Please send us updates! Happy Spring Tour!
On the road again...
So where is the setlist? I'm here looking for it even before my morning cup of java. Lazy bastards!
Still nothing. Either those folks were bored to death or it was such a great show they were left speechless. Slackers!!
Good morning, looks like a nice day for a dead show. Hope to be in the lot my noon and enjoyin the gathering. Happy Easter
Shit; guess I'm a day off. Back to sleep.
have phun all that goes.
will they open with Money Money ??
here comes sunshine opener?
will they open with Money Money ??
thats HILARIOUS!!!!!!
karan wud be a better selection than warren.
warren is a slut!
Warren is the hardest working man in music. I love him with the dead, he knows what to play, and he knows what not to play. he's not one of these lead guitarists like Trey Anastasio that just bombard you with notes during EVERY song.
What is showtime?
As far as guitarists, Kimock would be the best with Barraco on Keys....Barraco can sing, so nothing would be lost with Kimock's lack of vocals......Unfortunately, Jill burned that bridge and showed such disrespect towards Kimock and his gear,
where is that picture of the guy beating the dead horse that has Kimocks face......
Barracco has a full time job with a dead cover band.....
the stage is empty.... for now.
This is exciting.
who is doing sound candace doing lights??
Barry Sless is the answer.(sless+haynes)or just warren, whatever.
wow--- on time?
i'da been late ;)
its filling up
you want Sless to do lighting ?
Is he tall enough to reach the switches ?
(just ribbing ya Barry)
but yeah...Sless rips
as does Warren, Larry C. , Jimmy, etc..
it's all goooood!
Enjoy your night taperrob...thanks for sharing set up.
thanks again rob, and again, and again...
thanks Rob
Thank you Rob!!
Taper Robs da bomb as always! Thanks from ALL of us @ home! We will be hangn on your every post of course!!! Your the best! XOXOXOXOXOXO
LTGTR is my guess... Thanks TRob for the updates and photos
jam > music never stopped
that's what i've picked up from the live chat
Music Never Stopped
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Amazing. It never did stop,,,
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Jack Straw
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet
WOW!! What is this, Bob Weir and Friends. GAWDDAM, get it BOBBY!!! Awesome opening trio
Bob still does Bob songs? I'm amazed!
How was Bobby with the vocals on Estimated? Did he go when the band went or did he do "the pause"?
He gets tired and has to get his best in before he gets cranky... but he does a mean desolation row when hes mad!!!
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone
whos sing'n?
Old men sing about their dreams.
Dug for him a shallow grave
And layed his body down
And you will follow me,
And we will ride to glory
Nothing left to do but
smile, smile, smile
Roller Derby Queen
Nothings gonna bring him back!
Thanks so much for the updates !
How are they sounding??!?
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Bobby vox on all except for the Jerry verses of Jack Straw
(Jerry verses sung by Phil)
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey
{{{ Jerry In Spirit }}}
Have they used those lights yet? Huge lighting truss but nothing special....yet.
Good pic of lights edeadblog-photo-of-the-dead-in-greensboro
Surely that's set?
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey
I Need A Miracle
Thanks for the updates
woo hoo and all that !!!
Thanks Rippy. Nothing special lighting wise for such a high priced ticket show...
Excellent. Looks good on "paper". Thanks for the updates. I'm on a bus between DC and NYC following this on my Blackberry. Currently stuck in traffic on the NJ Turnpike and this is saving my sanity!
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey
I Need A Miracle>
Set lists looks great and the lighting I think looks cool. Phil's got to sing Box of Rain tonight!
Does he sing "All her friends can say/is ain't it a shame or /it's a fucking shame?
does it matter? Did it now?
The shoe is on the hand it fits
There's really nothing much to it
Can't get around and I can't run away
I need a miracle every day
Takes time - you pick a place to go
and just keep Truckin on
How about a review of the quality and the sound?
Do they sound like they are worth $100?
This looks killer. I'd much rather be there than stuck btwn exits 6 and 7 on the Turnpike! Second set should be epic.
Reports from Taper Rob in chat are not sounding good. "An overglorified Ratdog show... slow tempos, Ratdog arrangements... almost all Bobby vox... 2 Warren verses in Touch, Phil had Jerry verses in Jack Straw..."
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
uh oh...
Fellas, in their defense about this whole ticket-price deal, I'd like to point out that the Allmans charge 150 at the beacon, and that most other arena acts charge a lot more than a 100 bucks. second, three of these guys pull 60-dollar tickets just on their own name. Third, who gives a shit how much the ticket costs?
Taper Rob did enjoy NYC, as did I, so lets not drive the bus off the cliff just yet
I'd rather be in the house in Greensboro than sitting in my living room getting 2nd hand reports online.
Phil, Bob, Bill and Mickey are on stage playing music together. I hope it's a good party, 'cause it's better than the average Sunday night !
And I would much rather be where the boys are playing than just about anywhere. You take the good with the bad and yes, please stop moaning about the tickets.
i just got a report estimated a little off-more warrens fault then anyone..but the rest of it was SMOKIN' ..really good report from my bro..and he is a very experienced long time head...
the scene is fun, open nuggin, minimal security..lots of smiling people rocking...great music fun setlist..
Get over the tix prices. If you aren't going fine that's your scene, the ones that are going excellent, for those that are going we are going to have fun and I'm not bitching about the tix prices, it is what it is and this is now so enjoy . I know I am going to enjoy the PHilly shows
>>>Third, who gives a shit how much the ticket costs?<<<
I do, but not because I'm convinced they don't deserve it or are moneygrubbers; but because they price me write out of seeing more than 1 or 2 shows. It's not that I'm greedy, either. If they're pricing people like me out of their shows, then who is going? And I happen to believe in this case, like in many others, that they'd make MORE money if the tickets were lower and the venues were closer to selling out. They, and the promoters, are gambling on us, and I don't appreciate it. Instead of taking the "premium" approach, I think EVERYONE would've been better served by a "volume" approach. Fill the seats. Make your money that way.
who's got my stream? trob where's that cell phone?
Sound lover, when you sell out MSG, there's not much more seats that you can fill
i'm glad they've chosen to make the set heavily laden with original bob weir material. would always rather hear bob sing bob than bob sing jerry. what they really need to do now though is get warren a whole bunch of songs (perhaps jerry's)to sing lead on. but so far so good. can't wait to see how the 2nd set goes...........
I enjoyed nyc too. I am seeing Albany, Woosta x 2 & MSG, hoping for some good reviews. I had no problem paying $100 after seeing ACDC paying 110 a ticket (after fees) and they play for less than 2 hours.
my sister doesnt even know what she is dancing to. but i know she is having a good time so whatever. to all the people bitchin about prices: dont go sissy pants. then download it and wish u went. right now is where it is at. cant wait for albany and worcester. thanks taper rob.
and that's another thing! they play for three hours!
anyone know what the hell I'm listening to when I clicked on the Live Stream Live 365? I'm hearing Dark Star...???
>>>>>i just got a report estimated a little off-more warrens fault then anyone..but the rest of it was SMOKIN' ..really good report from my bro..and he is a very experienced long time head...
Now that is the ticket. Is it me or does anyone else think Albany will be HUGE!
TaperRob said in chat he might not stream--show is lackluster ,ratdogish
So anyway, how's set break? good?
but because they price me write out of seeing more than 1 or 2 shows>>
dude, check ebay. I dont know how it is for other shows, but the show in DC at the Verizon center is SO cheap. scalpers are getting destroyed... it's amazing.
Set 1 Streaming Now
Thanks TaperRob ~ your the Best
tick prices are not that bad. my buddy got 10th row for worcester, center floor section for 125 a piece and face value is nearly that.
>>>dont go sissy pants<<<
Are you always an asshole like this, or is this a special occasion?
I'm not all that bothered by the prices, but if people want to bring up the issue (the people who claim they don't care bring it up as often as the people who are pissed off about it), then I'll be genuine about it and say I do indeed have a gut reaction to the numbers when I see them, regardless of who it is. THE STATION IS CURRENTLY FULL
Buy A Premium Membership To Listen Now
whats up with that???? spend more $$$$$
acdc was a great show very loud
Enough with the enjoyment value proposition bullshit. The shows cost $100. You buy one if you want to see the band and can afford to. I paid $7.50 back in the day and did so because I wanted to see the band and that's what it cost. Did they deliver every night over those 17 years? Nope. But it was never in terms of what % of the ticket price I received back in entertainment value.
It costs what it does, you make a choice.
I think it's sad if folks come out of the show and consider what they just experienced and have this to share:
"It was a pretty good show, but I think it was only worth around $60.00...tops."
There are more compelling questions to ask after a show, IMO.
Oh, and there's the fact that you will get 2 responses from this poll: yes and no. The level of detail and passion with which these two positions are articulated will vary, but the results will ultimately be divided. What is your question worth now? You decide- likely between these factions of total strangers- who you side with.
What's the point?
Just go and enjoy- or not enjoy- the music (and scene at large...that does matter to me) based on your expectations. You're going into it with more than $$ at stake. Let's expect it to be good because they have the ability to be (I hope, still, in this incarnation) and have delivered in various forms throughout the years.
But enough about the $$, please, it's getting really boring.
"what they really need to do now though is get warren a whole bunch of songs"
This is not Gov't Mule or the ABB. It's The Dead and as such you've got to accept that Warren Haynes is just a sideman. Look for Bob and Phil to sing most of the Dead tunes.
And I think that ticket price does matter in these economic times.
agreed...and yes it is a special occasion...set 2?
Let Warren play!
umm... i believe i said get him a bunch of jerry songs. if bob does all the singing except for a few phil numbers here & there, there will be a whole lot of unhappy campers. he's there -- use him vocally more.
Warren did sing a fair amount in 04. He's a dead ringer for Brent, I'd love to hear some Brent tunes
Just A Little Light? Maybe Tons of Steel. Let's diversify here
people giving away tixx outside tonights show..extras everywhere..
scalpers are gonna get destroyed this tour.
Good, scalpers suck.
won't just be scalpers getting destroyed, it will be heads who procured extras when they saw the day one ticket fiasco go down. i only chose to go to albany and buffalo due to high ticket price (i know it's not high relative to other groups, but high for them) and have an extra for each. had a feeling that people would have to give tix away (this obviously does NOT include MSG, which is it's own entity). flower chicks will be getting their "miracle tix" at most shows.
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street
What "day one ticket fiasco"?
I hope they let Phil sing the whole dark star and not phil verse 1 bobby v2.
Warren did sing a fair amount in 04. >>> exactly!! he had a f*ckload of songs which made that tour very enjoyable
Warren vox on Shakedown
Let Phil sing and let Warren play his guitar
Enough w/ the wah wah
the online pre-sale direct from dead
system freaked out, people could not get in, those who did were alternately told:
sold out
double orders
all in all, it was general mayhem and led to the feeling that shows were all going to sell out quickly if they hadn't already.
personally, i could not get in and reverted to good ole GDTSTOO.
I see. thank you.
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street>
All Along The Watchtower
Who sings on watchtower?
Someone please tell me it's warren
its warren on watchtower..
set 1 streaming here>
NICE! That's makes it one I'd like to see, don't especially care for bob's watchtower
Thanks trob. just think; back in the day, people used to have to wait till AFTER the show.
Still talking about tix prices Tickets went on sale in Jan. stop the bitchin'!
Thanks for the link Taperrob, just heard the end of Music similar to Roseland show with Warren's tone Bob ws doing this crazy never stop rap?
The crowd sounds very comfortable and not too crazy. Interesting they continued playing from Music into Jack Staw
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution (Warren vox)
sounds like a great show so far!! Looking forward to Long Island and NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sometime during Caution
TRob is the greatest!!!!!
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam
Caution>new potata>tell mama
Tell mama??
what??? does not compute...
Is anyone else still blown away by the fact that we can listen to a stream of the 1st set before the show is even over? To think what I used to go through to get recordings of a show back in the day...
Drummers and Chimenti on stage right now
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Drums (with Chimenti)
>>>>Thanks trob. just think; back in the day, people used to have to wait till AFTER the show.
Unbelieveable. So glad I got the DSL now.
Thanks so much, TRob!
Tell Mama the Etta James tune?
jam into drumz
Yeah ain't it a trip! It sounds pretty good to me. Estimated sounds really good
((((fire wheel burning in the air))))
free country
not a free show though
Taper Rob is streaming though, so
Listening now (thanks trob!!).
WTF happened to the jam in Estimated? Ouch.
Haw! Haw!
howlin' bobby!
lol you know there will be a few bumps in the road, sounds like a '77 style ending now
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Yeah, sounds alright now - not sure what happened during the middle jam though.
Still hold'n out for my Easter Sunday Sampson!!!!
i thought the estimated was solid...jammed out nicely all the way around the horn IMO.... especially Warren (i guess we all hear it different) and Jeff....but i was in the laundry room for part of it..maybe i missed the flat spot :-)
maybe for the encore
agree Buckaroo this band is gonna get out there
Bobby is still doing that weird thing with the vocal
It really IS amazing to hear live streaming while the show is happening. Thanks for all the updates there ;) so eyesofvt...I'm assuming you have the right set list going here (saw the tell mama listed too? )
I wish I could get into the stream! i'm such a brat lol.
slide on He's Gone nice touch
Cool audience want's to sing it in the right tempo Bobby
Stream is not live obviously, delayed tape. My setlist is coming right from Taper Rob in the live chat; he's at the show.
Show is streaming at , open to all.
go to to get in on a better stream
Isnt the stream coming from Trob...?
yeah...just wait until they tap into that upsatate energy in Albany and Worcester.
I know a pile of old hippies coming out of the woods for these shows...could be a Bicycle Day to remember?
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Cosmic Charlie
mmm, good stuff
thanks strat I meant *streaming* least delayed
I'm listening now *sigh*. I'm just smiling listening to this He's Gone ! Oh it just makes me so excited listening to this....
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Cosmic Charlie
New Potato Caboose
Who sang cosmic charlie? Phil?
New Potato!
i am officially INCREDIBLY EXCITED for Worcester, MSG & Hartford!
Phil on vox for NPC
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Cosmic Charlie
New Potato Caboose> (Phil vox)
Help On The Way
...not that it actually depended on that one song... just great to see the P&F song selection coming out this go around!
So am I reading that bobby sang the first set and hasn't sung lead on any songs in the 2nd set..
Bobby's tone has gotten better as the 1st set has unfolded. Clean,springy and strong in the mix.Good interplay between him and Warren in the jam after He's Gone
Definitely a feeling of a Bobby first set, Phil 2nd Set...
Looks like nice '76 ending coming up
So who sang Cosmic?
$ on Phil
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Cosmic Charlie
New Potato Caboose> (Phil vox)
Help On The Way>
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Cosmic Charlie
New Potato Caboose> (Phil vox)
Help On The Way>
Franklin's Tower
gosh...if what i'm streaming is a glorified ratdog show....I gotsta start seeing more ratdog LOL....sounds damn fine to me.
So they came on stage at7:40 and looks like they will end at 11:40p. 4 hrs, 31/2 music and 30 min break. Not too bad for guys in their sixties.
"gosh...if what i'm streaming is a glorified ratdog show....I gotsta start seeing more ratdog LOL....sounds damn fine to me."
i hear that!!! but i do see Ratdog ALOT!! kidding! I'm in my mid 30's and get exhausted after playing two hours live on a stage lol.
End of set 2
(((((They're back)))))
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Cosmic Charlie
New Potato Caboose> (Phil vox)
Help On The Way>
Franklin's Tower
Donor Rap
Ratdog was rockin last year. My 1st set stream review. First off thanks and who taped. Music was Typical Bobby slow Music Good Though Warren sounds great throughout the set. Jack Straw Very Good Estimated Not too good weird Bobby vocal thing Warren is off on a few parts overall pretty sloppy mostly Bobby's fault He's Gone mostly good but again sloppy on the chorus they(Bobby) seem to mess up the steam locamotive part every time otherwise good though(could use some work) Touch was realy tight Truckin rocked. Overall a good set with a few rough patches Estimated, and parts of He's Gone. The jams were pretty good finding some new places. What's this now ???
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
The Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet>
He's Gone>
Touch of Grey (Warren 2 verses)
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> (Warren vox)
All Along The Watchtower> (Warren vox)
Caution> (Warren vox)
Spacy Jam>
Cosmic Charlie
New Potato Caboose> (Phil vox)
Help On The Way>
Franklin's Tower
Donor Rap
E: Samson & Delilah
I just have to comment here. I just LOVE to take in as MANY shows that I can afford every tour -- and this tour, with the econmy as it is, I can only take in 2 shows!!! What a disappointment -- I want to see them all! I'm going to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre and Sat. Philly. I usually go to 5 or 6 shows on a tour -- soooo sad!!!!! Stop hurting your truly loyal family.
awesome! looks really good
mike.go to any show you want and get in for $20 tops!!!
lol I called that one for the encore.
I am sure everyone is changing their schedules as we speak...
The love affair continues
free tixx everywhere tonight...its gonna be easy cheap tixx just before show time all tour..
The Dead
Greensboro, NC 4/12/09
Set 1:
Music Never Stopped
Jack Straw
Estimated Prophet> Jam>
He's Gone> Jam...
Touch Of Gray
I Need A Miracle>
Set 2:
Shakedown Street> Jam>
All Along The Watchtower>
Caution> Spacy Jam>
Cosmic Charlie
New Potato Caboose>
Help On The Way>
Franklin's Tower
Donor Rap
Samson & Delilah
its gonna be easy cheap tixx just before show time all tour..
I'd beg to differ on MSG; that one will be tough. A single show there on a Saturday night?
Yeah MSG will be tight.
somebody PLEASE buy TRob beers in the lot all night long!
Excellent, attract the troglodytes that might otherwise remain in the shadows. The scene needs more miracle seekers.
Contributers or users.
Which are you?
and a internet first for me too
If it is not live it is Taperrob
First set sounded real strong. Is there a second set stream out there?
>>>Contributers or users.
I like to think of myself as a contributing user
Thanks Taper Rob and the rest of you guys. Much appreciated.
Fuck, that PLQ between sets jam on GDRadio is SICK.
seriously..i'm digging this planet jams goodness!
and i am ready for the 2nd set..of tonight..1st was great!
Oops, double post
>>>>>>seriously..i'm digging this planet jams goodness!
and i am ready for the 2nd set..of tonight..1st was great!
Right on! This stuff from 7/01 is really good and the flow of the jams is quite nice
Thanks much, T Rob for hangin' on there and posting the sets.
As you already know, You rock !!!!
Thanks again.
-- Disco Stu
anyone know what show that Phil jam came from?
They have been assorted dates from July of '01
its the planet jams from 2001 summer. the first they played on the radio tonight was from 6-30-01 and the second was from 7-1-01.....
PLQ 2001
Damn they were good. I've never checked out and it's been a long time since I heard the Planet Jams and.... YEAH.
Stoked for the rest of the tour if we get these almost live streams every night. Virtual Tour.
Huge Thank You's to all involved: Taper Rob, John from GD radio... Damn this is something special.
It's going to be a fun 5 weeks between now and the Gorge...
come on set 2...i'm ready for you!
Those planet jams were sick !
Long Live The Q !!!!!
Thannks so much for the stream & pics! It is my B Day and it aint been all that but seeing this setlist and stage set up and hearin the show makes me so stoked for the Gorge! IT LIVES!!!
Great show. Wish you all could ahve been there.
well we were . .. in spirit!
set 2 on stream !!!!!!
jam > shakedown = HEAT
wow guys . . you've suprised me once again
Well, last nights show was a promising start. The band definitely needs more time to get in cink. The first set nearly crashed and burned several times. I'd say the hightlights were Music Never Stopped, Shakedown Street, the spacey percussion jam leading into drums, and of course Help>Slip>Franklin. Estimated had to be the worst version of this song I've ever heard. So, all in all, OK. Anyone who tries to convince you that this show was mindblowingly fantastic is either looking through rose tinted glasses, or has not been to enough shows to know better. Just my two cents.
you sound like an a -hole -- just my 2 cents!!!!(lol) Sometimes you get showns the light if you look at it right, --try again.
"So, all in all, OK. Anyone who tries to convince you that this show was mindblowingly fantastic is either looking through rose tinted glasses, or has not been to enough shows to know better. Just my two cents."
This kind of tripe makes me LOLerz.
They have IT. Yeah, they got the speed wobbles a few times and almost lost the jams, and in a couple of spots it got away from them. But they brought it back each time. Great energy. Crowd was nutz.
And had some first show rust of course. But all in all you can see they were well rehearsed and stoked to be playing.
New light rig is awesome.
This show was for the faithful. Some Acid Test throwback all made new.
They're a band beyond description
Like Jehova's favorite choir
Terrrific show. The first half was as good a set of music as I've seen in a while. Lots of jams--"He's Gone" must have lasted twenty minutes. The naysayers who claimed that Bob would cut off the jams could not ahve been more wrong. In fact there was a time or two in the second set when it seemed like no one wanted to jump out in front. Or maybe they were just enjoying where they were. At any rate, if the rest of the tour is this good--or improves--bitching about ticket prices will fall by hte wayside. I just wish I could do more than hte first show.
For those calling me an a-hole. I enjoyed the show and there were many great moments. I was simply giving my honest REVIEW of the show. You can disagree with me without resorting to name calling.
Postcard from the road: The Dead are truckin' again
By Jerry Shriver,
The event: Grateful Dead members Mickey Hart, Phil Lesh, Bob Weir and Bill Kreutzmann, now known as The Dead, launch their "An Evening With" reunion tour, their first in five years.
The venue: The Greensboro (N.C.) Coliseum. A sold-out crowd of more than 18,000 was on hand .
ROAD WARRIORS: The Dead remain grateful to their fans
Bizarre bazaar: The classic and 21st-century head shop gear included a $500 sterling-silver, ruby-and-sapphire-studded belt buckle engraved with Jerry Garcia's image; tie-dyed Bill Blass Jeans-label smocks, $50; hemp wallets, $14; and packs of Zig-Zag rolling papers, $2.
Dedicated fan base: Babies, grizzled vets and legions of dogs, most wearing tie-dye gear and/or Dead memorabilia, communed in the parking lot before show time.
Heady Deadheads: "Leave it to The Dead to start the rebirth of the band on Easter," said Stuart "Stu Baby" Halbert, 49, of Atlanta, who paid $500 for a VIP package to attend his 84th Dead show (the first was in 1973). "It's like being home again, with 20,000 of your closest friends," says Barry Fogel, 61, of Roanoke, Va., who says he's seen the band about 100 times.
Un-earthly presence in the arena: The late guitarist/founder/spiritual leader Jerry Garcia, who died in 1995.
Re-opening the vaults: The band drew from all eras in its seven-song, 85-minute opening set, starting with the oh-so-appropriate The Music Never Stopped. So many of the songs feature references that now can be seen as tributes/commentary on the departed founder/guitarist Garcia and the band itself: the trippy He's Gone, with its "nothin's going to bring him back" refrain; the "we used to play for silver, now we play for life" line from Jack Straw; and the set-closing Truckin', which is about the band's wooly early days. But the most joyous tribute/affirmation came on the band's last hit, Touch of Grey, when the arena joined the musicians in proclaiming: "We will get by. We will survive."
Nod to Bob: The second set showcased the band's patented psychedelic jamming side. Following a solid All Along the Watchtower nod to '60s compatriot Bob Dylan came an alternately furious then spacey trip into the cosmos, led first by Weir and Haynes trading stabbing, improvisatory guitar licks. Cosmic Charley, from the earliest days, provided the sweet comedown, thanks to more tuneful than expected vocals. Perhaps because the band's bluegrass-to-R&B-to-space jazz repertoire is so incredibly diverse and their songs historically have seldom been played the same way twice, Sunday's concert avoided the golden moldies trap. The second-set delving into difficult and complex jams showed these musicians remain tight and fearless — and are having fun. A long, strange and satisfying trip indeed.
At the end of the day I realy don't give a shit, but let's be honest. Tickets are way too expensive, especially the way the distribution was handled. They should have made more cheap seats available.
Thank YOU ALL from TOP TO BOTTOM !!!!! Y'ALL KNOW WHOW YOU ARE(~)(:}....most of us are just here in spirit WISHIHN LIKE F** THEY COULD GO
ANYONE still bitchin ~ don't go
Jon, don't you know that name calling is what these folks do best these days? Conformity of opinion is mandatory or you will pay the price.
show is on the LMA already
listened to the show this am at work. Sounds fine - like everyone is having a good time. Can't ask for much more. Looking forward to Albany etc.
Thank you for all the updates and good vibes
from what i heard, bobby is bringing too much of a ratdog style in the 1st set.
bob is ratdog
ratdog is bob
bob is bob
bob is dead
ratdog is just bobby's vehicle to be bobby most of the time. now he's being bobby with the Dead again.
Just put on the second set with my green tea.
What a treat!
I can't wait for Friday!!!!
Sweet! I'm at work and will listen all morning As far as points during the show were the band didn't seem to gel so much....did we honestly think the very first show of tour would be without that? I actually expected some of that to be honest. I know the boys all have years playin together but we heads need to also give them a break if the estimated wasn't exactly what we envisioned lol. Practicing and rehearsing is a total different ball of wax then getting on stage.
I expected the first show to be the show where they all have to work out the kinks and find their groove and gel as a working unit. Nothing less =)
I think honest reviews are good to read though. Everyone deserves their opinion of the night. After all as deadheads...we *do* have a tendency to over analyze every fine detail...that's all good so long as we remember to enjoy the music and allow the band to be human ;)
i'm still shakin it !
>>>I expected the first show to be the show where they all have to work out the kinks and find their groove and gel as a working unit. Nothing less =) <<< True But I think this is just how bobby does Estimated now it is not a matter of gelling he just changed the song and it's weird it does not have the same flow at all. I love Ratdog and Bobby I never bash but he started doing Estimated this way in 2004 it was one of the problems with the tour. As much potential as this band does have I think they need to leave the new territory to Jams and try to hit the songs right on. For a $100 a ticket and marketing this as a Major concert tour etc. They should be as well rehearsed as U2 , Bruce, Phish ?, The Stones etc. It feels like Warren just squeezed this in between Allman's and Mule without much time invested in Learning and rehearsing. Granted he has played most of this stuff before But it has been a few years since he hit it on a regular basis. Keep in mind I am going to 4 shows and do like the sound of the band But for what they are charging they should not be making mistakes. Does anyone in this band know how the chorus to he's gone goes ???
A great day! The lot was very enjoyable and there was an incredible array of product to spend the cash at hand on. I witnessed no extreme stupidity and enjoyed the entire scene. Thankyou to the venue for allowing deadheads to be, well, deadheads.
Our fix were 10 rows from the highest row in the venue. We were on the Phil side and were 3/4 of the way back from the stage. We all laughed that we had to send xtra cash to receive these fix and could not figure out what would constitute the cheapest seats. The crowd was the expected mix of very young to, well let's be honest, getting pretty old. The hall did fill up and had to be near a sellout. Testimony to the draw of these gentlemen and their music
"I witnessed no extreme stupidity"
Best message yet.
"They should be as well rehearsed as U2 , Bruce, Phish ?"
were they ever? and do we want that?
The tunes. I always reference this w/ my background. On board in 80, mid Atlantic region, nationwide 84 and in my mid 40s with close to 200 GD shows. I have enjoyed my slice of this lunacy. The music is good and really speaks to the chemistry the band had. You can not recreate this and speaks volumes of the gentlemen in that, I believe, they are not attempting to do this. What is offered is an artists attempt to bring the joy to all those who seek such. There are allways highs (helpslipfranklin) and whoa that could need a little work (estimated) but, an incredible eve of music was delivered. Thankyou to all involved and I look now to the 2 Philly shows. Safe travels and be kind to each other.
I think Jon Zelley's (Silver Apple) review above is spot on. I was glad to be there, enjoyed it much, hooked up with lots of old friends and was amazed at how close to a sell out the place was and how many folks were selling their wares. Phil said the hair stood up on the back of his neck during his donor rap. I think the band was absolutely thrilled to play in front of such a large house again. It looked to me from the third row that Bob led the first set and Phil led the second set (as opposed to Jerry and Bob pretty much going back and forth). My bias - the second set was much better. Interestingly, the first set songlist was loaded with second set tunes from the old days. Warren and Phil were in sync and I think Warren will figure out how to follow Bob as the tour moves on. Bound to get better but a good start.
" Our fix were 10 rows from the highest row in the venue. We were on the Phil side and were 3/4 of the way back from the stage. We all laughed that we had to send xtra cash to receive these fix "
Who did you have to send the extra cash to get get the fix? GDTSTOO? Or some scalper?
It was a fun show, esp. from caution until the end was nice. I thought everyone played well together and listened to each other for the most part.
The core 4 were in overall fine form and I feel this bodes well for upcoming shows. Phil ripped caution. Warren and Jeff stayed out for a pre drums jam that was good. Nice to see Bill and Mick workout on the drums, "good for what ails ya". Nice Phil readings on New Potato and Franklins.
There were several teases throughout the show. a couple dark star teases, and a sugar mag tease at one point, maybe a other one tease. There were more I just can't remember right now.
All in all just a nice Easter show, it was my wife's 50th birthday show. She wanted to hear Shakedown and got it. Hassle free all the way around, nice job by Greensboro staff.
Nice to see the boys together again. I enjoyed it. Hope it wasn't the last time I see them together
Gdtstoo sent us an email saying they ran out of the cheapest seats were given the option to upgrade to mid price. Forget the $ amount. Was given the same instruction about our Philly cheap fix and decided to upgrade to high dollar. In this case, we received floor seats about midpoint back for both nites. Almost 30 years, never have paid more than face, but thanx for inquiring.
I guess it's never too late to leave some positive feedback on here. It would seem that most of the people posting reviews had about the same experience that I did last night. The sound was pretty good in the place. It looked like the boys were enjoying themselves. There were a couple of "loose" spots like some point in Estimated (I'll need to listen again to be sure what happened) and a spot of two in He's Gone but I give them lots of props for putting those two in the first set anyway. I don't think anything went "wrong" that wouldn't be expectedd on the first night of a tour. There was lots of musical conversation taking place at many points and I'm sure that things will only improve. I wish I had the time and $$ to catch another one down the line somewhere but it's not meant to be.
My only real complaint is that they never went into the damn Other One. If you're going to put second set songs in the first set and really show us that you're going for it then what better way to do it then following He's Gone with a skull rattling Other One? Once I heard the New Potato then I think, surely I get it now, but again, no luck. I could have worse complaints in life I guess. They seemed to be really trying and I appreciate that. I think the beast got a little out of their hands a few times but nothing that wasn't recoverable.
The energy inside and outside the place was really upbeat too. Smiling faces were all around, some fresh and totally new and others that appeared very roadworn and experienced. I had a ball. It was nice to see a little lot action too. Found myself a nice Phil t shirt. I'm looking forward to hearing about the rest of the tour.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to ask this question. why the hell didn't Bobby sing Watchtower?
*******For a $100 a ticket and marketing this as a Major concert tour etc. They should be as well rehearsed as U2 , Bruce, Phish ?, The Stones etc…..It feels like Warren just squeezed this in between Allman's and Mule without much time invested in Learning and rehearsing. Granted he has played most of this stuff before But it has been a few years since he hit it on a regular basis. What they are charging they should not be making mistakes. Does anyone in this band know how the chorus to he's gone goes ???*******
I’m not arguing here with you…but just have some thoughts. I feel the Dead are in a state of evolution for the moment as they begin tour. Everything changes and evolves & their music is most definitely going to as well as it always has. To me the non-rigidness of the very music is what makes it what it is and why I love it.
What it comes down to though is the entire dynamic working as a unit together. It’s all about reading each other on stage...taking cues...knowing when and where to pull back, push forward and create that "dance" of energy between the fellas. Rehearsing and practicing really IS different than playing in front of a stadium of people & so for first night of the tour—I was not disappointed in what I listened to at all.
I also personally do not expect the dead today in 2009 to sound exactly like the Grateful Dead was with Jerry and even then it was filled with musical and lyrical mistakes constantly. Warren should be Warren and will add his own flavor to the Dead and I bet Jerry wouldn't have it any other way. What big shoes he is filling right now truly.
Most importantly…I wanna see them having FUN on stage and having good times because that is when we all have good times. From what I am reading, it sounds like that was the case =)
>>>My only real complaint is that they never went into the damn Other One<<<<
Hehehe....Mike I thought the same thing. waiting....waiting....never came I thought for sure they would too.
Maybe they will end the tour with it =)~grin~
>>>>I am going to 4 shows and do like the sound of the band But for what they are charging they should not be making mistakes<<<<
you try playing music out on the wing without a net and see what happens..
I could think of twenty songs I would have liked to hear last night, but I was pretty damn pleased ith what I got. I did think I heard them headed toward TOO last night, but there was a moment in Estimated or Truckin when I thought they were going to go into Bird Song. Lots of surprises; if this is unrehearsed, sign me up!
Warts and all, I enjoyed the jams and the twisted up setlist. Yes, my ticket was $100, but it was worth the extra $30-40 to see the fellas over any other commercial acts. I heard a great deal of intricate interplay, some nice harmonies and some good old fashioned rockin. No, they weren't perfect and they never will be perfect. I got over that a long time ago. Sitting here at work hurting like hell, but with a smile smile smile.
wow, some people happy and some people full of anger at a show. its like jerry never left us at all. i for one cant wait until the circus puts up the big top in los angeles.
The Dead without mistakes? Ha, ha... what a concept.
"Such a long-long time to be gone, and a short time to be there...."
well, I haven't posted here in nigh on 5 years...
the Shriver review/synopsis posted above is spot-on; I was in prime-viewing position on Warren's side for the first set (and the sound was maybe actually a bit better than when I moved to the front for Set 2). Even having seen these guys (core 4 with Jerry as GD since '83 plus other post JG) 100 times, there's something about seeing them interact; I can now let that go for the next two shows I catch and just trip on the music...
...yeah once again they're trying different things, different styles and arrangements: their own "art" moves on as Jerry and the GD have always been about. I love the '77 era Dancin', but (still) don't care for the "breakdown" section; there were some '74 era China/Rider transition sections--not the 'crescendo/turn', which is/was always great but some other chord changes/shifts, which don't sound "right" to me; and I wonder how many "heads" back in the day hated "New New Minglewood Blues"; how many tuned-out after Pigpen died and the Dead were no longer a blues-jug band; thought Shakedown was too disco, blah, blah, if they ever adhered to whether there would be an audience for their music/trip??? "Yeah, what's the new 'hit sound' or "How do we maintain/get our audience back?". They're still evolving after 44 years and with the passing of Jerry (who's never more than a thought, sound, and/or feeling away to be sure...).
As a wanna-be musician, I regard these guys as courageous and true artists of the highest-order; the fact that they'e played pieces (i.e., songs) thousands of times and still with different strokes of the brush for an entirely new composition...what would I kill to hear Dylan perform "Blood on the Tracks" like I want to hear it or think how it (the artist's work) should be arrogant for the critic to dictate to the artist...the Dead's essence is one of progressiveness and to evolve and if there's anybody around to tune in and catch it then all the better...seems more and more like the audience-at least the majority on these various Phi/Bobby discussion boards is regressive and entrenched in (our) own crap which we ultimately assign/project onto them, whether consciously or--more the likely--not...
I've never been a big Warren fan but somehow at this point in time it makes as much and even more sense then ever (along with Jeff Chimenti, who last night demonstrated an acumen and competency and fit with "the band", this band--the here and now if it all band--that also seems kismet if you will...) maybe it took 14 years AG (After Jerry) for things to shake-out and settle in...?
"Who can stop what must arrive now, something new is waiting to be born?"
Right on
there is no "learning to follow what bob does" as the tour goes on for warren. Warren is stepping up into jerry role, not bob. Phil leads because he follows(the light). Bob should stick to what he does best, rythem guitar and 'in between' songs. By in between, I mean in between PHil and Warren tunes; there is down time, and that is where Bob comes in to sing cowboy and dylan tunes. And barlow tunes, I suspect. no disrespect for Weir intended here. Hopefully he wont disrespect us/band members/Jerry by continuing to attempt and butchering Jerry ballads/songs. So far I like what I see. I like the sharing of the songs and the flow, thusfar. Bobby has checked his ego in at the door, with the dead(it seems). I guess we will know for sure when they play THE ELEVEN...either the way bobby always cheeses it out(alpine 02 and ratdg versions) or they wil play the way Phil has been playing it since he started doing it with lyrics back in the days of the Q in 2000(or the way early grateful dead played it) I'm hoping for the latter! Hopefully bob saves his precious cheese for upcoming ratdog shows.
I think it would be cool if Jeff was over beside Warren like in the day... Music was great the other night.. To me be setting the stage up this way is "more than any naked eye can see" that the Band isn't tryn to be like it was with Jerry.. keepin it new and real. See ya in DC
+ 1 gazillion to Chuckster.
Should be required reading prior to poasting.
Looks like 7 songs in the first set, and maybe 7 in the second set as well
I believe Phil & Phriends did 7 songs in all first sets of the Nokia Run this past Fall.
Then I heard an interview with Phil from a few years back about how he thinks there is something very cosmically special about the number 7 and he would work this in to his tours!!! Gotta love Phil!
This band is surely different than P&P, and may not totally rip quite as much, but here's looking toward a great tour, loads of fun and fantastic music! Keep your eyes on #7!
Absolutely EERIE listening to Warren on the 1st two songs!!
Chills up and down my spine! Sounded like late 80's GD with Warren an almost dead (pun intended) ringer for Brent.
Only through the 1st few tracks (and while Estimated is far from epic, it's ALSO far from a train wreck. I know many don't like Bob's pauses between lyrics, but that aside it's okay) but enjoying the heck out of it.
Where was this Warren in 2004!!!!
Granted time and a lack of Herring (which had me initially skeptical) may have helped, but this sounds like a differen't and more confident player in this band.
Also, Bob, Phil, and the Rythym Devils seem in FINE form especially for the start of a tour, and looks like once again (like '03 and '04) they'll grace us with 4 hours including the break.
UNLIKE many of you, I actually enjoyed the '04 tour, but largely because my expectations were lower, the setlists helped make up for some of the lack of tightness, AND the fact that the only shows I saw (a couple here at Red Rocks) WERE well played. Heck, even some of the more hard knocks shows (Wantagh with the out of nowhere Metallica) were creative and fun if not particularly well played.
Anyway, this arrangement of the band sounds just right. Not too much, not too little, and Warren and Jeff seem to fit in perfect. Couldn't be more excited for Denver and Los Angeles!
Here's to the Good 'Ol (The) Dead!!!
Listening to the 1st set now, soundboard recording. Its very nice. i love the slow laid back style of the first set. WHAT A START TO THE TOUR! SEE YALL IN WILKES BARRE IN A LITTLE OVER A WEEK! ;)
one long party from front to end, tune to the whistle comin round the bend. NO great hurry, what do you say??? Might as well hit Dead tour up the elegant way
ps. why did my profile get erased??
Let me start off by saying that I am so thrilled to be reading about shows by The Dead in anticipation of hitting up both Meadowlands shows in two weeks I'm quite new to the Dead in the grand scheme of things (seen Phil/Bobby close to ten times at this point but my first was in 2006), and I've never seen the remaining members perform together and so I'm as excited as could be. The set list from this show looks great, and if they play some of these songs (as I'm sure they will!) at my two shows, I will be more than content
That said, I am really floored by the amount of negativity on these boards. But you know what, I should come to expect it. There are a lot of things I'm passionate about - certain sports, certain video games, and music - and no matter what community I participate in, it seems like at least half of the people, if not more, are just wallowing in negativity and ego all the time. Always complaining about what could be better, arguing with others in the community... I mean, all of the Phil vs. Bobby talk, bashing the vocals, bashing the band for their mistakes, obsessing over the lack of Jerry, boasting about who has been to more shows and "really knows" what's up with the Dead... I mean geez. I have more of a relationship with the music than the heads, and to look at this board, it makes me want to keep it that way, although I know there are lots of awesome heads because I've met plenty of them. I expect to see a lot of this crap on a football message board or a video game board, but on a GD forum? I thought we were supposed to bring the GOOD vibes, not the whiny vibes.
Ticket prices - yeah, the prices suck, but it's 2009 and this is what premium concert tickets cost these days. The Dead aren't playing 100 shows a year anymore. They are playing a couple dozens shows every few years, at least recently. Save some money for a ticket and go and ENJOY it, or DON'T... listen to the thousands of hours of free recordings on the archive if you don't want to pay for it. Most of the people who whine about the ticket prices seem to think the Dead suck now anyways, so why even complain about the prices?
Vocals - the Dead's vocals have always pretty much sucked. There are some decent studio cuts, and Pigpen could bring it on the bluesy stuff, but the Dead have always been subpar vocally. If you seriously listen to the Dead for the vocals, I feel sorry for you.
Mistakes - again, the Dead has always made a lot of mistakes. It's part of the experience. They play a lot of shows and they have to know a LOT of material. And oh yeah, they did a lot of drugs. I don't know what to say to people who seem to think that a couple of missed lines actually detracts from the show.
Phil vs. Bobby - I don't think this even warrants a comment... it's just plain childish
Jerry - Talking about how you miss Jerry doesn't make you more of a Deadhead. Anyone with a brain or a heart wishes Jerry were still playing with the Dead, and it's all on everybody's mind whether it's brought up or not, so why bring it up all the time? If you don't like post-Jerry stuff, then listen to the old stuff and don't bother bringing everyone else down.
Now with all of that crap out of the way, can we just come together and love this music and love each other and dance and sing and get lost in the sounds for a little while? I'm grooving out on a recording from 4-12-09 and I'm going to get back to doing that while reading up on tonight's show
Love to everybody, hope you are happy and enjoying the sounds, and I will see some of you in NJ...
Grate comments Allen!
It's young heads just like you that keep me coming back to the new material and keep me EXCITED about the new material.
Sure, there's plenty of bitter old heads (I see TONS. Kinda comes with the territory when you've been around this long. LOL) but I personally LOVE talking to the younger generation. The people that will keep things going forward when all of us in the older crowd (some older than others!) are long gone.
My son is 17 and has probably been to 25 shows over the years. He's proud to be one of VERY few young heads who CAN say he saw Jerry, and even has a fleeting memory of it!!
Ventura Fairgrounds '94 JGB. Anyway, since then we've done Ratdog, Dead, P&F, Melvin and JGB, and love it all.
Sure, we ALL hate the drunk frat guy type that talks through Drums/Space, Stuff, or most any jam, but it's solid, passionate, energetic, enthusiastic, EXCITED young heads like you and my son that get me off these days. Seeing that glimmer in your eye and remembering what it was like for me a quarter of a century ago (getting old is a trip!) is what it's all about.
Thanks for the post, and I wish we were gonna catch up with you out west. Enjoy your shows. I'm sure you will.
two lovely posts ! thanks for the warmth and breadth of your perspectives. i am so glad you will have the chance to see the four of them together for the first time - that makes me feel more enthused for the whole LSTrip again.
i recall Delia and I [but especially D] being very taken by the number of people at Phil shows who 'never saw Jerry'...:-)
so this is its own little miracle, 14 years on now - the vital factor being that they seem to be cutting it, which I for one feared unlikely after watching that SF Obama gig on the TV...
i will think of you when you get to experience the Rhythm Devils as that's the one thing I would go to a TD for these days [prior to this latest revelations :-) ]
Well spoken Allen. Love to all, no exceptions! I'm one that miss Jer, too, but have never let that stop me from having a good time at a show, or grooving out to crispy board from back in the day, for that matter. You'll love seeing these cats together, I'll never forget my first time with Phil and Bob, in Portsmouth, 02, shit was sick! I recently got to enjoy one of my best friend's first Dead show, and first L trip, as well as the kid of front of us', at Penn State, it was great to see the look on there faces! Keep jamming and passing the love!
Amen Allen, well spoken.
From a dead head who tries to keep it positive. After all, life sucks enough already without bringing down one of our few joyous escapes.
it makes you no more of a deadhead than anyone else either, allen.(neither am i) peace. enjoy the show/or stream which ever you can afford. I will
just checked the setlist for this show.... wow.
Just picked up the Soundboard from as I went to the show and what the hell, while they're soaking me anyways . . . ;^)
The sound is superb, great mix with good audience noise. I had hoped it would sound like the Worcester 04/18 simulcast and it does.
Well worth it for choice shows. Waiting for 04/19 to release.
Beware the purchase process however, you're waiting 24 hrs no matter what from what I can tell to get any download, released or not.