Cryptical?
isn't sikiru supposed to be playing tonight?
The Anti-Q First Set:
Aiko-Aiko >
baba jingo>
el paso >
queen jane >
days between >
sugar mag
Robert Hunter, Oakland, Ca. 12/31/03
Doin' That Rag
Might As Well
Serafina Magalina
Key To Your Room
The Wind Blows High>
Standing On The Moon>
Boys In The Barroom
Funk Brothers, Oakland, Ca 12/31/03
How Sweet It Is
My Baby Loves Me
Function At The Junction
Here Comes The Judge
Stop In The Name Of Love
^Once In My Life
^What's Become Of A Broken Heart
It's A Shame
My Girl> Funk Brothers Stomp> My Girl
Reach Out
Band Intros
I'm Losing You
What's Goin'On
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Heard It Through The Grapevine
Please Don't Leave Me
The Dead NYE 12/31/2003
*-w/Greg Osby @-Bobby acoustic
Set 1:
*Let The Good Times Roll
Jack Straw
Weather Report Suite
...*@Part 1>
...*Let It Grow
*Reuben & Cerise>
I Know You Rider
I wish I was there, thank you Rob!~!
Thanx taperrob.......
How is set 2 coming along? Anyone?
set 2 thus far
Countdown to New Years (Billy, Mickey and Bill Walton on hugh drum skin), Happy New Year *-w/Greg Osby ^-Bill Walton on percussion Set 2: ^*Sugar Magnolia> ^*SSDD, St Stephen> William Tell Bridge> Eleven Jam> *Born Cross-Eyed> *Jam> *@Mountains Of The Moon> *Jam> *Dark Star(v1)> *Jam (Love Supreme tease)> *Dark Star(v2)> Drumz(w/guest drummer)>
set 2 thus far:
Countdown to New Years (Billy, Mickey and Bill Walton on hugh drum skin), Happy New Year *-w/Greg Osby ^-Bill Walton on percussion Set 2: ^*Sugar Magnolia> ^*SSDD, St Stephen> William Tell Bridge> Eleven Jam> *Born Cross-Eyed> *Jam> *@Mountains Of The Moon> *Jam> *Dark Star(v1)> *Jam (Love Supreme tease)> *Dark Star(v2)> Drumz(w/guest drummer)> *Space> *Playin' In The Band
guess you know we lost the chat.....way to communicate taperrob. Thanx for the updates!!
wow, this could take all night long!~!
Oh YA!
could be a 3 set show?
set 2 thus far:
Countdown to New Years (Billy, Mickey and Bill Walton on hugh drum skin), Happy New Year *-w/Greg Osby ^-Bill Walton on percussion Set 2: ^*Sugar Magnolia> ^*SSDD, St Stephen> William Tell Bridge> Eleven Jam> *Born Cross-Eyed> *Jam> *@Mountains Of The Moon> *Jam> *Dark Star(v1)> *Jam (Love Supreme tease)> *Dark Star(v2)> Drumz(w/guest drummer)> *Space> *Playin' In The Band> *The Wheel
I doubt we'll see a 3 set show, but one could hope. That would be cool. Joan belting out a Days Between would be very cool.
By the way taperrob....nice job recording the 12-13 Berkeley show (currently downloading).....can't wait to hear tonight's show!!!!
End Of Set @
Countdown to New Years (Billy, Mickey and Bill Walton on hugh drum skin), Happy New Year *-w/Greg Osby ^-Bill Walton on percussion Set 2: ^*Sugar Magnolia> ^*SSDD, St Stephen> William Tell Bridge> Eleven Jam> *Born Cross-Eyed> *Jam> *@Mountains Of The Moon> *Jam> *Dark Star(v1)> *Jam (Love Supreme tease)> *Dark Star(v2)> Drumz(w/guest drummer)> *Space> *Playin' In The Band> *The Wheel> *Playin' Jam...
set 3 thus far
Donor Rap/Intros, *It Must have Been The Roses
End Of Set @ ?
Does that mean we are going to see a 3rd set? That would be very cool.
That would be, wow. is it acoustic rob?
set 3 thus far:
Donor Rap/Intros, *It Must have Been The Roses, *Help On The Way
and it goes:
Donor Rap/Intros, *It Must have Been The Roses, *Help On The Way> *Slipknot
Based on previous posts,
as always:
Thanks again, man.
We all appreciate
your efforts.
Happy Nude Beer y'all.
Help On The Way>
Slip Knot>
Franklin's Tower >
Playin' >
Wheel v.2 >
Truckin' >
Wharf Rat
Happy 2004
Donor Rap/Intros, *It Must have Been The Roses, *Help On The Way> *Slipknot> *Truckin'
this just keeps getting better Rob!~!
end of show
are you sure Rob?? Is the crowd realy into it?????
"All our
ships must point the
same way" don-godfather III
wow. thanks taper
rob. holy shaight.
can't wait
to hear
the stream.
my bad on setlist...
hehheh, yeh. well, being
wasted explains a little
bit of it atleast.
"and we bid y'good night..
good night"
man, have some fun
out there.
the dead:
when is the stream going to be on?
oh... gimme a break
The Dead NYE 12/31/2003
*-w/Greg Osby @-Bobby acoustic
Set 1:
*Let The Good Times Roll
Jack Straw
Weather Report Suite
...*@Part 1>
...*Let It Grow
*Reuben & Cerise>
I Know You Rider
Countdown to New Years (Billy, Mickey and Bill Walton on hugh drum skin)
Happy New Year
*-w/Greg Osby ^-Bill Walton on percussion @-Bobby acoustic
Set 2:
^*Sugar Magnolia> ^*SSDD
St Stephen>
William Tell Bridge>
Eleven Jam>
*Born Cross-Eyed>
*@Mountains Of The Moon> *Jam>
*Dark Star(v1)>
*Jam (Love Supreme tease)>
*Dark Star(v2)>
Drumz(w/guest drummer)>
*Playin' In The Band>
*The Wheel>
*Playin' Jam...
Donor Rap/Intros
*It Must have Been The Roses
*Help On The Way>
no worries you do allot for allot of people just do it when you want to(get some sleep), I was just excited that's all. I wasnt trying afend you or anything. Thank you for updating everyone tonight, I never realised all you do unbtil today
BTW I was listening to 12/20 and nice job, itrocks, both the show and the recording, I enjoyed.
just got back from the show. GREAT first set. billy and mickey were kickin it very hard. great jams throughout the night. a couple flubs here and there, but overall a very nice 4 hours or so of sweet tunes.
I know you rider especially stuck out as a great one.
the show is not streaming on Live365 - Zone Radio
it is thank you it is apreciated since I could not attend the show this is the next best thing.
i meant..its NOW streaming
I know, its cranking now. It sounds better then 12/30.
Was Bill Walton (AKA Best all-around center in the history of the NBA)really playing Drums? It makes sense since he has been a head since the 60s and he is on the Board of Trustees for the Rex Foundation.
for interesting back story.
>Bill Walton (AKA Best all-around center in the history of the NBA)
Oh Shit, I'm dying here...wait, BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....
Ever heard of Wilt the Stilt? Bill Russell? Kareem Abdul Jabar? Shaq?
Anyways, looks like a cool setlist, first New Years's at Oakland I've missed in many moons.
What a night. Thought the first set was just perfect. Great opener. Jackstraw was solid - Bob was right on during this while Rob doing Bobby's old parts excellently. EXCELLENT acoustic guitar from Bobby on WRS and again good vocals. The let it grow was really long and came together nicely.
Joan handled Ruben and Cherise well - though I wish Jimmy took off more on that great lead guitar part. And a great turn into IKYR. The energy and the volume was up from the night before. Phil was turned up for sure.
The spaceship flying in, the green lasers that were flying off were spectacular and the countdown were all fun. The balloons and the Sugar Mags was great. It was a moment I never thought I would see. Set II was just a treat too. Born Cross Eyed was really nice. I'm too tired to review that set at all right now. The Truckin closer had the place jumping at 2:30 am.
A wonderful night for me - thank you The Dead.
Of all human activites, one's experience at a dead show has to be the most subjective, so really its hard to say how "good" a show was. Is it good because the particpant had fun? The show had a good setlist? The particpant had some sort of personal insight? Its really hard to say. I personally read reviews because I want to know how "good" a show was, so I try to convey a sense of how "good" a show was in my reviews despite knowing the falicy of the basic premise.
So how good was the show? Its really hard for me to say. On 12/30 I would say I had more pure fun. 12/31 was less "fun" for me, but way more intense. Despite the setlist, it was not a fun and rockin' show like shoreline (at least for me). From my subjtive experience it was more like a journey. Much of the music seemed dark and serious. Sometimes it seemed less like a concert and more like some weird alien insect church service (thus the UFO?). Not just weird in the that it was "spacy", but more in the sense of crazy and bizare energy. Honestly, that is kind of a stupid description, but Im kind of lost for descriptive words for it.
Anyway, here are some more mundane details of the concert:
For me, my favorite part of the "Dead" expereince is Phil Lesh. I dont want to get "new-agey", but when phil is playing good and Im in the right state of mind he sounds like an angel. So for me last night I was VERY frustrated when the keyboards and the guest sax completely washed out phils playing. During much of the concert I could not hear the "attack" of phil's bass. Just a rumbling "deep end" sound.
I went to a few different spots and finnaly found one where the msuic wasnt too washed out, but still during the more high tempo Jams, there where times that I literally had a hard time hearing his playing. It was very frustrating. For that reason, the quieter and more delicate moments where my favorites. In those passages, the other players quited down and I could hear phil most clearly.
Whoever was doing the mixing last night was braindead.
I know that I will probablly will be in the minority, but I just was not that into the sax player. Mind you that this is comming from a big phan of coltrane and ornette coleman, but the disonant, high-colume screeching was too much of a distraction. I wanted to hear phil and his interaction with the drummers, but the loud sax often just got in the way. Maybe it was just a matter of mix, but then again, during some moments like the "wheel", the screeching just seemed out of place at any volume. Sometimes its good to play the "inside".
The second set started with the arena going dark and then a flying saucer flying over the audience while lazers shot from the stage out across the arena while mickey was making some scary noises. Its was pretty cool. They then did the countdown and with all the lights on, dropped the ballons. Like last year they flubbed the ballons and it took like 2 minutes to get them all down. Once all the ballons where free, the musicians took their places and played a pretty high energy Sugar Mag.
Saint Stephen was cool and seemed perfectly placed with good jamming. Born Cross-Eyed -> mountains on the moon was exquisite. With some VERY subtle playing. How do they make that music? Seems impossibe somehow. Dark Star was more of the same.
Drumz was high energy, trippy and loud. Very cool. I really feel that Billy and Mickey somehow always seem to push it to a new level through the years.
I liked how the playing reprise to end the set was very quite and came to a gentle stop with no lyrics. It was an elegant way to end the set.
Must of been the roses, was beautiful. Joan is one fucking soulful lady. Maybe the single best moment I have seen from her. I wounder if that was her last show? Help->Slip->Truckin was a dance fest and helped ground me and bring me back to earth. "Oh yeah, Im a human and I need to drive".
2004 Started in one trippy fasion.
Looks great on paper.
Hope all you had a blast.
Happy New Year
Thanks A Wizard. As always, I appreciate your review.
I would of loved to hear the WRS, thats for sure. Wow Alien insectoid music huh? sounds cool. thanks for that review Wiz.
Anyway, Walton is definately Hall of Fame material. Maybe not hands down best ever, but he is way up there. And I would not call Shaq the best all-around anything. If he was, they wouldn't foul him incesantly at the end of games (Hack-n-Shaq sp????). He's a great player, hands down but not an all-around player by any stretch.
Happy New Yeay!!!!
sounds like they boys pulled off a great classic
new years show at the Oakland Coliseum. Lets give it up for the remnants of our favorite band for their effort. Looks like a great setlist.
What is SSDD ?
SSDD = Sunshine Daydream
Help Slip Truckin Baby !!!!!!!!
'thats my boys' still blowin minds and blowin amps an blowin doors off coliseums!
'you better get back truckin on!'
"Lets give it up for the remnants of our favorite band for their effort"
Beleive me this is no nostalgia act. They are making music for the NOW
>>Great opener. Jackstraw was solid - Bob was right on during this while Rob doing Bobby's old parts excellently.
Rob sang Jerry's old parts..
dont know what the significance of the flying saucer was before the countdown... and they didnt go right into music after they hit Happy New Year.. the band wasnt even on stage.. but the stage crew had to remove this big 8 foot by 8 foot square drum skin that the drummers banged in the New Year on.... just seemed a bit disconnected from the whole usual countdown> Happy New Year> Sugar Mag thing they did in the past..
i think 3 bags of balloons didnt open up right away, including the one right over the taper section...
the green lasers continued well into the middle of the set2 (green laser ala Hershey Park for those who know what im talking about).. but they were adding to a cool light show...
note on Hunter: a mic problem right at the start which was funny.. and he noted its been 38 New Years Eves for him and the boys and made mention to everything leading up to 2012.
cant comment on the Funk brothers, i missed most of their set (missed Joan singing with them which i wanted to see)... but what i caught was great. they had the whole arena up and dancing, which at this point was almost full..... they noted that most of the audience wasnt even born yet when they were in their prime making those #1 records...
dont know who the guest drummer was during drumz.. may have been from the Funk Brothers band, but i am not sure.. he was there at the end of the show when the band did their final bow....
Two more quick notes:
- After the doner rap phil annouced everyone in the band and they walked out and took their places as they where being announced. After phil was clearly done announcing everyone, Joan comes waltzing out. A clearly embarassed phil says (not very convincingly), "I was looking for you". Joan says, "How soon they forget!". Phil then says something to joan off microphone and she kisses him on the cheak.
- After the encores Mickey says "We have a good feeling here. Take it home and do something with it."
complete NYE show now loaded.. should be hearing Hunter and Funk Brothers later this afternoon
Go ahead, you critics you, and rip apart the Dead, you know who you are. Fine with me if you don't get it, you see, that just leaves more danincing room for us folks who happen to love 'em and can deal with diversity and change. Yeah, Jerrys gone. Get over it. Life is full of changes and if you don't embrace change and allow for experimentation, well you'd be better off...I happen to love the music this group of talented musicians (and singer) and would prefer to see them in smaller venues, so go ahead and whine, complain and be negative if you must, but maybe, just maybe you can start the New Year off with a positive thought -it's time to grow up, and stop blaming your mother too.
Last night was a good Dead night. I agree with other reviewers that the first night was more solid and with purpose.
As they say in Oakland "Funk is in da House!"
Joan did a fine job of blending in with the soul vibe during the Funk Brothers. Sista Joan.
Enjoyed the mighty big crash of the giant Bell/Gong to ring in the new year.
Thanks to Tapperob for the facts. It is though you, that help us recall the shows even when our memories fail us or we can't be there.
Last note: It was good to hear the "big" sound that the rythem devils used to have during the 80's. Loved the sound of Mickey's old skins.
See you all this summer when the bus rolls along again.
>>>more in the sense of crazy and bizare energy...
Another beautifully brilliant mind-fuck.
Osby *is* the missing link.
It worked well for me.
Happy New Year!!!
Nancy, how do you REALLY feel about critics of The Dead since Jerry's passing?
Anyone who heard Hunter's Rap last night about how time is changing and all (2012) and how it speeds up and time seems at the same "time" slows down should read this~!!
Killer Show!!!
"seemed like i been here before" Born Cross Eyed
I loved Greg Osby. He ripped. Joan was awesome during Ruben + Cerise.
the band was on during the help>slip>truckin. At the end of truckin you could clearly hear the born cross-eyed in the jam. I didn't want them to stop playing. Classic Dead ...4 hours of music and you almost reached this spot.
That brings me to the meaning of the spaceship that flew down to the stage and paused. The light screen had a stargate on it ...the ship flew up to the stargate decided not to go through it and returned to its orbit.
>>had a stargate on it
thats what the lasers did.. i couldnt think what it was called last night..... it was a cool visual
>>Go ahead, you critics you, and rip apart the Dead, you know who you are. Fine with me if you don't get it, you see, that just leaves more danincing room for us folks who happen to love 'em and can deal with diversity and change. Yeah, Jerrys gone. Get over it. Life is full of changes and if you don't embrace change and allow for experimentation, well you'd be better off...I happen to love the music this group of talented musicians (and singer) and would prefer to see them in smaller venues, so go ahead and whine, complain and be negative if you must, but maybe, just maybe you can start the New Year off with a positive thought -it's time to grow up, and stop blaming your mother too.
Why does it bother you that other people dont dig? and surely you seem bothered sis. How bout some discussion on why its good or why its bad other than I like it? Why is your opinion a more valid post than anothers? It just sounds like your insecure about what you like, and why do you feel the need to keep defending the band?
Blah Blah Blah, wheels keep on turnin
Long live the Dead!!!!!
>>Why does it bother you that other people dont dig?
and why does it bother you that other people do??
and asking "why do you feel the need to keep defending the band [The Dead]?", well, its the same reason why you need to defend PLQ.... its all opinion.. you like PLQ, she likes The Dead
i believe all she was doing was responding to someone who feels like dissing the band is a good thing; "remnants of our favorite band for their effort"???? and for someone saying "our favorite band [GD]" surely does not know much about his favorite band to ask what SSDD is.
but it goes beyond that as we have seen during the summer tour. for some who never been to a TD show would come here and say they suck, or Joan sucks, or Mickey sucks.... and those who did go and didnt like it will come here and say im never going to another TD show... saying it once or twice is ok.. but to continually say it over and over.. and keep nudging it into threads like this is just annoying.. and i believe thats what she was implying in her post...
so the wheels keep on turning and they aint slowing down
OK Keith, you had me worried there...Hall of Fame, yes. Best Ever? Man, I'm getting the giggles again.
Seems like the 30th shows are always better, at least that's been my experience.
phil did forget to announce joan's name until he saw her come out from side stage left.. and it was awkward for a moment as she was clearly upset - phil must have said something to the effect off microphone like "my bad", or "i feel terrible" cuz soon after she was leading the crowd dancing back in forth in the front of the stage with a "Joan Zone" shirt she put on after someone in the crowd threw it on stage.. she fucking earned her place "playing in the band" last night!!!
Was not at the show but wish I was. The stream sounds great (Thanks Taperrob).
Wishing to you all a Happy New Year.
Adios Amigos
Walton passes by me on the 30th in the lot. I ask him for a photo and my buddy grabs his camera phone. Bill goes "Is that one of those video phones, and here we are LIVE at the Grateful Dead".
On New Year's, I'm hanging on the floor during the Funk Brothers and who saddles up right next to me? He's grooving with his wife who is directly in front of us and about two feet smaller than him.
Both nights Walton is just off the floor Jimmy side. I kept looking up at the lanky dude getting down. Then he's on stage at midnight bringing in the New Year on the gong and then plays on percussion.
Well-earned GD Hall of Fame member
These were strong shows. The best that I've seen by the new Dead. Though by no means flawless, it is so cool that they are here, and it looks like we may get a few more years out of the old beast! By The Powers, with such high levels of energy, we may get another twenty! (What happens in 2012?) These developments are encouraging. Thanks and congratulations to the Four Old Wizards (And to our Bard) and to everybody playing in the band.
Happy New Year Zoners! Forecast is for lots of great musical weather. As we proceed... Further. No turn left unstoned.
Taperrob--I absolutely agree that some people seem to get off on bashing TD, Bobby, Joan, etc. and I personally am mystified. While I loved everyone of the PLQ shows that I have attended, I also had amazing times at Ratdog at the Beacon and TD at PNC and Jones Beach. I find Joan to be a positive influence and cannot fathom the criticism. Her voice is magnificent and her versatility incredible (Jerry Ballads to Pigpen Blues standards). Listen to her evolution (compare the Sugaree at PNC to the Sugaree at Jones Beach to see that she "gets it").I love the enthusiasm she brings to the shows and she has a presence on stage that I love. The Bobby bashing is unfathomable. He has his faults--the flubbed lyrics, the occasional jam that he cuts off--but his playing is unique and I think he is additive to the band. Please enjoy the music people and be thankful that the band we love is still making great music.
>What happens in 2012
childhood's end--we grow up and stop blaming michael jackson er mommy and we all learn every TLA or FLA so there's no mistaking what SSDD is
or the fact that TD connotes The Dead instead of Tangerine Dream....
here is a fun new years story. The morning to the 31st i come down from my room at the Holiday Inn to have breakfast at the restaurant in the hotel. A couple of "Heads" invite me to eat with them, so I sit down. We were talking about how great the show on the 30th was when the conversation turns to how fun it will be to see the Funk Brothers. At one point we were trying to remember the name of the movie the Funk Brothers made. There was an older gentleman sitting next to us wearing a Funk Brothers tour jacket ( Some would take that as a clue, but I have never been good with subtlty.)
"Excuse me, what was the name of the Funk Brothers movie," says I.
"The movie WE made was 'Standing in the Shadows of Motown' ", says he.
"Are you one of the Funk Brothers?"
"Yeah so is he", and he points across the room to another older gentleman sitting at another table.
Over the next fifteen minutes the rest of the original Funk Brothers comes down and has joined the Brother I was talking to for breakfast. So we are saying how terrific it is going to be to see them and they saying how priviledged they feel that we WANT to see them. At one point the Brother I was talking to asks if I'm a musician,
"yeah I'm a guitarist, but I'm just a pub musician", says I.
"Man, that's all we are", says the Brother smiling.
Later that night at the concert I see that the Brother I was talking was the Drummer. Terrific guys and very gracious and as far as I'm concerned should be the permanent New Years opener. What a way to get the show going, Wit Da Funk!!
here is a fun new years story. The morning to the 31st i come down from my room at the Holiday Inn to have breakfast at the restaurant in the hotel. A couple of "Heads" invite me to eat with them, so I sit down. We were talking about how great the show on the 30th was when the conversation turns to how fun it will be to see the Funk Brothers. At one point we were trying to remember the name of the movie the Funk Brothers made. There was an older gentleman sitting next to us wearing a Funk Brothers tour jacket ( Some would take that as a clue, but I have never been good with subtlty.)
"Excuse me, what was the name of the Funk Brothers movie," says I.
"The movie WE made was 'Standing in the Shadows of Motown' ", says he.
"Are you one of the Funk Brothers?"
"Yeah so is he", and he points across the room to another older gentleman sitting at another table.
Over the next fifteen minutes the rest of the original Funk Brothers comes down and has joined the Brother I was talking to for breakfast. So we are saying how terrific it is going to be to see them and they saying how priviledged they feel that we WANT to see them. At one point the Brother I was talking to asks if I'm a musician,
"yeah I'm a guitarist, but I'm just a pub musician", says I.
"Man, that's all we are", says the Brother smiling.
Later that night at the concert I see that the Brother I was talking was the Drummer. Terrific guys and very gracious and as far as I'm concerned should be the permanent New Years opener. What a way to get the show going, Wit Da Funk!!
Wow, breakfast with LEGENDS!!! That's so cool.
Get this, the Funk Brothers invited 2 deadheads up onstage to sing with them~! Imagine that. The guy in the tye dyed seemed most relaxed and more eager to sing. So these guys are now "imortalized" on countess trades that will take place. They invited them to stay on stage for like 20 mins or so. Great great treat. Wonderin if those guys were trippin and they next thing they know...... hahahahah
The Funk Brothers were among the best tasty treats I've ever heard. I *knew* they'd be good, but, . . Oh, man. They were even better than that.
I was *proud* that the Oakland crowed applauded them the way we did, and that we called them back for an encore.
Kudos to the Funk Brothers!
Anyone have a Funky setlist? I remember (in no particular order):
What's Going On
I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Stop In The Name Of Love
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)
(Love Is Like A) Heat Wave (I think)
They don't even have a listing on
Funk Brothers, Oakland, Ca 12/31/03
How Sweet It Is
My Baby Loves Me
Function At The Junction
Here Comes The Judge
Stop In The Name Of Love
^Once In My Life
^What's Become Of A Broken Heart
It's A Shame
My Girl> Funk Brothers Stomp> My Girl
Reach Out
Band Intros
I'm Losing You
What's Goin'On
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Heard It Through The Grapevine
Please Don't Leave Me
Thanks, Dew!
I happened to meet and shoot breeze w/ big bill w a few years back.. very outgoing, friendly and a super nice guy!
woa...i just heard the donor rap/intros...phil and the rest of 'em TOTALLY forgot joan! phil introduced bobby and then someone introduced phil and they started tuning like they were about to start the encore. weird.
sounds like joan handled it could hear phil say "where the hell were you? i was looking for you?" and joan say "how quickly they forget."
i really wonder what the deal is with these rumors. i kinda agree with lordhenry...i think it would be TOO MUCH to combine mule and the dead. they're so different and i love them both so much...even if mule opened for the dead, i'd rather see them on separate nights...not all smushed together. they bring me to different places and i can't always be get from one to the other in one night!
(ps i LOVE this must have been the roses. i'd like to see joan stay. i think someone mentioned it on the mule NYE thread, but warren gave a shout-out to her, along with the spin doctors and blues traveller and the other veterans of the nyc club scene.)
oh yes, and phil introduced greg osby right in the middle as a regular member of the band, not a guest. anyone think he's around for good? he usually appears in philly-area shows, no?
I hope Joan gets fired ASAP never steps foot on another stage with any GD members. She totally sucks IMO.
Gunner totally sucks
>>phil and the rest of 'em TOTALLY forgot joan!
was wondering why Joan wasnt on stage with the rest of the boys after Phil finished the intros.. could have been planned, who knows, but when she did come back onstage, she got a heavy duty ovation..... and then the tee shirt was tossed onstage... a nice touch... and another ovation as she put it on....
>>>She totally sucks IMO
you are in the minority for sure. MANY many people in CA are huge fans of Joan I found out this week.
the more i think about the two shows the more i realize they were the best The Dead shows and/or Other Ones or anything post jerry that i've seen. Not just because the music was great, and they jammed with confidence and all that stuff, but also (and not least importantly) because the CROWD was so cool. It reminded me of the scene in the mid 80's. People were generally all super cool and nice and talkative. And nobody I saw became beligerent or a pain in the ass or the least bit annoying. (but who knows, maybe i just hung out in cool sections). One of the things i dreaded in the Deads last years (and in many of the Other Ones shows and the like) is that there seemed to be a lot people there who couldn't give a shit about the music. And when I say alot, I don't mean the majority or anything, just enough to become annoying and constantly bumping into you. This summer I saw the Dead in Wisconsin and had pretty good seats near the stage but right in front of me was 5 or 6 totally wasted/drunk folks who did nothing but scream out women r smarter and fall over. Albeit these guys didn't seem like normal heads. they seemed like shifty 50 year old used car salesmen. Now I'm all for people getting drunk and high and whatever (no offense wharf rats) but i think once you get to the point of just being a hollering pain the ass who is falling into people and kind of half-heartedly trying to pick fights, then it all sucks.
But the 30 and NYE shows were exactly the good times i'd been missing at a Dead show since the late 80's. Even the security people seemed chill. I hung mostly down by the soundboards and i'll be damned if the security people weren't giving hugs and stuff when the clock struck midnight.
So I give a big thumbs up for both shows. the people i met were super chill and down for the cause and the band played awesome and everyone i looked at in the crowd all the same expression of "fuck yeah! this shits the deal!"
The best new years i've had in moons.
Just say no to sax
good write up Andrew, as i posted elsewhere i just get tired of people weasling thier way up front in line.
Anyway, the night started off crappy beyond belief for both of us but the long show was great relaxation. I don't know yet if that was my last. Glad , very glad , we went. The Highlights: The nice peeps sitting in front of us , we sat in section 106 around row 17 or so. lower seating in back.
The Funk Brothers, sorry, can't praise the person enough who booked them.
The great pleasure of hearing Joan with the surviving members. Hear is a woman with a powerful voice who studied with the Qawwali master Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan prior to his death.
When you listen to his music more you can then see what Joan does on stage in a more understanding prespective.
The ballons, what a great time it is when you are there in 3-D and they come down down down down.
sir taperrob, yes that was what I was implying.
Great New Year's. Glad The Dead crowd was not as massive as past. I had a great time up in the top in front of the speakers where you couldn't see a thing. Joan and everyone sounded great. Great sound with the speakers right there, and really lots room for dancing. The seats were almost empty. And such wonderful people!! LOVE YOU ALL.
i flew out just for the NYE show and thought it was excellent. really. better than red rocks for sure. not to much joan, but what it was was good, not too much bobby, but what it was was good. phil was the bus driver all night. the music was psycadelic, had depth, and soul. jimmy was on, more than ive ever seen. this was real "dead" music, close to what it was before..listen to the let it grow, eleven jam, mountains of the moon, help on the way..sick...that show made me come around even on sugar excellent version. long live PLQ, but i have to say that was some good shit the 31st, made me a believer again.
the t-shirt said "The Joan Zone" - or at least that's what I saw
Here here! I would have to say that these two shows have been the best post Grateful I've seen. It felt like Jimmy was really connecting with Bob and Phil and starting to step out . Rob and Jeff were working well together and I felt the band went into some great musical explorations. The kind of stuff when they are no longer in a song and are cruising around the land of freshly created music.
Also (I know some of you will balk) I haven't been in the coliseum since I saw the Grateful, but what an improvement!! I kept going into this thing called the 88 club, where I got carved roast beast with my choice of fresh salads, and never had to wait more than 5 min for a beer. I felt like suddenly we were living high on the hog, we done become respectable!!
I kept running into East Coast Heads that seemed to be amazed at the idea that if you left your jacket on your seat people would be respectful of that and consider your seat was now saved.
Also kudos to Another Planet, for me security was almost non-existant.
Someone needs to talk to the Dead about theater magic. The UFO should have risen above the stage and stayed there, and maybe have low glowing lights or something.
Anyway I had a great time!!
Yea the 31st show rocked hard....
the real electricity, the real magic
Get the files/tapes/cd's/flacs/mp3's....
you want the ufo to take you away huh?
yeah, or drop balloons, or shine a beam of light on the stage, or something...
>Just say no to sax
Bill, can I ask why???
no, I want Calgon to take me away ;-)
what are the suggested next tour dates
>>phil and the rest of 'em TOTALLY forgot joan!
was wondering why Joan wasnt on stage with the rest of the boys after Phil finished the intros.. could have been planned, who knows, but when she did come back onstage, she got a heavy duty ovation..... and then the tee shirt was tossed onstage... a nice touch... and another ovation as she put it on....
>>joan was waiting in line behind jimmy as they each got introduced.. she was stage left near road crew.. she was waiting for phil to intro her but he didn't.. she then walked out and he then saw her and introduced her.. i was stage left, loge risers.. felt bad for her cuz she is the bomb for the dead.. they need to keep her no matter who comes in or out.. hopefully, she'll stay with them..
Nancy....Ouch!.......Bet you are from the west coast but born in the east and every where you go you carry a pocket full of salt. Rub it in good.......I can take it!
Glad you enjoyed the show.....Happy New Year!
Finally a real positive stand on all the Gloom and doom of some philzone members
Real good not to Hear Bucky chime in
So enjoy whatever members setlist or venue
It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
I don't know, don't really care
Let there be songs to fill the air
>Just say no to sax
>Bill, can I ask why???
you certainly can..... i will admit that there have been many moments when i enjoyed the sax in the dead .... since the days of branford ... there are some classic estimated, eyes, birdsong, darkstar, sugaree and space, as well as anything else you might like to add. When showcased as a lead instrument a good sax player can wail, no doubt.
Having said that, i'd like to add that i usually find an entire set of sax to be annoying. To invite a sax player out for the entire set, especially when he isn't familiar with the songs, leads to some very boring and repetitive rhythm blowing while he's looking for a place to fit in. This blairing brass instrument can be so pronounced that it becomes the focal point of the rhythm section, overpowering delicate key manuvers and completely obliterating suttle rhythm guitar movements. I already find it difficult to hear Bobby in the mix.
Vince also used to destroy that classic rolling grateful dead sound with loud brassy repetitive chords.
The classic Grateful Dead rhythm of rolling scales intuitively oscillating between players, that defines their sound, is very delicate. It's too easily over powered by brassy sax.
Sax can be ok when executed with reserve and tact...when used in the dead it should be limited and used sparingly. I think my entire point here is reserve and tact. I have not seen this executed very well by those sax player invited out.
I saw greg osby several times with phil, and with the dead...only once did i think he played with enough tact and reserve to add to the music rather than take away.
I was disappointed when the OtherOnes included a sax...though i grew to love the sax in Ratdog...that very low key jazzy sound is mezmerizing. I would also like to see harmonica added more often. I think it really enhances that bluesy Ratdog sound.
When it comes to philband, I'm a purist...i realy don't like it when they bring out guests at all, whether it's Bobby or Mickey, or anyone else. Somehow it just seems to disrupt the natural flow of a set, or like a free-for-all or something (which can actually be great at the end of a set).
Of course, sometimes it works out ok with the dead. I guess i didn't mind windwood, dylan or willie. Though I thought willie a little disrespectful not to have sung any garcia/hunter songs. It really seemed like he hadn't ever heard any, nor cared to.
As an opening act, willie almost always threw the sound man into a tail spin, motioning franticly from stage, and messing things up so bad that it was hard to pull sound back together later.
Yes, guests can really spice up the mix for the players, and that's their perogative, and nessesary to keep them fresh...but all in all i like my phil, and my dead clean and free of impurities.
Gov't Mule, on the other hand, is a different animal altogether...i have never seen a guest that didn't add to the music ... some how warren executes that so tactfully ... that i've come expect and always enjoy his guests.
"but all in all i like my phil, and my dead clean and free of impurities. "
Amen brother
>I usually find an entire set of sax to be annoying. To invite a sax player out for the entire set, especially when he isn't familiar with the songs, leads to some very boring and repetitive rhythm blowing while he's looking for a place to fit in.
Bill, give these two shows a listen before you pass judgement on Osby. While on stage, he spent more time listening than he did playing. If he had nothing to say, he didn't say anything - he did NO rhythm blowing while trying to find where to fit in. And as far as that "rolling" Dead sound you talk about, check out the constant interplay between Osby, Jimmy and Rob. It was rolling fer sure. Of all the "sax shows" I've seen, and I saw them all other than Ornette, IMO these were the best with the possible exception of Branford 3/29/90.
>>Bill, give these two shows a listen before you pass judgement on Osby.
>Sax can be ok when executed with reserve and tact
>I saw greg osby several times with phil, and with the dead...only once did i think he played with enough tact and reserve to add to the music rather than take away.
ok scott, point taken
Random thoughts from the murky maelstrom that is the remnants of my brain: musically I really have no complaints--sure, they fumbled the ball a few times, but they recovered it and even scrambled for a 1st down once or twice; I had on my Walton GD Hall of Fame shirt, so I got a lot of love from our section when he drummed us into the New Year (he flailed more than he actually played); loved the Joan Zone shirt! Also loved her "how quickly they forget" jab when Phil didn't introduce her. She was an MVP all night long and looked great in her classic black getup; got the full WRS that I so desperately wanted, and it was smokin'!; so when does spring tour start?; Osby added a lot, so I have no complaints about him being there; Amy, sorry we didn't cross paths- cell phone was inadvertently left in car after I spilled beer all over me in the lot and had to change clothes (and it was the 1st beer of the night!); the whole middle of set two could have been straight out of 68- at times I thought they "forced" a few of the psychedelic gems, but all in all they sounded great, esp. Mountains of the Moon (which sounded at first like Low Spark); Hunter was good and the Funk Brothers ruled!!! They ain't no party like a Funk Brothers party cause the Funk Brothers party never stops! Indeed...; well, for now that's all I've got. I don't see the need to dissect ever song or segue between songs. I went expecting to have a great time and to maybe hear some great music. It was all great and went so far as to restore my faith in the band; Jerry ain't here anymore, but if they play like they did the other night I'll go wherever I can whenever I can to see them. Sorry to be so positive, but there just ain't no time to hate!!! Peace.
ps--I knew 2004 was gonna be good when my wife and I went to Magnolia Brewing Company for lunch on 1-1 and they played two Wilco discs back-to-back. It was a great omen!
From what I gather..most of the pholks that did NOT enjoy the Bay Area NYE experience..were the ones that did not go..LOL..
As someone who did in fact enjoy the festivities in person, I must say that I was satiated with music both physically and mentally to the tune of which I had almost (read ALMOST) forgotten. This was without a doubt one of the most unforgettable events that I have attended since my introduction into the Grateful Dead some twenty years and more than two hundred shows later. Everything from the hotel scene, the great food, beer and lots of art in the lot, to the seemingly seamless playing of the music. I must say I did arrive to the event feeling quite sick with this crazy flu that has ravaged our country, however two nights of sonic fury helped me to blow out the pipes and feel better for it. I cannot wait to see the boys again, and I hope that they have gained as much enjoyment playing as I and many others did listening. Thanks to everyone there, both band and crowd alike for making this one of the most enjoyable times of my GD "career". I also want to shout out to the crew at the holiday inn, who also made the interim between shows very fun. See you next time!
>I usually find an entire set of sax to be annoying. To invite a sax player out for the entire set, especially when he isn't familiar with the songs, leads to some very boring and repetitive rhythm blowing while he's looking for a place to fit in.
If you weren't at the show you have no idea what you are talking about, really sir your opinion is null in void!
The absence of Jerry can become quite obvious with some Herring licks and the addition of Osby adds more depth to the overall sound. Certain jams were elevated and packed more firepower ie.
*@Mountains Of The Moon> *Jam>
*Dark Star(v1)>
*Jam (Love Supreme tease)>
*Dark Star(v2)>
...cosmic soup with Osby adding those little tones when supplemented with Herring licks actually got much closer to a more 'Garcia' type feel.
St. Stephen took many turns and at one point picked a road which popped out on the other side of some kind of worm hole, weird but you know that 'thing'
>>If you weren't at the show you have no idea what you are talking about, really sir your opinion is null in void!
You misunderstand me. I was refering to those shows that I had seen.
JellyRoll, try to express your oppinions without being rude ... you'll actually feel better about yourself after
Everyone of my friends or people I know in Cali wont even think about going to a show anymore. And the main reason is who wants to hear some chick with a deep bluesy voice sing Jerry Ballads? I can at least handle her on the blues numbers but that is it. Visually she looks so lame up on stage with the boys, skipping lollygagging around stage, looks like she is playing ring around the rosie. By far the worst decision the band has made since 95 IMO.
Joan singing any Jerry tune = Puke
I agree the prancin' around stage is a joke but I did notice that was way more minimal New Years run then at Shoreline. Shoreline she couldn't stop.
Came here to find some reviews. Guess I will have to keep on truckin' to another site to find them.
I will let folks know where to go if they need to find a bunch of negative BS.
thanks everyone!
Your way in the minority Gunner so why don't you give it up. Who needs the bad vibes - the majority like Joan, so you and your friends can stay home and the rest of us won't have to listen to you moan and whine.
ahw go blow it out your ass Barry. If you dont like it dont read it, your the one whinen. Thats what discussion boards are for.
oh and by the way darkstar if you want reviews just scroll up. Ever think of that? I had to throw my 2 cents in because i read all the reviews and the Joan fan club was getting to me.
Joan sucks Monkey Arse
Whoa! I must have touched a nerve. I'm just expressing my point of view about your "two cents worth" Gunner.
Hi Gunner, Brent here. Just where in California do you live. I live in Riverside.
Laguna Hills. cool when's the next SoCal Zoner Gathering?
Gunner sucks monkey ass
Yo Gunner, are there any female performers - music that is, that you appreciate? Would any female vocalist work with the dead, or is it an all boyz macho thing that you're going for?
I second that emotion.
I've been a fan for 34 years. First show that I attended was in 1969. Joan brings a sexy swagger that provides an element not present since Pigpen. To me, the Dead (specifically these Oakland shows) have moved me the exact same way that they did way back then. Good to be back! What a happy new year!
There is value in consistency...There is value in change..
A hugh mistake IN YOUR OPINION was made when they brought her on board..She is doing the job she was hired to do the way she does it..You might "hate" 90 percent her act...BUT..Does that make her a bad person..??..
the arse comments and sucks can make your points without those sorta personal attacks..Can u not.??.
>>I will let folks know where to go if they need to find a bunch of negative BS.
Hee Hoo....cracking me up DanStar!
B&P for this show:
Here is a clip if I can get it to post
No work!????
Im not saying she is a bad person just a total Bamboon.
Just what’s so bad about bamboons? Or more importantly, what is a bamboon?
Do you mean she’s like the plant from China, bamboo? As plants go, bamboo is pretty sexy. Or do mean she’s like a baboon; a simian, fun and playful?
She is pretty sexy, and seems fun, and I sure as hell would like to play with her, but the bottom line is she just sounds so great.
So Gunner, I would have to say I agree with you.
---Love all, Brent
we all sway and move to the when Joan does it onstage is she to be rebuked for it? How are we/you to determine if she is/is not "into" the music??? BTW , again~! she studied with Nusfrat Fateh Ali Kahn before he died and so must be inspired in the music of the Sufi tradition of which Qawwali is an intregal part. So learn.
I was at both shows and had more fun than I should have been allowed to have!
Would have met more Zoners, but I left phone numbers at the hotel room. Enjoyed meeting Mikeyv, Poncho & Zippy Tuesday night and hanging for a few beers. Met Bill Walton Tuesday night as well. Met the Rev & merryprankster on NYE. Holy crap Rev, my lungs are still hurting from the neverending bowls! Enjoyed talking some sports as well.
Met a couple of the Funk Brothers Thursday morning checking out of the HI. Those guys were a lot of fun! Great warm-up band for the Dead! Joan had fun singing with those guys. Hmmm...singing with the Dead and the Funk Brothers...good education! She knows what she's doing.
Loved the SOTM>Ripple from Hunter.
Greg Osby was a welcomed addition for me and I think it upped the anty for the rest of the band.
Love those hometown shows. Just a different vibe that I miss so much. Those shows won't be forgotten by me anytime soon!
Are you related to BUCKY
If it smells like a Bucky
tastes like a Bucky
It must be a Bucky
>>If it smells like a Bucky
tastes like a Bucky
Ewwww, you tasted a Bucky?? Yuk!
Also, anyone notice that Gunner actually gave Joan some props about her singing amidst all his negativity? Sounds promising! He may wear a Joan Zone shirt after all!
A few days late, but here is my review of the new years show:
me and my buddies were on the floor about 30-40 feet from the stage on Jimmy's side - it was a great location. people were rockin' hard the whole time where we were.
saw most of the funk brother's set and thought it was pretty fun. glad I caught it. sorry I missed hunter though, I would have loved to have seen him.
WRS was seriously great. they nailed it! the only other time I saw them play this was in camden this summer and they screwed it up royally. This one, on the other hand, was perfect. The rider was great. I definitely took it as joan saying goodbye. the bombs phil dropped at the end of the song were absolutely thunderous. WAY louder than anything I'd heard over the summer or at the beacon.
New Years countdown was cool and the spaceship was definitely fun to see. Sugar Mags was high energy, but certainly no surprise. St. Stephen was good to hear. Mtns of the Moon was definitely a highlight for me - phil sounded awesome I thought. Dark Star was great and Playin>Wheel was sick. bombs all over the place.
The third set was also great. believe it or not, the truckin was smokin'!
All in all, it was a great trip. I really do love the dead. They're almost like family to me at this point and there's no one I'd rather spend new years with. I hope to have the opportunity to see them again next nye.
I'm sorry I didn't meet up with any zoners out there, honestly. It was just a little to crazy to try and meet up. I'm sure there will be more chances to meet in the future.
Happy New Year, Zoners!! Let's hope that more great tunes are in store for '04!
<<believe it or not, the truckin was smokin'!
agreed, while I was hoping for the expected Franklin's the build and release slam jams of Truck'n were smok'n.
>Shoreline she couldn't stop.
I thought it was the warfield where she didn't stop--2/14/03.
pretty minimal @shoreline--must've been non-existent then, NYE.....
My favorite part of the NYE show was when Joan put on the Joan Zone shirt I threw her after Phil forgot to introduce her. She showed it to Mickey who rolled his eyes and flashed a big smile. Bob was mad no one threw a "Bobby Spit On Me" shirt to him.
Joan Zone
I forgot:
Joan Zone shirts
it was a highlight for sure when she put it on right there on the spot.. she is the bomb.. i'm tellin' ya folks, hope she stays on board..
she deserved the shirt and ovation and it's hoped she knows her efforts are so very gratefully appreciated!!
the wheel keeps turning and you can't slow it down..
Can anybody tell me how to get a "Joan Zone" T-Shirt? Id really like to have one so that I can PUKE ALL OVER THAT PIECE OF CRAP!! Just one thing to say to her and all of her defenders....GOODBYE!and I HOPE THE DOOR HITS YOU ALL IN THE ASS!!!
I'm so sorry you're feeling so sick John. Try some pepto-bismol and do try to make it to the can. Peace.
Question- Does anyone know what two songs joan sang with the Funk Brothers?
Called the doctor, and he said: All you need, all you really need is good love.
And from my kid: "Mama called the doctor and the doctor said: get those insulters off the web."
what were they?
fyi, Baba
By AM Dew (Am_dew) on Friday, January 02, 2004 - 02:31 pm: Edit Post
Funk Brothers, Oakland, Ca 12/31/03
How Sweet It Is
My Baby Loves Me
Function At The Junction
Here Comes The Judge
Stop In The Name Of Love
^Once In My Life
^What's Become Of A Broken Heart
It's A Shame
My Girl> Funk Brothers Stomp> My Girl
Reach Out
Band Intros
I'm Losing You
What's Goin'On
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Heard It Through The Grapevine
Please Don't Leave Me
Hey Nancy.... Goodbye to you and Joan! I guess that Im not the only one who doesnt like her, or else she would still be in the band! GOOD RIDDANCE! She has nearly DESTROYED the band! Now there going to try and ATTEMPT to get back all of the fans that they've lost recently!
I cant possibly agree with you anymore TrigZone! I know of a hell of a lot of people who cant stand Joan Osborne like you and I, and have stopped going to shows because of her, but you would never know it by listening to these Joan-Ass-Kissing posts. EI guess it wouldnt matter who joined the band, they would kiss there ass too, no matter how bad they were.
Love the Joan Commentary Trigzone...
I'm thinking that this NancyintheSky with Diamonds is realy Joan using an alias....Whooo hoooo!!!!!
Adios Ms Osbourne... Fair Thee Well...Miss Me!!!!
Any newZ on a Mardi Gras at the HJK?
If everyone thinks Joan is the "shit",then how come these NYE shows weren't sold out?? All you Joan fans need to ask yourselves this honestly.Donna didn't work out back in the 70's,and Joan certainly didn't cut it in the 21st century !!!
So Funny...I just saw that picture of that "JoanZone" T shirt and I am STILL laughing My Arse off!!!....Hey "joanzone"...I REALLY NEED ONE OF THOSE LOVELY SHIRTS....
I wuzznt at the Show but I imagine that Joan does a pretty good Barney impression in it?
Bring on Warren and Bruce!!!!!
Can't wait to meet you at the next show John. Hey, and thanks for the compliment, but no relation to Joan.
Hey now boyz, Doctor said what's aling you is a bad case of misogyny with complicatioins of mysophilia and misology. Wishing you speedy recovery.
Love, Nancy
Nancy... Aint nothin wrong with us my dear. Just look at the facts. How many shows you been to in your life? Your probably a come-lately. Ive been goin yo shows since Englishtown 1977. Ive pretty much seen it all, or at least most of it. I could say a MILLION bad things about Joan Osborne, but just answer me 1 question. How come "The Other Ones" sold out 70,000 plus tix in half an hour at Alpine Valley just over a year ago,sold out alot more shows on the following Fall 02'tour including Madison Sq. Gdn. in about 10 minutes, then, for some unknown reason the band figured that they would tinker with the line-up and add Joan Osborne,and now???? THEY CANT EVEN GIVE TIX AWAY! They couldnt even sell-out the Berkeley Comm. Thtr. recently! Now thats EMBARASSING! So I guess the band said that they better do something b-4 it gets too late, and they did the right thing by throwing that Cow out of the band! Thank you
>How come "The Other Ones" sold out 70,000 plus tix in half an hour at Alpine Valley just over a year ago,sold out alot more shows on the following Fall 02'tour including Madison Sq. Gdn. in about 10 minutes
John, I think that has to do with the fact that these were the first shows/tour with the core four back. I'm sure that had as much to do with it ...
See Nancy, John has been listening since 1977. So he knows better than you what you should like. Thank our lord Jesus or Buddha or whoever that John has arrived to help us understand what to enjoy. I think there are some songs I like that I shouldn't, John could you please list the songs that you don't like so that I'll know what I should not listen to. Being that you have been listening since ENGLISHTOWN 1977 I have to take your word as the gospel, unless of course someone comes along who has been listening since Winterland 6/9/77 then I might have to take their opinion as the shizzle, but for now it is you John.
Remember folks, John's opinion is not the opinion of some blowhard asshole like me. It is pure my friends, IMO he is pure.
With all this wonderful Joan (Groan) commentary I must again post...
I honestly have never really dug on the old "Donna" sound..I know alot of folks LOVE her but the author of this email is not among them and never has been. I was recently listening to a Red Rocks Soundboard from 78' and the way Donna was whaling (some call it vocalizing?) away made me want to stop listening (being polite here)..especially on Passenger...
When The Dead came to Boston last Summah for the 1st time since the passing of Mr Garcia, I specifically didnt go as I had been told that Joan sounded alot like Donna Jean...
Well guess who's looking foreward to touring now that Joan is gone?
I strongly believe it was a SOLID move by the Boyz to oust Joan and hopefully pickup their lost fan base...
Hey Trig...maybe we should introduce Mr Siegel to Ms. IntheskywithDiamonds? They could name thier 1st baby..Joan...
Ok, Cory says whether Joan is with the band or not is a determining factor as to whether he’ll go to the concerts or not. I find it hard to believe Joan being with the band or not will be the determining factor for more than a hand full of people. She isn’t that significant. She doesn’t sing all that much. I like her quite a bit. But if she’s not there, it won’t deter me at all from going to the concerts. Do you think any one would make their decision to go or not based on whether Vince was with them or not? The 1st Other Ones year, Bill’s absence didn’t seem to make or break the band.--As much as I love him and want him there. The last tour of the Other Ones, Phil was absent, and that did ruin the band. I mean they SUCKED BIG TIME! Take into account all the configurations of the various bands, and it is obvious that the only one (living) that is essential to that Dead sound is Phil. I like the other guys in the band, but they are not essential.
As for the diminishing Dead crowd at the concerts, is that so hard to figure out? I got a clue for you. The smaller crowds started with the Other Ones. That’s right, you got it. Jerry’s deceased. Brilliant Sherlock.
As for the very real decline in the number of concert going fans since Jerry’s death, does anyone think that is a bad thing? Compare the crowds then and now. Who’s gone away? The people you like to be around, or the people you don’t like to be around, or both equally? My experiences have been that the kind of people I didn’t enjoy being around have gone. Halleluiah!!
The crowds are much kinder theses days.
I have a guess about the majority of these Joan haters. So, Joan haters, tell me if I'm right or wrong.
Most of the Joan haters never went to a Grateful Dead concert--never saw one in person. So tell me, am I right or wrong.
John says in his post he has seen them since 77, so he has seen plenty of Grateful shows, he just doesn't like Joan. I think you'll find more people that like Joan in the band are the ones that did not see a Grateful concert. I like Joan in the band and have been seeing them since '84, I have a family member who likes Joan and has been seeing them since '72.
Today I find the sound of the Dead sounds Grateful when you stick Bob and Phil together. Phil is the intense stuff and Bob is the spacey rock and roll stuff. With Jerry gone you lose the psychedelic R&B bubble. But the virtuosity of this new band is fantastic they were smokin on the 30th and the 31st.
My biggest problem with the Joan haters club (didn't the Three Stooges start that?) is that their critiques are rarely constructive. You usually see posts like "Joan sucks monkey balls" or arse or whatever, and it just tends to be stupid. Why would you show up to a forum where people are talking about what a good time they had and start saying these people are stupid and don't know good music. Typical flamer bullshit...
It's okay if you don't like Joan, I never really liked Donna myself, just don't be an asshole about it. The internet seems to make people feel like they can forget about being polite and courteous.
and I'd have to agree with you Brent the crowds at the three shows I was at this past year were incredibly friendly. Felt like 1984 all over again here's to the small crowds...
one last thing, want to know how good the Dead were on New Years'? Read Robert Hunter's post on the Dead's site
Love to read that Steve. How do I get there. I went to then Hunter's Journal. Not there. Give me a clue, please.
go to the Dead site->Robert Hunter Archive->#55 Sept. 30->1/4/04 It is only three or four sentences and he then goes into a critique of his own performance. He never calls it the Dead he refers to the experience as Grateful Dead.
Oh and for all the haters no I don't feel that his feelings make my opinion any more valid. John Trig's hating Joan is just as valid as me liking Joan. On those two nights the band clicked with everyone and for me went as deep musically as almost any Grateful show I had seen. Would I still rather hear Bobby, Phil, and Jerry together? You bet, but as we all know that is not possible these days.
Hey I don't mean to slight the Beast Boys. Billy and Mickey are clicking now as good as any time in their careers, to my ears at least.
Good Times
Mr. Laird, you didn't go to a show cause someone told you Joan sounded like Donna? You have the internet you could have given it a listen for free. No, she doesn't sound like Donna, Joan has a far more versatile and stronger voice. Also Joan sings in key, probably because the boys give her enough monitors, that was sometimes an issue for Donna. We were watching through binoculars and Billy Kreutzman was definately digging her. I'm not sure if she is out of the band I don't believe there has been an official or unofficial statement from the Dead either way.
I think the rumour is bullshit anyway because I really don't think Hornsby would come back. After hearing how Jeff and Rob were playing together New Years shows I hope he doesn't come back.
Luckily I like Joan so I'll listen with her or without her, I listened to this band far more without Joan than with so In the boyz I trust.
Also cory your attempt at a jibe at me is to say you'll introduce me to a like minded woman so that we can make love and name a baby Joan?! Joan of Arc was an incredibly strong woman so I think that would be a fine name for a young girl. Come on try harder you can do it, I have faith in you.
All my love
Thank you steve and and Bin. (every time I look around, Bin is helping me)
Steve: "Oh and for all the haters no I don't feel that his feelings make my opinion any more valid. John Trig's hating Joan is just as valid as me liking Joan"
Yes I agree 100%
If I may, I would like to throw a few words into the mix about the band with or without Joan. Having first boarded the bus in June of '76, I still consider myself new to the scene. Yes, I was too young to have boogied on Haight Street and and/or get naked (at the first and only real) Woodstock, but when I go to shows these days, I find myself being the oldest (at only 43) of my traveling companions. I see it as an honor or a badge of courage.
Early on, I found out what it meant to be a Dead Head, what was the point of it all was and what my role in the game was. I was around to see Jerry strain for every note and key, but I was also there to see when the beast raise it's head and pull us all in, within a ring of fire, thunder and lightening. I did see that transformation a few times this summer and that's what keeps me going. Just check out the beginning of the "So Far" video; you in the croud who have a clue, will know what I'm talking about. Jerry was once quoted that the best times were when he did not have to do a thing; the music just flowed through him. "People joining hand in hand while the music plays the band......". Could that be what Mr. Hunter was talking about?
All I'm saying is that if you reject the band for one of its players, you just don't get it. Whether its Ratdog, the PLQ, the MMF, the Other Ones, the Dead or even Kingfish or NRPS, this is Grateful Dead music. And the songs, whether they were played in 1970 at the Fillmore, 1977 at the Palladium, 1981 at Alpine Valley, 1990 at the Knick, or in 2004 at Red Rocks, they themselves were never the ultimate thing. The music was always and will be always the vehicle to the TRIP.
The purpose of band, which stands before you today, transfigured through the ages, has the same goal as the band which started out as the Warlocks; a mind altering, stream of conciousness raising, out of body inducing experience, with a good dose of bluegrass and the blues, when time can stand still, innocence can be found and smiles can be shared. Again, if you don't get it, just step away.
For whatever reason the line-up changes, that is not your decision. Your choice is to go or not. And when you do, reach for the stars, work your moniemaker and give a little back to the boys (and girl), whomever they may be. If you come away not satisfied, maybe it was your own fault, cause whoever is singing Loose Lucy or Sugaree, when the its time to dive out into the astral pool and the jam is about to unfold, I'm confident that the landing zone will be all filled with warm, sweet love. Just like its alawys been. We all won't mind if you leave cause it gives me and my friends more room to dance.
"Just a box of rain, believe it if you need it and if you don't, (that's your problem).
Right on sneaky-pete. You know what it's all about. I thought New Year's was fantastic. It was my 20th Dead show of the year. I consider myself very lucky and fortunate to have seen as much as I have. The coolest thing about this past year and all the touring and shows I got to see was watching this band grow. They have come a long way since last year. The 30th and 31st were the two best Dead shows I've ever seen. The band continues to give from it's heart and soul. It's a shame that many of you are stuck on the fact that Joan is in the band because I see her as a part of the family now. She added so much to every show she was a part of. Musically, Jimmy is really starting to get it. The chemistry between Jimmy, Bobby and Phil is really starting to come to life. I think the worst thing they could do now is change the lineup. They are just starting to hit their stride. Changing things so soon is just gonna make them take even longer to start clicking and playing as organincally as we would like them too. I'll still go no matter what they do, but if I had my way, I wouldn't change a thing. They need to stay together in order to grow. Adding Warren to the mix is going to make them go right back to square one, because he will be a new member that they have to work into the flow. I like Warren, but not for the Dead. He has too much on his plate as it is. The Dead aren't touring enough now as it is. Add Warren to the mix and we'll be getting one Dead tour a year. Thanks, but no thanks. Warren's schedule even makes it hard for PLQ to tour more than once a year. And for all you haters (I can't believe there are this many heads that are haters, it's such a contradiction to what we are supposed to be all about), is Joan goes, so will Comes a Time, Must of Been the Roses, Ruben and Cerise, Peggy-O, Stagger Lee, China Doll, Sugaree, and many more. Sure other people can sing these songs, but Joan made these songs come back to life. And Joan does a kick ass job on the Pigpen tunes. She is versatile, and she gets it. Too bad for some of you that don't. Sometimes, you don't really appreciate something till it's gone. As far as Rob is concerned, that will be even more heartbreaking to see. He has the essence of the Grateful Dead, and was meant to be there from the time he was born. He is one of us, and he is getting to live his dream up there with the Dead. I love the two keyboard setup because it gives them such a huge range of sounds. Some people just need to bitch about everything, and will never be happy. I'll take Rob over Warren in the band any day. Jimmy and Rob are like the essence of Garcia in reguards to the positive energy that they emit, and Joan has the voice to sing us back home. I hope they stay with what they have for a while and let it grow. It's premature to change things up so soon. IMHO, every time the band has taken steps forward since Jerry passed, they end up taking steps back when they switch it up with less than two years under their belt with any one lineup. They are finally hitting points that they haven't hit since Jerry was with us, and you can see that there is so much more room to grow, but they have to go ahead and change things up again? That's a shame, because this band is the SHIT. Thanks for a real good time. The 30th and 31st were magic, and the only dissapointment was that the bay area was not there in full force to support them. Their loss, because they missed out on what were the best shows I've seen or heard since the Captain was at the healm. No more bitching about why the band isn't doing extensive West Coast tours anymore these days. The proof was right there in the Oakland arena. On the upside, there was alot of room, it was very cozy in there, and all the heads that went were the real deal. If they announced those two shows at MSG, they would have sold out in under 15 minutes. Goes to show, the east coasters are still making the cross country pilgrimage to NYE with the boys. Maybe the westies just take it for granted, or let their hatred of Joan get in the way of being a part of the greatest show on Earth. It's a crying shame. Peace out folks, and Happy New Year. Hopefully 2004 will be better in every way, especially when it comes to politics. 4 more years of Bush will be the end of America as we know it. Later gaters.
Thanx sneaky pete and zues! We need to be grateful for what we have. I thought New Years was awesome. I love Phil. I love Bobby. I love Billy. I love Mickey. I love Jeff. I love Rob. I love Jimmy. And I love Joan. This band's got it goin' on! Don't change a thing!(OK-one thing. I hate Mickey singing Fire on the Mountain) Joan is the best singer in the band- hands down. She indeed breathes new life into so many songs.
The keyboardists are great and they have such a positive vibe. I've been on the bus 20 years and I have a great feeling about this line-up (it sure beats the Vince era). Also I loved the roominess in Oakland. The idiots stayed home so the crowd vibe was all love. It's time to let the new guys and girl contribute some songs!
Hear Hear Pete, the Tribe was together and groovin to that Good Ol' Grateful Dead Tribal music. Jimmy was finding the nuances that Jerry used to find without sounding like Jer. Sugar Mag had some new rhythmic changes in it sounded very cool. New to me anyway, maybe Bob has been doing that with Ratdog recently.
I'm certain new years will be historic as this version of the Grateful Dead IS as good as ever.. and it's pure as ever.. (just cuz Jerry checked out a bit early doesn't mean the music stopped playing the band..)- they don't sell out cuz many jumped ship after Jerry passed thinking it's over..
been goin' since Ventura 85'.. Joan is staying concurrent to her own touring and label commitments in the future.. she is welcome to tour with The Dead anytime she can or wants per threads on her web sites, etc..
Good post, Sneaky Pete!!
I found the crowd at the New Years show this year to be very kind and totally into the music. Guess you weren't there Corey...and if I wanted to have another kid and name her Joan, I would do it with my like-minded husband, who joined me at my first Dead concert in '79. I also love the Phil Q. and appreciate that there are differences between the two bands.
Like I said... Goobye Joan!!!!!
I'll listen whether she's there or not. I'm lucky I like the music both ways. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if she left, this project can't possibly be the main project in her life she only sings 10% of the time in the Dead. This is someone used to carrying an entire show so I would imagine her solo career would be first and foremost in her life. The Dead certainly would be a dissapointment if you were a Joan Osborne fan.
At least if she left the haters would shut up so there would be a major upside, they would finally have their Pablum.
I beleive that a big reason that there is so much dislike of Joan Osborne for some people, or probably alot people, is because, like myself and pretty much all of my Dead-Head friends (all admitted Joan Haters)is the fact that she has changed the sound of the band so much, so radically,that it has caused us "Joan" haters to stop touring. For my friends and myself, that means a DRASTIC change in our lives after about 20 years! Just think, no more Dead Tours for us! I love touring! Its my way of life! But with Joan in the lineup, its all over for us! Its a sad thing! Now I have to go see a bunch of bands that I like, but wont ever tour with. Hopefully, the band WILL change its line up, and we can get back on tour! P.S. please dont argue with me and tell me that she doesnt change the sound of the band that much, she certainly does, just listen!!
>>please dont argue with me and tell me that she doesnt change the sound of the band that much, she certainly does,
please explain how, in your opinion, she changes the "sound" of the band???
other than singing a handful of songs and maybe tapping on a tamborine, does she play an instrument that changes the "sound" of the band???
would just like to hear your take on this....
Hey Rob,
Did you ever get a chance to send me the recording from the Knitting Factory with Perry?
>>Did you ever get a chance to send me the recording from the Knitting Factory with Perry?
not yet.. working on it
Ok Thanks
Just listen to the Summer tour shows from OCRS, if Joan isnt butchering up a classic Dead tune, then shes harmonizing the rest of the time. You can hear her a HELL of alot more than 10% of the time, its more like at least 50% of the time. Even when she harmonizes, her mix in those recordings are turned up so much louder than anybody else in the band, that she ends up DROWNING everybody else out! In all honesty, withher in the lineup, they sound more like "Joan Osborne & Friends" than the "Dead" That is simply my opinion, I know alot of people agree with me, and alot disagree with me, but ticket sales have NOSEDIVED recently, I know of a hell of alot of friends of mine that dont go anymore because of her,and now it seems like shes on her way out, so MAYBE the band has sensed that something is seriously wrong! All signs point to "Joan Osborne"
Sure, you could argue that that the Q. is Phil and Friends, and that the Dead is Joan and friends. Funny though, I never heard anyone calling the Dead, Hornsby and Friends, and he seemed to have more of an influence than Joan on the music. If you and your pfriends don't like the current Dead line-up, without even attending a show, I guess that could account for lower ticket sales. The point you're trying to make might fly better if the Q. were selling as many tickets as the Dead. But it's not really all about ticket sales, is it? How 'bout we all just agree to disagee for now. Peace.
per the NEW posting...... i'm wrong with info i sought after and posted.. looks like joan is M.I.A. for upcoming tour.. no rob either....
>>Just listen to the Summer tour shows from OCRS
ahhhh theres your problem.... no audience tapes to listen to...
and just what songs are you referring to that Joan "butchered"??? not to say that she didnt have some problems with some of the songs over the course of the tour, but Bobby, and Phil and Mickey "butchered" their fair share of songs also.... not to let Jerry off the hook either, back in the day.....
and whats the problem with the harmonies??? to my ears, many times she reminded me of Donna...
but during the shows, she was not "turned up so much louder" and she wasnt "drowning" anybody out. but i guess you wouldnt know that since you werent there.
and to your thing on ticket sales..... heres some things to consider:
they did sell out 5 nights @ Red Rocks
they did sell out 2 nights @ Jones Beach (Phil never sold out Jones Beach)
they drew more people @ Merriweather Post Pavilion than the 2 previous Phil shows there...
same goes for SPAC...
and if you are talking about NYE, the arena looked just as filled this year as it did last year..... but i know alot of my friends didnt go, opting instead to go to Mule in NYC.....
what i would like to know is why didnt you go to shows in the first place?? is it because they added a female singer??? or is it because they added Joan????
If anyone is interested, there is a free download of the NYE show available at
It's a good, but not great audience recording with a few ugly cuts, so it's still worth waiting and paying for the official release.
Hey Rob, I did go to shows in the first place. I went to six summer tour shows. I knew that Joan was in the band, but I bought my tix before I knew how bad she sounded! I didnt even want to go to the last 3 shows, but I couldn't even give my tix away! And dont tell me about audience tapes, Ive been recording since 85' Ive heard plenty of audience tapes, plus like I said, I was at the shows, she was turned up much louder than anybody else in the band! And as far as selling out some shows with her in the line up, like myself, alot of people bought tix before they knew what she sounded like, now that everybody knows what she sounds like, NOBODYS going anymore! And whats the excuse for not selling out a tiny place like the Berkeley Comm. Thtr.?? That was an embarassment not to pack that place. But all in all, I guess the band didnt think too much of her anyway because now, she's OUTTA HERE! Bring on Warren! See ya in the tapers section! Ill be back on tour again! P.S. Even worse than her singing is her annoying on-stage antics! What the hell is that all about? Who wants to see that crap!
I found out that Joan quit the band due to the cut she was getting from the band. The primary members were getting 50,000 per show and she was getting 5,000. Whether she earned it is another debate.
Warren will be asked to not play guitar on certain songs. He is supposed to have a minor role.Bobby wants the spotlight. Next year at this time I bet you he will have a bigger part in the band.
IMO, I think that Rob is a better keyboard player than Jeff. I got the feeling that Rob's vocals sounded too much like Jerry's.Bob and Mickey objected to Rob's vocals and that is why we didn't hear alot from him as in PLQ. And why also know that Bobby had to have Jeff as part of the deal. IMO
Hey Sid:
R U repeating gossip (something someone else said)or do u make it up as u go along.
I know there is truth to part of what u say.
Unfortunately, since Jerry died, it has been about the$'s!
The subjective stuff concerning the musical abilities of each keyboard player is just one opinion.
Specifically speaking about which muscian preferred Rob's vocals just feels wrong. Unless you r up there u should not get to speak about other's feelings! Your own opinions r fair but speaking about others couldn't be right.
Hey ECHead... Your too much! In a good way that is. I dont know of another person on these posts that I can agree with more. I totally agree with everything you said.In my opinion, you cant trash Joan enough. I myself have about 12 or so very close Dead Head friends that just live in my town,(not including my Dead Head friends nationwide) and of all of us, there's 2 or 3 of them that still go, although all of us went to the Other Ones concerts, and even the few who still go dont love Joan Osborne, they think shes OK, but still go for the "scene" and to "vend". Now I dont want to say the Dead are terrible, because they still sounded GRATE at times, but I really think that once they get it going, Joan steps in and KILLS all the momentum. And as far as her only getting paid $5,000.00....I dont know if thats true or not, but they should'nt be paying her $5.00! Better yet, they should,nt be paying her at all! Good Riddance! Now I can go back to see this band again. Sounds like a really good line up
Just out of curiousity, does anybody have the REAL FACTS about why Rob and Joan are no longer with the band? I mean, REALLY why!
It's because Joan gave Rob a sloppy BJ backstage. Relationships between band members are not allowed in the Dead. That rule was set forth back in the late 70's after Donna left.
Good one guitardaddy!!!
I sat in the lower section directly facing the stage both nights. I had a good time, thought the scene and security was OK, and the shows were pretty good. The sound could have been better though. The vocals were not very clear. I didn't move around the arena to see if it sounded better anywhere else.
i drove from va with three friends,best dead show of my brief the best NUGGGeeeettttssssss!
Matthew you might have just set a record...adding to a 2 year old review thread...
Nice...Welccme to Philzone.Com discussion board
my try