Gorgeous Fall day, friends coming to town, Sunday night show close to home - can't wait!
they're rockin....have fun and be safe
Sitting this one out. My consolation prize is a lot of good football to watch.
Enjoy everyone!
I think after last nights show I might have sold my other tix and wait till they come to Albany.So glad they are turning up JK's mic.I'mean c'mon bobby.Good luck tonight Kids.Be safe.have fun.Put your seatbelts on though.They might try to top last night Last show in a 4 show in a row so could be mellow.Bathe in the Love.Victim or Crime for sure. Aiko opener .
I'm back like it or not ! love ya.
Terrapin tonight...
dale:he who holds the keys:
we arrived safely,see you in the waves...
Can't wait for NYE!!
ok my friends we need to hear this one tonight..who's got something for the swimmers at home on the couch?????
hope for the streaming GD"s to smile down on us!
the shows have sounded very good from what i have heard so far. set lists never tell the complete story.
Couch Tour!
Hello??? Show start yet... Bueller? Bueller?
Foolish Heart>
the zman cometh...http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
you know this space is getting hot
zman...you are the most righteous!
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Loose Lucy
nice stream 2nite....
True that!!!
Good times checking in on Floridas east coast!
72 and breezy
hey t...i'm in ft. laud....u?
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
Sweet stream. Thank you ZMAN.
Bobby snoozer AKA a bathroom song for me
much thanks ZMAN
stepwolf I'm in Stuart
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
...all yours.
promised land closer
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
school girl
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
Good Morning Little School Girl
Sitting On Top Of The World
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma.
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
school girl
Sitting on top of the world
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma.
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
school girl
Sitting on top of the world
Kenny T - I think you left out TLEO
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma.
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
acceptable?OK what does everyone think.Sort of lame I guess maybe you had to be there. we always have set #2.
Jam on brothers, take it FURTHUR!
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma.
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road
how do you get stream.
Big Thanks Z
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma.
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
aint gonna tell me been goin since 77 saw donna and kieth stream please
sorry http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Artie - it's all good.
You can always look up at the top to see was up.
What was your favorite show?
aint gonna tell me been goin since 77 saw donna and kieth stream please out look host error browsersays
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain
This Colors of the Rain song gets better every time.
It is working - something on your end.
msg last year till I heard setlist Hard to say.All the bands 40 years .Is there a best show?SPAC ALbany I think I see the hook thanks bro Ill think favorite show First show when I didnt know better peace
This song is like dry toast - filling, but doesn't taste good.
tastes like a brick.
Ha .important to taste good, _blew their wad last nite.C U in Albany hometown.
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor
thought for sure victim or crime
This show is sleepy.
Sunday football soundtrack - Let's go Ravens!!
Lost Saint,lazy lightnin suplication?
as the petals fall
football soundtrack yes -let's go Steelers
Not today Kenny.
I need BAL to win the pool.
No one picked the Ravens.
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance
bal up by 3 just intercepted on their way sorry
Bobby vocals sound really good these days, his guitar playing is always top notch but his vocals sound damn good these Days. He is even remembering all the lyrics too which cant be easy knowing thousands of songs. I love Weir !! And Phil even more.
G-MEN THE HELL WITH THE patriots eli the man
Ball looking good, Pitts got half the d on the side line I think you will win your pool
got stream thanks kids we dedheds r the best Thanks Couch tour.!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace and good Karma at ya bob sounds tired.shiz...........
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance
No punch on this?other one........... quadlibet for tender feet.oops but .............
no cryptical..not yet at least
tastes like Potato now.
new potato nice..phil rocks this
Dude, is it me or is this show a golden slumber?
out of gas, thanks stream MSG love you guys.get it over with .stick a fork in this one.
Just hasd some scrambled eggs with cheese. Terrapin
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance
New potato caboose
OK Arthur -u beat me 2 it, but only cause I forgot my password. I know, now excuses!
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance>
new potato caboose>
Stop go get some sleep guys balt16 Pit 6 in 4th almost.Lacking energy Is everyone asleep? Sorry sounds poor Ive heard this on fire.
technically, this is Lady With A Fan, first part of the Suite
Prediction 4 next song:
At a Siding )
Artie, is that 77 Dave's pick worth getting?
I cant fuck like I did 40 years ago though, either.
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance
New potato caboose
lady with a fan part 1
Man-O-man I love terrapin
It depends whats up, got cash.Give you an idea of where it started you know history.84-89 anything oh Hampyon when they played under the name the Warlocks, their original name with the pig.pigpen first gig billed ats warlocks hampton87?Broke out dark star after a while 10yrs Fun.
2011-11-06 - Mullins Center,Amherst, Ma. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zzzstream
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance
New potato caboose
lady with a fan part 1>
at a siding >
Terrapin flyer>
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance
New potato caboose
lady with a fan part 1>
at a siding >
Terrapin flyer>
Terrapin station
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance
New potato caboose
lady with a fan part 1>
at a siding >
Terrapin flyer>
Terrapin station
liver left body jam
Samson & Delilah
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumber>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance
New potato caboose
lady with a fan part 1>
at a siding >
Terrapin flyer>
Terrapin station
liver left body jam
liver left body jam <<<
good one
Damn, I went to take a leak and totally missed the Cryptical Envelopment.
there was no Cryptical, unless it was just a tease
Is spelling an issue here?
Just wondering
glad I didn't pay for this one.
Dave,are you worried or just interested.Spelling gets point across.Period.Why worry about spelling.................
Foolish Heart>
Next Time You See Me
Loose Lucy
Doin That Rag
Looks Like Rain
They Love Each Other
School Girl
Sitting on top of the world
Golden slumbers>
golden road>
colors of the rain>
lost sailor>
saint of circumstance>
New potato caboose>
lady with a fan part 1>
at a siding >
Terrapin flyer>
Terrapin station
liver left body jam
encore:samson and delilah
heck you don't even have to know what songs are being played :-)
Uh huh, I was under the impression that it was all one big jam and they just spit out whatever words they feel like, inspired by the moment!
What me worry?
Nah just havin' fun
can't wait for columbus !
da setlist official
Ok I just got home. Here is the short review.
1st set was hit or miss, crowd was very mellow.Four shows in a row is not good for tour heads,
Killer versions of Foolish Heart, Doin that Rag, and a amazing Looks Like Rain, the end was sort of like going backward to the start of the set but Sitting was good.
Set \yellow[EPIC!} One of the best sets I have seen this band do.
Amazing jams and massive Phil Bombs at the end of Terrapin. John was driving the bus tonight
Second sets are shorter now.
Nite ya'll
quick thoughts
first set a b-. Great bluesy Lucy ... amazing what they have made of this throwaway tune from Mars. Rag, Schoolgirl and Sittin all bring back the beautiful memories of Pig and the early Hammond sounds and the Aoxo days, with the music crossing from deep blues to african spirituals to ye olde mountain ballads to psychedaelia to children songs. great three-part effort on Rag by the boys without backup. but LLR and TLEO and NTYSM a bit tired. still, points for tightness and weir singing less and better.
second set an A-, GREAT start with Golden S, Golden R and Scarlet -- heart of GOLD band! -- JK singing was superb! he took over and phil was loving the passion. but then it was nap time till Caboose and Terrapin. encore was meh. does anyone really like S and D? absence of visuals behind band was a loss compared to the summer gig at mansfield.
great mellow young crowd and fabulous outside atmo all afternoon with the shakedown crowd a real treat. strangers shaking hands. thankfully low Masshole quotient due to dry venue. i saw former deadhead babies carrying THEIR babies! howz that for longevity. looks like a good tour ahead.
Hi Ho the Carrion Crow
How was the Colors of the Rain? One of the best new Hunter songs in my opinion. I can see how coming out of Scarlet could work beautifully.
The Colors of rain was exceptionally musically this song is really good and the jam into and out of it was great, improvisation folks.
The lyrics remind me of Wave to the Wind but not as flowing.I have only heard twice tive and still getting the gist if it.
Thee lost Sailor and Saint were one of the best I have seen this band play. Much better than the Mann in 2010.The transitions from Color was quite good and unexpected.
I loved the New Potatoe Caboose as well.
Samson raged the band ripped it up big time, nice fast tempo, although I was pulling for that first time east coast Baby Blue.
2 shows in (WB & Amherst). Both very strong. Just reading posts from people who were not there, but opining about them (e.g. Artie deluca who appeared ready for bed before the opening notes come across the Zone board). Advice; don't let the list become gospel.
Amherst was different from WB. 1st set had the woman theme going. 2nd set cooked. These guys were having a great time on stage and did not show any signs of fatigue after 4 straight shows, tons of jamming and tons of miles across this bizarre logistical stretch of locations. Not sure how they do it. I went from Utica to WB to Amherst and back to Albany post show and am exhausted.
Huge Chimenti night. Russo rocks!
sorry mark d.Ive been at this since 77' RPI .were you born?I do let the list become gospel.I guess.?Got away from philzone for 10 years now Im learning it again.First show set list was gospel what an amazing show I must say glad you were there ,sick show?Last nights show seemed lacking Im sorry .What do you think Im just glad they got this stream and I can hear the shows in the comfort of my apartment that I cant make I'll see you In alb.
Well Well, I guess I can't scold a soul. Artie; good too see ya postin. Saw Anne from a distance and Kelly was right behind me. Wish you could have been there. I was at both last nights and PA night before shows; I AM IN AWE - This crew of pros bring it, sure..Bobby may flubed a lyric or 2 but I've never heard him play better. Lost Salior Saint ala album, Scarlet beynd words. The boys still had energy despite 4 night run. What I like the best is I saw them 2 in a row and it was like seeing 2 different bands; one not better than the other but both consisting of the best players on earth. For me, both nights were dance fests, and if there were mellowed moments my conducting skills took over. I'm lovin IT till it falls away. I hope never, but I am a realist. 77 was long ago, but now I get IT. And will continue to. These past 2 nights ranked very high on my lists. JK and Jeff C are having a ball up there, Russo to, ya can feel it! Could we be criticle? Sure, but many of us are beyond that. And that does my heart good, most all get IT, and IT is very very very good. I'm one happy DH; they lifted my spirt yet again. The numerous players over the many years have done IT for me, and I can only hope they come around when I need it the most. I'll see ya in NYC, Syracuse and Albany (home) yee haa, and I'm sure to get me some more of IT - Sorry I didn't really ctitique the shows but took the opportunity to stand at the pulpit and speak about IT. IT doesn't get any better. At least from my pulpit. Howie and Mark; Iknow I said I wouldn't post, but, I CAN'T HELP IT. Hey what about that Fire the other nigh? and the Doin That Rag, and the....and the....It's all good kids, go see IT, there gots to be Tix. Get in the car and go see for yourself. IT still is with us, I hope IT always will be. I Thank God for being born in this place, space and time.
Peace, Hoff
Hey Art,
Mark is spot on, I fed him Tomatto Pie from WB to Amhearst and back to Albany. He was born and has an excellent handle on IT. I'd ride the road and do the shows with him any time. Both nights Killed. As You know, the boys rock and always have. Mark has been there as much or more than you and I. Just let IT flow or I'll sick Howie on ya (harhar) looking forward to next week. I predict Albany and everything inbetween will be worth an attendance. And I do mean dance...IT'S all good guys - Oh yea, PEACE.
Un believable glad what I think looked to be one of the best no doubt. Didnt we say that after msg Last year??ha ha.Fucking amazing and a darkstar Yeah I figured out how to post and listen to stream sounded tired last night ,So Cool those streams,Video next.Bob that good?Glad JK's mikes are up.Right.Dark star first night.Keep dancin .say hi to the Jew from the c hed.LOLO next show ?ready for stream.Cool or what.Man has this site changed in 20 years as far as posts etc are concerned So Good To Hear from Ya .Love ya bro Hope for the best in alb .Weird growling at end od show before encore.Gettin anxious rest before Albany show, good for them, Syracuse Fri? maybe go w rolls?
Thanks bob, sorry about that last stuff.takes a while to gett under the bridge.or over the bridge where are aiko And Victim NYC I bet. Peace
Virginia here we come
well, we went out to play last nite as well... my first of this tour with only MSG, and AC blowin it out fer me this trip ! It was a strange night, as i was in a mellow mood, just kinda taking it all in. Our seats were left of soundboard on floor. Right out of gate and for most of show sound was muddled for me, kept me searching for the sound and cupping my ears into my own lil "lyn" world ( it was nice in there specially during Terrapin..
To me, it seemed two of my least fav songs wer placed at very inappropriate times, first and second set. I was just starting to get my groove when each one popped up and Bobby buzzkilled me back to reality ( sorry, my opinion, my experience only). and it seems that Sailor/Saint gets friggan longer each time...lol ! ughhh ! I always make the best of , of course, and and i do luvvv Colors of the rain as well, it was nice, 'cept for ALL those rude folks whom like to gabble on and talk during any NON Bobby song !! ((( rant ))
I still can't bring myself to be AS Rude during his shatner~esque stage hogging performance...and i sit quietly till complete. Highlights were Foolish Heart, Colors, Terrapin...and altho no Cumbie ( you can't always get what you want....but you get what you need ) we got a "They love Each Other"....very apprpro as we were just wed to that song last week .. so all in all, a nice nite out, meet up with some awesome friends and met a new one two (( sue m )).
Making plans for the blowout in AC, have a ton of folk goin and got hooked up with free rooms right next door to Boardwalk Hall ! (((my old stompin grounds )))
Well, not exactly how I thought I would find out but hey congrads ...hope you and Sideshow have many happy years together....
All I can say is I had a blast; sound was great, Phils side 4 or 5 rows off the floor section T; sound solid, mix more solid, right under the stacks. Bobby did the Shatner here and there but during Sailor Saint, spot on.... uggh, I LOVE this song and every member in the band landed it most prefecly. But who cares? it was all good. It is so cool to see all these dudes so happy, smilin, playin off of, taking cues from, being there for each other, and yes Art; JK's mike, amp, attitude and sheer joy being there to share his talent for all to see being spot on..
Art, we go back far to far for any sorry dudes. Life brings us what it brings, no apologize necesarry; (a very confusing circumstance for me)Let's just allow them to keep bringing IT night after night; all is good between us so far as I'm concerned. Regarding the band? There are no best shows for me any more; just the ones that are as good or better than the last one. For you youngins out there; just be Grateful, for you too are getting to hear, feel and see IT.
Peace! Oh - by the way, I'll have my 18 and 20 year old boys with me in Albany. Guess what? They each think it's all good as well, and they're ready to go with me at the drop of a hat. They like Jerry, Love this band.. too
Well based on teh other thread peeps have been down on this show, but rational zoners take note.
This second set was one of the best I have seen out of 15 Furthur shows.
To touch up on set one the sound was not good. JK was too low and it was muddled sounding.
Foolish Heart was perfect, and the tranistion into Next Time You See me was botched up...opps!
They pulled it together and John started stepping it up.
Lucy got them back on track, with another verse mix up by Bob but it was a rocking version.
Doin' That rag was awesome they really went off on it and the band was in the groove and guess who put the kibosh on it? Bobby?
Nope Phil. I could not understand why they were going places.
Looks Like Rain was incredible, glad this is back in the mix. Classic Bob Weir.
TLEO was great but odd placement audience agreed as well.
Then School girl? Poor choice for late in the set.
Sitting was nice, alittle dijointed at point but ended strongly and was cooking.
Set II after dinner.
great spot Phils Bass moves your hair there.It's saunter
agreed we go way too far back and have been through too much to let those things that happen really affect anything( confusing for both of us,)~;-)
The bus matters,we know weve been on the Bus. for years and years Looks like They Have plenty of "IT" to go around hope it's on the loose as a goose in All bunny.It will be great to be with Dylan and Tyler(Jazz),glad you let me share with your children.Thats special, as church lady would say
ARTS call to the band ,
Play "Love The One Your With" since you cant be where you were going to be, but your in Albany, so, please, Love The Ones Your With. Easy to learn.Bobby will figure it out in the bathroom at the hotel.Where they stayin?
yes to peace.
learned that lists on paper may not do the show itself justice.
was exhausted at beginning of last nights show from ripping at Wilkes Barre and driving (well riding actually, Word did the driving) all the way to Amherst. From the opening riff's of Foolish Heart (was never actually a big fan of this in the past), they had me up on my feet and dancing.
onward to MSG, 'Cuse, Buffalo and Albany!
Fun night for sure but didn't feel the energy level close to the huge energy nights in Manchester and Portland. Some great moments but jk didn't seem to rip it like he can. Sitting on Top ripped! G Road and scarlet brought the gigfest. Colors was good with great potential. Terrapin was incredible! Russo dominated and owned this suite. He was UNBELIEVABLE! Phil dropped some major bombs at the end. But Russo!! S & D was probably the loudest and highest energy jam of the night, JC killed it on the hammond and once again.....Russo was erupting!! Watch him...he'll blow you away! Reminiscent of Molo! First set had highs and not so highs. Good young crowd. Full-on shakedown. Another memorable night giggin and hanging with my boys!
Now the good post reviews are begining to appear.
As noted the place was very mellow and way undersold, come on Futhur $40 tickets prices would fill the place up, and I was pleasantly surprised by Golden Slumber. John was very sweet and it set a nice groove.
"To get back homeward"
They then jumped into Golden Road with wild abandon and it should be noted that they actually jammed out of this into Scarlet which was outstanding, Phil had turned it up by now and the band was in the zone.
The sound had drastically improved, I was right at the sb, and the band took off. The jam to the bridge was excillerating. John did not want to stop, he extended it like three times . They finshed the song strongly then jammed out of it which was great into Colors of the Rain.
This version was tight with quick changes and tempo the band really soared out of it and then jammed for what seemed like five mintues, no easy hints of what was to come but I loved how it went into Lost Sailor, sorry Lyn
Now for in the know who love this duo and who love to drift and dream man this was heaven.
I would say listen to that Lost Sailor from Greek '85 and you know what this one was like.
Majestic and intense.Phil was sick.
A uptempo Saint had the place moving and was well received.You just don't ever know
Then to go into New Potato Canbose was a great curve ball and was sublime. Phil sounded great and the band delivered the goods.
The tranistion into Terrapin was incredible, there was a Wharf Rat tease in there but when they drifted into it wow! It was like being picked up by a midnight summer night breeeze.
You ever hear the cliche that it is not what you play? Its the spaces between the notes?
This Terrapin exemptplfied that is a big way. The band was in no rush and really delivered the performace of the night here.
Stunning, joyful, and deep very deep.
Starkdar nailed it above.
By the time they got to the reprise the mighty Phil was slamming his hammer down and layed at least six bombs that shook through all in attendence.
I was thinking if they wanted to really blow us away we might get the Dew but Bobby delivered a ragin Samson and we were done.
Great dancing by us freaks and I even ran into one of the orginal funky bitches I meet at the Glenns Fall show in '07.
The Asian dude was even there!
Happy Trails ya'll and see you in Albany.
i'm glad you had a good time Ted, sorry we missed you. I had some homemade goodies fer ya too ! ( i'll save em) I forgot to mention how much i enjoyed the Golden Slumber, it was quite beautiful. as far as sailor/saint...(or any other song i don't care much for) i always take that opp to sit back and relax, i do like to observe and enjoy watching how much others get into it, how it moves them so passionatly...
always brings a smile to watch others getting their groove on ~ All in all i always try to enjoy any experience with open arms and heart. As i told "someone" else that nite, " you have to go thru the experience for it to be an actual "experience". from there where you take it and store it....is totally up to you.
I always like reading your reviews Ted !!
Ted, I don't think I know you but I like your reviews a lot and respect them as well... As I read back it's kind of funny as folks (not you) will mention energy level low at this show or that one, then they go on to mention half the songs from the show that rocked the world.... daaaa...me no know. These dudes ROCK, face it.
I'll C ya all at MSG,Cuse, then at our place in Albany. We can debate the rocking feavered pitch level after the shows. Not tryin to stir the soup; just getting some shits and giggles. CU all Thursday in the Apple. The Big One. K?
Hoff thanks we have to meet in Albany. Have fun Thursday I might go but still up in the air.
Thanks Lyn.I was in the back right side of sb for set two lol.
You have fun Thursday as well.
I enjoyed the show immensely. I thought John's sound was much better than in the past (volume higher), plus for the first time (that I've seen), John really seemed to lead, especially the first three tunes of the second set.
I had a seat where there was a perfect line of sight, and no one directly in front of me, and the sound was really excellent. Not too loud, but plenty loud and CLEAR!
Highlights for me were the Terrapin suite, especially the part the Grateful Dead never did live, with Russo just being phenomenal. Doin' that rag was perfect. The jam into Scarlet and the jam in and out of Colors of the Rain were excellent. Everyone's voice sounded great, especially the a capella part at the end of Doin' that Rag.
Golden Slumbers into Golden Road was a really cool beginning to the 2nd set. Totally unexpected from my viewpoint. I'm not a big fan of the Lost Saint, having seen too many of those 30 years ago, however, the were played very very well. Just took up too much time!
New Potato was cool too. We stayed for S and Delilah so it couldn't have been too bad!
Had a great time at this show as did everyone I spoke with afterwards.
As someone said above "guess you had to be there".
Beautifully executed 2nd set with gorgeous, intricate playing throughout.
First set rocked for the most part. Especially Foolish, Lucy and the closing Schoolgirl > Sittin'.
As far as the crowd everywhere I went folks seemed to be dancing, smiling and having a great time. Asshole factor was remarkably low.
I'm guessing many of the negative comments in the other thread were from people not at the show just listening to the stream or reading the setlist.
Phil was smiling all night long so I guess he approved of what was going down.
Hey Bobby,Good to see your posts. Ted I'd like to meet with you and Bob, if Im not intruding,Lots of shows between us.Gett ready for the Apple from Eve show tonight.Stream New Friends better than before,?we lost a few dear ones to get to this point but we are here.Stream is the greatest secret.Maybe Victim tonight w/Aiko opener,Truckin(got the ways and means),Im still trying to get them to play"Love the one your with" at Albany.Dost thou think apprapoea.Like a pack of wild geese .........Masterpiece .............or Watchtower?
The Asian Dude
Tomorrow I mean. gonna go to Cuse and wait till just before the show to buy tickets so people wont have to eat them.beat the scalpers or get luck/y miracle
Artie I would love to go up to Syracuse but I won't be able to. If you are heading east to Albany we can meet.
The only other thing I will mention is now vendors on Shakedown were selling @Occupy stickers yet.
Very disappointed freaks time to get on this bus.
The Nitrous Mafia also introduced the new lower noise volume tank, you hardly knew it was there...thank God!
I found the show to be a bit disjointed. I found, personally, even though it was my first show on the tour, that it didn't flow as well as it could have, as it had in other cities.
OK. Show... Foolish Heart. New song but I have to admit, I am a fan. Odd to open the show, though, in my opinion... Moving on, Loose Lucy, still fun but not really there for me. I like LLR, LOVED TLEO, I don't know that I've ever heard it live before and Sittin' on Top of the World I know I hadn't seen before and loved every single second of it!!! LOVED THAT. Intermission...
OK. Second set... Golden Slumbers, Golden Road into Scarlet... Fun? I missed the Fire, though, however cliche. Colours of the Rain. Lost Sailor/Saint? Meh. But I did dance, second set and all... Doesn't really do it for me, either, but I did get a chuckle out of it, we were expecting it, at least sort of, weren't we? New Potato Caboose is not one of my faves... But the Terrapin??? It kept going and going and going... But sweet. A highlight for me, for sure. But my fave might have been the encore. Samson, I thought, SMOKED as the encore, I LOVED hearing it there. Great way to close the show, leave us all happy and dancin' and ready to go again...
I am headed to SYR on Friday and just buckled and got tix for Albany next week... Such as it is :-)
Foolish Heart. New song but I have to admit, I am a fan. Odd to open the show, though, in my opinion >>>
new song ????
Ok. Relatively new when it was GD... I am old! New to before Jerry passed but not new now. Sorry. I didn't put it in context :-)
I'm only kidding... ...i am old too, i kinda thought that, it's all in the interpretation...
which is why we are all so varied, like the colours of the rainbow ~ glad you had a good show, the Terrapin salvaged it for me, always try to have a good time.
Andrea - i love you - anyone who calls Foolish Heart a new song is from my era ... ha ha ... you make me feel at home...
I mean, I remember when Throwing Stones and Lost Sailor were new songs - and not all that well received
In fact, Alabama Getaway was pretty universally seen as the only NEW song that was any good - in the 1979-80 era ....
Grubby, honey, we've met, ironically enough, I clicked on your name. You sold me my tickets for SPAC this summer :-)
Nice to see you again? Amherst didn't do it for me, despite the 27 minute long Terrapin. SYR flowed much better, IMO, and I am off to Albany on Tuesday. Weird order of the tour this fall, no? Did you go to that Portland show? Not a good one to miss, alas, but I had houseguests...
You love me. LOL... I am older than I look, huh??? I keep joking that past habits have preserved me well... ;-)