Happy Birthday, Phil!
Looking forward to a hell of a b-day bash many more Phil
Phil's actual birthday is Mon the 15th, but I'll take a Fri nite show over a Mon nite show any day!
Any predictions on what 'friends' will be in attendance? I'm betting on Jackie being there for a killer speedway boogie, and Warren for the other one. I noticed those two didn't have anything on their calendars for this weekend...
I hope they play Truckin tonight.
keepin my fingers crossed for trey
Truckin' with Trey, John Kadelecik, Larry Campbell, Mark Karan, Warren Haynes, and Jimmy Herring is gonna rip!!!!
Warren has a gig in NYC with ABB. The only two I've seen confirmed are Molo and Jackie Greene.
"Warren has a gig in NYC with ABB"
Thank the lord.
Now here we are. The end of of a spring tour with some summer dates already on sale. Who'd of thunk it. Phil and friends can deliver the jams and ratdog can rock and roll, the dead brought us back to the arenas. All good! Now we have furthur. I for one (having never seen dso ) had some real concerns about this lineup. After having a pleasureable if not uninspired time at a couple of dead shows in 2009 for kicks I loaded one of the fox shows and gave it a whirl.
Well I have to say I was surprised at how good it sounds. It was awkward to listen to John play and sing, aftrrall who was this Guy mimicking Garcia. Was he just a "fake Jerry" like I had heard?
Well I decided to go to a couple of shows and check it out for myself. I have to say I was only looking for a reasonable replica not.expecting much.
What I found was that "it" is still there. Not only JK but Phil and Bob sound awesome.
See you all this summer. Happy birthday Phil.
Nothing left to do but smile....................
:::I'll take a Fri nite show over a Mon nite show any day! :::
I dunno, I just saw a Monday Night Show yesterday that blew away the last Friday night show I saw!
What's up Zoners? I'm lookin for one ticket for Phil's B-day. Spread the love and hit me up!
707-338-3940 - Eroc
>I dunno, I just saw a Monday Night Show yesterday that blew away the last Friday night show I saw!<
LOL! I concede the point, touche!
Chris Robinson is confirmed now
I think Molitz confirmed early on as well.
cant wait to see who the special guests are, I think its really cool that the show benefits the Haiti earthquake victims too , Happy Birthday Phil wow ! I am lovin the Furthur shows, incredible playing from everybody, another level up ! just wonderful
Sister flying in last minute. NEED 1 ticket. Anyone help? jonstueve@hotmail.com -or- six five zero, five two zero, five five four nine
Happy Birthday Phil!
Post-Futher after party at the Boom Boom Room with Great American Taxi (featuring Vince Herman of Leftover Salmon and special guest Barry Sless!)
Great American Taxi Bay area shows this week:
Thurs 3/11 9pm Moe's Alley, Santa Cruz (w/Barry S)
Fri 3/12 11pm - 3am! Boom Boom Room, SF (w/Barry)
Sat 3/13 9pm Hop Monk, Sebastopol
Hope to see some of you!
Love, Taxi
looking forward to all who show up and celebrate a remarkable feat.Hope I am still looking as good and sounding as good as Phil at 70. 38 years since my first show what a long strange trip indeed. Hope to see all the usual suspects if Frisco.
wishin i wouldn't of hopped of the train at chicago... had ride out west lined up and everything but had to go home to work the next day and then got fired.... shoulda coulda woulda
Hey Phil...Happy Birthday Youngin!!!!! Wish I could join you at the bday bash back home, but I will see you sometime Furthur. Thanks to Cody too for keeping ya with us. You are an inspiration to us all. I noticed you can't stop grinning at shows, keep smilin and sharing your love.
Thanks Phil....Happy Birthday!Keep on Keeping on!!!
Chief and Maurine
Thanks Phil....Happy Birthday!Keep on Keeping on!!!
Chief and Maurine
Hi wish I WAS going
Happy Birthday Phil!!!
The youngest 70 yr old ever!!
All the Years Combined...They Melt into a Dream.
Magic. Pure and Simple
Phil phills the house always with music and love.
Phil, Happy Birthday - I love that you love what you do. Peace
La Breithla Shona Duit Phil!
Congratulations on another trip ..around the sun
Phil you are a credit to the Human Race ..
GOD Bless you
Happy Birthday !
Bill & Denise
happy birthday phil you are the man
so let's get on with the show, let's go!
Will there be a stream of tonight's show? We had one in Colorado last weekend!
all the tunes combine
they melt into a stream
Hey there everyone!!
Even if if it is a bit early I'm just excited for the party!! First got on the bus May 21st 1982 Greek Theater- almost 300 shows later and I am so grateful and lucky that the bus is still rolling and there is a seat (or a place to dance) for me and my friends and family. I brought my 9 year old nephew to the 12/30/09 show and I'm passing the legacy and heritage along when I can.
Guests are great but I'm there to see The Boys and THE MAN!!!!
I'll be wearing a skeleton shirt with roses entwined through the ribcage- it says Spring Tour '84 on the back and it has seen almost as many shows as I have. Plan on getting there early enough to sit right next to VIP sec upper balcony middle...if you get the hankering come and find me and we'll smoke a bowl. Just yell "REVEREND!!" and I'll answer if I hears ya.
Phil thank you so much for the chance to show and tell you how much we love you. I was outbid by $100 on the Charity/meet/float package...but I wouldn't have missed this for the world. Thanks again for years of fun and a lifetime of memories. Happy birthday and have fun tonight....I know we all will.
Your message deserves a hearty AMEN, BROTHER!
You're the best Phil :-)
I hope you have an awesome show tonight and a wonderful day on Monday!
I'm so excited that I can barely sit still at my desk - fortunately I'm leaving early!
Happy Birthday Phil - here's to many more years of phallout from the zone.
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Phil IS da bomb!
can't make the show tonight but hopefully someone will be streaming? ;)
A show I just could not miss ! Keeps me grinin from ear to ear. Phil & Co. thanks for all the joy you have brought to us all. Much Love
http://www.archive.org/details/gd91-06-17.sbd.mill er.25608.sbeok.shnf
If I was not at this place at this time my whole world would be so different. Better late then never. Thank You Phil
I'll be at the show tonight. It's gonna be my first Furthur show! So pumped!
Happy birthday Phil from Sheffield, England
Do it to it PHIL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Have fun all you heads.
Another 2 hours of work and I'll be on my way to the show. Can't wait. Happy Birthday, PHIL!
chopper 5 star special
chopper 5 star special
chopper 5 star special
cho pper 5 star spe cial
BTW - Mickey and Billy are Phil's friends...!!!!!
Just to plant a seed...
Oh crap - when will they plug the Rythm Devils into this???!!!! We just had 2 of the finest Dead shows in Colorado that I have seen in 20 years!!!! I will be interested to hear what you think of the notion that Jeff Chimenti just may be the BEST keyboard player EVER for the Grateful Dead!
Phil, Happy Birthday!!
Thank you for the years of great music...I hope I can jam like you when I turn 70!!
Have fun tonight all you luck westcoast dogs....you know it's goin' be good.
Happiest of birthdays, Phil - you and the boys have given me many! May it continue!! To all of you going tonight, have a great time, be safe and send the vibes!
my buddy Don from Chicago built floats all day, will be hauling them onstage during show. inside scoop is one acoustic, two electric sets.
Happy Birthday Phil!!
The second night in Broomfield was absolutely incredible...That Morning Dew was the best I have heard since Vegas '94...Definitely a Phil night. However, I thought the first night was just decent, and got way too slow ...It was the Bobby Night and it sounded kinda like a Ratdog show at times...Especially during the slowest LLR followed by the slowest Estimated I have ever heard..Then, he kinda ruined Terrapin by taking over vocal duties halfway through the song (I know this is how they are doing it, but they need to just let JK sing the whole thing)....Now, I think tonight should rival the second sets of the second nights in both Chi-town and Bromfield. I hope everyone there has a f*cking blast.
"I will be interested to hear what you think of the notion that Jeff Chimenti just may be the BEST keyboard player EVER for the Grateful Dead!"
perhaps. but - call me oddball - I really liked Brent. RIP.
I agree, Brent was the best....Also, I prefer Barraco to Chimenti.
Happy Birthday Phil
From a flash to a knowing, thank you for the gifts
throughout all the years, love you more then words can tell
My friend andy in new orleans is calling for a morning dew sandwich (dew>playin>terrapin>playin reprsie>dew) plus Neil Young Guest encore: Long may you run
Not Likely.
Acoustic Phil, bob, Jackie, molo, and Robinson as opener
Happy Birthday Phil. See you tonight.
Harks me back to 5-18-08, Warfield, 5 sets til 4 in the a.m. youse guys is in fer a treat!
http://www.archive.org/details/paf2008-05-18.neuma nn.phopely.91955.flac16
Anybody have a stream link for this show. It should be amazing. I got to catch both shows in Broomfield last week. I am sitting home sick tonight and this would would make my day.
ditto - let there be stream....
where is everybody? 45m til showtime? Get in the mood, get in gear, happy b-day Phil!
Is that Chris Robinson?
happy-bday phil whats up all
Happy Birthday Phil! Your devotion to this wonderful thing that you and your brothers created, your love that you give every night to all of us, it is a gift that we treasure! Let it grow!
Jackie Greene, Chris Robinson, John Molo, Steve Moliz were all at the soundcheck (rest of Furthur were not from what I hear).
of course, Furthur have pretty much had a lot of practice of late, whilst phriends have not. not a lot of whole songs at soundcheck, snippets, mostly short. Dew stood out.
20m to (published) showtime. where the hell is everybody? at the show I hope... which I was. expect epic.
Don't worry we are here..
is T-Rob about? or any other sources. or Stream?? I have some buddies at the show but not sure how reliable they will be for updates.
Sitting in PDX with my ticket - it's gonna be great! Happy Birthday Phil! Thanks for searching!
here pappa king here pappa king
Taperrob comes through again for us.
Much thanks
need password for stream
what is the password?
Roswell 51?
Show start yet?
Love You Phil! happy bday party tonight my man!!
whats the password???????
I am sorry folks I jumped the gun on that link
Double argh!
dang ted... I feel so alone
Any word if the band is on stage?
looks promising:
Alisa and Mojo wish Phil another day to dream into another land?
hope ur right nuggly. thank you!!!
I get no sound, when I tried to post a note I got asked for a password?
who is alisa?
on but no sound
Just clicked on Furthur.net for showtime, they probably won't be on till 8 local. Of course the music on the site started playing and I thought the stream was on! best to back off the cocktails for a few minutes.
oh yeah what?
so another 9 min?
ahh cocktails.... margaritaville here, heradura, quite tastey...
show has not started yet
been startin abouy 20 min late all tour havent they?
Is that Scofield talking to Phil in that photo
Still waiting
damn havent thought about scofield in a few years. think you are right. whats phil drinking in that beer cup?
My guess is some sort of liquid...
man I hope all the silence here means most zoners are at the show....
there's ritchie. hey man.
no stream?
I was getting everything from this page... so your guess is as good as mine.
last epic show I was at (5-18-08)
http://www.archive.org/details/paf2008-05-18.neuma nn.phopely.91955.flac16
show didnt start until at least an hour late. but then phil came out to say it might be a while, but not to fret, who knows what might happen...
I'll take some liquid, Richie...
Jackie greene, molo, chris robinson, group hug
now that page from ted is gone!
liquid for all!!!
tx jahk, r u there?
that is scofield- that is backstage between sets @ 2008 10KLF fest - my buddy and i got to meet phil and hug him immediately afterwards
Jackie on mandolin
stream please!!
Lazy river road
Nice Docta! Scofield is playing in Oakland tonight, so thought it was more recent.
Who's playing right now, opener/furthur?
Jackie, Chris Robinson, Phil, Weir, Molo?
any new stream info?
my kingdom for a stream...
I am waiting for stream...but it no come yet
Lazy river road
Peggyo (chris robinson)
Has the first set been all acoustic so far?
thas my underatanding....
thanks for the update jahk2
damn apparently theres only a few of us on 2night...
Lazy River Road
Peggyo (Chris Robinson)
The right way to go (?) Chris robinson
Happy Birthday Phil, 3/12/10, Set 1: Ripple(bw), Lazy River Road(jk), Peggy-O(cr), Two Souls In Communion(cr)
So I take it that stream is fake?
Two Souls
NICE! (even with CR on vox)
taperrob any streams
nice pics. i see nessie is back in action.
and Phil on the alien composite again...
ok see Phil, CR, Weir, Jackie, JK onstage. whos on drumz between Jackie and JK?
who's the mando player?
Is anyone hearing anything?
oh. jackie
loved Phil a on the guitar to open his 60th
like a rolling stone
ah jackie sweet jackie. ok I'll shut up now...
whered you see that, KennyT?
any stream.....no luck yet???
hard rain
Well us east coasters need to sleep :-(.
Don't eat the brown cake :-)
rtmcdo > Phils 6Oth B day
Rolling stone opener
more Ripple and Lazy River Roqad
I own that same shirt (Jay Lane)
they love each other?
accoustic set with Phil on Ritter and only Jay on drums
mtns of the moon, still acoustic
John switches to electric for Mts of the Moon
tx eddie. can you confirm (my kidneys for a stream...)
Lazy River road
Two Souls in Communion
Hard Rain's gonna Fall
Mountains of the Moon
Ear candy:
http://www.archive.org/details/gd1984-07-04.sbd.mi ller.93858.sbeok.flac16
damn jerry thoght that was a live stream for just a sec...
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
thanks Jane!!
so did i....still searching for sound????
Thank you Jane!!! Wish I was there!! Can't wait till it goes up on archive.
Two Souls: (never seen it live myself...)
http://artsites.ucsc.edu/GDead/agdl/soul.html#titl e
lol. just thought it was at least something to listen to. The cc rider, cumberland, biodtl is a nice jam.
Molo is fixing up his kit
jer, i've been groovin to this, pig on 2 souls:
i was hoping for a Two Souls at Barton on Vday...oh well.....im tickled that they played it tonight...what a great song by a troubled soul at the end of a life. Viva Pig
is joe russo no present this evening?
RIP Pig.
RIP Jerry.
RIP Keith.
RIP Brent.
RIP Vinny
Great mellow first set.
RIP Uncle Bobo
To all of my friends who did not come, I am sorry that you didn't .
So....anyone know if Mickey is at the birthday bash?
RIP Kahn
RIP Saunders
RIP Uncle Bo Bo
RIP Ram Rod
RIP Keasy
man, the list seems endless. i guess thats what happens when "it" spans damn near 1/2 a century.
yeah... damn those chopters... bobo... stevie we digress
wow those heads there are a lucky bunch
which heads in particular, JS?
1st set can be listened to here>
Second set coming anytime in the near future?
Thank you!
Trob, cant make the link work??
All the ones there. Looks like a fun fine time.
Sweet! Thanks T-Rob!
sounds like darth vader
got it. tx rob
Darth Vader was misunderstood
dam AV 85 (I was there), what does that mean??
One more time - anything real to the Sco sighting?
sounds like a sweet show. thanks again rob.
Thanks Taper_B!!! Awsome!!!!
2nd Set: Rocket Man (BW) Shatner Stylee!
thanks for the link taper rob
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Scarlet Begonias (JG) *
Minglewood Blues (BW)
* with Jackie Greene
doesn't look like scofield to me...too much hair in the back, but hard to tell from a photo
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Scarlet Begonias (JG) *
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) %
* with Jackie Greene
% Chris Robinson
fuck, what fun....
Jane, you r the best
urthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Scarlet Begonias (JG) *
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) % >
New Speedway Boogie (JG) *
* with Jackie Greene
% Chris Robinson
Mew Speedway Boogie
it's all from many people, folks
i'm taking this directly from boxofeyes at os
i don't mind bringin it here
thank you for the visuals, Rob!
Beautiful pics, rob, as usual. You're really something!
thanks to the band, rob, jane and all!!! Enjoying from afar...
BOE is doin a great job w/setlist and details
Super pics TRob - thanks to all that are making this a celebration to remember!
great job to all from ill.
Jane, are you inst nederlands, or oust west?
Great sound, pictures, and detailed setlist . . . .
Thanks guys, you represent the PHILZONE ! !
just west of philly
i have a freaky friend in the south of philly. i like the city. i like the haphazard parking
curious, how'd get to the zone from n'lands? so totally cool.
maybe I know your friend... I'm just west of philly, phil anddead head for yrs and yrs... i do like freaky friends. park inthemiddleofthestreet if you must!
His name is Lee McQuery or Lee Alexander
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Viola Lee Blues (All)
High Time
Looks great... Jay Lane's last show with Furthur also right? Shame to see him go
damn. listening to robs stream. Attics. I was there, Hampton Werelocks 89, Attics encore. god I love this song.
what a set...
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
2nd set stream??
Listening to rob;s stream an amazing 1st set
2nd set stream??
right? cant wait to hear this.
I think only the priv get access or a password to the live stream
dont understand why no live stream
::Jay Lane's last show with Furthur also right? ::
Seemed like half way through the tour he was acting like he got his pink slip.....
geez what a show. mama im so hard to handle now... love this band.
2nd set stream? Anyone? Still stuck working
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR)
Viola / Hard 2 Handle
in case it wasn't mentioned, so far Russo is going solo in the 2nd set
Kenny, if you have not heard the first set yet, goto > http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5401575
thank taperrob!
What is everybody drinkin'? here>(Lagunitas Hop Stoopid Ale > Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale) streams sound great!
Yes Russo solo. As mentioned this will be Jay Lane's last show with Furthur. Not sure of the reason...
Hmm...maybe Mickey is getting on the bus ;-)
that would be NICE!!!!
1st set and 2nd can be listened to here>
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR)
break -
i think that's how i closed
what says this is jay lanes last show? hes still listed on the website for the summer tour. id like to see where the person got the info that jay is done
"id like to see where the person got the info that jay is done"
True , I guess it's not public yet. Carry on
I take it a third set
"ugly rummors" from the Mars Hotel
Three sets tonight and a parade.
>>>>True , I guess it's not public yet. Carry on
I bet we can expect an appearance from GRAVY himself
can we expect an appearance from Mr Wavy?
WIth regard to Jay Lane, of the 5 shows I saw, he was lacking. Russo keeps the band together
but jay was present - he was part of it - so thanks Jay
Yep... a parade Mardi Gras style comin' up.
Phil deserves a Birthday Parade
thanks to taperrob for Sets 1 & 2 - sounding mighty fine over breakfast here in England
Let me know if you catch a booby - LOL
listen to stream of set 3 here> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/03122010bday password:mountainsofmoon
now thats what im talking about !! thank you tons and tons T-rob
Thanks T-rob
NO disrespect to lane - like his energy!
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR) >
Sugaree (CR)
Set 3:
Not Fade Away>
Happy Birthday Phil>
Any pics
East Coaster still hangin'
Everybody on stage? Greene, Robinson?
must be parade time
EC Zoners are still hanging wishin I was there
yea midwest here and sounds great
Yep - East coaster with a crazy work schedule. Strange break?
great energy
now that a dead party
not many zoners online or they are at the show! Any live updates? It sounds like the regular Furthur line up.
balloon drop
Cool Beans!
There are some more in the new new thread too.
more people, that is.
Thanks T-rob for the pics. I can see why they needed to take a quick break.
I am guessing a Help-Slip-Franklins
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR) >
Sugaree (CR)
Set 3:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Not Fade Away Jam (w/parade of floats) >
Happy Birthday, Dear Phillip! (w/balloon drop) (All, including audience and us) >
Not Fade Away Jam >
meltdown >
break/popping balloons >
Playin in the Band (BW) >
Jam >
St. Stephen
bombs away!
Was it a meltdown or just cleaning everything. Looked like alot was going on.
If Greene is on stage, he seems to be meshing well with John K. Dueling guitars can be a challenge.
Must say nice live feed. Thanks again T-Rob!
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR) >
Sugaree (CR)
Set 3:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Not Fade Away Jam (w/parade of floats) >
Happy Birthday, Dear Phil! (w/balloon drop) (All, including audience and us) >
Not Fade Away Jam >
meltdown >
break/popping balloons >
Playin in the Band (BW) >
St. Stephen (All) >
Other One (BW)>
Is this a molitz jam? He brought a different flavor to the band. Still prefer Chimenti for the band. However, its all GOOD! :-)
VERY NICE. we love you PHIL...the UB CHAIN..
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR) >
Sugaree (CR)
Set 3:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Not Fade Away Jam (w/parade of floats) >
Happy Birthday, Dear Phil! (w/balloon drop) (All, including audience and us) >
Not Fade Away Jam >
meltdown >
break/popping balloons >
Playin in the Band (BW) >
Other One Jam >
Jam >
St. Stephen (All) >
Other One (BW) >
Elevator >
Unbroken Chain (PL)
UBC - jg on keys with jeff
amazing quality on the live stream halfway across the world ) phil's bass is crystal clear - thanks again
Thats why i call this HIGH MASS
Thank You Phil!
hows the weather across the pond
Its a little bomby
in Montana
Greene is talented -
East coast still hangin' - gonna be tired tomorrow. wake at 10am est
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR) >
Sugaree (CR)
Set 3:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Not Fade Away Jam (w/parade of floats) >
Happy Birthday, Dear Phil! (w/balloon drop) (All, including audience and us) >
Not Fade Away Jam >
meltdown >
break/popping balloons >
Playin in the Band (BW) >
Jam >
St. Stephen (All) >
The Other One (BW) >
Elevator >
Unbroken Chain (PL)
Comes a Time (CR)
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR) >
Sugaree (CR)
Set 3:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Not Fade Away Jam (w/parade of floats) >
Happy Birthday, Dear Phil! (w/balloon drop) (All, including audience and us) >
Not Fade Away Jam >
meltdown >
break/popping balloons >
Playin in the Band (BW) >
Other One Jam >
Jam >
St. Stephen (All) >
Other One (BW) >
Elevator >
Unbroken Chain (PL)
Comes a Time (CR) >
Cream Puff War
2 go go dancers on stage
Fuckin Cream Puff War!!!!!!!
Rockin' the house - must be nice not to have curfews on the west coast!
Set 3:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Not Fade Away Jam (w/parade of floats) >
Happy Birthday, Dear Phil! (w/balloon drop) (All, including audience and us) >
Not Fade Away Jam >
meltdown >
break/popping balloons >
Playin in the Band (BW) >
Other One Jam >
Jam >
St. Stephen (All) >
Other One (BW) >
Elevator >
Unbroken Chain (PL)
Comes a Time (CR) >
Cream Puff War (CR) (go-go dancers on stage) >
Franklin's Tower (PL)
Set 3:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Not Fade Away Jam (w/parade of floats) >
Happy Birthday, Dear Phil! (w/balloon drop) (All, including audience and us) >
Not Fade Away Jam >
meltdown >
break/popping balloons >
Playin in the Band (BW) >
Other One Jam >
Jam >
St. Stephen (All) >
Other One (BW) >
Elevator >
Unbroken Chain (PL)
Comes a Time (CR) >
Cream Puff War (CR) (go-go dancers on stage) >
Franklin's Tower (PL)
Donor Rap
Johnny B. Goode (BW)
no encore break
Give me a box o rain
House lights on?
Thank you Phil - Happy Birthday! enjoyed the show.
Also special thanks to T-Rob for providing the music!
Good night
>>>Franklin's Tower (PL)
>>>Donor Rap
>>>Johnny B. Goode (BW)
>>>no encore break
you made that up
Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief
Set 1 Acoustic:
Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Chris Robinson
Jackie Greene
Ripple (BW)
Lazy River Road (JK)
(Bobby says were gonna do yet another tune in the key of G)
Peggy-O (CR)
Two Souls in Communion (CR)
Brokedown Palace (JG)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
They Love Each Other (CR)
Mountains of the Moon (PL)
Attics of My Life (All)
Set 2:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson
Scarlet Begonias (JG)
Minglewood Blues (BW)
Easy Wind (CR) >
New Speedway Boogie (JG)
Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
High Time (CR) >
Caution Jam >
Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
Hard To Handle (CR)
Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
Like A Rolling Stone (CR) >
Sugaree (CR)
Set 3:
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Joe Russo
Jeff Chimenti
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Not Fade Away Jam (w/parade of floats) >
Happy Birthday, Dear Phil! (w/balloon drop) (All, including audience and us) >
Not Fade Away Jam >
meltdown >
break/popping balloons >
Playin in the Band (BW) >
Other One Jam >
Jam >
St. Stephen (All) >
Other One (BW) >
Elevator >
Unbroken Chain (PL)
Comes a Time (CR) >
Cream Puff War (CR) (go-go dancers on stage) >
Franklin's Tower (PL)
Donor Rap
Johnny B. Goode (BW)
Just got a call from my youngest son Patrick "Dad Phil sang Peggy'O and St.Stephen tonight " > tell Phil "Happy Birthday" from the family back in Ivyland PA
Stephen Cassidy
comes a time>cream puff>franklins
Yes, it was a sick as it looks.
Looks like another one for the ages Wow I wonder if they will keep Elevator in the mix, love that song.
Damn.... too bad I had to leave comes a time to ge the car out... errrr.....
My fave : Two Souls in Communion - Spot on!!!!
My bro was trying to find a ticket for me at the show but it was futile. When the first set started, I was sitting at home trying to get the non-existent stream happening. In frustration, I left Berkeley for the city at 8:30, parked and looked for a ticket until about 10:00. There were still a few hundred people milling around looking for a miracle, so I decided to call it quits and go home. However, on my way back to my car, I saw this guy (a non-deadhead) pull two tickets out of an envelope. I asked him if he could sell me one and he sold it for $40! I got inside in plenty of time for the (awesome) second set.
The show was simply amazing. I'm so glad I made it in! I don't know how he does it but I hope Phil keeps playing well into his 80's and 90's!
Long Live Phil Lesh!
OK. more to come... off to the hot tub, my drink and then BED
random farazzled notes from an old head who survived the floor start to finish 40 ft back
such a fine assemblage of musicians from start to finish - phil's orkestra for seven-oh!
Bill walton on left side curtains after floats+b-day song - he was taller than top of curtain!
joe russo amazing in 2nd set ..saw molo in curtains playin along in the air , before he came on for set 3
... so much emotion in Phil's face for the last bar of unbroken chain ...
and yet he knew ..much more was coming!
loved the dancers for cream puff.. memories of the those phil-closing-warfield shows
'if i had my way':
I would like to have seen JK sings 'comes a time' instead of CR [ JK only had 1 lead vocal - Lzyriverroad ]
I thouth Chris was great on the pig tunes - nailed 2 souls, fine ez wind and the 'hard to handle' inside viola was of course a given.
but comes a time - ...well i won't second guess phil. jk sure ripped the solos in it .
a lot of history up there tonight. jackie stepped up alot - again maybe a bit 'competeing' against JK ?
...these are all slights in one***a-mazing nite***
phil felt our love fore sure ...at end he said his best b-day ever
That setlist is a practical joke, right?
I guess Phil's Birthday is the new New Years Eve.
>>>However, on my way back to my car, I saw this guy (a non-deadhead) pull two tickets out of an envelope. I asked him if he could sell me one and he sold it for $40! I got inside in plenty of time for the (awesome) second set.<<<
***Strangers stopping strangers, just to shake their hands....***
Great Story Joe!!!
Glad you got in!!!!
more set 3 pics:
St Stephen
Unbroken Chain
Comes A Time
Cream Puff War
Franklin's Tower
The Donor Rap
Just my 2 cents the morning after...
Mondo setlist, great vibes, everyone played very well, tight and loose at the same time. One thing that seemed curious lto me though, and maybe I am reading into it (folowing statement loaded w/ caveats), but it seemed as though Jackie played with everyone except John. I have seen him alot, and he would trade guitar licks with other he played, or paying off them, but He clearly never turned to him and always seemed to exclude him.
Did John possibily displace Jackie as lead for Furthur?
what a night! Phil, Chris and Jackie were on fire all night. Great sets, everyone was loose and having fun. the Molo/Russo combo for the 3rd set was awesome. They were getting into serious rhythms and just laughing and having a ball, really a joy to watch.
At first I thought it was gonna be too many guitars (with 3 or 4 at a time) but they made it work, Bob doing what do does with great fills and interesting playing, really liked his Hard Rain as well.
what can ya say about Phil? a treasure to watch at 70 and still rocking hard, top notch playing, it was nice to get to listen the the contrast between the Ritter and the Modulus. his voice is as strong as it's ever been, just really great stuff...
Thank you Phil for an excellent party, I cant wait for number 80!!!
Agreed that the competitive juices were flowing between jk and jackie last night. In my book it is not even a race. JK's guitar skills and mastery of the "garcia tyle" is what set's Furthur above all pasrt post dead line ups
Agreed that the competitive juices were flowing between jk and jackie last night. It made for some great jams. In my book it is not even a race. JK's guitar skills and mastery of the "garcia style" is what places Furthur above all past post-deaddeadline ups
Agreed that the competitive juices were flowing between jk and jackie last night. It made for some great jams. In my book it is not even a race. JK's guitar skills and mastery of the "garcia style" is what places Furthur above all past post-dead line ups
>>but it seemed as though Jackie played with everyone except John. I have seen him alot, and he would trade guitar licks with other he played, or paying off them, but He clearly never turned to him and always seemed to exclude him.
my view is the opposite... especially during the St Stephen jam, John and Jackie were playing off of each other here thru that whole jam. i felt John stepped up big time the whole night, something i didnt see in the shows i saw on this winter tour. its not that they have to look at each other, it more about the listening to each other, which i saw happening the whole night ....
no jk did not replace Jackie...........Jackie could not handle the lead guitar spot with this band.........
great show was an honor to be there for Phils 70th...........wasn't that a great acoustic set????????????????????????
Agreed. Jackie is a great all-around musician, but lead guitar is not his primary strength. That said, he's not a bad lead guitarist, especially on the more bluesy numbers where he can stay primarily in the 'pentatonic box'...
Now we can bring back the word EPIC ~ it sure as hell was...
WOW !! What a freakin and FREAK show that was last night. Definitely one of the Spaciest shows I have seen since 94.
What the hell happened during NFA? Someone told me there was a guy freaking out on the wrong side of the barrier on Phil's side. Is that true, or was Phil overwhelmed after we sang Happy Birthday???
Very interesting show... first off, I have to say that as an overall experience, I had a fantastic time. First and foremost, it was wonderful to share in celebrating the person that is Phil Lesh. What follows is a critique of the music that was played, and no the overall experience.
I had one of the better crowd experiences I have had in years at this show. I got in line around 4:00 and had a great time with the other folks in line. Also, the folks I was sitting near were very kind and quiet during the music.
So the music... first I will paint with broad brush strokes. My over all take on the flow of the music through the evening was that things started out extremely strong during the first set, but as the show wore on, Chris Robinson sort of wore out his welcome and started to be a momentum killer. Good music still happened throughout the show, but it seemed clear to me that the creative build from song to song could have been so much more fulfilling. It really struck me during New Speedway boogie that Chris was just singing the song without being connected to the song. This was true on most of the songs he sang lead for. His contribution to the harmony heavy songs (Brokedown and Attics) was phenomenal though.
It was also clear to me that Molo/Russo is the drumming wave of the future for this band. I could see how Molo's power and Russo's nimble dexterity could compliment each other real well if given a chance to develop a relationship. Molo also seemed to smooth out some of the areas where Russo has been problematic for me. I think Russo could learn a lot from Molo about how to serve the music better.
Set 1- Over all the best set by far...
Ripple- Very nicely done
Lazy River Road- Also nicely done if a bit flat. I would love to see these guys really nail this song.
Peggy-o- I was not too into the way Chris delivered the vocals on this one. There is something about how he deals with timing of his vocal delivery that kind of rubs me the wrong way. I think it is because the rhythmic lilt is different than what I am used to, which would be ok except that I would hope if a singer is going to change the rhythmic delivery of the vocals it would be to suit the type of emotional delivery they want to convey. As it was, it seemed off kilter and emotionally disconnected from the meaning of the music. It seemed to serve CR's pop persona more than the music itself.
Two Souls- This was very good. CR shined here (I seem to remember him shining on this way back when at the Warfield too). At the end when the backup vocals kicked in.. it was magic!
Brokedown- Just spectacular... one of the highlights of the show for me. Well delivered on all fronts. The vocals sounded just gorgeous!
Hard Rain- It was ok... I have seen Ratdog do much better versions. I would like to see them keep developing this one.
TLEO- Very nice... I could imagine this band doing better with it though.
Mountains Of The Moon- This was the absolute highlight of the show for me. This is one of my favorite songs of all time, and they did it justice last night. John did some real nice work during the jam with midi guitar stuff... just sublime. Furthur really is at it's best in the deeply psychedelic shit. John just seems to have an endless set of good musical ideas when it comes to the overtly face melting kind of stuff... Phil and Bob seem very ready to dive right into that shit too!! It is really cool. Part of what I have missed in Post GD music is the really creative deeply mind bending shit that goes beyond spacey noodeling. These guys really know how to play to the 5th dimension.
Attics- Absolutely stunning. I might guess that this was the strongest vocal performance of this song ever. Lush and beautiful. I was re reminded about how expertly authored those lyrics are too.
Set 2- The set where someones Irish kid brother got ahold of the drum set.
Scarlet- It was pretty good in many respects, but Russo's playing has a feel to it that just seems off enough to make the whole thing feel off kilter. It never felt like it was hitting the spot just right.
Minglewood- Well played, but I have to say, listening to the lyrics, I am left wondering.. Why do they play this song? I have always liked the musical lilt of this song, but truly it is a vile song.
Easy Wind- Well played. I am not sure who did the slide guitar or doboro solo, but it was real cool.
New Speedway Boogie- As mentioned above, this is where the seeming lack of genuine emotional delivery on the part of CR started to wear thin for me. Otherwise it was a nice version. The vocal jam at the end was cool. It also seemed that the guitar work but jackie and/or CR (not sure who it was) was throwing a off feeling into the mix (similar to how I experience the offness from Russo).
Viola- This was another deeply psychedelic melt fest. At first, i could feel Jackie and Chris wanted to make it another bluesy personality number, but John, Phil, and Bob managed to wrestle it into deep fairy transdimensional shit. Viola was definitely a highlight of the show for me (as it often is).
Caution- Meh... Chris Robinson mediocrity.
Hight Time- Meh... I would have preferred to hear John give it a whirl. John had a real cool tone going for the jam, but it felt a bit off kilter to me.
Hard To Handle- Totally lame... at this point CR was really wearing thin for me. It totally sucked the wind out of the sails of a greta viola hoagie sandwich to0.
Like A Rolling Stone... it was ok... the momentum had been sucked out of this set despite the great viloa/violas
Sugaree- Again... CR sang the song without any feeling I could relate to. John had an interesting new approach to the solo though. I really liked where he was going with it. It was kind of like Sugaree meets Pink Floyd. More lush and echoey than bluesy.... very cool.
Set 3- The set where Molo teaches Russo a thing or two. I take this set to be an audition (I hope). Though I liked jay lane on the kit in set one too. I think I prefer Lane on a kit rather than his whole percussionist thing.
NFA- Powerful and Fun... Happy B-day Phil!
Playin In The Band- I really liked this too... It had a genuine GD vibe to it. Nice and exploratory.
The Other One- Solid.. well played.
St Stephen- I remember thinking something was off with this one, but I can not remember why.
Elevator- I love this song, and this was a good version. It would be cool if they kept playing this one, but I suspect you need Molitz to make it work. Part of what was cool about it is that it seemed to ask the musicians to build intensity in ways that are different from what they normally do.
UBC- Unfortunately, this one felt a bit off to me. UBC needs a subtle touch to really take off. This one did not quite have the panache. I get the sense that JK is struggling with this song. I could be projecting, but I feel like I can hear John wanting so badly to get it right, I think he may be tensing to much with it. he needs to relax into the flow of the song a bit.
Comes A Time- I absolutely love this song, so it is strange how not connected I felt to this version. Again, the CR vocals did not do it for me. Just sing it like you mean it, or do not sing it at all! John again had an interesting guitar tone that reflected the one jerry used on the studio version. That was kind of cool, but the whole song felt off kilter.
Cream Puff War- This was totally awesome. Very well played, and loved the dancers!
Franklins- Pretty good... also stumbled a bit in parts wrangling with the Russo rhythmic sensibility. It seems like he is not really listening to the rest of the band a lot of the time. It is kind of frustrating. Coming into the last verse, it seemed clear that Phil wanted to really let things cool out going into that verse, but he just kept doing the energizer bunny thing. he seems to get trapped in his own inertia some times.
Johnny B Good- Fun and simple. I am amused the the double meaning of this song in the context of the band Furthur.
I liked how the show kind of had an anticlimactic end. The band just sort of wandered off stage.
It must be noted how well both Phil and bob have been playing. their musical skills are top notch right now. Rarely were any problems in the music due to their contribution. They seem rock solid.
Despite the Parts i found not so compelling, there was much amazing music to be had this evening, and most of all I felt honored to share in celebrating Phil's B-day.
...got an empthy cup...that only Phil can phil...
Did anyone see the streaker after the parade?
nice review Skullcap, thanks.
I am surprised Chris R sang so much to be honest.
Considering the other guys have been out playing on tour, sort of odd.
That said - when I saw PLF with Chris i thought his vocals were pretty darn good.
When i just saw Furthur, JK's vocals underwhelmed me. (of course his playing was out of the ballpark though) Everyone has their on & off nites though.
One more thing...there was the 'too much salami factor'. This is a concept I developed from buying salami sandwiches from small corner store deli's throughout San Francisco. I have noticed that many sandwich makers seem to think they are doing you a favor if they put three inches thick of slami in the sandwich. In reality though it is kind of gross. I prefer a reasonable salami to bread to lettuce to condiment ratio.
How does this relate to the music you ask? I think it is about knowing when to stop. I think that Furthur needs to watch out for the trap of thinking that an ecore that looks something like the following would always be desireable...
Help>Slip>Dark Star>Let it Grow>Dark Star>Franklins>Caution>Franklins
I think that part of what the late Jerome Garcia brought to this music that really helped to make it work was a sense of when enough is enough. If something is not working, move on.
Anothe robservation... it seems to me that if this band is to fulfil it's highest musical potential, John will need to be given more ability to lead the band. There have been multiple times when he plays his single note runs (what most refer to as solos), and comes to a natural conclusion creatively, but maybe Bob and/or Phil wants to keep th ejam going, so he has to come up with more stuff to play. That just seems backward. When he reaches his creative stopping point, th eband should move on IMHO.
Also, I think the other thing that would help this band fulfil their potential is if they culd get to the point where songs are being called on stage more than premeditated set lists.
Random thoughts- The show was good to great. Skulls review is just a bit off in that Jackie sang lead on Speedway, just to be clear. Glad that CR got a lot to sing as he is best singer on the stage, but I did want JK to sing at least one of the bigger Jerry tunes, especially Comes a Time, which I did feel CR didn't really know. However, the other tunes he did sing he did a great job on. Also, I have seen Unbroken Chain 3 times now with JK and he just can't really hang. Listen to a version with Larry Campbell and listen to last night and you'll hear the difference. There was some great guitar work from JK and JG, but I would have preferred to hear less JG on lead. I think it through off JK on some songs and overall made for a less than epic night of lead guitar. They both can play, but neither are of the class where trading leads is going to do that much for me. (again, see Larry Campbell). I think that if JG was on stage less- like when he wasn't singing leads, it would have opened up JK more and he would have taken off.
However, the show did jam and had so many hightlights. The hot jams were hot- St. Stephen, Cream Puff, Franklin's, Two Souls, New Speedway, the second Viola Jam into Hard to Handle- all very hot. The first set was a gem- nice acoustic numbers. Only song I wasn't that into was Mountains, but this song has never done much for me. I was happy it was early as I would have fallen asleep if they played it in the third set.
Speaking of the third set, while I might complain about some lacking lead guitar, seeing Molo there more than made up for it. He sounded great with Russo and Phil was LOVING having him back there. I think Russo is good, but I really miss Molo on drums for sure.
Even thought CR and JG could have spent less time on stage- a set of just Furthur would have been great- I did like the idea that they were more or less a band for the night, instead of a lot of coming and going. Less distracting and a good idea even if it didn't always work musically.
Overall, a really fun night. Good vibes for sure, really crowded with a lot of younger folks, which I was happy to see and really couldn't have asked for a better setlist. Wanted a Slipknot with Molo, but had never seen Cream Puff and the transition to Franklin's was spot on and really fun.
I think they had to be done by 2:00 as the encore was really short and they walked off right at 2- just a guess, but seems to make sense.
Gentle Jack Jones, I appreciate the depth and endeavor of your post. And I gotta say my man, you and I were in different, albeit parallel, universes.
John's playing on New Speedway bit into my marrow, he was FULLY engaged with Jerry's spirit IMO.
The transition into UBC was phenomenal, like being inside of a Tesla carburetor during a downshift into perfection.. come on man! This was Phil's 70th dang b-day party! The man gets to play what he wants and he gave us his sweetest spot. It was loopy and broken and put back together and totally cohesive the whole time.. the St.Steven has some blockbuster rock and roll... no messing around, just huge delivery.... I love most of this show, and I agree with most of your first set assessemnt... by the way Molo rules! - Phil thank you for being so elegant! I am reminded of those first notes of the Dark Star breakout encore Friday at the Greek in 1984... Blessed BE!
Oh, forgot to comment on "Elevator". Damn hot, loved hearing something "undead". It was epic.
>>>>John's playing on New Speedway bit into my marrow, he was FULLY engaged with Jerry's spirit IMO.
Now that you mention it, I do remember his guitar work on that song being pretty stunning. I think that when I was complaining about the vocal delivery, it was more about how it took some of the steam out of the building of momentum within songs and between songs. There were very good elements to most of what was played last night though IMO.
What impacts me more than anything else the whole night, was Phil's beaming ear to ear smile all night long... This is one happy man and he should be.
This night was not just about the music, but overcoming two major health conditions that nearly took him and continuing to play music and enjoy his life with a beautiful wife, 2 great kids, and us fellow bus riders! God Bless you Phil~
I liked Chris Robinson in the 1st set, and on some of the Pigpen songs. Easy Wind and Two Souls In Communion were very good. The rest of the time he just got in the way. i would have preferred mush less CR, perhaps 3 or 4 songs. He sings well, but damn he was hamming it up too much in the 2nd set, with some weak raps, self indulgent wankery. Just too much Chris Robinson & Friends for my taste. It didn't flow well.
Jackie Greene, similar thoughts. 1st set he was great, and I like his singing, but the rest of the show he just got in the way. His redundant guitar riffs were ringing in my ears and bugging me. I think the music would have flowed better if Jackie was not on stage the whole time cluttering up the sound and taking away opportunities for John K to rip it up.
Overall, it was a great night with a lot of inspiring and well played music. i had a fun time, but as expected there were flaws and limitations and a clusterfuck of guitars. More like Friends and Furthur. The parts of the show which I did not care for did not in any way make it a bad show. Not even $14 beers, lack of decent food, and the parking garage lame 2am closing could spoil this one. I had to leave at 1:50 during Franklin's Tower to get my car. Perhaps they could have started on time or kept those "short" breaks a little shorter. The 1st mostly-acoustic set alone was worth the price of admission. I teared up during Brokedown Palace! The 3rd set segment of Playin, St Stephen, Other One, Unbroken Chain, Elevator was equally awesome!
Happy Birthday Phil. What a wonderful way for us all to celebrate. Happy indeed. However, I am looking forward to a near-future bay area show to be just a regular show with 2 sets of Furthur with no guests.
Yeahs Man! I was hoping for John to sing on those deeper Jer tunes too... I did love Chris on Two Souls and I he produced a few world class rock screams, (I think during THTH) :-) - The more I reflect back on this show, the more I feel that the band kept giving and giving and yes, although there were some missed moments, Bobby got lost just before Rolling Stone (I thought he wanted to take it into Desolation Row... but I was probably distracted by the 24-yr old dancing next to me :-) (thank Gods of music) So where was I? Oh yeah the set breaks were freakin' excruciating, why did that have to happen? I can see if Jerry and Phil needed to do lines in the shape of the state of Texas, but these days...what could have taken 40 minutes, were the spanakopitas frozen or something? Anyway, gave us a good chance to meet our neighbors and sample some of Sonoma's finest Snowcap. I love Viola Lee Blues, but those harmonies in the first set.. come on. A show that opens with the sweetness of Ripple, has got to be worthy of Phil's birthday... and it way. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL you sounded GREAT!
RE: CR..."The rest of the time he just got in the way."
He was always intimidated, dazed, confused, and outskilled in every way when he was with PL&F. When he picks up the guitar to play with these fellas, you wish you could change the channel because its embarrassing enough to embarrass even the audience. Phil obviously likes him, so thats cool. Seeing his name all over these set lists makes me not so envious of those who were there.
"Jackie Greene, similar thoughts...His redundant guitar riffs were ringing in my ears and bugging me."
Jackie has the soul and feel for the vocals of this music ONLY. He's as good as they've found outside the core group. I think he wore thin on Phil in PL&F because his over-the-top enthusiasm (which is cool to see) made him over-confident with his guitar playing, which is greatly lacking for this type of music. Guitar wise, he gets in the way of everyone else and jerks the flow.
Great show overall. Loved it and did not go away disappointed at all. First set made it for me.
Loved the 2 souls - Interesting why CR was singing it. i could never imagine anyone by Pig singing this, but Chris was spot on.. Soul with a CAPITAL S
>>> Viola- This was another deeply psychedelic melt fest.
I agree, It was great , but after the double cheesburger effect, I was not following well. Then it turned into a triple cheese and was lost. It's beginning to lose its charm a bit. I like surprise and it was not. It was a sure bet that we were gonna see it last night. Called it.
Brokedown. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Nice to hear it and in the first set, it was different.
Jackie gets kudos. Nice job and it was sweet to hear him sing. I kinda lost the guitar in the mix.
>>>Elevator- I love this song, and this was a good version. It would be cool if they kept playing this one, but I suspect you need Molitz to make it work.
Excellent. i agree totally. That's why i love Particle. Brings you into that space you need
Ending note: It was awesome to see many Zoners last night. Orka and Redneck and Mylar... sweet and yes, we need to get up to Sacto to see you guys. Loved it when partying NYE's and loved the vibe totally!!! it was nice to finally meet you (O and R). central valley Zoners Rock
Ro-j, thanks for the hug! Hope your flight went well and that you are okay. Finally, i get to see ya! I saw both Rev's , but didn't get to say hi.
Of course, it was great to see the Bay Area Zoners as well. Always and thanks to all of you that I did see. Great to see you Peak , doing what you do best! Been a while!
Thanks for hugs Turtle and Timmy. Looking good guys...
Betsy, crazy huh? Never did get to meet up and not making it to Manics tonight (for many reasons)... errrr. Hugs to you for the many attempts to say Hi. Hope your trip home will safe and sane
Bros from other Mothers, Love you forever. Glad that we finally got your tixs Thanks Marc!!!
Lance, you are too funny, but you are right.
Its a deadhead thing .
Finally, many thanks to Taper Rob, for bringing this to everyone to enjoy. (((TR))
Be well folks. This goes down as a fantastic night. Love to all, no exceptions.
A GRand MERCI to Taper Rob,, You da Man!!! thanks for your pics and streams,,, for all of us who couldn't be there,,,its soo nice to listen to this show a few hours later,,,in France!!!! I'm amazed!!!!
CR was great-brought a lot of good spirit to the stage, the beginning of the caution jam was outstanding
not so sure jay lane was out there the entire 2nd set as the setlist suggests...but i c/b mistaken
sound was as good as ive heard in BGCC over 7 or 8 shows there
An inense evening of muscular GD music. Loud rock and roll, played with focus and intensity. This was a high-energy show, not an introspective evening of Americana-infused guitar music, but a full-steam-ahead damn-the-torpedoes dance party! It wasn't played to pristine perfection, there were several moments of confusion, but they made all the right connections in the right places and delivered a real good time. OK, I'll stop ripping off lyrics.
Some people don't care for Chris Robinson, but he can actually sing from his whole body, not just through his mouth like most of the Furthur vocalists, and that made the music feel more urgent, added weight and direction to the sometimes, oftentimes lackluster singing of the ensemble. And let's be clear, Bobby doesn't sound like did as a younger man, if you get my drift. But he can still spit.
Phil is always my hero for the night, no matter what band he's in. In addition, last night was driven by Joe Russo. He's really found his groove with this band. 2nd set he was the only drummer, and he played side by side with Molo in the 3rd, but man, can he drive a beat. Watch out Molo, I love you man, you are my favorite drummer, but there's this redheaded kid next to you giving you a serious run for your money.
Random thoughts:
The place was packed, totally sold out, elbow room in the balcony.
Why do I keep paying $9 for a beer? Because I love beer.
During the NFA at the beginning of Set 3, Phil is looking across the stage at Jackie or JK, and Robby Taylor walks out and taps Phil on the elbow and gives him the thumbs up. The band wound it up and walked off for about 5 minutes or less. Kind of strange. Play one tune and walk off? Maybe Robby was telling Phil that his latte was ready.
Unbroken Chain was enormous, one of the most jammed-out ever. Correct me if I'm wrong.
During Minglewood, i was doused (not dosed) with someone's drink. "couple more shots of whiskey"...turns out, I was showered with whiskey. Funny. There are no coincidences.
was it my imagination, or was there less pot smoke in the air? I was in the balcony, I could see the stage clearly.
The sound was so detailed, not exactly crisp (that's the Civic Aud.) but every instrument was clearly audible in the mix, and the drums sounded fantastic! Round and full, powerful but with their own place in the mix. I was directly on-axis of the Meyer Milo line array, in the balcony on Phil's side, and i thought Derek did a fantastic job. Thanks, Derek, you are the best engineer I have heard mixing a Dead project, better than Dan Healy, who had an annoying habit of burying Phil's bass in the mix.
Anybody know what Mountain Aire is all about?
I'll be the voice of dissent and say that I didn't really like the 1st set. It was well played but they started 40 minutes late and that place was jammed in and READY when they finally came out. Plus, while I have no real issues with that venue for R&R, it is definitely NOT a good place for a full acoustic set.
Personally I was ready to rock when they came on and I got flat early in that set and lost my focus, and I couldn't get much into it.
For me a much shorter acoustic set, or actually starting on time would have worked much better, especially since they knew they were going to go long.
Someone who saw the set list for the 3rd set told me they changed/dropped some songs. I would have been fine with half an hour less acoustic at the start and more electric RAGING at the end.
But that's just me.
last nights show was smoking...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL...contrary to popular opinion i LOVED CR AND JG they truly added to the celebration, hot as hell, these guys sounded like they have been playing together forever. it was a honor to be there for phils 70th.... yes to organ donners, everyone should sign up to be one. jk you were very gracious, we missed your beautiful voice and look forword to hearing it soon. you guys gottta play more here on the left coast... FOX THEATHE, GG PARK, MARIN CIVIC CENTER..... we LOVE YOU.........
>>"not so sure jay lane was out there the entire 2nd set as the setlist suggests...but i c/b mistaken"
Jay only played the first set; second set was handled by Russo alone. In fact, Lane watched the second set from the board area (right near Bill Walton). Kind of curious he only played on the acoustic set.
First post of last nights show now up on bt.etree.
can you add the link please & thanks!
in the attics of my life...... beautiful just beautiful, to see jk, jg, bw,cr, and pl all singing in a row..... just beautiful... thank-you
on archive!!
http://www.archive.org/details/furthur2010-03-12.f lac16
Walker Chewgum: "was it my imagination, or was there less pot smoke in the air? I was in the balcony, I could see the stage clearly.
Hey Nasty, were we at the same show?!!!
looks like fun
but now it's official...
3/3 was the best show-
looking forward to summer
http://www.archive.org/details/furthur2010-03-12.f lac16
But couldn't they have let JK sing Comes a time? Slow and sweet?
What where the Top 3 Winter Tour Shows?
I just listened to this show and it doesn't make my cut, good...not great....what you got?
2nd night Chicago. Just listen to it 3 times. :-)
I only saw Atlanta, which was great in part because that's the one I saw. I have listened to all or significant parts of most of them, though, and my vote based on what I've heard so far would be: 1) 2d night Chicago; 2) 2d night Radio City; and 3) 2d night Denver. Just imho.
I saw Hampton > Bethlehem and the Fairfax show on 2/13 was my favorite.
I'd say top 5
1) night 2 Chicag0
2) Night 2 Radio City
3) Barton Hall
4) night 2 Denver
5) Tie btwn Fairfax & Portland
ooops, thats 6!
Hey Now Phil and Friends-
Thank you for a REAL GOOD TIME! Epic, classic, wonderful show. Hope you had as much fun as we did! Happy Bday and MANY more!
Peace, Love, Music-
Chief and Maurine
Wow just got back from the hospital (nothing serious) and listened to this whole show twice. Was having a blast listening and reading the reviews. I really love this stuff, as I'm sure you all know Phil does too. I mean the changing it up and trying different things and going for it and crashing and burning or shining that beam of light across to the next galaxy. It's music, the GD had some off nights too, but that's what made them better musicians. It's having fun and saying f*ck it you know.
Ok, so few comments, yes I love CR on some songs and his voice and vocals are amazing, but lacking in justice to some songs in tone or presentation (he cooks, great musician!). JK, wow, this was a learning experience, and I really think it was like a crash course on how to make improvisation work for him....let's face it he's damn good, but I think Phil and Bob are "training" him for the summer tour. MOLO phenominal! JG, SM....I love the fresh things that Phil and Friends players/musicians bring to the table great stuff. It was an experimental great night of basically just fun jamming where they weren't restricted and free to experiment and not "have to come up big home run" the way PHIL wanted it for his Birthday. Being at home (SF) it was the perfect place to do it.
SO Long winded as this is, I still haven't given my review on Chicago night 2 or 1. Which I was waiting for the soundboards to really do it justice. Being there, I heard and danced so much it rolled up into one. SO to bring more incite, I usually wait.
Happy Bday PHIL!!!!!!!
1.Chicago night 2
3.Opening night in FLORIDA! although Barton comes close
I loved every single note you guys played,definetily got my $51.50 worth. They played from 8pm until 2am,what more can you ask for? God Bless You Phil Lesh,I love you from the bottom of my heart,Happy Birthday! Thanks for playing The Civic,the sound in the center of the wheelchair ramp was perfect,please don't ever stop playing,see you at Mountain Aire,love BruceEdwardWeber(eddieboy)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PS GREAT SONG SELECTION AND GREAT MUSICIANS!THANKS!!!!
Were there tapers ?
nevermind, wake n bake ...
Had a great time, but all in all way to much Chris Robinson for my taste...Either way, it was a hell of a party and I had a blast!!
Lets see what does Furthur and Friends mean........
NOT FURTHUR.............crybabies.......
Random thoughts. I was a bit under the weather so completely sober.
The place was a powder keg ready to explode when they started into ripple and lazy river road. Really seemed to throw the crowd for a loop. And to close with Attics seemed like an odd choice. Counter to everyone else I thought Attics was fine but there were some really bad notes in there. Hard rain was really mellow and didn't have the drive that the song was written as. Bobby step up!!! Chris for me shined in the first set. Giving it good energy but where were the boogie tunes?
Second set: Russo is a beast. Like thumper. I really dug the shift and the second set felt good to have such a rockin vibe to it. Scarlet and Speedway really stood out. Ironically I had wished for more CR in the second set but when I got it I was dissapointed I didn't get more Jackie and John. Go figure.
I think there was a thread on this a few weeks or months ago but the Viola sandwhich doesn't work for me. The excitement of going in and out of songs are the transitions but the problem I've always had with post jerry transitions is that they suck. The songs were good but the transitions were either pure space or a complete drop down in tempo and start up. I would have been much happier with a big fat Viola.
I've heard that bob was getting frustrated through the night but I couldn't see it from where I was.
Overall I was very happy. Good mix of songs I hadn't heard in years and mostly well played.
I had a great time, thought the first set was GREAT.....Ya gotta take as they dish it or your gonna be let down...........
I don't think they were trying to hit the grand slam....just wanted a ground rule double. Ball going over the fence but on a bounce.........It is hard to hit a grand slam when there are rookies on the team..............I got what I expected......a Great Birthday celebration with some great music mixed in
This show was kind of all over the place, but at 3 sets and 6 hours, and epic blast any way you slice it. It did not have the smooth flow of the straight-up cosmic barnburner that was NYE, which I thought was just about a perfect show. But when you have guests, the enegery will ebb and flow more...
Agree w/ the person who wondered if the Civ is the place for a full acoustic set, but opening w/ Ripple was great, Two Souls was sensational, amd Mts of the Moon and Attics were both superbly psychedelic and sublime.
2nd set - can't believe someone said Hard to Handle was lame, this was SMOKING! Easy Wind and Speedway were good, Viola was best for Phil's jamming, Minglewood was rocking, it was all good, but the energy in the set kept going up and down, not like 2nd set of NYE was just pure kind... But this Hard to Handle was a real keeper. I especially liked it since it connected to seeing the Black Crowes for my 40th birthday show in Phoenix this past October.
The setbreaks were really long. But my back was hurting and it was good to sit down, and Phil is 30 years older than me, so I can't begrudge him to take as long a break as he needs!
Like A Rolling Stone had a great crowd singalong, and I liked CR here a lot. Sugaree is never gonna be my choice to close a set, but it was well played...
3rd set, very strange when they exited after the NFA... wtf happened there?
OTHER ONE had sick sick Phil bombs, but Bobby seemed a little out of it? St. Stephen I think I've heard a few too many times in this slot... Elevator jammed, but a strange choice, even w/ Mollitz...
Unbroken Chain was d4esperately wanted, and Phil was great on it, but I agree w/ those who said JK doesn't seem to really be tuning into it, because his playing was kinda subpar here, preventing it from being a next level version like say 6/30/01, 10/29-30/05, or 7/14/06, or 5/18/08...
Comes a Time was a beaut... Cream Puff was fantastic, great throwback to the classic 5/13/08 show... and the change into Franklin's was so tight, this was what there had not been enough of, the energy level was really pumping here...
Johnny B. Goode was not the encore I was looking for, woulda like to hear Box or any song that Phil sings...
Overall, a very fun show, definitely an epic, but not sure if it's an alltime classic...
Older head here who wanted to add my two cents, just for fun. I saw the two NYE shows and followed the rehearsals and tour from my desktop via the Philzone (with a Sincere Thanks to All who made that possible! It was a blast!)
We got a bit of a late start, hit heavy rain and got slowed by traffic - but hit the city just in time to score an unbelievable parking spot, checked in and, with no rain in sight, walked to the show just in time to score great seats.
The slow pace of the first set was pure earcandy for me. When was the last time any of us saw a family style acoustic type opener? It was like a Sunday afternoon, hanging in your living room with your friends. Just singing and playing, having fun. It was a nice change of pace, and I knew that it meant a long night of music. The set was so sweet, and seemed very special to me. A Ripple opener and an Attics closer? C'mon! How sweet is that?
(by the way - if you were one of people I told to 'hang up and shut up' during Ripple, or someone I scolded for talking through Attics, I sort of apologize. Sort of. I did not mean to be rude, but on the other hand, did not pay for a ticket to listen to you babble. Especially during a beautiful and heartfelt Attics!)
That first set will always be special to me, it just had a nice family feel to it. And the second set simply rocked.
Although I have been known to heckle him, I have to say I thought Bob gave us some Amazing guitar work. It took me a few years to hear just how much Bobby brings to the music (!) and I thought his playing was superb all night long. It isn't easy playing with four guitars on stage, and I thought he played brilliantly. With wit even.
Jackie and John blazed. Jackie was all melody and harmony on the mandolin in the first set, and then picked up his Tele for the second set and rocked it up a big notch. It seemed to me that Jackie came out for the second set like a modern day gunslinger, and I thought John stood up very well. And blazed away right back. I understand the necks of both guitars were seen still smoldering after the show.
Steve and Chris both brought heart to the mix. I agree with others who thought a bit less of CR's vocals would have been a good thing. Specifically I was waiting to see if it would be Bob or Jackie to step into that Sugaree, and fully expected John to take Comes a Time. Chris did okay with both tunes - but I did not go to see Chris sing. That being said - his take on 2 Souls in Communion was simply beautiful. The man has a great set of pipes, and it was a pleasure to watch him help Phil celebrate.
The "Not Fade/Happy Birthday Parade was a blast. Especially funny to see the floats stuck on the floor! Playin' had an old, deep feeling to it (at least to my ears) and I always love that big climb&drop into The Other One. And it was a good one! Is it even legal to play the bass that well?
I know some folks around me seemed bummed at the St. Stephen - I don't know why. I'd have to hear that song several hundred more times before it got stale. And the jam back into The Other 1 made me smile.
Elevator was both unexpected and much fun! These guys all seemed to be having a great time jamming with eachother, and it made for some great dancing music. I thought they all were rocking. Jeff did a killer job on keys all night, and the jams he shared with Steve were top shelf displays of fun musicianship. Just great stuff. In my opinion, of course.
UBC seems to be the "did you see what I saw" moment of the night. Personally I thought John saved the song. Phil was all over it, but I thought it was John that focused it into the song it is supposed to be. Bobby and Jeff were on a great groove and did some wonderful work here, but I thought it was John that made the song. His leads in this song and again in Comes a Time were fantastic. Especially in Comes a Time. Again, I really expected John to take the vocals on that one and was surprised to hear CR step out. Still, I thought John ripped it with all the heart the song asks for. Brought a tear to my eye he did. Even as I laughed and danced.
Cream Puff was a hilarious moment that turned into a rocking jam, and the Franklin's brought it all home again nicely. The JBGoode encore was solid enough, although it was late enough that just about everybody was already done rocking for the night!
It was a fun party and we were glad to be there. We were lucky enough to see Phil's 60th with Robbin Ford and the Lil'Feat boys, had a much better time at this one, and will be looking forward to seeing who is there for his 80th.
Happy Birthday Phil! Thank you Furthur! It is always a pleasure seeing you, and we are looking forward to the next time.
::::We were lucky enough to see Phil's 60th ... and will be looking forward to seeing who is there for his 80th.:::
From your lips to God's ears....
This world NEEDS to see Phil Lesh's 80th Birthday party!
I thought this was one of the best shows I've ever seen, if not the best. It had a lot going for it, not the least of which was the party atmosphere surrounding Phil's 70th. Sure, not perfect; but in terms of overall experience.... pretty hard to beat.
Super packed up front, way more crowded than NY's. It was like Phil's favorite songs all night long. Bob and John did no heavy lifting, thanks to CR and Jackie. John was a bit lost in the mix for me (but the Civic sounded better than ever), and stuck out to the side like he was, it was easy to see how Jackie appeared to be stepping on his leads.
A bit too much CR for sure, a crime John didn't sing Comes a Time. The thing about CR was, he was great, but I got the impression they hadn't had much time together to run through the material recently. His cadence was off from the band's at times.
Small quibbles. This show was freakin' long, and the set list was drool worthy. Simple as that. Maybe you had to be there, (yeah, I know all shows are like that)
I will say that the first set was perfect. Set the tone nicely. I will also say that the second set was near perfect (just not that into Sugaree, we all have our demons), and the third set was incendiary. Count me among the ones who like the direction that UBC went. All those third set songs were heavily jammed out, and jammed well. Cream Puff War>Franklins? I was howlin' like a hippie.
This was one of those shows that years from now I'll be glad to say I was at. Not a typical show at all, credit Phil for sticking to a lineup rather than running people on and off stage. He was fully in his element. This was no simple Furthur show, or even Phil and Friends, it was a celebration of the life of the best damn bassist in the world.
check out my review at
http://lightsnoeyecansee.blogspot.com/2010/03/happ y-birthday-phil.html
videos coming soon.
A wonderful night of music, to be sure. I feel so lucky to have experienced this one. And the SBDs bear witness to my testimony. Go download this show, my friends, it's well worth a listen or three.
had a great night , took me about 4 hours to find a ticket . but i did , thanks fellow zoners for the confidence. glad i got to share it with phil and all of you.
Flew out from the East Coast for Phil's B-day...Great SF vibe...Incredibly beautiful acoustic first set...
Hot second set, but I will say that there was too much Chris Robinson...He is extremely talented, but he sang way too many songs...
After seeing the Epic Radio City second night, I was hoping for more of JK's Jerry vocals...
Overall, the night was fantastic, but it was really good music, not a "Dead" show, which would have taken it over the top...Chris R singing "Comes A Time"....WHY???
(And for those of you out there who haven't heard the Radio City show from the 24th, do yourselves a favor...you'll be glad you did!
I have to agree with Big Bob...great SF vibe, great music, too much Chris Robinson!!! Still gr8ful I was there for Phils 70th tho. 1st set was definately the highlight for me.
Love and Light~
Random question:
Does anyone have an extra ticket stub from the bday show I could have? My wallet was stolen last week and I still had my stub in it.... This show did mean a lot to me and I would love to still have that memory...
If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated...!
email at kyle.lindgren@hyatt.com