someone get this party started
Hey all, I sense that this show will have a hard time beating last nights setlist but I think that whatever they play will be played at that level. I think this show will smoke. I also sense we may get darkstar tonight.....peace.
I'll Be The One
WIld Horses
Warren Haynes, Mansfield, MA 7/31/04
Patchwork Quilt
Beautifully Broken
I'll Be The One
It Hurts Me Too
Wild Horses
The Last Resort
Taperrob? This may sound like a dumb question but you carry a laptop w/ you right? No camera phone action right? Anyway, thanks for the streams, pictures, and setlists. Sitting here listening to last night.
Ballerina? Someone please replace my ignorance with knowledge.
last resort ?
another eagles tune ?
Tiny Dancer?
Ballerina - Van Morrison
Last Resort - Eagles
Dark Star
whoa! (joey lawrence style)!
The Dead, Mansfield, MA 7/31/04
Set 1:
Jack Straw> Jam>
Dark Star(v1)>
All That We Are>
Little Red Rooster
Cosmic Charlie
She Said She Said
Headcount Rap
Smokin' setlist. Too bad they had to include Rooster.
Dark Star V1 in the 1st set?? What's left for SPAC tomorrow night?? Cosmic Charlie... man I was sure they'd save that one for me tomorrow..should have traveled to beantown.
There's still Weather Report and New Potato!!!
and still a second set
You people and Rooster ..Do you know who wrote it? Any idea who else has covered it.probably not. Think Jerry didnt like it? Listen to Dicks Picks #13 . Ever hear of a great bluesman named Ron McKernan?
Lost Sailor
Licorice...not all of us love it. Rooster could have been written by Dolly Parton, and I still don't care for it...I add Walkin' Blues to that also. Hey, I don't care for Dark Star either. I do love Tons of Steel and Just A Little, etc. That is the most wondrous thing about this band and its branches...the vast hugeness of the repotoire. There is always a piece of the pie that is going to taste a bit better, or worse to each person that has a bite.
>>Do you know who wrote it?
Willie Dixon? I have always liked that song for the slide work, and when Mydland used to sing his verse.
Lost Sailor?????? Why am I sitting here at home?
The chowds seemingly got two gems.
Pictures are fantastic!!!!
>>Hey, I don't care for Dark Star either.
Whoa, not caring for Rooster is one thing, but Dark Star? C'mon.
Still no eyes, I can see it coming
Where ya at Rob
elvis covered little red rooster
Stella Blue
We do love ya Rob
Little Red Rooster is Willie Dixon's. And Walkin' Blues goes back to Robert Johnson.
The Dead, Mansfield, MA 7/31/04
Set 1:
Jack Straw> Jam>
Dark Star(v1)>
All That We Are>
Little Red Rooster
Cosmic Charlie
She Said She Said
Headcount Rap
Set 2:
@Looks Like Rain
Lost Sailor>
Saint Of Circumstance>
Only The Strange Remain>
Stella Blue>
Mason's Children>
Standing On The Moon
Dark Star(v2)>
Cassidy Reprise>
One More Saturday Night
Donor Rap
enc: Johnny B Goode
@=Bobby acoustic
Direct influences on Pig,Jerry,Duane,Clapton,Page,Beck..on and on
How about the lobster last night!! Jack Straw>Dark Star-shades of Europe 72. From there...
thanks rob
So this leaves a nice Easy Wind, TOO, and perhaps an Attics??? Past 2 nights I've wanted to see the H>S>F and the Lost Sailor>Saint respectively! Lets hope my calls for tomorrow are right on too!!!!
What friggin' killer setlists!
Dark Star...finally busted that one out.
Grim- I am with you, for tonight. BUT, last night, a different story.
Looks like another monster show as least on paper.not a big fan of Johnny B Goode
Thanks T-Rob!!!
Hold on-I love these guys, and have for 30+ years. But, let's keep a perspective-depending on your personal prefernces for songs... Tonight and last night were worlds apart. Tonight was borderline . A Bobby night, to put it mildly.
Willie Dixon isn't King Fucking Midas!
He wrote a lot of good stuff, but a lot of crap too. Just because Jerry liked it doesn't mean I have to. I can think for myself. It's a boring song with stupid lyrics. Maybe Phish should do it.
I'm not a big fan of JB Goode either Canyon. And yes Darron, I know who wrote it. I'd take a Promised Land any day.
That isn't to say that the rest of the setlist doesn't look great.
Is that the first LL Rain this summer??
Jerry liked Heroin too. Do you do smack to be just like him?
>>Ever hear of a great bluesman named Ron McKernan?
No, should I be familiar with that name?
I'd take Chester Burnett aka Howlin' Wolf playing Little Red Rooster or for that matter teaching Mick, Keith and Eric Clapton how to play it than listening to Bobby pretending to be a bluesman. It was a nice tune to hear when it was a novelty, but after 20 years of hearing it more than I care to remember, I'd rather hear something different. If they decide to play it when I see them at the beach, I'll know the perfect time to take a bathroom break.
Ron McKernan = Pigpen (early Dead lineup)
Or was that some dry Canadian wit, Andre?
(excuse my presumptions if you're not Canadian,
or if you actually knew Pigpen's real name)
They still have Death don't have no mercy and operator.
With Tommorrow Jerry's day I can see attics or
So many Roads. Mission in the Rain would be sweet tomorrow,
Not sure, but I think they've already started streaming tonight's Warren set on "".
Seems to match the set list posted here.
Gotta love the subtle Eagles cover. "She came from Providence..."
a stella blue and a standing on the moon...
damn ya'll some lucky folk..
the boys were on fire tonight, They were hotter than last night, although the set list from last night waqs better.
07/31/2004 Dead on live365 as we speak.
guy #1: that was great
guy #2: you're an idiot! how can you say that was great?
#1: you're a negative jerk! how can you say "how can you say that was great?"?
#2: you just don't have any standards. or at least not as refined standards as I do. they played song X for christ sake! I hate that song!
guy #3: you fool, don't you have any respect for history? Jerry played and liked that song, so thats confirmation that only idiots wouldn't like it.
guy #1: you should get down on your knees and thank god they are playing anything at all.
guy #4: bob's a jerk...and so is mickey
blah blah blah blah
but i have seen it get much worse
rob, you are one of the greatest stars of philzone, i hope someday phil lesh personally rewards you greatly, thank you.
Hey all, back from Boston second show. Here is a review as best as I can. First off I was in the same place as the night before and there seemed to be twice the amount of people. Maybe cause it was Saturday and cause after fridays setlist, fence sitters fell off the fence and into the Anyways the Dead were on earlier tonight then last night so there was no rushing around tonight. A jam>Jack Straw was upbeat and the Dark Star was also spacey but upbeat. They jammed after the first verse and saved the rest for later. All that we are followed and it was good. It kept the pace up. Little Red Rooster followed. I know some people write this song off but it was how it was handled that was cool. Just about everyone took a solo during it with Warren going first followed by Jimmy, Jeff on keys who was slow at first but hung in there, then everyone kept back and made room for Bob who did a nice solo for a few minutes. It was real cool and believe it or not, I thought it was a set highlight. Not so much cause of the tune but the solos. Anyways a solid stagger lee was followed by Cosmic charlie which I thought jammed. Jimmy had some great solos and he again seems to be coming into his own. Bob did She Said and it was a decent version. Althea was real good, spacey, very danceable. Cassidy closed the set and was jammed but cut short also to be finished later. Bob opened up with Looks like Rain which was slow paced. It was good but I would have prefered a different opener to the second set. Lost Sailor>St was very good and St jammed out for a while. Strange remain rocked. Just about everyone was real into it. Drums/space was good no highlights. Warren did a very good job with Stella Blue. I give him credit for even trying. He handles it as well as anyone could given the shadow that is cast by Jerry. He did some nice solos during it too. Masons children rocked and was the highlight of the show in my opinion. People were really into it and the Dead fed of that and it was great. Bob's standing on the moon (full moon tonight) brought everything back down and I felt that this show was a bit slow. Not as good as friday in my opinion. I think they realize there are a lot more shows so they are saving themselves despite the dark star tonight. Anyways I think Bob does a great Standing. If anyone is going to sing about being in San Fancisco on a back porch in July, why not somebody who was at least there? Bob was with Jerry all along so I like him doing the song. Dark Star came back and was short but sweet as was the cassidy which they brought to a jam and closed out. One more Sat night was good as usual as was Johnny B. Goode though after hearing it a lot from Ratdog and DSO, I getting sick of I don't think this show was at the level of fridays though parts of it did really smock. It was also slow though considering LLRain,Lost Sailor,Stella,Moon,DS. It was a decent show though but I think SPAC will be more high energy with maybe eyes, shakedown, Other one, Playin, Uncle Johns etc.....peace.
For Jerry's b'day, I see So Many Roads opening or closing.
Ladies and gents please take a step back....\
and another step back...
and another step back...
and another step back...
and another step back
and another step back...ack...
just think, what would u guys bitch about if thease guys wern't playin'
everybodys favorit fun game
those pics sent chills up and down my spine, man I have to get out east for one of these shows. this band is the shit! this is by far the best thing since GD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
listening to the Low Spark from Irvine right now and its sick sick sick.
Not a great show at all. Rooster, for me was the peak, but I give it a C+. They sounded great tonight, but I think the set list sucked. Now, set me straight...when Bob said, " I've met the man, and he's an asshole." he was referring to Nader, right?
Back from Grateful Woods. Tenth row dead center. Friday I was on the aisle. Sound and view perfect tonite.
Elsha, spot on reveiw, really nice, exactly what I saw and heard. Charlie, Althea, Cassidy Stagger all popping up to say hello was real sweet.
Friday was just monumental, pre drums was huge.
Tonite, I classify it as a "Classic Saturday Night Show" for the boys.
I you missed it, no big thing you'll run into another one just like it.
But, I have a feeling there will be a few others like Friday coming down the line this leg.
Those going to a two night stand are in for a treat too.
"Bob did She Said and it was a decent version." Huh? And I thought Warren did a great job on Cassidy. Spot on review, LK???
the 2nd set will not be streaming............
>>Now, set me straight...when Bob said, " I've met the man, and he's an asshole." he was referring to Nader, right?
"I'm not telling you who to vote for. But don't vote for Nader. I've met the man and he's an asshole" BW
That an endorsement if Nader were a Zoner..
Look like DEAD!
Hey Elsha, I seriously doubt Bob sang She Said She Said! I'm sure it was Warren. Peace, G.
It is, was and always will be a subjective experience.
"One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison"
Billy C Farlow or the Commander... I forgits thangs these days.
Perhaps a cover of Apolitical Blues...the MEANEST blues of all. RIP Lowell
Great Pics Rob, and thanks to all posting for that matter.
Morning Dew
worst show ever, friday night was stellar beyond compare....note friday night 2nd set...all Jerry tunes (ones he sang) sat night SHITTY bobby tunes and yet another terrible Mickey song. I joked about a Heaven help the fool>lost sailor>saint and look we we get
there messsage was clear, if we play 2 shows in a city you better buy tickets for both show or your poked
one more note about Only the Strange least 50% of the "drones" stopped dancing when that train wreck started, I am not sure where in the venue Elsha was, but DAMN!
people will dance to anything
i never missed Jerry more than last night
I have to disagree with many here. This show rocked. Much trippier than Friday. I hate Only the Strange remain, but the boys blew this song up tonight and everything after it totally rocked. This was my favorite show since the reunion, Hartford in the fall of 01 being #2.
Warren did a great job with Stella, I think I saw Jerry sitting ontop on the shed roof.
I hope I can still dance in Saratoga, My legs are getting weak.
WOW is all that I can say... PHIL-nomiminal.
This is a must get show really trippy drums and space... MUST GET MORE SLEEP.
Peace, see ya tonight ..
P.S. I was really surprised that there was a crazy lot seen at Tweeter, I mean Great Woods.
Well, so much to say....where to start. It was wonderful for so many reasons....but let's start with the bookend cosmic shows....and YES I think they were equally powerful....stars and moons indeed. I can understand that the Friday list is classic mothafucka kick out the jams but in and amongst the cons were SERIOUS pros last night...MASONS!!! stella BLUE (jawdropping) and standing on the MOON Cosmic C - and I do love the Sailor Saint.
But it's all still flying....still landing into place. More later...
fare-ee the well now
let yr life proceed by its own design...
weakest dead-related show i have ever seen.
the only real standout was warren's stella blue.
Warren's Stella...sublime.
Long ago in the land of '01 there was a show in Camden. I still think it was one of the worst shows I ever saw, and yet, there were a ton of Zoners there that loved it, and still do.
I got a big ole place in my heart for a Sailor/Saint, but then, I am OLD. Go figure.
All that matters is that the band is playing great, and that the dancing shoes are getting worn out again.
glad you enjoyed,wish i went
opinions are like buttholes. We all have them and they all stink
Maybe they should take fridays show & play that setlist for the entire tour. Like most every other touring act, play the same shit every night.
I thought it was about the diversity in song selection, & the explorative manner in which said songs were played on a given night. Not that there were too many bobby songs, not enuf jerry songs, warren sang too little, bobby sang too much, mickey cant sing. etc etc
Take Phun Phun's asessment, nothing about the way the music was performed. Just that he didnt like what songs were played.
People need to take what they are given & be Grateful there still is a Dead at this stage of the game.
Ive been to many many Gd & Post-GD shows. At every show ive gotten some things I expected, some I didnt, some things I wanted to hear, some I didnt. At all I walked away having had FUN, & being glad I went. I am a fan of the music, the band, & the scene.
To those of you who feel you might walk away disapointed from a show because you didnt get the set you wanted, I advise you to save your ticket money & spend it on the live cd's that you deem to have your favorite setlist(s).
Well at least since saturday was the "worst show ever", it can only be up hill from here right?
>>it can only be up hill from here right?
Perhaps, and if so - I will be on Top of the hill, tonight at SPAC!
Still - the Stella last night was a tear jerker, just beautiful. And there were many other nice moments - it just was NOT the POWERHOUSE that Friday was - but it was nice chillin' up at the top of the hill with my green and my water and a dear old friend I had not been to a show with since 1981 !!!
P.S. - Must note that all through the Second Set last night, I thought it had to be the alltime most anti-Bucky set ever! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...
Another fun show last night, but my no means nothing to write home about. I thought last night's first set blew away the first night, but the second set - especially pre-drums - was so weak. And for the 2nd night in a row, they just about never jammed. And I'm generally more of a fan of the rock 'n roll dance band Dead - which we got both nights - than the way out trippy Dark Star jamming Dead, but for me they were just all rock 'n roll and no jam. A few of us were talking and saying how they seem like they're doing Dark Star Orchestra covers of Dead tunes, just much better. In other words, a tune/transition like Scarlet Fire is hot, played well, but the transition is short and tight. Fuck, they even stopped 2nd set before going back into Dark Star, and then only played it for a couple minutes. They still seem very tentative up there. They don't seem to have the group mind that let's them wander in and out of deep space very well. But they rock the shit out of lots of tunes.
Must better setlist first night, better playing 2nd night, both felt like about B/B+ shows to me and most of the crew I was with, although a few people thought last night's was significantly worse than that.
I liked almost everything, except fucking Bobby singing Standin' on the Moon. That's just crazy, with Warren right there. Does he ever listen to himself? He has no soul in his singing - why does he insist on doing some of the most soulful Jerry tunes? I think he does a great job on Scarlet, Touch, some of that stuff, but he just kills stuff like He's Gone, SOTM, etc. But in general, I think he's 100% better than last year. All 3 shows I saw last year I came away with at least a few moments that I just couldn't believe how bad he was. Sloppy, jam-killing, buzz-killing stuff. This year I've enjoyed almost everything he's done.
Mason's was by far the best tune last night, and was the first time I've seen a post-Dead play a tune as hot as PLQ, and that's one of PLQ's hottest tunes for me. So that was a huge treat. OMSN rocked hard, and I've always wanted to see Johnny B. Goode, and thought they ripped it up.
Stagger stands out as one of my favorite tunes from the first set. Oh, and She Said She Said was incredible, as was Cassidy.
But what was with the 2nd set? I love Looks Like Rain, and thought they played a fantastic version - as good as any I saw the GD play. Then Sailor-->Saint is always a pair I love, although I didn't think Saint was nearly as hot as last year. Then we figured it was back into Dark Star, or another monster tune. Instead they play friggin' Only the Strange Remain. The only thing worse than hearing Mickey ruin a great tune like Fire is hearing him ruin a shitty tune. It was painful. And we thought for sure that they'd then *have* to play something big before drums to salvage the set, but no such luck. Suddenly the hot LLR didn't seem to hot, and thMe whole thing was just imploding. But we were havin' fun and didn't let it get us down. Stella was incredible as I'd expect, then Mason's was way over the top, then Bobby popped the balloon with SOTM. I will say, however, then the jam at the end of SOTM was awesome, but there's just no good reason for him to be singing this song. Except, of course, that it's his band and he can do whatever he wants. But he should consider how it sounds before making these decisions.
All in all, 2 very fun shows for Great Woods, but I hope they bring it up a notch tonight in SPAC.
These guys are very good, but they still ain't no PLQ...
And now one of you will quote that, and say "of course it's not PLQ you stupid fuck, it's The Dead." I just mean these guys are good, but musically I just don't find it to be nearly as interesting or impressive as the Q. But it's hot, and I'll go back again fo' sho...
Can't wait for SPAC!
This is basically the history of The Dead, a great show one night, an average show the next. Get over it. I gave up having expectations in '83, only leads to disapoinment. Just go with what they throw out to you. Imagine the reaction if Jerry had done a Stella>Standing, people would be wooing it as one of the best Jerry pairings since Goin' Down>Dew.
when i find myself sounding critical or "deader than thow" i try to remember my frame of mind at my first show-17,very stoned,music lover but unexsposed.i think i'd heard truckin a couple the encore of the second night i had seen, heard and felt so many new things (DANCERS)i was simply changed forever. last night and every night thers a huge chance that lots of folks get a much needed dose of freedom.mabey they never saw jerry but the freedom is still alive.think how great the firsttimers feel(too grateful to be hateful) to all the bobby/warren haters -" sorry that you feel that way" maby you should stop showing up?
tapperob, he was refering to Bush whom he likely meet at the Bohemian Grove. Also I am certain that Bob sang She Said which he sings often with Ratdog. I believe he sang it last night not Warren.....peace.
Nomah is Nomah.
$8 a beer
Jaawk straw - wa wa wa
Wang dang Dark Star
Lots of Music
Naders An Asshole
All in all a good show and a good time
i have a problem with last nights show but understand i am still grateful to hear this grate music played by it's founding members and great additions.....last nights show was on the brink several times to just go over the top and to that place where most deadheads know and are familiar with but every time they were about to achieve that greatness it seemed to me bobby pulled them back and didn't want to explore that great feeling of bliss that this band reaches on so many occasions......why isn't warren singing standing on the moon??? bob needs to take imput from all the band members and stop trying to run the show because he isn't the show.....the show is all it's band members and all those wonderful loving phans that help create a energy out off this world and of a different time and space...only god knows that feeling better.......well let's just keep enjoying this great music because no band or group caN take you higher on music alone and probaly never will....peace out
Highlights - Jackstraw, LLR, Masons(!), Cassidy, Althea
Lowlights: Bobby blowing vocals on Stagger Lee, Cosmic Charlie, the parking lot.
LOWEST Lowlight: Strange Remain - my God - just an awful song and played awful. The highlight was Phil doing feedback - which, by itself, was awful.
An average show - but i had lots of fun.
Setlists have become so non-important post-Jerry, IMO. PLQ played some incredible setlists over their years and raised the bar I think in mixing it up. The downside of that is fewer surprises and weak Darkstars.
See you in Hartford, then NJ.
when does Phil and friends go back to work??? i'm seeing as many of those shows as i can before phil decides to leave us.
Folks, take note. This stems from a maturity gained by age and wisdom and exemplifies all that is essential.
It could have been the shittiest show in all music history, ...
"but it was nice chillin' up at the top of the hill with my green and my water and a dear old friend I had not been to a show with since 1981 !!! "
it is, after all, what YOU make it
oops -highest highlight: Warren on stella Blue.
And Phil's playing all night was turned up high - the way it should be!
did Bob mention Nader's name or not? Just wondering......peace.
So general sentiment for those that saw both is Friday's was the winner and Saturday a multiple car pileup on the Mass Pike?
From TaperRob's photos it looks like there were alot more people in there too, on Saturday...
Friday's lawn seats and the lawn (if you call it that) were sparse in comparison.
>>>a multiple car pileup on the Mass Pike?
No, an average show - with a few gems, as mentioned.
>>This is basically the history of The Dead, a great show one night, an average show the next.
exactly. if there's one thing i've learned from the GD, it's to never take things too seriously. And people here take things waaay too seriously. The band seems a lot more mature in that respect; they're just having a wonderful time out there
I heard Bobby say Nader was an asshole.
Warren sang She Said.
Then again, I had a great time last night so I might not know anything.
I've seen a handful of these post-reunion shows now and have been surprised several times by what turns out to be the highlights for me. Some of the tunes I used to feel lukewarm about sound kick ass, and some of the songs I've waited my whole life to hear are only OK (Cosmic Charlie). I was in the lot before the show talking shit about One More Saturday Night, expecting them to play it, expecting it to be lackluster..but when they kicked into it, it rocked....and I was laughing at myself for being such a killjoy. Also on the list of the unexpected....Rooster. I never liked Rooster, but last night's was pure fun, with eveyone taking a solo (I could almost even dig Bobby's solo....almost).
Bottom line for me is that the band sounded great and I got off big time. If I saw the set list on paper, I might not have been that excited either, but damn if I didn't love it while I was there. Lost Sailor/St. of Circumstance sounded fantastic, it's not on everyone's top ten list, but it's a treat to hear it nonetheless. They can't play Scarlet/Fire every night ya know. Detractors be damned, I thought Bobby's SOTM was a beautiful moment.
Thank you....for a real good time. And I can't wait for Jones Beach.
Bobby needs to know the lyrics to SOTM first before he sings it. Warren please sing this one. I appreciate the music anyway. Thank you for great music in a time when music is so predictable and lackluster.
Thanks for putting things in true perspective Fernko!!! I witnessed a number of shows on the left coast this run and felt the same way! It's too bad people are ready to jump on the band and be harsh with a setlist from a show when they didn't even SEE!!! Portland comes to mind.... Great show, but harsh words from those who didn't even attend! I was at that show... It was a good old fashioned hippie-stomp that reminded me of the old days!
The setlist these days has nothing to do with the energy and overall flow or general feel of how the boys dish out the music!!!!!!!! Buy a ticket, see the band, then leave your comments.... At that point, it's all fair game because you WERE THERE!!!!!
After a beautiful setlist on Friday in Mansfield.. To some (who weren't there), the setlist didn't quite measure up on Saturday... So what is it? Do we want the Friday night setlist every single night????? If that's the case, go watch Phil Collins! He will play the same show every night for you... This might be easier for you negative folks to digest and will allow the rest of us who actually watch THIS band enjoy the ride without the dreaded shitty comments.
Yep, it's a free country and we can all lay out our opinions openly... But don't trash something you haven't even experienced firsthand?????
It would make sense that Bobby would like to keep Nader's votes to a minimum. He could only fuck Kerry. Not alot of Reps. on the fence over Nader's issues. Give him a vote, you are stealing from Kerry.
Crypt? What did you think of Friday? That is an opinion that would shoot straight, for sure.
being at both shows in Mansfield....Friday nights show was almost perfect except for a few rushed moments by bobby at end of show to make the curfew but was a phenominal show. Saturday night pales in comparison but what can you do........not every show is a homerun...the music is grate period and i enjoy hearing it even if it is not always a music on this planet can compare period.....peace bros and sis and enjoy the rest of the tour
saw both shows - saturday was a damn good show (except for the horror that is Only The Strange Remain)
However, this show had the unfortunate task of following Friday's which had the X-factor stamped all over it. I'd say both shows were better than the last three nights of Red Rocks. Their vocals are much tighter, for one thing.
The boys are rockin
1st show of the tour for me, also the first time I've seen Phil without Rob over the course of 40 something PLQ/Dead shows since 2000...Jeff Rocks...still missing Rob B big style.
Missed Friday due to the contraints of life..jetted outta NY with Laughing Bones-->the best Grateful Dead spinning DJ in the land early Saturday Morning..hit the wicked awesome New England scene to the hilarious sound of the locals screaming about "NOMAHH" being traded!!!!
The vibe from the Friday show was evident from the happy nature of the locals around us in the lot raving about the show...I wanted with everything that I had to believe that it would flow over..
In reality I was headed straight for a post "kitchen sink" denouement show that was also going to be void of a few monster Jerry tunes that were surely going to be saved for the folks lucky enough to be hitting the SPAC for Jerry's B-day
1st off let me say that this band can be fucking nasty and they're starting to know it.
Poor time managment, alright, more like blazing away listeng to an awesome 71 version of Sweet Judy Blue Eyes
"Voices of the angels
Ring around the moonlight
Asking me, said she so free
How can you catch the sparrow?"
it just felt right
had us rushing in only to find that we were being punished by missing what sounded like a killer JACK STRAW
Finally get to my seat where I see that Huck has also been running late from her own adventures. She's a most welcome sight and an amazing show buddy..really a special person who feels the music and wears her heart on her sleeve. DS booming away had added to the pressure of getting settled in immensely. The fact that we had really good folks in our section made settling in rather easy from there..KB flowing like a river form every direction..awesome neighbors indeed.
But DARK STAR FIRST SET??!! alright, perhaps it WAS a night to "let the light shine on me"
done and done
ALL THAT WE ARE was sweet
got brews during Rooster..saw some kind folks and stepped back in for STAGGA!!!!
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET but Bob's singing insted of Phil?? WTF..gotta hear my main man sing "3 piece band on the corner playin". Shook it off and enjoyed the big 3 as far as momentum goes..
COSMIC was perfect..really tight and well done. This song has a really special meaning for me ever since I brought my Mom to 10/16/2000 Beacon PLQ. As a second generation Dead Head there's something really fucking cool about looking over at your Ma shaking her finger at you grinning away during the "CALLING YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUS"...being the sap that I am big old tears welled up in my eyes forcing me to put my shades..wooooahhhhh wait...far out perspective
uhh anyway
it swirled up so many conflicting emotions as I beamed away and flowed to the awesomeness. There's something about the fleeting beautiful sadness of this song that pricks my heart every single time I hear.."and she's making me feel like I've never been born" ban nan nan nan nahhh nah nah nahhh nah ne ne ne nehhhh<--key board air guitar
Althea had me sitting realizing that I'm fucking GONE...boomin and everything was moving much too slowly inded
CASSIDY was rolling and rockin..Phil really had a sweet bass jam going after what I believe was the second verse..didn't finish and ended the set with a strummmmm that suggested "to be continued"
*Setbreak was pretty strange..Clear Channel bs didn't help*
SAILOR/SAINT..RIGHT ON!!! Bobstar going on a feeling and they nailed it. Ber was doing her Ber dance and feeling the flow
let the horror show begin..I'M FLYING..
ONLY THE STRANGE REMAIN sucked the life outta my section and had me melting in my seat. What a cartoonish lame ass song. It's at this time that I'd like thank the good Rev for saving my sanity..he was sitting in front of me when he turned around and said "what this?? a Butthole Surfers tune?" I nearly spit my bear out and the humor helped me ~maintain~
soon after I made a jackass out of the end of strange Remain Phil started attacking his bass Hendrix style..the combination of being excited over this as well as the hope that the torture would soon be over compelled me to jump out of my seat and belt out a WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO into the tired stale air of a mostly sitting I stood there futilely hoping I noticed that they were already in the process of laying their guitars down..
Drums/Space was alright..I couldn't see the screens from my stage angle but it was all good. A couple of welcome breazes and a few primal roars from the crowd enhanced the sickness.
STELLA out of Space..not my favorite of the Jerry ballads but Warren always does this justice
It was at this point that a sense of panic hit me..
Friday night kitchen sink show/looming Jerry B-Day show/unfinished DS/unfinished Cassidy..SURELY A SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!
(((((((((((MASONS TO THE RESCUE)))))))))))
surely this will set off a Phil lead storm???
nope most sacred of the Jerry ballads..but after a Stella out of Space????
of course we get the DS>Cassidy>Saturday Night
JBG encore for John and it's
"thanks for coming out"
such are the breaks
as far as psychedelics go it's a bit of a risk with this band...they're good...but unlike PLQ their valleys can be perilous..mostly thanks to the dreaded Mickster
enjoyed seeing those of you that I did
hockey talk with Fritz on his Bruin turf was fun
please pardon my lack of verbal prowess..too much too fast....same old story
LB and Ber..doncha know???????????????????
If that revue don't make ya a dedicated review thread reader..nuthin will..
Shakespearean is the word that comes to mind..
world class soliloquy..examples of family bonding..writer buffoonery..hope..salvation..damnation..reality..myth..classic..Zoner writing..
Thanks Skins..
OK I stand corrected on the She Said. Probably cause I've seen Bob sing it a bunch of times with Ratdog.....peace.
Mickey should be fired. He is truly an embarrassment. How can you let him sing when charging $50 for a ticket. Keep Billy and add Molo if needed
Wow..thanks G-Dad man
when I posted it I noticed how long it was..thought to myself "no one is gonna read that fucking thing" and went to bed
not really happy to be at work right made my day dude
here my belated review
first off go check this band out while it lasts---this is the real deal girls and boys---as close a i want it to be....theyre just having a good time--leave your negativity at the door and enjoy...i could feel "it"..something i havent felt since my last garcia show-- didnt feel "it" at bonarroo but i sure as hell felt it saturday!!!!!
got into the lot late on sat; 6:30'ish after a crazy day...missed warren show which i was pissed but wasnt going to let it ruin my set lists from the previous night and was happy about what i wasnt going to into the amp. as they were going on....decent sound yet to low for me---it did get better through the night but they have to get the mix up....nice mellow crowd(from what i witnessed anyway)---havent been there since Phil 01'---many people from north--maine, NH etc--very chill...highlights of the first set--"she said"--man warren was just born to sing this one--the band was right first post garcia althea---had a conversation before we went into the show about 'sacred' garcia tunes- this being one of them- ill tell you besides singing the verses out of order(??) bobby did a great job,,,he was great the whole night--we'll save the one note rooster solos...cassidy was very nice---i love jimmys guitar work with this one--dont think they should have reprised this one in set II( dont think phil was to happy either)
sec set : very mellow set----saw many people sit throught the hole thing...loved sailor/st--again loved jimmys guitar work on this one..thought bobby was really on,,,not 'lazy' at all as some have said on this board..stella blue, masons children rocked..notice how i skipped over only the strange remain---love those gloves mickey!!!!
did anyone feel the wind rip through the place right before weir sand the line on SOTM????? i felt it--brought a chill up my spine
laughed my ass off on bobbys comments about Nader...did you catch phils comment after praising the audience---"do you really believe that??"
see you in hartford
Skins..I forgot to use text get acroos what IMO is the most important part of any good Philzone review..the part that includes description in review of ..writer buffoonery..
Your pre drums..celebratory leap and woohoo thinking they were going into a song....LOL...
Very belated review so I'll keep it brief ...
1st show of the tour, zero anticipation, no sense of urgency, just going in with an open mind. Note: the only thing that brought me back was Warren ... woulda waited until a PLQ tour if Joan was still in the mix. Anywho..
Jack Straw was solid, not over the top, didn't blast out of the gates, but played very well indeed.
Dark Star ... nice, but wasn't yet in the proper frame of mind for this, but a good groove starter if you will ...
All Too Much ... odd coming out of DS but a solid version indeed.
Rooster ... usually dreaded, but honestly, the best tear it up Jimmy/Warren soloing of the night. I think they almost lost it when Bobby tried to hit those one note wonders, but the entire band came to the rescue.
Stagger Lee .. solid, fun
Cosmic ... Phil nailed it, but I was up in section 5 on Jimmy's side where Phil's vocals were a little muddy...
She Said ... played the first three or four notes of Althea before launching into She Said ... this is Warren's tune, and I fucking love it. So much emotion.
Althea ... excellent jamming, could have done without the words ...
Cassidy ... good build up and just died, hated the idea of a second set reprise because it takes the steam out of the song ... and the cut it off before Phil could hit the thumping bass chords that signal the final transition into the last verse.
Overall impression ... excellent first set, song selection was very interesting and welcomed. They really sounded tight and together. After having no expectations going in, I was really looking forward to the second set. Oh, I know people have be complaingin about Jimmy being down in the mix, but were I was sec. 5 row M, he was on fire. He adds so much talent to this band
set two later
I had a great time on saturday night. this was my first time seeing the dead since bonnaroo.
jack straw> dark star was a great opener. I thought stagger lee, cosmic charlie, and althea were all great, definitely the highlights of the first set for me.
I gotta say though, opening the second set with LL Rain, sailor/saint, only the strange remain was not a great song selection. I thought drums was sweet though, billy was going nuts here and that brought me back into the show. post drums was pretty good. as people mentioned above, the saturday night closer rocked.
all in all, it was a decent show. nothing to write home about, but I'm definitely glad I went up there. oh yeah, I saw wook #17 in the lot before the show and that was pretty hillarious to me. I'm getting stoked for my mini-tour which starts next weekend in camden!!
Set II ...
LLR - not a favorite, but Jimmy flavored the mix perfectly during the final jam.
Sailor - usually love this song, but I thought it was slow, well done but slow ..
St. of Circumstance - tough to get the sails full when the wind dies, and it took nearly the entire song to get going again PLUS it was Bob's third song in a row ...
Strange Remain - Fuck the words (see trainwreck), this song is about the jamming. Everyone was going nuts before the final verse. As someone said earlier, Phil was doing the Jimi and Warren was going over the top with the feedback ....
D/S - short, Bob and Mick hamming it up, whatever ...
Stella - NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, never took the solos anywhere but the standard, killed any steam the pre drumz jam built up ...
Mason's - tight, well played/placed, energized the crowd, thought it was too short
SOTM - one of my favorites, but again sucked the energy out of the place. Bob was really broken up during this, anyone else see tears?
DSv2 - would have been preferred coming out of D/S, and at this point, I hate to say it, but they should have finished it at the SPAC.
Cassidy reprise - nice, tight, but kind of forced.
Sat. Nite - A given, the energy was there, time to start heading out.
JBG - heard it from the parking lot, made it for last call in Newport in an hour.
Set two impression: Well played but broke from the energy and theme of the first set. Song selection from each set really contradicting, like two different shows.
One thing that really impressed mewas how Bob deferred to Warren and even Jimmy on occassion. Sure he would get his token wah wah in, but most of the time, he stepped aside and let Warren drive the jams. Bob sang a lot, but Warren played a lot.
Overall, the band is growing, and I see a new passion and refound energy on stage. Whereas Joan was not of their like, Warren and Jimmy come from the same school of thought - that is the major difference between 03 and 04.
See you in Hartford and Jone Beach.
I dont know who the biggest idiot on this thread is! Its just so hard to choose
Fri and Sat nights were very different - I don't know if it was the full moon or the security were pissed they had to deal with Shakedown again.
Friday everybody was happy and excited and this carried over to the band. Security and people were polite; 2-3 warnings before hassling you and many thank you, please, yes sir. The band was already pumped from the DNC/Keery speech the night before and kept hitting us with great songs -no lulls to rest. Eveybody jumping for most of the night and positive energy the whole day.
Saturday I arrived at 2 and security was already harrasing and kicking people out of the lot by 3:30 for vending. saw two arrest before 5 and 3 harsh arguements w/ shoving by 5 PM. all this negativity carried right over to the band - there were some highlights but nothing to really keep you jumping. half the audience was sitting for a good part of the show.
There were highlights Sat and I am extremely grateful for the chance to catch the show but I was so spoiled by Firday night that it made it harder to enjoy at the moment. Be sure to carry positive energy from the lot inside so the band can feed off it. Be safe and enjoy the gift of the music and all the people sharing this experience.
"SOTM - one of my favorites, but again sucked the energy out of the place. Bob was really broken up during this, anyone else see tears? "
didnt see tears but the outro of 'id rather be with you' was pretty emotional.....did you get that gust of wind????
wasnt even gonna post this but i had a revalation about weir on saturday on this song part.. he doesnt want to carry the torch/burden that garcia carried but he feels that he has to for us---like he said id rather be with you--to me he meant garcia
holy shit man...that's deep and I love it
we all have different subjective realities with regards to how we miss Jerry...Bob's has an interesting dynamic to say the least
>>Your pre drums..celebratory leap and woohoo thinking they were going into a song....LOL...
it's up there with some of the most ill timed "wooohoooos" of all time..
really, I felt naked standing there as the reality of D/S set in while my cursed woohoo cascaded down the rafters...I think it may well have left an echo
hopefully the folks behind me got a kick out of watching my stand in celebration, outstretched fist and all, only to slowly sink back into my seat
Odd show to comment on, but here goes…
(Jack Straw >) Up beat, very promising start.
(Jam>) They probably wanted to deliver a nice slick jam to mask the Dark Star, but it didn't work for me. Instead it sounded like they just learned how to play their instruments yesterday…
(Dark Star v1 >) It was a privilege to be in attendance to see the core 4 play this one, but it was just OK. Too bad. Listening to it just made me miss Jerry that much more.
(All That We Are) Snoring... c'mon, Dark Star > All That We Are??? WTF
(Rooster) Very good Rooster. Nice solos, especially for Weir.
(Stagger Lee) Kinda standard but good.
(Cosmic Charlie) Nice surprise, good version.
(She Said She Said) Snoring again, but I admit I don't really know this song.
(Althea) NIce & drippy.
(Cassidy) Well played, but cut off… Just like the script said to do.
(L.L Rain) Well sung and played. Weir was really into it at the end. HeRE COme the RAIN!! Big finish and they dropped in the Sailer nicely..
(Sailor > Saint) Tight to my ears. Liked it a lot. The Saint was kinda slow but still good. The jam after Saint went no where again though…
(Strange Remain) Some good playing, but c'mon… Mickey.
(Drumz/Space) Very nice but should have been louder.
(Stella Blue) Warren did a really good job. A good show highlight.
(Mason's) Strong, but it ended abruptly.
(Standing on the Moon) Weir sang it very passionately I thought. I rather Be with YOU!! THE highlight of the show for me. A full moon came out from behind the clouds too.
(Dark Star v2) predictable, but again a privilege to be in attendance to see one. The jam back into Cassidy was rather intense.
(Cassidy Reprise) good but scripted.
(Sat. NIght) Raging.
(Donor Rap) Hilarious.
(JBG) Solid rock & roll!
Oh, my freakin' of the ALLTIME most fabulous lines I have ever read...
Freakin' Fritzy Perfect
As for the Mansfield lot scene - I saw actual set up vending for the 1st time EVER in this place - although people said there was vending last year in the pouring rain (I went from car to venue to car last year due to the crap weather) - so despite the harsh stories above consider it fortunate there was ANY vending at all . . .
1st set: Well at least tonight they're jamming a little more - before JS and after, then into DS, but it's really short - basically a Ratdog version - then into All That We Are - I like this, actually, and they're playing with more gusto than the night before - then Rooster kills the momentum - granted it is better than in the old days, but Rooster is Rooster (just like Stella is Stella to those of us who toured in the late '70's/early '80's but more on that later) - Stagger Lee next - VERY AMAZINGLY WELL DONE!!! I was TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY by how good this was! Cosmic Charlie, She Said, and Althea all very well done, too, then Cassidy, again up to the level of Stagger Lee but then cut off in mid-jam for setbreak - I like the novel approach of doing this but it is kinda jarring.
2nd set: Well, talk about the SETLIST FROM HELL!!!! I didn't even stand up till halfway thru Saint, where they actually did play it pretty well, with minimal Bobby histrionics and a lot of good playing - then Only the Strange - funny thing is I LOVE THIS TUNE!!!! - it's a great launch for jamming and it's the only tune bizarre enough for Mickey's vocals to work - it's a rarity I'd rather see more often than Aiko, Fire, or Down the Rd - the jam after is totally psycho but pre-drums is only 35' - obviously the curfew problems they had last night were on their mind - space leads to Stella - kind of a suprise since I'd expected this for Jer's B-Day - OK, I can enjoy Stella on certain levels, but it's still Stella, and Stella is filler if you went to shows in the early '80's - Mason's next - good but stuck in there all by itself with no good transitions before and after - a wasted version - then another SETLIST FROM HELL entry - Bob singing Standing on the Moon - with WARREN ON STAGE RIGHT THERE NEXT TO HIM!!!! WTF!!!! Surely a lowlight of my showgoing experience post-Alpine reunion - and of course Bob's delivery is hesitent and unsure - I swear he sang the same verse twice!!!! - OK, then it's Dark Star - Cassidy reprise - best part of the 2nd set with some actual improvisational playing especially going back to Cassidy but it's all over quickly as they slam into Sat Night - this is over at 10:40 so I'm hoping for a double encore but we get the dreadful JB Goode they just played a few shows ago - WTF?????
I woulda never guessed that I'd ever consider a Dark Star show to be my least favorite show of a tour but there it is . . .
Here is my seriosly belated review...
Having seen the previous night's incredible setlist and reviews expectations were mixed.
Bummin I missed this post Garcia classic, but hopefully optimistic the boys would pull through with another killer show...
First off overall, all in all GREAT F'N TIME...
Skins picks me up in NYC just late enough to make me feel like I was actually early
Groovin up the Merritt high on life, sweet tunes, and WR's, nothin' like the freedom and anticipation of the open road.
Then hit Route 95 and...
STOP. Buzzkill. This dichotomy was unfortunately an accurate prelude portent of events to come.
Drudge through traffic, 2 hotel stops and get to the lot. Quick what do we do?
Nothin' let's chill. Once centered...
Hit a few key spots/see a few key folks (Mule Van, Boston Brother's BBQ pit) LOTS OF TASTY MARGARITAS, more puffs, and it is HUMID and HOT.
Back to the mother ship, pack it up AC cool down, KILLER CSN!
>>>>>Poor time managment, alright, more like blazing away listeng to an awesome 71 version of Sweet Judy Blue Eyes.
LMAO, made us late but, well it was pretty sweet (and this was the 2nd show of my LIFE that I was late too).
Me and GC get to out killer seats right at the end of the jam in...
Jack Straw-great energy right in front of Jimmy 4th row. (Insert shitty quality cell phone pick here, hey it's not TR but WTF)
The band was raging for an opener and every thing felt real good. From my vantage point I could here Jimmy about 7 x louder than any other instrument, which for this show was a good thing. He absoultely teared it up the whole night. Virtuoso made this pontentially lackluster show, one I'll never forget.
Dark Star, WO, uh oh, these guys mean business (right), lets up the anti and xponentialize the buzz/mind frame (debatably intelligent idea). Well played but short (Still can't really here Warren Bobby or Phil) but Jimmy STILL kicking ass.
ALL THAT WE ARE-I dig this tune, the vibe, the message, the melody, the harmony, and as far as new tunes (or any tunes) go it fine by me. Well played.
ROOSTER-Bluesy, a LITTLE more Warren in my ears (slide) but didn't really inspire.
STAGGER-PHIL!!!! Singing, bouncing, smilling, but just made me want more (unfortunately this show was not a PHIL night). Ripping closing Jam, still can't say enought about Jimmy. Really just continuing to DRIVE the bus, while literally Bobby and Warren look on.
Cosmic-"It all depends on what's with you..." trippy as hell, need....
Althea-Bobstar on lead vocal, but again all Jimmy, just INSANE, still somethings missing though (hmmmmm....)
ok a few more pics...
Cassidy was more the same-Killer jamming from Jimmy, Bobby on the lead, but not nearly enough from Phil and Warren and it just ended....
Looks Like Rain>Sailor>Saint
Bobby, Bobby, and more Bobby. Also Warren's teleprompter broke during this and he literally spent these tunes hoding his guitar watching Farmer fix it, not reallly playing AT ALL
Now I have nothing against Bobby but a LITTLE more (PHIL/WARREN/JERRY TUNES) was severely needed at this point and then uggggh...
OTSR-sure its got a ripping groove/jam but it is far from the Set Saver I/WE ALL needed, and at least I had to take wizz at this point. At this point I'm FLYING and wondering can Phil turn this show around.
D>S-standard fare, nothing special, Mickey freaking out at the end of drums literally SHOVING Jimmy back on stage and I'm thinking like (dude IF ANYONE deserves a LITTLE rest its F'N Jimmy, he is SAVING this sub par show)
STELLA-beautiful. how could it not be. maybe this will get Warren going a little for...
MASON'S-They never grew so tall before...
PROVING THIS BAND HAS THE POWER. Finally the celebratory, raging, raunchy, rude, raucous, RELEASE. Everyone in the band FINALLY on all cylinders but...
They may never grow so tall agaai aii aii aii aii aii ain....
at least on this night anyway. that was the biggest problem for me. I KNEW I WAS IN THE PRESENCE of and incredible band/force, and it was just not UNLEASHED. It reared its head during Mason's for a little while but then
quickly returned to another dimension for...
SOTM-actually if was'nt NEEDING to ROCK, and we hadn't JUST HEARD a classic ballad this would have been fine. I give Bobby credit for a great effort here. A heart felt, impassioned performance/ode for his lost brother.
Dark Star>Cassidy Reprise>short, sweet, predictable but more great stuff from Jimmy.
OMSN-at this point we knew it was comming and it rocked but I was kind of deflated but at least Warrren was jamming a little more and it was fun but nothing special.
Donor Rap-honestly it was just good to hear Phil's voice and thoughts at this point and then Bobby has put his .02 bout Nader being an a-hole and I'm just like enough already.
JBG-more politics OK, we are in Boston, I get it, but hopefully you'll take the last 10 minutes (show ended at 10:50) and give as double encore, like something from Phil, maybe, PLEASE!!!!!
but no...
oh well, that's life. To some up the show. Too much Bobby, not enough Phil or Warren, THANK YOU JIMMY.
Post show party was a RAGER!!!!!
Great seeing the rest of GC's boys----Glenn, Warren, Rich, Matt, grooving too the Garcia Box set after the midnight hour in honor of the greastest that ever was.
Back to the hotel. Finally hanging with Huckster!!!! Thanks for the hospitality, thoughts, tunes, and INSPIRATION.
Great seeing Fritz, Carlin, Peggy (HOPE YOU ENJOYED SPAC!), and friends.
Other quick show/lot shout outs to LT and GT (nice new gig ), Jmoore, Althea, Rev Bud E. Green, and Jack Straw.
Ride home was similar to the ride there.
KILLER MEAL in MYSTIC with Skins and the Huckster. Route 95 SUCKS, The Merrit RULES.
and then a too quick of slice at Joe's. GOODBYES always suck Sparrow, fly on, IT'S ALL GOOD
As long rambling dies down 3 last thoughts.
SKINS-ROAD WARRIOR, I'll spin tunes for you and day brother. Great hanging. Let's do it again soon.
HUCKSTER-You rock sister, but you already know that. I OWE ya a slice of Joe's. THANKS for being YOU.
GC-Brother. TOO HIGH?! WTF, who could have thought it was possible, I wouldn't have it anyother way. STRETCH IN NYC!!!!!!
dude, the show was only two nights ago.
thanks for the review.
>>>>>dude, the show was only two nights ago.
>>>>>thanks for the review.
no problema amigo...
>>>>>>>>>>>dude, the show was only two nights ago.
You've been hanging around Huch too much judging from the sound of your review.......
wink, wink
Wait 'til Tomorrow.........
"Sunshine & Daydream arise from the ashes to wreak havok & put cigars out in wimps eyes"
Buckster rears his head.
>>>>You've been hanging around Huch too much judging from the sound of your review.......
I'll take that as a compliment. Also c'mon how bout' some props for the pix!
I WANT A review from you know where
wink, wink.
good to see you around these parts. hope all is well...
I really can't say enough about this show- very well played and a very good venue- good time all good, BUT_the band blew their proverbial wadd the night prior.
Sailor saint is a rarity..and was excellent.
The second set dribbled out a bit after the Bobby Tri-fecta- which was excellent. LL rain was very well played, however, and I again I hate to be critical but "strange remian then drums...? I hate to hear stella out of space because it is a sleeper..masons was strong darkstar and cassidy reprises I am not a fan of as they fill in song space that should be reserved for stuff that has not been played yet. Was suprised that I did not hear Viola at this venue.
Overall, a swell dance party!
this show was a mellow jazzy reaction to the night b4. Althea was to the lot scene, very hot indeed. The curfew sux in my opinion and is halfway responsible for some rushed areas. The venue need to get some balls. JBG encore was dissapointing I agree but the show had its moments.
i'll take any DS even a short one
fri was very very hot and this show was about what i thought would happen next.
>>when Bob said, " I've met the man, and he's an asshole." he was referring to Nader, right?
Probably, but he may have been talking about me.
>Or was that some dry Canadian wit, Andre?
Never call me a Canuck. i fucking hate Canada and their stupid clean, happiness.
>>They may never grow so tall agaai aii aii aii aii aii ain....
nice LB
thanks Dew..
looking forward to reading your reviews on down the line
I took my a little while to wrap my head around this day. Like all two night runs, it was a bleed from the night before….so it involves much of the day preshow.
Okay….it’s the night after GW #1….I can’t sleep….not really. Maybe six hours. Maybe. I let Peggy sleep while I go to the Super Shop and Stop to stock up the cooler and get a little breakfast.
First of all, people from New York City should be given smelling salts in Super Stop and Shops. WTF!!!!!! SO BIG. The produce, the toys, the books, the DVDs, the pharmacy…GOOD GOD!!! And all before noon.
So I’m driving back to the hotel and I have like a LIGHTNING BOLT blow out of the sky and land on the hood of the Subaru.
It’s the day of the big ol BLUE MOON, right? And I’ve been focusing all on the MOON..
THE BLUE!!!!!!
Stella, of course, it’s Stella tonight. WOOOOOOOOOOOO
Back at the hotel, it’s time to call up the GANG and get them to gather….Skins and Bones are ON THEIR WAY….which I’m glad to hear. GIT HERE ALREADY!!! Love double headers, though, a nice day to chill out and just be with friends.
Fritz, Carla and David McKee arrive simultaneously with Taper Rob. David has to go in and use the facilities so I start to walk him in to the hotey….the others will follow.
Suddenly I am standing in front of a purple silk embroided Chinese pouch and and a WHOLE STRING of laminates….the Dead ALL ACCESS one staring me in the face,
I’m just stunned – it’s surreal. All this on the freakin GROUND.
I turn to David….”What should we do? Front Desk? Nah……whoever lost this is about to freak – they’ll be right back –“ I scream into the air – “WHO LOST THEIR LAMINATES!?!?!?”
Out of nowhere a beautiful blond willowy lady comes swooping up. She grabs her stuff….and starts fiddling with the pouch. What, she wants to give me money?
“No, no,” I say, “it’s fine, my pleasure to help out. –“
and she hands me two picks – A Warren Pick and a FARMER PICK (!(?!?!!?)
“thanks so much” - and she’s gone as quickly as she came.
(found out later from Taper Rob that I probably hooked up Farmer’s wife – WOW FARMER – glad to know the most rockin right hand man has such a beautiful lady – WHEW!!!)
After a round of Sierras and phone calls to the Skins/Bones mobile, we decide to roll to the show, via the Supermarket…..
Backroads (and a map left for the city boyz)
And we are at the venue.
AHHHHHH some time to chill!!!!
Chairs and beers and chatting with SIDESHOW BOB and a good talk about ST JOHN
with his friend KEN….Althea and Jmoore and BudE….
Skins calls…they are in the lot but on the other side. We decide to meet up at the Mule Van…and we do….but I’m going in for Warren (I missed it the night prior)…so meet you at the seats SKINS….
A quick howdydoooo to #6 (TOO QUICK)
And after changing my shirt in the van (hey, GT, you got that stank ol shirt still?! )
Warren in the bright sun of Saturday afternoon. I’m wearing my Warren House shirt….lots of compliments and me making lots of NOISE for Mr. Haynes. Whatever, I’m a fan. Hollered for the Wild Horses….jigged it out for the Soulshine. By the end of the set, everyone in my section has been introduced to yrs truly….and knows to avoid the SPIN!! HA!!!
Preshow break…I’m sure I rolled the lower lot concessions…though it’s fuzzy. I DO remember walking down to the IPAs with Grateful Kate and Larry….by the time I get back to the venue close enough to hear…’s
“Kate, that’s Dark Star.”
“Yeah, that IS Dark Star.”
“Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh….”
Finish the smoke and to the seat…where the freak is Skins!?!? I hear I’ve missed a Jack Straw? (Really?) And finally I see Skins…..the show BEGINS.
Dark Star, eh? Well, cosmic moons and stars, good on ya…but Dark Star is always weird when it’s daylight and people are still getting to their seats. But it means something. I’m ready.
(and you’re RIGHT, Skins…I almost forgot. We passed so much fuckin GREEN to start that show….How to Make Friends in Your Section 101 NO DOUBT.)
ALL THAT WE ARE. Yeah, fine, makes me think of Philzone, black book, threads. Someone said later they didn’t do the “ALLLLLL That we AAAARE” part. Is that so? Confirmation, please…..
Rooster. It’s a good Rooster. Bobby does this better than he ever did with 90s Dead, I think….but it’s not the 4th Dimension Second Set Rooster we got at PNC last year. But good, no issues.
Stagger. They break out the parts like they did with Peggy-O last year…..okay….but Skins ain’t havin it. “Phil should sing it all…” Ah the shoulds and coulds and can never bes. And we’re just getting started. But yeah, we danced and shook a leg.
Skins calls his Mom….God, I wish I had parents like that. She probably heard me going WOOO HOOO (go on home yr mama’s callin YOOUUUUUUU)
Oh well.
Fuckin YEAAAAAAH. Now, this song MEANS Great Woods to me….why? Well, as I told Skins….
Two years ago, Philco played Great Woods, my first time there. I was taking old tour friends (Mr & Mrs Furious) to see the MAGIC OF PHILCO. Okay, but Mickey’s on tour and practicing for Alpine and they play a Crazy>Unca and a China>Rider….all nice and my friends are LOVIN IT….btu those are OLD TRANSITIONS. I want PHIL BAND….and then second set is ENORMO…dark star, 11, Spanish jam, terrapin split by dew…but where is fuckin WARREN!?!?! And he ends the show with SHE SAID. WOW – Showcase Warren NO DOUBT
And they do it AGAIN tonight!!!
A "Woods She Said". FINE!!!!
ALTHEA. My first Post-Jer Althea…Bob Sings. Oh, okay. It’s alright. It’s not a Jerry Althea (the song I used to hear at every show) – but I like hearing it again. It is odd when Bob does the signature Jerry tunes….but this is one that deserves life, not retirement, so I’m about it. Althea!!
Wow. This is THE SONG that got me into the GD….a Bobby song, how funny. But I was a Kerouac fan before I was a Deadhead….and the lyrics are so beautiful, poetic…silver streams….child of COUNTLESS TREES…it feels perfect tonight. Really good. I’m at peace….with my friend….hearing the song that brings it all back to where it started.
Well, I’m used to this from the Jones last summer thing…I figure they’ll bring it back later. But WOW the band can be cruel sometimes with the Leave Ya Hangin Bit.
Setbreak. It’s back to the concessions area (and it was good when I picked it bc it was close to my seats both nights….but NOW it’s teeming with people and I really don’t need a lot of people.
Beers, and a whole crew decided to hit the lawn for a smoke…..we climb the ramp (which I don’t mind; I’m YET AGAIN waxing poetic about how much I LOVE GREAT WOODS….I could have walked any Stairway to Heaven in that venue and I probably wouldn’t have cared.
We get to the lawn and it’s FUCKING PACKED!!! Goddamn you, Clear Channel, for building those awful seats that NO ONE IS SITTING IN!!!
So, instead of the lawn, I say lets smoke in the seats…but in that jog we lose half the group – including Skins!!! Whatever, I can’t handle rolling with 15 people anyway.
Jmoore, Althea, BudE and…eventually…..Bones & G show up for a blaze. We start chatting up the suburban ladies behind us…or rather…I start chatting them up.
Then a second later….I see them talking to the other Zoners; it’s obviously about me.
“What’s that about?!?!” I ask the ladies.
They sheepishly reply…
“Oh, I was just asking your friends if they are worried about your….intensity level…”
FUCK THAT!!! Jesus.
I outstretch my hand.
“Hi, I’m Huck…and I’m ALL ABOUT intensity level….why would you do it any other way???”
Whatever, god, I’m freaking out the people on the lawn. Take a step back, Huckle. AY
Back to the seats for Set 2….I’ve called Skins and we’re to meet there.
Oh, I do love it, really. The building intensity….the whole sentiment of it….
It’s just that I I I I have gotten used to having you around
My landscape would be empty if you were gone…
And then YEEHAW two of my faves!!!
They did the duo here LAST year….and I always thought it was for the sailors of the Cape. So, again this year? No complaints. I love how the Saint lyrics wraps around itself for such a bold yet non-committal statement…
But I sense Skins is not in his happy place. He wanted last night!!! Oh, my friend, I know…we all want Terrapins and Helps and Scarlets…..but someone wants THIS TONIGHT…..
However of the two (valid?) concerns one might have about Mansfield 2….it was MEGA BOB TO START. But Great Bob….who doesn’t want BOB doing BOB….HIS songs….the Looks Like Rain so yummy and the Lost Saint, which I love bc of its roots in the Sage & Spirit jam…bc I saw the last Sailor….and the first again at Albany….bc I love the water….and Jmoore does too. A salute to those who track the wind.
Oh but then
Which isn’t an awful bad thing but IT IS IN THE SECOND SET RIGHT BEFORE DRUMS!!!! All the howling is cheesed out, I don’t care how kickass the jam is. Howling? Not in Set 2 when you could give it POWER…..not when you played it at Great Woods LAST YEAR, BOYS…..golly, these poor New England People.
I’m out for beers before the howling….bathroom….buy a shirt when there is no line (however it still took forever)
And back to the seats. Skins is BUMMIN. He wanted Friday so BAD!!! Oh shucks.
it was amazing. It was celestial. I was mesmerized. Warren really does this song RIGHT!!! Everyone can have one or two Jerry tunes that no one else can play – those sacred songs that you just can’t groove on w/o the Big Guy layin down. Gee, I’m really sorry for YOU if yr song is Stella bc WARREN IS SO GOOD AT IT!!! I’m in heaven. (btw, my sacred song is Crazy Fingers. Just can’t dig it, sorry. And Mission, that too….but I stomached Bob doing it with the Dog at the Beacon so MAYBE maybe I’m cured. Hee hee)
Nice rocker….and all I can remember is dancing with my friend. Finally. He is happy. Makes me happy too.
And then, once again, for the skies
And right, Skins, Bob sings. I knew he would, ever since he “roached” us at Jazz Fest 02 – and I actually liked that too. Bob sings it for his brother who passed….and he sang it tonight with DEEP SOUL. I’m loving it….I glance at the moon a lot….which is CRAZED with these dark clouds ROLLING PAST it, fast. You see a glimpse…then its gone…just glow….but I did SEE the moon a couple of times during this.
And that second valid criticism….that maybe there was A LOT OF BALLAD in that post space. But I ain’t complainin!!! Lord, I been talking bout this Blue Moon for a month…and I get Stella AND Standing??? For me – perfect.
(again with the stars, men, you really did a nice sandwich, have to say)
bringin it ALL BACK HOME (for me anyway)
Did you forget?
Will it yet return?
Well of course….but I am re-affirmed of the power of the ROCKIN Sat Night after the one at Roo….and Skins is smiling again.
Hey yeah
It IS Saturday Night!!
That’s right….it’s Saturday night……
Very Good! I love it… friend is a little grrrrr but I try to push it back back WAAAAAY back
Encore….but first Bobby has to tell us Nader is an ASSHOLE
HOLY FUCK, Bob. Whaddya got to do that for!?!?!?! But it’s classic ridic Bob, who thinks that we vote for people based on whether or not they are assholes….
Which leads us to the KERRY EDWARDS SIS BOOM BAH
Johnny Be Goode!!!!!!!
Say it wasn’t political…sure, say it was, after the Nader slam!!!! HA HA
But I feel the fire and I go Johnny go Johnny go Johnnny as though I was riding the car to the inaugaration.
We exit….rally at the Mule Van….Skins wants OUT of the LOT, back to the hotel to drink and party….
I’d love to oblige, but the Woods is a Traffic Jam and it’s all ABOUT the beers in yr cooler….I say I’ll see him when I get there…we split for opposite ends of the lot…it takes both of us forever to actually leave. I think I even got to the Holiday Inn first!!!!
Post show: Fritz, Carla, Bones, David McKee, PeggyO, Skins….and a young man named JIM….so glad we could be that man’s crash space (my least fave thing, actually, providing floor space for spun stranger friend of friends) – it was funny at 4 AM when the kid was trying to turn us onto the magic of Phish and all we could do was bite our tongues to not GUFFAW in his face. I even got to party in our surreal inside/outside atrium at the Holiday Inn – 3 AM style – Skins, Carla and I out on the indoor patio, stealing chairs from adjacent rooms.
But, finally, at 5 A….with Cold Mountain providing the lush visuals…we called it a day and tried to get shuteye.
The next day was MY trainwreck…that’s what you get, SISTAH, with the double header blowout….
Sunday Brunch in the hotel had us humming “Autumn Leaves” at 10 A. Our crashlanding friend Jim splits….we load up
(thanks for teaching me some golf, Skins…sorry my shakes were too bad to hold it proper)
and we drive the 4.5 – SCRATCH THAT – 8!!! Hour drive back to NYC….me wishing I’d gone to SPAC, a little, to see Daydream….avoid this FUCKIN TRAFFIC…..
but it’s too early on to add shows.
As I crash burn, I’m jealous of my boyz Skins and Bones as they chat and bond and I crank NWA and stew in my serotonin levels.
A killer meal in Mystic – a misunderstanding at Joe’s Za in the village (I AM SORRY, MEN)…..
You know it, Bones….I hate saying goodbye. Sometimes Huck turns into the Sparrow and flies….I don’t even know it when it’s happening. I hate THE END. STOP THE MOVIE!!!
But BONES – you’re awesome, man. My jealousy was tempered by knowing that two great men were bonding in the car, on the trip. It is what it is….and the only thing that matters is the EXCHANGE OF ENERGY BETWEEN LIVING THINGS….
And hey, you KNOW you’re a good friend when you get sent into to buy me smokes bc I LOOK LIKE A FUCKIN WASTECASE…..
Skins – you’re the reason I went there. Here I am trying to achieve balance and not just follow like moth to flame….and you tempt me there. I am so sorry SATURDAY was not “your show”….that the light from Friday was too bright to see clear. To me they were bookends….Fri complimented Saturday…..a true adventure….and that’s always what happens when you blow off one end of the 2 prong….That Emerald Lawn on the Other Side of the Fence.
But, as I said that day, someone else wanted SATURDAY’S SHOW.
And you, my friend HAIL SKINS….I meant what I said that night, outside the car, at 2 in the morning (and you owe me for runnin back to get the keys)
You’re an only child too, like me, so maybe you get it. I don’t have brothers and sisters getting my back. Sometimes this “family” tries to be that….sometimes it burns me hard.
But YOU my friend – and yes there is drama, jus a lil, when people CARE –
You are like my brother. I will have your back until the end of time, even if I don’t always agree with you….I will know, always, that I can be honest with you and you will LISTEN.
In the end, it was a great BLUE MOON – they were a great set of shows….matching Staffordshire dogs on the fireplace.
But you, Skins….the fun we have is always TODAY (or well, maybe today it will be TOMORROW)
It is always forward looking – boundless future – sunshine, tomorrow.
DEAD TO ME, BROTHA!!!! DEAD to me!!!
And when you say such things in light of THIS BAND
It’s one helluva a compliment
Glow on, Roman Candle….
And all the kids go
Love ya with all I can muster, brother. Now fuckin Surprise Me.
awww Ber..doncha know I wouldn't change a thing. That steel-trap memory of yours is too funny..BUT I did get my groove on during the Saint
Ya know, even though my mind knew that the rocking show, that I felt like I needed after 9 months of New York rat race and no Phil, was unlikely after the Friday rage fest..I still let myself believe in my heart that it was going to be delivered...sometimes you don't get what you come for but it really is one in 10,000 that come for the show. I'm just sorry that you felt bad about me only catching the "denouement" show.
The thing is, after feeling like Bodi waiting for his set during the 100 year storm only to watch the waves crash with the fury..there was 8/7...found "my set" and more so it's all good..even though I wish I could have been there with you for the 7/30 show
as we move forward and history turns to stone it all seems fated..
deep lessons learned(if you can be bothered to see)and warm memories not to be forgotten
the 2 am talk was quite possibly the highlight of the weekend
one only child to another..
you know I love ya like a sister
and that's the way it be
I wanted to add that the "intensity level" lady must have been a dull spark indeed
Also can't stop laughing at the whole Phish kid scene..I talked a lil "Chalk Dust Torture" with him and he did have some funny things to say.
"How dare I...HOW DARE YOU"