Hello sisters and brother as we go furthur and further this summer! Bring on the sound, bring on the show! The bus rolls in to Philly in two days time. Looking forward to a hot night at The Mann Center. Enjoy the New England vibes and safe travels to all.
Stream please for phriends who must settle for couch tour until they come back west..!!!
Thanks in advance to whoever may provide the kindness.
hey hey HEY! looking for a stream everyday
Will they play Bucket in Pawtucket or will they say phuckit?!! Let the good times roll on Summer Tour Two Oh Wun Too!!!
Have fun tonight kids! See ya in Hotlanta!
here's to a smokin' summer It's going to be a wild one!Breakout an old chestnut or two, slip in a new one...always keep em' guessing >>>
Hope to see a few freaks in phil chat tonight!
Jake is that link for tonight at show time?
must be unless it is a 6:30 showtime...
i will check back in an hour
What's going on with the stream?? Setlist anyone?
this stream is not the real "McCoy"! sorry... this couch tour is making me thirsty!
what u guys calln for opener?? im callin stranger
Here Comes Sunshine
Dancin' in the Streets!!!!! Nice
that stream isnt live from tonight right now is it>???
Streams up!
ne other streams? taperrob around? this is chopppy cant hear well
That's what I was wondering...is the stream live?
I call either tonite or tomorrow nite, Ripple as encore because that's my fav song and I can't be there!
this stream is kinda hard to hear...get mostly crowd noises...taperrob where are you???
just tried rob's ustream it is off
this one is ok..thanks to whoever posted it...just wishing it was a little clearer. but...at least we get to hear it!! thanks again!
Nice start! Off and running. I will be zoning' with you all and will be there live in Cary next week. At Duke for my annual pastoral summer school ... tour eases the heavy workload.
It could be better, but it could be so much worse! Thanks streamer!
Love the jam out of shakedown!
Dancin in the Streets>Shakedown>Jack Straw...awesome!
I hate commercials
get ad blocker it is free and it works
me too..annoying...
this is a slowed down version of jack straw...diggin it!
Thanks ad blocker, genius!
http://adblockplus.org/en/ and use only firefox or chrome for PC and for MAC use chrome and install this http://adblockplus.org/en/chrome
where can i download a good adblocker? I tried one before but it didn't work
edit: ha nevermind, thankyou!
thanks for link... hubby is there tonight, i am gearing up for Philly and Bethel only this trip 'round ...
surgery on the 17th takes precidence !!
Adam, hope to get a hug in Philly, say hey...if ya see me ! i finally got a handicap parking plaquard, so i'll be in that area !
stream is choppy, but beggars can't be (too) choosey....lol !
Ryan Adams, oh boy
Let It Ride
I keep losing the stream...just got it back. Thanks goodness!!
yeah it's cutting in and out for me too
i guess a little is better than nothing..but it's like a tease. black throated wind started then cut out!! ahhhh...where is taperrob??? we miss you buddy!!
love to be able to stream...but this one is really annoying me...just sayin...
holy shizzle this looks like a barn burner already!!! this tour is gonna be incredible..
gonna love every minute of this tour because they may not be out my way again..
yes Matt, that is how i feel...ughh. a def tease, so sometimes i cut my losses, turn it off watch setlist....and listen to it later....
yes we do miss TR !!
headin out to work now, have a good nite !
it has improved
little better..but still choppy...have really high hopes! oh and this is Jen...matthew is my bf
Yes Judy I agree. Every time may be the last time. There is precious little left, and we have been so blessed for all these years. It's just the best.
Last Time and Casey Jones to end set
Thanks for stream ...like a beam of light here in drizzley old London
Pawtucket RI
Dancing In The Streets >
Shakedown Street >
Jack Straw
Let It Ride >
Black Throated Wind
Reuben & Cherise
Last Time
Casey Jones
per Furthur's Twitter post
Every time I click on the live stream it takes me to reuben & cherise....anyone else having this problem??
4 Set 2 solid stream, 4 which we send positive vibes that it remains.
: 0 )
Cryptical Envelopment
Set 2:
Golden Road
Cryptical Envelopment >
The Other One >
my call in said x factor is in the house... he is wayy happy. also very impressed with how they have it layed out and roped off....he got a sweet sound spot too !!
cryppie for our beloved cryp... have fun there dear !
stream running great for second set thank you sugaree1
second set...way better...thanks!
Grate nite!!
Tsk tsk Little Bill hope you made the show it looks to be a real barn burner
Pocky Way. Where is you phreaks?
ohhhhh myyyyyy !!!
I've looked at a lot of furthur setlist and I just don't recall seeing this one much if at all? Is this a first for Furthur
Best they have sounded all night. Starting to flow
And then the Bobmobile hahaha
Kinda funky now
They played Pocky Way last week at TXR.
seems really short anyone have a setlist
Set 2:
Golden Road
Cryptical >
The Other One >
Dear Mr. Fantasy
Standin on the Moon
Hey Pocky Way (2nd performance by Furthur band)
Sugar Mag
Donut Rap
The Pocky Way was of course premiered at the Terrapin xRoads "rehearsal" last week...
nice show...
g~nite ~
I was hoping for some of these songs at the MD show. Wow this show is hot!
Uncle John's Band - second encore!
yowza yowza yowza
grate picture from the stage!
Throngs of people holy shit
Lil Bill did u make the show?
Had to work my fellow friends. : ( hope you all had a grateful night.. Nice start to hot run.... anyone going to Merriweather? Love to meet some new friends!!!
(Hell in)Pawtucket RI
Thurs. 7-5-12
Set I:
Dancing In The Street >
Shakedown >
Jack Straw
Let It Ride (Ryan Adams song) >
Black Throated Wind
Reuben & Cherise
Last Time
Casey Jones
Set II: [start time: 9:10pm]
Golden Road
Cryptical >
The Other One >
Cryptical >
Dear Mr. Fantasy >
Playin >
Standin on the Moon >
Hey Pocky Way (2nd performance by Furthur band)
Sugar Mag
Donut Wrap
Liberty >
Listening to Shakedown and... WOW!! Can't imagine what the SB's will sound like! Thanks Sugaree for the stream. I had an unbearable evening at work and you made it all better! Love...
Great energy!!
Can't wait for Philly, Merriweather, ATL & Cary
Looks like a great show! Surprised no US Blues!
I missed the US Blues, I am not a fan of Liberty... Fun show, though, beautiful night!
I have a bit of a break until Brooklyn and then... Bethel. Big smiles :-D
...... but what about that fun UJB... double encore was really nice
Show is up on archive.org good sounding tape
Lord have mercy. This was a good one. Brought a buddy to his first show last night ... kid lucked out.
So here is my review of both show and scene. Before show everything was fun and chill. Found parking right away which was free. The scene in parking lots was fun, lots of people selling their wears, security was generally chill from what i could see. My girlfriend and I decided we would go in early for prime viewing. Gates opened about 5:30 as advertised and other than having to wait a few times once in the stadium, which seemed to cause more chance for stampeding than just letting people go at their own pace, things preceded peacefully. We ended up in what would be the second row.
Show started with a nice Dancing in the Streets followed by Shakedown ( I had hoped for one on the way down) and then Jack Straw. Sound was good, crowd at this point was cool (met lots of nice people nearby) energy was excellent by both the crowd and band. First set continued with Ryan Adam's Let it Ride, which I believe was the first time it was performed by Further, a pretty BTW, bouncing Last Time and Casey Jones to end the set.
As the first set ended, during the break and as the second set began things started to get crazy up front. More and more people coming up front with the wrong attitude. It is one thing to be drunk or have partied too much (we have all been there) but way too many people were obnoxious, and had no understanding of the behavior that leads to what can be such a great atmosphere. No exaggeration one young girl actually bit my arm in anger when I told her she couldn't cut in front of me. When another guy tried to storm up front he asked me how many shows I have seen, as if the number he has seen gave him some privilege to be up front. Frankly after seeing the band in its various forms for closing in on 30 years i didn't know it worked like that. Eventually towards the end of the second set, one big idiot who had earlier cut up front, didn't like another idiot doing it to him and tried to throw him over the security fence. Unfortunately he was unable to do so and instead basically threw the second guy to the ground. That was enough for Lisa and I of being upfront and we left our spot and headed for the quieter landscape of the back of the floor.
As for the music, which to be honest was partially ruined for me because of the scene, Golden Road opener was hot. Personally I am not a big Playin' fan , loved the Mr Fantasy, enjoyed SOTM, Hey Pokey Way was a first for Further on the east Coast and loved the double encore, especially UJB.
Overall great time, love the band, got some great pictures which I will post later, will keep me coming back and though I understand part of being upfront in having to deal with the negatives, this was way too much for me.
Thanks for the review Keith. Bummer about the scene but not all together surprising.
Yeah Keith I was there, about 4 rows back. There were some definite shitheads in that crowd. I'm a 5'2" female and large guys (and girls) were smacking into me left and right. I know it can get hairy up there but jeebus. The show was amazing though, most of the crowd was great and except for the tank thugs the scene was awesome. Bobby squinted at me.