Welcome to the Round 6 DAT Structure! The show requires 1 90 meter or 2 60 meter tapes. Please communicate your preference (if you have one) to your parent. As always, please report any problems, i.e. non-responsive branches, to tapetree@philzone.com We will take whatever corrective actions are necessary to ensure that everyone gets their copy. But please, before contacting us, please give your parent time to respond, people have lives outside of tape trees, and sometimes circumstances unforeseen can get in the way. Branches, please make an effort to keep your leaves in the loop if you will be slowed down for any reason. The Structure: Root - Paul Lucente plucente@bellatlantic.net 1 Jim Baadshaug jebaad@cs.com 1.1 Thomas Biederman beats@cais.net
1.1.1 John Johnston pathwaymgmt@globalserve.net
1.1.2 Alton Purvis dattapes@totcon.com
1.1.3 stuart kiang milhaud@mediaone.net
1.2 Eric Williams williams@pclink.com
1.2.1 Scott Ratzmann Scott.Ratzmann@wepco.com
1.2.2 Roger Venezia roger711@mindspring.com
2 Nigel Mouncey nigel_j.mouncey@roche.com 2.1 Kevin Champney Kchampney@aol.com
2.1.1 Andrew A. Merckel amerckel@neca.com
2.1.2 Angelo DeSalvo Ang420@earthlink.net
2.2 Nathaniel Spelich ntsst2+@pitt.edu
2.2.1 Craig Taraszki taraszki@taylorwiseman.com
2.2.2 patrick carney carneyp2@asme.org
3 yoshihiro inoue yoshi-i@pb.highway.ne.jp