If you missed the Veterans Benefit w/ Weir, Hagar, Chimenti and Jonathan Wilson joining Steve Liesman and the Mooncussers, you can see the first set here. http://music.yahoo.com/video/mooncussers-sweetwate r-music-hall-004009021.html
The benefit was for the Coming Home Project. www.cominghomeproject.net/ Cool show.
Thank you for being there, doing it, and posting here. It was great to watch it at the time, but cut off, so it'll be great to see the whole thing.
Didn't see that it's the first set. It's great, no matter how much of it there is.
Keith Kenny with Joe Gailant (Illuminati/Glowing Skull Ring):
http://www.jambands.com/reviews/shows/2013/07/08/k eith-kenny-and-joe-gallant-riverside-inn-cranford- nj-6-26#.Ud8F42S9Kc1