I have an extra for Thursday, Loge row B. Email me if interested
carl k, I need one for Thurs, but having problem with e-mail. Can meet up before or make other arrangements. Will pay face. Thanks
Bonk99, I just sent you an email, let me know if you rec'vd it. I'm going to these shows, so hooking up shouldn't be a problem.
thanks carl k.
Thursday is the 10th anniversary of the death of Frank Zappa.How should we view this in terms of the PLQ event? Request 'Penguin in Bondage'? Sleep in a phone booth?? Denounce Tipper Gore???
First official Branford tonight rumor.
Word on chat is he's in NY WEds & free Thurs-Fri.
My guess is he'd show Thursday rather than Friday.
hope they save the Eyes for Branford
anybody with a ticket to spare email me at nocda@yahoo.com
will pay face +?
Cary, go to the last post on tonight's review, someone has 3
wow, I was going to post to say i felt a bird song coming. Now, with the branford rumor, i'm thinking eyes and milestones as well
Dang! I couldn't sleep for the anticipation, which is a Bummer since i woke at 4! Gonna be a long long crazy crazy night...
And to think we may get to see Branford and Eyes..
Anyone know what time they have been coming on at and more importantly what time the stop playing at .. gotta catch that train .. Thanks
last night 8:25 to midnight
OK can you say.... KEEP ON GROWIN!
C'MON we need this one PHIL!!!!!
Since we had this conversation in Branford, and Taperrob and I and some others all shared, Branford is welcome on that stage ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
Yahoo if it happens, and a late show with the man, Molo.
Tues nite was 8:15 to 12:40
I have one extra for tonight. Loge Left, row H.
Looking for face value + ticketmaster "convenience charges". Total $55.
Email me at chris@gfmag.com
Branford is playing 2 sets at the Blue Note tonight. Dont think we'll see him at the Beacon. Maybe tommorrow...
I might have 2-4 extras for tonite if anyone's interested
I've got two great seats for Friday. Orch rgt. Just looking for cost of the tix. Going tonight can meet with you for drop off. E-mail me at denissullivan@optonline.net
Hey, y'all. I'm thinking of training it down from New Haven for tonight's show. Does anyone know if ticktes are readily available in the lot?
re: tickets -- there's been a ton of scalper type tickets and just plain extras out front selling for way less than cost the last two nights.
Sorry everyone but those Friday tix are gone. Please no more e-mails...
I can feel a tripped out Playin' sandwich in the air
bringing a few 1st timers tonight..they want to check out what's turned me back into a freak
one of my oldest and best friends is coming up from Maryland too so it's a good balance
Hey....where's the pre-show at?
Westside Brewery?
Hey, I need a ticket for tonight. If anyone can help me out, please email me at pantalanp22@aol.com
I live 3 blocks from the beacon, can meet you wherever. Thanks
>>>>Branford is playing 2 sets at the Blue Note tonight. Dont think we'll see him at the Beacon. Maybe tommorrow...
Bad info on Chat.
Somebody said he was off both nights....
My guess:
No Branford either night.
P&F history of guests sitting in who are not on the bill in the last couple years is almost nill.
Plus, in SF, Branford was there the night before the Warfield run, & The Q minus Warren were even in attendence but Branford didn't show to jam with them.
However, it DOES seem odd that Phil has been repeating so many tunes from Sat & Sun in Philly so quickly while stuff that fits in nicely with Branford's sax like Eyes & Birdsong (plus Slipknot, Playin' & Dark Star) still sit out there waiting to be played.....
Makes one think, no?
So, if those tunes don't get played tonight, & it's a Viola, Hard To Handle/blues type set, I say look for a 3 foot high mic stand when you go in on Friday......
I feel a "Broken Arrow" tonight!
Sam L.
Word has it that BaBaBooey may join the band for a guest spot, to introduce the band. Heard it on H. Stern this morning.
Feeling Just a Little Light big time...
>>P&F history of guests sitting in who are not on the bill in the last couple years is almost nill.
You mean except when Mickey and Bob showed up in SF, right?
I know you said almost but that's a huge glaring exception. You could even go further and say well - OG GD OC - but IMHO Branford is OG GD TOO
It Will Be BaBaBooey!!!!!
Cold mountain water, the jade merchant's daughter
Mountains of the moon, Electra, bow and bend to me
Hi-ho, the carrion crow, folderol-de-riddle
Hi-ho, the carrion crow, bow and bend to me
Hey, Tom Banjo
Hey, a laurel
More than laurel you may sow
More than laurel you may sow
Hey, the laurel, hey, the city in the rain
Hey, hey, the wild wheat waving in the wind
Twenty degrees of solitude, twenty degrees in all (note 1)
All the dancing kings and wives assembled in the hall
Lost is the long and loneliest time, fairy Sybil flying (note2)
All along the, all along the mountains of the moon
Hey, Tom Banjo
It's time to matter
The earth will see you on through this time
The earth will see you on through this time
Down by the water, the marsh king's daughter, did you know
Clothed in tatters, always will be, Tom where did you go?
Mountains of the moon, Electra, mountains of the moon
All along the, all along the mountains of the moon
Heigh ho, the carrion crow, folderol-de-riddle
Heigh ho, the carrion crow, bow and bend to me
Bend to me
TaTaToothy. MaMaMonkey. ChaChaChunky. SmaSmaSmelly!!!!!
>>>>You mean except when Mickey and Bob showed up in SF, right?
>>>>>>.I know you said almost but that's a huge glaring exception.
I'll say.
We were chatting about that last night.....
I think Phil was looking at those shows, both TD & P&F as almost like one six show run being as they were a week apart & all in CAL. Look at the setlists & lack of repeats.
I also think Phil might've wanted them there as a kind of way to 'legitimize' Bob & Mickey, to not just "throw them out with 'The Dead trash' when he got back to making REAL music with THE Q"....
So, he invites them out, even goes so far as to make sure everyone gives them a nice
"Hi, Bob" "Hi, Mickey" - like he was afraid of "BOO!"? (could be...)
Set 1
More to come !!!
My Brother said its HOT!!!!!
Bucky, you're a real stroke. "The Dead Trash". Yeah, I'm sure Phil feels that way about them. What do you care anyway, thought you quit going to concerts for a whole litany of reasons. Nobody cares about this stupid Phil vs. Bobby or Dead vs. Phil shit except for a small number of people that post on this and other boards. Most people that see The Dead and Phil and Ratdog view it as all part of the same "Dead" thing. The Dead Trash, indeed. So, what makes it Trash? Mickey? Bill? Bob? Barraco? Herring? or is it the absence of Haynes or Molo? I don't understand your point of view.
Set 1
Dear Mr. Fantasy
Cumberland Blues
Gov't Mule tune ( didn't know the name)
1 hour 30min first set
This is crazy, but, depending on the set list tonight, and because I only saw the first two in Philly, I am seriously considering getting in my car and going solo on a 12hr drive to see the last show @The Beacon...I'm out of my mind.
The Q, The Beacon, 12/4/03
Set 1:
Dear Mr Fantasy> Jam>
The Wheel> Jam>
Cumberland Blues
Tastes Like Wine> Jam>
Eyes Of The World>
I could have told you they'd play Eyes tonight. How did I know? Because it was the only one of the 4 Beacon shows I'm missing.
>>>>>The Dead Trash, indeed. So, what makes it Trash?
In the words of Greg Allman upon being questioned by Dickie Betts as to why the 'ABB' was 'firing' him:
"Listen to the F*ckin' tapes"
If you don't hear what I'm hearing, how can I explain it?
The Dead.......
Slow, tired, uninspired.
I told my friend I hadn't seen in 2 years that, so he says.......
"Oh, so they sound like the REAL Dead did the last few years? No wonder everyone loves them."
I think he hit the bullseye there.
If you don't get it by now you're probably not gonna. I like it better that the masses aren't as turned on to this band, it keeps the scene tighter and the fans are generally more fanatical about the music...rather than using the scene for an excuse to get wasted(e.g.The Dead/O1's & many 'new' fans post "In the Dark" & in '90s). Multitudes of middle of the road psychedelic music fans can stay on other tours and leave the 'Q' tickets for us, which is cool in my opinion. Do we really need to convince anyone else at this point? Personally, I would rather be able to still see Phil in small Theaters and find tickets available for pretty much any show I would want to go to.
wow....what a harsh, yet well thought out, explanation of PLQ vs. The Dead........have to admit, PLQ is MORE inspired, more improvisational, jams are free-er and harder to pinpoint a direction......songlists better and NO DOUBT the smaller venues add to the "chamber-music" intimate gathering feel.....I LOVE THE BEACON !!!!!! I was there on Tuesday and feel this band is the best $50 worth of GRATEFUL DEAD-inspired ensemble holy-shit-in-a-jar music I could want to see-and will continue to follow. Was somewhat uninspired by Other Ones/DEAD tour of last year BUT I've NEVER been disappointed by a PLQ show but the DEAD just aren't there. As far as the last few years WITH jerry, there WERE moments, and I wouldn't have missed most of them for the world- not the same band I witnessed in the late 70's - 80's but still THE MOMENTS !!!! I think this band is DIFFERENT enough to get away from the feeling of livin off the Grateful Dead wave, yet bring the music the closest to what it was when it was hot. Remember- Bobby was NOT the leader of the GD- ever. He has been PUSHED to be the leader of the DEAD, and, he needs PIG, Jerry or someone to knock him down a notch or to. I really DO respect Bobby, but there needs to be a BIGGER prescence for him to be the correct part of the mix......
Enjoy what we have here, enjoy the journey and sip from the cup slowly, as the ride gets bumpy at times, but still the best unknown frontier "hopping a train and see where its goin'" kinda ride.....Thanx PLQ for keepin it alive..."without love in the dream it'll never come true........"
The Q, The Beacon, 12/4/03
Set 1:
Dear Mr Fantasy> Jam>
The Wheel> Jam>
Cumberland Blues
Tastes Like Wine> Jam>
Eyes Of The World>
Set 2:
Night Of 1000 Stars>
She Said She Said> Jam>
Terrapin Station>
All Along The Watchtower> Jam>
Help On The Way>
Franklin's Tower
Donor Rap/Intros
Enc: Sunshine Of Your Love
Keep On Growing opener for Friday!
>>...rather than using the scene for an excuse to get wasted(e.g.The Dead/O1's & many 'new' fans post "In the Dark" & in '90s).
>>Personally, I would rather be able to still see Phil in small Theaters and find tickets available for pretty much any show I would want to go to.
You said it, Friend!!!!!
Phil and the boys continue to smoke at the Beacon. Second set was out of control...
So good they're scary. But its gettin' so ya can't even sit down. Got cracked on top of the head pretty good by a dancin' fool behind me during set II. Didn't drink enough for an AM headache but it feels like I'm gonna have one anyway. Sorta knocked all the post-game inspiration out of me. Regrets to all @ Chez Huck Suite. 2 aspirin and 1 bowl STAT.
'Night Zone!
Great show...slow spacey wheel, rippin' cumberland, sweet eyes. Nice jazzy breakdowns and some great harmony stuff by Barracco. Warren played the hell outa watchtower...he's listened close to that one...Terrapin was tripped out and at an amazing tempo...great singing by Phil...really hot jammin' throughout the show, everyone was as high as kytes from the music. The terrapin jam was sick...Help was super tight with lotsa sharp silence. Phil was so happy with the Q he was beaming...some of those bombs in the wheel were healing. Man that cumberland and the ending...hot stuff. They've worked out some nice ideas and cool parts in the music...Keep On Growin'...seems to be the theme of this tour.
Let it Shine...
They played a huge Birdsong intro lasting several minutes before heading into Help on the Way.
Right out of the box they were playing awesomely tonight. The Fantasy was fantastic. The entire first set was spectacular, in fact, and substantially longer than the second set (almost 90 minutes versus about 75). Great encore!
Didnt hear that Birdsong, and I was sober, but anything is possible. Fantastic show throughout, the Beacon is the coolest place ever, if you like the atmosphere at the Tower, go to the Beacon, it is unreal. I now know why the Allman Bros. love it so...see you 2morrow
Glad you enjoyed the show Vark. Especially your comments about Cumberland. They really seem to be working hard to make it something special. Not to mention the effort they are putting in across the board.
A little something about quick repeats this tour. My main issue with 'PLQ', in late 2001-2002, had been the number of tunes from the new album, as well as the constant directionless meandering between songs. Both these issues seem to have been resolved this tour. Sure there are quickly repeated songs. I think Phil has been viewing each venue as an entity unto itself, thus when he enters a new town, everything is back on the available list. So what if; 'St. Stephen', '11', 'UBC' "O1" are on a 2-3show cycle. Who's complaining about that. At least it is not 'Again & Again', 'Leave Me out of This' and 'No More Do I'. That's just my opinion. There have been a few entire shows without a single song from the new album. I am loving it. Unfortunately, I have Hep C and am not well enough to be there, but thanks to the wonderful people in our family, I feel as close to what is happening, through hearing shows on Live365 and downloading bittorrents as soon as they come out, as I have felt in years. This tour has really surprised me. It is like the band is fighting to keep themselves together. I believe a lackluster tour may have led to the demise of this formation, however, I now believe "The Q" will be around as long as Phil is.
Look for 'Keep On Growin' Opener and 'Tom Thumb's' Encore for the final night.
I love No More Do I
1000 Stars as well
surprised to see them slammed
I could do w/o Celebration though.
Ditto Leave Me out of this
Enjoyed Liberty quite a bit at Ratdog
Band has been spectacular. The Dead are a different act, and I'm sure good they're still around.
Example: Super fast Inspiration in the Terrapin tonight, maintaining tempo from (?)Spanish Jam
3 really great shows, 1 more to go, then much gratitude and also much longing
Taper Rob was MIGHTY upset in the Chatroom last night around Help > SlipKnot > Franklins......
Felt "It BLEW" I Believe, that They were "saving it for Friday, why"
He was ready to pack up & leave before the encore he was so demoralized.....
He musta been thinking about that 15-18 minute Slipknot in Philly.....
Tapoer Rob with all those negative vibes, I hope you don't hurt tonight's show.
Don't sell your tickeit like you tell me & my negative vibes to do last week...
Come, hang out, we can even bitch about Into the Mystic while we stand in line at the bathroom together...,
REALLY feels like a (fantastic) dead show in that room. Uncanny.
Hey Bucky..This is from an old time one percenter and complete Dead freak
Fuck You.
Bucky - you are a joke
last night's show would be impossible to top
anytime any place
Sunday at Philly was nice - but this was way, way beyond
way beyond anything
HSF was perfect
Terrapin was perfect
1st set was ridiculous
band listening and evolving and perfect
all night long
> rather than using the scene for an excuse to get
> wasted (e.g.The Dead/O1's & many 'new' fans
> post "In the Dark" & in '90s).
good call, Caunch;
I mean, one thing people NEVER did
in the 70's and 80's was use a Grateful
Dead show as an excuse to get wasted ;)
Cary....you are SO right!!
Tuesday show: private musical conversations between the band..we watched what would be for most bands a mind-blowing private practice session..It was o.k............
Wednesday: Not o.k.....fuck'in amazing...perfect environment for group and individual transformation...( which is why we are all here together...conscious or not )
Thursday: once again ..ideal environment..great space to grow!! The mind and soul expand!
Oh..I haven't mentioned any of the songs they played or compared them to other shows' versions..umm..wonder why??/...Oh I know..it doesn't really matter!!!
The Q are an important addition to our lives...
They do not replace the 30 plus years of familial
bonding that Bob+Phil+Mickey+Bill have, nor the VIBE that results from such relationships.
You don't stop loving and having fun with your FAMILY because you made some new friends you find more interesting...
That said..enjoy tonights show...
Thanks, Olo. Could not have put it better.
if you didn't like that last night you need a new hobby
Phatty show fer me, so sorry if you didn't like it.
I'd prefer to hear taperrob's opinion from taperrob
esp. as this was an all-time classic show
make no mistake
get it and use your own ears would be my very very strong advice
was bucky at the show?
don't think so if he was on the chat
Is Bucky's criteria - any show I'm not at sucks?
this thread is a big disappointment after a great show like last night
certainly we can do better than this
The show was sick more later...
being at work right now blows, I'm hurting.
See y'all again tonght...
Last nights second set was amazing. One complaint:
If you want to be a hardass to all those around you, yelling to at everyone to sit down...wait for the Allman Bros to come back to the Beacon in March. Phil is for dancing and feeling the music. The Allmans, with their $70-$80 tickets are for sitting down. To the fat bastard behind me, put the twinkies down(he did eat several during the show) and get up and dance...the ardio would do you good.
geewiz(dopey SN)..My finger to Bucky is for his slamming The Dead.
Now I agree that The Dead ain't the greatest but it's hardly "trash"
If Phil is ~conducting~ the jams will fall apart and clunk.
I think Warren and Jimmy have taken more control on the direction of the music in Q.
Now Bobby's just gotta ignore Lesh and jam with Jimmy. The Dead will play 100% better.
Wow. Monstrous Music
what is the "Q"
lol hint 5 members makes a " ? " peace long the the best f*cking band aroud
"what is the "Q""
"Q" = "PLQ" = "Phil Lesh Quintet" = "Phil Lesh and Friends"
live around so excited i can't spell
What a blast! I did not plan on attending this show but I happened to be driving from Boston to Philly yesterday and decided make to make a stop in NYC. The Beacon is the best venue ever!.....If those walls could talk.
Did anyone else hear the reggae theme? I heard a reggae jam at least 3 times throughout the show.
Long live PLQ!
Had a great time last night!!! The Q rocks. It was good meeting up with some of the usual suspects and mental patients as always! The Beacon is so much beter then the Tower. We were puffing down hard in there and I don't think I saw security once in the seating area under the loge. A completely opposite experience from the Philly security goon squad. The sound was very good in the back of the room too. I was a little worried that it would suck back there but it was great.
Walked around the block the wrong way to head back to the West Side Brewery and came up on the back door as Warren was leaving and got him to sign my ticket stub and thank him for the excellent show!!! It was the perfect way to cap an awesome evening in the City.
>First official Branford tonight rumor. Word on chat is he's in NY
I think he lives here.
How much better if that stub said "The Q"
I think everyone agrees that Jimmy and Warren have been ripping it up, and are getting tighter each show. But I haven't seen much said about the vocals, which I think have been tremendous. With Rob and Warren pretty much trading off on lead, leaving Phil to fill in with his considerable talent as a harmonist works really well; the 3-part vocals on the Wheel last night, the Eleven Wednesday night, and GDTRFB Tuesday were amazing. These guys are clicking on all cylinders now... IMO
Does anybody remember exactly what Phil said at the end of the first set? It was something like "It does feel good - doesn't it?"
I'm spent.
Enjoyed the show but had a tough time dealing with the crowd as I was on the isle. I would normally prefer the isle, but I was right next to the SB and the walkway became a thoroughfare for NYC's drunken corporate I saw the GD play a few times in college and I'll go to the Beacon to talk to my friends and spill beer on those who are here to see the music people ... MUCH different crowd from the past two nights, and if last night was any indication, tonight is going to be out of control.
As for the show, the themes continued and built on Monday and Tuesday.
"Dear Mr. Fantasy, Play us a tune, something to make us all happy" ... let the music take us back to life, awaken us from the lonely street and the pavement, the only thing that's left. Jamming before the last verse was extremely heavy and reached depths few dare to go.
Wheel, the cycle of life that goes on when the temporality of our lives runs out, it is constant and perpetual, life goes on even when we do not.
Cumberland .. life begins with work, the daily struggle to survive. Our most basic instinct is to survive, we need work, no matter how lowly the job, it sustains us. I thought the Q continued making statements about life in the 21st century, what we've become, what feeds us, what the world has in store for us. Gotta get down to the Cumberland mine, that's where I mainly spend my time, make good money $5 a day, make any more I might move away ... aren't we always looking for something better?
Tastes like wine really brought the tempo and energy down, grounded the crowd and made me think we need to refocus ...
Eyes ... we are responsible for this world in which we live, not just our own lives. Life is full of beauty, it is up to us to realize it.
Lovelight. Everyone needs it, let it shine let it shine ...
Set one highlights for me: the jam at the end of Fantasy and Cumberland.
Set two:
1000 Stars .. slow start to the set. For me this is a good road trip song ... always brings me to a long empty highway ... a lone traveler recounting their life and off to start a new one.
She SAID!!!! Get a grip, come back to reality, there is stuff that needs doing. She SAID!!! Phil really turns it up from here ... Warren's vocals sound so good but for the love of god, can Warren use a tissue?
At this point there were three very distinct teases that came across in the span of two minutes ... Crazy Fingers, Dark Star and Cosmic Chuck ... what else is new?
Terrapin ... what more can be said. Life is about chances, we take risks and there are rewards ... Inspiration, move me brightly ... That loud thump you heard was the roof of the Beacon landing on top of the Garden some 40 block south ... Terrapin, I can't figue out, Terrapin, if it's the end or begining ...
The build up between Lady and Terrapin was huge. The show is cooking at this point. Phil wraps his bass strings around the Beacon and takes him with us to give us one more look at life as we should be aware of it ..
Watchtower ... there are many hear among us, who feel that life is but a joke. I really thought the show was going to reach the highest point on tour after the first Warren/molo jam ... sadly they didn't finish the song with a jam near the intensity ...
For me the Watchtower jam was not over the top and not even close in magnitude to the one in Philly or Wallingford.
Having not "lost" it during Watchtower, there was no need for Help! Don't get me wrong, I'm just having fun with the theme thing here. Help and Frank were good, but the meat of the song was in the Slipknot. Very tight and well developed. Phil laid some mighty bombs as usual.
Sunshine of your Love wopuld have fit better with the song selection of the first set ... again found myself hoping for that ever elusive Cosmic Charlie.
Were does that leave us for tonight? A show of reflection? 1/2 step "on the day that I was born, my daddy sat down and cried" ... Crazy Fingers "gone are the days, we stopped to decide" .. Comes a Time, Wharf Rat or...
Dancin' and Truckin to keep on keepin' on?
Stay Tuned!
Arrived in the city late sober and stressed.. glad I got to throw down a quick brew with Midy before getting in the worst line I've seen at the Beacon in quite some time.
Got to our seats half way through Fantasy only to be pleasantly surprised by the fact that we didn't have to kick anyone out
Chilled out and calmed down during The Wheel..a good chance to ready ourselves and for the first timers that I brought to kind of take in the separation and delicate sound that was on display last
Cumberland had any all stress long gone as the beaming smiles spread out far and wide
Lotta poor man got the Cumberland Blues
He can't win for losing
Lotta poor man got to walk the line
Just to pay his union dues
Taste Like Wine....man I was looking forward to this...the quiet stillness of The Beacon erupting into filthy thick loud ass guitar bouncing off the walls in less than a heartbeat. It was real nice getting to hear Jimmy lay down a nice jam with the rest of the band laying really low
Eyes baby..twas time to get it on indeed..LOWER BALC WAVE IN FULL BOUNCE MODE..the perfection of this band was clicked in as Phil swooped down his bombing run..man O man I felt like every synapse in my brain was being lit up by the flurry
..lil lonely..
too much fun
A mighty fine 1,000 Stars before the reggae style She Said..Warrens vocals were piercing and true..NEVER BEEN BORN..love this song
ahhhhh yeahhhhh time to get it on....the jam into Terrapin left no doubt that we were getting a monster..
be ne ne ne neh neh
there it was in all of it's beauty
Not once did I miss Jerry during this glorious rendition..and there it is..as nice of a job as Warren did with the Dew on Tuesday..I really do believe no one on Earth could do a better job singing it..still though..I was missing Jerry
Phil voice carries the love emotion and the wisdom that I really believe is one of a kind...the only person that I can hear sing those words and make me feel Jerry's spirit and soul with us..within us in all the good things we love about this timeless gift spectacular music that at at least for the Dead heads..the folks that get IT..it will never be rivaled..the realness and the groove is a gift that I will be eternally grateful for. I KNOW that in my subjective opinion that I could not have had a finer time than I enjoyed on Tuesday and last night...the cosmic flow..the energy beam that's there if you *can be bothered to see*
I was dancing way too hard during the Help/Slip/Frank to offer up any other than it was blissful
the upper stack off speakers right in front of us.....found myself cupping my hands and catching the sound..
Sunshine was as bad ass as it has ever been...a very telling nod from the boys that tonight is going to be as fucking sick as it gets
more than words can tell
What a god damn show that was, eh? Anyone who didnt like last night's show simply doesnt like phil and friends, and probably isnt really all that into music anyway and should maybe think about taking up knitting or something..
The Beacon rocks.. I even saw one of the security guards puffing a doobie down in the orchestra.. props to that dude.. and props to the band! Oh, and someone accidentally (or purposely) took my navy blue Timberland sweatshirt (you know who you are).. Thanks a lot pal, I was freezing last night, but whatever!
this show is now streaming on the Zone Radio
My first show on this tour was Oakdale, CT, Wed, 11/26/03, the night before Thanksgiving. I was missing PhilQ since last year (too long Phil). It was a good solid basic show with a better than average set list. I sat right in front of Candis. The sound was perfect. I enjoyed it very much. I just love that venue, so close to home. It always sounds great, and the slope of the floor is great for seeing. I saw Jimmy play his first show there, not an outstanding show, but who could have guessed that the PhilQ would gel in that form, maybe Warren knew. Anyway, I was happy with the Oakdale show. I got home early, no work in the morning. All was well with the universe. Things would change as they always do. I also had mailed out for all four shows at the Beacon. I knew ahead of time that I'd have to work every morning at 7:00 AM. You know, I haven't done a work day string for years. I know better. But I figured "Oh, what the hell, I done it before, I can do it." So on Tues 12/02 I drive down to the city from Westport, CT, after work. I had an ok show, down front on house left, couldn't see Rob, not great sound. The show had some very good highlights. The fastest Uncle John's Band I have ever heard (I'm not so sure I liked it, but they were cooking no doubt, they seemed pleased) They closed the second set with an "over the top" Not Fade Away. Really nothing I hadn't seen before. It was a good first night set list, saving up for the week. I Get home at 2:30 AM. Can't sleep, too wound up. Go on line, get to sleep at 4:00AM. Alarm clock crows at 6:00 AM. Up and out to work. No hang over. I've done clean shows since '89. My first show was in '76 at Colk Park, Hartford, CT. Anyway, I arive at work to find out I had blown out my voice singing at the show, and it was getting sore. Work all day, no problem, just a sore throat. On the drive back down to the Beacon after work, lack of sleep starts to catch up to me. Just ignore it it'll go away. Can't seem to shake it. Show starts, everything is ok. Seats ok, sound ok, neighbors ok, band ok. Warren started digging in right away. Rob's been hot for two days now, and Jimmy is starting to wake up. Intermision, first set list is ok, nothing all too stunning or stimulating. I'm feeling tired, sitting down more often, yawning some. Second set starts, set list is shaping up nice, and the energy is growing. Though not in me. As the songs get better and better, I become more and more tired, prefering sitting down with eyes closed meditating on the music. The show was building fast and furious, the train is on track. The Eleven came and went, meditation gave way to a dream state, where surreal mental images float up from my unconcious and go tip toeing through the music at will, giggling and darting about like children. Then....lights out... my ears disengage. An over throw of random thoughts take me away from the venue, showing me home movies of day to day activities happening in strange places with the faces all mixed up. Then....a wormhole to the venue opens up and The Other One thunders down through it, blowing all the little dreams away. I am returned to real time music again for a moment thinking I had never been away. Little did I know that Tomorrow Never Knows (a dead on favorite of mine) had slipped by me undetected while I was distracted observing sensless events in lala land. Then..snap... back to blackout. Total darkness in the land where time does not exsit, a second?...maybe an eternity. Enter the scene, big rain drops of I Know You Ryder begining to sprinkle down from above, leading to a down pour. Suddenly, light and sound are flowing over the wall of darkness like Niagra Falls. A tsunomi crashes in. Fade to black, thunder stops, rainfall continues slowly while steadily tapering off. Time is absent again, frame shift. Warm waters of Stella Blue begin to rise from the floor like the glow of a welcome fire surronding me in orange light, and bathing me in heat. Snap ... black out again. I feel a jostle. "Hey man, are you alright?" a neighbor says as I open my eyes. "Yea...yea, thanks, I'm ok.... yea...just tired." I replied standing up. He asks "Did you miss it?" I tried to recount the ghosts at the end of the setlist. I thought I had gotten it right. The ride home was quick. I got in bed at 1:30 AM. Alarm clock loud and clear at 6:00 AM Thursday morning. I'm dragging ass out of bed. Check the setlist to see what I missed. I'm disappointed to see I missed much of a great string of songs at the end of the show. Sore throat worse. Get to work, functioning at low capasity. Decide to take Friday off from work. Can't do another show with out a day off in the morning. My condition is worsening thoughout the work day, sore throat, fever, run down. I cancel my afternoon class. Mabey if I catch a zipnap I'll feel better. Get home, decide not to go to the show. OH MY GOD, I NEVER NEVER have EVER EVER blown off a show when I had a ticket. I'm feeling rather old today. Depressed because I can't hang anymore. I Can't go to shows on work days any more. But I already knew that. I flew to New Orleans a few years ago for Jazzfest. Saw the Mule that night. Out F*cking Standing. My first Mule show, Dave Schools, What is Hip, Deep Banana Blackout horns, Wild Horses encore sweet. The next night was PhilQ. Mule opened, PLQ on at like 11:00 PM. Played till about 3:00 AM. My lights went out about 12:30 AM, I was unconcious the entire second set. I could only remember maybe three songs. Anyway ... I didn't mean to write all this drivel. I'm sure nobody'll read it anyway. All my mispellings and poor grammer. I just feel bad that I blew off last nights show. I still have the ticket. I'm not sure I'll even make it tonight. I'm still sick, somewhat depressed and it's snowing. Poor me.
PS. I'm not going to retire but no more shows on work days. Ouch!
Good show but the first set was almost ruined by a guy that was out of his head (aisle betwwen orch center right and orch right, about 75% back). Screaming, finger whistling etc. just out of control. People in the area pleaded with him during setbreak, but he just got beligerant (sp?) and finally walked off with a final 'f*** you all.' This brought on a cheer from 20 or 30 people in the area, and an enjoyable second set.
taperrob - tell me you concur that last night's show was the goods
>>this show is now streaming on the Zone Radio
Then I guess we can draw our own conclusions, huh? (But nothing like being there.)
Don't crucify Bucky. "Into The Bathroom"--that's funny! I'll listen to it, and go during Dark Star (seriously). No lines.
Had to skip last night, but thinking bout blowing off a Christmas party a few miles away (250 people, mostly stiffs) and coming down for the finale tonight.
I could always blame it on the snow.
[Meanwhile I'm in the city peakin' @ the Beacon.]
Don't tell anybody.
What was the ticket situation last night?
Well, that's it, I have finalized a couple of set lists for you all to ponder while I sit here unable to attend... I figure(hope) it will go something like this:
Jam>Birdsong>Strawberry Fields>Roadrunner>Pride of Cucamunga>Lay of the Sunflower>Scartlet>Fire
My Favorite Things Jam>Standing on the Moon(or either ComesaTime/WharfRat/WildHorses)>New Potatoe Caboose>Darkstar>Mts. of the Moon(or either Wish You Were Here/Blues4Allah)>Darkstar>Caution>Golden Rd.
E:Revolution(orCosmic Charley)
or it could go something like this...
Jam>Here Comes Sunshine>'Till the A.M. Comes>Birdsong>Again & Again>Pride of Cucamunga>Keep on Growin'
Scarlet>Fire, Strawberry Fields>Dark Star>Mts. of the Moon>Darkstar>Viola Lee>Golden Rd.
E:Tom Thumbs Blues
Wish I could be there, enjoy!
>>>>the quiet stillness of The Beacon erupting into filthy thick loud ass guitar bouncing off the walls in less than a heartbeat.<<<
Time, time, my friend, we’ve been through so much, it seems
Alone together till the end
And, now, though I find this all so threatening
I can feel it - sinking into my skin
The gods must be nervous - can’t you feel it shaking inside you
World must be trembling like I am
Clouds must be breaking - blood raining down from the heavens
And it feels like gold - tastes like wine
Ok, feelin' better. I'm up getting in the shower. gonna take the train in. can't miss this show too. Friday night end tour at the Beacon with a snow storm. Wouldn't miss it for the world. yeaha
1st set- Scarlet Dark Star strawberry Fire.
2nd set- Violee, Wharf Rat, Dark Star and beyond
It's all good....see ya'll in a little while
>>>first set was almost ruined by a guy out of his head...
NJ, he was sitting right in front of me before the show. Offered to split his molly w/ me. had to have been mixed with copius quantities of alcohol.
Starts in on asking me to explain the trading vines to him. Kept screaming how he couldn't figure out etree. quietly suggested he try reading the instructions while sober.
As this is going on, T-rob walks right between us, can size up the situation at a glance, looks at me and starts giggling and rolls his eyes...and wisely kept on walking.
Fortunately, he was in the wrong seat and got kicked. Unfortunately he landed near you. i was among those cheering when he left.
>>Good show but the first set was almost ruined by a guy that was out of his head (aisle betwwen orch center right and orch right, about 75% back). Screaming, finger whistling etc. just out of control. People in the area pleaded with him during setbreak, but he just got beligerant (sp?) and finally walked off with a final 'f*** you all.' This brought on a cheer from 20 or 30 people in the area, and an enjoyable second set.
upon returning from setbreak, Baracco commented on "the whistler", asking where are you and saying "...i want to save my ears...", or something like that...
unfortunatly i dont have that comment on the stream, but as soon as i pull it off the DAT, i will splice it into the stream...
he was a jerk from an hour before the show started, screaming and whistling as people were walking in.....
as for me saying the show "BLEW", never said it and i will get the transcripts to prove it....
what i did say
Phil sucks.....
in reference to playing the Franklin's, which i was hoping they would save for friday night, which i said in chat they should have saved it for friday night.... and not play the help>slip>franklins, as they have been doing the whole tour (at least in those other shows, they sandwiched other songs or saved the Franklin's for the encore)
during the slipknot, out in the lobby, was chatting with a fellow taper about this particular thing, and agreeing that it was going to be the franklin's, something we were not looking forward to.....
if those in chat last night were in the chatroom during other shows on the tour, i did say, in Boston, that i would pack up and leave if they did the Franklin's right after the Slipknot... and i believe they did another song, saving the Franklin's for the end or encore...
so i said the same thing last night.... the "negative vibes", which Bucky seems to live on, was real, but only for the moment, and not for the entire show.. matter of fact, during the encore, when someone asked what was the highlight, i said "this is the highlight", the sunshine of your love.....
just to note, most of the show i spent in the lobby, visiting and chatting with friends old and new, which to me is what PLQ @ the Beacon is all about....
the after party show at the Knitting Factory with Molo and Dan Conway (bass player in Molo's band Modereko) sitting in with G-13, now that's a whole different highlight....
Wow!! the whistler sucks!!!!
is anyone else beyond baffled by taperrob??
what the hell would ANYONE be doing out in the
lobby during slipknot? talking with a fellow
taper who also doesn't give a shit about the
music he obsessively collects?
lol - what a bunch of assholes- come on, you
know it's true, everyone. I mean, I'm grateful
for the setlists, but this "taper" is ridiculous.
"PACK up and leave" if they play franklins?!
lol, what an asshole.
the whistler should be killed - immediately - what an asshole
fortunately, for me, was sitting in the Loge left, and didn't hear this jerk, so show wasn't ruined for me.
Well well well, yes yes yes....thank you Phil
One of the best shows I have seen by PLQ. Rivals many GD shows. Rob B - an integral component, especially during the jams. Nice mellow vocals also. Warren and Molo - better all the time. I was on the L side orchestra - Phil sounded superb. What a ride.
That's uncalled for, about T-Rob. It's just silly. As you say he provides a great service, AND, when you've heard all this stuff thousands of times you don't need to hear every note. I know at Shoreline, for example, whoever's playing, I don't spend much time in my seat--you're backstage, if you have strength, you're at the Terrace bar, checking out merch, hanging with friends. Come to think of it, I didn't spend much time in my seat at Wallingford. We're frequent fliers. At the Beac, ran into two college buds, one I hadn't seen for 15 years, the other for about twenty. I agree that's what it's about
>>By jpkones (Placebo420) on Friday, December 05, 2003 - 09:19 pm: Edit Post
is anyone else beyond baffled by taperrob??
yeah, this asshole... i mean why doesnt he just piss in his seat instead of going to the bathroom??
or faint from the heat instead of leaving to get fresh air and a bottle of water??
i mean why doesnt he just be the inconsiderate asshole he is and talk to the people around him, disturbing others enjoying the show, instead of taking the conversation out in the lobby???
comeon everyone, i mean why is this taper rob person even taping the show so others can enjoy it?? him and all of his taper buddys shouldnt be doing it and nobody should get a chance to hear the show...
did anyone else see the midget that was dressed like a little mini jimmy. he came out right at the begining of the first set only for a few seconds and then disappeard. he had a little firebird guitar but was dressed like jimmy. i thought i was buggin, but the people around me saw it also.
jpkones wrote "Is anyone else baffled by this Taperrob"
Yes, jpkones, I am baffled by Taperrob's dedication to the philzone. His willingness to volunteer his time and energy into philling our lives with music! He is definitley the light amoungst the darkness in this thread.
..Keep baffling us Taperrob and know you are appreciated!
The whistler is clear on the stream..
Someone needs to rip his damn lips off!!
A well placed elbow could stick those fingers
pretty far down his throat!!!
Someone needs to do something to get him removed
from the show.. or make him incapable of ruining
everyone elses show!!
okay, so thanks for answering my question.
This is some kind of clique of philzone heads, who see
nothing odd about the following statement:
"i did say, in Boston, that i would pack up and
leave if they did the Franklin's right after the Slipknot..."
Present this statement to 1000 deadheads-
990 of them would laugh at your negative
self-righteousness and fantastically swollen
Do you know what phil lesh thinks of
this statement- get a life! haha - he's *scared*
of you and desperately doesn't want you to walk
out of his show!
"MAN if rider follows this china cat, I
am friggin OUTTA here!"
"DUDE, if this scarlet goes into fire,
these guys are DEAD!!"
The fact that a whole bunch of you just want
to kiss taperrob's ass (ooooh! king of philzone)
and pretend that his statement is *all good, bro*
is just funny. My friends and I think so.
And now they're making fun of me- and they're right! I *am*
the retarded one for logging in and arguing with you idiots.
i just think it's funny, comic book guys.
"worst franklins *ever*"
that character is about you guys.
see ya
Trob if at any time you need your ass kissed at the next show just let me know on which cheek, as I will gladly oblige.
This has become extremely childish guys. I mean lets get back to basics here. This is a thread about the show on 12/4 and not about some guy trying to pick out something that Bucky made a big deal about for nothing. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If someone would prefer to hear a Help>Slip>I am the Walrus>Slip>Frank instead of the standard. Or would prefer to hear the Franklins as an encore. He can say that. If he drives it home by saying I am going to walk out if they go right into Franklin's then be big enough to know that it was a statement in the moment, which he tried to explain above -- and leave it rest. This guy puts so much out there, I think he has the right to say what he means when someone else takes his statements out of context.
BTW Thanks again Bucky for stirring up a bunch of meaninghless controversy.
Listening to the 12/4 stream now.
Thank you TRob for all your hard work getting the set lists out to the folks at home on chat and streaming the shows so soon after the fact. Your dedication to the cause is greatly appreciated by so many of us.
Thank you Zone Admin Folks for providing this space for us Phil freaks to come and linger well after the tour is over.
I hope you all realize what a valuable service you are providing. I use to get a little sad after a tour ended...back to reality, bills, when will I see my far flung friends again?? what's next to look forward to????, etc...Its a lot easier to deal with Post Tour Syndrome when I can listen to the show from 3 days ago & remember the beauty with clarity. I don't feel as alone when I can lurk the reviews & read some of the amazing recaps from some seriously talented music writing heads. Its kinda like being able to hang at your seat for a few after the show, catch a breath & catch a smoke, without the security guy coming around and shoo-ing you off. I find I need this connection after the last notes of tour have been played. It helps me to come down easier.
There's sometimes a bit of harshness posted on these pages. Folks are certainly passionate about the music and the legacy (and their opinions!) that's for sure. Please - Zone Admin Folk - do not let it EVER detract you from the importance of the mission and the beauty that you are all bringing to the table. You are doing a FANTASTIC job with this web site and my heart will be in your corner forever.
Thank you
>>Do you know what phil lesh thinks of
this statement
do i care what Phil Lesh thinks about it? no
Phil Lesh doesnt know me from a hole in the wall. and if he wishes to contact me and ask me about this statement, i will explain what i meant, to him.
>>Present this statement to 1000 deadheads-
990 of them would laugh at your negative
self-righteousness and fantastically swollen
they could laugh, they could cry, i dont care. but first find those 1000 deadheads, present the statement to them and tell them to get back to me and let me know what they think....
but first they have to read the whole comment concerning that statement....
>>he's *scared*
of you and desperately doesn't want you to walk
out of his show!
no, Phil is a performer and he will give of himself 150% to make sure everyone has a good experience. im sure he's not "scared" that i will walk out, although my "fantastically swollen
ego" would make me think otherwise.
>>The fact that a whole bunch of you just want
to kiss taperrob's ass (ooooh! king of philzone)
and pretend that his statement is *all good, bro*
is just funny. My friends and I think so.
i am glad you find the humour in the statement because thats what it was all about to begin with. im sure the "whole bunch" here would find the humour in it also. but nobody here is kissing "taperrob's ass" or bowing down to me "king of philzone".
nope, the "king of philzone" is Admin.. and its to them that everybody should be kissing their asses, for providing this site, where you, jpkones, or whoever you are, can come to and post.
>>And now they're making fun of me- and they're right! I *am*
the retarded one for logging in and arguing with you idiots.
you are a retard, but with only 3 posts under your belt, you are not arguing at all, only making comments.... 2 of the posts directed at or about the idiot taperrob.
so jpkones, go crawl back under your rock.
Overall I liked the one show I attended on Thursday night. The highlight for me was AATW (smokin) and Help on the Way. The Skipknot! jam kind of fell apart mid way and then came back to the most amazing note for note perfect rendition, the encore was real cool. There's a red digital big number clock right next to Jimmy. Phil seemed to make sure they were all off the stage and the house lights went up at 12:00 midnight sharp.
I could hear Phil driving the jams, I heard the Cumberland Blues and Eyes of the World bass riffs long before the loudmouth seated right behind me recognized the song and screamed to all those within ear shot that the band was playing Cumberland, Eyes, DUH, I didn't know that, could you scream a little louder in my ear, maybe stand on top of your chair so Phil can hear you too, oh and maybe you could light up another ciggie so my clothes all smell like an ashtray, can I put that ciggie out for you, how about in the palm of your hand instead of my newly customized sweatshirt with the burn hole in the front? Everytime I inhaled, I got a burning sensation in my nostrils and throat. Shouldn't I be able to breathe w/o all the irritants? Only wish people would observe the NYC smoke-free environment laws and be a little more considerate. Where's the nicotine police when you need them?
As for Warren, he's one of the most talented, versatile guitarists I've ever had the priviledge of enjoying. He could though stand to lose a few lbs and didn't anyone ever tell him to sit/stand-up straight. It pains me to watch his posture, I get a backache just looking at him. Please Warren, go on an Atkins diet and see a back specialist b4 it's too late.
There you have it. Is that too harsh? Loved the show. Would do it again.
hopefully this will be the last message on this thread
this will go down as one of the great shows EVER by the Q - no question about it
the rest is all blah blah blah
band was in awe - crowd enraptured while THE MUSIC TRULY PLAYED THE BAND
thanks Phil, Warren, Jimmy, John and Rob for all you do
keep on keepin' on
So this is what the scene has become. There was a time I was just happy to run into people at the shows and listen to good music. Maybe the show went good, maybe not. If one person didn't like the show, no big deal. You disagreed and moved on. Get over yourselves people. It's about rock n roll. Not whether someone doesn't tape Franklins or somebody stepped on your toe in the aisle. You sound like a bunch of fucking crybabies. So I bid you goodnight. These lists are waste of time anyway.
Am I the only one who saw the Standing on the moon coming?