This is gonna be one hell of a freak show (in a good way). Philly is the capitol of nitrous because you can get tanks filled legally if you have a catering license/permit. Just keep it safe and don't forget about the MUSIC!
The band is going to take Philly on a LONG journey this weekend.
What songs are all you Philly heads hoping to hear??
Great, more nitrous. WTF.
Getting psyched. Haven't been following too closely since the summer. Will be interested to hear how much Furthur we've travelled. See you for all except Weds!!
Upper Darby is never a nitrous free for all. Upper Darby cops will be all over that shit. You all gotta remember that your not seeing a show in the city. Upper darby is on the outskirt of the city headed into suburbia. The police station is right up the road from the Tower. I mean, in this day and age you shouldn't have to find your shit on the lot anyway~you should already have your connections. Be aware of your surroundings, be safe and have fun!!!!!
Be nice to start up 'Revolver' in Philly!
JACK STRAW opener?!
Will be in DDD Pit R/C tonight. Will try to post some pix on Twitter. I'm "phillyjazzdoc" on twitter.
Ok, Marybeth O'Donnell, there will be no nitrous around this scene and Jerry Garcia will walk out for the encore.
bring on Satanic Majesties!!!
Have a great Run Zoners
ok Joe Yed ~ I never said there wouldn't be any. I said it's never a nitrous free for all in Upper Darby. No need for snarkiness. Have a great time.
You are right, people need to crack down on the consumers.
I've a few friends that line up for the shit.
The Mann was a mess. I was SO excited to be back there after the E Center (Camden) took over but was bummed to see the mess after teh Saturday show.
^^^^^^^No need for snarkiness.^^^^^^^^^^
snarkiness ?
^^^^^^^^^bring on Satanic Majesties!!!^^^^^^^^^^^
Yes !! give us a Dandelion > We Love You > 2000 Light Years from Home !!
2nd Set:
Space Odditdy > Dark Star > Eight Miles High > 2000 Light Years > Eight Miles High > Dark Star > Mr. Spaceman
...since we're dreaming...
Hey Philly some rockin' shows coming your way. Bring on the phreak.
^^^^^^^^...since we're dreaming...^^^^^^^^^
>Dark Star > Heartbreaker> Dark Star Jam >Monkey Man > Dark Star > Dandelion > We Love You > She's a Rainbow > 2000 Light Years from Home > Mts. of the Moon > Gimme Some Lovin' > Stella Blue E: China Cat > the Eleven
Might as well dream big
Tower Theater
1st Set
Feel Like A Stranger
Tower Theater
1st Set
Feel Like A Stranger
El Paso
Tower Theater
1st Set
Feel Like A Stranger
El Paso (best In while)
Beat it on down the line
Wang Dang Doodle
Big Bad Blues
>Don't Ease Me In
Thanks Eddie for the updates!
No stream?
>cold rain & snow
Tower Theater
1st Set
Feel Like A Stranger
El Paso (best In while)
Beat It On Down The Line
Wang Dang Doodle>
Big Bad Blues>
Don't Ease Me In>?
Cold Rain & Snow
end of set
Wow, nice songlist mix. Heck of a closer..... Hope it's not a weather prediction
Who sang Hightime?
Vooddo > Sweet! Thanks
Cryptical Envelopment
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie
Stream??? Anyone??
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
greetings from eugene . I'm on for the seocnd set! the first set is probably the first time for wang dang doodle and dont ease me in! now a cryptical/boogie!
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall>
off to a great start
Rosemerry now that's out of left field...what's next, Jill?
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall>
Morning Dew>
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall>
Morning Dew>
Cryptical Evelopment>
Eyes Of The World
Taperob? Anyone?
welcome to the philzone "his curatorship",he who holds the key.....blessings and peace....
-the librarian.....
Is rosemary the DSO song or was it a donna tune?
sunrise is a donna tune
Rosemary is a fucked up jer tune on Skeletons.
Looks like they saved alot for Philly. How was the Rosemary/Dew. Unreal. Great set!!
Words by Robert Hunter; music by Jerry Garcia
Copyright Ice Nine Publishing; used by permission.
Boots were of leather
A breath of cologne
Her mirror was a window
She sat quite alone
All around her
the garden grew
scarlet and purple
and crimson and blue
She came and she went
and at last went away
The garden was sealed
when the flowers decayed
On the wall of the garden
a legend did say:
No one may come here
since no one may stay
Recorded on AOXOMOXOA.
Appeared for ages never to have been played live. But there is news of a December 7, 1968 performance at Bellarmine College, Louisville, KY. Details, anyone?
This note from a reader:
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 15:53:58 -0700
From: Brian Hartnett
Subject: Rosemary Live Performance
Hi David,
Big fan of the site, and after seeing how no one was certain of the only live performance of Rosemary I feel as if I am compelled to clear it up.
12-07-68 Bellarmine College, Louisville, Ky. (Sat)
1: Dark Star> St. Stephen, Death Don't, Cryptical> Other One> Cryptical> New Potato Caboose
2: Unknown*, He Was A Friend, Hurts Me Too, Morning Dew> We Bid You Goodnight
Originally listed as Unknown, it is the only time Rosemary was ever performed.
other 1
other 1
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall>
Morning Dew>
Cryptical Evelopment>
Eyes Of The World>
The Other One
Uh, I think rosemary was aoxomoxoa, Correct?
I would have preferred Cryp/Other/Eyes but that's just me.
Hey greg, great set, right? Are you there?
rosemary also played at furthurfest 6-30-10 fantastic!
oops 5-30-10
I am back with ya....I was confused for a second with Run Mary, which I get flashed on every time I buy a dso ticket on their website. Thanks for bringing me back.
BTW anyone paying homage this w/e to the boys stellar mojo in philly ck out 11.5.79. ~45 run of eyes>est>Franklins>jam. Very nice and eyes is 23 minutes ;)
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall>
Morning Dew>
Cryptical Evelopment>
Eyes Of The World>
The Other One>
Chinacat Sunflower
Hey I just signed in a little while ago. Really, The only time rosemary was done live was in Kenfucky?!! You're kidding. Love the tune... so spacey yet something I used to listen to when "coming down" Nice piece of Triv. Greg. Don't tell me you were there too dawg!!
not there.
Will be at Binghampton and Pittsburgh.
The Kentucky set list is my dream list!!!
Greg, did you mean it was a fucked-up tune or a fucked up jerry tune (Jerry being fucked up at the time) A subtle difference but oh so meaningful!!
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall>
Morning Dew>
Cryptical Evelopment>
Eyes Of The World>
The Other One>
Chinacat Sunlower>
I Know You Rider
just fucked up with the reverb overdub stuff....the distorted vocals on the track.
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall>
Morning Dew>
Cryptical Evelopment>
Eyes Of The World>
The Other One>
Chinacat Sunlower>
I Know You Rider>
Playin' In The Band
come on now
What's Left? This is just sick. Can't wait to hear this.
WTF is the encore gonna be? Does anybody really care?
What's next, a help>slip>scarlet to close? This set is sick!
maybe Sugar mag
Makes up for the short Virginia set. Yeah the reverb stuff was a bit different but I thought it suited the tune for some reason especially with the acoustic chords at the end. Just remember they were pretty crisp by that time and that tune just had a sort of calming effect like a wierd lullaby or something. Will chat soon. I'm only seeing one more at Radio City.
end of set
I will call a Brokedown or an Attics
Baby blue would b cool right re now....
donor rap
e: Brokedown Palace
We should change the name of Donor Rap to Cody Tribute!
Satisfaction or Gloria would rock!
Great show check you cats tomorrow
Tower Theater
2nd Set
Cryptical Envelopment >
New Speedway Boogie>
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall>
Morning Dew>
Cryptical Evelopment>
Eyes Of The World>
The Other One>
Chinacat Sunlower>
I Know You Rider>
Playin' In The Band
donor rap
e: Brokedown Palace
that's all folks
Good call on the Brokedown Greg. See you tomorrow on the line.
Aoxomoxoa was one of the first studio albums I ever bought. C'mon people! It's a classic.
great show, cant wait for the DL !
seems like everythings coming back around and hopefully we will see the Blues for Allah reappear
...I love the cryptical and was gettin a little worried after not seeing it pop up since Lewiston, which was an incredible show by the way...
Looks like they came to Philly ready to play. Spectrum R.I.P. Was there a stream tonight? I was out with the wife.
they are all incredible shows...this band is on FIYAAAAAARRRRRE! You peeps on the East are lucky, i am bummed to not be in PGH for my hometown show..but at least they are throwin it down in PA, once again. Rosemary is an amazing piece, Jer would be so proud;) that was one heck of a 2nd set...
It all seems like a dream...
They are certainly delivering the goods at the Tower, when one show rolls seamlessly into the next it all seems like a dream...
Richard you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Knights Hall is a classic little arena, capacity about 4-5K. Louisville is actually a very nice little midwestern-styled town and really quite comfortable
That show is legendary.....
I haven't seen much of this band, personally, just about 10 shows along their way. The flow of the sets and the sound of the band is really nice. THey were in a groove last night, and that is something that comes from hard work, solid musicianship and being able to let it flow. There was a bit more freedom to the flow of the music. Still have trouble deciding what I think of JK, but he is very good, and his guitar did bring a tear to my eye on Brokedown.
Obvious theme of the show was the unrest in the world right now. People rising up(Eyes) and being beaten back the authorities(busted for smiling...), civil war and post nuclear disaster(the Dew), etc. I hope these March winds blow all the Japanese radiation away!
Wow! Looks like it was one hell of a show. Wish I was there to hear NEW SPEEDWAY.
Hey JOE It actually was an honest wierd slip of the keyboard on the Kentucky thing. I DID say that the set in KY where they played the first Rosemary would be my dream set although this show is also quite close and I have been seeing shows since '72. Lost count a long time ago!! Anyway did anyone say who sang the Rosemary and was there any (good) distortion on the audio for it??
Looks like Philly will get some good shows too. They all have been quite good but on this particular show we didn't get any song by song reviews. Maybe I'll check todays date. See y'all later!!
Nice first set, very good second set. It had been so long since I'd been to the Tower I'd forgotton what it even looked like inside.
Now for my rant.
I've been looking forward to this run since the pre-sale as I had 8th row Phil side last night (4 seats on the aisle) and have 3rd row Dead center for Tuesday (again 4 seats on the aisle).
This is/was due to my getting online right at the start of the sale and getting a bit lucky too. All in all these were to be the best seats I'd ever had for any incarnation of The Dead.
My wife is 5'2" and the aisle seat was perfect as there was no seat in front of it given the curve of the seats at the Tower. We arrived, found our seats and were stoked.
So....the aisles filled up and where never cleared. Great. Now, because of the curve I've got people in my face and space all night, including a 4 fingers in the mouth whistler. Nice. Yes, I said 'my space' as that is what I paid for and was rewarded with for my dilligence in getting my tickets early. I appreciate the 'coolness' of the staff at the Tower but my thing is sit in your seat and if you want more room to do your thing, find a hallway. If you want to be close, either get a good seat from the get go or pay the big bucks from a 3rd party.
There was an abbundance of sloppiness while I'm on a roll. Ad to that the incesant (sp.) chatter during almost the entire first set and....
Maybe I'm just getting old (44) but, actually no, it's not that. I think back to the second year at Highgate when it became a free show. I came in late and was lamenting to my crew that this would probabley be the last year for this great venue (little did I know how true that would be) when some dude (not a kid either) chimed in whith "good, I'm glad they crashed the gate, the Dead are making sooo much money anyway!". To which I lectured him on space, safety, port-o-johns, parking, impact on community, added cost of security (passed on to me), water....blah blah blah.
I still had a great time at the Tower and loved the second set, people did quiet down a bit as one would expect.
Sorry for the negativity here, 25 years of pent up frustration coming out.
Of course, when I said "sit" in your seat, I meant sit or stand or dance in front of, your seat. Me prefering the later.
"So....the aisles filled up and where never cleared"
We noticed this looking down from the loge, it really looked crowded downstairs and the aisles were never cleared. Sorry you had a bad time, it was a great show.
>>>Still have trouble deciding what I think of JK, but he is very good, and his guitar did bring a tear to my eye on Brokedown.<<<
This you answered your own question!
Yep. And how I love Jerry.
Aisles were packed. Fortunately we were able to enjoy this one.
Cu tonight!!! OrchSS on center aisle big anyone gets in my space, they'll be sucked into my whirling ride!!!!!
Jford totally agree. don't understand people who come to shows to just get obliterated and bump into everyone and fall down and talk to their buddies the entire show like their at a football game.
They're not there for the music, just like a lot of fans at sports games who are there just for the party and not because they love the game.
By far the biggest pet peeve at shows is people talking during the music, especially during slow, quieter interludes. Why did you come if you're not interested in the music? I never noticed this from 1980-95 when Jerry was still with us. In fact, one of my fondest memories is seeing the Dead at Deer Creek in Indiana, and Jerry is doing the Dew, that really quiet part where he's barely strumming the guitar, no vocals. There was not another sound. Not one. I was in awe of the fact that the crowd was so respectful, so entranced. A few short years later, and Phil is singing the China Doll, a song with similar dynamics, and people are just chatting away, oblivious to the music and the moment. I've literally had to tell people to shut up. I want people to have a good time, but come on!
Even with a nice seat on the aisle, this short guy didn't mind the aisles being full- it kinda gives you that hectic GA feel with your own space to come back to. BUT, that whistling gal was nuts. I tried to reason with her, which was about as effective as trying to get some Zoners to behave. Others were a little more aggressive with her, which I believe resulted in sexual offers. Whistler's mother should have used birth control.
Still, I really enjoyed returning to the Tower and the 2nd set was excellent. The opening Cryptical was short- just the verse- but I thought Phil sounded sweet. The transition to speedway went from quiet to loud and gave speedway a jump start. Hard Rain had it's peaks - hoping it's an acoustic rehearsal. From Rosemary on, it was fantastic. For those who don't like Phil singing Rosemary, too bad. It's short enough to let me hear it and say "WOW, glad I caught that." The Dew started slow and quiet but then just took the place where we had not been all night. Out of Dew, they jammed Cryptical for too short a while before the second verse lyrics. The Eyes was the best one I've heard from Furthur. Went on for a while and built nicely. One piano break really featured Phil, Jeff and Joe as a jazz trio with the others just humming along in the background. That was a real highlight for me. Bobby actually waved off the bang into TOO to quite it down and jam into it. It was very nice and added to the effect of Phil bombing into The Other One, once they got back there. TOO was played grate, with Bobby doing the old school timing on the first verse and really stretching out the second verse. China Rider Playing- what can you say- clear they were saying here's some good ole GD for you in the entire second set. Chinacat was repeated from the bday show, but was needed before rider for the theme of the set. Brokedown was very sweet. Bobby's vocals were on all night. He looks and sounds great- vocals and guitar.
Most significant observation from joining the party for the last three shows is that, somehow, Phil keeps getting better and better. If you don't like a particular song choice, just listen to him.
Eddie absolutely spot on review of the 2nd set. I thought the Eyes was the best I've heard from this group as well.
We must have been seated near one another. This may sound odd and I'm not sure if it will translate well as typed but when I turn into a bit of a bitch, which I was doing for a time last evening, that in an unto intelf brings me a tad down.
That being said, the crowd did show a bit more reverance, or the band got louder and more intense (as the second set is known to do), and the 2nd set was very enjoyable.
Claude, I have a similar memory re: crowd noise (or lack of)...Giants circa 93/4 or 5. Dead did Attics (my first time hearing it live) and you could hear a pin drop in that place even with 80K +/- people on hand. I was one of the few standing, second level dead center straight back and was looking accross 2 sections at my brother (also standing) and just sharing the moment.
Once of my greatest memories of both the Dead and my little brother. (took him to his first show on his 21st bday at Nassau....on the way back from a winter climb of Mt. Washington).
Can't wait til Tuesday.
NIce recording up on the archive!!!!
How do I access that recording?
Think this will do it k4.taraszki.flac24
Thank you.
Have to agree with the complaints about space and chatter. Had great seats in 2nd row of loge, and had to deal with some chatter, but no space problems. Although chetter seemed to trail off as the second set got louder and more jammy. But I'm in CC Tues and AA center aisle Wed. I'm thinking of bringing a high powered flashlight and shining it in people's eyes who are taking my space and or chatting. Hopefully some of these issue will resolve by then.
>>>people who come to shows to just get obliterated and bump into everyone and fall down and talk to their buddies the entire show like their at a football game<<<
Hell, I hate that shit at football games too!
Thanks for the reviews, and interesting to hear about lack of harsh security after hearing about a certain amount in NYC. No stress on the "finer" things in life either?
Losing/giving up isles isn't necessarily a totally bad thing in a rock 'n roll sense, except that those that rush into isles are usually completely oblivious and unconcerned with anything but their own experience and have no clue as to their own douchiness.
Dance next to me, fine. Shove your way onto my feet, constantly bump into me because you have no rhythm or on evil-purpose to make more room for yourself, whip me with your dreds and whistle and jabber with your stanky friends and tell ME I'm "anti" when I ask for respectful space?
Same as it ever was.
Everyone going tonight do your best to be part of the solution, and have a great time!!
we had to buy 4 tics this time ( took niece and bf for first ever Furthur show)so our seats were all the way up there (4 rows from top)...went in earlier than usual to as scene outside was really sketchy, kinda freakin my niece out but all the while intrigued at the same time.
we get in and not there 5 min and a fist fight breaks out in front of us. is this setting the pace for the eve ??? While we did get a lot of yah hoooo ers and the whistlers were out in abundance fer sure. The second set was it for me, the sound was great where we were, it ingulfed and totally took my body and soul hostage ....all i can recall at this moment is that i kept saying "hey are they f***ing with us ???"
i was physically and emotionally spent, and that is for me exactly where i like to be after an awesome show .......I'm on perma~smile status.....still
sittin out tonight, my guy is flyin solo, and then onto tomorrow night !
>>>....all i can recall at this moment is that i kept saying "hey are they f***ing with us ???"<<<
Lyn, you seem to say that at alot of shows lately :D
ah, first night of 5 in philly, at the tower, how sweet it is..strange scene outside beforehand, caught wind the boys in blue were taking shit down very early, so i held off on showing up til closer to showtime...went in had a great seat row D in the orch right about level where the overhang starts...stranger opener was good, the jam did not reach the levels it can, and the sound was still being adjusted...bobby decided to test the el paso in another big city, and he got it this time (finally).. high time to follow was a treat, been waitin a while since the last...BIODTL was fine and in my opinion the remainder of the set was HOT. wang dang doodle was played so well, bob struggling ever so slightly with which verse to sing...i like big bad blues, many people especially the long haulers do not..its got a funky vibe to it that brings an interesting energy from people into the air, dont ease>cold rain was great most of the folks around me thought dont ease was it but i was counting the songs i knew one more was coming hehe..
2nd set had its ups and downs...very happy about the cryptical but the transition to new speedway was rocky..john did some great soloing during the boogie though..hard rain was ok, not nearly as nice as the version from worcester in november..rosemary>dew was something nobody saw coming...the crowd quickly became louder than the band during rosemary plagued with chatter about "what is this" glad i knew because i was able to shut up everyone around me and enjoy it..good dew but i preferred boston first night...cryptical to complete that sequence fine and dandy...the eyes is huge, a STELLAR version with incredible contributions from chimenti on his grand piano--absolutely mind numbing..other one was quick, not the greatest but a really wild roller coaster ride china rider afterward..without knowing the time i thought this was it but a great playin to close the set was well received.
the brokedown encore caught me by surprise for nght 1, i figued they would save it for the end of the run, but it was ok. bobs vocals sounded way too rough, JK's guitar was sweet though. i think they should let jeff and sunshine sing this by themselves, would probably be gorgeous
good first night, much to build on as the run continues
After a couple of shows at the Best Buy it was a treat to go to the Tower. I went Friday, Saturday and Sunday and all three were great shows.
I was thinking that Bob should just let John sing Brokedown but now I agree with WLewis about letting Jeff and Sunshine sing it. Cool idea!